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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 2dea04897592e99⋯.jpg (78.46 KB,474x599,474:599,474px-Mges_fallengame_cove….jpg)

9c404b No.348075

is there a in-game translation for that game?

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259705 No.348079

The person hired to translate it seems to have vanished into darkness.


You can find a partial translation of it in screenshot LP form here.


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9c404b No.348086


so the only "translation" is out of the game?

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9c404b No.348087


well thanks for the info :)

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9c404b No.348088


btw what about the second one?

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61ce7a No.348100

Why does this always happen to the side stuff?

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24f7a5 No.348104

File: f96e21c7d86fcdb⋯.jpg (44.93 KB,495x778,495:778,sea raider calling.jpg)

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259705 No.348137


Nothing that I know of.

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259705 No.349314

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259705 No.349315

Seems the translation comes in patch form as well.



Enjoy your nukige.

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4c2fe8 No.349862


I seem to be happening trouble with installing the patch for some reason, I downloaded both the torrent and the patch for 1.1 and when I try to run the patch, it buggers up, I tried installing with the game.ini file in the torrent and again with after replacing the game.ini file with the one in the patch folder and still cannot install the patch.

What the hell am I doing wrong?

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259705 No.349865


Guy who posted the patch and the torrent here. I'm dreadfully sorry to say this, but I honestly have no idea. I haven't been able to get any of it working either. I was kind of hoping that someone else would succeed where I've so embarrassingly failed. I've tried multiple copies of 1.11, because I haven't been able to find 1.20 anywhere, and have gotten nothing but the same exact error every time. Unfortunately, the two of us aren't the only ones having troubles with this. You're not suffering alone.

At least an English version of it does exist now. Sooner or later, one way or another, a prepatched version will undoubtedly surface somewhere.

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2aa9ee No.349893

File: d4e8ccb02df6c5f⋯.png (108.8 KB,640x478,320:239,Mindflayer.png)


IT'S AWW-RIGHTTT!!! ~~~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮

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21dac6 No.349918

Any news on the second one

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2aa9ee No.349950

File: a978bb3af564394⋯.png (208.08 KB,640x480,4:3,cursedsword.png)

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ef2d66 No.351207

File: 220a29370565784⋯.png (1.11 MB,989x1142,989:1142,hope the sequel gets trans….png)

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653cd2 No.351310

File: 63ffe5421118978⋯.jpg (103.47 KB,604x518,302:259,Livingdoll2.jpg)


Truly, a literary work of art.

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02d121 No.351951

File: 9b717e8dfe326a6⋯.jpg (41.23 KB,680x500,34:25,Yang tired.jpg)

The game was pretty fucking heartwarming and cute in the end. Too bad you will never be a man such as Yuriy, for now. Ammit, Reitia, and Fallen Goddess please let us receive our wives.

Been fucking crying since I finished the game.

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22b900 No.353120

File: 7e2cf2dec96cc46⋯.png (171.44 KB,640x480,4:3,Mari.png)

File: e90013dd03f0677⋯.png (6.52 KB,160x160,1:1,mari_dmatter_b01.png)

I wonder if Maritan is proud that their waifu got into both this game and its sequel.

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40fabc No.367503


The game in this torrent was corrupted, is there any way to download this game or should I just part with the 10 bucks and buy it from dlsite?

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30ef01 No.367505


grorious nippon does it again

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264000 No.367508


Probably feels nice having a character you made recognized by other people especially outside your country

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264000 No.367516


Anywhere i can look the story without having to download it (living with other people)

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3bec52 No.367518


A fellow by the name of IkeggCL2 is doing videos for the English version on Pornhub. So far, he's done videos for Lesser Succubus, Alraune, Cheshire Cat, and Holstaur.

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264000 No.367519



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3d9866 No.367604

File: e4e504dc2f0af21⋯.png (Spoiler Image,129.13 KB,500x485,100:97,absolutely-horrifying-high….png)

This fucking game man. Absolutely fucking hilarious. Had some good fun with it.

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ac548f No.375047

File: 086a9749390bc18⋯.jpg (255.24 KB,544x416,17:13,book06.jpg)

>Regardless of no longer needing to wear clothing, she has formed a hat shaped structure on her head, which seems to be proof that even after having transformed into a monster, she still hasn't lost her own personal identity.


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41ef4d No.375050


So long as it is never ELH's. Mari is alright.

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353857 No.375057


>the monster is only on the outside

Really gets the noggin joggin'.

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