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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 2c20284491c931c⋯.jpg (422.8 KB,866x1209,866:1209,__hakamichi_shizune_mikado….jpg)

File: c9fb58e0634aad5⋯.jpg (324.66 KB,752x1062,376:531,__izayoi_sakuya_touhou_dra….jpg)

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a60b2a No.357830 [Last50 Posts]

What Ammit doesn't give us, we make with our own blood, sweat, and mana.

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741523 No.357843

Reminder to monster girls to carefully choose who you monsterize so that Ammit would consider them worthy of being monster girls, and to monsterize them in ways that complement their personality.

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6bb061 No.357848

File: 6968e67cb443b2c⋯.jpg (287.89 KB,2475x795,165:53,125ds.jpg)

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6bb061 No.357871

File: 682319a6d6ee2c5⋯.jpg (109.26 KB,1057x755,7:5,centaur_tf_story_by_heaven….jpg)

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6bb061 No.357924

File: 35f4eb87ae37610⋯.gif (94.39 KB,288x288,1:1,39.gif)

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6bb061 No.357958


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c20aa7 No.357965

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141798 No.357974


I wonder about a mass monsterization event that causes a demon realm

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b3bcb0 No.357984


Can a nuke counteract it?

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ec982c No.357985

So, wouod would happen if one were to take a bunch of monsterizing compounds like prisoner fruit juice, holstaur milk, nostrum, etc., concentrate it, turn it into vapor, and make "dirty" bombs out of them.

Then bring it into a crowded area and set it off. Or drop it from a rented helicopter for a nice airburst.

This is just for educational purposes only, FBI-kun.

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6bb061 No.357993


MGU out.

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b3bcb0 No.358002

File: 7d363290b7bab1f⋯.jpg (34.32 KB,338x305,338:305,1448999125817.jpg)


Why would I reference that garbage?

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709418 No.358009

File: 18e1e50ea1eb36e⋯.jpg (30.15 KB,720x404,180:101,first female president.jpg)


> President Felonia Von Pantsuit was going to savor this moment

> those accursed "Demon Realms" were finally going to obey her

> everyone was

> those relics on the Join Chiefs who had resigned in protest

> her advisers who had insisted that this was political suicide

> her miserable excuse for a husband who warned her it was probably literal suicide

> screw them all

> she finally had the power she had craved for so long

> she WOULD be given the respect she was due

> or else there would be consequences

> she just needed to make a few examples…

> say the three biggest and most independent demon realms in the country?

> her mouth split into a cruel grin as she pressed the button

> slimes were oozing around in panic everywhere

> parents huddled in basements while trying keep up a brave front for their children

> some couples were desperately fucking one last time

> all hope seemed lost

> until the queen spoke to her people with a hundred voices:


> as one thousands of slimes and their husbands threw their hands in the air and willed their mana to their queen

> they freely gave her their hope, their love, and their faith in her

> for a brief moment that humble mutant slime was the most powerful monster in the world

> she reached out towards the rocket with the power of a god and did something that would only occur to a slime

> she ate it

> her core boiled as she contained and purified the force of the explosion, screaming in agony as the power of the nuclear fire contested and then fused with her mana

> in the end her iron determination to protect everyone won out

> she collapsed with a wry smile on her face once it was over

> she could feel a new power flowing through her as her core changed and began to exhibit the distinctive effervescence of a bubble slime

> given what she had just purified she was probably going to stink for weeks

> Pharaoh stood on the solar barge surrounded by her greatest servants

> even beaten and humbled Apophis stood awkwardly apart from the others with the man whose pleas and sincere love had convinced Pharaoh to spare her

> she would need all of their help, the ritual they were attempting was strictly the stuff of legend

> Pharaoh was secretly terrified even if she didn't dare show it

> her beloved somehow knew and surreptitiously gave her hand a gentle squeeze

> she loved him so much

> she resolved that this would work no matter what

> forget the gods, she would do this for him and their future children

> the gathering magic let her see the mortal super weapon as it screamed towards New Ptkheka

> it was time

> Pharaoh drew the magic to herself and commanded it

> the incredible energy reached out and merged with the weapon just as it air burst

> everyone on the solar barge was temporarily blinded by the apocalyptic release of energy

> when she finally came to her senses Pharaoh saw a strange woman standing on the deck

> the stranger had golden brown skin, ram horns, and falcon wings

> she radiated power and had a presence beyond that of even Pharaoh herself

> even the look of absolute confusion on her face couldn't disguise her incredibly regal bearing

> Pharaoh choked back tears of joy and fell to her knees in obeisance

> "Lady Amun-Ra! Your humble servants welcome you back to life!"

> a new sun HAD been born

> just not quite the way the designers of the atomic device intended

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709418 No.358010

File: 2a6da91de3cc96b⋯.jpg (63.92 KB,416x608,13:19,we wuz matangos.jpg)


> the electromechanical monster girl was very confused

> she couldn't remember how she had come to this place or who she was

> she did have the sense that there was something important she was supposed to do

> but she simply could not remember what it was

> wandering aimlessly she was drawn to the sound of voices

> there, in middle of the forest, were several women around a table drinking tea and eating treats

> "Hello Miss Airforce, we've been expecting you!" the fluffy bunny girl cheerfully greeted her

< "How do you know my name?"

> "It's printed on your chest silly." a woman in a large top hat remarked

> the girl looked down and sure enough, printed right on the front of her metal dress was "LGM-30 MINUTEMAN US AIRFORCE"

< "Is that right? I don't remember my name."

> "Why should you? You never need to address yourself do you?"

< "I think I should know my own name."

> "Unless you wanted to talk to yourself of course." the Hatter continued thoughtfully

> "Oh dear, you should never do that. Talking to yourself is quite mad." smirked a purple cat girl

> "Quite mad." a sleepy mouse girl agreed before nodding off again

> the girl's head was spinning

< "Be that as it may, I think there's something I'm supposed to do…"

> the strange women looked at her expectantly as the girl thought very hard for a moment

< "I think I'm supposed to explode?"

> "Oh, that's no big deal. The queen explodes at us all the time." the Hatter rolled her eyes

< "I don't think that's it…"

> the bunny girl tittered, "There is another kind of explosion."

> all of the women put on very smug expressions at that and gave each other knowing looks

> then they all leered at the electromechanical girl, making her blush furiously

< "I'm quite certain that's not it!"

> despite her protest the suggestion made her tingle with excitement as strange feelings flooded into her

> "Well then maybe you should talk to the queen. She might know what you're supposed to do."

> "Oh yes, the queen knows everything."

> "She's always telling us so."

> the girl wasn't paying very close attention anymore, these feelings were quite distracting

< "Er, yes. Good idea. I'll be right off then."

> "Don't you want some directions?"

< "Oh, no, no. I'll be fine. Should be pretty obvious. I'm leaving now."

> the girl suddenly very desperately wanted to be alone and fled the clearing

> her designers would have been extremely disappointed at the explosion which resulted later

> the girl however was very satisfied

> although afterwards she couldn't help but think that it might be even better with a husband…

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00af24 No.358012

File: 85f5d2a41a5ef19⋯.png (94.12 KB,362x492,181:246,39b8ad852bc8fe226fbf561ebf….png)


>turning a missile into a waifu


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7563d5 No.358016


>turning a nuke into an MG

lol wut

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154679 No.358022




>it's wonderland

Seems about right.

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2cd1bf No.358115

File: 6fc65abbf79c06c⋯.jpg (942.25 KB,1600x1200,4:3,gia radioactivechan.jpg)



Hey, if Japan could make waifus out of WWII ships and if KC can make MGs outta broken eggs, missile waifus aren't that far-fetched. See pic.

Missile-chan is probably an automaton that specializes in weaponized nuclear demon energy and radioactive love. She wouldn't look like pic related though. Way too edgy and mechanical for the MG universe.

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73e17b No.358136



<So how'd it go?

>Yeah well, one missile got eaten, one helped to rebirth a deity and one is masturbating. Oh, and you just pissed off most of the world

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b3bcb0 No.358146


Well if she wanted to do it, then don't publicly announce it, or just do it sneakily.

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0b9c4f No.358163


Last thread talked about school bullies.

This is the result.


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141798 No.358168


They would still know

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c3ae10 No.358266


Very nice.

are we ever going to learn what that monster was?

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0b9c4f No.358282


I have had the idea of writing a mystery story about the "WitchCraft Investigation Squad" attempting to track down this elusive Monster whose hobby is monsterizing people, but I haven't made much progress on it yet… So yeah, perhaps.

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e9ec1d No.358291


They would turn into succubus. The succubus is the default monster girl they turn into unless they get energy from a certain monster girl. This is stated in tje MGE

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64c1c5 No.358311


Damn that story was good. Is there any more like it?

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6bb061 No.358749

File: ac105ac98e26b89⋯.jpg (452.09 KB,1024x1453,1024:1453,mermaid_transformation__by….jpg)

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6bb061 No.358936

File: d0800d57ccfa101⋯.jpg (234.3 KB,1101x1200,367:400,DePHqTWV0AAgpWk.jpg)

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f62d1b No.359104

File: 31be5834abd21ac⋯.jpg (137.34 KB,600x1200,1:2,31be5834abd21ac84d801969b7….jpg)

File: 26a92ff28bbbf81⋯.jpg (106.6 KB,740x1045,148:209,26a92ff28bbbf8189d0190e64f….jpg)

File: adc4eedab14b294⋯.jpg (243.29 KB,800x800,1:1,adc4eedab14b294c69e3cd0b4a….jpg)

File: 3d17a9b2dd54f28⋯.png (1.02 MB,949x1000,949:1000,3d17a9b2dd54f28070fcd09afc….png)

File: 10c49a0768f3c38⋯.jpg (111.73 KB,1000x800,5:4,9097be1fcc7f21f73a55c82f4d….jpg)

>Reimu monsterizes


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6bb061 No.359154

File: 96e2e27b49b125f⋯.jpg (182.85 KB,513x728,513:728,Succubus_Extra4.jpg)


Only an MGUfag would want to counteract monsterization.

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c3ae10 No.359156

File: 98464b841144aec⋯.png (58.93 KB,150x225,2:3,8BF46275-28A5-4537-BC76-E4….png)

If a woman gets raped by a shoggoth does she lose her mind and then gain a shoggoth’s sanity or does it just break her into the shoggoth mind which is insanity inducing?

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141798 No.359157


Wish that nuke greentext was continued

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c77415 No.359170


Insecure women monsterize.

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c3ae10 No.359182

I have a question for the anon who wrote the “Sylvia” story last thread. Why was it that all the other monsters were deterred from anon (presumably due to sylvia) but miss red wasn’t?

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853d1d No.359200


Why the fuck does this make me horny.

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709418 No.359204

File: c522c8289bc99e8⋯.png (14.08 KB,255x255,1:1,just like in my japanese a….png)


No way to prove it's me but…

The true answer is that an Anon wanted Miss Red as a possible love interest in the story and I figured "Why not?" The street harassers leaving Anon alone was just a hint to the reader that another monster was already very interested in Anon (Duh, obviously. But it's not like I'm Agatha Christie over here.)

The meta answer is that in a one off story I don't generally come up with a fully planned out setting. Instead I'm just guided by my general sense of what a monster girl is. In this case I was inspired by a part of the Cathy CYOA where a male character accidentally falls into a monster girl's (clothed) chootch and much later in the story a different monster girl can sense it happened. I really like the idea that monster girls can sense romantic entanglement more granularly than "They fucked." I think it really fits the NO NTR core rule of monster girls.

Suppose you had a Living Doll. You cleaned her up, bought her some new clothes, and had a dream about her coming to life and loving you, but she hadn't revealed herself and sealed the deal yet. If at that point you met a lonely Manticore in a dark alley it would be nice if she had some way to detect the Living Doll's budding connection with you. That would let the Manticore think twice about stealing you out from under the poor Doll with a violent rape.

I also think it gives some story flexibility. Under those rules both Sylvia and Miss Red sense that the other has an interest in Anon and has made some progress towards getting him to like them. But they also know that neither one has truly managed to claim him yet and they still have a chance to compete for him without cucking each other. From the perspective of the orcs and the harpy they just see a random guy who other monster girls are already close to claiming as their own and figure it isn't worth the effort. But it isn't ironclad. Suppose Anon gave one of the orcs a reason to really like him, like say standing up for her when a security guard started giving her trouble ("Get out of here you filthy orc! Your miserable kind aren't welcome here!"). Then she would have leeway to try to win his heart with the understanding that she already had competition.

So yeah, it was really that way for the story, but if you wanted my full reasoning there you go.


Are you perchance Beardicus?

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709418 No.359225

File: f236ca255b53479⋯.jpg (537.01 KB,1233x1600,1233:1600,SierraLee-575297-Yarra_Ske….jpg)


I'm open to suggestions or requests. Not really sure where else to go with it. Especially keeping it in the transformation theme.


> President Felonia Von Pantsuit had moved beyond Martini's, she was just drinking the liquor straight out of the bottle now

> she had angrily dismissed all of her subordinates and brooded in the situation room alone

> numerous monitors were set up to permit her to view just about any broadcast stream imaginable

> one monitor showed news coverage of soldiers ordered to attack the slime kingdom refusing to leave their barracks

> there was helicopter footage of emergency deputized "Presidential Police" recruited from a woman's college futilely trying to club slime protesters into submission

> the President put her head in her hands and groaned as a woman tried to bludgeon a baby slime and was promptly sucked into a large purple slime

> she was starting to suspect that her loyalists weren't necessarily the sharpest knives in the drawer

> at least they hadn't been dumb enough to try going up against those "Sons of Amun-Ra" militias popping up all over the South

> she was pretty sure some of those fuckers were just off duty military and police "borrowing" stuff from their day job

> her eye was caught by the postcard which had once again mysteriously appeared on her desk

> it showed a very confused robotic looking girl with US Airforce insignia on her outfit

> she was surrounded by a crowd of Wonderland monsters all making lewd gestures at the viewer

> oddly, each time the President looked at it the insults were different

> no one would admit to delivering it and no matter how many times she destroyed it she kept finding it again

> she supposed she should be grateful for any news out of that place

> she wasn't completely sure she controlled the capital anymore, forget about the demon realms…

> the mens' morale had almost broken when they saw the three rockets launch

> the Colonel had kept them trying to break through to the launch control center anyway

> he knew it was far too late now one way or the other but they kept working for lack of any idea what else to do

> when they finally broke through they were rewarded with a warning shot from the Missile Combat Crew Commander

> "Stay Back! We are at a state of war! We will defend this facility with lethal force!"

> "Goddamnit Jerry you fucking idiot! This is Colonel Henderson of base security! You just launched on our own territory!"

> "W-what?"

> "The President declared a bunch of demon realms insurrectionists and had you launch on them!"

> the MCCC staggered out of the control center staring at something 1000 yards away

> "No… we… I didn't know… we just have coded target packages…"

> the Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander followed him out, "It was a legal order! Straight from the President!"

> "That's what I just told you! That bitch is nuking the monsters!"

> the MCCC weakly grabbed on the Colonel's arm, "Which demon realms Jim?"

> "The big slime kingdom, New Ptkheka, and that Wonderland up in the North East."

> "I see." the MCCC turned and quietly walked away from the others

> the DMCCC gave the Colonel a haunted look, "Dear God, his nephew is married to an Anubis in New Pt-"

> "Stop him!"

> everyone turned to see the MCCC holding his sidearm to his head

> "Don't do it Jerry!"

> "I killed them all for no reason, no reason at all. This is atonement."

> "No, please, this won't solve anything!" the Colonel thought the DMCCC sounded oddly desperate, "Don't leave me alone…"

> "I'm sorry Drew, I officially accept full responsibility for this illegal attack on our own people."

> "And I sentence myself to death."

> time seemed to slow down as the MCCC started to pull the trigger

> some of the enlisted men were frozen in shock

> some were leaping forward to stop him

> others seemed to think he had made the right decision

> the DMCCC wailed in despair

> it sounded like his soul was tearing itself apart just before there was an explosion of shadowy energy

> when the Colonel opened his eyes he saw a naked succubus kneeling on the MCCC's chest and punching him

> "You're always so selfish and imperious! You never listen to me!"

> "Drew?! Wha-"

> "You had to make your big, stupid, pointless gesture and you didn't even care how a felt about it!"

> "B-"

> "Shut up! I don't care anymore! Fuck you, fuck the Airforce, fuck the President, and fuck our orders! We're going to do what I want!"

> when the radioman ran up to tell them the news the Colonel wasn't sure if he was more relieved that no one had died or that he had the perfect excuse to excuse himself and his men from the scene of a weedy Alp trying to tear the pants off of a burly Airforce officer

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f62d1b No.359226

File: 270dc2836d60a33⋯.png (396.15 KB,781x1000,781:1000,b27ac059b10773e46f3cd9df20….png)


You tell me.

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6bb061 No.359239

File: e9a3e0bb9a69b7a⋯.png (538.08 KB,2832x2438,1416:1219,1526470783.zeberka_c2ade69….png)

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45a8fe No.359240


Multiple ICBM launches aren't the sort of thing you can just hide from everyone else.

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8efc69 No.359246

What happens when nonwhites are monsterized?

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d6f37f No.359247


Delicious brown chocolate needs to be harvested from the shittiest, most Savage jungles, and third world hellholes so it can melt on your mouth.

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853d1d No.359268


I think it's the idea of milking her tits.

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6bb061 No.359270

File: daf7918663da04c⋯.jpg (288.34 KB,2000x2000,1:1,63059317_p0.jpg)

We know that monster girls won't fall in love with psychopaths and wicked people who think things like "killing people is fun" or "causing others misfortune is fun". What would happen if an MG met a human woman with those qualities? Would they just straight-up kill her, or would they trust MAMONO MANA to fix her?

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c3ae10 No.359275



Turn will to kill to need to breed.

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c3ae10 No.359277

File: 31bcc8d160bb4bf⋯.mp4 (958.72 KB,1280x720,16:9,white.mp4)



File didn’t go through

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141798 No.359296


Thinking they try to fix them.

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853d1d No.359320


>4th pic

Those big juicy tits which are amazing for fondling and milking. Those eyes of innocence makes me want to protect such a beautiful body. Those hips which make me want to fill her with semen which are perfect for baby making. The way she sweats makes me want to hug her while also wanting to nourish her. The way she elegantly is pulling that cargo makes me want to fill her with my seed. Why is she so perfect. I will genetically engineer myself a cow girl that can give me lots of milk while I destroy her pussyou and fill her with semen and give me 8 or even more children

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499272 No.359468

This might be a bit on the edgy side, but the dark slime ending to the Sylvia story last thread gave me an idea. What about a mindflayer and her husband who are hired by various figures or groups to convert women who have targeted/attacked monsters? The husband could be an alchemist or some such who mixes up the catalyst for the physical changes, while the mindflayer does the "programming", so to speak.

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6bb061 No.359541

File: c922f0af04ad83d⋯.jpg (336.59 KB,1600x2058,800:1029,mermaid_transformation____….jpg)

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a60b2a No.359557

It was a scorching hot day in the middle of July. The sun shone brightly with nary a cloud in the sky, and the song of cicadas echoed out over a small suburban neighborhood.

You were a young boy, sitting in the back of your parent's Velvo with your nose buried into your GaemBoi Chroma, playing Wendigo Land II.

With the baby cockatrice held aloft over her head, you finally navigated Wendigo back to the next. Just as you were about to safely place the baby inside, the handheld slips from your grip.

“H-hey!” You shout, as you see your dad hold your GaemBoi, turning the switch off. “No! It took forever to beat that level!”

“Come on, son. You play that thing all the time, you can always beat it later. Besides, we're almost at the barbecue, you need to actually enjoy the outdoors today.” He puts the handheld into the glovebox, which your mom shuts and locks.

“Aww…” You groan, your plans of sneaking it back already utterly foiled.

“Don't be so glum, John. Your little girlfriend Sofia is going to be there~” You mom says excitedly.

“Ugh! She's not my girlfriend!” You spit melodramatically, feeling disgusted.

Your dad chuckles, “That doesn't mean anything. Your mom isn't my girlfriend, and we wuv each other vewwy much.” He coos, before leaning over and giving mom a bunch of 'smoochies'.

“AUUGH!” You shout, covering your eyes, hoping you wouldn't go blind as your parents laughed at your plight.

You arrived at the park. A well manicured grassy meadow that surrounded a wide, glistening lake. All isolated from the hustle and bustle of civilization by forest and hills, giving it an otherworldly serenity.

Except for today. The dirt lot by the entrance was jam packed with cars, making your dad curse under his breath as he fruitlessly searched for an empty parking spot.

“I told you we should have come earlier.” Your mom chides.

“And I told you, I had to finish something for work first. Besides, there's a spot right here.” He says smugly, as he pulls the car between two trees at the forest's edge.

“I don't think this is a parking space…” Mom mumbles in concern.

“Two parking spots diverged in a yellow wood. I took the one less traveled, and that has made all the difference for my patience.” Your dad says smugly as he turns the car off.

Your mom sighs as she opens the door and gets out, “John, would you unbuckle your brother and bring him out with you?”

“Yes, ma'am…” You say unenthusiastically, unfastening the seat belt from around your 'brother', which was what your parents called any luggage they kept on the back seat next to you. In this case, it was a large cooler filled to the brim with food.

Your dad opened the trunk, and pulled out his own 'special' OnibraüTM Brand cooler, which sloshed and jingled with ice and glass bottles inside. “Ready to go, champ?”

You heft your own cooler with some difficulty, doing your best to keep your back straight, “Y-yes sir.”

“Oh, dear, you're going to hurt your back like that. Put that down and let me help.” Your mom puts a bag of charcoal on top of the cooler, before grabbing one of the handles and leaving the other for you.

As you both get used to the shared load, you walk up behind your dad, who looks back scoffs, “Come on, honey, he had it just fine.”

“Do you want our son to become a hunch back?” She snaps.

“Ehhh, you're coddling the boy.”

“Don't listen to your father, John. He threw out his back in the last move because he was too stubborn to ask for my help.” She raises her voice a little bit to make sure her hears her, “And his back still gets stiff before a rainstorm, doesn't it dear?”

Dad pretends not to hear her.

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a60b2a No.359558


The park was jam packed with people, all chatting, laughing, hollering and having a good time. Smells of burning charcoal, meat, booze, and gunpowder hung in the air. Children laughed as they ran around with sparklers, and the popping of firecrackers echoed throughout the park occasionally.

“We should have come here earlier.” Dad grumbles, “All the tables are taken already.”

“There must be one left somewhere.” Mom says.

“Hey, neighbors! Over here! I saved us a table!” A familiar looking man over at an empty lakeside picnic table called out.

A young girl shouts, “JOHN!!!”

Before you can even look for the source, you're tackled to the ground, rolled through the grass, only to be lifted upright and put into a headlock.

“I… uncle! Uncle!” You wheeze, weakly patting your assailant's arm.

“Aww, come on. It's no fun when you give up like that.” She says as she let's you go, grabbing your hands to help you up to your feet.

It was your best, and only friend really, Sofia. A rather slender girl, while she was a couple years younger than you, she was head and shoulders taller. She had tanned skin, speckled with freckles on her cheeks and nose, and a shock of messy, long, red hair tied in a ponytail. Her eyes were a bright, verdant green, and missing a front tooth didn't seem to dissuade her from grinning at you from ear to ear. She wore a loose green t-shirt, covered by a pair of short legged overalls, showing calves that were spotted with scabbed over scuffs and scrapes, and freshly bandaged cuts.

“Yeah, but it's no fun when you pounce on me like that.” You whine, wanting to rub your shoulder, which felt sore from the impact with the ground.

Sofia said nothing, tauntingly sticking out her tongue.

“Sofie, why don't you help our neighbors set up so we can start cooking?” Her dad says.

“Oh, don't worry about that, Eli. We've got it!” Your dad says, setting the beer cooler down.

Your mom makes a shooing motion with her hands, “Yeah, you kids go have fun! But don't wander off too far, food will be ready before you know it!”

As the two of you walked around the lake, Sofia romped around, climbing every tree and rock along the way, while you skipped rocks.

“Hey, did you bring your GaemBoi?” She asks while dangling upside-down from a sturdy branch.

“No, dad took it from me on the drive here…” You moan.

“Aw, I wanted to play some more Wendigo Land II with you. Did you beat the level with the baby cockatrice yet?”

“Yeah… except my dad took it away before I put her back in the nest…”

“You're making that up! I bet you didn't even find the cockatrice!” She jeers.

“I did too find it!” You huff, tossing a stone that unceremoniously sank into the water without skipping once.

Sofia just stared at you with an amused smirk on her face.

“I'm not lying!” You add.

“Prove it.” She says.

“I will! …Tomorrow. I don't have my GaemBoi right now…”

“Well, you'll just have to show me tomorrow, then!” She drops to the ground, and flips over onto her feet.

You stay silent, looking at the ground.


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a60b2a No.359559


“I'm sorry.” You say.

“Don't say sorry! It's not your fault!” She shouts, almost upset. “I just… I keep forgetting.”

“Me too.” Desperately wanting a distraction, you look out into the lake, and see a small barge floating at the far end opposite of the picnic grounds.“So when are the fireworks going to start?”

“Not for five hours, at least.” Sofia sighs, “Hey, want to race around the lake?”

“But you always win…” You say dejectedly. What point was there in racing her if she won every time.

“Well maybe if you tried harder, you could beat me! Are you going to lose to a GIRL all your life?” She teases.

“Well, if it's you, I don't mind losing so much.” You admit. It's not like you could lie about this, she's always been way stronger than you for as long as you've known her.

She groans, rolling her eyes before punching you in the shoulder, “That's loser talk! Come on!”


“Okay how about a little bet? Whoever loses has to do whatever the winner wants for the rest of the day.”

“How does that make it any better for me, though?” You still remember the last time you did something like this, and ended up chasing after her through the forest for hours, before you ended up completely lost, wandering around until midnight. Your parents had to call the police to search for you, and you definitely got an earful after all that.

“Come on, John. I'll give you a two minute head start, how about that?”

“I don't know, I just…” You see her with her usual cocky grin, but as you look into her eyes, you noticed them glistening in the sun. For some reason, it made your will power melt away. “All right, fine.”


“W-wait, we're going now?” You stammer, pacing back and forth in confusion.


Panicking, you start running away, keeping as close to the shore as you can for even the smallest advantage. But all too soon, your sprint takes it's toll, and you have to slow down to a more steady pace.

“…Ten Mississippi…” You hear in the distance.

Looking ahead, your legs started feeling heavy, realizing just how big around the lake was. You didn't even think you would be able to make it that far walking. But you had to keep going. Maybe today would finally be the day you win! …And it would be done with a two minute head start. Suddenly the victory didn't even seem worth it any more. Not like this. You wish you could run as fast as Sofia did, but you just didn't enjoy this kind of thing like she did.

You couldn't hear her any more, there was too much distance between the two of you. Just as well, your heart was pounding out of your chest, and every breath was searing your lungs. Maybe you could afford to slow down for a bit.

Clothes soaked in sweat, throat burning, and legs wobbling, you fall to your knees in the grass and pant in exhaustion.

“Oh my stars! Are you okay!?” A feminine voice with a slight southern tang called out.

“Y-yes ma'am.” You say between breaths, looking up at the passerby and feeling a lump form in your throat, “I… uh…”

You lived in a small town, so you thought you recognized everybody somewhat. But you definitely would have remembered this woman. Tall, statuesque, and wearing a white, frilly sundress, that functionally must have been designed to be loose and modest, but was practically bursting at the seams to contain this woman's assets. Feeling indecent for looking there, you do what your parents always scolded you to do more of, and look her in the eyes. They were obscured by a white lacy parasol, but her lips, slightly parted as she looked at you in concern, were soft, and inviting. No matter where you looked at this gorgeous woman, it stirred new, and uncertain feelings inside of you, making you incredibly self-conscious.

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a60b2a No.359560


“I'm fine.” You say shortly, deciding to stare down at the ground, afraid that if you looked at her any longer, your heart burst and ooze out your nose. “M-me and my friend were just racing around the lake.”

“Ya'll nearly gave me a heart attack like that.” She sighs in relief, before reaching into a large bag that slung over her shoulder, and pulling out a couple of bottles of water, “It's awful hot out here today, ya'll are liable to get heatstroke if yer not careful.”

“T-thank you, ma'am.” You say as you thankfully take the water, and crack it open.

“Aw, well aren't you just a little gentleman!” She coos, lifting her parasol just enough for you to see her beautiful, blue eyes as she smiled gently at you. Reaching out, she rustles your hair a bit.

You could feel the blood pounding in your skull, losing yourself in her brief, gentle touch.

“Here” She says, taking out another water bottle, “Make sure your friend gets plenty to drink too, alright?”

You nod, and take the second bottle.

“I lost count, but I think it's been two minutes now!” It was faint, but just enough to sober you up immediately.

“T-thank you for the water, ma'am, but I have to go!” You say, stumbling back up onto your feet, and continuing your run.

The strange woman simply giggles before going on her way.

You ran, and ran, and ran with all of your might, pushing your legs are hard as you could despite them growing heavier with every step. You were going to do this!

And then your run slowed back down into a walk as you struggled for air once more. You look across the lake and see Sofia running effortlessly at a steady pace. Just like it always had been for every race you and Sofia had.

But she was still far behind you, and you were at least half way around the lake. You couldn't give up!

Getting a third wind, you resume sprinting as hard as you can. Your lungs felt like they were on fire as your ragged breaths turned to pained wheezing.

Looking back, you could see Sofa gaining on you. Your mind spurred you on to keep going, but your body was having none of it. Plodding along at a slow pace, you closed your eyes, and tried to muster just a little more strength to keep going.

You could see the crowded picnic grounds not too far away, you were at least a quarter of the way there! But the minutes dragged on like hours, and you could barely keep your self upright under your own weight.

You could hear Sofia's rapid footfalls getting louder. Glancing over your shoulder, she was close enough for her to flash a cocky grin at you. With renewed vigor, she starts running harder, closing the gap between you even faster.

But the goal was in sight, and victory looked possible! Just a little bit more…!

Sofia quickly overtakes you, running past you just as you make it to the picnic grounds. Stopping, she turns around and jumps around with her arms stretched towards the air. “Yeah! I win! Hahahahaa!”

“Ugh…” You groan, slowing to a crawl before collapsing on the cool grass. Holding up a the full bottle of water. “Here…”

“Huh? Oh, thanks!” She says, grabbing you by the wrist and helping you up. Taking the bottle from you, she quickly opens and downs the entire thing in one go. “Ahhh… Man, I gave you so much of a head start and you still lost.”

Her words deflated what was left of your ego, “I told you… I wasn't… going to win.” You pant.

“Not with that attitude!” She smiles with her tongue sticking out, “You need to have more confidence! You did a lot better this time! You nearly beat me!”

“With a two minute… head start.” You repeat.

“You barely even needed it.” She says dismissively.

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a60b2a No.359562


Sofia's dad approaches you, giving a friendly wave, “Hey Johnny-boy! Your parents have nearly gotten the food ready. I came to get you two.” His smile sinks as he looks at you, “Goodness, you're awfully clammy. Are you okay?”

“Y-yeah, we just… ran… a lot…” You gasp.

“Well, I hope you two worked up an appetite!”

“Oh yeah! I'm starving!” Sofia exclaims.

Trying to speak, you feel your parched throat stick together, causing you to dry heave, stomach lurching painfully.

After Sofia helped drag your sorry corpse back to the area your parents had set up, you sat down and slumped over on the picnic table, relishing in the post-run respite.

“We saw the two of you running for your lives out there!” Mom tittered as she dug around in the cooler, before pulling out some bottles of juice and placing it in front of you and Sofia. “Here, it'll still be a bit longer until the food is done. We have some chips if you need to tide yourself over til then.”

No sooner had your mom placed a bowl of barbecue flavored potato chips down on the table, Sofia had already managed a handful of them into her mouth, “Fernks!” She blathers with her mouth full.

“Sweetheart, don't talk with your mouth full.” Her dad gently scolds.

Taking a big gulp of juice, she swallows her food, “Sorry…”

He chuckles, “It's okay, just don't do it again.”

“Food will be ready in just a few minutes!” Your dad calls out as he flips burgers on the grill.

Your mom starts taking plastic tubs and bowls filled with food out from the cooler, potato salad, coleslaw, green beans…

“You really outdid yourself Zoey.” Sofia's dad says, hungrily eyeing the food.

“These are all simple recipes, nothing to write home about.” She says, “Well, go on then, lets see what you brought!”

“Not until after! It has to stay cool until we serve it!” He says, patting the cooler on the ground next to where he sat.

“Oh, well hello again!” Said a familiar voice that made your heart flutter.

You turn and see that beautiful lady from before, keeping her parasol high enough to see her eyes. “H-h-hi…”

“Hello there!” Your mom says politely, “I don't think I've seen you around before.”

“I wouldn't think so, I jus' moved here not too long ago!” She curtsies with one hand, the other holding onto her large bag, “My name is Magnolia Merryweather. Y'all can just call me Maggie, I know my name is a mouthful.

“Hey lady, why do you have hoofs?” Sofia asks, craning her neck to look under Magnolia's dress.

Magnolia's serene smile tenses up nervously.

“Sofia! It's rude to make up lies about people like that!” Her dad snaps.

“I'm not lying! Look!” She shouts, pointing to bottom of the woman's long dress.

Her dad reaches over and grabs his daughter's arm, gently, but firmly putting it down at her side, “Sofie! How many times have I told you it's rude to point! Mrs. Merryweather, I'm deeply sorry about that. She's just always bursting with energy, she can't help herself sometimes!”

“I-It's okay! Honest, I uh… she's not wrong.” She strokes her cheek apprehensively with her finger, “I do have a tail, I just try not to, uh, flaunt it.”

“Wait a minute, are you one of those demi-kin?” Your mom asks.

“Zoey, I think the correct term is Mamono-American.” Sofia's dad corrects.

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a60b2a No.359563


“A-actually, I'm a holstaurus.” She says, tilting her parasol back enough for you to see short horns and floppy ears covered in a layer of short white and black splotched hair. “I wasn't trying to be deceptive, but the immigration bureau said I would be the first demi-kin here, and I wasn't sure how well y'all would-”

“Well, it's not a problem with me.” Your mom shrugs, laughing it off, “You look like good people, and we try not to judge people on their appearance round here. You certainly don't mind, do you, Andrew?”

“Can't say I do. I honestly I probably wouldn't have know you weren't human until you told me!” Sofia's dad chuckles.

“It warms my heart to meet people who're so understandin'. I jus' hope everyone else around town is as sweet as you. The time I spent in the city was just awful, I had to go clear across town from my dismal little apartment just to go shopping because the owner of the store nearest to me refused to serve demi-kin of any kind!”

“Aw, well, that's the city. Living in cramped quarters like that isn't good for people.” Your mom retorts, “Makes people crazy.”

“I sure felt that way. I don't know how people stand it. Being able to enjoy great outdoors like this any time I like.” She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, unaware of even your own mother gawking at her prominent chest as it rose and fell. “Ahhh, even the air here reminds me of home.”

“U-uh well we're glad our cozy little town makes you feel at home!” Your mom stutters, “Say, would you like to join us for dinner, Mrs. Merryweather?”

“It's Miss, actually.” She says a bit sadly, before waving her hands, “And I wouldn't want to impose! I actually came by to give you this!” Magnolia pulls out a small box tied up in ribbon, “I made mini butterscotch tarts to give to everyone so I could introduce myself!”

“Everyone?” Your mom says, astounded as she accepts the gift.

“It's my grandma's recipe, so I know it like the back of my hand!” She starts twiddling her thumbs, “Well… mostly. I used store bought milk since uh, y'all humans are a bit iffy on, ah… holstaurus…”

“Huh?” You mom cocks her head, eyes drifting a bit down before her cheeks redden, “Oh! Oh that! …I uh… it's um, I know it's natural… uh…”

“It's okay, darlin'! No need to hurt yourself trying to spare my feelings! It's just how things are over on this side! It would be right terrible of me to expect everyone to bend over backwards just for little old me, after all the hospitality I've been given already, no less!”

“I'm sure it'll just take getting used to.” Your mom says, “But anyways, I insist you join us! Andrew's wife couldn't make it since she's ill, and we brought enough food for more than six people anyways, so you'de be doing us a favor!”

“Well, how can I say no to that?” She says, adjusting her dress as she sat down at the table, “And it smells absolutely scrumptious! What is it?”

“The hamburgers are ready! Who wants one?” You dad sings as he places a platter perilously piled with patties on the picnic table.

Your mom grunts and makes a neck cutting motion with her hand, glaring daggers at your father.

“What's wrong honey? You okay?”

She motions her eyes over to Magnolia, who smiles and wordlessly waves hello as your dad looked over.

“Oh, hello there! My name's Rob! Don't think I caught yours…?”


“Nice to meet you! Would you like a burger? One-hundred percent pure Angus beef, cooked to perfection!” He says, proudly placing his hands on his hips.

Your mom grumbles more frantically at your father.

“Honey, are you okay? Can't you wait until I serve our guest first?”

She gets up and grabs him by the collar so she could reach his ear, speaking in a low hiss, “She's a holstaurus.”

Dad blinks, “And I'm a Leo, but I stopped believing in that astrology bullshit after middle school.”

Mom slaps herself in the face, dragging her fingers across it in frustration.

“Oh Zoey, you're just as sweet as a beet! We're not related close enough to cows for it to be an issue. In fact my mama raised cows for their meat back on the farm!” Magnolia giggles.

“O-oh, I had no idea! I'm so sorry…”

“I uh, feel like I'm missing something. Is she a vegetarian?” Your dad says as he scratched his chin, “I got some hot dogs, they don't have any meat I think…”

“Hamburgers sound just lovely, darlin'.” She says, pulling out a handkerchief and laying it on her lap.

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a60b2a No.359564


Everyone ate their fill of food, while chatting about nothing in particular. Magnolia shared some stories about her life back home, which were rather limited as she came to this world as a young child.

Of course, you and Sofia stayed mostly quiet, merely listening to the adults talk among themselves. It started getting a bit boring.

But the wait became worth it when Sofia's dad brought out the shortcake from his cooler. Lovingly frosted and decorated intricately with expertly piped icing and glistening glazed strawberries and blueberries. It looked like something straight out of a cooking magazine cover. And it didn't just look good, it even managed to taste better than it looked.

As the sun began to lower ever closer to the tree line, everyone at the table was absolutely stuffed, while the dads had both gotten more than a little buzzed.

“I think me and Andy are gonna take a little walk.” Your dad slurs, “…Walk off summa this food.”

“Alright dear, I'll just clean everything up, then.” Your mom says, slightly annoyed as her husband stumbled off with the neighbor.

“Oh let them be, dear. I'll help you clean up.” Magnolia says, collecting some of the half empty food tubs and putting them into the cooler.

“Can me and John go play now?” Sofia asks your mom.

“Of course, dear. Just don't wander off too far! The fireworks will be starting in about an hour!”

“Come on, John! Let's go!” She shouts, excitedly running off without you.

“Could you come here for a moment, John? It'll just be a second.” Magnolia asks.

“Y-yes ma'am?” You say as you walk up to her.

“Just make sure you keep lil' Sofie safe, ya hear? It's a man's job to keep his friends safe, after all!”

“I will?” You say, a bit confused, “I think she's the one who would do the saving, if anything…”

Magnolia titters, “You'de be surprised darlin'. Run along then, don't keep her waitin'!”

“Yes, ma'am!” You say, running after Sofia, who waited for you in the distance.

“And come back before dark so I don't worry!” Your mom shouts out after you.

As you caught up with Sofia, the two of you continued your walk together.

“So what did Ms. Merryweather want to talk to you about?”

“I don't know, girl stuff I guess.” You shrug.

“She's a bit weird, can't believe she's going to be a teacher at our school.”

“At least she seems nice.”

“Yeah…” Sofia sounds dejected, “But you didn't think you were going to get out of our bet, did you?”

“N-no…” You moaned, having forgotten already, and dreading the consequences.

“We're going to go on an adventure!” She exclaims happily.

Dread knotted in the pit of your stomach. “Oh no…”

“Oh yes! But don't worry, cuz I know exactly where we're going this time!”

“Then where are we going?” You retort.

“It's a surprise!”

That only served to make you more worried. “We're going to die, aren't we.”

“No!” She scoff. “We'll be fine this time, I promise!”

You turned back to look where you were headed, and saw she was leading you straight to the forest. “Uh… Sofie…”

“You better not be chickening out, you promised!” She chides.

“B-but it's getting late.” You say, looking up at the sky as orange bled in from the west. Feeling an itch on your arm, you see a mosquito, and promptly smack it. “And there's bugs everywhere…”

“Aw, don't be a baby! Trust me, it's going to be great!” She says, walking into a gap in the trees fearlessly.

You whine under your breath as you follow into the woods, leaving the remaining sunlight behind you. Your eyes slowly adjust to the dark, but not enough to get a clear picture of your surroundings. You couldn't even see where Sofia had gone. “Sofia?” You call out softly.

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a60b2a No.359565



You shriek, and tried to jump away, but something grabs your hand and keeps you from doing so. “G-get away from me! Sofia! Help!”

“It's just me, John!” Sofia laughs, “Honestly, it's not THAT dark.”

“I can barely see anything!” You say,

“You need glasses or something? I can see just fine!” Her wry grin fades into something gentler, “Here, just hold on to my hand so we don't get separated, okay? “


Sofia lead you through the forest, practically dragging you around due to her quickened pace being difficult for you to keep up with.

The two of you wandered the forest for a long time, which grew darker with every passing minute. You tried to let go, just so you could take a breather, but whenever you loosened your own grip, Sofia would wordlessly tighten her own.

“We have to hurry or we'll miss it!” She would say.

But her insistence on her attachment made the trek difficult when the woods started sloping up until it was a steep hill.

“We're almost there!”

“Almost where?” You ask, growing impatient and scared by the encroaching darkness.


You both break out of the heavily shaded canopy, finding yourself in a small clearing on the top of a hill. The clearing was near completely covered by cracked, overgrown concrete, bordered off by an old, chain link fence that had large holes rusted through in several places. In the center, a rusty, metallic construct towered over the surrounding trees. If you had to guess, it looked like an old water tower.

“Come on, we don't have much time left!” Sofia says, crawling through a hole in the fence and running towards the building.

“W-wait!” You cry, seeing an old sign that said 'Keep out!', “I don't think we're supposed to be here!”

“It's fine, no one uses this any more.” She says.

Worried, you run after her. But before you can catch up, she's already climbing up the ladder that went up the side, which creaked ominously with her every step. “Sofia, this doesn't look safe!”

“John, don't be such a worrywart!” She groans.

“I just don't want you to get hurt!”

“Come on and keep up!” She says, climbing further without a fear.

Pacing back and forth, you fruitlessly looked around for an adult to tell the two of you to leave so Sofia would come to her senses and you wouldn't have to risk your life. But no one was around, and there was nothing you could do. “S-Sofia, I don't want to… I'm scared.”

She stops, and hangs from one hand and foot so she can turn to look down at you, “John, please. I promise you nothing bad will happen.”

“Y-you promise?”

Sofia's smile vanishes as she looks back at you, “John. Please?”

Taking a deep breath as you looked up at your friend, you muster what little courage you have, and set a hand on the first rung. The copper colored ferrous crust irritated your palm, but you ignored it. Climbing up by a single step, you freeze, and wait for it to fall off, or break, or something. But much to your relief, it felt completely sturdy, despite it's decrepit appearance. Slightly emboldened, you slowly make your way up, one rung at a time, stopping with each step to make sure it wouldn't buckle under your weight.

It took a lot to make sure you didn't look down, you had a feeling if you did, there would be no way you could continue up or back down.

Sofia climbed over the last run, and vanished over the edge.

“Are you still there?” You cry out.

“Yeah, I'm waiting on you, slow poke!”

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a60b2a No.359566


One foot, one hand, one foot, one hand, one after the other. You could feel the wind brushing your face as you noticed in the corner of your eyes, you had risen above the trees. Your heart was bouncing around in your chest, but the top was getting ever closer, until finally…

You reached out onto the roof of the water tower, and crawled on top of it, carefully walking to make sure you didn't fall. Every step wracked your body with vertigo, and looking anywhere other than where your feet stood filled you with terror.

Sofia sat at the edge, looking out. At the sound of your steps, she turns back to look at you and smiled, “I told you you'de be fine.” Your friend reaches out her hand, and looks at you patiently.

Going to her side, you take her hand, and sit next to her, the weightless grip tormenting your innards loosening as you did.

“Don't just watch the ground! Look!” She says, pointing out at the horizon.

The world below spanned out before you. The park, the forest surrounding you, the road leading into town, which sparkled in the horizon as the sun slowly touched down on it's edge. The sky was awash with vibrant shades of red, orange, and violet, stars faintly shining in the latter. It was all so breathtaking, you had completely forgotten about your fear.

In fact, the only other thing you were aware of, was despite having a decently strong grip, just how soft, and gentle Sofia's hand felt in yours. The fluttering in your heart returned, but stronger, radiating a warm tingling in your chest that spread to your entire body. It was thrilling, yet comforting at the same time. You and Sofia said nothing, watching night slowly claim the world around you with nothing but the sound of birds and the breeze.

A boom startled you out of your trance, and an explosion of colored fire bloomed in the sky. More followed after it, one after another, slowly and gradually increasing in tempo and power, building up to a victorious crescendo.

The sky became clouded by the pyrotechnics, their colors glowing on the edges of the park and everything within it.

The forest rumbled with their explosions, rattling your eardrums and the old steel that lie beneath you.

You felt Sofia's free hand dart across your lap and grab yours. Confused, you looked over at her.

Her face was inches from yours, freckled cheeks glowing pink. Hamburger tinged with hints of strawberries wafted out with her mouth, as she breathed heavily.

A haze overtook your mind, as reasoning seemed to escape you. “S-Sofia, are you oka-”

Her lips pressed against yours.

Hands slipped from your grip as she reached around and held you tight.

Your heart raced, your head filled with a sweet pink fuzz, and everything else vanished and went silent as the only thing you could feel was her touch, her heartbeat and breathing in your ears.

And just like that, she pulled away.

The boom of the fireworks returned, their glow illuminating her face in the night. Tears streaked down her cheeks as her lips curled, quivering as her breaths turned to sobs.

You open your mouth to speak, but the words never come. Everything is too much for you to take.

“You promised me…” She chokes, her eyes swelling with moisture “You promised me you would do whatever I wanted if I won.”

You begin to sober back up to reality, your faculties returning to you like a dive into ice water. But still, the words escape you.

“Then promise me… promise me!” She cries, throwing her head on your shoulder and wailing.

You stroke her back trying to comfort her. What else could you do?

“Promise me you won't leave me!”

You know you couldn't promise that, you wanted to, but you just…

“Why do you have to move away!?”

It wasn't up to you. You wanted to say, but it was too difficult to speak. Nothing you said would change anything.

“You're my best friend, John! Why!? Why do you have to do this!?”

You never had any friends. Your dad's job had you moving from state to state every couple of years. Sofia was the only person who ever really stuck with you.

“I love you!” She sobs, body shaking in your arms, ”So just… please… don't leave me… Please…”

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86daaa No.359588

I like it. Please continue, writefag.

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709418 No.359593


You have successfully made me interested in the characters and now I want to know what happens next. Continue Satan.

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a60b2a No.359675


Childhood passed you by quickly. You never really had much time to enjoy it. Your memories were a blur of unfamiliar places, packing boxes, and sleeping in the car. You would always look fondly back on the summers you spent with Sofia. But as you grew older, your heart grew distant as the memories faded, as it seemed you would probably never see her again.

As you reached adulthood, you enrolled to the university near where you had been living at the time. Of course, your father still had to work, and his job had him and your mother move away, leaving you behind in the city. Family gone, and still no friends to speak of left you feeling isolated and lonely, and you had trouble making any. It just felt like you couldn't connect with others even when you wanted to, like other people were speaking an entirely different language.

The world was changing so quickly, you could barely keep up. As the demi-kin population grew past that of human women, tensions that used to merely be a fringe minority began to grow more vocal and outspoken. Activist groups began to gain more traction, particularly in college campuses, where the passion of youth combined with the free time of college proved to be a potent catalyst for the movements. Young human women especially began to cling to these ideologies, feeling that their future was threatened by the demi-kin.

And how could they not? Demi-kin had been muscling human women out of the work-force, unable to compete with their monstrous strength, or in-born magical ability. Even socially, the relatively newly arrived demi-kin flourished, leaving all but the most beautiful or charismatic human women little more than pariahs. Claims of the demi-kin all sharing heritage with succubi, demons created solely for the pleasure of man, held a lot of weight when the average mamono could give a human supermodel a run for her money.

Adding insult to injury, men seemed all too ready and willing to replace human women with demi-kin. Who could blame them? Men, who had the hardest social ladder to climb throughout history, suddenly became valued, loved, almost equally. Women couldn't be too picky when the rise of monogamy came with a doubled female population. A population that was now tripping over themselves, vying for the attention of any man that would look their way.

So surely, this was the men's fault. They must have been the ones behind it. Were they the ones who created the portals that opened all those years ago? Did they genetically engineer these lascivious vixens? All to spite women, just when they had finally started to grasp gender equality?

Nobody knew for sure, and the demi-kin's sob stories of tragedy and ruin couldn't be trusted. Not when they were the enemy. But the fact that men turned their back on their own species' females proves their guilt just as much, if not more.

At least, that's what many of your professors drilled into your head. In all honesty, this was just more information for you to forget after the finals. You couldn't find it in yourself to feel the anger and passion your classmates had for it. But apparently this was just because you were a straight white male. The privilege from being born as such made you unable to fully grasp the hardships of less privileged peoples. You didn't want to be insensitive, you just wanted to get along with everyone. But this was just more motivation for you to keep to yourself.

But at the start of your junior year in college, something amazing had happened.

Sofia had enrolled in the same university as you. She had changed a lot over the years, but you still remembered each other clearly. Quickly becoming the best of friends with Sofia again, your life felt a bit more complete as you had her company for the next couple of years.

Sofia, of course, seemed all too eager to cling to this movement sweeping your school. So if she really cared about this, maybe it was more important than you had initially given it credit for. She always had a good head on her shoulders as far as you remember, even if she was a bit headstrong and foolhardy to a fault.

But you suppose that's why you liked her all those years ago, and why it was so easy for you to fall for her all over again.

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a60b2a No.359676


Two years had passed since then. You had graduated college, and a tumultuous economy and your urban surroundings had made your debut to adulthood an uphill struggle. You lived in a modest apartment complex in the sketchier side of town. At least, that's what your classmates had always referred it to, due to it's high population of demi-kin. But it was much cheaper, if anything, and the demi-kin never gave you too much trouble if you avoided walking outside alone at night.

You clutched a small gift box in your hands as you wore a path into the carpet. Sofia said she would be here soon, and the last time you looked at your cellphone… You hold that thought as you pull it out of your pocket and look at the lock screen's clock: 7:20 AM. Still plenty of time.

Pacing up to a mirror hanging on the wall, you make sure you still look presentable. Hair looks straight, skin clean. Glasses were a little crooked, but these thick rimmed frames never sat straight on your face in the first place.

You realized your hands were shaking, and you had to slacken your grip on the gift, lest you crush the box. There was no reason to be so nervous.

Absentmindedly gazing over at your desk, you grab a small picture frame. It was a picture of you as a kid at a family barbecue. You waved shyly at the camera, while a taller, redheaded young girl held your hand, giving a big toothy smile as she waved her whole arm excitedly. Sofia was quite the tomboy back then, getting herself hurt during her little adventures in the woods. But the injuries did nothing to stop her pioneering spirit, much to her parent's chagrin. She always dragged you along for the ride, and even though at the time you protested and loathed the dangerous journeys she took you on, nowadays, you found yourself longing for those simpler times.

You were so lucky to have such a good friend. But sometimes you wished, maybe the two of you could be more again.

And today you were going to change that. It's been over two years since you reunited in college, and you never once saw her dating anyone. In fact, you're fairly certain she spent more time with you than anyone else. So surely you had a chance at taking your relationship further. You just hope she likes the gift-

A knock on the door startles you out of your nostalgic daydreaming.

“Coming!” You call out, gently setting the picture frame back onto the desk. With a few long strides, you unlock the and open the door, cold gust of Winter air rushing inside.

A healthy woman of size stepped inside your apartment, standing firmly below chest height, and scowling with disdain as she panted heavily. Her puffy cheeks burned red from the cold and exertion, double chin jiggling slightly with each breath. Her red, short-cropped hair frizzed out from underneath a rainbow-colored knitted beanie cap, her generously Rubenesque form hidden by a large padded coat.

“I was wondering when you'd get here, Sofie.” You smile, slightly concerned, “Are you okay?”

“Ugh, why do you still live in this ableist shithole!? There's no elevator!” She gasps, doubling over before stumbling and plopping into your sofa. “I should sue that creepy landperson.”

“She's… nice, when you get to know her.” You murmur nervously, almost forgetting how touchy a subject it was.

“She's a demi-kin whore!” Sofia tries to shout, but fails from lack of breath, settling to just recline her head back into the couch. “… I keep telling you… to move… You're supporting the patriarchy by giving that weird goat thing money.”

“I told you this is the cheapest place in the area. I can't afford to move…”

“I don't think you understand, John.” She sighs, “I just don't want you being influenced by those freaks. You're too nice, and trusting. Exactly the kind of guy those mindless rapists try to take advantage of.”

“I-I know.” You stutter, before realizing you almost forgot. Nearly dropping it from your now sweaty hands, you extend the gift box out in front of Sofia,“I-I uh, have a present for you!”

Scowl lifting in slight curiosity, she snatches it away from you, “Oh?” Ripping the paper away, she reveals a cardboard box, which she quickly opens.

“Well?” You say, trying to contain your anticipation.

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a60b2a No.359677


She pulls out a scarf that matched the color scheme of her beanie cap. “It's matches!” She chimes happily.

“I figured since it was cold…” You trail off.

“This will be great for the protest!” Sofia smiles as she wraps it around her neck, snuggling it against her cheek as she does.

“I'm so glad you like it.” You say, feeling relieved. “I spent a lot of time knitting it, and made sure to use a yarn made of soy-based plant fibers.” Money was always tight, so buying gifts was out of the question. But your mom always told you that gifts you make yourself always meant a whole lot more.

Leaning forward, she rocks back and forth, until she gets enough momentum to roll herself off the couch, and onto her feet. A few sharp breaths, and she straightens her coat back out. “Thank you so much John! You're so thoughtful.” Sofia stares at you silently for a moment, keeping her distance, but looking a bit tentative.

“Hehe… thanks.” You chuckle coyly, trying to break the awkward silence

Quickly unwinding the scarf from her neck, she then unbuttons her coat and opens it up, fanning her face with her hand, “But why is your apartment so hot!?”

Sofia wore an XXXL t-shirt underneath her coat, her bare stomach peeking out beneath the hem and hanging over her pelvis. You're not sure how it happened, but Sofia gained a lot of weight over years you spent apart. She said it was genetic, which confused you, since both her mother and father were rather trim. But it wasn't your place to second guess her own body you suppose.

“I bet it's that fucking goat. She's fucking with the thermostat to spite me!”

You knew the landlady didn't do that, because you had full control over your air conditioner. But you knew how she got around demi-kin, so you simply nodded in agreement with Sofia's ranting.

It helped give you an excuse not to look at her chest though. She wasn't wearing a bra today, not that she ever really did. She said they were a construct made by men to subjugate women. You tried to tell her a woman invented them, but then she went on about internalized misogyny, and you didn't want to open up that can of worms again. She didn't really need one anyways, you imagined, as her breasts were inexplicably petite despite her size. But the cold air was making her nipples stand at attention regardless of that.

Sofia looks up at you, and quickly turns away, buttoning her coat back up. “John! Were you looking at my…?”

“N-no!” You lie, looking away in guilt.

“See what I mean, John? Being surrounded by all these rapists is putting your mind in the gutter!”

“I'm sorry!” You say, feeling horrible, “I didn't mean to! I-I just-”

“Don't apologize, honestly. You know Jordan is still looking for a roommate~! You should really take him up on the offer.”

“But he lives in the north side! The rent there is outrageous! Even sharing the rent would be nearly five times what I'm paying here!” You explain.

“Can you really put a price on your mental health, though? You won't be surrounded by squalor, it's a safer neighborhood, and best of all there's like, no demi-kin there.” She says, slinging her bag back over her shoulder before looking at her phone, “Anyways, we can talk about this later. We gotta run some errands before the protest, don't want to be late, or it'll be impossible to get through the crowds.”

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a60b2a No.359678


As the two of you left the apartment, a gruff voice graced with a latin accent and forty years of chain smoking piped up from across the complex.

“Good morning, John! Are you and your little girlfriend going out for a breakfast date?” A diminutive, old, baphomet waves happily at you. Her hunched, petite frame, and small stature at odds with her bass-baritone range.

“N-no ma'am Mrs. Mangifera, we're-”

“I don't 'belong' to anyone! I'm not some man's property, you caprine creep!” Sofia shouts.

The landlady cocks her head, before fiddling with her hearing aid, “I didn't hear you quite right, but have a good day, you two!” She calls out with a smile, before turning back to her tasks.

“That… cud muncher! I'm going to give her a piece of my mind!”

“S-Sofia, just let it go! She's not worth it! She's just an old lady!” You plead, putting yourself between her and the beeline she was making towards Mrs. Mangifera. “We're going to be late to the protest!”

“Your days are numbered, goat!” Sofia shouts, pointing threateningly at her as you held her back.

The landlady perks her head up, and smiles, waggling her fingers at your friend, seemingly unaware of her harsh words.

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e77fc2 No.359681

File: 044c9d7256f2286⋯.png (41.89 KB,464x559,464:559,1454695469671-4.png)

>childhood friend got hit hard by the current year instead of monsterizing into a devoted semen demon

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a60b2a No.359705


“Ugh, I can't believe that bitch… Who does she think she is… Creepy horns… Bet she eats tin cans…” Sofia mutters angrily under her breath, as she had been the entire walk into town.

You could only stew in shame, wishing there was a way to make her feel better.

But her grumbling goes quiet, her nose scrunching up in revulsion.

A young couple about your age walked down the sidewalk in the opposite direction, hand in hand. The woman was quite obviously a mamono. A yeti from the looks of it. She had long, but deliciously curvy legs, tightly hugged in black yoga pants that left little to the imagination, decency covered by a comfy looking sweater, that, despite it's modest fit, did nothing to hide the jaw dropping proportions of her thin waist and hefty bosom.

“Ugh, don't look at that freak.” Sofia says, loud enough for the couple to hear.

Not that you were looking. That would be misogynistic.

You had already been staring at the ground out of reflex whenever you saw a demi-kin. But you had turned your head away even further, not at the behest of your friend, but out of shame of the scene she was causing. You wish she could just be polite sometimes. But you suppose she's just riled up because of the protest today.

The couple glances over at the two of you as they walk past. The young man scowls at her, but his monstrous lover only gives her a sorry frown.

Sofia really was a good person at heart. You know she just wants whats best for everybody, she just let her passion get in the way of her tact sometimes.

“God damn, it was like she had a couple of tumors on her chest.” Sofia gags as you put the couple behind you. “Only man-children with mommy issues would find that shit attractive. Probably implants, or whatever they're calling their 'magic' bullshit.”

“Haha… yeah…” You chuckle nervously under your breath.

“You weren't looking at them, were you!?” She says, almost accusatory.

“No! I wasn't!” Your heart was pounding in fear. You just wanted this date to go nicely! Not that this was a date, since that's a concept made to oppress women, but… Without thinking, you stoop down slightly and grab her hand, before looking into her lovely green eyes, “W-Why would I look at her? You're the only girl I would ever want to look at!”

She stares back up at you, mouth agape in shock. It was hard to tell in this cold weather, but her cheeks seemed to turn a darker shade of red as her eyes dart back and forth.

It felt like your heart was threatening to explode out of your chest. This wasn't how you wanted things to go today, but you hoped, maybe it would improve her mood to know just how devoted to her and her cause you were. “Sofia, I just wanted you to know that you mean the world to me, and, all I ever want is to see you happy.”

Her shock fades away as her face twists into discomfort, shaking it frantically, before wrenching her hand out of your grip.

Your heart dropped.

“L-look, John. This is why we need to get rid of these freaks. They're tainting your mind with… with misogyny… and… stuff…” She trails off, looking at the ground to avoid your eyes.

“B-but I-” You stammer fruitlessly.

“John, I just… It wouldn't work out, okay?” She closes her eyes and turns away, “Let's just forget this happened, alright?”

“Y-yeah… okay….” You whisper, only able to stand there as you tried to pick up the pieces of your broken heart.

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e2c1e6 No.359709

File: c41030edc8f028f⋯.jpg (346.93 KB,1956x2068,489:517,700.jpg)

File: 90eb32c1f53dc67⋯.png (107.78 KB,454x597,454:597,MO0HRlU.png)


Not sure if I should feel anger towards her or really at the MC. Either way awesome story anon.

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da7eb0 No.359729

File: 696d1c24bfaadca⋯.jpg (418.83 KB,1762x1554,881:777,I'm_trying.jpg)

File: 855e1a10bee0776⋯.jpg (490.13 KB,2048x1150,1024:575,Ben speaking the truth.jpg)


both, she became a degenerate landwhale whore and the mc lacks any form of spine. they are not humans, but trash in human skin

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da7eb0 No.359731

File: 4a9f0ba5f964c79⋯.jpg (76.94 KB,367x500,367:500,1440483918107.jpg)


forgot sage time for sudoku

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141798 No.359763


He could alp

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6bb061 No.359766

File: d513c0459a39de8⋯.jpg (222.52 KB,864x1152,3:4,2.jpg)


>MAMONO MANA turns gay men into women

Why can't it just make them straight like it does with lesbians?

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709418 No.359768


Ouch, right in the feels. Also, technically it seems to flow pretty well. Keep up the good work.


I feel where you're coming from, but the Main Character's love is pure and selfless. That love may be the antithesis of Game, that love may be almost impossible for a 3D to accept, but damn it this is the Last Bastion of Romance. I refuse to condemn him for it. Note that deep down Sophia seems to care for him too, but something is preventing her from accepting his love. Last thread we talked a lot about the ethics of transformation; especially the fear of losing one's very self to the transformation. It looks like Anon is setting up a sincere story about finding yourself through change. Legit hyped to see where he's going with it.

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7563d5 No.359778


Interesting. Continue herr anon, wanna see where this goes.

If you transform female lead without using MAMONOMANA on her personality and mental state (sex drive aside) this is going to be one hell of a story

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6bb061 No.359789



Go away SpaceBattles.

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3bf132 No.359797


Time and conditioning had mess them up but it cannot be helped. Once you understand how it happens you can only accept that they change for the worse and move on, less they ask you help them change for the better.


My guess is that she feels that she is not the same person as she was before and that could mean many things. She know that she is not good enough for him if she compares herself from before both physically and mentally (being a fat bitch). She does not believe that he would remember her, still have feelings for her and even stay single for her all of this time which is honestly some what understandable considering that there are better competitors out there (i do not think that human girls cannot even get sex much less a relationship); therefore, it is too much to ask her to keep her hopes up and believe in such idealistic romanticism. It does not help that due to his feelings, introverted personality, and college indoctrination he is kind of a simp. my guess that she would most likely turn into a baphomet, witch, or a lizard girl to become who she was once more and would somehow make the MC a aggressive man with magic, a strong fit man via training.

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d6f37f No.359801

I want Wonderland monster stories.

What would cause a sudden monsterization of women into wonderland monsters?

What if somebody were to circulate a new edition of "Alice in Wonderland" but the Alice protagonist is the Lilim Red Queen, and the book transforms the women who read it into her subjects?

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ba6026 No.359812


Forcefully rehabilitating anti-mamono psychopaths is hardly edgy, anon. It's the height of nobility.

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ec982c No.359817


It's a lot faster and cheaper to just shoot them.

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e73d55 No.359829




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45cc6d No.359832


Iunno on making MC more aggressive. She herself being turned in a way that lets her recapture her former glory, definitely, but the MC has always been meek and captured her heart once long ago because of it.

I'm thinking more hellwan or other femdom types. Though one of the more equal ones (so not actually nighounds) due to being sort of a redemption arc and "redeeming" to a hard Ds feels wrong.

Or possibly holstaurus, since the author has focused on tits a few times now and introduced us to one at the start… But while the supporting text is there, the character personalities aren't.change my mind

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3bf132 No.359837


She wants the MC to win against her, to keep his promise and likely be forceful; which monster fits into that stereotype? That is why I mention the Baphomet, the witch, or the lizard, though a wolf girl may be a viable option, they all want the man to be powerful, overcome them, and or protect them. And as for your Holstaurus hypothesis, while the author does focus on the breast, the girl was also fixated on the hoofs, get what else got hoofs? The Baphomet does and guess what the Baphomet does, turn women into little girls with animal traits and sometimes they may turn into Baphomets.

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a60b2a No.360006


As Sofia walks into the convenience store, you're only vaguely aware of footsteps approaching from behind you.

“Excuse me.” A gentle, soft, feminine voice says.

You slowly turn around, and quickly jerk your head up shamefully as you nearly catch an eyeful of well endowed sweater yeti.

“I-I'm sorry!” You panic, nearly straining a neck muscle looking away.

“Actually, me and my husband wanted to apologize to you.” She said with a forlorn tone.

“Yeah, man, we're really sorry.” The yeti's husband adds.

“Uh…” You weren't sure how to react, as you didn't expect anything like this. “I-It's fine.”

“We wanted to make it up to you, actually.” The yeti says, “We were on our way to have lunch with my sister, and it would be nice if you joined us. She's kind of shy and has trouble talking to guys, and we thought-”

“T-thanks, but I have things to do with my g-guh… my friend, Sofia, today.”

The man reaches out and grabs your shoulder, looking at you sadly for some reason. You wish he wasn't touching you, though, it was making you uncomfortable. He opens his mouth to speak, but can't seem to find the words.

“Darling, it's okay. Don't force him into anything.” She says, gently pulling his hand off your shoulder, and increasing your heart rate by several bpm when her ample bust rubbed up against your arm in the process.

“S-sorry, man. Look…” He reaches into his wallet and pulls out a business card, handing it to you. “If you decide to let us make it up to you, here's our number.”

“Oh, t-thanks, but you don't need to do anything for me.” You said, feeling guilty they were apologizing, especially since you were going to protest his wife and all of her kind later today. “But hey, if I ever need…” You glance over his business card, “Uh… couples… counseling… I'll uh… give you… a… uh…” You trail off, feeling a bit hopeless.

“We're so sorry for bothering you. Please try to have a nice day!” The yeti apologizes, giving a small bow, before pulling her husband along as she walks off.

You watched them quickly walk away, the man glancing back at you anxiously before they turn a corner and vanish.

You sigh, and slowly trudge into the convenience store

As you entered, Sofia was already waiting at the counter, tapping the counter nervously as she inserted her credit card through the terminal again.

A harsh buzz, and the listless looking cashier slowly blinks his eyes as if he were counting down the seconds to his own death, “Still declined, ma'am.” He drones.

“I-I swear there was money in the account this morning…” You could see a bead of sweat form on Sofia's face as she dug around in her purse.

“Don't worry, Sofie, I'll get that for you!” You say with a smile. You could never stand to see her sad, and seeing her smile always made you feel better.

And you really could stand to feel better right now.

As you run up to the counter, and pull out your wallet, you see a small mountain of microwave burritos, cheese crackers, candy bars, half a dozen cans of sweet iced tea, a pack of cigarettes… Your wallet was crying out in anguish over the haul. How were you going to make rent this month like this?

But it was too late now, you already promised, and there was no way you could back out at this point.

“John, you don't have to…” Sofia says, but the gentle smile on her face looked just like it did when you first met her, and it ripped away any last shred of common sense that you had.

“N-nonsense, it's no trouble!” You say, mindlessly pulling out your debit card and inserting it into the terminal. You tapped through the prompts on screen, and entered in Sofia's birth date when it asked for the PIN.

But Sofia's smile was gone, her eyes looking down at the purchase as she packed it in her cooler bag. “Thanks… I… I'll meet you outside.”

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a60b2a No.360007


The clerk lazily handed you a receipt, and a heavy weight bore down on your mind as you looked over the total. You were seriously going to have to get a third job at this rate.

“A-are you hiring?” You ask.

“Apply online.” The clerk groans, sinking his cheek into his fist as he lazily slumped onto the counter, never even looking up from his cellphone.

“Is there a manager I can talk to or-”

“Apply online.” He repeats with more impatience, eyes still on his phone as he points at his name-tag: Dennis; Store Manager.

You sigh, and pull out your own phone, pulling up the store's website and slowly walking around the store aimlessly as you filled out the application.

“Yeah, the whore practically fucking raped him right there on the street.” Sofia scoffs, before taking a puff of a cigarette held in the same hand as a half eaten, steaming hot convenience store tofu burrito.

She was talking to Jordan, a tall, athletic looking woman. Out of all of Sofia's friends, she was probably the most popular, and conventionally attractive. Despite lacking the curvaceous proportions that most demi-kin seemed to have, she had a well toned body from years of physical training, that did little to mar her feminine features. Her short, blonde hair was shaved into a faux-hawk, and dyed a bright pink. Covered in head to toe in thick, black clothes that still offered mobility, and wearing a red bandanna around her neck, she was obviously prepared for the protest today. Hanging from her belt was massive hand cannon, a D&C500, which Jordan proudly showed off on regular occasion. On the other side was her mace. Not the kind of mace you would use to incapacitate a mugger by blinding them, but an honest to god flanged mace that could incapacitate someone just as easily, but for good.

Her arms were crossed, and eyebrows knit as she listened to Sofia. But when she noticed your approach, her expression softened, and her lips curled into a slight grin.

“Hey Jordan…” You give a weak little wave hello.

“Good day, John!” She says in a cheerful, but authoritative voice, as she brushes her hair back, “What's this I heard about a run in with a monster?”

“Oh, nothing really. We-”

“John, why did you not smite the foul beast where she stood for daring to disgrace the ground you walk upon!? I would drag them to the dungeon for a long, and torturous death for a lesser slight!”

“T-they didn't do any… “ Confused stares and cocked eyebrows from the two of them quickly change your tone, “Th-they apologi-” Sofia glances over to Jordan, and grimaces in embarrassment. “…S-sorry…” Even if you wanted to, you weren't exactly a peak physical specimen. You had always wanted to work out, but any time you started, Sofia would scold you for pursuing something so toxic.

It was times like those that made you wonder what happened to the old Sofia who loved to run and climb trees. But you always dismissed those trains of thought as immature.

“Do not worry, brother. If I see them, I will give her a taste of JUSTICE!” She says, smiling before firmly grasping your shoulder and pulling you into a half embrace as she grabs her mace and holds it aloft, “For today is a glorious day! We will show our solidarity against these abominations, and strike fear into the hearts of them, and their faithless sympathizers!” She continues to ramble on about JUSTICE against facism and non-human rapists. Honestly you had no idea what half of it meant, and while it certainly sounded inspiring, she only managed to draw some confused sidelong glances from passerby. Without wanting to be rude, you tried to pull away from her grip. For some reason Jordan always wore the most dizzyingly overpowering perfume, and it made it difficult to breathe around her.

Sofia smiles as she watches Jordan getting lost in the moment, “So, hey, are you doing anything later? John's free from work tonight, and-”

“I'm afraid I'm not free for the next couple of days, m'lady!” mercifully letting you go as she catches her breath for a moment, “After patrolling the streets for inhuman ne'er-do-wells, I must return home to prepare for my housewarming party Wednesday, where all allies of the cause are invited!” She flips her hair out of her eyes, and kneels before you, staring you in the eyes with a passionate intensity, “But not before seeking out the foul monstrous harlot who accosted you, and doling out divine retribution!”

You nervously look around, “T-that's okay. Don't strain yourself on my account.”

“Nonsense! It would be an honor to fight for yours, m'lord!” She gets back up to her feet and bows, “So if it pleases you, I shall take my leave to see to it that abomination cannot escape JUSTICE!” Without waiting for a response, she storms off down the street.

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a60b2a No.360024


Ignoring the knot forming at the pit of your stomach, you look at your phone and notice the time, “Uh… Sofie… we're going to be late if we don't get your coffee soon.” You say quietly.

“Yeah, and it's all the fault of that… that, mamono eskimo bimbo. Fucking rapists flooding this city and the police don't do a damn thing about it because they let them in the force.” She sneers, “Demi-kin are taking all of our government positions, all the highest paying jobs, and get preferential treatment to REAL women, and people have the ignorance to say there's no corruption causing it!?”

“S-sorry.” You croak

“Stop saying sorry! It's not your fault, just… would you mind holding the cooler for me? It's really heavy.” She says, handing the bag to you.

Slinging the heavy pack over your shoulder, you follow after Sofia as she continues down the road.

“Honestly, John. You're too nice to those demi-freaks. You really need to stand up for yourself more.” Sofia says, exasperated.

“Oh for fucks sake!” She groans, as the two of you stare at the massive line in front of the Soycucks.

“Guess everyone want's hot coffee to warm them up today. It is supposed to be record low temperatures after all.” You say.

“I'm not waiting in this fucking line.” She huffs, crossing her arms indignantly.

“Well… you can go on to the protest, I'll wait in line and bring-”

“Hey there!” A man called out, “You two aren't really going to wait in line for some of that shitty coffee, are you?”

You turn to face a bearded man in an apron. Even through his jacket he seemed rather fit, and the way he walked gave him an air of confidence you found yourself feeling a bit jealous of.

“Hey, it's not shitty coffee.” Sofia growls, “It's all fair trade, responsibly sourced, organic, vegan-”

“Yeah, and run by a dragon owned conglomerate.” He scoffs.

“What?” She gasps, “I had no idea.”

“Yeah, there's nothing those greedy scaled bastards won't do. Why do you think their drinks are so expensive, but their workers are paid so little?”

“T-that makes sense.” She says.

“Well hey, if you feel like getting some real ethical coffee not run by a money grubbing cryptoscalie, we have a tent set up over on main street by the protest. And best of all, we're giving drinks away free to show our support for you brave freedom fighters!”

Your wallet sighed in relief. You really weren't sure you even had any money left. “That's so generous.”

“Nothing to it, man.” He says, giving you a baleful smile as he glances over at Sofia who continued cramming the rest of her burrito into her maw, “You can follow me if you want, there shouldn't be a line yet, but I can't guarantee that for long. But uh…”

Sofia snorted and grunted as she struggled to chew the too large bite in her mouth.

“You two uh… REALLY look like you could use some coffee, so I'll make sure you get in the front of the line.”

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a60b2a No.360029


As you followed the man to main street, Sofia rambled on about a bunch of articles she read online about demi-kin related crime.

“…And can you believe how often demi-kin get away with rape on a daily basis? And have the gall to say underprivileged countries are the ones with rape culture!?” She scoffs, “Like, hello? Look in your own privileged shit hole before you start pointing fingers, you bigoted shitlord.”

“Yeah, yeah…” The man groans, nodding his head, “Fuckin' tragedy… Hey! We're here, and uh… looks like quite a line already.” He looks back at you guiltily, “Hang back, I'll just get you two drinks myself. Anything in particular?”

“I'll have a trenta salted caramel soy latte.” Sofia snaps, “Extra milk and extra shots of caramel!” She adds.

“Uh, same… I guess… but uh, small, please.” You weren't really a coffee person, so you trusted Sofia's judgment. You just wanted something to warm you up, mostly.

“You got it.” He says, clicking his tongue as he shot a couple finger guns are the two of you. “I'll be one moment.”

Sofia tapped away at her phone, engrossed in whatever it was she was doing.

“Hey, Sofia… I just wanted to apologize.” You say.

She glances at you over her screen. “Yeah?”

“For earlier. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just-”

“Look, don't worry about it.” She says, looking back at her phone, “You're my best friend in the world. Just… just don't bring that up again.”

You didn't really have any other friends. You were lucky just to have her, after all. And you were content with that.

But were you really?

No. You were fine with it, that was just your toxic masculinity talking.

“Hey, hope you weren't waiting long!” The man comes back carrying two massive coffee cups, and a medium one, which he promptly handed to you. “I accidentally made some extra, so here you are.” He says, handing the two massive ones to Sofia.

“How the hell did you 'accidentally' make an extra thirty-one ounces of latte?” Sofia says mockingly as she struggled to juggle the two gargantuan drinks. “And these cups better be made of recycled materials.”

“That's a man for you.” He shrugs, flashing a cocky grin as he shakes his head, “Always forgetting things. And yes, our cups and utensils are only ever made with recycled materials!”

“Okay, then…” She says, before attempting to sip from one of her cups, “Yeowch!”

“Oh, careful, it's hot!” He says, before turning to you. “Well, if you'll excuse me, I need to help the others back at the stand. Good luck at the protest you two!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Sofia huffs, shoving one of the massive cups into your hands, “Could you hold this for me, John?”

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087a5c No.360031

File: 909b8763e7be136⋯.jpg (145.72 KB,4685x2457,4685:2457,ofs.jpg)

Same guy who posted big Ben's words of truth, you cheeky fucker, I see what you did.

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368376 No.360038


Sacrifice, did you really think that we wouldn't catch on to your scheme?

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a60b2a No.360040


As you approached the square in front of city hall where the protest was taking place, it was already filled with throngs of people. The majority of them were people of size, while the others were thin privileged. There never seemed to be anything in between at these gatherings. Protesters were already chanting and threateningly brandishing picket signs over their heads.

Were you supposed to bring a sign? You completely forgot about those. Feeling a bit left out started making you nervous, so you clutched at your coffee for comfort, enjoying it's heat.

Sofia tentatively takes another sip, and seems to be able to handle it's heat now. Her eyes flutter wide open, and she looks at one of her cups with amazement, “Wow! This tastes amazing!”

“Really? I haven't had mine yet…”

“That dumb ass didn't put enough caramel in it though…” She gives an annoyed scowl, but quickly stuffs it with her cup, taking a long, drawn out swig.”Ahhh… It's still the best latte I've ever had in my life! Shit… what coffee shop was doing that promotion, anyways? I can't believe we've never heard of it!”

“I don't know. I didn't see any signage or branding back at the tent.” You admit. You should've been paying attention. So you prepared yourself for a verbal lashing from Sofia.

But she only shrugs, “It's fine, we can always go back later.”

“Y-you're not upset?”

“Nah, I'm fine now that I've got some coffee.” She says, before upending the drink and sucking down the rest of it in one gulp.

“D-don't hurt yourself. Isn't that hot?”

“Kind of, but it's so good!” She says, making a beckoning motion with her hands, “Hand me the other cup! I gotta have more of it!”

“Maybe you shouldn't-” She snatches it from your hands, before going to town on it. “…Drink so much so quickly. I-it can't be good for you. You might get sick-”

“Ahhh, nonsense.” She sighs, cupping her cheek as she grins ecstatically, “It's organic AND vegan, it's nothing but good for you!” Sofia was quick to resume drinking the latte with gusto.

“Mamo-no more, of those monstrous whores!” You heard one of the protest leaders shout over a megaphone, the crowd repeating it back.

“The American government is no place for demi-kins! We want Governor Hoshi to step down from office and give the position to a rightful human woman that's free from the demons' taint!”

“That's MRS. GOVERNOR TAIKI “HULK” HOSHI to you, you bunch of unwashed socialist pinkos!” The Governer shouted over the crowd as she stepped out of the building. “And let me tell you, sister, that I'm the BREW, DAIGINJŌ-SHU! I've help cut down taxes in the lower and middle tax brackets, as well as government spending in this state by twenty percent in my first year alone, and I'm JUST. GETTIN'. STARTED!” The statuesque red oni flashes a confident smile as she flexes and poses with every word, muscles bulging out from underneath her business suit.

“Boooooo!” The crowd jeers, throwing rocks and trash up at the Governor.

“You rich, privileged, rapist enablers cut taxes for you and your cronies, and take it away from programs that help the less fortunate!” Blasts over the megaphone.

“Are you even listening, sister!? I said the LOWER TAX BRACKETS! And the homeless population has decreased by five percent! Do I gotta take ya to school and learn ya some politics, the HOSHSTER'S WAY!?” She tries to shout over the crowd, but they were only getting louder and rowdier.

“Your lies won't fool us, demi-kin whore!”

“Mamo-no more, of those monstrous whores! Mamo-no more, of those monstrous whores!!” The crowd chants.

You go along halfheartedly, you didn't really feel as angry as everyone else. You never could muster up as much anger as Sofia and her friends. But you knew they just wanted what was best for everyone. That was why they got so worked up over it. Maybe it's because you felt so ignorant of everything, you just didn't feel like you could commit to taking a passionate stance like that without knowing it well enough. But whenever you thought you understood, Sofia or her friends would tell you you were completely wrong. You just wanted everyone to get along, honestly. Maybe if demi-kin just saw all the harm they were doing to human women, they could start the healing process and everyone could just be friendly to one another. Maybe if we could just talk instead of shouting angrily at each other-

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a60b2a No.360042


“Mamo-no more, of those monstrous whores!” Sofia chanted along, raising her coffee cup up into the air with each chant, “Mamoh… no…” She groans, before clutching her stomach, cup falling to the ground and spilling out as the lid popped off, “Hrkk…”

“S-Sofie! Are you okay!?” You shout, reaching out, but recoiling just before your hands touch her.

“Nnn-no! I'm not okay!” She grunts. “I feel… I don't feel good…”

“I told you not to drink so much coffee so fast! That was nearly half a gallon of coffee in only a half hour! We need to take you to a hospital, or something!”

“NnnnnNO!” I don't need to go to a fucking hospital, it's too fucking far to walk to! J-j-j-JUST, take me back to your place… ughh… then you can drive me…”

You navigated through the crowd of protesters, and notice a one or two of them also looked a bit under the weather. Maybe there was a bug going around? But you had to focus on your task-

Sofia leaned against you, encumbering you with her extra generous weight as she moaned in pain. “John… please… carry me… my legs feel like jelly…”

“I… I…” You stammer nervously. You didn't want to tell her there was no way you could carry her. But with the cooler, your drink, her purse. There was no way you could!

But you found yourself about to try as you stoop down, and beckon her over.

Trudging behind you, she collapses on to your back, nearly cracking it in half in the process. Knees wobbling weakly, you muster every ounce of strength in your legs, and manage to stand up. The pride of your achievement in machismo, as toxic as it was, would not last long. You quickly remember you had to walk.

And it was a ten minute walk back to your house unburdened.

By some miracle of god, you made it back to your apartment complex. You had always dreamed of being in Sofia's arms, body pressed up against you like this again, but right now, you were too tired and too concerned to really appreciate the situation.

And unfortunately, Sofia's condition seemed to have only gotten worse. Her face was a deep red, far beyond something caused by mere cold exposure. You didn't want to touch her without consent (completely forgetting she had been draped over you for the past half hour.) but you didn't have to. Just bringing your hand close to her face, you could feel immense heat radiating from it. It couldn't be frostbite. The flu? Pneumonia? Thoughts raced through your head as looked around for Sofia's car.

“S-Sofie… where did you park?”

“Unnggh… over there…” She says, weakly pointing in a general direction that did nothing to help.

“I don't see anything…”

“Unnggghhhh…! There… at the corner.”

“Here?” You say, pointing at an empty parking space.


“This is a handicapped spot.”


“You don't have a handicapped placard do you?”

“No, why?”

“Sofia, you can't park there! It got towed!”

“Unnnggh! Whatever! Just drive me to the hospital in your car!”

“I don't have a car!” You pant, the argument sapping the last of your strength while you struggled to keep your legs from snapping.

“God damn it John, why are you so broke all the time!?”

“I'm sorry…” You didn't know college would put you so neck deep in debt. Nearly all of your money every month went to paying it off, and the degree wasn't worth it at all. “L-look, let's get you out of the cold, and I'll… I'll call an ambulance.” Your wallet screamed in terror. This was going to put you out on the streets, but you couldn't just let her languish in her illness. Maybe Mrs. Mangifera would cut you some slack on the rent if you begged her.

“Stop saying-! …Ugh, whatever. Just -ughh…” She dry heaves, “…Whatever…”

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a60b2a No.360043


Stumbling into your apartment, you begrudgingly lug Sofia into your bedroom, which looked like a dirty clothes bomb went off inside it. “Sorry, I didn't have time to clean up.”

“Just… stop.”

“I'm sorry…”

“Stop saying sorry! …Unh… Just… set me down on the bed.”

“Let me just get my clothes off of-”


“Okay, okay!” A few more painful steps, and Sofia graciously slides off your back, much to the relief of your miraculously still intact spine.

Struggling to reach out, she slowly crawls up the bed, and rests her head on your pillow, gasping from the effort.

“Aren't you hot? Do you want me to leave so you can take off your coat?” You ask.

“N-no… I'm mean, I feel like I'm burning up, but… unh… freezing cold at the same time… Do you have a blanket?”

“Yeah, hold on.” You kneel down and pick up your blanket off the floor, handing it to her.

“John, I can barely move… Please… use your brain…” She looks so exhausted, she can't even muster up the strength to knit her brow the way she often does.

“Sorry…” You apologize again, as you spread the blanket over Sofia, careful not to touch her.

“Ugh… and stop saying sorry! It's just making me feel shittier… Fuck…” She groans. “Do you not have any more blankets?”

“I… that's all I have…”

“Unghh…” She mumbles in disappointment, before closing her eyes and shivering.

She felt like she was burning up, how could she be so cold. Could it be the food poisoning? Or maybe even E. coli? You should still wait for a medical professional's opinion either way. You pull out your cell phone, and start to look up the number to the hospital, when you realize the web browser wasn't working. You had zero bars. But weren't you connected to the wireless router?

Wait, you had a text message.

[Your payment for the current month of service is late. A late fee of forty-five dollars will be added to your account for every day the payment is not made. Please contact this number to make a payment, available twenty-four seven…]

You had to restrain yourself to keep from screaming at the top of your lungs. You had forgotten to pay your cell bill! And your bank account was practically empty until pay day, which was still four days away!”

Okay, don't panic, you can just use Sofia's phone.

“Sofia, I need to use your phone to call an ambulance. My cell phone service is out.”

“Sure.” She mumbles. “In… purse…”

You left her purse by the apartment's entrance. Along with the cooler bag, and the coffee you still hadn't gotten around to drinking. Might as well put those away while you're at it. As you stuff them inside the refrigerator, you find yourself thankful for once that it was empty enough to fit the entire cooler inside without having to rearrange anything. Setting the coffee cup beside the bag, you close the door and go grab Sofia's purse, carrying it back to your bedroom.

“Okay, I have your purse. I'm going to go inside it where you can see me so you know I'm not violating your personal property.”

“John just get the fucking phone, I don't care how you do it.” She grumbles.

“Okay, okay! S-” You stop yourself, “Okay…” Digging around, you feel her phone and pull it out. Pressing the lock button, you look back over to Sofia, “Okay, what's the password for your-” You look down and see it's already on the menu screen. “Oh. Nevermind.” Guess she didn't put a password on her lock screen.

Just as soon as you press the phone button on the menu, a big, red, low battery symbol flashes on the phone with a warning beep, before the screen goes dark.

No problem, just gotta charge it. You think you felt a charger in her purse while you were digging around. Reaching back inside, you feel the prongs of an electrical plug, and pull it out. “There it is.” You whisper to yourself, before noticing it had no cord in the USB socket. It must have disconnected and fell into the purse. Once more you look through her bag, but see no sign of a cable of any kind.

“Sofia, where's your charge cable?”

“Uh… in the car, plugged into the car charger.”

“Which is currently in an impound lot god knows where.” You groan, mind racing for another solution. Dammit, why did she insist on those stupid iPommes with the stupidly expensive chargers!? “Uh… Just, hang tight, I'm going to go ask…” You didn't want to tell her you were going to ask the landlady for help. “Uh… There's a payphone the next block over, I'll go use that. Will you be okay?”

“Yeah I will if you stopped talking so fucking much. My head is pounding… ugh…”

“S-sor- …Okay… I'll just.” You back out of your room, struggling to keep yourself from apologizing again. “…Okay.”

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e77fc2 No.360051

Good to see that whore getting a double dose of thot-b-gone.

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c3ae10 No.360099

I always love reading the transformation scenes in monsterization stories.

Even better will be the internal conflict with sofia

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a60b2a No.360129


Running over to the other end of the apartment complex, you see the landlady's office. Which in actuality was just her apartment. She made little effort to look the part of a business woman, but you guess at that age, most people just do what they want without worrying about appearances.

Ringing the doorbell, you hear Mrs. Mangifera call out in her typical gruff, but sweet fashion. “I'll be right there, just a minute!”

A painfully slow moment later, and the door opens, Mrs. Mangifera looking up at you with a big wrinkly smile, “Oh hello, John! You're back! Did you have a nice date with that lovely girl? Was she so swept off her feet by your charms that she just had to come back to your place and give herself to you?”

Your cheeks burned at the thought, but, “Uh, it wasn't a date…” you really didn't want to tell her what you were actually doing. You couldn't bear to disappoint such a sweet old lady. “But uh, my friend is very sick, and neither of us have phones. Could you call an ambulance for her?”

“Oh my, what are her symptoms?” Her brows arch in worry.

“I uh, don't know… She has a fever, but she said she was cold, even when wearing a coat and under a blanket.”

“Well, why don't I take a look at her before we call the ambulance? This doesn't sound like it warrants a trip to the emergency room just yet.” She walks outside and passes you before you have a chance to react.

“I, uh, but…” You didn't want Sofia to freak out while she's sick, but you know how stubborn Mrs. Mangifera can be. “M-maybe it would be best to get a professional opinion? W-what if it IS serious?”

“Before I became a landlady, I worked as a nurse for forty years. I think I'm more qualified to make that call than you, don't you?” The small baphomet says, wagging her finger.

You suppose you forgot that, despite the fact she always tried to talk your ear off every time you went outside.

“Do either of you have health insurance? The cost of an ambulance alone is going to be around six-hundred dollars minimum. Not to mention the actual examination, medical care, oh and they'll definitely try to push some superfluous prescription on her…”

You start to sweat a bit, despite the cold.

She gives a sad, knowing smirk, 'Honestly, working two jobs and you're still thin as a rail. Your parents would be worried sick.”


“Come along dear, you'll get sick too if you stand out in this cold for too long.” She says as she continues shuffling along.

“Y-yes ma'am.”

Mrs. Mangifera opens the door to your apartment, and looks around inside, “Oh dear, you really should clean up some time. It's a bit unbecoming to leave someone else's property a mess, wouldn't you think so?”

You jolt in embarrassment, “I-I'm sorry!”

“It's fine, dear. I've seen much worse, but don't let that be an excuse to not clean, now.” She chuckles to herself, “Now where's your girlfriend?”

“She's not… uh, she's in my room, but-”

Before you can stop her, she's already strolling straight into your room.

You step in behind her, and reach out pointlessly, bracing for Sofia's tantrum.

“Zzzzzzz… Huuuuuuhuhuhuhu…” She snored loudly, shivering with each exhaled breath.

“Oh thank god, she's asleep.” You whisper, relaxing against the door frame. She must have been exhausted from the trek, even if you did most of the work.

“Hmm.” The landlady hums, walking up to Sofia's bedside, and climbing on top of it, before leaning in and inspecting her closely.

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a60b2a No.360140


Your anxiety flares back up, as you see Mrs. Mangifera firmly grasp Sofia's puffy cheeks, turning her head from side to side. Carefully running over, you lean in to her caprine ear and hiss under your breath, “You're going to wake her!”

“I won't wake her, I know what I'm doing.” She says as she opens up Sofia's mouth and pulls out her tongue, eyeing it before letting go.

“Y-you do?”

“Yeah, it takes a lot to wake heavy sleepers like her.” The baphomet takes her thumb and forefinger, and spreads Sofia's eyelids open. “Hmmm…”

“How did you know she's a heavy sleeper?”

She takes two fingers and presses it against the side of your friend's neck, looking over at the watch on her wrist, “Her waistline, mostly.” she said distracted, before resuming with a count under her breath.

“H-huh?” You were taken aback. You had never heard her say anything mean spirited before. “S-she can't help that, it's genetic-”

“Whoever told her that needs a swift kick in the cunt. Sugar coating her problem is the last thing this girl needs.” She says, jumping off the bed and turning to you, “But other than long term effects of her poor eating habits, she'll be fine. ”

“But what's wrong with her?”

“Nothing serious, but she's going to be mostly bedridden for maybe about a week, tops. Nothing really can be done except to make sure she drinks plenty of fluids, and give her aspirin for the aches and pains.”

You follow her as she walks out of your room and to the exit, “S-so it's the flu, or something? W-wait, is it contagious!?” If you had to call out sick, you definitely would end up homeless.

She stops in your kitchen, “It's not contagious, so be sure to give her the best medicine at all.”

“It's not expensive, is it?”

“No, silly! It's a little tender, loving care!” The old woman looks back at you and flashes a flirty wink your way.


“And don't worry about being charged for her staying here a while. She's obviously sick, so I'll make an exception this week.” Turning away from you, she sighs and opens up your fridge before leaning inside for a good, close look. “Oh no… Please tell me you have more than this, honey.”


“Wha wha what is this? Nothing but junk food, moldy ketchup, a half eaten slice of cheese pizza, a TOFU burrito? Are you TRYING to alp?” She says as she starts tossing the fridge's contents in the garbage.

“I, no- but… hey!” You walk after her as she starts rummaging around on your desk. “J-j-just because you're my landlady doesn't mean you can just-”

“I'm not going on your computer, John. And I know you watch porn, don't need to be so uppity about it. I just need a piece of paper.”

A lump catches in your throat as you find yourself at a loss for words.

“And I'm worried about you, you know.” She says, finding a blank sheet of paper, before grabbing a pen and furiously scribbling something down. “These friends of yours are bad news.”

“I… they… uh, they're not.”

“I know they're that anti-mamono lot. I'm not deaf, just hard of hearing, and my hearing aid works just fine, dear.” She stops writing and heaves a deep sigh, “I know you're a good kid, John. You don't hate demi-kin.” Mrs. Mangifera turns around and looks you in the eyes. “Do you?”

“Well… I mean, no, but… they… hurt women…” You start forgetting all those things Sofia had said over and over to you in the past as the old woman starts flashing an embarrassed grin, “and… perpetuate rape culture…?”

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a60b2a No.360146


“Honey.” She says as she shakes her head, “You honestly can't believe that.”

“I… I mean, there was that ushi-oni that-”

Mrs. Mangifera speaks over you, “And I had a tenant about ten years ago who beat her daughter nearly every day. Scaring my tenants with her constant screaming and tantrums. She was a human woman.”

“Y-yeah but you can't just cherrypick-”

“I also had another tenant who was arrested when she tried to bring her daughter to work.”

“Huh?” You were confused how that was a bad thing.

She shakes her head, grimacing sourly, “El la hiso una puta … El puto perro vendio a su hija!” She spits, her voice dripping with such venom it made you back away in fear, “El vendio la innocencia de su hija por unos putos pesos que no valen nada!!”

“M-ma'am?” You nervously reach out for her shoulder.

Her angry expression vanishes in a start, as if she had forgotten you were there. “I… I'm sorry, dear. Sometimes I still get worked up over things in the past.”

“I-It's okay…” You can't really look her in the eye, though, “But that's still just anecdotal evidence, you can't just-”

“That's EXACTLY my POINT. John, is that assholes come in all kinds.” She says, stepping closer and straightening her back as she glares up at you, somehow making you feel shorter than her, “You can't judge the whole on the actions of a few, and it's insensitive to reduce people to statistics. Even if the differences we're born with lend themselves to bad behaviors, we all still have the ability to do the right … the right th-urk ugh…” She backs up and pulls a handkerchief out of her pocket, before letting loose a nasty coughing fit into the poor piece of cloth. “Ugh… thing. The right thing, dear. …I need a smoke, follow me outside, dear.”

As you both step outside in the nipping cold air, your landlady produces a pack of cigarettes and sticks it in her mouth. With a flick of her thumb, a small magical flame lights harmlessly on the end of it, which she uses to light her smoke. After taking a long drag she sighs in relief, letting the acrid smoke billow out of her mouth, “Ahh… Don't ever pick up smoking, John. It's bad for you, and if your apartment smells like tobacco, you're not getting your security deposit back.”

“I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't mean to…”

“What, did you smoke inside the apartment?” She looks at you with eyebrow cocked in suspicion.

“N-no! I don't smoke. I mean… Sofia does, but she does it outside, and-”

“I'm just giving you the business, dear.” She sighs, leaning on the walkway's railing and staring out into the street. “All I'm saying is, don't let the circumstances beyond your control be an excuse to be a piece of shit. Only niggers and kikes do that.”

You inhale sharply, trying to pretend you didn't hear that last part.

“But what I don't get, is why a good boy like you is hanging out with a bunch of thugs like that.” She says, leaning her back against the wall as she continues smoking.

“T-they're Sofia's friends… mostly. S-Sofia is my only friend, and I don't… I don't have anyone else around here. But they're always talking about politics… and… I don't know. I'm too busy with work to really care about that. I don't know anything about any of this stuff, but, they expect me to know, or they all get mad at me, and Sofia makes sure to educate me, but I just… I just really don't care. I don't get why they're all so angry at the time, ma'am. I mean, t-they mean well, they just want to make the world a better place… and I can't hate them for it. I just… demi-kin have never personally wronged me, and… I'm told that makes me selfish.” You catch your breath, the cold stinging your nose and throat. “I'm sorry… I shouldn't have-”

“John, it's alright. You don't have to apologize.” She coos, as she smothers the burning end of her cigarette and motions over to you, beckoning you closer. “Come down here for a moment.”

You do as she asks, slightly confused, until she spreads her arms out and embraces you, gently rubbing your back. Taken aback at first, you feel your discomfort melt away, and reciprocate, hugging her back. Though as soon as you started to breathe again, the smell of tobacco smoke made your sinuses burn, and soured the moment a bit.

“Look. You don't have to think of me as just your landlady.” She utters softly, “If you ever need to talk, or a shoulder to cry on, you can come see me.” She slides her hands to your shoulders as she steps back, ”Okay?”

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a60b2a No.360148


“Yes ma'am.” You nod.

“And you don't call me 'ma'am', dear. You can call me Núria, or even Abuelita if you want to.” Her scrunched up cheeks glow slightly.

“Oh, o-okay.” You start feeling a little embarrassed.

Núria hands you the piece of paper from earlier, folded up neatly. “Here's my number. If you need anything, just call. And there's also a shopping list there. You need to eat better, and this is all cheaper than what I saw in your kitchen, so don't worry about the price.”

“Well… uh… about that…” You scratch the back of your head, unsure of how to mention your complete lack of money.

Without a word, she hands you a bunch of hundred dollar bills.

“H-hey, wait, what are you doing!?” You recoil away from the cash.

“You're broke right now, aren't you?”

You strain to keep your mouth shut, unwilling to admit it.

“You're one of the few tenants I have who not only always pays on time, but early too, John.”

“I can't… accept that money.” You're not sure if keeping what little pride you had was worth the struggle to say that.

“John, I'm not giving it to you for no reason, I need you to run to the store to get me groceries too, and you're the only one I can trust with this task. Consider the groceries for you your payment for running an errand for me.”

“Oh… okay.” You say, feeling a bit silly for jumping to conclusions, gingerly taking the cash from her hand, as well as another shopping list, this one much longer than yours, “This sure is a lot, though. Are you having a party?”

“Every day, hon.” She winks while sticking her tongue out, “But I really do appreciate this, John. I usually have my grandson do it, but he's out of town right now.”

“Well, you're giving me so much help, so it's the least I can do… B-but what about Sofia?”

She flicks her hand dismissively, “She's asleep, she'll be fine. But the two of you really need to eat some actual food so you can stay healthy…” Rubbing her chin thoughtfully, she lowers her voice, “Well, you, anyways. Your friend could stand to abstain a bit… Well go on, don't dawdle!” She says, gently pushing you away. “I'll keep an ear out for your friend while you're away so you don't need to worry!”

As you go to leave, Núria calls out to you.

“Oh and John?”

You stop in place and look back at her, “Yeah?”

“If you misuse the money, just remember, I know where you live!”

You chuckle politely at her joke.

“Y los cerdos están teniendo hambre~!”


“Nothing dear. Hurry back, now!”

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3bf132 No.360158


Did she turned into baphomet before the introduction of monsters or she adopted a boy and had a child of his own?

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e49c4e No.360173


This story touched my heart so much of this grandma. The feels..

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709418 No.360179

Loving it. On the edge of my seat.


I would vote for her all day long.

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45cc6d No.360330


>And the pigs are hungry

Is that why the shopping list is so long?

Really though, kiiiiinda hope that women who sold her own daughter met that fate. Núria's language-swap rage was fitting. Though google translate seems to think you used masculine pronouns instead of feminine ones. Don't think that was intended given context.

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7563d5 No.360363


I'd rather the dad spend a couple of decades as a max security pen's community onahole. Death is release from suffering. Polite sage for contributing fuck all to the thread.

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6bb061 No.360383

File: 03f7014c073ba11⋯.jpg (111.9 KB,1280x512,5:2,jkrolak_centaur_transform_….jpg)

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6bb061 No.360433

File: ca89484c0de7096⋯.png (1.12 MB,1448x1490,724:745,ca8.png)

File: 1f88f5703c121d6⋯.jpg (200.92 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Dc-uxLcUQAApFvy.jpg orig.jpg)

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141798 No.360442


Has anyone done monsterization at the sea?

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6bb061 No.360504


What the hell does that mean?

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141798 No.360514


You know a person turning into a monster at sea

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6bb061 No.360620


OK, I get it now.

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e7750d No.360660

File: 9cf0349257a903d⋯.jpg (324.44 KB,1500x1533,500:511,lasserinecentaurtf1wm_by_j….jpg)

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e7750d No.360823

File: b58d01c13557cf6⋯.jpg (139.5 KB,834x834,1:1,CfH_UhqUsAEJI5B.jpg)

File: c555da2b776836d⋯.jpg (78.48 KB,600x600,1:1,CfH_ThnVAAAEBdV.jpg)

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e7750d No.360856

File: da05cd24eb06157⋯.jpg (503.13 KB,1024x2684,256:671,commission__water_spirit_t….jpg)

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e7750d No.360909

File: 8a247828a220e37⋯.jpg (99.76 KB,900x745,180:149,supergirl_centaur_by_magic….jpg)

Look up in the sky!

It's a bird!

It's a plane!


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3bf132 No.360911


The eyes really need work.

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c77415 No.360923


dial back on the tumblr.

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ec982c No.360985

So is mamono mana more like particulates or straight up radiation in nature?

If particulates:

>How many PPM do you need in the local area to cause monsterization?

>How much do monster girls normally give off?

>Does humidity, temperature, or atmospheric conditions affect rate of monsterization?

>Does it cause monsterization faster by skin contact or inhalation?

>How long does the residual mana stay in the area?

If radiation

>How much do monstergirls exude on average?

>How much time or dosage does a girl need to in order to monsterize?

>Does it behave more lika alpha, beta, or gamma radiation? How much does it penetrate?

>Can objects or areas get irradiated by the mana? How long does the mana stay there? Is there a half life?

At that point, can you weaponize it? I'd imagine it being an airburst bomb or just sprayed via cropduster over the targeted area. Mamono mana dirty bombs woukd be a hell of a thing.

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249ad8 No.360996


More Houri Love bombers.

Orgy war now.

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a10bea No.362612

File: 268037144ab06f8⋯.png (Spoiler Image,672.45 KB,1000x1150,20:23,marry me please.png)

> almost a month

Please come back Sofia Anon. I love your story.

Demon Transformation


This story is inspired by Sofia Anon's story and Anon's Black Ops Coffee story from the last thread https://pastebin.com/RLT87guH

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e70769 No.362613


Yees, the fire has risen…

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00af24 No.362640

File: 097faf5d65b799a⋯.png (62.21 KB,250x250,1:1,Paladin_thinking_emoji.png)


>particulates or radiation?

im gonna have to go with radiation, though half the radiation we already know are particles from unstable atoms anyway so it sort of works both ways.

>how much do monstergirls exude on average?

the more weaker ones like kobolds and goblins probably exude radiation on a similar level with humans, and it'd would ramp up corresponding to the power of the monster, lilim and dark matter and such peaking Geiger counters. also some monsters hoard energy like scarabs so there are some exceptions.

>alpha, beta, or gamma radiation?

honestly on paper id say more like neutron radiation, given its only stopped by hydrogen rich materials like water and concrete or possibly human fluids. this works with KC's lore in a sense, as water in demon realms is said to break down and absorb excess demon energy from monsters. course neutrons don't really stick around so beta's the next closest thing, penetrating the skin and working magic underneath the surface, its particles being left in the soil as nutrients for corrupted plantlife.

>can areas be irradiated, how long does it stay, and is there a half life?

well yes, and this would be the reason for demon realms existing, and the two main varieties being dependent on the concentration of energy. and given how Chernobyl will probably be dangerously irradiated for another 20,000 years (most of which is beta and alpha) you can expect the same longevity in the dark demon realms while the green demon realms could easily be re habitable by plain humans in a lifetime much like Hiroshima is being lived in today. as for the half life i'd have to say yes and though the radioactive decay would produce different materials than any radiation we already know, the rate of decay would still be similar and dependent on the material in question.

also i was wracking the idea of demon dirty bombs through my head as part of a writing and im glad im not the only one to think of it.

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7259c8 No.362641


It may be too late for contracts. After all, he already gave affirmative consent to a "date"~

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f1a27e No.362642

File: 911ee51e7aa4967⋯.png (551.62 KB,512x512,1:1,absolutely_beautiful.png)


Writer of 'Black Ops' here. You wrote a great story. I especially liked the detail you put into describing her transformation.

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7d0741 No.362704


I loved the story anon! I would also loved to see a follow up if possible!

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741523 No.362705



I especially liked the way her thoughts were described as she noticed all the children at the restaurant.

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368376 No.362708


Very well written. I especially liked the thought process of her observing the children at the restaurant, and the entire scene where she drops in on the guy in the alley.

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c271fd No.362712


That was really nice. It left me wanting more.

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f9e3ff No.362828

File: be79d87265407ba⋯.png (78.34 KB,1825x372,1825:372,ushi transformation cap.png)

A tad graphic, but totally what I'd stick with for the ordeal. It's supposed to be a bit of a scary thing to happen after all.

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11314b No.362837


Guro is not allowed here.

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73c3b3 No.363059


Some questions about monsterizing human girls:

>Are we in agreement that monsterizing sluts returns their bodies to a virgin state?

>Would monsterization cure physical/mental handicaps, or would mamono mana simply turn a disabled girl into a monster whose intellectual/physical profile most overlaps with their disability (e.g. Downie becoming slimes, wheelchair-bound girls becoming alrarunes, etc.)?

>Can monstetization erase trashy piercings and tattoos, or will the new monster have to live with or manually remove such regrettable fashion from her 3DPD days?

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01f715 No.363062


I disagree on points one and three, unsure on two. For point number three, what exactly qualifies as 'trashy'? If a human girl has tattoos commemorating a lost family member or celebrating their heritage, would those be lost also?

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499272 No.363070


That transformation story was amazing. That bit at the end were she starts to fantasize about contracts was my favorite bit. Please keep it up as long as you have the inspiration you glorious bastard.

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33dbb6 No.363090


Monsterization is meant to become "your better self".

Those who regrets getting a tatoo will see it disappear.

Those who lost usage of a limb or find their scars ugly will heal.

However those who have accepted their mistakes and learned that it is an integral part of who they are will retain them.

The tatoo might now bring painful memories, but it is not an ugly tatoo in her eyes and whoever it represents was important when they it was done.

The scar might not be pretty, but she might believes she needs the reminder.

Monsterization is not about becoming perfect for a complete stranger. It's about finding happiness in what makes you "you".

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50d803 No.363162

File: 63f3629421d8237⋯.jpeg (12.69 KB,225x225,1:1,download (8).jpeg)


i'm not one for this thread so if you've discussed this before forgive me but if someone is monsterized dose that mean ego death for said person?

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c77415 No.363163


nope. only trash and insecure women monsterize.

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c3ae10 No.363165


It’s only identity death if said person’s identity was just: not wanting to have sex and cucking. Otherwise the person is the same but enjoys sex as a whole more.

If KC’s stuff seems extreme like spending your whole life having sex he’s being hyperbolic.

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602a48 No.363166


There was quite a bit of discussion of that in the last thread (starts around >>333877 )

Definitely on topic for the thread if you'd like to discuss a specific aspect of it.

Personally I like the general idea that the transformation respects the sense of self. Perhaps enhancing one's existing proclivities or giving one an increased ability to pursue ones desires. At most maybe awakening secret desires (Alps being an obvious example). I think this also makes it a little more interesting since what a girl turns into is then based on what her personality is like. (Even if that does kind of break KC's default to succubus rule.)

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50d803 No.363179

File: 208478cd2a60723⋯.jpg (7.29 KB,148x255,148:255,b5dc5c6b25b1fe5becc2f9c913….jpg)


thanks it disturbs me to my core if monsterization would mean identity death and i was wondering the take you guys had on it

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3435f1 No.363181


That rule helps prevent a bunch of the top tier monsters from running around. If you go with the idea that all monsters need to go through training to do anything with their power, then it is much less of an issue.

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602a48 No.363251


< would mamono mana simply turn a disabled girl into a monster whose intellectual/physical profile most overlaps with their disability?

> helping friend by taking care of his rental property for a few weeks

> mostly minor repairs, not too hard even if some of the tenants are insufferable

> speak of the devil and she shall appear

> standard issue political activist hamplanet

> bossy as fuck

> seems to think you're a fixture included with her apartment that needs berating to function properly

> nice solidarity with the proletariat, cunt

> dragging along her beta orbiter (almost literally given their comparative masses)

> poor guy is totally smitten with her but she treats him like shit

> also dragging along that shrinking violet

> you can tell she has zero interest in whatever bullshit they're going to but doesn't have the confidence to say no

> don't think you've ever seen her manage to look anyone in the eye

> although sometimes when she's around you get the strange sense someone is staring at you…

> might as well try to be polite, "Have fun storming the castle."

> shy girl blushes and acts like her shoes are absolutely fascinating

> hamplanet just ignores you and keeps haranguing the guy as they head out

> they come back a few hours later

> holy shit, the guy is practically dragging the hamplanet by her hair!

> really hate to do this but…, "HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!"

> guy stops and looks at you with an absolutely placid expression, "Giving this bitch what she needs."

> wut?!

> he forces her mouth open and spits in it, "Isn't that right bitch?"

> she looks at him worshipfully, "Yes Master!"

> you think your jaw hit the floor hard enough to shatter

> they head into her apartment without further comment while your brain reboots

> judging by the rhythmic squeaking and muffled "YES!"'s you're pretty sure what's going on in there is "enthusiastically consensual" as the Fat dykess like to say

> wow, didn't think that soyboy had it in him

> although the chick's behavior kind of makes sense in retrospect

> was she trying to get him to stand up to her this whole time?

> TamingOfTheShrew.txt

> notice the shy girl staggering to her apartment holding the wall for support

> "Are you OK Miss?"

> she stammers something which could be mistaken for an "I'm OK." and lurches into her apartment

> shit, that must have been one hell of a protest

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602a48 No.363254


> sweeping up that hallway later

> judging by the ambient noise soyboy and hamplanet are still going at it

> you're kind of impressed

> also hear sounds coming from shy girl's room

> hard to make out over next door but it sounds like moaning

> getting a little worried, not sure if of pain or pleasure

> hear a crash

> shit

> knock on her door, "Miss, are you OK?"

> panickedWailing.mp3

> fuck, this sounds bad, "Miss! I'm coming in!"

> wailing intensifies

> barge in and see her thrashing in her bed

> her eyes are rolled back and she's covered in sweat but the noises she's making are definitely of pleasure

> confused, you move to touch her but she literally starts REEEE'ing and you back off

> this is way above your pay grade

> call emergency services

> operator sounds harried, "What is your emergency?"

> quickly explain the symptoms

> "FUCK!" you hear them pull the receiver away from their mouth and yell, "Another one!"

> "Listen, just stay calm. We're sending someone right over.", then you get put on hold

> What the fuck is going on?! How many calls are they getting that they can't stay on the line with you?!

> stay with the girl and try to comfort her

> she freaks out when you approach her so you stare at the far wall and try to talk soothingly about how help is coming

> it might be your imagination but the sound of your voice seems to relax her a bit

> help finally arrives in the form of two surprisingly young nuns

> they look almost as scared as you are but they seem to know what they're doing

> pour some kind of glittery powder over the girl which knocks her out so they can load her into a stretcher

> they give each other an odd look when they hear soyboy and hamplanet doing the meaty mambo

> "We only have room for one." you hear the blond whisper urgently to her partner

> wonder what that was about

> help them get the stretcher out of the building and make sure you get the contact information for where they're taking her

> text it all to her emergency contacts once the nuns' groundcar peels out

> next few days are pretty quiet

> amazing how chill life is when you don't follow fake news

> or any news really

> soyboy and hamplanet are off somewhere

> haven't actually seen them since that night even if you did hear plenty of them

> they left a note on your door saying that they were going on their honeymoon and to hold all their mail

> good for them you guess

> haven't seen shy girl either

> just got a letter from one of her emergency contacts: her dad

> says he's very grateful for how you helped his daughter and would like to offer you a job

> provides directions to some place out in the country for an interview

> you figure it's worth a look

> head out to the meeting place

> turns out to be a luxurious hunting lodge

> you're ushered into a well appointed trophy room

> game mounts of animals from almost every continent

> neat, a Lee-Enfield

> hear someone enter

> shy girl's father introduces himself

> he's an older man but he has a weathered and tough appearance

> engage in small talk as he shows you some of the trophies

> you can tell he's trying to take your measure

> soon the interview begins in earnest and he starts asking you some hard questions

> pretty tense at times but he seems generally satisfied

> "Son, I'm afraid I can't tell you much about this job. It's the sort of thing you really have to experience for yourself. In some ways it will probably be the hardest thing you've ever done. But it's a job I've had myself and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world."

> interesting…

> "If you're interested then head out that door and follow the blue blazed trail. That will take you down to the river. There's something there you'll need to see."

> well, you were interested…

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602a48 No.363255

File: d2cd46298949ac8⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.16 MB,1327x1726,1327:1726,please_be_patient_i_have_a….png)


> you finally get to the river

> great hike, this is beautiful country

> and this river is so peaceful

> you stop to rest your pleasantly tired muscles

> that's when you feel it

> someone or something watching you

> try not to let on you've noticed

> start walking downstream casually while surreptitiously scanning you surroundings using your peripheral vision

> there! an errant ripple in the water!

> keep walking

> oh yeah, it's definitely following you

> not sure what it is but you figure it probably isn't friendly

> did that old man set you up?

> decide your best bet is to pick the time and place

> stop at a spot where the river and shore are broken up by rockfall and scree

> pretend to lean over and tie your shoe

> it took the bait!

> you pivot and axe handle smash the blur as it charges toward you

> it goes down with a crash

> some kind of strange furry snake monster with a beak

> and nice tits?

> wait, that's just a mask

> a mask knocked askew by your blow, revealing-

> shy girl

> her skin is a different tone, but you'd recognize those features anywhere

> well shit

> a lot of what her father said makes more sense now

> he had a pretty special "job" in mind for you

> snake monster shy girl is already coming around

> you look into her eyes for the very first time

> behind those inhuman orbs you see a scared and humiliated girl who wants you and is terrified of you all at once

> she quickly looks away and freezes, obviously paralyzed with fear

> your heart breaks

> you know what you have to do

> "A M-M-MONSTER!" you shout and turn to run away

> and pretend to trip and fall


> the acting in Scooby Doo is probably more convincing than yours

> but out of the corner of your eye you can see her fixing her mask and tentatively moving towards you

> "AAAH! IT'S GAINING ON ME!" you scrabble around like you're trying to stand up but failing to get any traction

> she's moving with more confidence now

> "OH NOOOOO!" while being careful not to look at her directly you sit up a little so she can easily grab your torso

> you're rewarded by her fluffy coils wrapping around you

> you gasp in shock, for real this time

> her embrace is both firm but tender, and the sensation of her fur sliding across your skin is incredible

> you shudder in pleasure as she readjusts her coils to bring her chest together with yours

> sharp claws effortlessly rip open your shirt and she hugs you close, her large breasts squishing against your bare skin

> she buries her head in your shoulder so you can't look at her and squeezes you like a body pillow

> it's like being covered in a warm blanket made of love

> you shift ever so slightly so you can hug her back and kiss her neck

> she tenses, but your hug and soft kisses soon put her at ease

> you lie there for quite a while, just holding each other

> finally some instinct deep inside her stirs and you can feel her claws at the front of your pants

> you offer no resistance and one swift slash later your bare manhood is pressing against her thigh

> you can hear her breathing pick up as she readjusts herself

> her heart pounds like a jackhammer against you as she begins to take you in

> you hold her tighter and make wordless soothing sounds as she slowly engulfs you

> by the time you're hilted her breath is coming in short gasps and she's hugging you almost hard enough to hurt

> it takes all of your willpower not to start thrusting but you know she needs to do this at her own pace

> once again you lie there for quite some time just holding each other, this time joined in the most intimate way possible

> eventually her breathing calms down a little and she starts to move her hips

> she falls into a pattern of making little mewling noises, speeding up, shuddering with an orgasm, and then slowing down before starting again

> wow, this girl is on a hair trigger, she's inadvertently edging you

> finally can't take it anymore and sneak your arms under hers so you can hold her head

> remove the mask and gently move her so your foreheads are touching

> she freezes as you lock eyes with her

> give her an Eskimo kiss and very slowly start moving your own hips

> you try to convey your feelings for her using your gaze alone as you speed up

> you don't last long, you can feel her almost continuously spasming around you as you move

> her eyes widen as you finish and she thrashes in a full body orgasm

> it feels like her insides are trying to suck your seed straight into her womb

> afterwards you both slump into each others' arms, exhausted

> at first you think you may have gone too far

> she still isn't looking at you

> but then you notice her staring at you sideways through her bangs

> she's blushing and there's a tiny, tiny little smile on her face

> she speaks very softly

< "H-husband…"

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73c3b3 No.363279

File: 650e42ee964eafc⋯.jpeg (86.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,403A559B-3517-4881-B1D2-D….jpeg)


Anon, that was beautiful.

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275530 No.363285

File: ce8f0c14a8ce7ca⋯.jpg (39.61 KB,400x375,16:15,26994024_10215662974193885….jpg)




That's the good shit.

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cb3711 No.364135

File: 12777ce2e6308d6⋯.png (58.98 KB,680x680,1:1,0C686E2A-B37F-4996-84D5-4E….png)


Story ded?

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5e0c1a No.364470


>hey we're selling coffee over here at our stand

This better be going where I think it is, you meta motherfucker

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5e0c1a No.364475

File: 7e68ed74604c40b⋯.gif (1.64 MB,400x400,1:1,aqua_cry.gif)


>all this build-up

>more than a month later

I'm willing to give yah time to finish, mah dude.

But dear God; please come back to us.

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b4e521 No.364799

File: 756124596a58715⋯.jpg (4.7 MB,3846x2656,1923:1328,69864751_p0.jpg)

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5e0c1a No.364846

File: c47446cdb8e43f5⋯.png (373.79 KB,414x499,414:499,Das it Mane.png)


I love me some wholesome greentext.

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4ed5ed No.364977



i agree with that anon. Nice story !

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e9ee5b No.365677


>implying the 3DPD police didn't catch him

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7563d5 No.365716


This. If they haven't updated by this time they're not going to now.

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4790ae No.366375

File: ea84190dcd784bb⋯.jpg (273.78 KB,500x414,250:207,096_mamokos.jpg)


Maybe he got Isekai'd

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4790ae No.366395

File: 264f4c89319b562⋯.jpg (315.25 KB,1280x1138,640:569,tumblr_p9beeeI8qZ1rkmkzfo1….jpg)

“DDLC” (From The Little Monika)

The waifus are always 2D

In a Team Salvato game

You dream about dating Yuri

Well, that is a crying shame

Just look at the girls beside you

And your choice will be quite clear

Let Monika be your waifu

Just what do you have to fear?



Darling, it’s better

When girls are deader

Take it from me

Out in the world where MC lives

To be with him, the things I’d give

If I can’t beat them

Then I’ll delete them


Down here all the girls are happy

As they read each other’s poems

But Sayori isn’t happy

She’s sad ‘cause she’s all alone

But girls who you pick ain’t lucky

They fixing to lose their life

One day when Yuri goes kooky

Guess who’s gonna catch a knife (Uh-oh)



Nobody survive

Live to be your wife

Except for me

Well, you could call me yandere

If I’m with you, then it’s okay

Can’t keep from smiling

When girls are dying



Since we’re 2D here

Our lives are cheap here, tragically

Even on Tumblr and on Steam

They post some doki-doki memes

We got that gay shit

You’ve got to play it


Your friend meets her end

Your boo tie the noose

Your wife play with knives

Commit seppuku

Your love has it tough

Her mind isn’t fine

Your bae 'bout to slay herself (Yeah)

The weebs can’t believe

Their fave’s in a grave

The files get beguiled

Say bye to your save

If I’m not your girl, then I guess this world

Can all just go to hell




When the MC talk to Natsuki

It’s time to delete

What do they got? Some broken files

We’ve got the stuff to make you smile

Each little weeb here

Happy to be here


Each little day here

They love to stay here


Each little waifu

Know how to die too

That’s why it’s cuter

In the computer

Yeah, we in luck here

Down in the club here


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686a66 No.366434


wow what garbage

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0f9cc6 No.367410

File: 467f70c406e6996⋯.png (1.67 MB,1351x1734,1351:1734,68948752_p0.png)

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399901 No.372813

File: 5796cd199fba556⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1062x1500,177:250,159.jpg)

File: 96f76157694d2d9⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1062x1500,177:250,160.jpg)

File: 62f2372f07f681f⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,1062x1500,177:250,161.jpg)

File: 798bdcc4acc65bb⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1062x1500,177:250,162.jpg)

File: 4f7852ca1ba8c6f⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1062x1500,177:250,163.jpg)

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399901 No.372814

File: 6a17eb08e5a9d12⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1062x1500,177:250,164.jpg)

File: e3ab355a27aef29⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,1062x1500,177:250,165.jpg)

File: 0b5c7060cc32d9a⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,1062x1500,177:250,166.jpg)

File: 301d80b161837cd⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,1062x1500,177:250,167.jpg)

File: 70c9cefb8b822b2⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1062x1500,177:250,168.jpg)

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399901 No.372815

File: 2909f606cfc0afa⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1062x1500,177:250,169.jpg)

File: 5a6eaf0357ed80c⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1062x1500,177:250,170.jpg)

File: ce8d8a4ecaced12⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1062x1500,177:250,171.jpg)

File: b4d7e121691f621⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,1062x1500,177:250,172.jpg)

File: 355a117ad07d212⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,1062x1500,177:250,173.jpg)

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399901 No.372816

File: b79492b56225bbe⋯.jpg (1017.83 KB,1062x1500,177:250,174.jpg)

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9335f7 No.372858


Realistically speaking, I think most who go through monsterization would probably have a mental breakdown and maybe a heart attack

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399901 No.372868

File: 24147e1bdca456c⋯.png (1.28 MB,700x1000,7:10,Druella15.png)


>Realistically speaking

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db8973 No.372891

File: 97e991418f29de4⋯.png (215.45 KB,900x1000,9:10,MAGAwoo with question mark….png)


The heck is MGU?

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399901 No.372906

File: 426fcbd893de8fc⋯.jpg (93.39 KB,620x877,620:877,druela_by_lutherniel-d7znv….jpg)


Monster Girl Unlimited: A forum where folks gathered to discuss monster-girl related media, including the Monster Girl Encylopedia. Things were fine in the beginning, until Kenkou Cross began creating more world-building material. Some of the more…special members chose to interpret this material in the most negative manner possible. Soon, every MGE discussion was about how horrible and evil the setting was.

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2f6fc1 No.372918


Don't forget that KC himself disavowed MGU after some user posted MG gore, bless his soul.

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453ec4 No.372924


The presence of outlandish things like magic does not cancel out logical consistence

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c23d8b No.372927


The consistant rule of nonsterization is that it ckeanses the mind, soul, and body of mental, spiritual, and bodily illness. In return it leaves behind a stronger appetite for sex and an iron strong bonding mechanism. Those conplaining about "identity death" are sinply trying to stir shit up at this point. Or, unironically, have autism and are unable to comprehend abstract thought and ideas.

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2f3d06 No.372928


Sounds pretty gay, TBH. Even though I think very little of KC 's setting makes sense



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453ec4 No.372930


I don't know what to say, if you drastically transformed you would freak out, the vast majority of humans would.

Or does monsterization stop that perfectly reasonable response?

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a21a9e No.372935


>childhood friend got monsterized on the inside instead of the outside

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a21a9e No.372939


>transforming from your normal, shitty self into something much better is somehow horrifying.

jeez, i guess getting addicts to stop doing whatever they're addicted to and thus slowly changing their brain-chemistry for the better is also scary huh?

people seem to cling way too much to what they are at the moment, even if what they are currently is ultimately a flawed being and must change itself should it want to become something more.

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453ec4 No.372955


>>transforming from your normal, shitty self into something much better is somehow horrifying.

Why do anons always misrepresent words like this?

Growing extra body parts would be horrifying, having your ears mutate into cat ears would be horrifying

I wasn't even saying it was a bad thing, that wasn't even the point. I was saying it would freak any sane person out to have it happen to them in real life

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e7b9c2 No.373039


i do agree that it might be scary without given context, but if you know what it entails, i think it won't be all that scary.

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3a78b1 No.373045


Nah man, this >>372935 is far more terrifying than any mere physical change, watching a childfreind self-destroy herself from a cute girl to screeching, communistic Tumblr-whale.

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effe75 No.373047


It might still scare you, depending on what you are turning into. IE: becoming an Ushi Oni, or, more likely, becoming anything that is bully bait. If you go with the idea that what you turn into is based on your own personality, then it would be basically forcing what you might consider your flaws to the surface. As a monster, you could work with it, but there will be a period when you are incredibly uncertain about the whole thing depending on how long the transformation takes.

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a21a9e No.373056


imo i think it all depends on what your headcanon is.

I'm relatively new here, but by the looks of it, everyone has a different view of what mamonos would be like. sometimes only differing slightly, and sometimes radically.

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f25a81 No.373267


I think something that everyone forget is that logical thinking breaks down when you're scared.

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a21a9e No.373904


depends on your personality really.

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99cd72 No.373969

File: 63dff2b5068b27f⋯.jpg (75.3 KB,604x453,4:3,1524049909558.jpg)


>I'm trying

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a13fb5 No.374101


>Black Ops Coffee story from the last thread

link please?

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399901 No.374308

File: 1003aa7cc0a7b01⋯.png (713.95 KB,1062x1500,177:250,159[1].png)

File: 32d834bab674d2d⋯.png (707.12 KB,1062x1500,177:250,160[1].png)

File: b1ac9f2a6682a88⋯.png (765.92 KB,1062x1500,177:250,161[1].png)

File: cca0805a16a03a5⋯.png (763.06 KB,1062x1500,177:250,162[1].png)

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399901 No.374310

File: 4c883ca779a796c⋯.png (799.39 KB,1062x1500,177:250,163[1].png)

File: 6246fb03838b253⋯.png (678.13 KB,1062x1500,177:250,164[1].png)

File: 0c28d6cf7410f99⋯.png (754.07 KB,1062x1500,177:250,165[1].png)

File: f41a9f941ffa6b1⋯.png (720.09 KB,1062x1500,177:250,166[1].png)

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399901 No.374311

File: 55c14dd99ebb0f6⋯.png (739.39 KB,1062x1500,177:250,167[1].png)

File: a2b75000bef87fb⋯.png (764.26 KB,1062x1500,177:250,168[1].png)

File: 94fcbc9cc1b3e3a⋯.png (704.37 KB,1062x1500,177:250,169[1].png)

File: 12851fa5d04fde9⋯.png (778.61 KB,1062x1500,177:250,170[1].png)

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399901 No.374312

File: fa143f4156f7de9⋯.png (760.92 KB,1062x1500,177:250,171[1].png)

File: c261c19228a1fa7⋯.png (719.75 KB,1062x1500,177:250,172[1].png)

File: 4eb7ab5d2bd90db⋯.png (791.63 KB,1062x1500,177:250,173[1].png)

File: 04e7a4fa6242f44⋯.png (660.42 KB,1062x1500,177:250,174[1].png)

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399901 No.374367

File: 14e700af7e123fd⋯.jpg (180.42 KB,470x470,1:1,20127109_p0.jpg)

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21972f No.374391

We need some stories about Lilith´s Panacea. Imagine if some Neogaf cat ladies is fooled into drinking it, believing it will transform her into a strong and empowered Demon Lord to fight against the Patriarchy and its new found ally, monsters, and instead, turns her into a "white inma"

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eaa97d No.374421


Not only that, but since it can make you into a random monster, its potential for fics is boundless. They mention it can create new and unknown species as well, so it’s an OC potion as well.

The monster-upgrading aspect is interesting as well, and that could recieve some attention

>Shirohebi waifu drinks panacea

>turns into a Ryu

Just a small example. Married couples experiencing this would be especially interesting, and there’s just even more room for theorycrafting (what happens if a manticore drinks this, for example)

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a13fb5 No.374427


Thanks anon. I thought -Sacrifice- had based it on some other, similar story.

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399901 No.374458

File: 9b6e04173b78e6d⋯.gif (60.1 KB,250x200,5:4,9b6.gif)


>some Neogaf cat ladies is fooled

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1f4cd9 No.374471


Oh shit, he did another one. The other two are lamia and harpy, both breddy gud

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741523 No.374472


Something about this artstyle seems familiar, this isn't made by the same guy who does Parallel Paradise, is it?

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399901 No.374476



No, you faggot.

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182135 No.374952


Hey don't blame me, blame the automatic imageboard word changer?

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c3ae10 No.374960


>he doesn’t even know what its called

Lurk for two years kiddo.

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d3496c No.375301

File: 001083bdef53f69⋯.jpg (49.63 KB,750x452,375:226,uguu oni chan.jpg)

Kind of a belated delivery for a request >>356800 and an amplification of that request >>356804 from the last thread. This went in a direction I didn't expect and got pretty long so maybe it's more accurate to say this is inspired by those requests. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it:



If there's interest I have an idea to continue it, but that part might more properly belong in the sports thread. Or I could cram in some more transformation and keep it here.

BTW, what the fuck is going on with bots lately? I had almost 50 views on that paste seconds after posting it. AI waifu singularity soon?

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32e666 No.375308


Not the guy who requested, but slag is it awesome.

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03b82f No.375309


Really good, keep it up my dude.

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510860 No.375998

File: f953612ce341858⋯.jpg (260.57 KB,1550x1096,775:548,thumb.php.jpg)

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2b13ed No.376004

File: d0a7c62ea955dc8⋯.jpg (1.69 MB,1600x1067,1600:1067,Star-Wars-Palpatine.jpg)



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7dccd5 No.376015


Keep going. I enjoyed the dichotomy between the MC's internal monologue pre and post transformation.

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d3cedb No.376840

File: 84d5d8d5ce0d817⋯.png (288.24 KB,800x400,2:1,monster one weird trick.png)

Board's been too slow lately. Give me:

- A monster

- A flaw a human woman might possess

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741523 No.376843


-a leprechaun


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013364 No.376846


-Shirohebi (Or any other brand of lamia, I just prefer white ones)


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c3ae10 No.376868




Underrated slime needs some love.

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013364 No.376870

File: 01d2cd7a0a96506⋯.png (381.02 KB,851x939,851:939,peri___fire_emblem_by_cent….png)



-Aggressive levels of lust.

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af1a2a No.376871



>no maternal instinct

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013364 No.376878

File: 893b6005bffe073⋯.png (503 KB,697x999,697:999,Warriors_Lucina.png)


Now I want to monsterize Fire Emblem Characters.

Which MGE would Lucina be?

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bafa9b No.376879


To me she hits all the checks for kinda autistic Lizardman. Hell their poses are even kinda similar.

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741523 No.376881

File: 382a98ffc796c97⋯.png (59.56 KB,672x917,96:131,nami komoru - fire emblem ….png)


None of them because only FE girls from games Nami Komoru had no part in would monsterize.

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013364 No.376882


I don´t get it? On risk of derailing this thread, Fire Emblem Awakening and forward have only made the series better, because of the waifus.

But my decision can change if the Fire Emblem Switch doesn´t make me want to buy a Switch.

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741523 No.376883


>On risk of derailing this thread, Fire Emblem Awakening and forward have only made the series better, because of the waifus.

For the love of Ammit at least bait the fucking hook.

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c261e9 No.376886

File: b16ce596aab8b6a⋯.png (579.53 KB,1204x2028,301:507,chara14_full.png)

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741523 No.376887


A character that has no staying power beyond being remembered for tits and a dime-a-dozen archetype is a seasonal thot, not a waifu. Plus, if you really care about waifus, you'll want them to actually be in a better game.

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d3cedb No.376950

File: 02df63b62100dcd⋯.jpg (140.35 KB,900x700,9:7,close enough.jpg)



In the context of /monster/ is insane romantic jealously really a flaw? I leave it for the reader to decide.



Hopefully you can derive some enjoyment from that.

I'd also like to encourage other Anons to help themselves to any of Anons' suggestions or to do one of their own. Transformation is kind of fun because you've already got your basic narrative structure baked in: not a monster -> somehow becomes a monster -> is a monster

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44f503 No.376958

File: d13aa0174389596⋯.png (1.05 MB,1357x1079,1357:1079,unf.png)


Good shit. I love yanderes and that was a fucking yandere.

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c3ae10 No.376969

File: 339647c0a003c3c⋯.gif (60.88 KB,350x350,1:1,3905C1A2-8723-4513-A4D9-63….gif)


Following the verbal contract between the two, the relationship promised was a mere friendship. Anon was not obligated to take her as a lover, nor did Lealia have any legal justification to pursue such a relationship. The results are null and void and the poor, cucked lizardman will have her desired man returned to him.

Great story.

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6f95c7 No.376975


Envy is a sin. Jealousy is not.

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7563d5 No.376986


I give it a yan snek/10

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90b108 No.377007

File: acb270c705362d4⋯.png (290.91 KB,431x333,431:333,95e.png)


Quite a good story.

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eda98e No.377073


11/10 Jörmungandr is the child of the trickster god. It seems those snake deities are always up to no good.

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3c7e3d No.377095


>that ending

I was expecting a normal succubus or devil that was monsterized, not a cheeky goddess. Nice to see a different suspect from the usual doing the deed.


It is slightly blurry because she saw it as jealousy, rather than envy, but it was pretty clear the relationship was not what she wanted it to be. So, I would say it was envy.

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8f1506 No.381817


>story removed


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8f1506 No.381818


Shit, it's not just that one. Like… half of the pastebin links lead to deleted stories. What happened?

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18178f No.381872


Pastebin does automatically delete stories unless you have a paid account with them. You get like ten or so that never delete and after that if they don’t receive a view after a while they delete it to make space. If you buy a pro account I think it’s an unlimited number that never delete

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18178f No.381873


Or the author deleted it to edit it or something and will repost it later

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5c5830 No.382827



Don't leave us now when we need you the most

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6b6166 No.383297

File: c4bef7c73fcfaa1⋯.png (672.57 KB,1256x1071,1256:1071,pyas1udk_o.png)

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787f67 No.383401

File: 9b7f7c3f099235e⋯.jpg (58.13 KB,400x400,1:1,ty6t.jpg)

File: 8648e0858cb851c⋯.jpg (165.85 KB,1920x1080,16:9,lot0oot0ug521.jpg)

I came across this cool truck.

Imagine women turning into MGs,and you being one of the few students who has a pickup, which means you're able to haul them around.

Women can't get to work so there's suddenly a worker's shortage.

Sometimes you end up in awkward positions like my other picture.

This exchange student brought a weird piece of furniture which she refused to move away from. Eventually you find out why. Now you have to figure out how to get her into the back of the truck, she weighs more than you and the bed is 5ft off the ground.

Hopefully you don't fall over while picking her up.

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368376 No.383464


This is great work dude! Why have I never heard of you?

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dda65b No.383483


That was really good. Only possible structural suggestion I could make is that the final transformation decisions felt a little fast, each being contained in a single scene, but that's a minor quibble at best.

> Your timid nature just makes me want to throw you on the bed and fuck you silly. And then protect you.

You are truly my nigga.

Don't know if this helps or not but I found some minor typos:

> It was the worst tavern at the bar

I presume this should read something like "worst night at the bar"

> with you out their there protecting us

> She did if it for you

> politesse

I learned a new word!

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0d3679 No.390748


That Nurse is a stronger man than me.

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c4ad37 No.391050


>9 months ago

It's never getting finished is it lads

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741523 No.391052


>I came across this cool truck

>Imagine women turning into MGs

What about isekai-ing women into being reincarnated as monster girls?

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e3eeae No.391058


TL;DR: writefag dropped it like a bad habit

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c3ae10 No.391061

File: 474fa681301ebdb⋯.png (88.74 KB,400x400,1:1,474fa681301ebdb236aa15fe50….png)



>on a 10 word post

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977517 No.391117

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30d01f No.392336

File: 12daa4b4d8ed275⋯.png (381.17 KB,1887x1723,1887:1723,ba11a899-416b-40ca-87eb-5f….png)

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30d01f No.392344

File: 052c11a27416ecc⋯.png (594.64 KB,1000x1470,100:147,74050769_p0.png)

File: d28692f01b1ef9e⋯.png (683.97 KB,1000x1417,1000:1417,74065350_p0.png)

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c34e16 No.393398

File: 501a72012a18c15⋯.jpeg (80.8 KB,579x819,193:273,25313F77-C470-4149-B84A-9….jpeg)

File: 93b5a0a60dbd66f⋯.jpeg (95.79 KB,579x819,193:273,B82F488A-0E62-4FEA-B7A4-1….jpeg)

File: 12186b62f33f280⋯.jpeg (103.07 KB,579x819,193:273,76B1D18F-D563-4AEB-82BC-4….jpeg)

File: c999e6333838a65⋯.jpeg (103.67 KB,579x819,193:273,3A99079C-E48E-4F6B-BE40-E….jpeg)

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40c446 No.393401


Source of pic?

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883658 No.396720

File: ab543fe852a7549⋯.jpg (764.05 KB,2640x3500,132:175,72689664_p0.jpg)

File: 8a42a4ea7aed246⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1698x2400,283:400,73434881_p0.jpg)

File: e942d02b5e67f77⋯.jpg (715.28 KB,2500x1768,625:442,73527324_p0.jpg)

File: 03373491ed1b7cc⋯.jpg (1001.28 KB,2600x1839,2600:1839,73609986_p0.jpg)

File: 7da21071440b43b⋯.jpg (1.76 MB,2500x1767,2500:1767,74339967_p0.jpg)

>under increasing competition from monster girls, human women have turned to SCIENCE to keep up

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68a4c2 No.396723

File: b0e66941098c188⋯.png (1.2 MB,2800x1977,2800:1977,E3757323-184A-480E-B9CE-49….png)


There is something so Schadenfreudistic in the idea of a typical NPC hamplanet proglodyte in particular getting turned into a Mamono.

Bonus points if she remains a pushy activist but now champions pronatalism, heteronormativity, family formation, and only uses her identity grievance tactics in an effort to cajole a man into making her his mate.

Pic related.

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ec982c No.396746


>implying they wouldn't monsterize anyway into specialized automatons

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781ae5 No.396776

File: 9f71f2d205ace3e⋯.jpg (5.74 KB,300x168,25:14,Afro-american individuals.jpg)


god fucking nigger I just finished reading it too nooooooo

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c3ae10 No.396852

File: 1885f27a1a418b1⋯.jpeg (637.62 KB,1839x2600,1839:2600,621B0697-7482-4C87-8E98-8….jpeg)

File: 0ee9f2da26ff798⋯.jpeg (990.33 KB,1838x2600,919:1300,E79420C4-90CB-42D4-99B5-7….jpeg)

File: 01855a200f1f78a⋯.jpeg (710.63 KB,1654x2339,1654:2339,EB88EF9C-DCC0-44C2-9135-1….jpeg)

File: e4ed1a83b661057⋯.jpeg (708.95 KB,1488x2105,1488:2105,AE3C1EBA-01B4-4D49-BB33-1….jpeg)

File: b1004bcd2c62232⋯.jpeg (789.54 KB,2104x2976,263:372,6BED9B95-9EF2-4A7B-B63B-8….jpeg)


>The waifu wars between humans and monsters escalated

>Human women augmented themselves to put themselves on par with the monsters, with the monsters unveiling stronger, more effective creatures and women improving and designing more machines in an arms race for the men

>The demonlord then unveiled her secret weapon: monsterization.

>Women began transforming into the very monsters they were competing against, and the end result was a singularity, combining the traits of both monster and machine into something greater than the sum of its parts.

>If the men stood a chance before, they sure as hell didn’t now.

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60c930 No.396870


>If the men stood a chance before, they sure as hell didn’t now.

Or you can just whip your dick out at the first mg you see that catches your fancy. Or just move to where there's little to no fighting and date a mg to see if she's right for you. Some anons seem totally fine with having no choice whatsoever and lose all control in their life, can't say I share that sentiment at all. The most realistic scenario is that 3DPD wouldn't fight at all, being the weak and miserable bitches that they are. Better to let them monsterize and start anew.

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a21a9e No.396871


but anon, most monstergirls like rape, if you don't struggle, it's not that fun for them.

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741523 No.396873


It'll still be fun for them, just for different reasons.

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17af66 No.396924

File: b5ee8c1f5ae636d⋯.png (3.55 MB,1600x2100,16:21,1558411134779.png)

File: 4cbdc8a5fc7e0f3⋯.png (3.6 MB,1600x2100,16:21,1558411169798.png)

File: 69eff016a2d05ae⋯.png (2.36 MB,1600x2100,16:21,1558411207728.png)

File: ad3a261485d36a1⋯.png (3.04 MB,1600x2100,16:21,1558411240551.png)

Here's something I found, one of my favorite girls getting even better

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68a4c2 No.396929


>Not making her an Umi Osho

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260a7f No.396930


Well, a passive partner that they can use as they wish has its own appeals for some.

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351b95 No.396933

File: eb33a21da3093df⋯.jpg (71.19 KB,498x281,498:281,IMG_3263.JPG)


Alright. We established that monsterization dosen't mean ego death unless the woman was literal human garbage. I can stomach that for the most part.

But how are women who don't want to monsterize handled? As in regular non-trashy chicks who would rather not grow wings or something. Forced anyways? Treated like anyone else? Dunno. Though I assume monsterization via proximity to monsters isn't something that happens fast if at all. Like getting cancer from a microwave.

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e7b9c2 No.396936


i'm gonna guess that some wizard eventually comes up with a potion that blocks monsterization, for women that really don't want it. and though i understand the fear one would have, in the end, monsterizing only has benefits for them.

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351b95 No.396938


>and though i understand the fear one would have, in the end, monsterizing only has benefits for them.

I get that, but people would have reasons beyond fear. Say an old lady is nearing the end. She's lived a long life, had a good husband, had lots of kids, spoiled the grandkids, and all the mushy stuff. She's seen it all and is ready for the end. She could monsterize and get her youth back, but she wants to pass away having fulfilled her life. That's a good reason as any.

Also immortality is a curse and nothing anyone can say will prove otherwise.

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dda65b No.396939

File: 84af22f4be4c82c⋯.png (435.14 KB,513x452,513:452,ClipboardImage.png)



> non-trashy chicks

> old lady … had a good husband, had lots of kids, spoiled the grandkids, and all the mushy stuff.

Anon, those women already are /monster/s.

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e7b9c2 No.396941


>but she wants to pass away having fulfilled her life. That's a good reason as any.

she could still do that.

>had a good husband

do you mean her husband died? because in that case it's all the more reason to monsterize, maybe she transforms into a lich and revives her hubby?

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351b95 No.396943


>do you mean her husband died? because in that case it's all the more reason to monsterize, maybe she transforms into a lich and revives her hubby?

I have a tendency for past-tense, but sure. Also you completely missed the "Has seen it all and is ready for the end" part. She's ready for the end.

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e7b9c2 No.396945


as long as she doesn't leave her husband behind, i'm fine with it, i find it unlikely that mamono mana would touch someone that's absolutely done with everything.

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351b95 No.396947


Even if she did, dying always leaves someone behind. Wife or husband. Try as we might, some things are out of our control. We humans try to mould the world around us like craftsmen do clay, but some things are beyond us. We die when it is our time. Not a moment sooner nor later. No truer a heretic than he who thinks he isn't beholden to this inarguable truth.

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e7b9c2 No.396948


>We die when it is our time. Not a moment sooner nor later. No truer a heretic than he who thinks he isn't beholden to this inarguable truth.

then what does it matter if someone monsterizes when they'd rather leave the world now, it isn't much more difficult, monstergirls are not immortal, they can die like anyone else if they want to, knife to the throat or some good poison should do it. but if they have a husband, he would probably be taken with to whatever afterlife lies ahead, marriage between man and monster is inseparable.

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351b95 No.396949


>then what does it matter if someone monsterizes when they'd rather leave the world now

Because it's their choice to make. Not yours, not anyone else's.

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b38b25 No.396968

File: 1d0c5fd3e9d98ef⋯.jpg (46.89 KB,719x720,719:720,Consider the following.jpg)

File: dbaaf39ffb3b957⋯.png (295.31 KB,892x3685,892:3685,Screenshot_2019-03-15 Mons….png)


>But how are women who don't want to monsterize handled?

They will be monsterized on way or another. the only thing 3DPD can do is negotiate what monster they wan't to become.

>monsterization dosen't mean ego death unless the woman was literal human garbage. I can stomach that for the most part

Why do you need stomaching to begin whit?

> I assume monsterization via proximity to monsters isn't something that happens fast if at all

Oh how utterly wrong you are. And even if a girl doesn't get monsterized Via proximity, cursed books, ect, the world will eventually become one big Demon realm meaning no thot is safe.

Also in the books it is said that entire towns monsterize, just because ratatoskr spread the truth about becoming mamono and all the benefits it has.

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d1869d No.396989


There was a story I read on touchfluffytail about a high ranking lilim monsterizing unwilling women. In that case, it did result in ego death. This did lead the lilim to regret her actions and resulted in some character growth, however.

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e91f49 No.397529

File: fb46e6f605d952e⋯.jpg (793.35 KB,2480x3204,620:801,Fgo_liliraune_jeanne_and_m….jpg)

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f00cfe No.397545


>In that case, it did result in ego death. This did lead the lilim to regret her actions and resulted in some character growth, however.

Didn't the story end with her letter going "lol whatever" and continue doing it anyways?

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e3eeae No.397547


Character growth wasn't big enough to get her to stop. Just enough to plant a seed of doubt

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e91f49 No.397548

File: e096a866274fcf3⋯.jpg (76.52 KB,500x450,10:9,trash.jpg)



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d52cf6 No.397559


what's with the hate for TFT?

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45a8fe No.397566


It's chock full of the sort of subhuman degenerates we try to keep away from on this board.

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0963de No.397680

File: 6a1203d4b6e27ea⋯.png (108.22 KB,903x1280,903:1280,1548009142.lares_014.lara_….png)

Does anyone know how to find the artist of this one?

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875b2e No.397681


Their admin isn't as vigilant as /monster/ would like in keeping futashit and /chaos/ out of the writefag section.

He remains steadfast in opposition to furfaggotry though, which is something at least.

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e91f49 No.397682


I recognize that artist-their name is Lares. Unfortunately, their Pixiv page has been deleted, and I don't know where else they post their art.

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0963de No.397684


hmm thank you anyways

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8cba90 No.399595


>Almost a year later.

>Still no word from the author.


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423353 No.399605

How do anons feel about monsters doing some good ole fashion lesbian sex with human women to turn them into monsters? How about if its just your waifu having lesbian sex with another women to monsterize them without making her a part of your harem?

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ec982c No.399611



I prefer approaches more like directly injecting mamono mana into the target, mindflaying them, serving alcohol other liquids spiked with mana. Or just shooting up bitches with guns loaded with demon silver.

I had a really really interesting idea though.

Imagine a magically created disease. Something that's like a cross between a STD and the flu. Give this mana virus the ability to travel through air, water, and via sex all while being resilient to means that'll normally kill viruses.

Take this disease and infect some beer kegs via them and ship them off to college and university towns. To cities a well in case of parties.

Now for the effects of this virus. The virus makes the infected horny and have lessened inhibitions. Have it tied to the moon since lolmagic. At first it might just be a little urge, but the closer to the full moon it gets, the stronger the effects. People would be more willing to have sex and thus spread the disease.

The most promiscuous would be the best at spreading this around. Then when he full moon happens, everyone with the disease monsterizes or incubizes.

Just imagine it. Applying mamono mana to biological warfare. Hell, along with my ideas of mamono mana bombs and "suicide" (future incubus) bombers, you could monsterize people on a massive scale. I wonder if the demon lord would people like me for these weapons of mass monsterization ideas

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423353 No.399617


>Expresses discontent with dikery

>Proceed to make a virus that encourages thotery

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ec982c No.399618


Well they were going to do it anyway. Might as well weaponize it to our advantage.

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423353 No.399619


OR you could just do what you said earlier and spike liquids with mamano mana and mamano bomb areas. It would be faster and not encourage thotery.

Also at least with dikery the women dont take another mans dick at all and it only lasts for a short time before the newly monsterized women fucks off to get her own husband.

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ec982c No.399639


My bad then. Guess I got a little too into weaponizing mamono mana.

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e3eeae No.399641



Flat out no.

>Waifu goes out and fucks others at random

Lynch yourself you shitstain

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048067 No.399642


Some one needs to do a story about a monster girl version of the christ church prank but with a cupid and an order nunnery.

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752c7a No.405299

File: 39abe87799ac783⋯.jpg (573.55 KB,2894x2046,1447:1023,index.jpg)

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d7ddad No.405300


But who will she tell us to subscribe to?

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