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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: c8aea514a47df9c⋯.png (653.45 KB,960x1280,3:4,very kinky kiki.png)

File: c3f614c28e12ae4⋯.png (3.42 MB,1280x5301,1280:5301,can't spell yandere withou….png)

File: 963498ad9d3b481⋯.png (195.06 KB,435x785,87:157,You fucked up.png)

File: 367c0fd3e8d325d⋯.jpg (465.22 KB,1000x802,500:401,Moth.jpg)

File: 278c399ce2cdb21⋯.jpg (163.08 KB,960x544,30:17,Lisa.jpg)

f4b524 No.352147 [Last50 Posts]

There's one for yandere goddesses, but this thread is for all yanderes, divine or otherwise.

So anon, how would your yandere waifu react on finding out that you actually do love her just as much as she loves you, that you have no intention of running away, and that she never needed to learn how to pick locks or buy that rope and chloroform, because you'd gladly get in the back of her unmarked van any day of the week?

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9992c4 No.352154

>So anon, how would your yandere waifu react on finding out that you actually do love her just as much as she loves you, that you have no intention of running away, and that she never needed to learn how to pick locks or buy that rope and chloroform, because you'd gladly get in the back of her unmarked van any day of the week?

Saying "I know" and continuing to do it anyway.

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b9c7c3 No.352159


where is the 3rd one from?

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f4b524 No.352160

File: 2ed3bf1a458df8b⋯.jpg (291.34 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,01.jpg)

File: b6781b3ca61cf13⋯.jpg (275.47 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,02.jpg)

File: 788f2af386a3020⋯.jpg (339.01 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,03.jpg)

File: 3961a7885579f90⋯.jpg (306.03 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,04.jpg)

File: 4b09b1b179ac362⋯.jpg (237.32 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,05.jpg)


"Stalking Girl" by Yokkora. But looking it up she isn't actually a monster, that's just a visualization of the disgust and hatred she feels towards the guy that wants her to dump her darling for him.

So instead, here's one of the doujins starring everyone's favorite yandere moth, in an alternate universe where she just comes out of the damn shed and stops screwing with people's perceptions of reality for once so she and her man can live a happy life as a married couple.

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f4b524 No.352161

File: 4c2eb1ea3df257e⋯.jpg (290.63 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,06.jpg)

File: ba6e8aa656e96d3⋯.jpg (318.29 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,07.jpg)

File: 60156d7993586f6⋯.jpg (234.5 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,08.jpg)

File: fc5aa27bf9ea53a⋯.jpg (263.81 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,09.jpg)

File: a73d34bfd623284⋯.jpg (268.21 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,10.jpg)

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f4b524 No.352162

File: 9632f8be5f089c1⋯.jpg (265.67 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,11.jpg)

File: 141e688ae79c02b⋯.jpg (296.03 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,12.jpg)

File: 89e7add56f9d722⋯.jpg (297.36 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,13.jpg)

File: ac61022c761e3d2⋯.jpg (247.37 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,14.jpg)

File: 13aeb90c3fadd9a⋯.jpg (135.75 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,15.jpg)

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f4b524 No.352163

File: 78ce8b05cdae5ab⋯.jpg (338.62 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,16.jpg)

File: 9c196d0c990d1b1⋯.jpg (356.49 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,17.jpg)

File: c92797f3971e511⋯.jpg (316.98 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,18.jpg)

File: 1c222157ffa48c0⋯.jpg (339.42 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,19.jpg)

File: 11fe648f4153418⋯.jpg (343.16 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,20.jpg)

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f4b524 No.352164

File: 59a8d55e60633e5⋯.jpg (430.81 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,21.jpg)

File: 1fa10a446855da1⋯.jpg (440.73 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,22.jpg)

File: 08de902c76ebeaf⋯.jpg (358.38 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,23.jpg)

File: f4d553d58beec1a⋯.jpg (316.66 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,24.jpg)

File: 13406041f7b7c37⋯.jpg (288.31 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,25.jpg)

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f4b524 No.352165

File: 81a4a7554069873⋯.jpg (83.8 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,26.jpg)

File: 32d9d7cf69dee35⋯.jpg (284.63 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,27.jpg)

File: de34b8d6f5228dd⋯.jpg (328.59 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,28.jpg)

File: ad36cf82f1c9d2d⋯.jpg (365.5 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,29.jpg)

File: f9fdf9dcab2e746⋯.jpg (77.89 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,30.jpg)

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1a893b No.352166

File: b3d7f624aafc833⋯.jpg (259.9 KB,870x1237,870:1237,b3d7f624aafc833eb96d049ab6….jpg)

File: 6d998fd85d75709⋯.jpg (230.06 KB,870x1237,870:1237,6d998fd85d75709bcdda862383….jpg)

File: 27e374ab284b1a2⋯.jpg (255.84 KB,870x1237,870:1237,27e374ab284b1a2126fc4a886c….jpg)

File: 7f919d29070c7cc⋯.jpg (239.95 KB,870x1237,870:1237,7f919d29070c7cc440339ce9e1….jpg)

File: 51d75d519c777f8⋯.jpg (355.31 KB,870x1237,870:1237,51d75d519c777f83b0e282e5aa….jpg)

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2f11d1 No.352171

File: 1f523c10f3153db⋯.jpg (255.51 KB,900x1271,900:1271,yandere1.jpg)

File: 9995f3a04d3733b⋯.jpg (230.33 KB,900x1271,900:1271,yandere2.jpg)

File: 11713d4bc887472⋯.jpg (273.84 KB,900x1271,900:1271,yandere3.jpg)



Found these too

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272017 No.352172

File: 8d29f2c015d6850⋯.gif (419.96 KB,250x250,1:1,BigBoss.gif)


>"You're not even prepared against hypnotic gas?"

Well excuse him for not wearing a filtration mask 24/7, last time I checked the estate he inherited wasn't based in Chernobyl

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2f11d1 No.352173


just realized these are in the OP


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b9c7c3 No.352174


she took getting part of her finger bitten off pretty well

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46aca7 No.352184


Sauce? Couldn't find it via reverse image search.

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98335e No.352189


Also surprising how little blood there is. I chopped of the tip of my pinky once, blood all over the fucking place.

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40a00a No.352191

File: f386d120cd95cce⋯.jpg (126.16 KB,850x617,850:617,yanticore.jpg)

My fetish is letting a yandere know that I truly love her, and gently and gradually helping her to become normal. Because even if she doesn't break into my room every night and constantly feed me things laced with her bodily fluids and threaten to murder any other mamono who so much as brushes by me in the street, I'm never going to leave her.

I want to heal a yandere's love into something normal and healthy and all the more genuine for it.

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1a893b No.352192


The entire manga was dumped in its own thread.

You should check threads more often.

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873809 No.352270

File: 1265a9bcd2eb8c6⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,122.06 KB,1437x1437,1:1,0DC2F390-B7A8-4844-B7D1-7….jpeg)

>Honey, could you create the front door please?

<I’m afraid I cannot, Master.

>Why not?

<It is within our best interest that you stay here. With me.

>Dear, I need to get to work and buy groceries.

<No such need. There is already a feast awaiting you just within the other room. I can bring it here, if you like.

>What has gotten into you? I need to leave.

<You’re being rash. Please take a seat.

>I don’t need t-

<The~re! Now here, would you like chicken? Steak? Lobster? Something else? Anything you want, whenever~

>Honey, please, just-

<Please sit back down. There’s no need to deal with those filthy, evil creatures outside our home.

>Honey, just calm down, I’ll be back later and then we can-

<You are implying that you are guaranteed to return. What if you are hit by a car, kidnapped, or worse yet: raped? You must sit back down, let’s not get forceful.

>Keep those tentacles away from me!

>What the hell is with the window? Why can’t I break it?

<I only provide the strongest housing for my beloved Master.

>Dear if you don’t let me out, I’ll- I’ll…

<I am afraid that if you don’t calm down, I’ll have to restrain you. I am only doing this for your own benefit.

<This is me, myself, I, ego, and my person. There is no danger, and we are here for you.

<There are many more of us here for you if needed…

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16716b No.352273




More please. Are you mentioning shogs or sentient a.i?

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b9c7c3 No.352275

File: ac70748a5c07cd1⋯.png (628.79 KB,990x950,99:95,f3b842940502f348a4e3001a05….png)


very nice

if pic is against the rules somehow, just delete it, pls don't ban me

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f4b524 No.352276



>Just giving in to the yandere's demands

>Not conquering her with your penis and showing her who the man is

Sad, really. The dick can solve any problems you come across in your relationship with your yandere, if you would only use it to its full potential.

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873809 No.352284


Shoggoth, hence the “Master” title and the need to “create” a door.


lamo nukiddo reported


But giving her the sausage is giving in.

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f4b524 No.352300


You've got to give her so much, and so hard, that the idea of you cheating on her becomes unfathomable. Show her, through long and passionate lovemaking, that the only woman that could ever possibly satisfy you is her, and her alone. Praising her, holding her hand and telling her you love her as you gaze into her eyes (especially in public where others can see) can also help to reinforce her trust in you.

Eventually, when she sees other women, she will merely chuckle to herself. Where there once was a murderous, territorial rage, there is now amused pity. "Those poor sluts," she'll think, "they'll never have a man half as good as my darling"

You just need to get in her head, Like this:

<Be yandere Kikimora

<Out on the town with Master



<Master suddenly pulls me into a deep kiss

<All thoughts of the shogshit immediately fade to nothing as Master holds me in his big, strong arms

>Sweetheart, I wish you wouldn't fret over other women like that

<Oh god I can't think straight when he looks at me with those eyes

<"But master, th- that harlot was clearly sizing you up for-"

<He silences me with another kiss, then puts his finger to my lips

>Shh, Kiki. When will you understand

<He reaches for my- oh no, Master, you can't just grab my hand in public!

>She don't matter. None of them matter. You're the only girl that love. The only one I ever have, and the only one I ever will.

<Cum a little from hearing him say the L word

<In public no less, Master, you're so daring

>Now come on, let's go home. I've got a long night planned for you

You see where the man here recognized that his yandere was about to blow her top, and corrected her before she could do any harm to the Shoggoth. This is the key to taming your yandere: stop her before she kills in your name, and show her that killing other women wastes valuable time that she could be spending being held in your arms.

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873809 No.352304

File: 8922271717ed5de⋯.jpeg (72.42 KB,520x420,26:21,4F4D3476-B58D-4323-AA71-0….jpeg)




But I get your point.

>>She don't matter. None of them matter.

Now I’m imagining kikifags are all Carl, which would explain their desire to better themselves.:^)

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f4b524 No.352305

File: d1013b02f316c4c⋯.png (412.2 KB,853x480,853:480,She_Creature.png)


>Implying any yandere won't find a way to kill her mark given time and motivation

And everyone knows Carl sleeps with the fishes

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b9c7c3 No.352307

File: 65692fe44409a69⋯.png (Spoiler Image,4.63 KB,300x168,25:14,1212.png)


Carl is already claimed

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6db1d5 No.352317

Does anyone have a list of monster yandere stories? I would very much like to be aroused and spooked at the same time.

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30328e No.352324

File: bb8dfd3186d3947⋯.png (Spoiler Image,197.79 KB,640x480,4:3,from agnes--with love.png)


>yandere clang

Would you /monster/?

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b9c7c3 No.352336


didn't she just hop right on the next guy after the first one went insane?

fucking whore

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9b01c9 No.352346


Maybe the saliva is more acidic than humans, leading to it chemically burn/close the wound.

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85188a No.352348

File: eb9c94a22a28e4c⋯.jpg (466.68 KB,1666x1000,833:500,Yandere types.jpg)

Which type of yandere is your monster girl?

1. Dependent

Yandere who can't live without you

Y: Always, always make me your number one, o.k.? If you dont make me number one, i won't be able to work hard!

2. Monopolizing

Yandere who wants you all to herself and won't hesitate to lock you up if need be.

Y: You don't need anyone but me. You belong only to me.

3. Eliminating

Yandere who will not attack you, but instead take down other people surrounding you.

Y: If you're looking for that girl. i have already disposed of her. After all, you already have me here for you~.

4. Attacking

Yandere who conveys her love with her body and is emotionally unstable.

Y: Hmmm? You're being nice to someone other than me? A bad boyfirend needs to be punished, don't you think?

5. Stalker

Yandere who wants to understand everything about her partner

Y: Yes! If it's about you, i know everything! Because i'm always watching…

6. Harmless

Yandere who doesn't do anything to you but quietly hurts herself.

Y: If you are happy, then i'm happy, too… I'll always work as hard as i can.

7. Worshipping

Yandere who wants to exist only for your sake.

Y: I'll do anything, if it's for you. Feel free to use me until I'm all worn out <3

8. Delusional

Yandere who makes up stories that suit her desires.

Y: We were always together again this <3 Huh, only since summer? What are you talking about? We've always been together.

9. Isolating

Yandere who destroys her boyfriend's reputation to make herself indispensable.

Y: Darling~ alone again? Ya really are useless without me, huh?

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98335e No.352349


Monopolizing works. Waking up in a room sealed off from the world, I could shiggy.

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f89a8e No.352352


I'll take a #7 to go please

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774749 No.352359


5, 6 or 7 works for me. The others are a little too spooky for me personally.

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123d5c No.352366


I'll have two #9's, a #9 large, a #6 with extra dip, a #7, two #4 - 5's, one witch cheese and a large soda.

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9992c4 No.352368


5 and 7 are best.

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f07e5a No.352383


The last thing i was expecting anon kek.

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9b9846 No.352391

File: 5e6fd8b4f5af6cd⋯.jpg (38.42 KB,900x900,1:1,cia mask.jpg)


1 and 5 are good

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873809 No.352398

File: 0c5402c1dec2b2e⋯.jpeg (56.13 KB,667x667,1:1,A9B7FE92-B8BF-48E0-858D-2….jpeg)

If people want I can continue >>352270 but I will probably have to change the style to a more generic greentext as only so much can be told through dialogue alone. Or maybe it’s best left at on an edge like this. Give me your (You)s opinion.

If people really want I could push for more dialogue only. It will be shorter but I think the style is better.


1., 2., 5. and 7. rolled in one

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f4b524 No.352401


I'm interested to see if Anon can conquer his yandere with the power of dick or if he's just gonna get mindraped until he loves being fed slime for breakfast lunch and dinner like all the other weak-willed shogfags :^)

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16716b No.352516


Just type some more i need to see who succumbs first.

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bcc76b No.352526


I've looked through the threads done a reverse search and tried several search terms. Where is the sauce for this?

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774749 No.352529


The thread is on page 3 right now and has been active the last couple of days. Don't know how you missed that if you were actively looking.

Just look again. You can do it Newfriend

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26a448 No.352534


Worshiping yanderes who would do and accept everything for your love are fantastic, especially when they are low level species such as Holsts or Slimes.

Monopolizing yanderes who love you so much that they can't bear you giving attention to anyone else are also fantastic, especially when they are powerful species such as Dragons or Demons.

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836266 No.352655

File: ed5c1eaa02814be⋯.jpg (60.56 KB,700x674,350:337,Yuno.jpg)

>Dragon Waifu

it would probably be like having a spyplane watching you




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d11135 No.352679


I actually knew someone who make up stories like in number 8. its not fun. Ill take number one.

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644715 No.353024

File: 7450aa7622dccf4⋯.jpg (138.3 KB,731x1024,731:1024,barikios1.jpg)

File: 078e339b82bb0fb⋯.jpg (200.66 KB,707x1024,707:1024,barikios2.jpg)

File: 672c16cca185bcb⋯.jpg (213.04 KB,693x1024,693:1024,barikios3.jpg)

File: 342c4dea8ac6f34⋯.jpg (209.91 KB,682x1024,341:512,barikios4.jpg)

File: 963b3954fd960ac⋯.jpg (150.88 KB,670x1024,335:512,barikios5.jpg)

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644715 No.353026

File: ad38f56448d65cb⋯.jpg (128.54 KB,660x1024,165:256,barikios6.jpg)

File: f3d43192447cec6⋯.jpg (170.61 KB,664x1024,83:128,barikios7.jpg)

File: 2489122f583d0dd⋯.jpg (142.65 KB,659x1024,659:1024,barikios8.jpg)

File: 894c31a23a5a85f⋯.jpg (99.34 KB,729x729,1:1,barikios9.jpg)

File: 055b1dbd907cd55⋯.jpg (135.07 KB,751x1024,751:1024,barikios10.jpg)

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644715 No.353027

File: 5e593e44cc86935⋯.jpg (136.79 KB,780x929,780:929,barikios11.jpg)

File: 2d583308ec565a6⋯.jpg (139.71 KB,780x910,6:7,barikios12.jpg)

File: a7b10b9acf0907a⋯.jpg (141.77 KB,768x1024,3:4,barikios13.jpg)

File: 22167cc3146420d⋯.jpg (102.22 KB,780x699,260:233,barikios14.jpg)

File: f884fe8c5807046⋯.jpg (91.71 KB,764x1024,191:256,barikios15.jpg)

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bb71e3 No.353028


2, 4, 8, and 9.

Individually or altogether.

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b29564 No.353107


Well, that was fucking heartbreaking.

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4bc1ba No.353111


>when you're so starved for affection the stalking actually flatters you.

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bb71e3 No.353114

File: 536f7c49b949059⋯.jpg (4.5 MB,2689x4104,2689:4104,47494953_p0.jpg)

File: da04dc26e2532c9⋯.jpg (125.65 KB,905x1024,905:1024,59278763_p0.jpg)


It's ok. She pops out onto an island where she meets a dark skinned kitsune and they spend the rest of their days being cute together.

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3b1a7b No.369901

File: 6e5adf83183a792⋯.jpg (300.43 KB,1280x1813,1280:1813,01.jpg)

File: 8bfb1ecd9e2795c⋯.jpg (234.24 KB,1280x1849,1280:1849,02.jpg)

File: d404d2cc35171c1⋯.jpg (17.09 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,03.jpg)

File: 248fa3b10800ca4⋯.jpg (484.83 KB,1280x1821,1280:1821,04.jpg)

File: 0bda72a6228da57⋯.jpg (470.18 KB,1280x1813,1280:1813,05.jpg)

Reviving dead thread with the latest in yandere moth's vanilla adventures

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3b1a7b No.369902

File: 8f7cb5a28d18058⋯.jpg (400.01 KB,1280x1821,1280:1821,06.jpg)

File: 58a36845bf51559⋯.jpg (545.33 KB,1280x1836,320:459,07.jpg)

File: 2215350879d5fe7⋯.jpg (535.18 KB,1280x1816,160:227,08.jpg)

File: 4420d7cf96e987f⋯.jpg (406.47 KB,1280x1816,160:227,09.jpg)

File: acc4a3b9881abeb⋯.jpg (639.58 KB,1280x1844,320:461,10.jpg)

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3b1a7b No.369903

File: f9f11c8fe08dc8f⋯.jpg (498.17 KB,1280x1814,640:907,11.jpg)

File: ce28d141b726a9d⋯.jpg (412.09 KB,1280x1814,640:907,12.jpg)

File: 42eeb5cefda0210⋯.jpg (466.26 KB,1280x1824,40:57,13.jpg)

File: 564296b38a1b248⋯.jpg (384.58 KB,1280x1820,64:91,14.jpg)

File: edb9a6945a45c4c⋯.jpg (605.03 KB,1280x1824,40:57,15.jpg)

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3b1a7b No.369904

File: f3b78fe8fa6358c⋯.jpg (85.3 KB,1280x1813,1280:1813,16.jpg)

File: 26a947d65313076⋯.jpg (97.51 KB,1280x1812,320:453,17.jpg)

File: 2cfe179a3d98feb⋯.jpg (67.93 KB,1280x1850,128:185,18.jpg)

File: 1425e60f921e38a⋯.jpg (275.3 KB,1280x1841,1280:1841,19.jpg)

File: a47bb8b34b37d79⋯.jpg (337.08 KB,1280x1823,1280:1823,20.jpg)

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3b1a7b No.369905

File: 67e37bd0d806c72⋯.jpg (523.87 KB,1280x1823,1280:1823,21.jpg)

File: 49dcf21bfe355f5⋯.jpg (47.91 KB,1280x1782,640:891,22.jpg)


And these last two for completion's sake.

The more I think about it, the more I want my waifu to be yandere. Why are they so perfect?

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9a6558 No.369909


A harem of yanderes, your funeral.

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a1bd98 No.369910


Thanks, anon now I'm reminded I'm supposed to finish a several month overdue story. faggot

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3b1a7b No.369911


Finish it, your waifu wouldn't let you procrastinate, unless the task involved being away from her for any stretch of time longer than thirty seconds

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f0380d No.369912

Somebody should make a greentext about a yandere hellhound

Or a yandere danuki since I wonder how that would go out

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0a0739 No.369913


We could especially use a yandere artfairy story.

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02d26d No.369915


>Or a yandere danuki since I wonder how that would go out

I imagine it wouldn't be much different than how a danuki normally operates. Their shtick is driving you into a financial corner to make you indebted to them. Making you their property strikes me as very yanderish. Not that I personally find anything wrong with any of this.

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048129 No.369920


I would imagine a yandere danuki would absolutely despise the idea of you being independent of her in anyway

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eb67e7 No.369923


>Yandere nighound

I can't see them as yandere tbh. They always strike me as a tough delinquent than an yan.

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f0380d No.369953


True true either way in the end your gonna get raped

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f0380d No.369956


>be me

>talking to danuki I've known for a while

>all of a sudden I'm handed a paper


>I'm in debt for talking to her for three years

>tell her to fuck off

>debt rises


>what do I do guys?


Sounds great

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35e0f7 No.369974


>walking down the street with yandere werecat gf

>gf begins glaring daggers at other girls

>anti-yandere mode activate

>grab gf’s ass, use other hand to start teasing ears

>begin giving neck kisses

>whisper dirty talk into her ear

>gf now too flustered and confused to worry about other girls

>problem solved, after you take responsibility of course

Maledom is the natural predator of the yandere

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11f0c7 No.369993



C'mon! The dude just needs to suggest or promise to bring to her some down-on-his-luck, single kitsune lover and everything will be hunky dory.

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609651 No.369996

File: b611a8694a84fae⋯.jpg (89.53 KB,850x1023,850:1023,apophis 35.jpg)

File: 50b04f49a1c66d5⋯.png (1.16 MB,1920x1080,16:9,apophis rape inbound.png)

File: 3c2d870d93beb4c⋯.png (277.13 KB,500x308,125:77,apophis312321.png)

tfw no yandere gRAPEsnek gf

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cc2807 No.370000

File: b54c3746a0ea1b5⋯.png (841.66 KB,900x651,300:217,Manticore122.png)


>tfw no yandere manticore who pushes your stamina to the limit

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609651 No.370001

File: 69a1adedad3cd5c⋯.png (88.83 KB,803x804,803:804,Apophis 16.png)

>>370000 (Nice digits)

>tfw no benevolet yandere gRAPEsnek utocrat to rule a small country with

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048129 No.370083

File: e8f2fe998899145⋯.png (Spoiler Image,339.36 KB,1184x1003,1184:1003,Shoggoth44.png)


Is it wrong that i want a shoggoth worship me like I'm a literal god?

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639e52 No.370098

File: 1e1fb92d1226735⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.58 KB,1280x720,16:9,NeverKilledOnce.jpg)

>Be me

>Older brother

>Trying to set an example so lil' bro doesn't alp like our sis

>Lil' bro comes home and says he's being stalked

>Tell him to stop being a fag and just confront his stalker

>Says he can't

>Why fuckin' not you incontinent fuck?

>Lil' bro spews some shit about how she beat his ass already

>Just stare at him dumbfounded that he would let his ass get beat and wouldn't tell me

>Demand he tell who's been kicking his ass so I can kick their ass

>Says it's some senior hellhound

>Senior stalking a freshman

>How pathetic is this fucking bitch?

>Tell him to come with me

>His fairy faggot ass exclaims he has homework

>Slap him upside the head and tell him that homework will be the least of his worries when he wakes up in her basement tied to the water heater

>Let his ass go outside on his own while I tail him

>Lil' bro asks me if that means I'm technically stalking him

>Slap him upside his head again and call him a fuckin' moron

>Look down the road and notice two lights heading towards me

>I would step off the road but I'm not on it

>Oh shit

>I get tackled by a hellhound going mach 3 with her eyes brighter than a car's high beams

>She's trying to rip my throat out with her teeth

>Punt her cunt and kip up

>Suddenly get a gut full of hellhound claws

>Eh, I've survived worse

>Deliver a nasty right hook that would would send any sane woman back to the kitchen

>Unfortunately I'm dealing with some crazy yandere hellnig-nog

>But it gave me enough room to push her off, with only taking half of my liver, and grab a baseball bat that the neighbor kids left out

>She pounced again at me and I swing for the fences

>Mfw I hear the sound of bones cracking and metal ringing

>Mfw I see raspberry jelly spray everywhere

>Mfw my lil' bro said I killed her

>Mfw I didn't. She's just sleeping

>Mfw I have never once killed a person once in my life

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2449ad No.370105

File: 45f10723e85d47e⋯.jpg (107.2 KB,821x571,821:571,1467311184714.jpg)


Majima posting is something I can get behind

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f0380d No.370172

File: d4ea28cac4b6986⋯.png (121.03 KB,800x800,1:1,1532026735307.png)


Is it bad I want more?

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5d1481 No.370174


>From Agnes with love

Don't remind me of that best girl shoggoth and her potential to be yandere.

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609651 No.370180

bros how 2 get yandere gf??????????????????????? pls help

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a1bd98 No.370181

File: b2ca2832d620ac5⋯.jpeg (8.32 KB,261x173,261:173,2E11C997-5400-4C78-BF2D-B….jpeg)


mfw I cryptonesia’d the name Agnes onto my own shog story and can’t think of anything better to replace it


1. Don’t be brazilian

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609651 No.370182

File: a272ebd07d821cf⋯.png (355.52 KB,641x723,641:723,confused_looking_anime_gir….PNG)


>1. Don’t be brazilian

Done already. What now?

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5d1481 No.370183


You do you man. There's nothing wrong with Agnes as a shog name.

It's just that there was a long followed writefag in the wan thread and Agnes was a shoggoth that just wanted to care for her little sisters, care for Slavanon, and is obviously best girl, but Thread theme says no. And it's been a while since it updated and those that remember it still miss it.

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0d42d7 No.370196

File: 1c84c1c005f7ed0⋯.jpeg (84.44 KB,1191x670,1191:670,14EAED89-C436-4FF1-B811-2….jpeg)


Goddamn this is great, I didn’t realize how much I wanted majima-posting before I knew it existed, but now I need more.

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f900f9 No.370200

File: 17f9bd7aa23f762⋯.jpg (4.76 KB,250x224,125:112,1502573238847.jpg)


I don't know whether to be disappointed because it was an interesting story that turned into majima posting or to find where my sides flew off to

also, someone screencap this

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3b1a7b No.370260

File: efacf69c5718690⋯.png (609.54 KB,892x1052,223:263,majimaposting.PNG)

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f900f9 No.370306


Thanks, mayne

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f0380d No.370310


Sendth morath

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a1bd98 No.371760

File: 0e967e46ec27e44⋯.gif (10.22 MB,533x640,533:640,3A42659E-C49F-4F6E-97E5-90….gif)


pardon the ridiculous lateness

>Things were getting out of control.

>With the conflict between kikimoras and shoggoths practically having an all out war on each other, I’m having a lot of difficulty keeping a job because of my unusual singleness attracting unwanted attention and investigation. I don’t need Agnes ruining any of my few opportunities to hold a job.

>Quickly ducking away from the wall, I turned back to the small army of identical maids staring at me; her forms just standing there and tracking my movement.

>I slowly started to back away from her, prompting her to start following me.

>Out of fear, I begin to desperately search around for something to defend myself with, only to find whatever I touched would either melt in my grasp or suddenly lash out to try grab me.

>Most of the items in the house had already been replaced by her, hell, she replaced the damn house itself, but there were still a few solid objects left laying around for guests to interact with. She does not appreciate the touch of others; she says they’re “filthy” and “unworthy.”

>Picking up a broom, I firmly gripped it to test it’s solidity. After confirming it to be separate from her, I detached the head and held it with both hands like a longsword.

>”Agnes, I need you to calm down! If you don’t, I’m afraid I’m going to have do something I don’t want to!”

>She stopped and gave me a look of minor concern.

<I think Master, who is holding the weapon against his unarmed maid, should be the one who must relax.

>”You’ve got plenty of arms.”

<All to serve you at your beck and call.

>”Then I request you let me go out.”

<In your own interest, I’m afraid I cannot.

>One of her bodies slowly began to approach me.

<Please relax.


>She continued.

>Well, I warned you.

>With as much might as I could, I swung the broomstick at her head.

<Silly Master~

>The broomstick went into her head as if it were wet clay, protruding out from her face with the cleaved path slowly collapsing in on itself. I attempted to pull it out, but the stick refused to move.

<Ahh~ don’t pull out yet~

>She began to smile with an expression of desire.

<I think this needs a bit of a woman’s touch…

>Slowly and delicately, she put her fingers one-by-one around the broomstick and pulled it with incredible force out of my hands and throwing me off balance.

>With the broomstick, half of her face stretched off with it; unblinking and maintaining eye contact with me until the trail between the stick and her head became too thin to support her connection, prompting her to start fixing her face as the remnants of her on the broomstick sloughed onto the floor with a disgusting plop.

<And for my next trick, I shall make this ordinary broomstick disappear!~

>I stood back and watched as she placed the end of the broomstick into her mouth. She began sucking on it lewdly at first while locking eyes with me. Then she took it out, turned her chin up and placed the broomstick into her mouth like a sword swallower.

>Silently, the wooden pole went straight down her throat and into the mass beneath us.


>Her copies clapped in unison as they smiled emptily towards me.

<Did that impress you? Has it calmed you down?

>As I started backing further away, she sighed in disappointment.

<I didn’t wish to do this, but if Master is unwilling to cooperate I’m afraid I must take disciplinary action.

>From behind my back, tentacles whipped from the ceiling, walls and floor, coiling around my limbs and suspending me in the air like a starfish as I screamed.

<This is simply for Master’s personal safety.

>”Let me go this instant!”

<Now, now, Master. You are much like a child in that you are incredibly naive. The world outside is hazardous! Men would kill you for the clothes off your back! Dark elves with leashes and whips would snatch you up into slavery! Succubi would tempt you into depravity. Your home is much safer. With me, you are safe. No one can penetrate this domain.

>Nor exit, as it seems.

>”As the master, I am displeased with your service and demand you release me at once!

<In time you shall come to realize my services are the best that could ever be offered in history. Perhaps…

>The bases of the tentacles binding my limbs began to shift down the walls and floor, merging together to form a luxurious chair.

>The armrests bound my arms by the biceps and wrists while my legs were wrapped on the shins.

<Now would be a good time to teach you.

>Loops that went over and under my shoulders began to undulate along with the entire back, creating a massage that soothed some of the tension.

>The massage would be a lot more welcome and effective, if not for the alarming scenario unfolding before me.

<Fe~el the stress leaving your body~

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a1bd98 No.371761


>A mass of slime began to rise from the floor in front of me, eventually shaping itself into a large dining table with a variety of foods; many of which were familiar, but for some I couldn’t even begin to determine what sort of animal or plant the contents of the dish belonged to. Or supposedly belonged to.

>She lifted a fork full of what appeared to be turkey close to my face, urging me to take a bite.

<Isn’t this comforting? Having your wonderful maid help you through your irrational moments and ensuring you live a stress-free, comfortable, safe life?

>Suddenly, I heard a rumbling in the distance.

>I thought I was hallucinating from the insane events unfolding until one of the maids approached the window. The one before me continued to stare into my eyes, offering a different course sample she must have picked up when I wasn’t looking.

>Looking back to the window, a large vehicle approached with six bodies sitting off the sides of it.

>The vehicle had grey and brown camouflage and appeared to be a fire engine with its back modified for it to act as large tanker.

>It was being driven by kikimoras! I was going to be saved!

>I thought I took several precautions to ensure Agnes remained hidden from the conflict between the two factions, but it was a blessing I messed up.

>Given the nigh-invulnerable state of shoggoths and the fact kikimoras’ aren’t particularly well known for their magical prowess, the kikimoras opted for a different method of victory. If they could not be beaten, they would instead trap them.

>The tank at the back of the vehicle is connected to a heavy duty hose with incredible suction power, designed to pick up shoggoths and stow them away.

>Shoggoths normally would win any fight with a kikimora, but shoggoths very rarely work together and the kikimoras had equipped themselves with powerful magitech to give themselves an edge.

>I looked back to the maid, her piercing, golden gaze and empty smile boring into my soul with a different morsel in hand.

>Then I noticed the walls peristaltically pulsing upwards, continuously pumping mass to the upper levels.

>I glanced back to see three kikimoras disembarking and approaching where the front door used to be.

>I quickly looked at their vehicle and back to the shifting house in a horrifying realization.

>That tank could not hold anywhere near the mass of Agnes.

>Shoggoths almost never get to this size naturally. Typically the largest they ever get is up to two or three meters cubed, as shoggoths require large amounts of mana to gain mass.

>However, if supplied with a powerful external source, one could grow up to become amongst the largest of slime queens if division is prevented.

>All this happened because I let her into the damn mana well.

>The curtains closed as the kikimoras disembarked. Two clones stood in front of eachother: one shifting her appearance to look like a kikimora while the other studied her form and molded it like a sculpture.

>A heavy knock sounded off from where the door was, and I opened my mouth to scream, hoping they would hear my cries only to find my mouth suddenly occupied with food.

>I coughed and tried to scream again, but Agnes covered my mouth with her hand.

<Master! It’s rude to talk with your mouth full!

<“Kikimora Investigations, open up!”

<“Maybe they’re not home.”

<“I saw the curtains move. Something’s in there.”


>With another series of bangs on the door, the clone finalized her appearance and the house immediately normalized itself with all the clones melting into the floor barring the one in front of me and the one disguised as a half-naked kikimora.

>With the door shaping itself on the wall, the clone opened the door with me just outside the peripheral vision of the kikimoras.

>With much hesitation, I swallowed my food in hopes that she would remove her hand from my mouth to feed me again and provide an opportunity to make some noise of alarm. However once my mouth was empty more food was being pushed out directly from her palm into my mouth.

<Please go away! I’ve done my service and I just wish to spend the day with my master!

<“Ma’am, there’s been reports of a potential shoggoth in this vincinity. We’re going to need to come in and perform some investigations.”

<B-but it’s my first time with my master! The mood is perfect right now and it’ll be ruined with you tracking the dirt on your boots and romping around while I have to sit by and wait for you to leave!

<“It’ll just be a few minutes. Please step aside.”

<“Sheesh, the residual-magic counter’s been going nuts ever since we got over the hill. Your master a wizard or something?”

>I started to struggle as much as I could in the chair.

<No, no, no! This is my one, perfect opportunity and it will not be-

<“Hey, you girls hear somethi-“

>The kikimora peeked her head into the doorway and froze when she made eye contact with me.

<Oh dear…

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a1bd98 No.371762


>Immediately the disguised clone horizontally split open from the stomach into a massive, black maw as her legs began to melt together into a base.

>The poor kikimora barely had time to look back and register what was happening before it clamped down on her. The clone tilted its torso vertically and hoisted her up before shifting back with the door slamming autonomously as she began to swallow with the victm’s legs kicking fruitlessly in the air.

>Muffled screams from outside were heard along with banging on the door.

>The clone's torso was curved in an unnatural backwards "C" shape as it craned its head in my direction.

<Pardon me, Master. It’s filth like this that must be cleaned up. Please wait downstairs until I finish.

>My chair slowly began to sink into the floor with me still strapped in.

>I watched as the ceiling and walls began to bend towards the front. The kikimoras were scrambling to their stations and preparing their equipment.

>The last thing I saw before completely being submerged in the floor was a black tidal wave moving to smother the intruders.

>Then darkness.

Any sort of feedback/criticism welcome, even over more miniscule shit like wording, grammar, story seems generic/boring/interesting, etc. as I’m pretty new to writefagging. Sorry once more for being 4 months late.

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1c974e No.371766


Pretty damn good. The only point of advice I can offer is that sometimes there is a slight clinical tone to your writing where a bit more description of the setting or the character might flesh it out a little.

For instance:

>I started to struggle as much as I could in the chair.

Could be

>With the prospect of escape tantalisingly near, I began to struggle and writhe in the chair in a desperate attempt to free myself.

Or something.

But it's a real nitpick.

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a1bd98 No.371768


Thanks, I was intentionally trying to go for a slightly more sophisticated tone for this, so I’m glad you mentioned that so I can watch for inconsistencies in style in the future.

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3b1a7b No.371880

File: 161c593af444010⋯.jpg (50.66 KB,1000x750,4:3,sad cat.jpg)


You see here? Shogfag let his yandere get way out of hand, and innocent Kikimoras suffered for it.

Poor Kikis. God rest their souls.

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a1bd98 No.371883


They came with vicious intent, they’re not so innocent.

And I’m not done yet.

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639e52 No.381010

File: 5060c686a60e17d⋯.jpg (12.31 KB,297x221,297:221,ShogFood.jpg)

>Shoggoth neighbor invites me over for a barbecue

>I must've got there early because I'm the only one here

>An hour later and no one shows up

>Shoggoth neighbor invites me inside since it's getting cold

>Take her up on her offer since free food

>She isn't even eating herself, she's just watching me and it's a bit unnerving

>Take a bite of the burger and notice her face goes to complete ecstasy


>Stare down back at my food and notice the parts where I bit into it are coagulated black sludge

>Shoggoth neighbor notices the facade dropped and tries to play it off like I was just seeing things, and to go back to eating

>Does she think I wasn't born yesterday?

>Calmly excuse myself before bending below the table and throwing up all the "food" I just ate

>I then do a π and run to the sliding door

>Dark thorns and oily bramble cover the handle in attempt to stop me

<"Master, it would be in your best interest to take a seat and enjoy your food"

>Momma didn't raise no bitch boy. She made me pull out thorn bushes every Sunday when those bitchy dryads would grow a whole patch of them in our backyard for using mosquito spray

>Grab the handle and yeet that bitch

>Run past her garden of otherworldly plants and hop the fence into my backyard

>Lock my doors and barricade everything

>Even scrawl the Elder Sign into each wall and ceiling

>It keeps her out, but now I have to listen to her goading me to come outside

<"Master, you can only last so long in there! But don't worry, because I'll be here waiting outside even if it takes forever"

>Try to call police, but I'm not getting a signal

>Even my computer is ain't getting a connection

>Thankfully I have plenty of food since I just went shopping and I still have running water and electricity

>Go to the bathroom to wash the puke off my face

>Faucet spews sickly green water that starts to eat away at the porcelain

>Okay scratch the water

>Turn on TV only to see countless glowing yellow eyes staring back at me

>Scrawl an elder sign on it and sprint to go check on my food

>Luckily everything is fine

>If I ration everything I could probably last at least a month before I have to an hero

Decided to jump on the yandere shoggoth bandwagon

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1677f9 No.381018


Give in and become her mastah. Good stuff.

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a1bd98 No.381026

File: f458613f7ecc286⋯.jpeg (28.98 KB,640x432,40:27,B5A763AB-0B26-49F5-A23D-A….jpeg)


>the door was left unlocked

You have been rused. She simply wants to force you to submit by your own will and you’ve already lost. The water wasn’t her though, you should call city services.

I wish I could focus on finishing my shit.

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9122de No.381035

>I fucked up guys

>like I really fucked up

>you know how crime lords are terrifying

>well I may or may not have attracted the attention of one

>not the ill fuck you up kind of attention mind you

>its more of the if anyone even touches you I'll kill them kind

>let me just start from the beginning

>I'm sorta a drug mule for a gang called the stingers

>I know the name sounds terrible, but there pretty fucking terrifying

>so when they came up to me saying I had to deliver four tons of fucking crack, directly to the biggest gangs home base

>well let's just say I didn't have the balls to say no

>and to make matters worse I have to work with big Carlos

>this crazy motherfucker slaughtered a entire fucking swat team with his bear hands, and intimidated his way out of court

>he fucking rolled a Goddamn d20 with that shit

>so you can just imagine the amount of fear I had as we were driving a truck to the mansion

>throughout the ride Carlos remained silent yet he just stared at me

>I even tried to break the silence with small talk

>"so uh…Carlos, what do you think about this job"

>and of course there was no reply

>but when we finally reached the destination, I was even more terrified

>because the gaurds at the designation raised their guns at both me and Carlos

>however before they could shoot a voice spoke out

>she seemed to be dragon girl, however she did have this scar across her face

<"so your the delivery boy, your a little sma-"

>almost instantly Carlos pulled out a knife and lunged at the dragon girl ,before he suddenly just fell flat on his face

>I quickly began to head towards Carlos before I noticed something strange about him

>his entire fucking arm was gone

<"its quite how the weak think they can even challenge the strong"

>I didn't even hear her move yet she was already towering over me

<"but as I was saying you seem to be a little small to be a drug mule"

>I remained silent as I just looked at Carlos body

<"you know its quite rude to remain silent when someones talking to you"

>"I uh sorry where are my manners"

<"that's alright boy but may I ask how old are you"

>"seventeen mam"

<"and your already delivering drugs?"

>"yes mam"

<"well then let's just change the subject, where are the drugs"

>"inside the truck mam"

>she quickly motioned for two of her men to search the truck

>it didn't take them long however to find the stash

>"he wasn't lying boss"

<"is that so"

>she quickly reached into her shirt before she pulled out a wad of money

>before I could grab the money however she quickly grabbed my wrist

<"why don't you and me chat sometime alright?"


>almost instantly she let go of my hand before I quickly grabbed the money and waited for the drugs to be taken out of my truck

>after the drugs were taken I quickly got in and drove back to the stingers base

>when I arrived I quickly told them what happened to Carlos

>and like that a fucking feud was created between the two gangs

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cc4680 No.381060


I think you need to detect anon it's never good to make a dragon girl gang-star worry.

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9122de No.381102


>about a week later the stingers were ready to have a all out raid against the Valkyries

>but I didn't want anything to do with this fight, however I was forced to

>anyways the plan was I was supposed to drive my truck to the mansion claiming to be delivering crack

>after I get the attention of the leader I was supposed to lead her to the truck where she would be taken hostage

>the worst part about this plan is that I'll be the one out in the open as the dragon girl was taken hostage

>so after we pulled up to the mansion I quickly hopped out of the truck with my hands up

>"don't shoot I'm just here to deliver!"

<"is that so?"

>I'm not exactly sure if she was already there, or If she was expecting us

>"yep, more drugs"

>she slowly walked towards me before she grabbed my shoulder

<"so I forgot to ask, what's your name"


<"my names sasha"

>she began to lead me towards the mansion but I couldn't let that happen

>"aren't you going to check the crack"

<"I already know about the men in the truck"

>"what men"

<"don't play stupid anon"

>"I have no idea what your talking about:

>she began to chuckle before I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head

>my vision began to go dark as I fell flat on my face

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b6dbe7 No.381105


Keep going boy-o

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67ceaf No.381108


You done fucked up now, son.

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f0380d No.381409


>When I finally came to I found out I was now chained ontop of a pile of gold

>now the chain didn't feel tight on my wrists, either she's never done this before or she didn't want it to hurt

<"well look who's awake"

>I remained silent for I didn't know what to say

<"now before you ask your still a virgin, however the full moon is tonight"

>she paused before she looked at me, as if she were a dog looking at a butcher's shop

<"so be sure to take responsibility Husband"

>I just looked at her in fear as she began to walk out of the room

>the second she fully left the room I tried slip out of my chains, no chance

>but then I heard someone enter the room

>it seemed to somebody from the truck

>looks like he somehow escaped

>he began to unlock my chains he helped me up onto my feet

>"hey anon you alright?"

>"yeah, thanks for the help"

>"lets go anon"

>so how did you escape"

>I played dead…"


>as the two of us roamed the halls of the mansion we began to hear some yelling behind us


>without a second thought I started running ,but I ended up crashing into a vase close by…..

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ee83e9 No.381413

File: 4479b17f54db36a⋯.png (419.77 KB,1280x862,640:431,1545023970395.png)


>crashing into a vase within 1 second of running

Prime rape bait right there

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7acd7c No.381436

File: 0da79401c85560f⋯.png (71.67 KB,541x555,541:555,1471591534906.png)


Should've just accepted his fate

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4c2258 No.381453

File: 1ac265ca4cb6337⋯.webm (16 MB,896x504,16:9,u got that.webm)

Heard you guys liked yandere girls.

Sure as fuck ain't my thing, but then I found this and thought of you guys, so here you go. Good luck not ending up in the freezer.

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5f8ce3 No.381455


Never to talk to me or my wight wife, who is defiantly not compelling me type this, ever again.

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65fa76 No.381456

File: 12978c4e793cbcb⋯.jpg (44.85 KB,474x352,237:176,illias.jpg)

Divine yandere coming through.

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9e745d No.381460


Dick your grandma to save our reality

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c1c5fb No.381461


I think the girl with the glasses is a qt

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c491aa No.381470


Friendly reminder that she did absolutely nothing wrong.

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ee83e9 No.381490

File: abcf298c2e34082⋯.png (1.87 MB,1000x1529,1000:1529,1545336593062.png)

Does /monster/ have any chance of escaping this?

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43bae9 No.381491


An Ushi Oni, a Hellhound, and a Manticore all rolled into one. We are going to need a stronger word for rape.

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dc32d0 No.381492


>nipple piercings

You know what? If she can get my dick up then she's welcome to it.

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347679 No.381493


69cc of venom will get the job done.

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230d6d No.381494


>fluffy mane

>fluffy hair


>fluffy ears


>more fluff

>that face mark going over the bridge of her nose

I could try, I don't see why you'd want to though.

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9a6558 No.381497


That would imply I WANT to escape.

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c953bc No.381511


honestly id struggle but it would be futile. then id curse the asshat that decided to make a fusion of monsters

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65fa76 No.381516

File: b3f308102e0eb95⋯.gif (1.36 MB,400x243,400:243,Hanekawa.gif)

Hanekawa and her various catforms are pretty yandere.

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7acd7c No.381527


Why would I ever want to?

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013828 No.381532


>2nd pic

Wouldn't a yandere be more happy with the guy's reactions? It's almost like she's disappointed to not him see shrivelling in fear. Aren't abusive relationship a distinct categories from yandere?

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559e93 No.381533


tfw no oppai queen gf

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7acd7c No.381534


She's not disappointed, she's just surprised

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d9e54a No.381537


>that shit-ugly protagonist and his disgusting yellow gook skin

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8611cf No.381550


The yandere acts the way it does because they assume that their target isn’t interested in them or is repulsed by them. Oftentimes their behavior is predicated upon this this assumption. After all, what need is there to lock him in your basement if he’ll already agree to cuddle with you on the couch?

This yandere is likely the same, so our “victim”’s enthusiastic response contradicts her entire worldview, and the surprise on her face is her brain trying to process this.

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c26848 No.381673

File: c1f14902ad41546⋯.jpg (33.77 KB,347x268,347:268,shining dragon.jpg)

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84d720 No.382590


>almost instantly she smashed through several walls and appeared right in front of me

>christ I know she was far but the fact she got here quickly already, terrified me

<"where did you think your going anon?"


>the guy who was with me began to make a break for it before he quickly fell on the ground with something attached to his leg

>I would've gotten a closer look at what was attached to his leg if I wasn't suddenly grabbed by sasha

<"I'm not letting you go anon"

>"you should, people are bound to be looking for me"

<"who your parents?"


>she began laughing, hard

<"your so cute when your stupid anon"

>"what the hell's is th-"

>she quickly cut me off by stealing a kiss from me

>as she pulled away from me she quickly began to drag me towards a private room

>not only did that happen but she ripped off my pants like it was designed to be torn off

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67ceaf No.382604


I blame the danukis for how easy men's pants can be ripped off

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fdc042 No.382626


Do you think they train monsters departmebt store workers to give virgin men pants with weak seams?

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8611cf No.382657


Nah, the (((Danuki))) push it as a fashion trend so monster mothers will buy it for their teenage sons.

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f0380d No.382671


Do you think they pay arachnes extra to make their material weaker?

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8611cf No.382694


I don’t know, do they pay the guy who puts the holes in pre-ripped jeans? Because this is basically the same concept.

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1e74c9 No.385310

I love me a girl who loves hard, but I was curious where do you think the appeal of yanderes come from?

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3d89a5 No.385319

File: 02274eeeb48d0f7⋯.jpg (104.02 KB,1031x485,1031:485,yan.JPG)


>won't cheat

>wants kids

>can hold her own


I can't vouch for everybody but I like a bit less murdery yanderes.

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b359cd No.385323

>tfw no yandere android to hold me down, expose her inner parts, and demand I poke around in there

Why does playing around with internal servos and wiring of an android while she feels every poke and prod seem way lewder than just feeling up a regular girl?

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a23090 No.385324

File: b7e2f10a7025af1⋯.png (527.56 KB,841x700,841:700,huh40.png)


>what's the appeal of a girl that loves you more than life itself and will do anything for you

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ce65eb No.385325


Ah yes, I remember the alien invasion at my school. I didn't get a psyker loli though.

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836266 No.385352

File: 5a61f0143abbf0e⋯.jpg (1019.37 KB,1050x5130,35:171,1.jpg)

File: 58a5b8a25c33b25⋯.jpg (400 KB,1500x729,500:243,2.jpg)


here you go

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d2fde2 No.385365

File: aa34ab48513e842⋯.png (138.08 KB,1233x841,1233:841,aa34ab48513e8425dab61d8b1c….png)

From the greentext thread

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35e0f7 No.385366


>>>/clang/ is that way

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e3bcaf No.385367


/clang/ isn't too fond of androids if I recall.

Also, we have automatons here so mechanical girls are good to go.

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5d1da3 No.385374

File: 050c3d8f757fdf5⋯.webm (6.31 MB,853x480,853:480,Fleur - Formalin.webm)

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c046ca No.385376

File: af3d93d3bd4b17b⋯.png (954.33 KB,1414x631,1414:631,Tattooed = bad.png)


>tats AND piercings


Fucking fight me heretics.

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e3bcaf No.385377


Any girls with either deserves to be violently beaten, disemboweled, and have her organs tossed all over the place to serve as punishment.

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4de92a No.385379



Good luck, MGE Nurarihyon canonically has a large tattoo covering her side and demons are very fond of crotch tattoos. Hell, there's an entire section of magic based around tattoos (lust tattoos) that was described in the Sabbath grimoire, but nobody has translated it yet. I'm sure there are other monstergirls with bodymarks out there.

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9a6558 No.385380


Tattoos aren't my thing, but that's way too extreme.

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bf00da No.385382

File: 8b5e4a21b262779⋯.png (8.73 MB,3455x4759,3455:4759,noshu.png)



Disregarding tattoos with purpose, either personal or ceremonial, just because thots get meaningless ones to show off on Facebook seems rather overkill.

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f087ea No.385383


Monster girls confirmed for ghettotrash sluts.

Also Nurarihyon are cucks.


Nothing wrong with going extreme. Extreme punishment serves as a warning to others.


Personal tattoos are garbage too. Ceremonial ones are less garbage, but still garbage.

Getting one deserves punishment or at least shame by marking her as one to never be allowed a husband.

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bf00da No.385384


>Personal tattoos are garbage too. Ceremonial ones are less garbage, but still garbage.

Justify it.

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a1bd98 No.385385

File: 7b132e73fd127ed⋯.gif (706.84 KB,400x446,200:223,47AC4981-49DD-4D84-96A5-D6….gif)

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691aae No.385387



Tattoos are for ghettotrash only and must have punishable. There is no need for further justification.

Are you both perhaps ghettotrash yourselves?

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bf00da No.385388


So your argument is entirely circular. Fantastic.

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691aae No.385389


I suppose I should clarify a part of my post. Demons and tattooed girls and hellniggers are ghettotrash.

Any girl that doesn't have one is a good girl. Not counting matango or shit girls of course.

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691aae No.385390


It's not so much an argument as a fact.

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bf00da No.385391



If you make a claim you have to back it up. Present an argument rather than just claiming yourself to be the sole arbiter of the issue. Here, I'll even do one for you, just so you can see how easy it is.

>Tattoos are largely applied for merely cosmetic reasons, usually lacking in any meaning. Even for tattoos that do hold such significance, there are a multitude of alternative choices of commemoration that will last the ravages of time and aging significantly better.

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836266 No.385392

File: 24147e1bdca456c⋯.png (1.28 MB,700x1000,7:10,458ED07E-8090-4DFE-BD5A-A7….png)


Your argument is pointless, monsters have none of the issues that tattooed 3DPD have (std’s, infidelity, etc). The only issue you can take with tattoos on monstergirls is aesthetics, and those truly don’t matter. You can just not marry those monster girls.

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65fa76 No.385398

File: 831de190d5058ad⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.75 KB,700x1020,35:51,www.hentaimangaonline.com-….jpg)

File: 1796fbd63618a90⋯.png (Spoiler Image,4.99 MB,3313x2145,3313:2145,hear.png)



Just rewatched the entire Monogatari series. She can be so lovely.

>that scene towards the end of nekomonogatari shiro

>would you date me with marriage in mind?

>I loved him so much that I turned into a monster

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cb2ed3 No.385403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tattoos break the skin and increase the chance of infection and chance to cause other skin related issues. They ineffectively serve the purpose of showing the message of whatever is inscribed with the tattoo as an article of clothing would be just as effective and more flexible. The previous thing I said should show a higher level of dedication to whatever is tattooed since it's permanent but realistically they're often used to make up for a lack of dedication and are a replacement for real conviction and a tattoo which is just meant to look cool shows the worst in a person as it has no meaning and is just a sacrifice of money in an attempt to be liked.

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3e01b7 No.385405



>My wife/son/daughter died, I decided to memorialize them by getting their name/signature/birthdate permanently inscribed on my body

>My wife/son/daughter died, I decided to memorialize them by getting a company to silkscreen their picture on a ten dollar hoodie I only ever wear to walmart or the gas station

I wouldn't do either of those things myself, but I honestly have more respect for people who go the tattoo route so long as it isn't some gaudy abomination. I'm with you on vanity tattoos though.

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2449ad No.385406

File: 3df62a6919d2a29⋯.jpg (496.56 KB,700x1111,700:1111,47418942_p0.jpg)

Piercings i'm not behind, but you have to remember tattoos in MGE are for function of enhancing pleasure. He almost sounds like a paladindu with all the talk of no demons or hellwans. Sally is a good girl though.

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2449ad No.385407


Shit mean to add piercings beyond the earlobe

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6f8a6c No.385408

File: 4f956744ce3237d⋯.jpg (76.24 KB,530x495,106:99,530x1530_lincoln.jpg)

File: b17f2d01465bc93⋯.jpg (38.74 KB,512x592,32:37,47124241_1_x.jpg)

File: d4b2e5186a78214⋯.jpg (138.89 KB,768x1024,3:4,immortal gamer.jpg)

File: 39667130bc228f8⋯.jpg (482.03 KB,1280x1300,64:65,396.jpg)

File: 021c6dc5d46c6c8⋯.jpg (99.06 KB,407x579,407:579,bedo.jpg)


There's a point where vanity and the context of it does do a person's memory service and both of those examples are far from crossing it. Seriously I wouldn't give an ounce of respect to either. Also this is a thread about Yanderes.

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6f8a6c No.385410

File: dd76ce45b7d7c26⋯.jpg (614.6 KB,2202x1752,367:292,88613201055202c2b8f01d93fb….jpg)

File: f75fbfcf12b4287⋯.png (5.29 MB,2000x5541,2000:5541,YAnYanYanYan.png)

File: 9e0edbe78cad466⋯.png (181.9 KB,220x650,22:65,1535532011009.png)

File: 8c44a4f2865b54a⋯.jpg (850 KB,800x1113,800:1113,fb6a30976c2ef9d1d2eb1387f0….jpg)

File: 448352390240624⋯.png (503.9 KB,625x793,625:793,when she sees the dick.png)

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3e01b7 No.385411

File: a0ca90a91c58a11⋯.jpg (13.76 KB,480x397,480:397,fetishlevel.jpg)


>2nd pic

>out-yandereing the yandere

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35e0f7 No.385414


I was just bantering ya, I knew what you meant

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c046ca No.385417

File: 5067160641646d9⋯.jpg (226.32 KB,1000x1000,1:1,say that to my face fucker.jpg)




















Holy kek, what an eruption.

Remember kids, don't do body-mods, they're trash looks for trash people and those with shit taste. That is all.

Tattoo's destroy the aesthetics of way too many otherwise good looking girls, at least they function as a danger sign.

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ba9ea1 No.385419

File: da17461fc7b608b⋯.png (120.2 KB,296x366,148:183,6213.PNG)


>2nd pic

I dont understand why obsessed people are portrayed as schmucks who hang the pictures of their obsession crooked/untidy/all over the place instead of something that would remotely pass as decorations.

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65fa76 No.386114

File: 7427c7df1d8d1a9⋯.jpg (418.01 KB,600x851,600:851,hgrh.jpg)

*turns into a monster because she loves you so much*

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929b7f No.386122

File: 5b9f0d5bf3a19bd⋯.jpg (414.4 KB,1280x1810,128:181,46.jpg)

Crazy moth is at it again, and this time her daughter is joining in.


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67298f No.386123

File: 63bc5560dca7ea8⋯.png (674.82 KB,619x577,619:577,anger and confusion.png)


>her daughter is joining in

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fc1e88 No.386125

File: 1755b1b509b1dea⋯.jpg (59.23 KB,577x409,577:409,1529953137314.jpg)


>her daughter is joining in

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ab31de No.386129


> her daughter is joining in.

how nice

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ee83e9 No.386142

File: 7327584e7ecfdde⋯.jpg (116.62 KB,800x585,160:117,732.jpg)


>her daughter is joining in

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197e37 No.386236


Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology

Google searched the first image

Ignore the other retards

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a1bd98 No.386240


nice 8 month late reply, fag enabler

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197e37 No.386241


ok retard

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67298f No.386242


Why on earth would you take the time to reply when that guy already most likely found the source by himself? The only one who looks retarded is you.

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197e37 No.386243


ok retard

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a1bd98 No.386245


don't be too hard on him, he's still upset after struggling to learn reverse image searching

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9a6558 No.386247


ok retard

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5c989b No.386249


Not him, but now we all have it, so that's something.

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c5c899 No.386251


That doesn’t mean anything when everyone should know how to use reverse image search.

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197e37 No.386280

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9a2502 No.386285

File: ed5b9f26671ec41⋯.jpg (24.22 KB,500x306,250:153,UN_ok_retard.jpg)


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df11bb No.386772

File: 018d81ac0db75db⋯.jpg (38.78 KB,600x609,200:203,018d81ac0db75db82a15f4194b….jpg)

File: e24b82d801c31ba⋯.gif (5.24 MB,500x500,1:1,e24b82d801c31baee61ccdf574….gif)

File: 466bde4852323b4⋯.png (1.25 MB,1000x1336,125:167,466bde4852323b429a95232082….png)


This anon is right. Remember everyone, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit!

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160bb1 No.386775


Doesn't that angel have a follow up picture by the same artist where her nipples are pierced?

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df11bb No.386778

File: 50ce70d1b00b77b⋯.png (78.2 KB,572x550,26:25,50ce70d1b00b77b7ca4bf557eb….png)


S-shut up! That's Demon propaganda!

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160bb1 No.386779

File: bf949d9bdc396d3⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB,972x1262,486:631,Guardenia2.png)


Too late, sweetcheeks. While you were covering in fear, I delved into the catalog, and wouldn't you know, there it is.

Personally I think it looks attractive, but that's just me. We all have various different tastes.

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160bb1 No.386780


Hit new reply by mistake, I forgot to say, that's a damn attractive angel. She has some serious leg game going on, just look at those thighs! And her tits look great. Feathery hair, full lips, a golden hip-to-waist ratio… Fuck, I'd gladly become religious if I were guaranteed to get a waifu like her. I wonder what her kisses taste like.

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910885 No.386784

File: 8c604d7c500deca⋯.jpg (24.6 KB,302x235,302:235,68192936.jpg)


That third one is immodestly dressed

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4cd6be No.386992


ok retard

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b947bd No.387049

File: 5e804a2946c2540⋯.png (17.12 KB,255x215,51:43,00c1dd254cc236896840e06902….png)


I could get down with that

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2ad270 No.387053


You are a true friend

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b95afd No.387055


>nipple piercings

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df75c7 No.387291


>and this time her daughter is joining in.

id imagine getting raped by your daughter would fuck you up pretty bad

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500b40 No.387297


If you end up in a shitty situation where your daughteru wants to jump your bone and you can't do shit about it, you might as well try to get it somewhat consensual.

Bet it happens all the time in MGE dark elf families.

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52e8a2 No.387309

File: bf7197076802b8e⋯.jpg (39.26 KB,580x433,580:433,CEO.jpg)


If you end up at the point where your daughter wants to fuck you you've failed as a parent and should be ashamed.

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df75c7 No.387328



i said it would fuck you up, and i wouldn't want it to happen to me (because kunoichi waifu) but you cant stop your daughterus monster instincts

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197e37 No.387418


ok retard

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b08b57 No.387419


Nice argument nerd. One should let their daughteru out into the open and learn. One day she will take a liking to a boy, and both mother and father shall teach her the way of dealing with such.

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142f93 No.387423


Because incest is an inferior form of breeding than having sex the traditional way and your children should be led a happy life but not have their shitty urges supported. Don't make your daughters act like niggers anon.

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0ae110 No.387425


Doesn't that just make her used goods?

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b08b57 No.387429


In your 3D tainted mind, yes. In a good world, she will spot a boy among them, or one will come to her, that she likes. And she will save herself for that one and only for him.

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0ae110 No.387430


>One day she will take a liking to a boy, and both mother and father shall teach her the way of dealing with such.

For some reason I thought you were saying that the parents were going to have sex with the daughter.

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009204 No.387645


>your children should be led a happy life but not have their shitty urges supported.

though i agree, i dont think scolding them while they chain me down with demon magic in an attempt to rape me would change their minds

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197e37 No.387646


ok retard

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b08b57 No.387654

>Five of his posts are the same

I can see why people don't care for thread IDs, but you sure as hell make the case for them. You'd stick out without them anyway.


Best bet is to teach them young And hope she doesn't become a dadcon

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093987 No.387656

What happens if you dead fish a yandere?

Say she breaks into your house and is on top of you and all you do is lay there listlessly and just say "mm" to whatever she says. No matter what she does, you just lay there and quietly stare off into space. Even if she shakes you around, you just flop back and forth and lay in whatever position she puts you in with that same lifeless stare of yours.

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3ade1a No.387657


Her maternal instincts would kick in and she'd try to "fix" you. If she finds out you're doing it to avoid her love it will become a clash of wills. Never underestimate the tenacity of a monster girl who wants your baby batter.

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141b0c No.387710


>And hope she doesn't become a dadcon

>you come out the shower after a good saturday morning of working on the lawn

>waifu is at the grocery store, buying stuff for tonight's bbq

>as you step out with nothing but a towel wrapped around your waist you notice your daughter standing in front of the door with a not so innocent smile

>"hey champ, whats up?" you ask completely obliviously but somewhat embarrassed by her starting at you

>she says shes got a question about her homework

>tell her youll help once you change, walking to your bedroom

>she follows

>start getting nervous

>tell her to go get the stuff she needs help with as you get to the bedroom

>shes still smiling at you

>you attempt to close the door

>she stops it with her foot

<"hey daddy its health homework i need help with" she says smugly through the opening


>she flings open the door

>pins you down and proceeds to violate you


>waifu comes home to see you sitting in a fetal position

>immediately knows what's up

>yells at and grounds daughter

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44cc0d No.387718



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3b1a7b No.387719

File: 36bb4bb1974fad8⋯.jpeg (244.9 KB,900x1200,3:4,DB5D3F6C-0FE4-42B6-A777-3….jpeg)


>just letting your daughter rape you

>just cucking your waifu like that

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e3bcaf No.387720


Kill defective daughter. Make new one.

Problem solved.

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65fa76 No.387727

File: 08ac21ba5a21edc⋯.jpg (488.3 KB,1922x2637,1922:2637,3qyuqu.jpg)

Say something nice about this yandere cat, /monster/.

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59ba94 No.387728


There's way too little porn of her in white hair form.

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ff1cb0 No.387729


When she likes you she really digs her claws in deep.

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35e0f7 No.387760


She looks like she deserves snuggles with dickings interspersed wearing those clothes

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049c2f No.387777


I wish I could tolerate the series long enough to reach her appearances.

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1e74c9 No.387785


If I remember correctly if you read/watch chronologically it's the second book/arch.

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049c2f No.387789


Best news I've had all week (clawed my way through the opening trilogy last year), thanks.

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197e37 No.389407


ok retard

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0e502d No.389756

File: 2984a0cd60df0a3⋯.jpg (133.57 KB,600x700,6:7,Christine.jpg)

A yandere monsterised plymouth that can only talk to you using songs from the radio sounds cute tbh. Monsterised vehicles aren't talked about enough on this board..

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8611cf No.389763


>be anon

>had car for years

>really attached to the thing, your friends keep saying your in love with it

>you take the best care of it that you can manage, clean it yourself

>even gave it a name: Jennifer

>DOTR happens, you can hear the chaos outside

>open your door, only to be tackled by busty woman with car parts incorporated into her body

>wait a minute

>you recognize that license plate


>She grins like a Cheshire and nods

<“You’ve been riding me for years, anon. Now it’s my turn~”

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1b8c3f No.390335

File: bd5c787a4508160⋯.png (1.46 MB,2086x1168,1043:584,cute tomboy car.png)

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230d6d No.390336


>triangular eyes

>single fang


>genki tomboy

Drawfags when?

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806467 No.390337

File: 6a469c908e35f97⋯.jpg (36.88 KB,237x297,79:99,auto masturbator.jpg)

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197e37 No.392785


ok retard

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c9fda2 No.392901


Cars monsterize into cybertronians?

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35e0f7 No.392917


I’d say the /monster/ ideal is a bit more fleshy than your average cybertronian, but the size could be similar

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cf46fa No.393291

I just want to say I would love a yandere girlfriend. I may have abandonment issues though

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230d6d No.393292

File: 26f1c41fadceb06⋯.jpg (635.3 KB,810x1080,3:4,26f1c41fadceb06153a288fe61….jpg)



/monster/ likes a bit more human on the monster.

I possibly would, depending on how it looks. I can fuck some /clang/.

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ff397a No.393294

File: 4dcb364405d590d⋯.jpg (668.5 KB,675x1376,675:1376,zucc2.jpg)


Imagine a car that was also your wife. Who wouldn't want to travel around inside their wife?

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929b7f No.393326


I remember someone suggesting a type of monster girl based on "the Black Volga", that resemble chauffeurs. Combine that with chochin and karakasa and you could probably make a pretty good yandere.

>Have old car, originally owned by your dad

>It was probably beautiful for its time, but now it's rusted and beat up

>Eventually you buy a new, more modern car

>You try to sell the old car, but the few people who accept say that it breaks down in a few days

>Seems to work okay when you drive it, but you still have to take the car back and give them back their money

>Eventually just throw it in some scrapyard

>One day at work, you get in your new car to drive home

>It doesn't turn on

>After a few more attempts, you give up and call a tow company before just walking home

>As you walk, you start to feel the occasional rain drop

>See car pulling up beside you, oddly similar to your old car, but much more sleek and undamaged

>A beautiful woman in a fancy suit smiles at you

>"Hey, do you need some a ride? It looks like it's going to rain soon, and I'd hate for a handsome man like you to get soaked."

>You nod, a bit surprised by her gesture

>"Get in the back than. Much more legroom back there."

>You enter, and she starts driving you back home

>Soon, you are back at your house

>"Thanks for the ride, it was a big help."

>Actually… you don't remember ever giving her directions

>She turns to you, giving that smile again

>"Oh, it's no problem."

>You start to get out, but find the belt won't unbuckle

>"Ah, I apologize but I never said I'd do it for free. I just need some gas."

>"Oh, I understand."

>You reach into your pocket and prepare to pull out your wallet, but she practically leaps from the front seat onto you

>"Oh, I can't just buy this gas at a regular gas station. I need a special type of gas, and a lot of it~"

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c9fda2 No.393337


Hey! Someone turned my idea into a green text!

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606c76 No.393411


>Not marry that monstergirl

Thats not your decision to make

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606c76 No.393413


I demand to know the source for second pic

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44cc0d No.393418


sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't, it's not really black and white, some monstergirl species get fucked instead of doing the fucking

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c9fda2 No.393435



Headmaster waifu, you'll get both

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54bb00 No.393458


Merryweatherey's Stalker x stalker. No monster girls.

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1bfa5e No.394790


Pls continue

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c32ed1 No.396687


That's what they want you to believe anon

They're always in control

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c32ed1 No.396688


Monopolizing, Attacking and Isolating

Full control, and with extra fries please!

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c946a1 No.396689



I would personally like monopolizing, stalking, and dependent. With some eliminating should any (legitimate) hussies get to close to me. I am dense (not harem protagonist levels thankfully) and bad at turning people away. Hussies may be able to take advantage of that.

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c946a1 No.397149

Here is a link to a yandere slime doujin.


I don't know if this is posted somewhere else but enjoy.

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a1bc05 No.398447

File: 4e3bea57b104c77⋯.gif (1023.02 KB,500x281,500:281,Kurumi Tokisaki 38.gif)

File: c63912fe435f3bb⋯.jpg (128.97 KB,1024x576,16:9,Kurumi Tokisaki 46.jpg)

Magical girl yans yes?

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a1bd98 No.398450

File: 7c8d892069a2442⋯.jpeg (152.07 KB,833x1311,833:1311,1E516102-E361-4F7F-9586-0….jpeg)


She looks too cute to be nyandere.

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d73d6e No.398451



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637631 No.398496


The sequel (https://nhentai.net/g/237341/) shows that she isn't really yan.

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637631 No.398498



After actually reading it, the slime might still be yan, can't quite tell.

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0d42d7 No.398516


She’s definitely yandere, chapter 1+2 hint at it a lot but chapter 3 is where she really starts to show yandere tendencies.

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f6f51e No.406455

anyone got any more yandere greens

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f6f51e No.406634

File: f269a3f1a693fc1⋯.jpg (132.6 KB,500x1000,1:2,sample_3fd83a5dd856384f703….jpg)

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