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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: b0e66941098c188⋯.png (1.2 MB,2800x1977,2800:1977,9A414BC3-98A8-4F03-AE01-53….png)

c4ada9 No.360141 [View All]

Discuss how the introduction of monstergirls post-DOTR would be reacted to, the changes that would follow economically, socially, culturally, and environmentally immediately after and later down the line. Don’t forget about the sports and entertainment scene either. Remember that things usually don’t go ideally, and the introduction of magic adds an entirely new level of problems and solutions. Optionally magic is not the endless supply of the MGE, and people have limited amounts of immediately available mana and total mana which may run out in their lifetimes. Mana amounts and the recharge rate of immediate mana varies within individuals and species. Monstergirls can transfer mana to their husbands themselves and vice-versa, at the cost of their own. It is also possible to stimulate production of immediate mana through drug use, but “mana immortality” has yet to be found as the source of it all is still a mystery. Undead are an anomaly to this case. Discuss potential magic/mana-related disorders.

Religion already has thread specifically dedicated to it, don’t let it go to waste for intense discussion.

362 posts and 104 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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bd68d6 No.398668


The gypsies aren’t Romanian. They might live in the country, but they are a completely different type of people.

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fdb153 No.398671


>gypsies and romanians

>the same people

Are you really that retarded? I mean, the only dangerous part of Budapest is the gypsy portion.

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45dd22 No.398717


Widowers get proactively cuddled with no fear of pelvis fractures. Monks? That's just a asian way of saying 'wizard apprentice' …

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265038 No.398737


>Asian way

Don’t forget about Christian monasticism

But yeah, of all the things that would struggle in a post-DOTR world, the monastic societies of the world are among those that would probably get hit hard, or at least the ones practicing vows of chastity.

Hell, imagine being a monk in that time

>angels and Valkyries keep coming down to “give me a reward for my faith and devotion”

>5 of the brothers alped in the past month

>recruits are almost nonexistent now, as celibate men don’t last long on the outside

>the monastery is constantly under archer fire from cupids

>entire herds of unicorns try to break in

>we’ve had to convert the whole building back into a fortress

>have to check my food every day for prisoner fruit extract or some other shit

>occasionally one of the bodies in the crypt will monsterize and clamber up to our level

>there’s mamono protestors outside every day trying to get us to come out

>I hear they’re trying to get the local government to outlaw “Religious organizations promoting celibacy”

>the abbot’s doing his best to fight the efforts, but he has to dodge the affections of the various secular clergywomen he meets with now

>there’s less of us every day

>at some point those protestors will likely start an actual siege

>it’s only a matter of time before some wyrm or Lilim or other absurdly powerful one decides to bust a whole in the place so she can drag one of us off

>or maybe a dragon or vampire will decide that our monastery would make a nice castle

>Lord give me strength

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2914f9 No.398768

File: 70beb88190f0aeb⋯.png (150.48 KB,481x366,481:366,pickle_pee_rage.png)




They are still scum and villainy.

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2914f9 No.398772

File: 56e954704839615⋯.jpeg (118.63 KB,849x1201,849:1201,Dark priest4.jpeg)


>disciples of the fallen god arrive

<"SISTERS! get the siege equipment ready!"

>The dark priest versions of the sisters of battle have arrived and are now laying siege to the monastery

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cbb010 No.398805

File: 1c7301cf8fcbb74⋯.jpg (278.42 KB,1260x1613,1260:1613,1c7301cf8fcbb7470f0ee9ae10….jpg)


I think the pornographic versions of hobbies would mostly be of interest to single mamono. If her husband is looking after her girl instincts then she probably just wants a safe outlet for her monster instincts.

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265038 No.398841


>with an actual siege begun by the fallen god cultists, the monastery is close to ruin

>suddenly, one of the brothers makes a discovery

>on his last trip out before the siege commenced, the abbot acquired a book on magic and its mechanics in the mamono world

>with earth inundated as it is with DE, that magic should be usable by humans with a requisite amount of mana stored up

>a short investigation leads to the monks discovering where exactly “mana” comes from in humans

>all the monks realize that due to their chastity, they now have the capacity to be wizards in both the literal and metaphorical sense

>the siege lines outside are suddenly wracked with holy energy

>the vanguard of the mamono army is blown away as the monks test out their newfound power

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265038 No.398843


>The abbot takes this reprieve to send word of their discovery to the other struggling monasteries

>The orders are reformed into more militant forms to better defend their institutions

Monasteries are now cloisters of magical warrior monks

>Unfortunately, this only brings them more attention from the mamono world

>scores of mgs see this as a chance to finally snag something like the old order heroes their grandmothers used to tell them about

>And the immense magical ability of some of the monks has caught the eye of the sabbath as well

>But at least they can now properly defend themselves

>And as a further benefit, the monasteries are now seen as a good place to send aspiring magic-users who don't wish to cavort with mamono yet, giving them a role in the modern world.

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aba649 No.398909

File: f7abe358b298f0f⋯.png (149.28 KB,407x387,407:387,be1cf446b8df17e101aa11276f….png)

File: c034b960f7e6c36⋯.jpg (122.11 KB,1200x855,80:57,1PvkXfjp_o.jpg)

File: ca2d2b32e7b27dc⋯.jpg (265.5 KB,850x1511,850:1511,ca2d2b32e7b27dc3489b6bf498….jpg)

File: 3aebe1e0c4e910d⋯.jpeg (506.78 KB,3000x2121,1000:707,07de0a2ff2976e00981946f59….jpeg)

File: aabf436a6d9436e⋯.png (794.17 KB,812x1000,203:250,94248b88b175d1d883e54df52e….png)










I can tell this is all shit posting but taking things seriously for a moment, there was actually a conversation in the DNA thread about this topic. If you are a hapa or someone who is race mixed you could always settle down with any of the slimes, automaton, or living armor for the following reasons. The slimes have a genetic clone as a baby when they get pregnant. The automaton would use an artificial womb and thus you could only have half of your DNA in the child. So for example, if you were a hapa, you could either have the child be all japanese or all white depending on what you wanted. The living armor would be the same as the automaton.

I say these things because there is no written text in MGE that states that automatons or living armor girls can get pregnant. I'm not saying that I treat MGE as a bible or anything and you are free to use your own head canon but I just feel this needs to be said. I also said this in the DNA thread but it would be an extremely unfortunately cruel reality if monster girls came to our world and none of them wanted you because you are race mixed, which was something out of your control.

There's not much art for the living armor.

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46e676 No.398913

File: a0838d67b31b6b2⋯.jpg (57.27 KB,987x740,987:740,Morgan_crossover_2.jpg)


>The automaton would use an artificial womb and thus you could only have half of your DNA in the child. So for example, if you were a hapa, you could either have the child be all japanese or all white depending on what you wanted.

The chromosomal crossover that occurs during meiosis mixes chromosomal pairs across each other at random. A first-generation hapa might have one set of white chromosomes and one set of asian chromosomes, but crossover ensures that each and every chromosome within their sperm is a randomised blend of both that is near-unique to that sperm cell. Male testicles produce so many damn sperm because they are genetic chaos engines that also perform first-order selection for basic sperm fitness.

Therefore, the child of an automaton and a hapa would be a hapa.

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aba649 No.398916

File: 6ee35c17524d294⋯.jpg (33.59 KB,560x530,56:53,6ee35c17524d2943dd97a091d2….jpg)


fug… is there anyway to separate the chromosomes?

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46e676 No.398919

File: 283d989f7d49db7⋯.webm (14.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,12000 DOTS.webm)


You mean restore each chromosome back to its pre-crossover state? No, there isn't. It isn't that one chromosome has been joined to a different chromosome, it's that both chromosomes have exchanged segments with each other at random points. How do you un-mix a crossed-over chromosome if you don't know what the original was?

The only way you'd be able to pull off this hypothetical white-or-asian-from-hapa breeding is by taking a body cell produced by perfect mitosis (where crossover is extremely rare and only happens by accident) in a first-generation hapa, somehow distinguishing the white parent's chromosomes from the Asian parent's, somehow pulling the pairs apart, and then creating an artificial sperm cell using only the white chromosomes or only the Asian chromosomes. Then you'd have to take two of those and combine them in the Automaton's magical sperm-fusing womb (or however the fuck they'd produce a full body cell from a reproductive cell) to get a child.

Miscegenation isn't easy read: impossible to reverse.

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6aeba8 No.398921


That chaotic recombination can work for you if you're willing to wait a few generations. If we use the good old bucket of paint analogy, it's like you're taking half the paint away each generation and topping the bucket back up. If you do this enough times, eventually there's next to no trace of the mixing left.

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cbb010 No.398922

File: 45bde94828a1b81⋯.jpg (629.81 KB,1043x1200,1043:1200,Atlach-Nacha.jpg)


You're trading one abomination for another, but if you're lucky the giant spider DNA might override the hapa DNA.

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2914f9 No.398927

File: 495da28bde55578⋯.png (1.66 MB,2500x3600,25:36,suicide.png)







It never ends. The asinine topic that is theoretical mamono genetics will forever haunt us.

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86ea0f No.398929

File: ea40e10210509c6⋯.jpg (138.33 KB,924x529,924:529,Get out.jpg)


Whatever happened to the CRISPR stuff? Could an automaton be fitted that to help detangle the genetic chaos?

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46e676 No.398933

File: 8d32333ca58d675⋯.png (4.58 MB,2388x3132,199:261,ClipboardImage.png)


>the CRISPR stuff?Could an automaton be fitted that

It doesn't work like that.

>detangle the genetic chaos?

It definitely doesn't work like that.

Let's play a game. Consider the following sequence:


Find the original two sequences that crossed over to form it. You may use pencil and paper. Don't reveal the answers below and don't read any further until you've worked it out for yourself.

Ready? The answers are:



<But how could I have worked that out?

You couldn't have. The original information was lost. Sorry, it's not happening any more than you can fix a broken egg by dropping it again.

Chromosomal crossover is a normal and desirable mechanism that works to produce offspring that aren't shallow copies of their parents. This is something you want in a sexually reproducing organism. The "genetic chaos" of two wildly divergent sets of racial adaptations being suddenly mashed together isn't chromosomal crossover's fault, it's the parents'. You ain't getting the originals back. Better hope your incidences of mixing are infrequent enough compared to the fertility rate of the larger population so that you can dilute it back out like >>398921 mentions.


I don't think the topic is necessarily asinine, but the posters definitely are.

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222d51 No.399089


this person here has the most realistic take of anyone here

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2914f9 No.399115

File: 09f1aa168a982ee⋯.jpg (30.26 KB,320x320,1:1,You gonna get reiped.jpg)


Don't encourage them, their theories will always devolve into soft-core HFY faggotry.

"and the joos kill all the monsters with their guns and mecs, the end"

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69eae6 No.399116

File: c6f953fe3500143⋯.jpg (185.62 KB,1414x1000,707:500,c6f953fe3500143a6c1a5c7e4c….jpg)


>soft-core HFY faggotry

What did I say in that post that was HFY? In most of those scenarios humans would magically unite in some anti-MG XCOM because "dude humans are the same right lmao".

All I'm saying is that when our waifus become real and cross the portals to Earth, is that there is gonna be conflict and we can't just expect a perfect fantasy world where everyone will get along, at least at first. I want an MG wife so bad, everyone does here, but when SHTF and our dreams become reality we can't just sit around and just expect everything to go smoothly, we have to seize the opportunity.

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3984ef No.399124


Best case scenario, they communicate with us before they come over en masse. If we can convince the far right that mamono can now have human sons then the nessesary alliance with said far right will be easy as /pie/ just promise them an ethnostate as they start to take over and they, worst case scenario, will stand by and do nothing until it's too late. Same thing with the far left, it'll be "another form of diversity" until they ask "why are there no LGBTQETC monstergirls?" And they look closer. It'll be too late at that point, especially if the first few kids reach 18 at that point.

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5a67e6 No.399127



I don't care what happens so long as the US and Israel are both destroyed and their populations genocided. The UK as well while we're at it.

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33d52a No.399162


Again I'd personally try and broker peace and install myself as a head of a comittee designated to assist in helping MGs transition into human society and as a human dignitary that understands their needs

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ae54b1 No.399163


Not a bad idea getting both sides to sit by and do nothing, however there is one big flaw I see


Once a lot of monstergirls cross over and start proactively dating husbands then women will start to feel the lack of male attention they are getting and then start to stir shit up and try to divide people again. Hopefully by that time there will be enough monstergirl integration to just point at them and laugh, laugh at their despair

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3984ef No.399170


I can think of three delaying factors for that

1. The grand Maou (or colonial Maou if my theory is correct) can have general influence upon the everyday monstergirls, stuff like the specific thirsts of their lower lips having this thirst prioritise men who have not had sex in a particular amount of time can delay that. If that man has not been inside the human pussy for a year or two, the 3ddp's are not going to want him anyway. A few more desirable men going to them is not going to be much of a problem, especially if the undesirable neet and freshly divorced man is thinning out faster.

2. Of couseIn order for the mamono to start to be threatened some Paullette Pott has to get it in her head that 1. The monstergirls, not the men are the problem then 2. It is worth actual, honest-to-Zyclon-B-goodness genocide to solve. And of course, once the far right is on board a bit of propaganda that the Hardy, pain in the butt to kill deliberately monstergirls are weak to that specific chemical, will buy a considerable chunk of time, as the undoubtedly left wing will unavoidably have the image of ol Hiely boy jammed in his face. They will come around to it eventually, they just need to get a Spectre out of their face

If a genocidal reaction of a large enough force can be delayed 18 years, the mamono will have a large stronghold in the west. Assuming of course that full on DR's don't appear.

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ae54b1 No.399182


what was the third factor?

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3984ef No.399183

I originally thought DRs would provide a bit of a setback for anti-mamono political forces, but I keep remembering that the bigger the political action, the more unpredictable the consequences. conseqences that would be intwresting to discuss on this thread, but the bump limits in ten or so posts so… mabye not. now.

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aba649 No.399202

File: f5e49173d6e1d9a⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1521x2015,117:155,f5e49173d6e1d9aa41f1c51df6….jpg)

File: e441974c952880d⋯.jpg (426.47 KB,2025x2864,2025:2864,e441974c952880d335258750db….jpg)


I personally don't think the far right would have a problem with monster girls, even if they couldn't give birth to human sons. Some might even take them as 2nd wives, I imagine. There's also the major possibility that some monster girls, like dragon girls, would be sympathetic to many of the far right's causes. just keep them away from hell hounds

I know for a fact that that Japan would welcome their own monster girls with open arms. Ryu, Ochimusha, Oni, and Shirohebi would be extensively honored.

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ae54b1 No.399210


>Keep them away from hellhounds

Its easy enough to keep them away from hellhounds, its a lot harder to keep hellhounds away from them.

The only thing more unstoppable is a zombie dragon

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6aeba8 No.399214


Hitler was a socialist and you're a gay retard

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3984ef No.399219

Ah great, it's these idiots again, honestly you are almost as annoying as robot-kun

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3984ef No.399221

Alright, all of you faggots going "amewimutts must die wight nao" I have some questions.

1. I notice you are speaking English, what country are you from, exactly?

2. Why kill someone you can or already have corrupted

3. What benifit would the monstergirls gain from genociding the third most populated country in the world. You are not going to be the reason, they don't even care about your consent.

4. Do you have any proof they won't turn against you specifically, because one of your ancestors 3-4 generations back technically wern't white.

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eb0f83 No.399222


>trying to defend amerimutts


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3984ef No.399225


>Expecting one kind of mutt to genocide another because they are mutts.


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b28f2d No.399226


Look at the thread mentioned here


That /k/ thread proves it all.

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621909 No.399228

Reminder that being a sociopath is the only way to stay sane and survive in clown world.

If you're going crazy, you're not crazy.

If you're not crazy, you're crazy.

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2914f9 No.399229

File: bb7dbb1309e7d2c⋯.jpg (471.67 KB,1235x695,247:139,Ah shit, here we go again.jpg)

Oh boy, here I go again.


>In most of those scenarios humans would magically unite in some anti-MG XCOM

>Implying they would be detected in the first place

Monsters are the masters of espionage, stealth/disguise, corruption and subterfuge. They have been doing this since the start and have created copious amounts of spells to help with this.

>But dude, they would sense the portals and shit

I will assume that demonic energy is foreign to our universe, thus we wouldn't have any way to detect it.

>we can't just expect a perfect fantasy world

Than our expectations will be subverted.


>Best case scenario

With Best case scenarios like yours who needs worst case scenarios?

>If we can convince the far right

<Boy I know day of the rope is upon us but what is this weeb bullshit you are talking about?

>the far left

They would be the first to get internally corrupted, important 3DPD would be monsterized, disguised via magic and continue until every last organization is secretly under their command.




>Again I'd personally try and broker peace

Is it really war if we don't know about it?

>a comittee designated to assist in helping MGs transition into human society

Unnecessary, they will learn our culture the same way monsters did in their world. Monsterized 3DPD will already be familiar with our culture which means they can just pass it on to born/migrated monsters.

>that understands their needs

Oh don't worry, they can satisfy their needs on their own.


As much as I would enjoy laughing at 3DPD and the shit they would do/not do, the monsters would just quickly exploit their shortcomings and have them join the fold.


You should work on your headcanon.


>Some might even take them as 2nd wives

Nigger, what?

>There's also the major possibility that some monster girls, like dragon girls, would be sympathetic to many of the far right's causes

Monster only care about their own agenda and hobbies.

And dragons are absolutely apathetic towards humans outside of breeding season.

>I know for a fact that that Japan would welcome their own monster girls with open arms. Ryu, Ochimusha, Oni, and Shirohebi would be extensively honored

Finally something I can agree with.

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3984ef No.399230


Taiwan and mainland Taiwan having a circlejerk competition doesn't prove much

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da4097 No.399231


>Mainland Taiwan


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3984ef No.399232


>Convincing the far right

Concidering how much they believe they are "backed against the wall" having a deal like "give us a few single men and stay out of our way" would seem pretty good.

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2914f9 No.399235

File: b05bfdaa8df3f09⋯.jpg (49.59 KB,792x637,792:637,1558771350964.jpg)


It's a secret war. There wouldn't be any open negotiations, ESPECIALLY with the public.

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3984ef No.399238


That's a given. With a mg incursion, especially in the west, the early game is everything. If anyone tries genociding them after the kids from DOTR turn 18, it wouldn't work

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228e9a No.399244


>calling a spade a spade means I'm a tranny leftist

ok retard


>killing commies means you're not a commie

By that metric, communists don't exist.

>hyperinflation was dealt with before the NSDAP came into power and the Nazi economy was a poorly managed mess that couldn't even grow enough food to feed itself

>guns for me but not for thee is pro gun

Kill yourself retard

>saying you want something is the same as wanting it for real

There isn't a politician in existence that hasn't claimed to want what's best for their constituents.

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fcd401 No.399245


>if you arm your enemies, you win!

Cuck. Jews, niggers, gypsies, and non-whites (save for the nips) do not deserve to be armed.

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3984ef No.399246


Armed nipples?

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3984ef No.399250

We hit the bump like a few posts back, should we start a new thread?

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af0e9f No.399253

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6aa1b0 No.399349


spotted the jew

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62a6fe No.406666


Posting in ded board for the lulz.

This story is dumb. Continuing a trial without advice of counsel when a lawyer has been retained but failed to appear is very fucking illegal and immoral, the judge should've granted a continuance. Besides that, taking your story as is, why would you write a relationship like that? It would, as the other anon put it, be a spite filled relationship on the husbands part, why would he happy about being forced into marriage through a court ruling? I'd prefer the proactive dating approach over this shit.

0/10 got me mad enough to post about it 2 years later, you better not be in the bunker or I will break your fingers so that you can't type such shit at me again.

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