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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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13e43e No.337276 [Last50 Posts]

>It's the far-flung future of a time we're not currently in. Definitely not the current year.

>Sythethic humans first gained rights only a decade or so ago

>Ever since then they've been lobbying for more rights as they went along.

>More developed synths have effectively redefined what it means to be human.

>For some lesser fortunate synths, particularly the 1st and 2nd generation variety, they were not so lucky.

>I'm a middle management tech guy and an advocate for synths myself since my job deals specifically with them.

>I like fixing things and have put together (and taken apart) more computers than I can remember along with all manner of gadgets for fun and for profit.

>Thanks to a government program to assist 1st and 2nd Generation synths that have fallen on hard times I now have a new (2nd gen) synth roommate to care of at my house.

>She appears to have pawned her legs at some point. Her left arm looks to have been broken off and the connecting joint is in rough shape as well. Her exoskin is worn through in places and her chassis is dented and chipped all over.

>Basically every part of her looks like it is in desperate need of replacing.

>Her head looks like it's missing a chunk and her face is in pretty rough shape. She tends to avoid eye contact out of shame.

>I need to run a diagnostic on her to figure out any other underlying issues she has as well.

>Her vocaloid component seems to be damaged which makes communication rather tricky. She writes me memos but there's probably a smoother way to communicate if I could figure it out.

>She insisted that she doesn't want to bother me and will be happy enough to stay out of my way while spending time at the power outlet.

>She's pitiful to look and I feel compelled to help her. While synths of her generation don't "feel" pain she's definitely aware of the state her body is in.

>After some prompting for something she'd like she said a new vocaloid would be nice so we don't have to keep relying on note passing.

>I'll gain 2000 brouzouf a week just for having her live in my home courtesy of the government.

>My pay varies since I do contract work but I'm well off.

>where do I even begin?

As we progress forward what you choose to fix first and how you treat the synth girl will affect how she develops. I'll post the prices of various upgrades and such and basically outline what you can buy for her as time goes on. Most of the story will center around fixing her up but we may deviate to other settings as necessary/as she becomes more mobile.

I'll do all the art (god help us) and writing. Depending on the situation I'll display a different angle or open up our synthetic waifu as the story dictates but don't expect every other post to feature new art. Try not to request anything too crazy but I'll happily humor some jokes here and there as they fit in.

I'll post the front and back of her to start off so if you have any questions about what does what remember that the MC character is a skilled technician so he can probably figure it out most of the time.

This story is inspired by another greentext I worked on. It's pretty much a spiritual successor. Please don't immediately rape the robot waifu.

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13e43e No.337277

File: 952d14a69ac6abd⋯.png (21.96 KB,457x383,457:383,synth girl frontside.png)

File: ec2f7eca14e5bc3⋯.png (33.54 KB,516x660,43:55,synth girl backside.png)


Burgled it right off the bat. Front AND back this time.

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fe5293 No.337278



If take care of that robo waifu!!

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44ab3d No.337280

Where do you think you nigger? Buy the robofu a new talk-box!

On the off chance this is Apple of Israel by way of EA on uPlay levels of stupidly overpriced though, can you jack her into an external peripheral where she can output text/images/sound in the meantime? Like a spare PC monitor or sound system or something?

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fe5293 No.337281


Give her head pats and buy the voice thingy

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5fcb9f No.337284



Something to make communication easier/more efficient is definitely needed.

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cd95de No.337295

What's her name?

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13e43e No.337297

File: e01e0abf305ac28⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.84 KB,1080x948,90:79,tablet chan.jpg)

File: 5edb5e5fed25f22⋯.png (Spoiler Image,85.97 KB,500x523,500:523,low effort posting.png)

>I don't have any extra Vocaloid components floating around my house but with a little googling I find a good enough stand in.

>I approach my synth roommate and realize I haven't had a chance to ask her name yet.

>She writes her name down forme "NE-37"

>That's a little cryptic so I ask her if I can just call her "Neet" for short.

>Neet nods.

>"Neet, I think I found a way to help you talk to me. Do you mind if I use your media port?"

>Neet nods once more and attempts to smile but it her face can't really make it work. She looks away when she realizes her face won't cooperate.

>Using her media port in the back of her neck she can jack into my Gamazon (a google & amazon conglomeration) E-book reader and use it as makeshift voice modulator.

>At least that was how it was supposed to work.

>She opened her mouth and a buzz of static crackled through the E-book reader. Maybe there was a problem with her media port?

>"Don't worry Neet. We'll figure something out for you" I applied a pat to her head. She seemed indifferent to contact.

>She unplugged the E-reader from her media port and looked sullen. She wrote down a short memo for me "Thanks for trying Anon. Please don't worry yourself over it."

>I was frustrated but there wasn't much I could do if plug and play wasn't an option.

>I told her she could have the tablet as a gift. "Maybe you can figure it out? At the very least you'll have something to play with while I work on another solution."

>She attempted to decline the gift. I don't think she wanted to feel like she was stealing from me.

>"Don't worry Neet, I have a couple of those. I actually won that one in a work raffle."

>She reluctantly accepted the 2nd hand tablet and did her best to play with it with her one hand. It looked like she was having some trouble. Maybe there was another reason she didn't want it?

>Feeling as though I was hurting her more than helping I set about looking for a replacement vocaloid for her on Gamazon.

>Gamazon formed when Google purchased Amazon in the mid 2030's and it's pretty much the goto place to shop for anything you could ever want online.

>After making a selection, a drone delivery can take as little as a few hours depending on the weather. I set about searching for the best options…

[ ] After market industrial vocaloid- Used in industrial "dumb machines". It has basic voice modulation capabilities but reviews say you should only use it if you can't afford anything else. It has lots of 2 and 3 star reviews essentially saying "At least it works." -MSRP- 99.99¥

[ ] 2nd Gen synth vocaloid- They're hard to come by since they're not actually produced anymore. Reserved for collectors and fetishistic tech guys searching for the original "sound" of a synth from the early 2040's. While advanced when it was released it's relic by today's standards. Reviews vary. Some swear the sound is better than anything currently on the market but others claim it's better to own it as a piece of history MSRP- (unavailable) Lowest price on Gamazon is 750.00¥

[ ]Sonysoft "pro" vocaloid- After Microsoft acquired Sony In the mid 2030's they became THE brand to choose for electronics. Not only is this Vocaloid cheap but it offers an array of settings and should be compatible with Neet's older firmware. No Nintendo fanboy would ever touch it though. Lots of 3 and 4 star reviews. MSRP- 224.99¥

[ ] Yamaha's Sakura no hana vocaloid- Developed from the forefathers of Vocaloid technology before sentient synths even became a reality. Spec wise it appears to be almost identical to the Sonysoft version with slight differences in sound quality slightly edging it out. Lots of 4 and 5 star reviews on the store page. Many of the higher reviews coming from synths themselves.

MSRP- 299.99¥

[ ] Yamaha's "pro" performance vocaloid- Developed for use on stage this vocaloid has all kinds of features; built-in auto-tuning, multiple audio channel synchronization, and an array of other dazzling features that could turn just about anyone into an idol if they had a decent song to sing. Seems a bit pricey though. Multiple 5 star reviews herald it as THE choice if you want the highest quality voice with additional features. MSRP 599.99.¥

>I only need one but I could purchase additional vocaloids in case one doesn't quite work how I'd like.

current waifu repair budget- 1000¥

Does the MC need a name? Anon works well enough but lemme know what you guys think.

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bc33d7 No.337299


Can we ask her what kind of voice she’d like?

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6ec0a3 No.337304


Sonysoft pro or Sakura no hana. We gotta give the waifu other parts as well.

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ee0ce9 No.337306


Lets surprise her!


Yeah as much as I would love to give her the "original sound" and as much as I don't trust these dang Mega cloms we really need to be thinking about getting her back on her feet again

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cf3b52 No.337351


Ask her what kind of voice she would like, don't mention the cheap one unless she absolutely will not let up about price, because otherwise she'll go for it immediately. If she says we shouldn't spend any money on her tell her we gain 2000 brouzouf every week for helping her out and that's exactly what we intend to use the money for.

If she wants our opinion I'd go for the Sakura no Hana, seems to not cost all that much more than the Sony for the bump in quality we get from it.

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172a74 No.337361


I would say go for the Yamaha Sakura no hana model. However, there is one thing we need to make certain of first:

>Sonysoft "pro" model

>should be compatible with Neet's older firmware

Will the Sakura model work with her hardware and firmware?

We are going to have to always keep compatibility in mind unless and until we can give her a complete overhaul and refurbishing. Many of you guys probably have an idea of how hard getting new stuff to work with really old stuff can be when the support dries up.

No sense splurging on the latest and greatest if we get it home and find out she doesn't have the drivers or ports or whatever to work with it.

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52ff42 No.337375


Go with the sonysoft.

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91b632 No.337382

Sakura no hana. If the synths are reccomending it then it must be the tits.

Also once it's in, see if she can't give us a diagnostic readout or something. No sense fixing the obviously broken shit if her actuators and internal gyros are all fucky and we have to crack open some nice fresh synthskin to get in her torso after the fact.

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13e43e No.337399

File: f8d2345c5190f61⋯.png (Spoiler Image,4.68 MB,1714x2285,1714:2285,robo waifu nitemare.png)

>Heavy thumping footsteps approached from outside.

>I got up to investigate when a fist a punched a hole through the wall.

>A fully geeked out combat synth approached me from the newly made hole.

>terror gripped me and I crumpled to the floor.

>It grabbed me by the shirt collar

>"Where's my vocaloid Anon."

>a female voice?

>she grabbed my hand and began to crush it.

>I jumped awake and startled Neet who was squeezing my hand.

>she must have been trying to wake me up.

>She picked up the tablet to show me she'd gotten a text program up and going that allowed her to transmit her thoughts. "You fell asleep…"

>I had fallen asleep while casually browsing the net for 'surplus' and 'discounted' synth related products. Somehow I got lost down an internet rabbit hole and started looking up all manner of odd things.

These options are more for world-building than actual things to buy but I'll leave them here to show what our MC was looking through. (and what might have inspired his nightmare)

[] dataDyne neural interface and connection ports- dataDyne is renowned for its development of A.I. technology and smart weapons in the early 2020s. In 2023 they were indicted by the federal court with the assistance of the Carrington institute after a plot to kill the president was successfully foiled. The corporation was effectively dismantled and restructured afterward. They were the leaders in A.I. development at the time and their interface ports are still regarded as some of the most reliable on the market today. The full suite Includes media ports, sync ports, mini-usb 4.0 and of course the sophisticated neural jack for advanced connections to intricate A.I. systems for both natural and synthetic organisms.

MSRP- 449.99¥- full suite

MSRP- 49.99¥ - basic suite (neural jack not included)

[] OCP (Omni Consumer Products) surplus, high performance, military-grade combat body armor and endoskeleton- Based on a design from a team at Security Concepts within the company OCP, they were able to utilize this combat exoskeleton with an organic operating system to create the first truly cybernetic organism. While newer and more capable tech has been developed since the early 2020's when this exoskeleton was first released it set the standard for quality in its day. Weighing in at just under 425lbs this combination of armor and technology boasts polycarbonate trauma plates laminated in kevlar with a titanium reinforced endoskeleton that produces locomotion via a combination of high tensile strength nanoweave-fiber synthetic muscles and high performance compact pneumatic motors. The hand on the arm alone can generate 400 foot pounds of crushing strength. (note- Not for sale outside of the U.S., requires government tax stamp to purchase along with a full background check.)

MSRP- 270,000¥ "Full body prosthetic"

[] Cyberdyne systems HAL (Hybrid assisted limb) - Originally established in 2004, Cyberdyne systems were the go-to developer for civilian exoskeleton movement. While the earliest models were designed around medical applications it didn't take long for various militaries to recognize the advantage of lightweight and durable exoskeletons in the field for both combat and engineering roles. Relatively cheap and easy to use, the HAL system is compatible with both natural and synthetic organisms. Originally they worked out of Japan only but now they have distributors in every country.

MSRP- 1,999.99¥- lightweight model- Allows for basic locomotion. intended uses: rehabilitation and simple movement. (only for the legs)

MSRP- 7,999¥- Full body model- Allows for advanced locomotion, intended uses- industrial work & competitive sports.

MSRP- 30,000¥-Military (civilian) model- Based on the full body model; It's compatible with modern weapon systems, it has a reinforced superstructure and is designed for the toughest conditions.

(hue, we cyberpunk now https://www.cyberdyne.jp/english/ )

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13e43e No.337400


>I had ordered the Yamaha's Sakura no hana vocaloid after checking to see if it would compatible with Neet's older firmware. Either way, it would be a band-aid for a much larger wound and I told Neet as much.

>"You look like you've had a rough time Neet. Particularly that left arm." I placed my hand on her left shoulder and felt the torn portion of exoskin "I don't know for sure but I don't think I can salvage the joint. How'd you mess it up so bad?"

>Neet held up her tablet and text filled the screen "I'd rather not talk about it right now. I just wanted to say thank you for taking me in. I don't mean to be a burden on you. I'm sorry I'm in such a condition."

>"Neet, I wouldn't have volunteered for the program if I didn't want to help synths like yourself." Although if I was honest with her I didn't expect to get a synth in such bad shape. Just how bad was it for the older generation synths in our current world?

>"My home is your home until you feel you're comfortable living on your own. Don't hesitate to ask for anything you need okay?" I applied a pat to her head and felt the jagged edge of her open 'skull'.

>That's when I noticed the hole in her head was very off-putting up close.

>I figured she probably doesn't want to have her "brain" exposed any more than I want to see it myself.

>What should I offer her? I have a couple different things that should do.

[] blue cosplay wig- I used to cosplay as an obscure video game character. I'm too old to portray them now but the wig is still in good condition.

[] Red MAGA Hat- Belonged to my grandfather. Supposedly that was the election that "saved" America. I don't know about that but the hat is nostalgic.

[] A Fedora- God creates man, man destroys god, man creates synths, synths destroy man, synths inherit the earth.

[] a simple beanie with a fluffy pom on top- She doesn't have to worry about her head getting "cold" but it'd look cute.

[] Brown paper bag with eyeholes cut out- I mean, it would technically cover the hole.

This will generate some OC when I get around to it. Choose wisely.

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bc33d7 No.337403


Beanie I’m a simple man: I see the word “cute” and I jump to see for myself.

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91b632 No.337405


Beanie. Not sure how much self-image neet has but it might be nice for her to see a +1 to adorbs on the offchance she catches her own reflection.

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a2ac9c No.337407


>paper bag

But with a sad face drawn on it

Then think better of it and go with the mega hat

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42181d No.337409

File: a396c849ba2c3d1⋯.jpg (34.59 KB,400x230,40:23,jayne-hat.jpg)



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5dbe01 No.337413



>even in the far future all prices have a .99 at the end instead of nice even number




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cf3b52 No.337426

File: cdf7734a3237168⋯.png (678.55 KB,680x627,680:627,Double Jian.png)


<Where's my vocaloid anon

>She asks with a vocaloid

it's right here god damn are you blind stop shouting



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cd95de No.337526


Give her the beanie.

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13e43e No.337546

File: dc7f4d9a5ea0800⋯.png (Spoiler Image,13.71 MB,4500x3000,3:2,no hat robo waifu.png)


>The weather was fairly nice insofar as constant overcast skies and intermittent acid rain were considered pleasant.

>The new vocaloid didn't take long to arrive via drone delivery.

>Before I could install it for Neet I'd need to run diagnostics on her.

>Some of my worst fears were confirmed.

>She had an issue with power distribution so even if I were to get replacement limbs she couldn't power them on in her current state.

>The power distribution issue may also be affecting other things as well but there were so many possible problems woven into one another it was hard to tell where one problem began and another one ended.

>There were numerous warnings citing that internal components were past their warranty and needed to be replaced. Others parts of her's returned a "nonresponsive" status. That meant they were broken or another part they relied on was.

>As I suspected her left arm joint and by extension, her left arm was completely dead. It wasn't even showing up on the readout.

>That would be something I'd have to tackle later.

>Neet tapped my shoulder to show me the tablet "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

>"Don't worry Neet, worse comes to worse we can take you to a specialist and they can fix whatever I can't. Given the extensive internal damage you have, I think that's what I may need to do."

>The tablet blipped with a surprised noise to get my attention "Won't that be expensive?"

>"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. In the meantime, I should be able to replace your Vocaloid." I touched the metal apparatus where an atoms apple might be on a human. This was her older Vocaloid. It came up as "nonresponsive" on the readout but it was getting power so it was most likely dead.

>Neet's tablet beeped at me, another new message read "I trust you, but please be careful."

>I helped Neet onto my bed and I began my work. I had to snip away her exo-skin around the Vocaloid. I saw her underlying internal structures as I pulled at the synthetic flesh. Normally the vocaloid would be underneath the skin but it looked like her previous one had worn through over time.

>Her vocaloid's connection cables were being difficult. If the connector pins were corroded that would definitely complicate things. It shouldn't take more than a few pounds of pressure to disconnect them…

>'SNAP!' Neet's eyes went wide. I inspected the connection nervously.

> It was good. "Don't worry Neet. Gotta use some elbow grease sometimes."

>I braced my forearm against Neet's chest and it creaked under my weight. I got some better leverage for the other connection and it gave a similar 'SNAP' upon disconnecting it.

>I held up her older Vocaloid "If you don't mind we can maybe sell this for a nice bit of brouzouf. Does it has some sentimental value for you?"

>Neet shook her head, the tablet lit up "We can sell it…"

>Even if it's broken it'd fetch a decent price on gamazon I figured.

>I set about connecting the Yamaha model. It gave me similarly loud snaps as I connected it.

>I looked over at my computer that was connected to Neet.

>No new connections.

>Neet looked over at me and her tablet blipped "Is it working?"

>"Hold on Neet…"

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13e43e No.337547

File: fd306a2818aaa9d⋯.png (Spoiler Image,13.44 MB,4500x3000,3:2,robo waifu with hat.png)


>I reached over and jiggled her neck. She gave me a confused look.

>A new component showed up. The Yamaha was active.

>I looked over to Neet and gave a wink and smile "The magic touch! Try talking now!"

>Neet moved her mouth and nothing happened. She frowned.

>"Hmm…oh wait, I got it!" I reached behind her neck and unplugged the tablet from her media port "Okay, NOW try talking."

>Neet opened her mouth "T-test…?"

>I snapped my fingers "Nailed it."

>Neet smiled and spoke not through text on a tablet screen but with her voice. "Thank you Anon! I haven't heard myself for years…"

>"Do you sound like how you remember?"

>"I think so."

>"I was worried there might be a conflict with your older firmware but it looks like everything is working alright."

>Need smiled and nodded. As she nodded the gaping hole in her head reminded me of an earlier thought I had "Hey Neet, try this on." I handed her a festive red beanie with a little pom on top.

>"A hat?"

>"Yea, I think you'd look cute in it."

>"Cute? Alright…" She looked at it before she attempted to put it on.

>She was having some trouble. I noticed her hand was behaving oddly when she reached over her head.

>"Let me help you." I shifted it in place for her so it fit snugly on her head.

>"T-thanks, Anon." Neet smiled as best she could and I noticed her right hand was twitching after the ordeal.

>The power distribution problem is the real lynchpin for further upgrades, particularly when it comes to limb replacement. I'll take Neet to a specialist to get that that sorted out. Afterwards, we can focus on upgrading and fix her further.

>Since she has a voice now talking will be easier. What should we talk about?

[] Talk about her past. How did she become so damaged? So many questions. So few answers

[] Ask her about what she thinks of me. Does she like me? I know I can be a bit of an oddball. I hope she doesn't think I'm weird.

[] Ask her about her hobbies. What does she like? Is there something I can get for her to have fun with and pass the time while she's being fixed?

[] Ask her if she wants me to penetrate her exhaust port. (joke)

[] (perhaps there's an audience request that's more compelling than the options I presented)

I'm surprised no one chose the cosplay wig. That's probably for the best. Sorry my art is so shite,

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247fee No.337550


It was a dream, ya numpty.

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bc33d7 No.337552


Ask about her past, but do not press the issue if she's not ready.

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fef93d No.337553

File: 837f7a140cb4b93⋯.jpeg (10.93 KB,470x313,470:313,images (11).jpeg)


Ask her what stories she carries within her, pic related. Or alternatively word it like a technical request, needed for diagnosis. But I'd much prefer the former.

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fbd43b No.337562


Hobbies. From the looks of things repairing the robofu may be a long and involved process. If she's gonna be in potentially more peices for an extended period of time, least we can do is offer her a metaphorical deck of cards.

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cf3b52 No.337575


Hobbies. Maybe by plugging into our PC, she can play video games with us

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07de43 No.337662


Ask about her past. If she's reluctant to talk about it, don't push the issue too hard but see if she'll say how some of the damage took place.

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13e43e No.337717

File: 757978c01f306d4⋯.jpg (310.69 KB,1600x900,16:9,the clinic.jpg)

>Over the next few days we chatted about various topics.

>Whenver I attempted to broach the topic of her past the answers were broken into pieces.

>It was as if chunks of her memory were missing.

>I didn't find this surprising considering the gaping hole in her head probably wasn't just aesthetic.

>Still, something wasn't right. When I ran diagnostics on her earlier there weren't any signs of her memory being damaged so whatever memories she's missing…

>There was no way to know what I didn't know so I didn't bother dwelling on it.

>She was originally constructed in the early 2030's. This was before synths were "grown" in vats so you wouldn't say she was born then but she told me she was constructed on January 23, 2032 if you consider being constructed a "birthday".

>She had worked in what most would consider slave labor conditions for various mega corps up until the mid 2050's.

>She was present at a number of corporate mergers. The last corp she remembered working for was OCP after they'd purchased a majority of IBM's holdings.

>When Synth advocacy came onto the scene in 2054, that's when things get fuzzy for her.

>After a span of missing memories she did her best to get by doing odd jobs here and there. Getting ahead as a 2nd gen synth isn't easy when technology jumps ahead every couple of years. By the time she found herself on the street there was no place for her to go job wise.

>As things got worse she found herself in debt. She hocked her legs for some quick brouzouf. After that, she lived in alleys and subway stations begging for handouts. An altercation with some dorphed up bozos left her head crushed and left arm almost wrung off.

>Her body wasn't built for combat and without any legs, she couldn't even get away so she was basically helpless during the whole ordeal.

>Luckily, a fellow homeless person stepped in to stop them before she was completely trashed.


>I had taken her to the synth clinic and I'd gotten some sideways glances from various people seeing a nearly limbless synth in a wheelchair.

>While she was having her power distribution issue resolved I was approached by the head technician.

>The head technician there broke it down for me. "I'll be honest with you, Mr. Omus (my last name is Omus so my full name is Anon Omus), they don't manufacture the parts she needs to be completely repaired anymore. As far as fixing her power distribution issue, we should be able to do that but as you probably know she is in desperate need of new shell. Have you considered transferring her to a new body?

>I shrugged "That would be her choice."

>The technician nodded "Naturally. However, as her caretaker you should help her make the appropriate choice." he handed me a brochure "Take a look at these options here. We have flexible payment plans so if you have any questions feel free to ask."

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13e43e No.337719


[] OCP 4th gen "soft body prosthetic"- "The economical option for the discerning synth- OCP is THE leader in production for a variety of products and community services. We've defined the market for low cost and high-performance shells for older generation synths."

>They successfully lobbied the government for the rejuvenation initiative. That's the bill that allocates funds to help poor and disillusioned synths (and where my 2,000¥ a month comes from).

>Essentially it looks like a giant kickback for themselves. Typical corporate cocksucking at it's finest.

"Features patented state of the art DNA (Dynamic Nanomachine Artery) system that allows for limited self-repair for both internal and external damage. It also features a built-in neural jack along with full port suite. Free designer options available! Ask your technician for details!"

120,000¥ total starting at 799¥ a month after 20,000¥ down. Check with your technician for applicable tax credit refund.

[] OCP 5th gen "soft body prosthetic"- "State of the art bio-engineered shells for those seeking a more organic experience. Free designer options available! Ask your technician for details!"

"Feel the future. Be the future."

>nice corporate swill.

200,000¥ total starting at 1,999¥ a month after 30,000¥ down. Check with your technician for applicable tax credit refund.

>These options certainly look nice. If I were to dig into my saving I could even get us started on the 4th gen option if I were to set up a payment plan. I don't want to make any rash decisions though. I'll check with Neet first.There are some other manufacturers I needed to research. Just because OCP is the biggest doesn't mean they're the best.

>In one of our earlier talks she'd mentioned she didn't really think about having "fun" anymore and that she was happy enough with the tablet I'd given her.

>Until I could figure out something else I glanced around the clinic's gift shop for something to surprise her with.

[] A festive red scarf- It would go with the beanie I gave her and it would cover up the hole in her neck I made by replacing her vocaloid 15.99¥

[] Plushie alligator backpack- Why an alligator? Or is it a crocodile? Why is it a backpack? I'm so confused. I don't get fashion at all. 20.99¥

[] A brave new world (book)- I could just download it for free on the internet. It would let her know my reading tastes at least. 14.99

[] Green Lightweight fleece zip up- A snuggly soft long sleeved sweat top. It would make her more huggable. Not that I want to hug her or anything…I mean, ya know, it would make carrying her around easier with less jagged edges…nevermind. 19.99¥

[] white lavender perfume- Would she think I'm saying she smells bad? She currently has a stale plastic and metal smell to her. When you're close to her it's fairly noticeable. 14.88¥

>After the clinic's bill I'll have 200¥ for the repair budget. I'll get another infusion of brouzouf soon but should I really be spending money meant to fix her on feel-good presents?

Here's a timeline in case anyone is interested.

2025- 1st gen debut

2030- 2nd gen debut

2034- 3rd gen debut

2036- 4th gen debut

2038- 5th gen debut

2054- advocacy for synth rights begins

2060-Several laws put in place to protect synth rights

2077- year our story takes place

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bc33d7 No.337724


Ask what she feels about our options for her repairs. Get her a scarf.

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13e43e No.337726


I didn't specify this in the post but if you wanted to get more than one gift you can. Although Anon would certainly look odd buying out the entire gift shop. Typically in any "purchase" phase, you can buy everything assuming you have the brouzouf available.

Occasionally the prices will be high enough for you not to "buy out" the store but this isn't one of those cases. Rather this instance is about the moral conundrum of buying what is effectively "feel good" items with the repair budget. Although improving Neet's overall attitude would definitely contribute to her overall repair.

If you were already going by that conclusion a lone scarf isn't a bad purchase. It's not like she's naked or anything. She doesn't have any parts to be "naked" with anyway.

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b4f607 No.337733


Scarf. She doesn't have the dexterity to read a book, the arms for the fleece, the nose for the perfume and the possessions for the backpack.

As nice as robohuggies would be, having to put the fleece on her would just remind her of her loss of ability.

with the government effectively subsidizing full body replacements, what happens to the original? If the company that does the body swaps destroys them to raise the cost of replacement parts, maybe you could track down a low level grunt and bribe them for spare parts or even a full spare chasis.

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cf3b52 No.337740


Buy her the scarf to try and lessen the blow of the whole "you need a new body" thing

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66d629 No.337775


This is a clever idea, and should be investigated as quickly as possible.


Get her the scarf. Not too expensive but also has utility and potential sentimental value.

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8396df No.337782

and I am roped into another one of these things. anyway I agree let's get a scarf for her.



let's be careful. prices might be jacked but we they are also safer options. last thing we need is to cripple Neet to cut corners

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c64ec0 No.337792


>last thing we need is to cripple Neet to cut corners

It's a little late for that. Neet was already severely crippled when the story started, it's part of the premise even.

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8396df No.337794

I mean in her new shell.

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e2a38b No.337844


Originally I thought the fleece would be a good idea, but as another anon stated, with only one arm it's not that great a gift. Go with the scarf, don't break the bank on gifts though. We need to save our cash. We can go over the brochure with Neet and get her ideas, she deserves a say.

>An altercation with some dorphed up bozos left her head crushed and left arm almost wrung off.

OP are you the author of that homeless beggar synth greentext? Is this our possible good end?

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13e43e No.337846

File: 7fb38664f03fab9⋯.jpg (88.34 KB,650x1235,10:19,if it smells.jpg)


Maybe I am…maybe I'm not. I am though.

As stated in the first post this is a spiritual successor of sorts. The bad ends that the alleged greentext had are still canon. Both the one where the synth dies and the one where the protag died so that she could live. At the same time that was a 3 or 4 post green text thread. A lot of nuances and world building was lost in that scenario.

If you want to pretend that this is the same synth you can but there may be story details or some such shit that doesn't exactly line up persay. Don't let me ruin your personal fantasy though. I'm just letting you know what I'm writing and what I wrote.

speaking of writing…I'm almost done with the next part of this CYOA thread. Hold onto your scarf and prepare for some high impact consentual head patting.

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13e43e No.337859

File: 2d1f7d01f313545⋯.png (1.32 MB,2704x2176,169:136,fallen down.png)

File: fb524503a14a399⋯.png (3.93 MB,2184x1876,78:67,close up.png)

>I'd picked up a scarf for Neet at the gift shop to cover up her neck hole.

>"Thanks…You didn't have to Anon." She wrapped it around her neck and her hand didn't falter like it had before. She seems to have more finesse after her power distribution was fixed.

>I patted her head wiggled her beanie's pom "It looks good on you."

>Neet beamed. "I like it!"

>We made our way home through filthy slush covered streets.

>We weren't accosted by too many dorphers huddled around fire barrels.

>I hurried my pace as I noticed flurries starting to build up on Neet.

>Also you don't want to be out on the streets once it gets too late.


>I helped Neet out of wheelchair once we were back inside my humble apartment and her body was ice old. I kinda wish I'd gotten her the fleece piece for myself to make her easier to handle as well as some additional protection from the elements but Neet didn't seem to be bothered.

>I shivered as I turned on a space heater "Aren't you cold Neet?"

>Neet shrugged "My temperature readings don't show any problems."

>"Nevermind." Her idea of homeostasis and mine are worlds apart.

>"Do you feel better than you did before the visit to the clinic?"

>Neet paused for a moment as if to break down my meaning "Feel?"

>Before I could phrase things differently Neet caught onto my wording.

>She then smiled and nodded "I do." With subtle mechanical whirrs and hums, she flexed her hand and moved her fingers independently. She rotated her wrist and extended her arm. Internal components hummed and clicked as she actuated her one working limb. She then squeezed her scarf giving a "vrrrr" noise as she tightened her grip. "It feels like things are more responsive now." She wrapped the scarf aroound her face and she looked like a festive ninja. It was adorable.


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13e43e No.337860

File: 15badd1141fb8d8⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.68 MB,2377x2527,2377:2527,dream wordrobe.png)


>I'd went online and searched for body transfer services. The actual components themselves weren't too expensive but the process of transferring a consciousness (organic or otherwise) was where the real cost was.

>Neet had what would be comparable to most cyberbrains today. It's an older version, but her brain acted not unlike my own. It was a consciousness. She had the ability to think and solve problems not through a scripted algorithm but through actual intelligence. She had a personality formed through lived experiences.

>While there were several synths that were built like Neet scattered around the world none of them had her memories or her experiences.

>If you'd lived your life as a slave and slavery was all you knew what would you even do with freedom if you got it? Arguably Neet lived a much better life as a slave than she ever did as a "free person".

>Our differences were biological. I was governed by hormones that shifted my emotions and played havoc with my decision-making process. Neet operated on a purely mechanical logic of self-preservation and non-violence. She could never understand the conflicts I had that were born out of fear and anxiety that only come from being a biological creature.

>Her emotions were like herself; synthetic. If she looked sad it was because something bad happened. Not because she actually "felt" bad. If she didn't show any emotion it would be off-putting to biological beings like me that expect those sort of responses. To blend in she projects an expression that matches what she thinks others should think she should show.

>To give such an expression she would have to identify a situation that would make others expect a "happy" or "sad" reaction and give the necessary reaction to said situation.

>In that way, synths like Neet were probably more empathetic than most nihilistic people walking the streets today. Even if that empathy was completely logic driven.

> We both had empathy for one another but mechanically those empathies were different in how they functioned. I was gripped by a deep sadness this realization presented but I didn't want to tell Neet she had inadvertently hurt me without intending to. Besides, this was sadness I induced on myself. It was deep and layered sadness that only comes when you're smart enough to recognize the irony of such a tragic reality.

>I needed to pursue something to help me forget about the painful truth of our existence. I often pushed negative feelings out of my mind by working long hours and delving in to netruns.

>I turned to Neet "I'll be on the Matrix if you need me."

>Neet waved at me with a concerned look "Be careful Anon. Sometimes you spend all night on there. You have work tomorrow you know."

>I slid my headset down and its visor hid troubled expression. "Don't remind me."

>I fell into the matrix courtesy of my company's complimentary neural jack they provided for me behind my ear. I felt my body adjusting to the digital realm. I had smart lenses implanted into my eyes as well. They were useful for delving into systems and fixing technical issues for remote tech support. As long as a client was connected to the matrix I could literally jump into their network and fix their issue remotely. I was hardly "chromed up" but I'd be lying if I said I was fully wetware like when I was born.

>While I played things as a cube (someone who doesn't explicitly break any laws on the matrix) I still liked to browse the shadownet for hard to find toys. As long as I didn't actually buy anything illegal I wasn't technically breaking any laws. Then again, you don't really go onto the shadownet for shit you can buy on Gamazon.



dat was me without muh tripcode.

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13e43e No.337863

File: a414cf640a7f892⋯.jpg (241.85 KB,778x1100,389:550,clearly a catgirl prime to….jpg)


>As a bit of a bit-head my avatar online was an obscure video game character from a bygone era of pixel art and chiptunes.

>I made my way to a cryto-tech board and made my post.

>"Anyone here know where I can get 2nd gen synth parts for cheap?"

>While I waited for a reply I browsed some truly degenerate porn. You had to be careful when enjoying yourself in the matrix. You can burn your brain getting high off virtual orgasms. It's easy to get addicted to feelings you can only conceive in a virtual environment.

>You can also indulge in nonsentient and totally obedient virtual characters that act like cybersex dolls. It's a pretty pathetic pastime but it's cleaner and cheaper than chasing real women in meatspace.

>My particular fetish was catgirls. The model I was using wore a maid outfit because 'why not?'. I had my way with her and she was complicit with my every request (as her program dictated). I tugged on her tail as slammed into her virtual twat. I didn't care if it wasn't actually real as long as it felt real. That's really all that mattered- was how it felt. I let my more base urges take hold of me so I could better enjoy what was really a corny if not enjoyably horny experience.

>I had grown annoyed by the noises she made and turned her volume all the way down. She definitely felt a lot better than she sounded. I could have ordered her to shut up but there was a whole dialogue tree I didn't want to bother with to make her comply. The experience felt very disconnected for me at this point so I checked up on my thread.

>She froze in place when I paused her performance. She had a silly looking expression on her face that was supposed to be the hight of orgasm but it obviously wasn't meant to be viewed for more than a moment as it was cringy to look at. I brought up the thread and it obscured the poised posterior of my salacious catgirl who was just earlier begging me to finish inside her ass.

>post ID 223fd1a

"Good luck finding them for cheap. You're better off digging around a junkyard chummer."

>post ID d41fc16

"Check at your local hock shop. Most 2nd gen shit is really old now though. Finding something that's not burnt is a miracle."

>post ID 7200cf3

">wanting to fuck around with 2nd gen shit"


>post ID 1db17f0

"People still buy 2nd gen stuff?"

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13e43e No.337864

File: ae9a55c76ad50b1⋯.jpg (34.7 KB,315x320,63:64,lewd...but approved..jpg)


>the thread then gradually turned into people arguing over 2nd gen synths being 'the best gen' and so on. Overall no really valuable information was gleaned from my thread other than advice telling me to explore meatspace.

>I abandoned the thread which had more or less devolved into shitposting at this point and tried to finish up inside my overtly lewd catgirl.

>I unpaused her. She immediately moaned "I'll always love you Anon." A familiar line I'd found my orgasm's peak at multiple times.

>I sarcastically quipped at her as I thrusted "We gotta get you a new soundpack." She sounded like her lines were ripped from some shitty porno. Every time she opened her mouth the immersion was broken for me.

>Her voice recognition wasn't that good and she replied "I love it when you pack it deep inside me~"

>I cringed again and muted her once more. I reluctantly finished the deed and felt awash with shame towards my own feral urges. I'm sure she was now saying some scripted lines about "oooh give me more." or something to that effect but I still had her muted and did not wish to unmute her.

>I then chuckled as Neet was only a few feet away from me and she had no clue about the lurid act I was engaging in while in the matrix. My orgasm was purely virtual. There was no boner or cum to expose me in meatspace. Part of that is what stirred my sexual excitement during my session with the catgirl but the reality was Neet was a non-sexualized being. I could walk around the house naked if I wanted to and it wouldn't evoke a reaction out of her.

>In all honesty, it didn't make sense for me to be excited about her proximity to me during a lurid act. I can refer to Neet as "she" but she doesn't have a vagina or breasts. Her frame, as well as her voice, were feminine but any sexuality she had was what I projected onto her. Even if I were to jerk it in meat space I might only garner a judgemental if indifferent look at most.

>That was my rationalization anyway. Still, I wasn't about to give her any memories I didn't want her to have.

>"Anon don't you think it's getting late?" Neet's voice connected with me through the matrix. How did she find me? I was caught off guard. It was a voice connection only but at the very least she had to be jacked into the matrix to use it. I was hearing her with my virtual ears, not my physical ones.

>The virtual room I was in was closed off. She must have traced me through the line I was using. She couldn't see what I was currently doing but at least knew I was in a closed off room. To be safe I minimized my catgirl sexdoll.

>"I'm just doing some research for discounted parts."

>"I see. You were very quiet. Sometimes I worry about you when you jack into the matrix."

>Then a terrible thought occurred. It was a selfish and lurid thought. It was an absolutely degenerate thought. I only had it for a brief moment before a more benevolent thought took hold.

>We could do anything in the matrix. Be anything. Neet could walk again. Hell, she could fly. The only limit was our imagination… With that in mind, what should we do?

[] We could test out replacement parts in a virtual environment using her regular body as a template. We wouldn't be closed off from one another so at the very least she wouldn't be isolated from me whenever I go on a netrun.

[]Take her on a virtual date. We can visit a time and a place where the world wasn't a mess. She could choose any avatar she wanted and maybe have a taste of normalcy for once.

[] Ask her if she'd occupy the catgirl avatar for me. She's been wanting to repay my kindness lately. I can show her why I stay up late at night sometimes. She might even like it. At the very least she'd enjoy it if she knew she was making me happy. Even if the connection is only virtual…it would be nice if…just once… heavy breathing

[] Playing in the matrix is fun but there's work to be done in meatspace. Let's not escape to some fantasy when reality won't wait. Let's check into some local hock shops and scrap yards.

I didn't think it'd tak 4 posts. Sorry for the longwinded format

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df546d No.337890


>[] We could test out replacement parts in a virtual environment using her regular body as a template. We wouldn't be closed off from one another so at the very least she wouldn't be isolated from me whenever I go on a netrun.

>[]Take her on a virtual date. We can visit a time and a place where the world wasn't a mess. She could choose any avatar she wanted and maybe have a taste of normalcy for once.

Use the second as a means to get additional data for the first. Getting her good parts for city life does nothing if she ends up needing/wanting something that can handle long walks on the beach/innawoods. She should be able to multitask, right?

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13e43e No.337891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I suppose it depends…Do you prefer business or pleasure?

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17a35b No.337901


I'd second the opinion

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66d629 No.337913


Scare up the location of some hock shops and scrap yards online, then pay them a visit after work. After checking out a few places, hit a VR space to give Neet a taste of the life we're trying to help her get.

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59741a No.337920


Dear God. I've been wanting to find that clip for literally a decade. And I first saw it on the Cyber Nations forum to boot.

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df546d No.338003


As they say, business is a pleasure. Good business especially.

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e2a38b No.338044


I get you, I love the new setting, I was just curious. Glad you decided to keep writing.


These are good ideas, but like Neet said we've got work tomorrow, so we shouldn't go too far down the rabbit hole. We'll have time tomorrow to look for new parts in the real and cyber world.

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17a35b No.338121


true, lets log of and ask her about possible dates tests later

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fef93d No.338126

File: 2784457ca46f19a⋯.png (228.19 KB,308x356,77:89,disgusted_forever_ever_man.PNG)

Hey, wait a second, this sounds familiar.

>one functional arm

>Hole in her head

>No legs

Oh my god, I just realised something.



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b4f607 No.338127


If Neet doesn't sleep, have her scour the net for some deals plus she might remember where she pawned hers

I'd start with setting her body up in the matrix, springboard that into an online date. Wait on having her be the e-catgirl, it's rude to show your roomates your digital onahole in the first month.

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13e43e No.338219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Work went as you might expect.

>While I wasn't good at much, the one thing I was adept at was traversing the matrix.

>cue intense rock synthwave.

>Today it was some remote assistance to a system under siege by hostile ram jammers. They don't care about making money as long as they cause havoc. They'd already screwed up the server index and were currently encrypting files the company needed for business.

>They were costing the company mountains of brouzouf every second. I figured they were going to attempt to ransom some high-value data once they found some.

>I jacked into the matrix and felt myself digitize. I arrived at the affected server with the avatar I used while at home. The company let me work as I pleased as long as I got the job done.

>Speaking of pleasing, I opened my assistant program. It had the same Catgirl maid avatar I used from last night but the program she was running was far more sophisticated and not…not at all lewd like her more lascivious counterpart I enjoyed at home.

>In a cold and uncaring voice, she announced "Hostile connections identified. Cleaning protocol engaged." She then bounded into the miasma of digital fog that was this server's part of the matrix.

>"Go get em' Kitty." I smirked. I could chase them down myself but why break your digital back when a program can do the work for you?

>I watched her progress to make sure everything went smoothly. I outlined simple commands for her to follow and she proceeded without question. She engaged with one of the deckers. A digital scream echoed from the corner of the matrix I couldn't see.

>My hud displayed the message "User 'SexXxbomb', has lost connection."

>"Heh, seeya."

>Kitty continued to seek out other nefarious ram jammers.

>My hud blipped-"User 'malpractice' has lost connection."


>it blipped again- "User 'Terminal-code' has lost connection."

>"damn Kitty, so much for being gentle."

>Then a dialogue from Kitty, it was a cold and emotionless warning. "Be advised, operator. Hostile connection moving to your location. Moving to intercept."

>I shouted out amplifying my voice with a volume boosting program. "If you don't want to end up brain burnt I would advise disconnecting right now."

>No reply. He was still showing as connected though…

> "Like I'm going to listen to some wageslave!" A voice from behind smacked me with a static burst that blinded my digital vision.

>One word to initiate my protocol "Freeze."A burst of energy wrapped around me and expanded outward. Any decker caught within my proximity couldn't move or utilize programs and protocols for a good 30 seconds unless they were properly insulated.

> I turned to face my yet unseen attacker with a smile. He gradually came into focus as his previous shock protocol's effect wore off. He had an avatar with a utilitarian look. It was faceless and without any extraneous details. Nothing to backtrace him with. Kitty grabbed him from behind as she arrived after my freeze protocol.

>"Burn him."

>She dumped several thousand volts down his connection. A brief digital scream escaped him before he vanished. His brain would be burnt and his deck was toast. He wouldn't be accessing any systems for a while at the very least.

>My hud displayed "User 'Critical Ass', has lost connection."

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13e43e No.338220

File: 2bd87362a96f7f2⋯.png (141.96 KB,500x438,250:219,life in the city.png)


>"Alright, playtime's over. Let's clean up this mess…"

>I spent the rest of the day fixing the server index and decrypting data. Kitty cleaned up any hostile programs the ram jammers left roaming around.

>It wasn't nearly as thrilling as force dumping deckers out of the matrix and burning their bits but work was work I guess.

>I patched the holes that the ram jammers came through to get into the network but all it takes is one disgruntled employee or someone getting drunk and falling prey to some social engineering to cripple a company's security. Weakest link and all that.

>I messaged Neet before Iogged off from work since she might be on the matrix herself. "I'll be home soon. Call me if you've found anything."

>Kitty approached me. In the same cold and emotionless voice as before she advised me "Scan complete. No hostile programs detected."

>"I don't know, you're pretty hostile yourself sweetheart."

>Of course, she didn't respond. Nothing in her program dictated a response to a comment like that.

>Sometimes I liked to believe there was some sentience under the hood but the reality was I knew she was just a simple script with only a handful of commands. Her avatar and voice gave her the illusion of much more than she actually was.

>If I told her to "kill" she would seek out connections and programs and remove them.

>She didn't derive any joy from it like I did. She obeyed her programming because that's all she was- a program.

>This projection I engaged in may seem pathetic but it helped me cope with the fact I effectively worked alone whenever I dived into the matrix.

>All my interactions with other people at work boiled down to me force dumping ram jammers or listening to my superiors in meatspace chide my ass for not fixing things fast enough or in a way they wanted.

>There was a handful of co-workers I enjoyed coffee with at times but even they knew well enough not to get too attached to anyone.

>Companies like the one I worked for faced mergers and were downsized all the time. The only reason I'd stayed on as long as I had was that I got shit done. I was valuable wetware. That was my position. In a way, I wasn't unlike the program I had control over. The only difference was I was aware of my slavery.

>I was called "wageslave" by that ram jammer I burnt. That was my role in this world. That's what I was.


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13e43e No.338221

File: 6b78705da8c6e1d⋯.jpg (66.57 KB,736x588,184:147,Hock shop.jpg)


>Before I got home I hit up a local pawn shop near my apartment.

> The neon sign gave a dull hue to the thick glass 'Chrome Bone Pawn'. Beneath the larger sign a smaller sign detailed their wares. 'Geeked out guns, gear, and more. Shoplifters will be shot. Play nice or stay the fuck out'.

>I entered. They had a little of everything. Typical for any pawn shop.

>A rough and tumble looking fellow behind the counter motioned to me. His right arm was fully chromed and he probably had some hardware tucked away as well. "Hey, what's a shirt like you doing in a place like this? Did they run out of ramen at the local quick stop?"

>I met him at the counter. I kept it all business "I'm looking for 2nd Gen synth parts or parts compatible with a 2nd gen chassis."

>He whistled "Tall order there shirt." He gestured to a rack of assorted limbs in the back "I don't know about compatibility but that's what I got. You break it you buy it."

>I nodded "Thanks"

>There was all manner of off-brand limbs and assorted parts. Some were as cheap as 40k¥ while others went as high as 150k¥. However you sliced it, they were outside of my immediate price range even if I went for the lower end stuff. That's if they were even compatible with Neet.

>The owner addressed me caustically "You finding everything okay over there chief?"

> I returned to the front counter "Not for a price I can afford. I'll have to come back when I'm I have more brouzouf to burn."

>He rolled his eyes "Well shit, and here I was hoping to take all of your money."

> I dug around in my coat for Neet's old vocaloid, as I did this the shop owner put his hand on a holster dangling from his hip. I produced the vocaloid "What do you think you could give me for this?"

>He took it and looked it over "Mmmmnn. Does it work?"

>I sighed "I think it's burnt."

>He eyed it up and down "Peh, I'll give you 100¥"

>I wasn't about to take that such a pittance and I told him as much "I couldn't let it go for less than 500."

>He shrugged, his mechanical arm whirring with the movement "Take it with you then, shirt. I'm trying to run a business here."

>He continued to examine it and his tone changed "Actually…I'll give you the 500 for it."

>"Why the change in heart?" As I asked this he put the vocaloid back in my hand and opened up the cash register pulling out 500 Brouzouf and putting it on the counter.

>"No questions asked. Take it or leave it chummer."

>An extra 500¥ would be nice but something didn't feel right about this exchange. Why was he willing to give me 500¥ now?

>"If I can fix it would you be willing to pay more?"

> He shook his head. "500¥ is the ticket."

>I decided to get to know him better "Whats your name if you don't mind me asking?"

>"You can call me Tisel, shirt." I nodded.

>"Well you can call me Anon, Tisel. I'll make sure to see you again I'm sure." He shrugged with the same apathetic tone he had when I entered.

>"Alright Anon, if you change your mind on that Vocaloid you come see me first, got it?"


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13e43e No.338223

File: e5f193093770d07⋯.jpg (124.67 KB,1024x728,128:91,waifu out of view.jpg)

>Neet was waiting for me when I got home "Did you have a good day?"

>"It was fun. How as the matrix?"

>Neet nodded "It was nice to have my original body again. I was looking online but I don't think I found anything in our budget."

> I thought to myself " 'our' budget?" I told her "I'll help you look later."

> I'd only seen Neet walk around a little before with her virtual legs before I had to go to work. The model I based her avatar on was a factory fresh version of herself that was undamaged and shiny. She probably hadn't looked like that for more than 50 years. It was all the more contrasted against her real-life self that had faded coloring that was ravaged by time.

>I slipped out of my wage slave outfit and into some comfier leisurewear

>Neet was hooking herself up to a laptop "Would you like to dive with me like we did this morning? I wanted to show you some things I found." She seems to have gotten more energetic since I had her power distributor fixed.

>"Sounds like fun but I've been on a netrun all day. I don't want to end up burning my brain."

>Neet sulked "I…I understand. If you're tired go ahead and rest. I'll be fine."

>I petted her head "I'm sure we'll find some time later."

>Neet grabbed my wrist mid pat and gave it a tentatively tight squeeze "Anon…"

>I was a taken aback by the gesture "Neet?"

> She looked up at me "Would you not…nevermind" she let go of my wrist. I recoiled feeling like I'd been out of step with her before.

>"Neet? I…That is, if you don't want me petting you I won't. I'm didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

>Neet shook her head "It's not that. When I touched you I sensed your heart rate, your blood pressure, your temperature; I had a vivid display of your biometrics. I'm didn't mean to spy on you like that."

>She refocused her gaze on me "I'm not used to such interactions is all. But I know you mean well." She grabbed my wrist and tugged gently. I acquiesced and sat beside her. "You don't have to treat me like a child you know."

>I spoke nervously "Alright… I just wanted you to know I cared." I petted her again and felt the warm patch through her beanie where her cyberbrain was exposed.

>Neet smiled as well as her face would allow "Anon, I know you do. I'm glad I was placed in the care of someone so kind. I'll be in the matrix for a while, come and see me alright?" She pressed a few keys on the laptop she was connected to and her eyes glazed over before she slumped downward against my chest.

>"There she goes." I didn't blame her for wanting to escape. Especially if it meant being able to walk again. I laid her gently against the wall.


>After eating some junk food I jacked in myself and traced Neet to a private room. "Am I welcome?"

>"Of course!" I was sent a hash code and I joined Neet inside her own little space. Little was the wrong word though. It was a big house. It was several times bigger than our small apartment.

>Her Avatar was that of a similarly framed 5th gen synth. I recognized the avatar from when I was browsing new bodies for her throughout the week. Unlike her 2nd gen exterior, the 5th gen was indistinguishable from a regular human. Had I not been browsing online catalogs I wouldn't have even recognized she was utilizing a synth avatar. The voice was unmistakably hers.

>"Well, you certainly look…different." She had dazzling blonde hair and delicate features. It was a stark contrast to her damanged mechanical exterior I was used to in meatspace.

>Neet gave me a bigger smile I didn't normally see. Another part of her physical body that betrayed her true expressions. She spun around showcasing a summer dress. "I didn't know what kind of clothes you'd like. What do you think?"

>I nodded "You look great Neet."

>"I didn't have much to do today so I decided to make a house for us."

>"I can tell you really put effort in."

>She gave me a tour. The decorations were simple geometric shapes with all manner textures applied to them. The tour kind of felt scripted, but not in the way a thoughtless program might automatically check boxes off a routine, rather it was like someone giving a guided presentation. How long had she been preparing this?

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13e43e No.338225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"Pretty creative Neet."

>She grinned "I thought you'd like it."

>We took a seat outside the Villa in a swinging chair. The skybox for the outside portion of the house was unpainted, displaying a large white void.

>Need looked ashamed "I didn't get a chance to do anything on the outside…"

>"I gotcha" I opened up a wallpaper folder with one hand and flicked a cosmic vista onto the skybox. It now presented a starry night with a colorful nebula as a backdrop. "Something like this good?"

>cue sensual synth

>Neet nodded "I like it!" Her feet dangled off the chair and she swung them absentmindedly. She squeezed my right hand with her left. Another action only available to her inside our virtual escape. "Thanks again for helping me get set up this morning."

>"You got it Neet. I didn't know you could even connect until you came after me last night."

>"I just…I was frustrated getting my voice back and having no one to talk to." she squeezed my hand again "It's nice to have someone to talk to again is all."

>A connection formed for me. Not a physical one. Not even a virtual one albeit, we were close enough to make such a connection. This was more intuitive- a connection on a deeper level. A longing for a genuine relationship. A cry for help into a heartless void that I'd found myself lost in years ago. I think Neet had found herself in a similar place for a longer time than me.

>She turned to me "I'm sorry for being so selfish Anon. I didn't mean to steal hours away from you. If you'd like to rest you can go ahead and log out."

>"Neet, I don't need to go anywhere. You're exactly the kind of distraction I need".

>She let go of my hand "I'm just a distraction?"

>"Eh…I mean…No that's not right. What I mean to say is seeing your smile is the only thing worthwhile in my day. Knowing that I can make you happy makes me happy ya know?"

>Neet stood up and stared intently at me. The starry vista behind her was a stunning visual. "I feel the same way Anon. You always smile when you're looking at me." She took both my hands and squeezed them.

>"Anon, I haven't been with you long but you've been nothing but kind to me. It hurts to see you struggle the way you do when you come home after work. Let me be here for you. Will you accept my love Anon?"


[] Accept her confession- Even if her feelings are artificially generated does it matter if we both feel the same way? Is the love we share worth less because of some arbitrary physical barrier? If our hearts cry out for one another is it so terrible to come together to find some happiness? Tell her that-

>"I want to share your love, whatever that may entail. I'd be happy to accept any love you want to give me…"

[] Decline her confession- I do love her. A lot. But I know why she cares for me. She cares for me because it's beneficial for her- because that's the easiest thing to do. I don't need to conflate honest love for some desperate cry for attention from Neet or myself. Tell her-

>"I appreciate your gesture but you shouldn't worry about pleasing someone like me. You have access to the Matrix. You can find someone else if you need some kind of attention I'm not giving you."

[] Flake out - Isn't this a little sudden? I mean it's not like I'm chasing after other women or anything (catgirl maid withstanding but it's not like she sentient anyway). I'll tell Neet-

> "Wew, I am pretty tired. Can we pick up this conversation tomorrow?"

multi-post green-texting. If I'm gonna keep making these things big I may have to turn this into a regular story…

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df546d No.338235


>Mentally begin to flake out



Love, huh? What IS love? Can you really define it? Words fit for the purpose - do they even exist? Does it matter? Love is difficult. Rare. And entirely dependent on one's ability and willingness to cast aside their defenses and take a chance. She's baring her heart, or at least making the effort to seem like it. And really, even if she's only gen 2, she's more a person than simulated catgirls could ever be - more than a lot of real meatbrain people, at that, considering the day's work - so even if her feelings are artificial, does that really make them false? Roll the dice, go all in.

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17a35b No.338249

I was not prepped for this philosophical journey. but I'm agreeing with


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b4f607 No.338261


"How can I say no? I will gladly teach you this thing we humans call love"

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cf3b52 No.338281


Her love may just be a bunch of programming saying she loves us, but our love is just a bunch of chemicals and electrical signals saying we love her. If we're going to spend our whole lives wondering if any of the emotions we or the people around us are "real" we might as well end it all now, because that's no way to live.

Therefore, accept robowaifu's love.

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cd95de No.338284


[X] Accept her confession

Give her a big hug.

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13e43e No.338299


You're probably not the only one. That being the case it's time for…


Since we're pretty much (in my mind) 1/3 the way done with the story I want to tell, I feel I should break down the first chunk of what I've written to help catch everyone up and get everyone on the same page before we begin the next arc.

I'll try to explain story elements I didn't overtly allude to or (more likely) wrote too poorly for people to understand and make the connections I wanted them to make. The last two big chunks >>338219 & >>337859 delve a lot into the matrix and how exactly a synth "feels" things as we would understand contextually what a "feel" is and how we could try to understand how a synth would process emotions. I hope they give some context to certain situations I presented earlier in the story. If you want to reread some shorter earlier parts and try to make those connections go ahead and do that now before we dive into the deeper meaning and subtext that I tried to establish. If you're not a fan of cyberpunk stuff I wouldn't blame you for missing some things since I prefer more subtle storytelling and context clues.


Is probably on the right track or has figured it out I think.

Without going full Scenario B and telling things from Neet's perspective, remember from some exposition here >>337860 we learn basically how Neet processes emotions. If you're ever not sure how to analyze a situation in the story refer to this post to decrypt certain situations. Once you've done that you'll have the tools to understand what was actually happening.

Recall this text…

>I needed to pursue something to help me forget about the painful truth of our existence. I often pushed negative feelings out of my mind by working long hours and delving in to netruns.

>I turned to Neet "I'll be on the Matrix if you need me."

>Neet waved at me with a concerned look "Be careful Anon. Sometimes you spend all night on there. You have work tomorrow you know."

This establishes that Anon has done this before. It shows how he will abandon Neet and basically leave her alone in the apartment to do whatever he wants in the matrix. When he's jacked in the matrix he can't hear, see, or feel anything outside so if Neet were to fall over and hurt herself he wouldn't even know until he logged out. In an emergency, Neet could jerk his neural jack out if she really needed him. This wouldn't kill him but it would really hurt and leave him brain burnt. She probably wouldn't do that unless she felt his life was in danger.

Once you realize Neet can detect biometric data from touch the significance of direct contact with her becomes apparent. While I don't specifically say he was in the matrix in this post >>337399 I don't say that he wasn't either. There were probably a few nights where Neet sat beside a limp and unmoving Anon worried that he was burning his brain out on netruns while she occasionally gripped his hand to make sure he wasn't dead. She would wait patiently and be there to greet him once he logged out. Of course, it was usually pretty late and he'd probably give her a singular head pat and pass out on the bed without talking to her if at all.

These are just ancillary feels though. It's time to get to the real feels and the overarching narrative that I'm attempting to establish. This will delve more into spoiler territory but some keener violated heroes may have figured out what I was doing (or at least what I was trying to do).

Anon, on two separate occasions, shows his grasp on reality is slipping. Specifically he's suffering from extreme loneliness. He has no meaningful social interaction at work or at home. He's so disconnected from the world he's resorting to anthropomorphism to bridge the gap for his waning sanity. This happens with two separate programs he uses. They are functionally the same in that they're "dumb machines" despite them sharing the same Catgirl Maid avatar. Anon knows this but he still tries to project human qualities onto them as his mind is desperate for any kind of feedback. He's literally talking to inanimate objects expecting them to respond in turn. Notice the story is from his perspective and he's calling glorified sex dolls and antivirus programs 'she'. See this for a brief explanation http://archive.is/ZVKB4.

And now for Scenario B…

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13e43e No.338300

File: e80ed5076f1832b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.25 KB,500x559,500:559,a worried Neet.jpg)


Neet 'cheats' by reading subtle facial expressions and biometric data when Anon interacts with her and touches her. Her emotional states are based on the feedback she gets from Anon. She can tell he's suffering but she struggles to help him. Understand that his sadness make her sad since her emotions are based heavily on empathy.

Recall, what is the first thing Neet asks for Anon to fix for her? Her vocaloid. Not her limbs or some pointless aesthetic feature like a new face. She can detect he's depressed and she knows she can probably help him more if she could talk to him. For whatever reason (probably because he's nice to her and obviously sympathetic to downtrodden synths like herself) she finds herself attracted to Anon. Being attracted to him she cares more for him and wants to help him. The irony being that despite Neet being heavily damaged she's probably healthier mentally than Anon is and is the only thing keeping him from burning out whats left of his brain on late night netruns. Notice how after her power distribution issue is fixed she chases him into the Matrix. She probably couldn't do that before so as soon as she was able that's what she did.

The real shamalamadingdong twist of course is…

Anon didn't save Neet. Neet saved Anon. It's a random happenstance of course. He could have gotten any synth with the government rejuvenation program. He just happened to get Neet. In the final long-winded post you find Neet built an entire house virtual house for them and picked out an avatar of a 5th gen that SOMEHOW Anon had at least seen once. Did she dig into his search history? He was away at work all day so at the very least she had time to do some research. Whatever the case she wanted a place where she could spend time and interact with Anon and give him good feels. She is desperately trying to connect with Anon and make him happy because she loves him and she doesn't want to see him sad (or worse dead which may happen if he's constantly spending all night in the matrix). Because as previously mentioned. When Anon is sad, Neet is sad.

As far as giving the story away I think the general consensus has confirmed that we want to "accept her confession". Even if you didn't come to this conclusion via the subtext and only wanted a "good feel" I'd like to believe subconsciously various violated heros picked up on the nuggets of information I hid here and there to piece everything together. Either way, I plan to keep the feels coming.

I appreciate everyone's feedback thus far. I'm piecing together the story for the next arc rite now. May take a little longer for me to put stuff together but I'll see about keeping things coming in a timely fashion.

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cf3b52 No.338340



I don't want to read the spoilers I just hope you realize that a bad end that isn't a result of our choices or is just a diabolus ex machina i.e. "the body you bought for Neet had a virus and now she's dead" is a really unsatisfying way for a CYOA to end

Not that I think you'd pull it out of your ass like that, I just know how you like your tragedies

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13e43e No.338368


Don't worry. I don't think anyone here is dumb enough to lead to a bad end. Without spoiling anything there will be conflict and drama but any story worth reading is going to have that.

I'm in the "ideas guy" stage still so I have to organize stuff, cut away the fat and have a serviceable story after the fact with optional choices as we go along. If you want some spoilers for what's around the corner I may drift into some Deus Ex and GitS material/references. Maybe throw in a dash of hotline Miami flavor and some sprinkling of some other synthy/cyberpunk material as I go.


My dude, I've given at least two lewd centric options and so far no one has attempted to rape the robot. Even the more benign "huggable" fleece piece wasn't touched by anyone. I don't have the comic on hand but it reminds me the one where the guy makes some loli homunculus to rape and ends up taking care of it like his daughter instead.

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a6e7f9 No.338693


Robots are for tender, consensual loving, not rape.

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fef93d No.338696

File: 182c72ca775b04e⋯.png (678.9 KB,485x750,97:150,4efe1837f2f43950ad02c3aa6d….png)


>Hotline Miami

I remember when HLM flavoured cyoas and writefaggotry were ubiquitous on this here fine board. Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear? Also you're doing great, love the Neuromancer vibes going on

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fef93d No.338697

File: 064073cd7a539dd⋯.jpg (2.4 MB,3264x2448,4:3,064073cd7a539dd2a973969513….jpg)


Ah fuck I forgot my sage. My apologies.

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4810ef No.338782


Accept her confession. Tell Neet that we're not used to these kinds of emotions, but we'll do our best moving forward.

I like the dynamic Neet and Anon share, they form a great contrast between themselves. Neet is held back from her freedom and true potential because of her broken body. Anon is so desensitized to quick stimulation on the web that his mental health is failing despite being physically healthy. Neet's situation was forced on her, while Anon's mindset is self induced. Together they're in a pretty good spot to help each other overcome their shortcomings.

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ba39d8 No.338785

File: 27cdf63fa9959ea⋯.jpg (82.4 KB,936x1024,117:128,the alleged chair.jpg)


>" that was sudden." was my first thought.

>Gradually my mind attempted to process her confession.

>Perhaps it was the cosmic nebula I had just sprawled behind her.

>Maybe it was the touch of her hands grasping mine and the subtle squeeze they applied.

>I couldn't accept it. It wasn't real. Nothing around me was. My mind was trying to tell me it was real but my heart wouldn't accept it.

>I averted my gaze from Neet and searched for the right words.

>Neet continued to squeeze my hands "Anon…?"

>Had it really been so long since I felt a genuine connection with anyone? How far back in my past would I have to dig before I even found a memory that I could use as a reference for this situation?

>Had I really forgotten what sincere love was? It wasn't just Neet, I didn't have any friends or family that I actually cared about. The most meaningful connections I made were passing comments on anonymous message boards.

>I knew I Ioved Neet in the only way I could but it would feel wrong to accept her love in my current state. My mind simply couldn't process it.

>I was trembling now. I had contempt for my damaged brain and anger at my own heart for betraying me. I squeezed Neets hands while I stared at her feet. I searched for the same confidence I had at work where I'd tackle threats in the Matrix fearlessly.

>Why now couldn't I just tell her I loved her?

>I craned my head up to look Neet in the face. Her eyes were soaked with concern.

>She put her hands on my face "Anon, I want to talk to you more…"

>"Neet…I…I can't." I broke away from Neet's touch and left her standing by the swinging chair "I have to…I have to go. Now. I'm sorry."

>Neet was right behind me. "Anon! Wait! Just-" I felt her hand grasp my shoulder as I was logging out.

>I felt the cold sting of dropping out of the matrix back into my chilly apartment. I grabbed my shoulder where Neet had tried to hang onto me. My eyes itched and I felt sadness welling up in my throat. I jerked out the neural jack as I removed my visor.

>I quivered with sorrow and wiped tears from my eyes. I couldn't understand what was wrong with me. I held my chest and tried to figure out why I had this burning feeling in my heart. Why did it hurt so goddamn much?

>I pounded my fist into my desk toppling over empty soda cans and assorted tech sending them bouncing onto the floor.

>I couldn't even bring myself to look at Neet after I ran away in such a cowardly fashion. She was probably still in the Matrix. She wouldn't want to leave her dream house to chase me around after I left the way I did.

>I decided to retire for the night.

>I spoke softly as I approached my bed "Sorry Neet…"

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ba39d8 No.338788

File: 9a125d798e547bd⋯.jpg (161.98 KB,640x775,128:155,naked pat reception.jpg)


> I reached down to pet her head but my hand was grabbed before it connected.

"Anon…would you pick me up please?"

>"O-of course." I moved without thinking. My instinct to care for Neet overrode my own self-loathing.

>I leaned over to pick Neet up and scooped my hand between her legs for good grip. Her one working arm wrapped around my neck with soft mechanical hums and clicks. Her fingers squeezed my shoulder and they tightened their grip with a familiar "vrrr".

>"W-where do you want me to set you down?"

>Neet shook her head "I don't want you to set me down." She buried her face in my neck.

>I sat down on my bed and held Neet close for a while. She didn't have any of the soft fleshy skin or flowing blonde hair her virtual counterpart had but the intimate embrace felt more real for me now than anything ever had.

>Neet broke away from the tight embrace and stroked my face. Her fingers clicked with their subtle articulation as they traced around my puffy eyes. "I'm sorry if I was too forward earlier Anon. I thought that-"

>I interrupted "Neet, you don't need to apologize. The truth is…I want to share your love, whatever that may entail. I'd be happy to accept any love you want to give me. I'm sorry for running away like I did earlier. I forgot what love felt like I guess."


>"Thanks for reminding me, Neet." I leaned in to kiss her. Her lips were stiff and had a plastic taste. She immediately winced and pushed herself away from me.

>"Anon no…not with this body. I don't have the sensitivity to enjoy such things." She fidgeted in my lap, her leg nubs squirmed and emitted mechanical whirrs and clicks. "I didn't even feel your lips when you kissed me just now…" She averted her eyes with a shameful expression. Her range of feedback was far more intense inside the matrix. Kisses and similar such activities would be more enjoyable there for sure.

>Large parts of her meatspace body were effectively sensitivity deadzones. Only her hand had a more nuanced range of feedback for her to feel things with. Knowing this I squeezed her hand sympathetically. She smiled and squeezed my hand back.

>"Neet, for now…"

[] Offer to share my bed with her for the night- Her body isn't exactly the most huggable surface in the world and she doesn't seem too excited about being intimate in her current physical form. Furthermore, my bed is barely big enough for myself. It'd be a tight fit with Neet. Still, I want her to know you do love her regardless of what form she happens to have.

[] Offer to take Neet out on another virtual date tomorrow and give her a kiss she won't forget. Next time I won't lose focus.

[] I need to put my effort towards fixing Neet's body so we don't have to run away to the matrix for her to be normal. Apologize for being so forward earlier and kiss her forehead goodnight. Set her back in the usual spot on the floor.

[] Guide Neet's hand to my yet unnoticed erection. Ask her if she can feel that…

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df546d No.338792


First, definitely

> Offer to take Neet out on another virtual date tomorrow and give her a kiss she won't forget. Next time I won't lose focus.


>I need to put my effort towards fixing Neet's body so we don't have to run away to the matrix for her to be normal.

Finally, a modified option:

>If she's not completely comfortable with physical intimacy in her current state, and the bed isn't big enough for two anyway, perhaps she might like to sleep next to the bed, in reach to make hand contact. Even if the two can't be with one another in full, there is still this method of connecting.

𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙. 𝙎𝙬𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙡𝙤𝙬, 𝙞𝙩 𝙤𝙘𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚.

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df546d No.338793


Goddamnit, why do I keep forgetting to hit the bump-blocker? My apologies.

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4a4075 No.338795


Agreeing with this fine motherfucker here. Neet won't get much out of bodily closeness, but sleeping close enough for arm's reach of each other will be very good yes. But first, plan another date, during which we may discuss her new body.

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ff824e No.338833


Thirding >>338792. This anon's got it right.

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cf3b52 No.338853


If I can sleep comfortably cuddling a rifle, Anon can sleep comfortably cuddling half a robot girl. Her appearance and huggability isn't what matters to us, what matters is that she's there.

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4a4075 No.339060

Difference is that your rifle doesn't have hangups about its appearance and large areas of numbness. We don't want to push her farther than she's comfortable with.

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cf3b52 No.339063

File: c2a4c82a1667f6d⋯.jpg (259.19 KB,645x822,215:274,F55D059A-5EEE-41FC-9427-C6….jpg)


I'd argue that showing her we love her no matter what her body is like would be good for her, telling her she could be inhabiting a laptop and we'd still want to cuddle, but I'm too busy fuming at you for not saging

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b4f607 No.339109


First, Kiss her hand, gently. Let her know what it feels like.

I vote bed sharing. Even if she's sharp, if she sleeps on top of the sheets you should be good and the waste heat might be nice

And I'm guessing that with her telemetry, the erection is definitely noticed.


How do you know? Maybe the other rifles make fun of it for having a wood stock and iron sights instead of tacticool collapsible and a scope

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c1aec7 No.339516

File: 3ecab2726f2d6bd⋯.gif (2.54 MB,960x540,16:9,typical day in cyberpunk w….gif)


>"For now, we should get some sleep." At least I would. Neet didn't really need sleep so much as she needed to be near an outlet every so often.

>I reclined in bed and Neet found herself laying on my chest. She wasn't extremely heavy but I wouldn't want her on my chest all night. Her stiff chest frame dug into me and highlighted her artificial body.

>"Anon, I don't want to crush you."

>I shifted underneath her weight and gave her hand a squeeze "I don't mind being crushed if it's by you but…" I continued to squirm around for some position that was comfortable but had no luck "…there's not much wiggle room on the bed."

>"I-I'll get off." she shimmied herself to dismount me.

>"Neet…" I helped her onto the floor. "Would you like to sleep next to the bed?"

>"If you want me to I wouldn't mind." She averted her eyes. This was a tendency I'd gotten used to when I showed her any affection in meatspace.

>"A little enthusiasm wouldn't hurt ya know." I stroked her cheek. She put her hand on mine and looked sullen.

>I remembered how different she behaved in the matrix. She didn't have the same doubting eyes she did now. Her smile there was bigger and more pronounced than anything she'd ever attempted in meatspace and was probably more than her current face would allow.

>I took her hand and pulled it to me "Tomorrow we'll have some more fun in the matrix. You looked beautiful in that sundress. You made me feel…" I squeezed her hand to emphasize my sentiment.

>Neet squeezed my hand in turn and spoke for me "Excited; I detected as much earlier on your lap…"

>I was taken aback. "You detected?"

>Neet shifted her hand downward and gave my wrist a firm squeeze and spoke with a nonchalant tone "An increased heart rate and internal temperature along with subtle changes in your in your-"

>"Okay! Okay! I believe you." I pulled her beanie down to obscure her vision.

>"A-anon!" She pulled it back up gave me the look.

>"Love you Neet. 'Nite" I offered my hand to her.

>Neet hesitated before she took my hand and pulled the beanie back down to cover her eyes "I love you too, Anon".


>We talked about transitioning her to a new body. Even the cheapest alternative to OCP's offerings wasn't less than 100k¥ with down payments in the range of 15-20k¥,

>The prospect of getting a new body on loan scared her. She had been in debt before and the thought of getting her body repossessed if she were unable to make the monthly payment wasn't appealing.

>"Don't worry about the money Neet, I'd be the one subsidizing it."

>"I don't want you going into debt to buy me a new body."

> I had about 27k¥ tucked away in my savings for a rainy day and explained I wouldn't mind putting a portion of that towards a down payment for a new shell.

>"Absolutely not Anon. I could not accept that."

>"I want you to be happy Neet."

>Neet nodded "I am happy." She squeezed my hand "I'm happier than I have been for a long time…"

> I looked her up and down closely "If I could get a decent price for your old body to help subsidize a down payment would that change your mind?"

>Neet shook her head "Even if you could, you'd still be in debt after the fact. I don't want to put that kind of obligation on you."

>I was frustrated with her answer and Neet could tell as much "Anon, please don't worry yourself over it."

>A considerate request but I couldn't discard my feelings. As easy as it would be to dump my savings into her she wouldn't have it. Forcing her into a new body to placate my desire to see her whole would be selfish on my part. I'd have to find another way.

>Neet squeezed my hand to get my attention. I'd gotten lost in my thoughts. "…I asked if you want to come with me." She'd jacked herself in. She looked at me longingly. "Spend some time with me."

>I showed my disinterest "I thought you didn't want me spending all my time on the matrix?"

>Neet shook her head and put her hand on my cheek "I don't want you spending your time closed off from others. You told me before you didn't really have anyone you really trusted as a friend. Let me be that friend Anon…"

>I followed her down the rabbit hole.

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c1aec7 No.339518

File: 8f0761e814b3d2c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.45 MB,2472x2320,309:290,obviously lewd spoilered c….jpg)


<Somewhere in a dimly lit room we hear one side of a phone conversation. A familiar pawn dealer takes a drag off a bent cigarette before continuing.

<"Yea, I'm sure about that serial number. My question is do you have the brouzouf?"


<"He's just some shirt. He shouldn't give you any trouble." He reclined in his chair.


<"I don't know if he has the unit. I told him to come to me first If he decided on dropping that vocaloid. I mean, where else would he get the thing anyway?"


<"I told you, I don't fucking know, 'next time he comes in I'll be sure to ask. How 'bout that?!"


<"yes…yes…I see. Well, when you put it like that I guess I can't really say 'no' then can I? Heheh, shit." He took another drag and blew smoke sideways out of his mouth.


< "Heh, well alright then. Pleasure doing business with you." He smiled and ended the call. With a malicious grin, he rubbed the smoldering butt into an ashtray.


>Neet and I were nestled close together on a bed far bigger than the one modest twin-size I had in meatspace, our virtual estate being far more accommodating.

>We were browsing various online retailers. Occasionally she'd adjust her avatar to try a new part and see how she liked it. Big bold text with the words 'sample usage only' were splayed across her temporary virtual appendages as she switched between them.

>She continued to swap things around as she went cycling through various body and fashion options.

>And at once she was naked. Obviously an option without clothes

>I shielded my peripheral "N-Neet! Your clothes!"

>Neet turned to me undaunted with her jugs exposed. "Is there something wrong with this look?"

>"You could say that. I can see everything!"

>Neet examined herself and shrugged "I don't get it." She looked annoyed when she went to move my hand out of the way "You look at me all the time outside"

>"T-this is different!"

>"Well what about you? What's with the strange avatar you always use?"

>"What's wrong with Captain Falcon?!" His costume was perfect. I had the helmet and everything. I was not nearly as buff as the Falcon himself in meatspace but I figured I may as well indulge the fantasy of physical fitness while in the matrix. You could say I was real dream chaser.

>She stared at me blankly "Captain…Falcon? I don't believe I'm familiar with him. Is he some war hero from 20th century?"

>I turned away from her embarrassed "Y-yea…he was really famous." I wasn't ready to expose my deep passion classic gaming just yet.

>She snatched my helmet and put it on herself. "I think it looks better on me!"

>"Ahgh-Hey give that back!" she slipped from my grasp and teased a pursuit on our bed. I didn't want to grab her in an indecent manner. I went to grab her ankle but she rolled backward off the bed.

>"Come and get it!" She ran off. I rolled off the bed gave chase without hesitation.

>We both peeled around corners and furniture.

>I gradually closed our gap. My advantage probably came from fact Neet was running on legs she'd never used before. Not that I let that handicap my performance.

>A few laps around the house and I had her cornered. My virtual lungs were venting "No escape." Neet was naked save for my stolen helmet. My blood was pumping for more than one reason.

>Neet taunted "Come on! Show me your moves!" She bounded out of the dead end hallway to get past me. She pivoted to avoid my grasp and spun low. I was quick to react and grabbed her from behind crisscrossing my arms across her chest with my right hand grabbing her left tit and my left hand her right tit.


>Neet moaned as I squeezed her "…So you have. What do will you do now?"

> "Steal a kiss." I leaned in to for a kissu and Neet reciprocated craning her head back to accommodate me. She shifted to face me and her bosom smushed up against my chest.

>"Is that all you're going to take?" She squeezed me close. She could most definitely feel my arousal. It was hard to take her seriously while she was still wearing my helmet.

[] Take back my helmet. That's the reason I was chasing her after all. I think I've had enough fun for one day. I need to cool down before I do something overtly lewd. I need to log out and take a cold shower.

[] Take back my helmet. Tell her she should put some clothes back on. Running around naked is immodest. We should retire back to the bedroom for low impact consensual snuggling. Perhaps if things continue to get heated we can assume the missionary position and avoid eye contact while making love. Like cyber Jesus had intended.

[] Take her back to the bedroom. Give her the FALCON DICK!.The helmet stays on (for safety reasons?).

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df546d No.339521


>Take back the helmet. Then, pick out some clothes for outside and in the bedroom. Modesty is important, but also there's fun to be had in removing clothes. Then, snuggling. Lots of snuggling. If lovemaking commences, by Mara and Dibella, make with the foreplay! Give her something to look forward to when she has a meatspace body to work with.

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cf3b52 No.339532


Take helmet, give benis

I assume we can't really do anything about the seedy pawn shop guy since that happened without Anon knowing about it

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24d36f No.339534


You can pretty much request anything but it'll be deathnote rules wherein if there's no real reason for Anon to take an action he won't take it. For your scenario, there was no way for Anon to know about that phone call so if you said "Have him confront the seedy pawn dealer and ask him why he was interested in the Vocaloid's serial number" Anon wouldn't do that. Once it's established in the story that Anon could make that connection then you could go ahead and request that command and have some expectation of a follow through.

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ae85e4 No.339564


Take the helmet, put it aside, pull her into bed, get comfy. Once comfy talk about clothes and snuggle more. And if things do get heated, >>339521 has a pretty good idea going.

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b4f607 No.339567


Snuggle, optionally leading to penetration.

make sure that virtual-benis is the same as meatspace benis. Don't want to disappoint her when you get to the real thing

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cd95de No.339578


Why take her to the bedroom? we'll take her right here, right now. Toss the helmet off to the side so we can look her dead in the eyes.

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605cce No.339579

File: c070e0fa05ec52b⋯.jpg (75.94 KB,848x480,53:30,cycling forces.jpg)

>No one even teased at taking the FALCON DICK option.

'Worth a try


I had actually thought about that somewhat but I didn't spend too much time on it. I wouldn't worry about that for now since she doesn't even have a real vagina yet in meatspace.

A thought occurred. Would you be cucking yourself if your avatar online was significantly different than your meatspace self? My initial answer was "no" but since your post brought more light to the issue you may very well end up with dream chaser kinda deal where Neet would be used to the FALCON DICK and disappointed with Anon's meatspace member.

On the flip side she's a synth so sexuality doesn't have the same context for her as it would a human. Furthermore even if Anon wasn't the best endowed down there, there are onahole components that cum in all sizes. She could be as tight as a 4th grader, not that she would need to be.

If physical fornication is really that desired we can always search for some 2nd Gen compatible onaholes but I don't think Neet would enjoy such an addition to her aging body. In fact, Anon might unintentionally shake something loose inside her during a meatspace session.

>all of those metal clanking noises as her insides get jostled from secks

>her old exoskin wrinkles up around the onahole addition.

>"A-Anon stop!…I-I'm sorry… I don't think this is going to work…"

>Neet now looks utterly defeated upon the realization her physical body's failing.

Yea it won't work.


Fucking in the hallway? Neet is pretty used to resting on the floor. At the very least we can take her to an adjoining room for a bed. If you're wanting to go full FALCON DICK she may need some head protection. Hence leaving the helmet on. That and it would be amusing to fuck her with the helmet on. Most everyone seems to have decided on helmet off though…

I may need to make a non-canon work for my own amusement.

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cf3b52 No.339581


To be safe let's keep our virtual dick the same size as our real one. The secret's in technique more than size anyways, otherwise male prostitutes wouldn't exist.

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b4f607 No.339844


That is what I worry about. Captain Falcon is a living weapon, his FALCON DICK is more than capable of knocking someone out with a single swing and his THROBBING LOVE BLAST has the force of a 12 gauge.

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495c0e No.341360


>I removed my helmet from Neet's head and tossed it aside. "I'd take whatever you have to offer me remember?"

>Neet moved her arms up to lock them around my neck. "I'll give you whatever you want but you must get out of that avatar. You look ridiculous."

>I pulled her legs up around my hips and gave her a stern look. "Don't talk shit about the Falcon."

>She squeezed my abdomen with her thighs "Am I in trouble now?"

>Our close proximity and her lack of clothing accentuated the lewd exchange. She clung to me and gyrated her hips as if to question me and tease my arousal. "You will be if you don't quit it." I hesitated before continuing "Do you want to…ya know, cyber?"

>Neet pulled herself closer for a kiss. I capitulated not wanting to disappoint. She gave me a yearning stare but still left the ball in my court. "Do you?"


>We retired to a cozy room in our virtual villa.

>I had changed my avatar after some coaxing from Neet. I didn't have my physical information scanned to generate an avatar based on my meatspace body but Neet provided me an avatar she created based on her own visual mapping she'd done.

>"Ya know this is what I try to escape from right?" My every imperfection was lovingly recreated by Neet. I inspected my faux meatspace body in a virtual mirror. She's been kind enough to supply me with a pair boxers for this particular avatar so I wasn't yet nude.

>Neet hugged me from behind "I think you look cuter like this Anon…" she kissed my cheek.

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495c0e No.341362

File: 9363260ed3d27c8⋯.gif (2.56 MB,404x520,101:130,1d2.gif)


>I turned to her "You said you had a surprise for me?" She stepped back and sat on the edge of the bed as she flipped through some avatar settings like earlier. She crossed her legs before looking up at me.

>"Well, while I was cataloging your most used programs and I stumbled across this…" in an instant she morphed into my catgirl maid.

>I jumped back in excitement "T-that! I can explain! You see, it's a program for work that I use for network security. I just dress it up like that because it's funny. Ya know, like a joke?" I grinned to hide my nervous underpinning.

> Neet blinked blankly for a moment before giving me a look that said 'come on now'.

>She leaned forward and her cat tail wriggled to emote her interest. With a smug look on her face, she asked. "You use a program called 'Obediantslut.exe' for network security?"

>"Heheh, that's uh…well you see…" I looked away trying to formulate a sentence to explain myself. I felt my brain locking up. The truth and my lie were far to complex to lay out so simply. There was no way for me to square this circle.

>Neet inspected herself and tugged at her outfit before continuing "Also, isn't this avatar a little young for such a lewd program?"

>I was embarrassed beyond the capacity for rational thought. My network security was top notch. In this case, I was the weak link. I let her onto my network and didn't even bother to hide anything. I never thought she'd go snooping through my files. I never thought my porn might be discovered so easily.

>Neet shook her head with a smile "Your tastes are so depraved Anon."

>"You're the one who was snooping through my files!"

>Neet rolled around and presented her posterior to me, bending over and perking her rear end up. "I guess you better punish me then~" Her tail swiveled and waved to tantalize me.

>I took the hint and grabbed her hips, getting gracious handfuls of her avatar's plump rump "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to seduce me."

>Neet looked at me from over her shoulder and pressed her rump against my groin "Oh? Are you not going to take responsibility for your earlier advances?"

>"I'll take something alright…" I leaned over Neet and ran my hands up her outfit, giving her breasts a tender squeeze.

>"A-anon! you…you don't waste any time…" her tail wriggled and tickled my tummy. I nibbled on her shoulder and had my way with her soft frame.

>Was I being too forward? I didn't feel the need to stop and if Neet wanted me to stop she wasn't telling me to. I let my more savage urges take hold and had my way with her. This wasn't the first time I'd fucked this particular catgirl but I'd never had another cognizant being inhabiting the avatar.

>I grabbed hold Neet's tail and used it as leverage to pull her closer while at the same time I pushed her shoulders into the bed. She emitted moans and pitiful coos that compelled me to ravage her further. I felt her squirm beneath me and I hesitated. She detected my respite and leered at me over her shoulder "Something wrong Anon?".

>"No. Does it feel good?"

>Neet looked away from me " You feel good Anon…"

>We repositioned and our shared posture was a more intimate exchange. Her legs wrapped around my waist and locked me in. I reciprocated by giving her a thorough fucking. I was already at the edge earlier, Neet merely needed to finish me off. I didn't last long against her.

>I slumped against Neet pathetically and she continued to hold me close after the fact. I wasn't about to deny her some post-coitus cuddling.

>I spoke matter of factly " 'love you Neet…"

>I went to give her a kiss but she stopped me.

>"A-anon…s-something is…out-" her body shook briefly before going limp and her eyes glazed over.

>My hud advised me "User 'NE-37' has lost connection."



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495c0e No.341363

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

cue theft music

<Earlier outside in meatspace…

<Two masked punks clumsily stumbled about the apartment. The taller one exclaimed "Shit! Fucking alarm!"

< The shorter one quipped "I thought you disabled it?!"

<"Must of mixed up the room numbers. Let's just finish the job and get the fuck outta here."

<"That's the one right? Stubby there?" He gestured to a motionless Neet.

<"Check the serial number to make sure. Should be on her back"

<"NE-37 right?"

<"Yea, yea, rip that neural jack out and let's get going!"

<The accomplice complied. He had some trouble getting a grip on the cable but after a panicked fit of tugging, it came free. Neet convulsed and collapsed in a heap. "What about the shirt? Aren't we supposed to off him?"

<"Yea, yea, I'll geek him." With a swift tug, Anon's neural jack snapped out of his head. Instantly, Anon began to convulse and foam at the mouth. "Psh, this shirt is cooked."

<"Fuck, this bitch is heavy" The shorter punk was struggling to cradle Neet in his arms.

<"Nimrod, we don't need her whole frame, just rip her brain out."

<"Oh…right." he dropped Neet to the ground with a crunch. He leveraged his boot against her chest and pried her head apart from the hole in her crown. Poping and cracking sounds splintered from a grotesque display as her face was torn away to reveal the skeletal structure underneath.

<"Hurry up, we gotta go fuckface. Cops are gonna be here soon!"

<With a snap Neet's cyber brain was free. The punk slipped it into his backpack. "Got it!"

<"Yea, yea, Good let's jam before the fuzz gets here."

<The shorter one turned and spoke to the still twitching Anon "Goodnight sweet prince~ heheheh."

<The two punks left as abruptly as the came.


>I was burning and freezing at the same time. My body was wrapped in pain and I felt my joints had locked up.

>My brain was trying to find it's bearings. Every time I tried to discern reality I felt myself become dizzier.

>I stayed in a state of utter discombobulation for what seemed like hours. In reality, it had only been a few minutes.

>Gradually I regained control of my body and attempted to move.

>I was suffering from full body paresthesia-pins and needles all over. Every subtle movement I attempted was answered by my nerves screeching in pain. I rolled over and groaned fighting with my own physiology.

>Somehow I must have fallen out of my chair and my neural jack came undone. That was the only logical explanation. Luckily I've been insulated since my job deals with dangerous matrix work. If I didn't have that insulation I'd probably be a vegetable right about now.

>I crawled over to Neet.

>"c-c-cull en emb-b-boolence…." My mouth didn't want to cooperate. I'd need to get treated for a cooked brain but I should be okay.

>Neet didn't respond.

>"N-N-Neet h-h-help m-me." I crawled nearer to Neet and saw what my mind couldn't comprehend.

>Her face- It was a crushed mess of pieces; pulverized.

>With a trembling hand I reached out to her. I felt myself going into shock. Who could of done this? Why? For what purpose?

>The police arrived now. They were talking to me- trying to get my attention. Neither my mind nor my mouth was in any shape to respond.

>"Gonna need a 10-52 at East and Collins. Looks like a botched home invasion. Sir, can you hear me? Sir?" Thier muttering glanced off me as I pulled Neet's body close. My perception of time and space was skewed as I felt myself floating around and people jumped in and out of my view.

>I squeezed Neet's now unresponsive hand and shut my eyes tight not wanting to accept what they told me just moments ago.

>I felt myself being pried away from Neet and placed onto a gurney by EMTs. Her remains were being collected in an evidence bag. I wanted to say something but whatever cocktail of drugs the EMTs had started dosing me with clouded my mind. I coughed with an outstretched arm towards Neet.

>There was one thought on my mind before I passed out.

[]Leave this to the police. I'm just some wage slave. This is way above my pay grade. I'm devastated about Neet but I'm too scared for myself to pursue whoever is responsible. They did try to kill me after all. (Gaemu Over- this story is too intense4me)

[]Time to go full Liam Neeson. I don't know who they are. I don't know what they want. But I will find them and I will kill them. Whatever it takes. I'll make whoever is responsible for this pay! As soon as I can walk anyway…

[]I hope the police remember to turn off my lights. Electricity costs money afterall. I wonder if I'll get paid time off for this? They better not try and make me use sick days. I hope Neet will visit me in the hospital… (EMT's drugs are doing their thing.)

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6c3b56 No.341374

File: 3e22a7716de9712⋯.jpg (50.32 KB,450x300,3:2,BladeRunner1982Blaster01.jpg)

Anyone here that would not immediately rush to save their waifu after discovering she was kidnapped can not call themselves a man.

We need a gun and some faith that OP will allow Anon to infer that the only other people that knew about Neet were the government, who wouldn't have called the cops and wouldn't have given her a home in the first place if they wanted her, and the shady pawn shop guy we almost sold her vocaloid to.

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4a4075 No.341391

Anyone that doesn't pick option 2 needs to get right the fuck off this board, because they're in the wrong neighborhood. Fuck the drugs, we need to focus.

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76c048 No.341426


[2] Time to geek some freaks…

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3923e2 No.341439


Somebody's due for one hell of a bad day, and there's a short list of people we have reason to suspect. A grief-stricken man is, after all, prone to giving fewer shits about catching people in the crossfire.

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de6e5e No.341453

So who's ready to recreate the 80's action movie? Let's fuck these guys up

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876bd3 No.341460

File: 0cd18f054de035d⋯.jpeg (103.48 KB,960x540,16:9,6E2C9556-0114-43A2-A96C-E….jpeg)

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70ce8f No.341461


Always expect newfags to fuck up anon.

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b4f607 No.341466


B&E, attempted murder, kidnapping and interrupting of the cuddle?

Make them know pain

Have them know fear

Force them to know loss

Then, and only then let them die

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d3b30e No.341572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cue cyberpunk investigation music

>I woke up in a hospital bed.

>My head ached but it was a dull ache. Who knows how many drugs they had me on.

>After I started to show signs of consciousness I was approached by a police officer who had me give a statement. He was a pretty easy going nonchalant type. I didn't really feel like my statement was that helpful though.

>"I was in the matrix one second…then" My memory faltered.

>The officer stared on intently "Go on Mr. Omus."

>"When I woke up I was in pain…and…and…" The memories flooded back

>Neet. She was dead. I was sure of it. I saw her mangled face with my own eyes. I trembled with anger and my hands curled into tight fists. I felt weak when tears rolled down my cheeks but I was overcome with sadness.

>I shook my head with gritted teeth trying to get the image of her crushed face to stop haunting me but the pain spread to my heart.

>The heart rate monitor started to show a spike beats per minute.

>The Officer attempted to calm me "Take it slow Mr. Omus."

>The doctor injected something into my IV and it helped me calm me.

>With some drug assisted composure the officer filled in some blanks for me.

>The suspects who broke in weren't after money or hockable items since some of my higher value possessions in the open were untouched.

>CCTV in the apartment complex mysteriously was cut off during the home invasion so no video evidence of their act exists.

>Someone was tampering with the alarm systems since an adjoining apartment had their security system disabled during the invasion. No attempt was made to invade the adjoining apartment.

>Furthermore, no fingerprints or physical evidence was recovered from the scene of the crime. They effectively had no leads in the case. My testimony was the only thing they had left and it wasn't worth much.

>The officer nodded after going over my statement but didn't look enthusiastic about the information I'd given him.

>He gave me his personal contact information. His name was Officer Joe Nickel. He attempted to lighten the mood by making a coin based joke but my scowl didn't shift.

>I had his card if I remembered anything else or thought of something that might help with his investigation. He stopped before leaving "Oh, almost forgot, when we were examining your friend we noticed her cyberbrain was missing. Can you think of any reason someone might want to steal it?"

>I had no clue and my face said as much. The police officer understood my gobsmacked look an took his leave.

>That was news to me. Her cyberbrain was missing? Was there maybe a chance she wasn't dead? Before I could go over that information further the doctor approached me.

>He gave me a diagnosis. A bad case of "inflamed frontal cortex". The street term was of course "brain brunt". Nothing I didn't already know.

>The doctor pointed to a 3D map of my brain on a monitor. "The shock seems to have damaged the visual center for your right eye."


>The doctor nodded "Try closing your left eye and keeping your right eye open…"

>Sure, enough I was blind in my right eye now. Perfect. I groaned pressed gently on my right eyelid.

>"It's not your eye Mr. Omus but the part of your brain that decodes visual information from it. You'll need some extensive brain surgery to restore your vision to it's previous state."

>The doctored continued "I noticed you had smart lenses installed. It's not quite binocular vision but you could try tuning the right lense to transmit visual data to your left. At least until you we can repair the damage in your head anyway.

>I nodded "Thanks for the suggestion, doc."

>The doctor continued "Your neural jack seems alright. The trauma put some stress on your connections but that insulation you have almost certainly kept protected you from long-term damage."

>losing vision in your eye isn't considered long-term damage? I guess not in this age…

>I attempted to get out of bed and was wobbly on my feet.

>The doctor insisted he keep me overnight for further testing and tried to coax me back into the bed.

>"Sorry, but I don't have time to rest." I continued to walk past the doctor and my body felt tingly all over. I held my head and took a deep breath. Getting brain burnt sucks.

>The doctor looked frustrated "Well if you won't have it any other way…" He handed me an eyepatch.

>"To protect your eye. Since you can't see out of it you'll need to keep it covered until you map the vision across your lenses."

>"Thanks, doc."

>I strung the patch around my head and strode out of the hospital with a sense of duty in my heart and determination on my face. If there was even a chance I could save Neet I had to do everything I could.

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d3b30e No.341574

File: ce6d3cb497a7c4e⋯.png (3.96 MB,2072x2194,1036:1097,punished Anon.png)


>I had no leads.

>On my way I kept going over the information I lacked.

>Who did it?

>Why did they do it?

>What was in Neet's head that was so important?

>Then it occurred to me. My apartment- the crime scene.

>I was already headed home but my pace quickened. There had to be something at my place.

>Some clue the police missed.

>I had nothing left.

>There had to be something there that would give me an answer.


>I stepped under some "POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS" tape to get into my apartment.

>I guess it was still an ongoing investigation after all.

>There weren't any officers in my room but I had seen some squad cars parked outside.

>Everything looked more or less the same as I left it. There was an outline on the floor in a thin white adhesive tape where Neet's body was found.

>I traced the outline with my fingers before examining my room further.

>"Hang on Neet…"

>Somewhere there were clues that would lead to the truth. I just had to find them.

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d3b30e No.341585

File: 2326ecc51ce34c9⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x728,128:91,Crime Scene investigation.png)



Alright Looks like everyone is on the same page regarding our robot waifu. We have to get her back. The police are about as useless as they ever were in these kinds of stories. It'll be up to Anon to figure things out. Still Anon isn't psychic. He'll need clues to help him discover the truth. Don't leave any stone unturned. Using your cursor select various objects in the room and Anon will examine them. (Just highlight an object in the picture of this post with a red square. If you're square is too big Anon won't be sure what you're wanting him to investigate so keep your squares relatively small and no bigger than the object you're trying to investigate.)

Examining the objects will provide Anon with evidence to use for questioning witnesses and finding new locations to explore. Even if certain pieces of evidence don't seem overly important at first they may come in handy later or they could help Anon make connections he didn't realize were there. Even if doors are closed off to Anon in meatspace there's always the matrix.

I'd like it if people only chose one object to investigate per post but if things are going too slowly and Anon has already examined the object you selected then feel free to pick something else. Once we've gathered enough evidence I'll proceed with a bump and a choice of what to do and where to go after that.

I was afraid the tonal whiplash might have scared some violated heroes away that were hoping for a robo waifu cuddle fest. Emphasis on the hero part I guess. Some smarter heroes might have figured out things were going to get worse before the got better as early as >>337717 when I mentioned the memory bit. We have now entered the hard-boiled cyberpunk noir detective drama part of the story now. The character establishment is over. Now the real story begins. Glad to see we have so many enthusiastic heroes who want to see this story to the end.

If you guys haven't already figured out I like there to be musical themes to parts of my writing. Sorry for burning up your bandwidth. You may still be listening to the investigation music I posted earlier. Thanks for subscribing to my particular brand of autism. I'll try to use hooktube but sometimes they don't like 8chin's embed.

For our newfriends, make sure the selection you made hasn't already been examined and don't forget to SAGE your posts.

Again how to investigate

step 1- Open this picture up in your preferred picture editing program

step 2- highlight the object you want to be examined in a red square ( no bigger than the object you're trying to examine). Make sure your square's lines are thick enough to stand out against the background, please.

step 3- Check the thread before you post your submission. There's no race here. Make sure no one else has requested that an object be examined and that the object hasn't already been examined by Anon in the thread.

step 4- Once you've posted wait for me to give you details on the object. Once we've uncovered everything we'll proceed to the next part of our investigation.

examining certain background objects may yield funny if otherwise useless flavor text.

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cf3b52 No.341599

File: 548c3588c260919⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x728,128:91,Crime_Scene_investigation.png)


That thing

Also should we bother with stuff that hasn't been added by you? Is anything that was present in the original picture relevant?

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924eff No.341607

File: 888b5a254ab9507⋯.png (3.87 KB,315x265,63:53,Shard of Neet.png)


>Something in the sink caught my eye.

>it was right around where her remains were recovered…

>It was a shard of Neet's crown.

>I remembered all the times I patted her head and it gave me a smile.

>I examined it closer.

>Strange, there was some blood on the edge.

>Neet doesn't bleed and I never cut myself giving her headpats.

>I did notice the sharp edge her head hole had in the past though…

>Maybe when the perps were trying to take her brain they cut themselves on the jagged edge of her head?

>I smirked.

>Even if they were wearing latex gloves to hide their prints if they punctured those gloves they'd bleed either way.

>I'm no professional CSI kinda guy but I bet the police could use this as evidence. If there's any DNA evidence of the perp on file they could cross reference this to see who was responsible. That is of course if said perp has their DNA on file.

>It's not like every neerdowell voluntarily turns in their blood sample to the local PD.

>My room is pretty cluttered so I wouldn't blame the police for missing this.

>I placed the shard of Neet's skull into a ziploc bag.

>This probably isn't 100% by the book but it's better than wrapping it in a napkin.

>As far as my personal investigation goes this doesn't really tell me much apart from the fact the people who took Neet bleed.

>Doesn't really round down my suspect pool…

My spoiler text should give you the answer to your spoilered question. As long as you're not bumping the thread you can investigate as many things as you'd like. While we don't have to examine every background object there's a set number of objects we'll need to discover before we can continue the investigation further. There may be one or two extra hidden objects that are part of the background but they don't necessarily have to be found to have ALL the clues.

If you'd prefer to let some other heroes search as well don't feel obligated to pick out everything. At least give it a day or so before you search for something else. I'd be nice if everything worth finding was found in a week so we don't spend forever combing over Anon's apartment.

I'll try to stay on top of all the examination requests in as timely a manner as I can. Most of the items I've already written for but I still need to eke out some details for some. I realize part of this is kinda lame but the other part really tickles my autism in a way I don't get to indulge in often.

Also it's a way to hand out (you)s to make people feel special. That's always good. rite?

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3923e2 No.341608

File: b1adc3c1675de77⋯.png (844.38 KB,1024x728,128:91,2326ecc51ce34c994082e70aee….png)


This looks almost like a business card from a distance…

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516dca No.341610

File: f2529257cf2145d⋯.png (634.26 KB,1018x676,509:338,great guess.png)


That's actually what it is. Stellar guess.Then again what other kind of card would it be? Too bad you lack the dubs to make your post perfect. I'm still working on the flavor text for that examination along with the artwork.

That's one of the vital pieces to the puzzle. There's still more to find though.

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6d25b6 No.341623

File: f1c27c2806a88e7⋯.png (12.68 KB,496x289,496:289,SC card front.png)

File: a2b96deaca6aa6f⋯.png (5.96 KB,496x289,496:289,SC card backside.png)


>Something was in my computer chair.

>A business card?

>I picked it up for a closer look

>Security Concepts?

>That name sounded familiar. I read on…

>Premiere threat prevention solutions at the highest level

> The insignia was a lock with a lightning bolt on it. It was definitely striking if nothing else. hue

>The card belonged to Roy Thurgood. He was the ''lead technical advisor" if this card was to be believed.

> Other contact information was listed on the card and I skimmed it before flipping the card over

>The backside had an enlarged version of the insignia as well as…

>My apartment number!?! Or was it? It was written sloppily with a pen and contrasted against the otherwise clean embossed text of the card.

>My apartment number was 421 but the "1" written on the card had a big nose and might be mistaken for a 7 if you weren't careful.

>Did the perps drop this while they were in my room?

>They must have…

>Maybe they mixed up the numbers somehow? They'd have to be pretty clumsy to turn off the alarm for 427 and then break into 421. Room 427 was next to my room since I was at the end of the hall where it wraps around to the next floor.

>Still, they would need some sophisticated tech to be able to disable the CCTV as well as alarm systems (albeit the wrong one) if they were the ones responsible for that.

> On the card below my room number was a more damning set of digits.

>Neet's serial number; NE-37. The handwritten 7 kinda looked like a lightning bolt.

>I slipped the business card into my pocket.

>Would some low rent thugs really carry around this business card?

>Was this Roy character behind the break in?

>At the very least this was evidence enough that whoever broke in wasn't doing some random smash and grab.

>I had figured as much but this clinched it.

>The police could definitely do something with this but could they work fast enough to save Neet?

>A picture was starting to form for me but I still needed a few more pieces to put everything together.

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76c048 No.341624


I don't feel like opening paint, but what's that GPU looking thing on the shelf above the monitors?

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b4a71c No.341627

File: 3410fae3f2ec6d2⋯.gif (890.88 KB,320x240,4:3,gibbslap.gif)

File: 6758fd56a3c5c09⋯.png (924.67 KB,1024x728,128:91,Crime_Scene_investigation.png)


Learn to sage you lazy bastard.

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c2a34e No.341766

File: cbf4c954b33e3ed⋯.png (1000.38 KB,1152x728,144:91,retro.png)


This might not be directly related to the investigation but I do want to know why there's a perfectly modern multiscreen set up right next to something that looks like it was used in a 70's era TV station to manually broadcast tapes. retro tech may explain the retrorobowaifu

On the investigation front, once everything is examined, time to use your hacking skills. They got the cameras in the complex but they couldn't have done it outside. Look for people coming and going at right time and cross reference with criminal DB's. Search for places that have the resources to interface with 2nd gen robobrains who don't ask questions. Try and liase with a synth rights organization; a new minority group is not going to be a priority for police, having an advocate group on speed dial will help get them away from the doughnuts and on the trail.

Finally, Remove dead eye, replace with plasma globe. Use to intimidate.

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f43663 No.341800

File: ccd0c65d8b10c94⋯.png (6.74 KB,526x317,526:317,OCP brochure.png)


>I was looking at the shelf above my monitors.

>I couldn't think of any evidence that might have ended up there but something caught my eye. Literally eye. My other one isn't working.

>I pulled it down.

>It was the OCP brochure I'd gotten at the synth clinic.

>I skimmed through it again.

>I thought about how it might feel to hold Neet again with sporting a new 4th or 5th gen body. I shook my head with a sad smile at the thought.

>I still didn't have the money and somehow even if I all I had was her head she'd still chide me about not going into debt for her sake.

>I went to toss it in the garbage bin not wanting to get lost any fantasies until I got Neet back but I stopped.

>A memory from a conversation I had with Neet before echoed in my mind but I couldn't quite remember.

>I tapped the brochure against my head as if that would somehow knock the thought loose.

>"Neet and OCP…" I spoke out loud. Word association is more powerful than people give it credit for…

>Gradually it came to me. We'd talked about her past before the clinic visit

>OCP was the last company she remembered working for.

>Would OCP maybe be able to fill in some blanks?

>This may not help me find out who took Neet but I can maybe find out why they did.

>Before I completely abandoned this train of thought something else niggled in the back of my mind but I couldn't make the connection.

>I laid all the evidence I'd gathered thus far together to try and see if there was something I'd missed…

Is there a connection between the evidence gathered thus far that Anon has missed? The answers are right in front of Anon if he can find them. Digging into earlier posts and examining evidence may yield a yet unnoticed connection for Anon.


Step 1- Select two pieces of evidence and find the connection between them.

Step 2- That's really all there is to it. If you're still reading this step you're probably making this too complicated. Don't forget to sage.


I have a lot to unpack with both flavor text and ideas for Anon but I have work tomorrow so I'll fill in some blanks for you sometime this weekend. I think you'll enjoy the sleuthing the Brochure post has opened up. I can't wait to see some of the wonderful hit and misses we get.

>the eye suggestion

Anon's other eye isn't "dead" it's just the part of his brain that decodes vision from that one. I mean he could still replace both his eyes with cyber eyes if you wanted to go full Batou but most people, usually Deckers and Techies (including our Anon) just use Smart Lenses. They're basically fancy contact lenses that can display a simple HUD and help you with everyday tasks which usually involve computers and assorted tech. They may come in handy later in our story but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Good luck hard boiled heroes detectives.

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b4a71c No.341802


I'd bet my bottom dollar that there's a link between Security Concepts and OCP. SC is a contractor of sorts from the look of it? Might've been hired by OCP.

Also, we need to check out apartment 427. My gut tells me that we might learn something from whoever is there.

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b4f607 No.342261


Connecting OCP to the fact that they needed the brain,

from >>337717, Neet was working at OCP just before her memories started to get fuzzy, that's another strike against them, did they modify her memory, store sensitive information in that section, or damage her before the synth laws came into effect? Is that why the needed to steal the robobrain, to prevent some important and/or damaging information to get out?

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f24165 No.342300

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>did they modify her memory, store sensitive information in that section, or damage her before the synth laws came into effect? Is that why the needed to steal the robobrain, to prevent some important and/or damaging information to get out?

Very interesting ideas there detective. You're a regular Dick Tracy with that kind of reasoning. We'll have to see…


>SC is a contractor of sorts from the look of it? Might've been hired by OCP.

That would seem to be the case. At the very least they'd have the tech necessary to knock out security systems and CCTV. The question is who actually performed the B&E…

>Also, we need to check out apartment 427. My gut tells me that we might learn something from whoever is there.

Not sure about that one detective. Cops would have questioned anyone who was around at the time the crime happened. The PD determined no B&E took place in the adjoining room. We learned as much from officer Nickel. Why would they disable the alarm for 427 when they needed to disable the alarm for 421? Based on the evidence we have it would seem our murders/burglars weren't the brightest crew. How hard is it to kill someone who's completely defenseless in meatspace?



The connection-

>OCP and security concepts…

>I remembered now from a late night netrun.

>Security Concepts was a division within OCP that handled DoD contracts for various weapons manufacturers going as far back as the early 2020's.

>Furthermore OCP was the last company Neet remembers working for before she lost her memories.

> Finding that Security Concepts card with Neet's serial number and my room number- There's no way that was a coincidence.

>That was as direct a connection as I needed to link Security Concepts and OCP to the break-in.

>This gave me less confidence rather than more. I doubt I'd get very far kicking the door into OCP's headquarters and demanding they release Neet's brain to me.

>If OCP wanted me dead I'd already be dead by now for sure.

>Still I had some questions to answer.

>What information did Neet have that was so valuable?

>What memories was she missing? Were they really missing or were they hidden away in her own mind somewhere?

>The diagnostics I ran didn't show any damage to her brain but I figured the diagnostics were wrong. What if they right? Was Neet hiding those memories on purpose?

>I looked at the spot where Neet connected to the matrix.


Older monitors.

>My gadget sandbox.

>I'd test out hardware and software here and over time it gradually morphed a tower of monitors, drives and assorted tech.

>At this point I couldn't tell where one computer started and another one ended. It was a real mess of wires and toggles connected to a maze of monitors and keyboards.

>Neet usually connected to one of the net ports to join me in the Matrix here.

>I wondered since Neet had made that house "Did she by chance leave anything else on the network?"

>I did a quick scan for recently accessed files.

>The mechanical keyboard played a clickity clack song courtesy of my fingers' onslaught on them.

>Saved Avatar profiles, assorted graphical data for housing designs, and…

>A secure folder. I needed a password in order for me to view it.

>It belonged to Neet so I'd be prying into her private data to view whatever it was.

>I could break into it if I wanted to.

>Should I?

[ ] Brute force our way into her private folder. At this point, she would understand our prying into her private affairs. I can't leave any stone unturned. If there's a clue in there that could save her I can't overlook this. "You'll have to forgive me later Neet…"

[ ] I don't need to violate her privacy. She's already been violated enough as it is. I'll solve the case without opening the folder. I still have more evidence to search for in my room anyway. I don't know who actually broke into my room and what connection they had with Security Concepts or OCP.

[] I think I have enough evidence… It might be dangerous but I'll start with OCP. I'll barge into their corporate headquarters and demand they explain why they kidnapped Neet and tried to kill me with the evidence I have. There's absolutely no way that would end badly. My sense of JUSTICE is crying out for revenge! I mean, it's not like somewhere in the past a similarly minded half-man half-machine attempted to make an arrest without knowing all the details and ended up almost dying again. It's not like OCP is some heartless mega-corp that would quickly kill me on the spot for trying to expose their connection to a crime or anything…right?

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cb0fe0 No.342301


Better safe than sorry, we need all the info we can get. If she's mad about it, at least she's still around to be mad.

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cf3b52 No.342329



We can apologize profusely when she's back safe in our arms

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b4f607 No.342355


First, try and guess the password before you try the brute force approach, if she left it there, she may have wanted you to find it, see if things like the date she moved in, the parts number of her vocoder, even the brand of the beanie you got her. I'd say that's a fair sign she wanted you to view the contents.

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cb0fe0 No.342358

File: 9eeaf5974e2233d⋯.jpg (54.27 KB,480x451,480:451,Stallman Disapproves.jpg)


>bumping a CYOA

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b4f607 No.342366

File: ee8dbb7b7a6a165⋯.jpg (51.49 KB,500x610,50:61,seppuku6.jpg)


350 sorrows for my failure. Just goes to show, never drink and CYOA.

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76c048 No.345295

Hello? Is anyone there?

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cd95de No.345313


still here

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e0f4fb No.345333

File: ffa8671e4888415⋯.jpg (220.76 KB,2000x1050,40:21,no reason to panic.jpg)



I'm not ded yet.

Sorry. I'm out of creative juice at the moment. I was supposed to write two chapters for my bigger writefag story last month and all I managed to do was cobble together the start of a chapter.

I spent too much time being an idea's guy for multiple different threads and not enough time working on my own shit. Most of the stuff I did put together was for this thread last month.

As far progressing the synth girl story I still have everything lined up in my head it's just a matter of taking muh idea guy concepts and flushing them out with creative juice. The only person really on my ass is me and I don't get on my ass enough. I'll see about putting out some content of some sort or another today.

Also, in the meta thread, someone tell that talented drawfag to do a scene from our story. Seeing as how there's already concept art for the various characters floating around it should be easier for them methinks.

Maybe some coveted robohuggies would make a nice picture?

On a somewhat related note. What determines what a "quality thread" is on the main page's quality thread list? I saw my CYOA on it and I wanted to make sure I shouldn't feel any unwarranted self-importance if it's some stupid algorithm.

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e0f4fb No.345334


ackshually it was the drawthread, not the meta thread. My mistake.

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4a4075 No.345623


Pretty sure it's just some obscure algorithm, yes.

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cf3b52 No.346608

File: 724fa5763000b5d⋯.webm (7.93 MB,480x360,4:3,When OP doesn't update.webm)


>Not ded

>Over a week ago


RIP Neet

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cf3b52 No.348043

April Fools

Maybe this cruel prank will wake up the writefag

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f1e4c8 No.348051

File: a65c9318434dee5⋯.jpg (20.5 KB,159x372,53:124,stop living.jpg)

File: 9a2db62671899fa⋯.gif (864.69 KB,480x270,16:9,klkfuckyou.gif)

File: ec54f9c43d00df4⋯.gif (617.65 KB,500x373,500:373,fuming.gif)


Fuck you

Code Monkey fix your shit

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65da07 No.348109

File: aeb20583aa3e0c2⋯.png (103.37 KB,1053x776,1053:776,1522325838635.png)

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e0f4fb No.348266

File: 2eff848f403f358⋯.gif (569.23 KB,469x266,67:38,please understand.gif)





>anons clanking clamoring for more of the robot waifu.

Forgive my absence. Work and vidya have taken some time from me. I know how it feels when the content you want updates for doesn't get updated. Please understand. I do plan on seeing the story to the end.


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76c048 No.348281


Hooray! Robo writer lives!

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e0f4fb No.349663

File: 5cc06788b8df58b⋯.gif (3.73 MB,400x225,16:9,clearly a master hacker.gif)

kept you waiting, huh?

>I tried several iterations of my name and her name combined as well as a number of different password possibilities linked to info I knew about Neet.

>As a network security specialist, some part of me was proud of her for not making a password that was simple to crack.

>I racked my brain for a good 10 minutes and tried a number of different password combinations. Given my fairly recent case of getting brain burnt this only exacerbated my frustration as well as a dull headache.

>I attempted to brute force my way in after failing to guess the password myself.

>Still no luck.

>I figured it was some sort of security hash which I'd never break even in a thousand years. Pretty stiff security for personal files….

>I'd have to attack the problem from another angle.

>Admin override. Neet could secure her files as much as she wanted but she was still operating on my network.

>Having exhausted all other options unlocked the file using my superior network privilege. It merely took a few alterations to some registry keys and I was in.

>Don't need to the pick the lock if you can kick the door down.


>Data dump. Useless at a glance but I could reason well enough it was some kind of important if Neet went through all the trouble to hide it like she did.

>what was inside?


>Looks like a load of code. Do I really have time to be making sense of it? I guess it was too much to hope for to have it spell out some obvious secret.

[] Time to continue searching for evidence. I don't think there's much left to find but I need to be sure…

[] I've gathered enough physical evidence. Perhaps it's time I venture into matrix to follow some of the leads I have there? Then again, is it safe to do it in my own apartment? I'm vulnerable when I'm jacked in. If whoever wanted me dead came back while I was jacked in and finished what they started I'd feel pretty stupid.

[] I should contact officer Nickel. As much as I want to pretend I'm some sort of hardboiled detective I'm still just a tech guy. He could maybe do more with the evidence I've gathered than I can. Can I really trust him to do whats right for Neet though?

(If a more clever anon decrypts Neet's data and they want to share what they've found please put it in a pastebin to keep it from taking up a lot of space in the thread. That or you can be smug and keep it to yourself.)

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17a35b No.349671

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f1e4c8 No.349686


Find a place that's comparatively secure and investigate via the matrix from there.


Only thing relevant to helping Neet that I was able to find in this was that whoever did this most likely wanted something in her memories that she can't access.

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cd95de No.349705


That was already heavily implied, but now we know it for certain in character.

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cd95de No.349706

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cf3b52 No.349719


Well now that we know it's just her diary I feel kind of bad, we'll have to apologize to her as soon as she's safe and sound.


Can we set up a physical perimeter alarm, like a tripwire attached to a switch that would send us a warning when flipped? Something that can't be turned off from the outside. How long does it take to safely log out of the matrix, could we do it in time to stop someone who just broke down the door?

We weren't exactly on high alert when the thugs that took Neet broke in, but if we had been would we have been able to react in time?

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e0f4fb No.349728


And yet you garbled the formatting. Not bad if you manually translated it though. I used Octals because we're on 8chan after all. If you fellas want your text with some breaks you can run the octals through this.




>wanting to continue the investigation the matrix.

Anon will definitely want to be careful in both meatspace and the matrix.

>Well now that we know it's just her diary I feel kind of bad

I didn't want to do a scenario B but that's pretty much what the diary turned into albeit somewhat abridged. I was struggling trying to figure out what all I should include vs what I shouldn't.

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b4f607 No.349813


I ran some quick statistical analysis of the data and thought "can't be ASCII, I know space is 32 and the most common character is 40".

As far as what do: you have a particular set of skills, start with setting up a deadman's switch with all of your information to be sent to Nickel (and a few synth's rights organization) if you don't reset the trigger every 24 hours. Won't ensure the downfall but will at least point them in the right direction.

Then it's time to use your particular set of skills. Dive deep, dive silent and get ready to make noise.

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8efb7f No.354944


Is the thread kill? I've been gone since april with a broken computer, I really wanted to see how this ends.

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29218a No.355774


Unfortunately, that seems to be the case.

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c12a97 No.355787



I'm still working on it. I have a job though so it's more slow going now. Sorry for the waits.

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29218a No.355790

File: e6418c92bb44481⋯.gif (35.71 KB,130x150,13:15,lurker.gif)


Do what you have to to get by, folks will still be around.

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c12a97 No.356096

File: 8637c32557b3fac⋯.jpg (112.63 KB,768x1040,48:65,cyberpunk brick shithouse.jpg)

>Having pieced together the extent of the danger I was in it became clear persisting in meatspace may preclude my existence prematurely.

>I needed a cold room (a place to mask my digital footprints).

>Furthermore I needed someone I could trust.

>I'd contact someone from my old netrunning crew before I went cube for my corp.

<I picked up Neet's scarf and beanie from my bed along with a few other personal belongings I could cram into a backpack.

>My temple throbbed as I ducked under the police tape to leave my apartment. I rubbed my head to ease my dulled perception and I bumped into someone outside the door as I left.

>"Hello Mr. Omus" A trenchcoat-clad gentleman with dark shades. His voice was low and verberated synthetically as if he spoke through a Vocaloid.

>He was imposing to look at and his face was lined with cyber enhancements. He looked intent on stopping me for a conversation. I waved him away. "Sorry, I was just leaving."

>His hand grasped my shoulder and tightened with a mechanical hum to his tightened grip.

>"A moment if you please. I'd like to ask you a few questions about the break-in."

>I dodged the inquiry "I already spoke to the detective about it. I don't remember anything." I broke away from him and continued down the hall.

>He spoke to me as I made my way to the stairs "Lot of trouble for a 2nd gen synth don't you think? She must have had something pretty valuable in her head."

>He had my attention. I turned to him "What the hell is that supposed to mean!?"

>The trenchcoat-clad figure approached me with heavy steps no doubt sporting a fully chromed out body beneath his coat. I would have heard him approaching earlier. He'd snuck up to my floor…

>How long was he waiting for me?

>He slipped his hands into his pockets and smiled "I just read the police report." He smiled "As a representative of OCP's security concepts, this case is very important for me. It's our security system that contacted the police for you after all."

>He closed the distance between us and extended his hand "On behalf of OCP I merely wanted to give my condolences to your friend."

>I didn't return his handshake "You'll have to forgive me if I'm not feeling cordial."

>He retracted his hand and removed his dark shades flipping them closed and sliding them into his pocket. He kept his eyes closed for a moment before revealing their soft blue glow to me. "I understand entirely Mr. Omus. I just wanted you to know you can rest easy. We at OCP will do our utmost to assist the police in their investigation."

>An officer walked by us and into my room as he spoke.

>He handed me a business card. It was styled similarly to the one I'd found in my room. "My card. In the meantime, see that you stay safe Mr. Omus." His heavy steps followed the officer and he disappeared into my room.

>I examined his card. His name- Dominik Kasun. Unlike Mr. Thurgood, he was listed as a "security analyst" whatever that entailed. With the kind of chrome he was sporting I figured he did more than analysis.

>He had a rather creepy vibe to him. A malevolent undertone masked by a benevolent smile if there ever was one.

>I promptly left.


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c12a97 No.356098

File: a2e53ed146328e7⋯.jpg (33.86 KB,268x326,134:163,cyber thot.jpg)


>Tastey Bitz. A cyber bar. The exterior was unassuming with a simple neon sign illuminating the ally. People came here for budget netrun connections and illicit substance abuse.

>They served nutrient paste along with chems and stims of all varieties to enhance whatever experience you sought to indulge in.

>Digital sound with chirpy tones and an emphasis on the bass wafted through the crowd and I made my way to an old friend.

>A synthetic thot propositioned me for cybersex. I waved her away.

>A weasely fellow in a faux-hawk opened his coat for me displaying all manner of chemical escapes. I brushed past him.

>I tapped my old accomplice on the shoulder. He was hunched over at the bar.

> Noel beastmode Thompson was a meatspace friend of mine since we were kids. He taught me how everything I know about the matrix. Kind of a coward though.

>"I knew you'd be here."

>He shook his head and grunted. He was fixated on a screen in his pudgy hands.

>"C'mon Beastmode. It's Cap."

>He turned to face me. An omni-visor obscured his sunken in eyes as they darted around netscapes provided by his headset. It was the look of a decker who never strayed far from the matrix. A vision of my future self if Neet hadn't come for me perhaps.

>"Falcon?!" His omni-visor changed colors as he got a better look at me.

>I nodded and ran my fingers through my hair "In the flesh."

>"Haven't seen you in meatspace since…ya know." We both recalled a prior session of decking we'd done for some easy if not illegally gained Brouzouf.

>"Yea…I'd reminisce but I've got work to do. I need help Noel. Do you know where PnP and DOSBoss are?" They were skilled deckers. Better than me on my best days. If I could get their help it would make things a lot easier.

>Noel winced and his visor changed color. "Boss OD'd a few months back."

>"Shit! Why didn't anyone tell me!?"

>Noel crossed his arms "You went cube Man, ain't no one talking to you if you're a shirt."

>"Fucking drek…" I couldn't believe Boss was dead. He liked to get high for sure but I always thought he had a good grip on things.

>"What about PnP?"

>Noel turned away "He went dark. Haven't seen him since Boss died. Last I saw he was hanging around pro synth groups on the Matrix. "

>I recalled the crew's disdain for me going cube. They all really did hate me for abandoning them but I'd had enough late night netruns that left me brainburnt.

>"I'm in deep Noel, I need help in the cold room. You want to scout for me like you used to-"

>"No. Whatever you're into it's your business."

>"I can pay you. C'mon, I really need help here."

>He hesitated, his visor glitching somewhat. "T-Two k up front and another k every hour after."

> It was overpriced as hell for the simple job of watching out for me in meatspace but I'd bitch later. "Deal. Let's go."

>The look on his face told me he didn't expect me to agree to it and he grabbed a can of sugary shit from the bar as we went below to the basement…


>In the past our group had done some deals with the bar's owner so we had a free ticket inside but security was our responsibility.

>The coldroom was one part faraday cage and one part ice box. Kept tech cool and netrunners hidden.

>You could actually end up getting sick if you stayed down here for more than a few hours at a time with the lowered temperature. I wouldn't be here long so I didn't worry.

>After moving some stray beer kegs aside I plugged myself into a secure connection and reclined onto the morgue like table. "You packing some heat Noel? I wouldn't say I'm marked but it may not be safe around me." I watched my breath rise in front of my face from the chilled air.

>He shrugged "If someone wants you that dead I don't think I'd be able to do much to stop them anyway. I'll give you the signal if someone starts beatan' on the door. After that, I'm bugging out. Fairplay?"

>"I guess that'll do. Thanks again for the help."

>"Just don't forget my brouzouf when you're done." Noel leaned against the door and I felt a jolt as I digitized. My meatspace body was in his hands now.


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c12a97 No.356100

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>clearly the soundscape of some digital realm you've never been too

>Noel hated me for going cube but I still trusted him more than any other person.

> PnP is an exceptional decker on par if not better than Boss was. He hated me just as much for leaving the crew but if what Noel said about him joining the pro synth group was true I might be able to get him to help me.

>I set up a dead man's switch with all the evidence I'd gathered thus far and continued my investigation in the matrix.

>I went digging for dox on Mr. Kasun as well as Mr. Thurgood. No luck for the killshot I was hoping for but after spreading some brouzouf around a tipster gave me some info on Thurgood. Word on the street was he funneled lots of unregistered guns and tech to low rent street gangs in return for favors.

>Kasun was a different story. Nothing concrete on him other than working as a go-between for Thurgood when it came to street business.

>Naturally, as officers of OCP they had enough brouzouf to mask all kinds of shady shit and an army of lawyers that basically guaranteed them legal impunity.

>I delegating further digging to my Kitty. She could hunt down data as well as any malicious programs. She nodded obediently after I'd supplied her with keywords, phrases, and sites to scan before disappearing into the digital miasma.

>Finding PnP would be tricker. I never met him in meatspace and furthermore, he made it a point to remain completely anonymous.

>I poured through old messages and files to see if I could come up with something.

>Nothing. Just old…

>Old jobs.

>Boss was the key. I smirked.

>Help from beyond the grave.

>I had worked with Boss to put together a dropbox for the crew. He suggested automatic notifications for when someone hit up the box to be sent out to the entire crew. The faster you answer a prospective client the more likely you are to get the job.

>I never thought I'd be hiring myself though.

>If PnP was online he'd get the notification just the same as me.

>I kept my identity concealed for my sake as well as PnP's. I laid out my case along with my evidence. Wherever he was he'd get my message.

>ba-ding "A new notification has appeared in your dropbox."

>At least I knew that still worked. I double checked the job I'd posted.

>Kitty messaged me with links to every kind of connection she could make with the keywords I gave her. Her rudimentary A.I. did it's best to sort through information. There was too much for me to sift through and my thoughts were interrupted by another ba-ding.

>A more pertinent message.

>"Who are you? How did you access the dropbox?" from anonymous…

>We weren't exactly advertising our services so our dropbox was cryptically hidden on the darknet.

>That narrowed possible clientele down somewhat. Fewer people still probably knew him by his moniker. I replied cautiously.

>"I'm in danger and a synth I.." I hadn't really put it in words before "…I love has been kidnapped. They may even be dead. I can't trust anyone else but you PnP."

>I waited and eyed up my kitty. Lewd thoughts entered my head but now wasn't the time to chase virtual orgasms.

>After a short time I received a reply back from him.

>"If that data you sent me is true then you're not safe in the cold room Falcon. Here's the GPS coordinates for a dead drop location for further instructions. They're encrypted but you'll know how to open it. I took the liberty of looking for you and you're definitely marked. Watch your back chummer. Good luck."

>PnP works fast. Backtraced me in a secure location in mere minutes. He's still got it.

>Another message, this time from Noel in meatspace "A-Anon! Hurry up in there! Come quickly!"

>I immediately logged out and almost stumbled off the table not wanting to get brainburnt again.

>"Hwha! What is it!?"

>"I gotta pee…S-sorry Anon." Noel disappeared into the bathroom across the hall. Truly 2k well spent.

>Can I really trust PnP?

>I never even met PnP face to face before.

>How do I know he's not set some trap for me?

[] Go to the dead drop. I mean, is there any real alternative? Noel doesn't really give me the confidence to plug back in anyway…

[] I'm marked? Isn't that a little melodramatic? Would someone really try to geek me in the open? I'm going to poke around the bar upstairs first. Maybe Noel can be of some additional help if the price is right. Once he's done pissing or whatever.

[] I'm feeling vulnerable. Maybe I could pick up a heater from the pawnshop? I'm much more deadly in the matrix than I am in meatspace but I'd rather have something rather than nothing.

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74bb7c No.356102


>Don't get your hopes up

>Don't get your hopes up

>He actually updated

Holy shit, good to see you back

Buy a gun from a different pawn shop than the one we went to before, if Anon needs an in-story justification for not using the same one he did before, we can say it's because being marked he shouldn't return to any place he's been to unless absolutely necessary, then go to the dead drop.

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8efb7f No.356105



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04a8b9 No.356151


Arm up at a different location from the previous pawnshop, like >>356102 said. We need something, but if we're marked like PnP says then we ought to avoid the shop we went to before. After arming up, head for the dead drop and find out more about what PnP has for us.

Good to have you back man.

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508b81 No.356287

Good to have you back. Long absences are always forgiven if followed up by quality. love the detail of the scarf and beanie.


Get a gun. Make sure it's one that has at least some armor piercing ability as I get the feeling that Kasun has enough steel in him that a 45 would be an annoyance. Avoid glocks, too ugly. armor may be a good idea too.

Not sure if I trust noel, he seems the type who would betray for a price and you don't know how big the price is. PnP may be a wildcard, but she is a wildcard with skills you need and sympathy on your side.


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c12a97 No.356400

File: 83d53a91f3c543e⋯.jpg (102.2 KB,1280x720,16:9,something akin to where we….jpg)

Brief Interlude

I would not want to dissuade anyone from deviating from the choice they made but I would like my fellow cyberpunks to consider something before locking their choice in. If you're one of the "come what may" types that throw caution to the wind and plays things with their gut then know you either made or broke the story for yourself and others based on your decision. I won't say that a particular choice leads to bad ends so much as they change the character in more ways than one. Don't read any further unless you want to peek under the hood for the story in terms of what kind of choice leads to what kind of story.

You've been warned.

This is definitely part of the story that you'd want a save state for. Essentially we'll have two very diametric story paths based on the available choices (or a more floundery "let's hang in the bar" if you want more world building there). Essentially one route is a more hotline miami themed rooty tooty bang bang shooty sort of adventure in our cyberpunk setting. The alternative being a cheeki breeki sneaky cyber-shinobi style story with lots of intrigues and mysteries. I've etched out the details for both paths but right now everyone seems to be keen on the rooty tooty bang bang shooty arc either subconsciously or unintentionally.

>just tell the better story!"

They're both good stories but thematically if we're gearing up to go full NUCLEAR then we'll see just how much of DEMON Anon can be.

I've allowed half and half choices before but this is one of those intersections where you really have to settle on one thing or the other. I wouldn't stress over the decision too much. Don't feel bad if things get crazy based on the selection we've made because no matter what happens things will get worse before they get better. That's just how these things tend to go. If enough people choose lets hang around the bar that will basically tell me "we don't know what arc to pick, you choose" and then I'll step in and make the selection for us. I don't want to say this will be the most important decision we'll make but it will be up there.

Also feel free to ask me about any story elements you're unsure about it. I've been told my writing style can be choppy at times if I'm not careful so I'll gloss over more important details or be too direct with descriptions.


This guy is trope aware.

>I'm confident with my choice, spoilers or otherwise.

You don't need to repost anything in that case. Just know that if you go for the gun(s) you're basically forsaking the dead drop route whether you included that in your decision or not. If this alters your decision quote yourself accordingly and don't forget to sage.

I'll go ahead and bump the thread for this since it's a pretty big dealio. I blame everyone but myself for trying to make the story choices a la carte in their posts. I blame myself for not chastising you punks earlier. Whatever decision you make I hope (you) enjoy the story chummers.

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04a8b9 No.356404


If it's either/or, I say head for the dead drop.

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9c7abc No.356454

File: 859ca6c14a3c758⋯.jpg (183.34 KB,1600x1200,4:3,blade runner.jpg)


I don't want to spoil myself, but I do want a sick cyberpunk gun for self defense, and I also want to get in contact with PnP. We can't infiltrate a major corporation like OCP on our own, especially since they know who we are and probably expect us to try and rescue Neet.

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508b81 No.356488


In that case, skip the gun. I'd want him to have it in any case but of the two stories, him making it with greymatter and cyber implants versus bullets and one liners I'd take the former.

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50c1aa No.356608

File: 6900c1ee3dbd0c3⋯.jpg (146.51 KB,1200x863,1200:863,kris-thaler-laserpistol-fi….jpg)

File: a0e99c1f0d007b5⋯.jpg (40.98 KB,640x426,320:213,UNDQdTC_d.jpg)

I want a lazer gat to smite waiting thief's with. We should pick one up and maybe a mono chainknife.

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97f2e8 No.356609

I'd say get a gun, something short ranged, powerful and concealable. Now I hate glocks too but a .45 with a single stack mag or two looks like the best bet.

Let's go pay PnP a visit but keep our eyes and ears peeled. I don't trust anyone who named themselves after a hardware specification. Saved my hide many times in my career as a computer engineer. I've still got my eye on you DFA, you fuck

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8efb7f No.356739


I'd go with dead drop, then gun. Also sneeki breeki.

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b9bbeb No.356740

File: 77db92e975f6e6e⋯.jpg (65.93 KB,600x800,3:4,jazz music stops.jpg)


Don't do this shit to me at 4 AM

Sage nigger

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c5cbac No.356746

File: 818985738f034cc⋯.jpg (56.01 KB,750x537,250:179,IMG-20180510-WA0001.jpg)


Fuck you man, are you soliciting a ban? Sage you fag

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c12a97 No.356823

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

save state activated for alternate playthroughs maybe

>I'm torn

>There's an overwhelming sense of urgency to get my hands on a heater.

>I also need to get to that dead drop as soon as possible.

>I figure I can try for both but I'll go for a weapon first.

>The bathroom door is locked. I knock and Noel replies with a cough.

>"The one turned into a two. Give me like 10 minutes…"

>I didn't have time for him to finish his business.

>"You'll see the Brouzouf in your account before the nights out. Take care."

>A text from Noel once I got upstairs "Stay safe chummer."

>Easier said than done old friend.


>The bartender pointed me in the direction of a gun dealer that sold aftermarket wares.

>A polite term for stolen in this case.

>No 3 day waiting period or tax stamps for me.

>I watched my back and stuck to side streets following the barkeep's directions.

>It was a shitty day that could be mistaken for night given the overcast sky but the night wouldn't be far off.


>I ventured into the aptly named Exotic Niceties.

>Looked more like an antique store than someplace that sold illegal guns.

>The man behind the counter was an older gentleman with semicircle shades and glowing green eyes. He was absent-mindedly browsing the net before I entered but gave me his full attention once I breached the doorway.

>"Welcome, may I help find what you're looking for? No other store has the niceties I have, I assure you."

>Behind the display counter were smoking pipes, antiquated tech from the early 80's, and various other relics.

>I told him the passphrase.

>"I'm running in the shadows. Let me see the score."

>He hesitated for a moment before nodding.

>"Right, well I wouldn't want to disappoint a customer of course."

>After pressing a switch the counter behind the display tables shifted and moved to reveal a number of different guns.

>"Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. Take note, only crisp Brouzouf are accepted here my friend. I'm afraid we can't have electronic transactions taking place given the nature of your purchase."

We shadowrunners now…

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c12a97 No.356825

File: 037143e96f0224d⋯.jpg (61.48 KB,1200x900,4:3,CMP 150.jpg)

File: b374d986790f69e⋯.jpg (36.85 KB,640x355,128:71,auto-9.jpg)

File: 96167aed5ede0b5⋯.jpg (143.49 KB,799x534,799:534,the alleged gun.jpg)

File: a20abc11396d023⋯.jpg (9.64 KB,676x317,676:317,1887.jpg)

File: bde8b16efa98f5c⋯.jpg (24.47 KB,400x273,400:273,'50'AE.jpg)


Descriptions courtesy of the shop owner of I can assure you…

[] CMP 150- "An old datadyne special. It was designed before smartlink technology became more widespread. It supports both semi-automatic and fully-automatic fire and utilizes 9x19mm ammunition. It houses a built-in HAAC (Haptic assisted accuracy control) system that allows the user to automatically target foes if they have smart lenses. Should be useful if you've never used a gun before. Comes with three thirty round magazines. Don't mistake its small stature, it's quite deadly I assure you.

cost-1200 ¥

[] Auto 9- "An OCP classic. Based off the Beretta 93r, the Auto 9 fires 9x19mm ammunition in both semi-automatic and three round bursts. The recoil is quite vigorous but the forward barrel extension helps compensate somewhat. It's rather unwieldy. Supposedly it was designed for someone who was already augmented. 'Fraid I can't comment on that. Comes with two twenty round magazines. It supports smart link technology that will assist you in target acquisition but it won't aim the gun for you like that CMP 150. Not unless you're sporting the proper chrome anyway…"

Cost-1000 ¥

[](stolen) detective special- "An eye for quality, hmmm? Looks a little beat up but you won't find a more rare piece I assure you. Fires custom-tooled cartridges capable of punching through lightly armored targets. Packs a mean recoil so be careful or it'll jump out of your hand. If a cop catches you with it you'll be in big trouble as these were only issued to special agents for hunting down rouge synths in an earlier age. Comes with two quick loaders stacked with 6 rounds each of caseless HV-AP (high-velocity armor piercing) rounds."

cost- 1700 ¥

[] Model 1887 Rotunda sweeper- "Perhaps you're looking for a more low tech solution for your defense? Can't go wrong with a shotgun. Holds five shells plus another in the breach. It'll require you cock it after each shot of course. It won't hold your hand like that datadyne special I assure you."

cost 500 ¥

[] Jericho 942- "I see you want something simple right? Well if you want something guaranteed to kill whomever you point it at you can't go wrong with Jericho. Fires .50AE. Not as fancy as HVAP but even armored foes will wince when hit. Comes with two ten rounds magazines. Quite deadly I assure you."


[]vintage 80's style sheek shades- "You'll certainly want to look the part if you're a proper shadow runner. Tell me, is that eye patch for show or are you really blind in that eye?"

Cost- 200¥

[]Shadowrunner trenchcoat and tac-vest- "If you're going to be getting your nose dirty in wetwork you may want something a little more robust than that jacket you're sporting. The coat has kevlar woven into the layers and the vest has polymetal trauma plates. You won't be invulnerable by any account but you won't die…as easily.


>what to buy?

>I've never actually used a gun in meatspace.

>I've played enough video games in the matrix but this definitely isn't a video game. Will virtual experience really carry over to meatspace?

>With only 2500¥ on hand I can't go full commando but I can certainly gear up somewhat.

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c12a97 No.356828

File: ab7749f6131d6e1⋯.jpg (13.18 KB,256x213,256:213,those shades.jpg)

File: 26705807aa87f79⋯.jpg (29.7 KB,479x675,479:675,the alleged coat.jpg)


Last minute edits always get me. First line should be.

>Descriptions courtesy of the shop owner I can assure you.

Just as well. Here's the kinda coat and glasses you're looking at.

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508b81 No.356831


Question for the shopkeep, does he carry special rounds for the shotgun? A 12 gauge plus some saboted slugs for armor piercing and dragons breath for extra fun would be ideal.

If not go with the CMP-150, the detective special is hot, hard to use and extra hard to shoot accuracy due to cyberpunk boner whereas the CMP is designed for keyboard commandos.

Armor either way.

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485e07 No.356845

Are we going for the sneeky-breeki cyber stuff, or the guns blazing?

Getting a gun was probably a good decision, but I'm partial to the matrix action.

As far as guns go, I'd agree that the CMP-150 is the best option.

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c12a97 No.356847


Speaking as the shop owner

>"You'll have to find some other provider for specialty shells I'm afraid. Standard 12 gauge buckshot is all we have I assure you."


Enough people wanted the rooty tooty bang bang shooty that I think we'll go ahead and pursue that path. That doesn't mean we're done with matrix stuff but there will be a bigger focus on the wham bam thank you ma'm nature of the story from here on out.

As previously mentioned this will change how the story develops dramatically in the long run.>>356400

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0b9fa7 No.356849

File: c6a49fc8143b52f⋯.jpg (110.43 KB,1600x900,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 61c362ded8e4e79⋯.jpg (50.63 KB,474x355,474:355,53e7201dee900cad57aed8a45b….jpg)


We're off to rescue our RoboWaifu, if anything calls for the power of THAT GUN, it would be this.

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ed76a0 No.356853


I'm gonna have to vote for the (((Jericho))) .50AE, the CMP may be good for meaty targets but we're more worried about guys kitted out in combat augments. 9mm isn't going through any kind of armor worth a shit and it doesn't have the stoppin powah to stun either. .50AE, if it doesn't penetrate, will at the very least give them something to think about while we can run the fuck away.

Also buy the trenchcoat, our eyepatch is cool enough we don't need shades.

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c12a97 No.356854

Heads up chummers.

Like the hospital gift shop section, this a is a shop til' you drop affair. For instance, if you go for the .50 AE along with the coat you'd still have enough for the Rotunda sweeper along with the sheek shades.

Anon has more ¥ tucked away in his bank account but this guy only accepts dat paper so you have to make do with the 2500 limit. Obviously Anon can't buy everything because he can't afford it.

If you forgo the armor you could go for both CMP and .50 AE if you think Anon's plot armor is thick. It should be since he's the main character after all but you never know.

>Go to the ATM you cheddar head!

We're not gonna play that kind of game.


>that gun

An interesting if OP(over powered) choice.



Would you have preferred a (((DEAGLE?)))

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ed76a0 No.356856

File: e606d3b7dda7b54⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB,1194x737,1194:737,Happy_P-chan.png)


Won't a .50 Jericho just be a (((Deagle))) in all but name anyways?

I wish he had my favorite snowflake gun in stock, but if we bought one of those Neet might have some competition.

I really really want the detective special but >>356831 is right, it's hot. Thinking about it though, any gun we buy will be hot, on account of us buying it off the black market and not registering it, so we might as well buy That Gun.

Changing my vote to the Detective Special and the armor.

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ed76a0 No.356858


Fuck me, I didn't do the math and that comes to 2550

Can we haggle?

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19b85a No.356872


Oh fuck off, I so I forgot one time

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0b9fa7 No.356892

File: 147b62e73c51924⋯.jpg (274.03 KB,1079x1172,1079:1172,93359f3a88e818e1e4a4ddb4c0….jpg)

We got anything on us that we could swap to make up the price difference so that we could get That Gun and the coat?

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10d3de No.356922

The CMP-150 is great, but harder to conceal. I vote the Jericho and the coat.

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4994e7 No.356967


The detective special is even hotter.

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c12a97 No.356969


Well it's smaller than a Deagle. That might be an issue for recoil. Considering it's batou's piece he probably doesn't mind it.



>clamoring for that gun this much

Fine, is there something Neet lost that Anon might be carrying with him that would be worth some brouzouf?


You think so? pretty much all the weapons are easily concealable inside of jacket or trenchcoat. The rotunda is the only one close to being too big to conceal and even it's not too hard to hide with the shorter barrel.

The TCMP 150 could easily fit into a big jacket pocket or trenchcoat pocket.

I need to check ID's and tally the votes and try to figure out exactly what we're going to buy. I think the consensus thus far is the alleged gun but I'll double check to make sure.

>no one opts in on the vintage sheek chic shades

No style. None of you.

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d941f0 No.357008


We have a kickass eyepatch, we don't need shades. And again, try to haggle. Offer to buy some legitimate merchandise marked up to make up the 50 brouzouf difference, like a hat that can conceal our identity a bit better we're in one of those few situations where a fedora actually looks cool you know

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d941f0 No.357011


My ID keeps changing so to clarify I'm the same guy as >>356858 >>356856 >>356853

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c12a97 No.357282

File: 93615a1ee7b058c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,8.62 MB,2448x3264,3:4,Mr. Murphy.png)


Hope you're ready for some ''quality' original artwork as well as gratuitous amounts of talking.

>"Quite the caché to choose from…Mister?". I looked at the shopkeeper.

> "Murphy." Murphy wiped down the 1887 with a rag giving it an impressive sheen.

>I picked through the various choices and felt their weight in my hands.

>The detective special felt pretty good but the price tag was exorbitant, to say the least.

>If Murphy could be trusted then it kicked like mad. With only 12 rounds I'd have to make every shot count.

>The earlier run-in with that chromed out OCP grunt left me a bit jittery though.

>With this I should at least have a fighting chance if that guy was as dangerous as he looked.

>If I go for that though, I'd be 50¥ shy of being able to purchase the armor as well. I try to haggle him down.

>"My prices are as fair as they'll get. I can assure you."

> He didn't intend to back down from his stated price.

>I asked him "How about if you upcharged me for something else? I have more Brouzouf in the bank."

>He adjusted his glasses "You seem a little too enthusiastic. Careful that you don't trip over yourself my friend."

>"There's no way I can get the Detective Special and the armor?"

>"Well now that you mention it, I could use some help retrieving some stolen property."

>"Stolen? Have you considered contacting the police?"

>Murphy chuckled and shook his head. "I'm afraid it's the kind of merchandise that requires…ahem, a certain discretion. If you're as talented as I've been led to believe then such a job should be relatively easy for you to complete."

>I questioned him "How do you know what kind of talent I have?"

>He gave me a toothy grin "One doesn't get a 100,000¥ bounty on their head for being easy to take care of. You're some kind of dangerous. Or some kind of unlucky. Maybe both."

>I shook my head in disbelief. That's one hell of a bounty on my head. No time to worry about it now though. I gritted my teeth "What am I retrieving for you and from where?"

>He clasped his hands together "Aha~! You're familiar with the Chrome Bone Pawn are you not?"

>I leaned on his counter and put on my best intimidating face. "I've been there before. How did you know?"

>"I sell more than niceties you know, I also trade in information Mr. Omus. Unfortunately for you, you've gotten the attention of a few different parties as of late.

> I gave him the stare down "Like who?"

>He continued unfazed "Unless you're willing to part with some brouzouf I'm afraid I can't say more. What I will say is the one called Tisel has something we both want. Go to Chrome Bone Pawn, deal with Tisel as you see fit and return to me with my property and I'll see about rewarding you for your effort. As a buy-in you may take the armor with you on this operation. You're probably going to need it."

>I covered my one good eye and groaned.

>Less than week ago I was just some wageslave chasing after a paycheck. Now I'm doing dirty work as goddamn shadowrunner. Should I even bother putting in my two weeks notice?

>"You said Tisel has something I want. What might that be?"

>Murphy adjusted his glasses once more. "You'll have to ask him that yourself I'm afraid. Anything else I can do for you Mr. Omus?"

[] Armor be damned, go for the dead drop. I'll take the detective special. I don't have time to be running errands for shady shop keepers. May as well grab the Rotunda for a little more firepower before I head out. less filler, more Miller. Let's get to the main plot

[] Take Murphy up on his job offer. I mean, this way I can get my hands on that armor and the detective special. That and he mentioned a reward as well. Something tells me I better not ditch the job and just take the armor and gun and run. He seems like the "Come quietly or there will be trouble" type. I probably shouldn't cross him.

[] bwahh! A 100,000¥ bounty!?! This is ridiculous! To hell with running errands, does Murphy have a panic room in here? Because I'm panicking!

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4994e7 No.357339


Take the job.

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9c6b3e No.357364


Take the job

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485e07 No.357453


If we have time, take the job.

Maybe also see if we can bargain for the info on who (other than OCP, obviously) might be after us. That information would be worth a favor owed to Murphy. If Murphy takes us up on the favor, it may be in his interest to give us info that could help get them off us.

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508b81 No.357454


Go to the dead drop, this isn't a videogame where the main plot stays on hold for side-quest.

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c12a97 No.357465

File: bc388e31fa1c066⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,pussy grabbing quest.jpg)


Well chummer, other runners shouldn't stab you in the back if the bounty was placed by OCP (runners typically don't work for corps, that's a shirt game). There are other groups though that would go for the money, ya know, typical dystopian metropolitan rot; slimly private security goons, merc squads, hitmen, punks, creepers, and various ne'er-do-wells. You can assume Anon would be savvy to such groups being a decker himself and having traveled in circles that would frequent places like Tastey Bitz.

Murphy obviously works with runners given he has gear explicitly for them. He's linked to Tastey Bitz via the bartender who sent us here.

As far as who is actually after Anon there's a number of different eyes on him with differing goals and objectives. If we've all decided on the sidequest then you should note that after dumping our dosh on the gun and armor we aren't going to be able to afford any good tips from Murphy right now.

This first mission is pretty much a test by Murphy to see if we can get the job done. If we prove we're competent and earn his trust that should open up more contacts/missions that allow us to piece together the yet unsolved mysteries.


Are you sure about that? Mechanically I've stolen a few different "gamey" ideas from games like Phoneix Wright and any game that has static menus for purchasing gear/upgrades.

Without wanting to spoil anything the side-quests will fill in plot holes and expand our universe. The main plot so to speak is more or less together in my head. Side-quests may augment some of the details but the overall narrative/story I'm trying to tell shouldn't change drastically based on how much of the world we end up exploring.

I'm pretty sure if Neet is still alive she won't chastise us for taking too long if we manage to find her.

>"Anon, I'm glad you came back for me, but what was that nonsense about fighting mutated corpse mongers in the sewer while searching for the lost cat for that synth loli at the orphanage? I mean, that was very heroic of you and everything, I just don't see how that helped you find me faster. I mean, it's not like I've been waiting on baited breath for you to save me or anything…"


Obviously, the above scenario is a completely non-canon satirical take on the whole "Are we just felating ourselves?" question.

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4e6781 No.357561

File: 317b4a64678aed7⋯.png (3.21 MB,1000x2000,1:2,317b4a64678aed7c85c3ab315b….png)

I'd say to do the sidequest, we could get some useful contacts, besides the fact, I wanna ask the pawn guy some pointed questions, and by pointed I mean hang him upside down and let the point do the asking.

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485e07 No.357648


>and by pointed I mean hang him upside down and let the point do the asking.

That is a horrible idea, and will end in us getting killed.

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4e6781 No.357651

File: 57a981aa6b14792⋯.jpg (46.65 KB,349x451,349:451,1525102193624.jpg)


Based on what.

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c12a97 No.357677

File: 2be5dac80c58d36⋯.jpg (147.72 KB,1920x1080,16:9,misty alleys.jpg)

>The allure of possible answered questions along with the promise of a reward that could further my investigation was too good to pass up.

>I equipped Neet's scarf and beanie both as protection from the cold nip of the approaching night as well as prying eyes that might want to cash me out.

>By the time I made it to Tisel's pawn shop the night had properly set in and murky mists created by steam vents mixing with the cold night air generated tufts of synthetic fog every 5 or so meters on the street.

>It wasn't dark though. Lights from overhead lamps and storefronts were twisted through the mist and seemed to paint the air with a living glow.

>Too bright for me to feel comfortable in at least.

>I slipped into a back alley and staked out Tisel's shop.

>If I waited I could break in after he closed up and look for the goods then.

>If I were to go in there now and demand the stolen goods that would almost assuredly result in some kind of confrontation.

>I squeezed the butt of gun and weighed the heavy decision of going in there and possibly having to geek him.

>I'd had suspicions about the guy but I never saw myself as a killer.

>The most I'd ever done was steal corp data back in my decker days.

>No one ever died.

>Perhaps I could settle this with diplomacy?

>I didn't have any crisp brouzouf for buying the stolen goods and I doubt he'd want any electronic transactions for illegal sales much like Mr. Murphy

>That further begged the question "What stolen property was I going to get?"

>Murphy wasn't willing to disclose what I was getting but explained that it would be in a small case with an embedded transmitter but I'd only be able to follow the signal once I was inside given the low range frequency.

>I could attempt to sneak around the shop and steal it and simply forgo the interaction altogether but Tisel might recognize me. If I get caught stealing he's definitely the shoot first type based on his attitude.

>My thought process was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder.

>"Uhh hey…"


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c12a97 No.357679

File: c8301c96d7557d5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.1 MB,3264x2448,4:3,Jizzy.jpg)


>I spun around and reached for my piece.

>A sullen sunken-eyed scantily dressed lady met my gaze.

>Her face was heavily done up with makeup.

>If she wasn't a whore she certainly wore the uniform.

>She continued "If you're not looking for action you need to zog off. You're scaring my usual customers."

>Was it the eyepatch? I pulled down my scarf exposing my face and rubbed my cheek whiskers.

>I was on the money my guess anyway. I attempted to scare her off "I'm a cop so if you don't want to spend a night in lockup, you need to zog off. I'm staking this place out."

>She shook her head "Bullshit. I know the cops on this beat and you're not one of them. Also where's your car officer?" She crossed her arms expectant of some other answer.

>I looked up in the air for an answer "Listen, just,-"

>"No, you listen, lotta girls go missing around here so if you're some creeper you need to leave or I'm going to call a real cop."

>Time for a more cohesive lie from a different angle.

>"Fine you got me. I'm not a cop. I'll tell you the truth."

>She gave me a look like I was full of shit.

>"My girlfriend went missing and I have reason to believe that pawn shop over there has some clues I need my investigation."

>Her expression changed to a more inquisitive look.

>"What was her name?"

>I looked away trying to think of an answer that might make sense.

>"She was an older synth. She didn't have a name."

>"You like those kinds of girls…I see."

>She looked disgusted by my answer. Hard to compete with women who can change their chassis I suppose. I tried to work whatever charm I had from my corp styled customer service days.

>"What's your name sweetheart?"


>The name she was willing to give me was Jizzy. I didn't bother broaching further to know what her real name was. I hoped that wasn't her real name.

>Apparently a number of her friends had gone missing as of late and she's been hunting around for the culprit herself.

>She pieced together I was shadowrunner and said she'd be willing to help me if it meant finding who was responsible for the recent kidnappings.

>Cops don't really care about a few missing hookers here and there.

>They weren't on the top of the list anyway.

>The big lie, of course, was that my Neet was involved. She had nothing to do with the kidnappings in this area and there probably wasn't any evidence we'd glean from pursuing my personal mission at the pawn shop that would help Jizzy.

>Jizzy squeezed my hands with a smile having been thoroughly plied by my charm "T-thanks for helping me hunt down the kidnapper Anon. I'll help you in any way I can."

>I put my hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze "Listen Jizzy, this is pretty dangerous business. Here's what you need to do…"

[] Send Jizzy in as a distraction while I search for the goods. Jizzy can steal Tisel's attention. Her face though…I wonder what Tisel's tastes are in women?

[] Have Jizzy stand guard out back while I hack into the chome bone's matrix and disable their security and nab other crucial data. Do I trust her enough to watch over me?

[] I don't need charity from street whores. Tell Jizzy to go home and stay safe and try to find a better line of work. Let a real shadowrunner handle this. I'll pull the fake cop routine again and kick the door in. Before he realizes what's actually going on I can restrain him and search at my leisure. Then again I didn't fool Jizzy, am I gonna be able to fool Tisel? What about CCTV and the alarm system? There's a lot that can go wrong with this approach…

[] I'm a little nervous…ask Jizzy if she'd be willing to polish my knob to boost my confidence. She looks like she has some experience in that field. She did say any way afterall. Then I'll kick in the door.

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b9bbeb No.357720



>From a whore

>From a human whore

Don't make me vomit man. Second option. Go through Rick Harrison's data and find something we can hang over his head to get Mr. Murphy's stuff back. He owns a pawn shop so his business is screwing people over without them noticing. Find some evidence of him screwing over enough people, or screwing over someone especially important and/or dangerous, and he'll talk. That's if he somehow is an entirely above board pawnshop besides dealing in a few stolen items. Stolen items won't work for blackmail, he'll just say he didn't know they were stolen.

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c12a97 No.357730


Obviously, that was the gag option for that post. I don't think anyone's ever taken one of those seriously.

Isn't the first time I've had one of course. Go back and see the aftermarket industrial vocaloid or any of the instances where Anon had inappropriate thoughts. Someone did go for the brown paper bag option back in the hat picking post but even then they were joking themselves. >>337400

That does touch on another issue I've had with the story myself. Anon is a one-woman man if there ever was one. Even if I introduced another possible love interest I don't think the audience would even consider them an option. Until we get to the end and discover the truth this is a hard-boiled detective story with effectively no waifu interaction. If I don't present a satisfying conclusion I'm pretty sure the readers will collectively string me up for the most long running blue ball story every strung together.

As far as Anon's motivations, he isn't hunting down stray robo waifus he's looking for clues to find Neet and/or bring the ones who took her to JUSTICE. If there is any competition for Anon's heart it won't come from some human hooker. Especially one named Jizzy.

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c12a97 No.357968

File: b99aa3719b7f022⋯.gif (1.45 MB,500x288,125:72,boat vista.gif)

The story thus far

For new people to the story or old people who are forgetful here's what's happened to catch you up. It's the far-flung future. Megacorps run everything. On the streets people make it by as best they can. Anon, a cybersecurity specialist, opted into a government program to help out downtrodden synths. A heavily damaged synth with the serial number NE-37 (He called her Neet since she didn't have a proper name) became his new housemate. After getting to know one another they formed a bond both in meatspace and the matrix.

Their time together was ended abruptly after a break-in that left Anon for dead and Neet violently abducted and possibly dead herself. It wasn't Anon's time yet and he is currently running in the shadows and gathering clues to piece together the mystery of Neet's abduction. Meanwhile, the ones responsible for Neet's abduction are out to finish the job they started and seek to put an end to Anon's hard-boiled cyberpunk detective story.

Glossary terms for our cyberpunk adventure.

>decker- Another word for hacker.

>wetware- unaugmented parts of one's body.

hardware/chrome- cybernetic additions to one's body.

>cube- Someone who only operates inside the law with their decking

>shirt- Someone who works for a corp. See cube

>smart lens- Lenses that fit over the eye and sync to a smartphone or computer to allow a decker to access systems remotely.

>neural jack- A connection port to one's brain that allows for them to connect to the matrix

>meatspace- real world. Not the matrix.

>ram jammer- a decker that goes out of their way to screw with networks and steal data.

>matrix- A digital environment that feels real to the touch. Sometimes it exists as a closed network, other times it's connected to the internet.

>shadowrunner/runner- Someone who operates outside the law. Usually, they fight the evil that megacorps engage in.

>smart link- A way to connect to tech in meatspace.

Characters in order of appearance.

Anon Omus- Our protagonist. He's a talented Decker who was socially isolated before meeting Neet.

Neet- A mysterious synth who came into Anon's life and gave it new meaning before being abducted.

Tisel-A shady pawn shop owner. Although Anon doesn't yet know it, he played a role in Neet's kidnapping.

Dominik Kasun- An agent working with OCP, a large megacorp that handles the security system for Anon's apartment.

Noel- A childhood friend of Anon. Somewhat cowardly but a capable Decker none the less.

PNP- An anonymous member of the Decking group that composed Anon, Noel, DosBoss (deceased) and themselves.

Murphy- Owner of an antique shop that helps gear up and give out jobs to shadowrunners.

Jizzy- Some street whore we just encountered outside Tisel's pawn shop. She's looking for her friends who recently have been abducted from the area. She decided to help us since we're both searching for lost friends.


>what exactly is a synth?

A synthetic human. There are 5 different generations of synths. The early synths were more mechanical in nature but newer synths are grown in vats. Modern synths are essentially indistinguishable from a human on the outside.

>What kind of cyberpunk setting is this?

It's a mish mash of different worlds. Think Blade Runner, Perfect Dark, Robocop (1987), shadowrun, ghost in the shell, the Matrix, and perhaps other bits and bobs from other science fiction worlds. It's all blended together seamlessly thanks to my creative engineering.

>Needs more monstergirls!

I agree. I'll either introduce some in an upcoming matrix drive or get some more synths into our story soon. Anon is a one woman man so thots will be denied.

>What is kitty?

Depends on her programming. The catgirl avatar can be loaded with any number of programs. Programs have limited A.I. and can do little more than follow commands and perform rudimentary tasks. The glorified sex doll program was Anon's only meaningful interaction before getting to know Neet better. He still refers to it as "her" despite it being nothing more than avatar running A.I. scripts. It was a coping mechanism for his extreme loneliness.

>How do I participate?

Choose an option available when I present one. If you have a question or comment about an option or the story feel free to contribute your thoughts. Please remember to sage your posts. I'll go with the option that gets the most votes. I try not to do a la carte picks but as long as it doesn't jumble the story structure badly I try to accommodate everyone.

>>357679 The most recent part of our story with options available.

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a75bf2 No.358098


I would go for option 2 since it seems that physical violence is off the table…. For now.

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4994e7 No.358156


Let's go with option 2.

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c12a97 No.358201


I appreciate your enthusiasm bud, but do remember to sage friendo.

It looks like we're taking the matrix route if the current crop of votes hold strong. While I don't want to influence anyone, that was the option I was hoping we'd get votes for since the alternatives are basically shoplifting or overt violence without any forethought.

Also I can't believe I made that glossary and glossed over hue geek/geeked since those words get some play pretty often and their context varies based on usage. If any word needed a entry that one did. For those who don't know geek can mean "to kill" when phrased like "geek him" or "That guy got geeked". However the context will shift based on the inflection of the usage. Phrase it differently such as "He's totally geeked out" or "that tech is straight geek" and that can refer to high-quality hardware. It really depends on how it's used in a sentence and the context in which it's being used.

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22ce92 No.358348

File: 976b308be3abecc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,14.85 KB,200x308,50:77,the alleged protoman.jpg)

>I got behind the pawn shop with Jizzy in tow.

>I turned to her "Just message me if things get dicey out here and I'll disconnect. I can help you but not if I'm in the matrix. Don't let me get geeked while I'm jacked in, alright?"

>Jizzy nodded "Good luck Anon." She looked somewhat nervous about standing guard.

>I connected a coil cord neural jack into a service terminal adjacent to the Chrome Bone "Luck has nothing to do with it."

>I fell into the matrix and felt myself digitize.


>The trick to decking is finding the weakest link in a system.

>Once you're inside no one except the admin themselves can actually stop you.

>Except maybe some security programs if you're a pleb.

>The pawnshop's network security was nothing special but I still needed to be on the inside to get the job done.

>If I wanted to be fancy I could slip in through a data packet but that takes some finesse.

>I brute forced the router password easily enough but I needed to go deeper.

>I searched for devices connected to the network.

>I couldn't take all day to scour CCTV recordings for something juicy and simply opted to turn them off for the time being.

>The system security was pretty pathetic and I needed only mask my movements through the digital miasma between data nodes.

>The alarm system is a bit tricker, I'd save that for last.

>I texted Jizzy as I poked around Tisel's personal files "Everything okay out there?"

> Sales receipts, short notes, benign correspondence. I needed more time to sort through the data and I wasn't finding the kind of evidence that would give me leverage. I simply snatched all the dox I could figuring I could sort through it later.

>The search continued for anything else on his network that would come in handy.

>I found a wireless firmware updater for cyber limbs.

>I could do something with this but first…

>Time to knock out the alarm.

>That's when my hud displayed " 'Protoman' has connected to the network."


> It was indeed Protoman. At least someone sporting his avatar.

>They spun the iconic shield around and struck a pose "Ahh captain! I finally found you!"

>I didn't waste time and summoned Kitty "I don't want any trouble but I'll dump your ass hard if you get in my way. Log off before you get burnt."

>"As if! I'm not going to let my rival escape!"

>Rival? I didn't know anyone who went by the name Protoman or used the avatar for that matter. They spoke in a very flamboyant manner as if they were putting on a show.

>I tried to dissuade him "I think you got the wrong guy. Shouldn't you be chasing Rockman?" Although the thought occurred to me- if you look at their designs Captain Falcon does have a visor and scarf similar to Protoman…

>He shook his head. "That blue bucket head? Naww, he's not my type. You really have forgotten, haven't you? I'll help you remember! A fight should help refresh your memory!" He spun the shield around again and struck yet another pose.

>I didn't have time for this and spoke with an indifferent tone "No thanks. Dump his ass, Kitty."

>Kitty pounced at the would-be Protoman but he responded in turn by vaulting over her and blasting her with a vicious static burst.

>Kitty promptly crumpled to the floor.

>My hud displayed "Program 'kitty' is nonresponsive."

>He landed and struck yet another pose "No programs, 1v1, just like the old days!"

>Goofy antics or not this guy meant business. The only way to the alarm node was through him.

>It had been a while since I'd had a proper matrix fight. May as well enjoy it. I spun around myself and struck a pose "Show me ya' moves!"


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22ce92 No.358350

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


cue some appropriate 8-bit music for this kind of conflict

>Protoman didn't waste time and slid across the floor on his shield.

>I dove over him and followed that up with an ax kick. My timing was off and I missed only to land behind him.

>"Ha! too slow! I thought the captain was all about speed!?"

>I turned to face him and my face met his shield.

>The impact left me stunned and Protoman took the initiative delivering several follow up blows.

>I saw an opening and let loose a protocol infused kick.

>"Falcon kick!" I went for a sliding kick that cooked the floor but he vaulted over me the same as kitty and delivered the same static shock as well.

>I tumbled awkwardly to my knees from the bungled attack.

>My connection to the matrix began to weaken. A few more hits like that and I'd be the one getting dumped. I shook off the sting of the waning static attack.

>This wasn't just for show, he was really trying to dump me.

>He was casually spinning his shield as he spoke "Maybe I was wrong about you captain. The cap' I remember had actual skill."

>"I really don't know who you are but I'm done playing around. Get out of my way or I'm not going to hold back anymore. I'm serious."

>His arm cannon lined up with me "Alright then, neither will I!"

>More static pulses erupted from him, crackling through the air. I dove left and right to avoid them, zigging and zagging not wanting to get lit up again.

>Just a bit closer…



>"Freeze!" energy wrapped around me and expanded outward.

>Protoman was caught in it and locked in place.

>"C-CHEATER! Captain Falcon can't do that!"

>"Captain Falcon also doesn't have a catgirl following him around.

>Kitty was getting up now. The previous shock left her program a bit buggy and she sauntered up "Hozzztile connnneschun d-d-det-t-tect-ed-ed."

>"Tag out sweetheart, you're cooked" I minimized her before continuing with the Protoman.

>I stared him down "You can log out now or I'll force dump you myself."

>The freeze protocol would wear off soon so if he didn't make the choice I'd make it for him.

>"You really don't remember then do you?"

>I stated it matter-of-factly "I don't."

>a look of defeat washed over him "Oh…well then, I'll see you later Anon."

>"NANI?! Wait! who are-!"

>my hud displayed the message " 'Protoman' has disconnected from the network".

>And like that, they were gone, vanished into the digital miasma. I figured they were some weirdo decker that jumped to random networks picking fights for fun. Whoever they were they actually knew my name. How did they track me down?

>I'd worry about it later. I still needed to disable the alarm system.


>I felt the nip of night after tumbling back into meatspace.

>Jizzy was waiting for me with a concerned look "You were taking a long time. I was starting to get worried. Are you alright?"

>"I'm fine. Was there anyone else who came down the alley?" I was thinking of that Protoman.

>Jizzy shook her head "No one. A cop asked about you and I told him you were working on the terminal for some tech company."

>"He believed you?"

>"I don't know. He kept moving either way."

>"Oh well, just stay outside. I'll take care of Tisel."

>"Wait, what are you going to do?"

>I ran my fingers through my hair "I'm going to take care of business."


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22ce92 No.358351

File: 7bc4ddcf372aeed⋯.jpg (24.85 KB,500x328,125:82,cyberhill.jpg)


>The neon sign with the store's namesake as well as the one advising that shoplifters would be shot was still in place.

>I entered wearing Neet's scarf pulled up around my face, her beanie pulled down around my head and only my left eye clearly visible courtesy of my eyepatch on the right.

>I approached the counter.

>Tisel looked frustrated as he fiddled with a laptop

>"I'm closing soon so don't spend all day chummer. My fucking alarm stopped working. Gonna have to call the company to reset it I think…"

>I smirked beneath the scarf "That's alright I shouldn't be taking long. I just came here to ask some questions."

>"Well maybe I'll answer em'." He shut his laptop and tried to pick me apart with his eyes.

>"Can you tell me where Murphy's stolen property is?"

>Tisel's face was all at once a mixture of confusion, anger and fear. >Apparently, he got caught off guard by my bluntness.

>He drew his revolver and pointed it at me without hesitation, his chromed arm whirring and clicking as he took aim.

>"Hey asshole, get the fuck out of my store before you say any more stupid shit you'll regret. How 'bout that?!"

>I pulled Neet's scarf down to reveal more of my face.

>Is there something you want to tell me Tisel?

>"Y-you!?! You're supposed to be dead!" He pointed the gun right at my head.


>nothing happened.

>"The hell!?!" He then spun the gun around so the barrel was facing himself and I took it from him.

>He then proceeded to punch himself in the face.

>He then grabbed his own hair and slammed his face through the glass counter.

>"fuah! Unghah!" he collapsed onto the floor knocking over the register. His face was a bloody mess with glass shards protruding from it.

>I stood over him "Gotta be careful with the software for those cyberlimbs Tisel. 'Specially with those wireless updates. Now start talking.

>He spit up blood "Fuck you."

>With his cyber arm under my control I had it put the squeeze on his nuts.

>"FUCK! Fuck you asshole! alright! alright! fuck! Jesus!"

>I waited and kept his arm's vice grip on his nuts.

>"Murphy's box is in the storeroom b-b-behind the counter!"

>I continued the questioning "Murphy said you had some information that'd interest me. Spill it."

>"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."

>I held his wetware arm down and pressed one of the glass shards into his cheek "You said I should be dead. Talk."

>"Uuuuuaagh! Fuck alright! The vocaloid…the serial number on it…some corp motherfucker was looking for it. P-p-paid me for your details…that's all I know! I swear!"

>That still didn't answer my question. "Why did you think I'd be dead?"

>he hesitated, wincing at his pain.

>I had his cyber arm twist his nuts tight

>"AGH! I know the guys…"


>"The ones sent to geek you…they…Omar…they're Omar's boys." He was gasping in pain

>"Who's Omar?!"

>"Kingpin! Crimelord! H-he runs…runs the south bay stack houses and all of drugs traffic in North city."

>I mulled over what I'd learned.

>Yet, I had one more question for him.

>"How much?"

>"wuah?" Tisel looked confused.

>"How much brouzouf to sell me out?"


>"f-five grand…but I didn't know they'd…I didn't think…Please, just let me go okay? Please…I'm sorry." He'd pissed himself now.

>I stared at Tisel coldly letting him know how truly fucked he was.

>"I swear! I didn't know they'd try to geek you."

>I knew what I had to do. "Sorry Tisel…"

[] I could do it. Part of me might even feel some vindication. But it's not who am. I'm not a killer. I'll have Tisel choke himself to sleep. After that, I'll forward his private data to the police. In the unlikely event there's no wrongdoing in there at the very least he was part of a criminal conspiracy to conceal a murder and I recorded as much with my smart lens. He'll go to prison and that'll be the end of it.

[] I can't let him get away with what he's done. To me. To Neet. I'm operating outside the law. I'll kill him. He's too dangerous to let live. If there's even a chance he doesn't face JUSTICE I couldn't live with myself. Have him break his own neck. If it were just me I could maybe forgive him but after what happened to Neet…it just won't stop hurting…

[] Nothing short of absolute agony is too good for this fool. Rather than talk it out he pointed a gun at me and would have pulled the trigger if I wasn't pulling his strings. I have such a lust for revenge. I'll see that he suffers to his last. Have him crush his own face. He can suffer like Neet did. Let him stew in his own juices until he expires.

muh moral choices

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10d3de No.358364


>gag option

Made us gag alright.

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10d3de No.358365


Option one. Let's not cross that line.

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4994e7 No.358398


[X] I could do it. Part of me might even feel some vindication. But it's not who am. I'm not a killer. I'll have Tisel choke himself to sleep. After that, I'll forward his private data to the police. In the unlikely event there's no wrongdoing in there at the very least he was part of a criminal conspiracy to conceal a murder and I recorded as much with my smart lens. He'll go to prison and that'll be the end of it.

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c7db81 No.358405

We should kill him, if they think we're dead we should keep it that way. On the way out we should look and see if there's any more bullets for our gun around, and mabe lift a few other valuables to sell back at the smoke shop, this will also make it look like a robbery to throw em off our path.

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f75e3c No.358432


They don't think we're dead, the OCP guy saw us and it was reported as a break in, not a homicide. We should clear his place of valuables and our fingerprints then turn him over.

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c7db81 No.358436


Well in that case I guess I'll go along with #1

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22ce92 No.358535

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>picking the rooty tooty bang bang shooty option.

>not kicking the door down and go in guns blazing.

>Taking the moral good boi route after getting Tisel to submit.

Varied playthrough. I like it.

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b9bbeb No.358536


The gun is for chromed out bounty hunters, not unarmed pawn shop owners.

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22ce92 No.358560

File: c85f6c3165e98eb⋯.jpg (73.79 KB,620x633,620:633,poorly augmented.jpg)


I get that but with the the gun departure I thought we'd do more hotline miami flavored killing. That being said, I enjoy more open ended gameplay story choices that let you solve problems via dialouge, violence, stealth or some mixture of the three of your choosing depending on the situation.

I was worried people might want to go the full I'm already a demon kind of route with anon. I mean, he did torture Tisel afterall. I imagine most reading are savvy to this genre and it's tropes and are aware of what kind of story they're in wanting to play it safe. Something along the lines of discretion is the better part of valor or something like.

I would play some more deus ex mankind divided but my PC struggles to load stages and play them at a comfortable framerate consistantly. I may need to augment it soon.

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22ce92 No.358636

File: 24301d6f297ef92⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.89 KB,580x467,580:467,baby gun (1).jpg)

File: 622faa950b1f460⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.27 KB,580x486,290:243,baby gun (2).jpg)

File: ecc5ce4477cea61⋯.png (Spoiler Image,255.2 KB,579x444,193:148,baby gun.png)

File: dae1a66549a5416⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Tisel's peice.jpg)

>I'd flipped the luminescent "open" sign off. The chrome bone was closed for tonight.

>I raided the upturned register and pocketed 2100 brouzouf.

>I'd shore the remaining 5000 he'd been paid for selling me out by picking through his shop.

>I didn't want to be seen hauling a big bag of loot from the place as that might appear somewhat suspect so I tried to pick out things that would fit comfortably inside my coat pockets.

>While he sold guns the place didn't sell ammunition in bulk.

>Reaching through the hole Tisel's face made in the glass counter I nabbed some small arms.

>The first thing to catch my eye- A chrome finish desert eagle. Recognized it from some classic movies. I racked the slide and felt the weight of it in my hands. I didn't have any ammo for the thing but a piece like this could fetch a nice bit of brouzouf. It's obtusely large frame poked at me from inside my coat.

>While Looking for something recognizable (and by extension valuable) I was careful not to touch anything in a way that would leave prints.

>I ended up grabbing three other small sized pocket pistols of varying calibers figuring Murphy could give me a some brouzouf for a few. I put them into my backpack since they were empty.

>I felt a dumb eyeing the price tags and the part of me that always rationalized piracy had no way of forgiving this. I'd never stolen anything in meatspace before. I was straight up robbing the store.

>I opened up the revolver I'd had Tisel hand me.

>Six rounds, as to be expected.

>.45 caliber. It was an ugly little snub nose Smith and Wesson with a gunmetal black finish.

>I spun the cylinder and snapped it back in place "My little nigger."

>I twirled it around and slipped it into my inner coat pocket.

>Before I could search further the door at the front creaked open slowly. I gripped little nigger.

>It was Jizzy. She covered her mouth upon viewing the scene.

>"What did you do?!"

>Tisel was passed out with shards of glass embedded in his face. It was a properly gruesome scene without the right context.

>"He attacked me. I had to defend myself. He'll be alright. Don't touch him though, you don't want your prints on anything you don't want police to find."

>"He'll be okay?"

>"He should be. I thought I told you to wait outside?"

>"After the yelling stopped I didn't hear anything sound so…" She changed her tune "Did you find out anything about the kidnappings?"

>"Not sure if it will help your investigation but Tisel has ties to a criminal organization at the very least. I'll send you the information I gleaned from his computer. The police will be getting the same information. I'll let them handle him."

>Jizzy nodded "Did you find out about your girlfriend?"

>I grunted "Not as much as I'd like but I at least have a trail to follow."

>I got my hands on Murphy's stolen property, my smartphone identified the frequency it was belching out.

>It was fairly small as far as containers go, no bigger than a lunch box.

>It was time to get moving. I turned to Jizzy "Thanks again for your help. You have my number. If you ever need a favor feel free to call it in. I owe you one."

>"What are you going to do now?"

>"Can't say for sure but it's probably going to be dangerous." I pulled Neet's scarf up around my face.



>"S-stay safe alright?" Jizzy smiled at me. It was longing if somewhat worried smile.

>I nodded and left the store.


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22ce92 No.358639


>The night and crept up on me and I was beginning to feel fatigued.

>I tried sneaking around but I relaxed my posture after a homeless man spooked me.

>With a raspy and nearly toothless grin he jeered "Careful! They gon' getcha!" He cackled, coughed and then cackled some more as he huddled around a burning barrel.

>After that I casually strolled through the alleys but kept my wits about me.

>My feet were dying by the time I reached Murphy's shop.

>Murphy greeted me as he did before.

>"Ahh, if it isn't Mr. Omus. You're back sooner than I thought you'd be. Punctuality is a good trait to have in this world I assure you."

>I placed his property on the counter.

>"Good work…" He shifted it beneath the counter.

>I followed that up with my backpack and offloaded the hot pieces "I found these along the way."

> With a skeptical eye he shook his head "Don't tell me you're trying to hock some illicit merchandise in my store? I'm afraid I can't pay you for these. I'll be happy to dispose of them for you of course." he smiled knowing what I meant by found.

>Worth a try. I'd rather get rid of them anyway. I held onto the Deagle as well as the snub nose for now.

>"I'd appreciate that. Now about my compensation for the job."

>"Ahhh, yes, of course. One moment."

>He handed me 1.5k brouzouf from his register.

>Not too bad for a few hours worth of hitting the pavement, diving into the matrix, torturing a man and delivering a package.

>I wasn't a synth though. I felt depleted and I told Murphy as much.

>"Know somewhere I can crash?"

>Murphy stared off into the corner and pursed his lips as if he was searching for something there but his eyes seemed to drift somewhat and twitch "Mmmn… go to Tastey Bitz and ask for Darkness. She'll find someplace nice and comfy to tuck you away. You might even have a little fun."


>Murphy nodded "She's a Lady like no other. She takes care of fine of gentlemen like yourself at her little bordello.

>I gave him an exasperated look as if to say "You can't be serious."

>"You don't like girls? With your rugged features, I didn't take you for a fairy."

>I wanted to interrupt him but he kept rolling forward with his train of thought "If you're not interested in the flophouse option I suppose you could always jack yourself up on stims and forego sleep altogether. See that you use them in moderation as they will kill you my friend, I assure you.

>"You can't think of any other place?

>He answered my question with a question "What about your apartment?"

>"I don't think it's safe…"

>Murphy nodded "Well, you better get moving to Tastey Bitz my friend. If the circles under your eyes are any indication time is against you. Certainly wouldn't want you passing out on the sidewalk."

>I nodded "Thanks, Murphy."

>Murphy smiled with the same menacing Grin he gave me before sending me after Tisel "I'll see if I can find some more work that involves you risking your life. Don't do anything stupid that might result in you getting yourself killed before I get a chance to hire you again."

>I managed a weak laugh "I'll try."


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22ce92 No.358640

File: ec670dcdcfc23d3⋯.png (9.02 MB,3264x2448,4:3,Darkness.png)


>By the time I made it to Tastey Bitz I was ready to curl up behind a dumpster. I'd prefer to have some sort of shelter of course.

>I went to the bartender and asked for Darkness.

>He motioned with his eyes to a booth tucked away in a corner.

>"Thanks" The bartender nodded at me and I approached her table.

>Drawing closer I could see she definitely was like no other.

>Dark hair and a dark dress accented by a feathery white fluff that wrapped around her the lip of dress.

>She had big wraparound shades that reflected the ambient glow Tastey Bitz exuded and a bosom that could not be ignored.

>"You'll ruin your eyes wearing those at this hour."

>She looked up at me. "Can I help you?" she had an annoyed tone. She sounded all business. I acquiesced.

>"Are you Darkness?"

>She pulled her shades down revealing her eyes. Solid black, save the red glowing iris. "Are you wanting to die this evening?"

>I returned the simple question with a simple answer but some of my nervousness slipped out "No?"

>She pushed her shades back up before giving me a short command "Sit."

>I joined her booth and she sipped a dark liquid from a tall glass.

>"Not many people know me by that name. Those that do know not to call me by it." she gripped my hand and gave it a firm squeeze. It grew tighter and I got the message she was sending.

>"Murphy sent me."

>"That so?" she proceeded to twist my wrist at a compromising angle.

>She wanted submission but I felt if I submitted further I'd just get more of the same. I'd need to work my charm.

>"Normally, I'd have to tell a girl my name before she'd hold my hand."

>the grip only tightened. My knuckled popped. One last chance.

>I put my hand on top of hers and stroked it gently with my fingertip. Through a wince, I managed "How 'bout I buy you a drink?"

>I managed to coax a smile out of her and she released my now throbbing hand.

>"If Murphy trusts you then you can't be too bad. You may call me Morrigan. Call me Darkness again and I'll make sure its the last mistake you make."


>We shared a few drinks as well as some stories until the last call drew closer.

>She was a synth from another age. Not as old as Neet but older than me by a few years at least. She didn't go into detail but underneath her soft exterior she had some high-end cybernetics. She was tooled for CQC but you'd never know just by looking at her.

>She's the madam for a Brothel like Murphy said. She prefers the term "intimate housing" though.

>I told her my story. I told her about Neet and how she helped teach me what it meant to love again. I told her how my life had been completely destroyed over the course of a day. I just got out of the hospital this afternoon.

>I talked about how I had a bounty on my head. She folded her hands together listening to my exploits in the matrix as well as meatspace.

>The drinks dulled my senses as I piled them on.

>For better and worse Morrigan could detect as much. She was holding my hand again, but unlike before she wasn't crushing it. Like Neet, she could monitor my various vital signs. She could probably tell me what level of inebriation I was at.

>"Are you ready to go Sweetie?"

>"Go where?" My mind was slipping. A mixture of being brain burnt, sleep deprived and half drunk left me searching for a coherent thought.

>"They're closing soon. Doesn't matter where you go but you can't stay here."

>I rolled my neck around and pressed my free hand into my working eye trying to stave off the dizziness the boozes had imbued me with.

>"Are you going to be alright?" She leaned forward and leered at me with those dark eyes of hers. I nearly got lost in their red glow.

>"I don't think so Da.." I almost called her Darkness again. I caught myself, if just barely.


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22ce92 No.358641

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


[] "…could you take me with you?" the booze is taking effect. She could kill me without even trying but I think I've charmed her enough to avert that fate for now…assuming I don't call her darkness again. Right now I need some rest. If she's willing to let me stay at her place I don't think I can refuse at this point.

[]"…help me get my hands on some stims…" I can't go to sleep yet. I don't trust her. Not enough to pass out around her. Still, if she goes her own way I'll be passing out by myself regardless. I need to do some uppers to cancel out the booze. I've done Stims before. They'll do the trick. I just need to make sure I don't end up like DosBoss. That stuff will kill you if you let it get out of hand.

[] "…could you take me to a friend's house?" Noel might have me. He's hardly capable of protecting himself let alone someone else but at least I can trust him. Is he even awake at this hour though? I guess I could sleep on his stoop but that's only slightly less shitty than the street.

[]"…er…Darkness, how'd you get a name like that?" It's been bugging me for a while now. I simply must know. Is it the dark clothing? The black eyes? The hair? Maybe your demeanor? Some mixture of all of those? It's so edgy. Almost like it was written by some shitty author that has no creativity and just wanted a character that sounded cool. Maybe they're a fan of a particular 2-D fighting game and slipped in some obscure reference? On second thought, nah, that's way too high brow.

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f0a037 No.358791

What the hell, let's try option 1, Adventure!

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ec324a No.358862


Option one, but I'm surprised the deadzone PnP mentioned hasn't come up as an option. It'd probably make more sense to make our way there.

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3ee303 No.358930


Anon is low on juice. He probably couldn't even find the deaddrop at this time of night. If he did he'd have to follow whatever instructions are inside.

If he were jacked up on some stims he could maybe fare better with the deaddrop search.

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b9bbeb No.358952


Option one, but first thing in the morning we should go to the dead drop.

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0d72f0 No.359203

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Next part of the story should drop a little bit later but before it does there's something my fellow sleuths should consider. This drifts somewhat into spoiler territory but you maybe should have been able to guess this might have been a thing for a while. Anyways enough cryptic shit, watch out for spoilers below.

When Anon got his neural jack yanked in his apartment he may have lost more than the vision in his right eye. Furthermore, he might not even know what he lost even if he was looking for it which will be twice as hard as normal since he only has one eye. If the implications of the implication I'm implicating give you some idea of what might come next then good job sleuth. If I'm still being too vague don't worry about it and just keep reading. Maybe he should have stayed a bit longer in the hospital after all?

One other thing as well. Remember that when you're reading green text that it's coming from Anon's perspective. Unless I made a typo and didn't greentext something by accident. No sense worrying about it now (naturally, all of the story from Anon's perspective would be in green text format. He is Anon after all).

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0d72f0 No.359213

File: 7dbf93180bcd001⋯.gif (1.01 MB,350x233,350:233,Group_971fad_887072.gif)




>"…could you take me with you?"

>Morrigan paused and then crossed her arms.

>"Sorry sweetie, you need to find someone else to go home with."

>Well it was worth a try. I nodded at her answer and attempted to get up. I needed to find someone else to take care of me.

>As soon I got to my feet the whole bar seemed to shift below me and it felt like the floor had become slick as ice. I grabbed onto the table to regain some balance

> Morrigan chided me "Don't tell me you're drunk already."

>I waved away the notion but without realizing it, I'd stayed toe to toe with her while drinking and she drank a lot more than I typically did.

>I attempted to step away from the table but felt myself doubling over.

>Tisel's revolver fell out of a loose coat pocket from the awkward angle I was at and smacked on the floor, bouncing under the table.

>Morrigan commented nervously "You dropped something there."

>I felt the bar twisting and turning around me. "I…I got…I got it."

>Slowly I bent over to retrieve the revolver from the floor.

>The Desert Eagle slipped out of an equally loose pocket and crushed my left foot.

>"Agh!" I lifted my foot involuntarily to the pain which was a bad idea because I needed both to maintain balance. The table seemed to jump up and hit me in the face but in reality, I'd simply fallen face first into it.

>All at once I was staring up at the ceiling with a sharp pain in my head. The overhanging lights that bathed the bar in a technicolor wonder mixed together into an entrancing display.

>The last thought on my mind before I blacked out was "I need to get some more holsters…"


There he laid on the floor. Morrigan couldn't believe her synthetic eyes. She lifted her shades up to make sure she wasn't mistaken. It happened so quickly she didn't notice her drink had toppled over from the impact on the table. The fairly flammable wild turkey cascaded onto her evening dress. Beautiful she thought sarcastically. She got out from underneath the alcoholic flow and batted at her dress.

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0d72f0 No.359214

File: 003600c4f6f62d4⋯.jpg (124.06 KB,1920x1080,16:9,darkness ride.jpg)


She exited her side of the booth to check on the idiot. Noticing his various firearms on the floor she took care to tuck them back into his stylish if somewhat overplayed trenchcoat. Placing a finger on his carotid artery she checked to see if he'd went and cashed himself out. Luckily for him, he was still kicking. Unfortunately for her, the commotion drew the attention of some rather unsavory characters.

A group of three; They approached casually but they looked ready to rumble if provoked. A question- Were they the usual crowd or had they come for some ulterior purpose? They were fresh faces for Morrigain in either case. Fresh, perhaps a misplaced term, these guys were mercs if their outfits were any indication.

The alpha goon had a fat face and a body to match. The lesser goon to his right was a scrawny punk and was wearing a coat two sizes too big for his small frame. The lesser goon to his left had a shit eating grin and shitty teeth to match. The lead goon spoke warmly.

"Looks like our friend had a little too much to drink, don't worry we'll take him off your hands for ya'. He's a real lightweight!" The trio laughed.

A kind gesture if there was one but he seemed too eager. She rose, adjusting her shades "He's your friend?"

The lead goon laughed heartily "Yea! That's him on the floor. Sometimes he hits the sauce a little hard. Don't worry we'll take care of him." The two lesser goons went to grab Anon by the feet.

"What's his name?" The alpha goon paused before nudging one of his underlings with a knee. The twig-like underlying dropped the leg he had and pulled up a smart display on his wrist. It showed a picture of Anon on a popular bounty head website. The twiggy goon started to mumble something but the alpha goon took the lead "CYCLOPS! Yea! Ol' cyclops here! We call him that because of the eyepatch. Called him that for years! I was there when he lost his eye!" He laughed even louder than before.

Morrigan flipped her hair with a whip of her neck "Interesting…he told me he just started wearing it this afternoon." The goons' expression changed in unison to one of utter shock.

Morrigan spoke matter-of-factly "I think I'll take cyclops with me." The once jovial tone of the alpha goon changed to one of a more direr inflection before he drew a gun on her. "We're taking him, so mind your own business or you might get hurt."

Morrigan breathed through teeth and spoke through them as well. "Is that really how you wanna play this?"

The goon cocked his gun "I don't want any trouble, now get the fuck out my face."

It was gonna be one of those nights. In an instant, aided by some of the hottest CQC augments on the market Morrigan twisted alpha goon's wrist and directed the barrel of the gun at his face. POP. At this close range, a red mist backsplash coated her face.

Time slowed down. She saw one of the lesser goons going for a gun. "You bit-" Before the alpha had even started to slump downward she directed the pistol again to the aggressing goon. POP POP. Two more spurts of blood smacked at her.

The third goon had drawn a knife and it was already in flight towards her. She deflected it with a chop and grabbed his wrist. With a forceful twist, the wrist snapped like a twig and she further snapped his arm around to punch him in the stomach. A blade built into her forearm extended and skewered the punk in an instant. She pulled downward and gutted him spilling blood and god knows what else all onto the floor. She flipped him onto a table and off her now blood-drenched self. This all transpired in a matter of seconds.

All three of the Mercs lay dead crumpled against booth chairs and tables. Her arm blade retracted into her forearm as she bent over and picked her shades off the floor since they'd fallen off during her quick jerky motions. All of the eyes of the bar were upon her. She spoke simply while pulling her shades down for a menacing glare. "Overdue bar tab." Half of Tastey Bitz rushed to the counter shoving brouzouf in the bartender's face. Meanwhile, Morrigan hoisted Anon over her shoulder and made her way outside to an expensive sports car.

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0d72f0 No.359217

File: e37a05954167627⋯.jpg (603.99 KB,1920x1080,16:9,fancy skyline.jpg)


Anon wasn't fully cognizant. Still, in a daze, he asked some questions that Morrigan wouldn't bother answering such as "What time is it?" and "Why am I covered in blood?". She told him to hush and slipped him into her passenger seat. She went around to the driver side and groaned at the realization that both of them were going to matt her seats in blood. Too late now.

As she went to open her door she admired her classic yet sophisticated machine. A Dodge Viper SRT-10, 600 horsepower out of the factory but she'd modified the turbocharger to squeeze out an extra 30HP on straightaways. The 8.4-liter V-10 engine was a masterwork of engineering and the rear wheel drive gripped the road like a beast with high-end street racing tires- zero to sixty in less than 5 seconds. Clarkson would be proud.

"I just had this thing detailed so don't vomit in here or I'll cash you out myself, got it?"

Anon groaned in response before slumping over in his seat. He seemed like he was a good guy if there ever was such a thing in this world. At least he acted like one for the most part. She'd find out more on her own time. One can hardly discern another's character over one night of drinks. The Viper snarled to life and then set off.

They were headed towards North City. It was properly night now. Morrigan glanced out the window at the skyline which was lit spectacularly. When you have Brouzouf to burn you burn it in North City. It's a place that will satisfy your every desire. She lowered her gaze to Anon. His head bobbled around like an innocent drunken baby. He had a bump on his forehead where he faceplanted the table but other than that he shouldn't suffer more than a hangover.

Bright lights accosted her from the rearview mirror. They were being followed. Morrigan put her foot down. The Viper growled in response and they jumped forward with the increased torque. She reached across the center console and smacked Anon's face softly. "Hey! Wake up, we got company." Anon stirred awake but he was hardly useful.

They'd have to slow down once they got inside the city and then it'd be game over. She took the exit off the expressway to cut around traffic but she'd be traveling down the gutter row. It consisted of several abandoned city blocks and all manner of miscreant and homeless. There was no posted speed limit there but also no road work was ever done. It was a good place to go if you wanted to die or if you wanted to kill someone.

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0d72f0 No.359218

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


cue some classic 80's chase music

Her pursuers apparently got the memo and muzzle flashes appeared in her rear view from a van. The report sounded on her back window with shattering glass and echoes of gunfire.

"Goddamn! Get down!" Morrigan got low and shoved Anon down as well. She reached into his coat for a gun since she didn't carry one herself. The Desert Eagle would suffice.

"Take the wheel!"

Anon groaned and lurched over to grab the wheel. He was mumbling something about ammo but she didn't have time to listen. After unbuckling her seatbelt she leaned out the window and…Click, click, click nothing. The fucking thing was empty.


The viper squealed around a corner knocking over trash cans and perhaps running down some homeless people but they were going too fast to even know. Anon clearly was in no state to drive and Morrigan took the wheel back as bullets continued to pepper her Viper. They zoomed past burnt out buildings and drug dens with the assailing van in tow.

"STOP SHOOTING MY CAR!" YAMERO.jpg She reached into his coat again for another gun. This time it was the snub nose. "Take the wheel and DON'T crash us!"

A bullet splinted her driver side mirror as she went to lean out the window "Fucking drek!" Morrigan emptied the .45 into their pursers to little effect. The Viper squealed around another corner knocking over a shopping cart filled with garbage and jumping the curb since the turn was a little too wide.

"Anon! I need you to rel-" He was vomiting into her lap.


"Sick!" Morrigan shoved the shitfaced anon aside exposing a yet unseen weapon in his chest rig. She attempted to reach for it but a pothole-ridden stretch of the road kept her from seizing the thing as they were both bouncing around inside the car. More bullets peppered the car, many whistling and cutting the air between them. Finally, she managed to pull yet another gun from his coat, how many did he fucking need anyway?

Since the back window was already shot out she aimed through there. She pulled the trigger and…

The magnificent flash from the hand cannon illuminated the entire car. A deafening BOOM reverberated from the muzzle. Every window within the viper bullet-pocked or not shattered in an instant. The round connected with their pursuers' van and it was if the van itself cried out in pain. The front grill caved in and the engine block dropped out and smacked the pavement with a thud. The van coughed along the street and veered sideways, dragging the engine block as it went "guh-guh-guh-guh-guh-guh" before the rear wheels caught the engine block and the entire thing flipped over dramatically and burst into flames. Chekhov's detective special

Morrigan was taken aback "This fucking gun…" The barrel was smoking like mad after just one shot and it cooked the air around it with hiss. She tucked the gun away into the center console for now since it was too hot to put back in Anon's coat.

The bullet-riddled Viper sped off into the night leaving the carnage behind. Junk pickers immediately descended upon the burning van and starting looting it unfazed by the flames.

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0d72f0 No.359220

File: 897e9ac1a76e689⋯.jpg (18.41 KB,355x349,355:349,Tummy tucker.jpg)



They'd made it to her bordello. Morrigan nearly cried after getting a look at the outside of her car. How would she explain this to the insurance?

She breathed through her teeth and growled as she approached the passenger side of the Viper. As she crossed she got a look at the extensive damage to the front end from all the shit they hit driving through the gutter row.

She opened the passenger side door to anon and he nearly spilled out of the car. She caught him and held him up. He was panting and looked about ready die.

"Surry ah…about jer dress…."

She was all kinds of angry at him but he was too drunk for anything she had to say to make it through to his head.

"It's okay, it was already ruined from before anyway."

That's when she noticed he was bleeding. Not from the earlier bump on the table but from his temple. He'd been shot. He was definitely more pasty-faced than she remembered. She ran her fingers through his scalp and pulled her them away to examine the blood.

"We gotta get you inside. Come on, on your feet idiot."

Scantily clad girls inside the bordello covered their mouths at the mess Morrigan dragged in. She immediately began barking orders to her workers "Misty, I need peroxide and the tummy tucker! Dee, get the darkroom ready!"

Another girl got under Anon's other arm to help Morrigan carry him in "Is he going to be okay?"

"We'll see…"

Anon's head was drooping and Morrigan dug her fingers into his shoulder "If you die on me before you clean up the mess you've made I promise I'm going to tear you a new asshole."

Anon groaned and gave shakey handed thumbs up.


Morrigan's bosom was pressed up against Anon's neck "Stop squirming!"

Anon moaned "It's too tight…"

"Just stay still, it's almost over. You're going to make a mess if you keep moving."

"I can't take much more of this…"

"Don't be such a baby. We're almost done…"

Anon was at his limit. Morrigan covered his mouth to keep him from making any more embarrassing noises.


Morrigan put the final staple in Anon's head with a "ka-chik". It'd leave an ugly scar but his hair should cover it up for the most part.

"Now close your eyes. We gotta disinfect you." The peroxide turned his already blonde hair streaks of near platinum white.

"There we go. You won't die…for now."

They were situated over a sink which had a number of bloody matted hair clumps in the drain. Half an inches more and his grey matter would be coating her dashboard. He got real lucky, the bullet just grazed his temple.

Morrigan stripped Anon down and ushered him into the shower to wash off the mixture of sweat, blood, vomit, gun smoke and whatever mess he'd made in his pants. She was naked herself since she needed to freshen up as well but Anon seemed oblivious to the whole ordeal as drunk as he was. Occasionally, she found herself propping him up against the shower stall to keep him from slumping over.

Eventually, he was in clean enough state that Morrigan didn't mind having him use her bed. The darkroom wasn't her room specifically but it was a good place to hide someone away if the heat was on. After tossing Anon onto the sheets he passed right out. The darkroom, as the name would imply got very dark when all the lights were turned off. Only Morrigan's crimson eyes could be seen glistening in such pure unfettered darkness.

She crawled on top of the defenseless Anon and ran her fingers down his cheek. He could use a shave. She leaned in close and felt around for his neural jack. Thier soft bodies mixed together on the bed and she drew close to him.


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0d72f0 No.359222


>I was swirling around.

>My mind was a mess but a familiar feeling gripped me.

>A pleasant sensation washed over my body, and I was bathed in warmth and affection.

>A vision comes into focus.

>It's Neet, sporting the 5th gen body she'd picked out.

>We're back at the house she built, in the bed we'd shared.

>Neet straddled me and the connection we shared immediately sent an electric force through me.

>It was totally visceral. Too real to believe.

>I squeezed her soft legs, her tender stomach, and her supple breasts as if to test the very nature of our interaction to make sure it wans't was some fever dream or fantasy I'd concocted for myself.

>She leaned forward and slid onto me, putting her hands on my head and running her fingers through my hair.

>Tightness, wetness, warmth, every sensation was amplified. It was like some part of my mental chemistry was being exploited but I didn't question the exchange. My vision clouded with colors I could feel.

>I managed her name "…Neet?"

>She nodded and leaned forward before starting to rock her hips.

>The word floating wouldn't do the feeling JUSTICE.

>I was being broken in half but instead of pain, the feeling was of absolute pleasure.

>"C…I'm gonna…"

>Neet arched her back and propped herself against my thighs giving them a tight squeze "do it…"

>I melted inside her. Her rocking continued unabated and the orgasm dragged on.

>I groaned and growled at the marathon of fucking.

>I pushed at her stomach, the pleasure was too much for even me to handle. Every nerve ending was screaming out and I felt paralyzed from the sheer ecstasy.

>"Neet, I…"

>Neet leaned forward smothering me with her bosom "Give it to me."

>I felt her fingers penetrate my head.

>I tried to pull her hands away but my body refused to move.

>"I can't…"

>The color seemed to drain from the room.

>"Shhhh…let me in."

>The warmth and affection the room once exuded withdrew and was instead replaced by a feeling of longing, of loss.

>Darkness seemed to creep in from my peripheral and the room warped away into a digital miasma I was all too familiar with.

>"So cold…"

>Neet leaned in to kiss me "I know…"

>Soon even the bed we shared ceased to be and it was just Neet and myself

>A profound sadness gripped me but I couldn't explain why. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. My heart was crying out in pain but I couldn't understand it.

>Neet's hands sunk further into my head and my mind bent inward on itself trying to make sense of things.

>I struggled to put my hand on Neet's cheek. She shared my expression and tears rolled down her face as they did mine. I felt it crawl down my finger.

>"Neet…don't leave me…" Neet herself was beginning to fade into the darkness and a feeling of panic gripped my soul. My heart was ready to tear itself out.

>Neet said nothing but tears continued to steam from her eyes.

>I was alone in the darkness now and Neet was gone.

>My hud displayed a message "connection lost"


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0d72f0 No.359224

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


wew double song posting. cue some intense intermission music…how will this story end? also dem trips

Anon was sleeping soundly albeit a somewhat troubled and melancholy expression on his face. Morrigan sat beside him and contemplated her choices. He wasn't going to remain passed out forever. It was time to get down to business. She ran her finger across his chin and wrapped her hand around his neck. Somehow he was still alive despite all the guns chasing after him last night. His time had come.

[] I was contracted through [redacted] to eliminate Anon and secure his known accomplice PnP. Now that I've acquired the information for the dead drop I no longer need to keep him alive. Somewhere in my heart I know if I kill this poor fucker I'll face some karmic retribution but with all the blood on my hands from various jobs over the years it's hard for me to care at this point. As a courtesy, I'll make sure it's painless. He deserves that much at least. (The story will transition to Morrigan's perspective and her decisions will change the course of events for the rest of the story accordingly)

[] I can't do it. Not after going through his memories. I was hoping I'd find something that'd help me rationalize it but I just can't do it. I'll say that he escaped. I'll continue with my other objective of securing PnP. The thing is, Anon is more dangerous than I originally thought. Once he realizes what I've done I won't hold it against him if he decides to hunt me down. If it comes to that I'll kill him. Until then I'm not going to do it. Not like this. Sorry Anon…

[] Is my honor as a [redacted] worth it? Not only failing to kill anon but helping him on his mission to contact PnP? Maybe he sold himself out to corps and maybe he deserves to die for turning his back on the streets but does Neet deserve to lose the one she loves? Hasn't Anon already died once? Does double jeopardy count in this case? Is there no redemption for those who go cube? I dug into his mind looking for a reason to kill him and I ended up finding a reason to save him. Will he forgive me for betraying his trust? If I choose to side with Anon, all his problems will become mine and mine his. Is that really what I want?

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844563 No.359227


Difficult choice. I don't want to work with her but she's too dangerous to leave alive and out in the world. At the same time I don't want to kill her.

Going to wait for other anons' opinions on this.

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0d72f0 No.359231


So you don't want Anon to die by Morrigan's hand at the very least?

Then you only have two choices left. There's multiple plot threads going and Anon is tangled up in all of them it seems like. Ever heard of the phrase "keep your enemies close"?

Granted we're all biased towards Anon's well being since we've spent so much time with him. We want to see him have a "good end" I imagine. There's no gag option for this one so don't worry about choosing the "obviously wrong" choice. Whatever you choose there will be hardships for all involved.

If everyone were to choose for Morrigan to kill Anon we'd have to go with that. That's how the CYOA thing works.

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844563 No.359236


I mostly want to hear other anons' arguments for either working with or against Morrigan. Definitely don't want her to kill Anon.

I'm leaning towards working with her, but who ever heard of a buddy cop plot with a girl? Gross. She's not even a virgin, or our waifu.

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0d72f0 No.359241


>buddy cop plot with a girl?

>let's have a sausage fest instead

I thought we were suffering from a vagina deficit? I figured the heroes of this board wouldn't want a double dragon style beat em up and would instead opt for additional waifu material in case Neet is ackshually dead or worse.

> She's not even a virgin, or our waifu.

are you mad that she turned Anon into a real violated hero?

Interesting take regardless. Also buddy cop? Are we going to call Joe Nickel and ask him to help us crack the case while carrying stolen/ illigal weapons and having commited a number of other crimes ourselves at this point?

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844563 No.359243


Some people prefer a lot of monster girls in a CYOA, but I've always felt the only one you really need is the waifu. This is partially due to my hatred of harems. If this hadn't been about Anon and Neet from the start and had been something more like Anon's parents being disappeared by some corp so they could tear down the apartment they were living in to build a factory, and Anon had to hunt down the board/expose their murders/escape the corp's bounty hunters then I could see putting girls at every corner to give ample choice of waifu. As it stands I can't see Anon finding out Neet's dead and running straight into the arms of a hooker/bounty hunter who raped his body and mind. And even if she's mindwiped/braindead that's still not a reason to give up on your waifu and wander the desert until you both die of dehydration run to another woman. You take care of your waifu, in sickness and in health.

Also I kind of figured that if PnP wasn't an android girl the organization they're working with would have a few.

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844563 No.359245


And yeah, less buddy cop more buddy bounty hunter. There's gotta be plenty of grizzled ex-cops who've taken JUSTICE into their own hands in this city.

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0d72f0 No.359252

File: 3ca272fdad64ea8⋯.gif (515.7 KB,1024x1024,1:1,thinking.gif)


>who raped his body and mind.

Some guys are into that though joking of course.

>As it stands I can't see Anon finding out Neet's dead and running straight into the arms of a hooker/bounty hunter who raped his body and mind.

Neither do I but can there be any redemption for Morrigan? The theme of redemption is touched on with Anon's past as well. Working for a corp and being a wage slave basically brands you as persona non grata as far as shadowrunner circles go. Even Anon's childhood friend didn't want anything to do with him unless he ponied up the brouzouf. The only reprieve he got was that the ones gunning for him were corps. Still, some would view him as expendable corp bounty or not.

Is Morrigan completely irredeemable? We know she did intend to steal share Anon's memories and then kill him but if she realized the error of her ways and decided to help him after viewing certain memories would that allow her any redemption? Is her past as a hired killer, minder raper, and all around femme fatale too much to redeem? I'm sure some other anons will give us their two cents. That's assuming she does decide to work with him and doesn't kill him or run off to engage PnP with the dead drop info.


I can think of at least one cyborg ninja concept I've been doodling.

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844563 No.359255


She's not irredeemable, she's just not my first choice for a partner.

Hopefully in the morning some more anons will chime in with their opinions, but at this point I'll go ahead and vote for option 3.

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8f8883 No.359305

File: 723f79332c46caf⋯.jpg (252.52 KB,769x687,769:687,1429063153982.jpg)

Voting for 3. A threesome isn't a Harem anyway

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4994e7 No.359316


[X] I can't do it. Not after going through his memories. I was hoping I'd find something that'd help me rationalize it but I just can't do it. I'll say that he escaped. I'll continue with my other objective of securing PnP. The thing is, Anon is more dangerous than I originally thought. Once he realizes what I've done I won't hold it against him if he decides to hunt me down. If it comes to that I'll kill him. Until then I'm not going to do it. Not like this. Sorry Anon…

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4994e7 No.359318


[X] Is my honor as a [redacted] worth it? Not only failing to kill anon but helping him on his mission to contact PnP? Maybe he sold himself out to corps and maybe he deserves to die for turning his back on the streets but does Neet deserve to lose the one she loves? Hasn't Anon already died once? Does double jeopardy count in this case? Is there no redemption for those who go cube? I dug into his mind looking for a reason to kill him and I ended up finding a reason to save him. Will he forgive me for betraying his trust? If I choose to side with Anon, all his problems will become mine and mine his. Is that really what I want?

Copypasted the wrong choice

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a70a48 No.359364

File: dd82bc1794e261e⋯.png (254.01 KB,300x458,150:229,eee8ad95fce289921208e45f52….png)

Option 3, to match the nice lady

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0d72f0 No.359379

4 so far for having her join anon. My only issue is she's a little OP. Not that having a strong independent womyn synth lady in the story is a bad thing. She outshines Neet in meatspace both in terms of limbs as well as physicality. She is of course a murder machine (good title for a dark synthwave song) so she'll need a good arc along the lines people die when they are killed or some shit. There will be a bit of a caveat with the third option which we'll find out more about that later this weekend maybe.

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a70a48 No.359383

File: b45fafd4bc6c39a⋯.jpg (118.93 KB,594x396,3:2,223-ammo-pile.jpg)


Something tells me we're gonna need more 5.56

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0d72f0 No.359525

File: 76f73daa265e1ea⋯.png (8.37 MB,3264x2448,4:3,the decision.png)


Whelp, here's that caveat. As previously mentioned, looking at her stats Morrigan is pretty OP. We'll have to earn her. Here's how to do it. There was one memory Anon had that really touched her heart. If you guys can identify that memory she'll join. Otherwise, she'll defer to the second option where she leaves Anon behind to hunt down PnP with a more ambiguous animosity.

You'll have three chances for a correct guess. Feel free to discuss your choice with others before making your selection if you're unsure. Once you're secure in your decision simply quote this post and say that you're making a guess. Anon has a lot of memories and picking the right one could be tricky. I'll put some hints down below to help narrow the search. Good luck sleuths

The memory in question occurred before Anon had his neural jack yanked. This should narrow things down fairly well.

It did not occur in the matrix.

It did occur within this thread. This isn't a it was an unmentioned event in our story kind of deal.

It should be pretty obvious given the nature of the board we're posting on.

Also, enjoy my 100% Mangaka quality OC with added India ink for an atmospheric touch. I'm being facetious of course. Pls no bully

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4994e7 No.359578


Was it when we accepted her confession? My first thought was that it was when she took our avatar's helmet and ran off with it, but you just said it wasn't in the matrix.

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b9bbeb No.359594


That would be my guess. Running from the matrix and into meatspace because Anon doesn't know how to feel, then tearfully accepting Neet's love.

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0d72f0 No.359934



She could feel his pulse with her grip. His chest rose an fell in a peaceful rhythm. Warmth radiated from his neck the spark of life she could feel was still with him. She could end it all with twist her wrist. It would be all too easy. He was at his most vulnerable right now, at least he would have been had it not been for the memory. It was still replaying in her head in a most vivid fashion. Viewing it, she realized Anon was dead long before he ever met Neet. Neet was the reason he truly lived.

And yet, she had a job to do. She'd killed her fair share of people who didn't necessarily deserve it, plenty more who did, and even people she cared for on occasion. If it was just another job then why did she have this hesitation? She attempted to tighten her grip and her detailed telemetry displayed the change in his pulse. He winced at the pressure she applied and she recoiled from her own attempt.

Morrigan shook her head in disgust. What was wrong? Just geek this guy, it'll be harder when he wakes up. her mind chided her. Her arm blade extended. She held the edge to his neck Just…really quicky. By the time he realizes what's happening, he'll already be dead. She was struck again by that familiar feeling.

She withdrew her bladed arm and examined her hand. Everything else went out of focus and the memory gnawed at her again. She'd never seen herself as a monster. She was like everyone else in this city; rotten to the core. She wasn't killing people they were just targets. Disposable entities that paid her bills. It wasn't her fault they'd been dealt a bad hand. If they had a bounty big enough they must have pissed someone off to deserve it right?

Her vision became clouded and she wiped a stray tear from her eye. The drop ran down her finger and a fresher memory hit her. From last night when she peeked into his mind and saw the depths of his soul and he reached up to touch her face. Her arm blade retracted and she hid her face in her hands. A question she'd not bothered to ask herself reared its head. A question she'd conveniently pushed out of her mind to preserve her own sanity all these years. Is it even about the money anymore?.

She felt dirty; dirty that she'd took advantage of Anon, dirty that she'd used Neet's appearance and pretended to be her to get Anon to lower his mental defenses, dirty that some part of her enjoyed it. She examined both her hands. She balled them into fists. She was confident that Anon's blood wouldn't stain them.


Anon's head was pounding. Luckily for him, the room didn't have any windows and the only light that accosted him came from a lamp in the corner. Last night was a blur and he had trouble recounting the events in his mind. The dream he had was far more poignant. It was real enough to taste and he could have sworn there was a taste of it in his mouth, then again he'd had a lot to drink last night so that might have been some of the residual spirits within him.

There were a lot of unanswered questions such as "Where am I?", "Why am I naked?" and "Why are there staples in my head?". He left the warm embrace of the sheets and scouted around the room. A familiar pair of dark shades were on the nightstand. Morrigan, last night…. His clothes were piled up in the bathroom. They smelt awful. They were smattered in blood, vomit and perhaps some other bodily fluids. The stench stirred his mind. Pieces of last night crawled into his head but he still didn't have a clear picture.

The door opened. A jovial young woman greeted him "Hello mister…" she hesitated, his name escaped her "Uh, Miss Morrigan should be back shortly. ". Anon tried to hide his unmentionables with a hand towel but it was a pathetic attempt and gave the girl a giggle.

"Do you have an extra pair of clothes around here?"

Through a smile, she commented, "I'll see if I can find you something…"


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0d72f0 No.359937

File: 478bb9bd066ffc4⋯.jpg (38.98 KB,564x370,282:185,crotch rocket.jpg)


Anon now sported some tight multicolored leggings and a dark tank top to boot. The fabric was comfy to move in but it felt as though these weren't men's clothes. If they were they weren't for straight men. He wasn't going to complain since they were clean and free. He was just glad he could wear his coat and vest over the whole ensemble.

"Well, aren't you looking sharp." a familiar voice with a sarcastic tinge caught him by surprise. Morrigan smiled at him from the corner. He hadn't heard her come in the room. She was dressed in a similar fashion she sported the night prior.

"I'd prefer some regular pants but these'll do for now."

"Sleep well?" she had a somewhat concerned look.

"I've slept better."

"We've got a busy day ahead of us."


"You should probably sit down. I need to tell you about last night."

Morrigan felt it better she lay her cards on the table outright. After exploring Anon's mind last night she had a good grip on how he'd react. Still, she wasn't sure exactly how he'd take the news. The conversation began casually enough as she told him how she'd saved him twice. Once at Tastey Bitz and again in the gutter row. She left out the parts about him knocking himself out and vomiting in her lap. Anon thanked her graciously and lamented he didn't have a way to repay her kindness at the moment.

Morrigan gestured for Anon to sit with her on the bed and took hold of his hand. "You'd been shot. I was worried you see. I needed you alive."

"You needed me alive?"

Could she tell him to his face she jacked into his mind to view his memories and then dispose of him after the fact? She wouldn't blame him if he didn't forgive her for the violation of his body and mind. She'd hide the memory theft for now. Unless he needed to know she wouldn't tell him.

"I'd been hired to kill you but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead, I want to help you find Neet."

Anon was taken aback and pulled his hand away slowly "What…uh, gave you a change of heart, on the whole killing me deal?"

Morrigan looked into Anon's eyes with the most sincere look she could muster "Let's just say you helped me remember something I'd forgotten."

"I wish I could remember what I'd helped you remember." Anon spoke nervously.

"If we somehow make it through this alive I'll tell you. So until then try not to get yourself killed." She picked up her shades from the nightstand and put them on before continuing "C'mon, let's go."


Attached to the bordello was a wrap around driveway that snaked into a garage. The garage was impressive in size as well as its contents. There was a number of classic cars and bikes displayed that had Anon wondering just how well Morrigan was with money. If anything she treated herself to various high dollar items at the very least. She kicked her leg over a flamboyantly pink crotch rocket and motioned for Anon to join her. She wore a hot pink helmet to match the ride.

Anon had his reservations "About last night. I have some questions…"

She ignored his query and offered him a bike helmet. The helmet had words embossed on the backside tough cookie "I'm sure you do."

Anon's frustration mounted at her ambiguous attitude.

Crossing his arms he began to cross-examine her. "Who hired you to kill me?"

Morrigan sat silently on her bike for a moment before speaking.

"The same man that sent you to me"


Morrigan nodded "It's nothing personal I'm sure. He's just a go-between for contract work. I don't know who actually wants you dead."

"Nothing personal?! I think sending me into the arms of someone he's contracted to cash me out is pretty fucking personal."

Morrigan dismounted her bike and flipped her helmet's visor up "Listen Anon, I'm sure your feelings are sore and all but we don't have time to pout about who sent who to kill whom. I don't know for sure but I think your friend PnP may be in trouble." She poked his chest to accent her next point "I'm here for you Anon. You call the shots. If you want to go talk to Murphy we can do that. I don't think he'll tell you more than I did though."

A feeling of unease washed over Anon "Why are you helping me? What's in it for you?"

Morrigan shrugged in response "I told you already. You helped me remember something I'd forgotten. In return, I'll help you get your Neet back, whatever that might entail."

A familiar turn of phrase caught Anon's attention but the deja vu left him before he could pin down the thought.

Anon knew what he needed to do "I…"

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0d72f0 No.359938


[] "…want to go see Murphy." Morrigan said it was nothing personal but I'm having trouble believing that. Have her take me back across the bridge down south. I'll confront Murphy and figure out more about who's gunning for me. I can also hit up the south bay stack houses while we're down there.

[] "…want to go check on the dead-drop." Morrigan thinks PnP may be in trouble. I feel the same way. I don't know how well that dead-drop was hidden but I get the feeling everyone connected to me is probably being sought after for one reason or another. If PnP is in danger I have to help them.

[] "…need to find this Omar character and answer some questions." Let's stay in North city and hunt down Omar. I don't have any intel on him but I figure I can count on Morrigan to help me piece through this puzzle. PnP will be safe for now…I hope.

[] "…don't think I can trust you." First, she saves me, then she wants to kill me, now she wants to be my personal bodyguard and transport service? What's this lady's deal? I could use a ride as well as some extra muscle but there's just too many kinds of crazy going on here. I'll call a taxi or something after all that trouble to get her to join why would you even pick this option?

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b9bbeb No.359939


When we get a chance we should send an anonymous tip to the police about an illegal arms dealer whose name starts with M and ends with urphy. We buy his shit, do a job for him, and he sends us off to die? He's lucky we have bigger fish to fry. For now, go find PnP.

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0d72f0 No.359948

File: 5b32bc1130d8ef4⋯.jpg (2.64 MB,1512x1079,1512:1079,big trouble in little chin….jpg)


Nice try chummer but he's got the connections to operate in the shadows with near impunity. There's enough dirty cops looking the other way that he'll have to move something far hotter than a few novelty guns. If you want to delve further into spoiler territory for the path you're not wanting to venture down…

He was a police officer before he officially retired so none of his friends are going to bother him.

If you want him to face JUSTICE for crossing you, you'll have to mete out vengeance by some means other than the police. There's a whole other plot thread to descend down if you confront Murphy.

To be clear. There are all kinds of stories going on in the background of Corps vs Shadow Runners, Shadow Runners vs Mercs, Mercs vs Corps, thugs vs everyone and a few different interests in between. Anon effectively took the red pill by chasing after Neet and has been plunged into a crapsack cyberpunk world that hates him merely for existing. Luckily for him, he's the protagonist. If he wasn't, a shirtstain cube like him probably would have been geeked by now.

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4994e7 No.359965


We've been fucking around on sidequests for long enough, time to go to the dead drop.

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b9bbeb No.359967


Maybe we can swing by later and break his legs when things are less urgent. >>359965 is right we have been dicking around too long. Walking through Murphy's door with Morrigan in tow just to see the look on his face would be entertaining though.

Also do I get bonus points for recognizing that she used the same words we used when accepting Neet's confession or is that just a small nod to us guessing right.

Glad that guess was right too because I nearly posted a whole different guess before my phone died.

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0d72f0 No.359968

File: d70ec6fc46b054f⋯.gif (83.49 KB,256x192,4:3,hold it.gif)


Anon has been busy…


>Also do I get bonus points

Not sure about bonus points but if you recall Anon's reaction it would seem plausible that he could press Morrigan on a detail of last night that she didn't divulge to him. She might have subconsciously remembered the line when recalling her reason for helping Anon and spoke without thinking.

This is one of those unmarked options. I won't hand you the words to put in Anon's mouth but what logic could Anon use to call out Morrigan's particular phrase?

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10d3de No.359972

Dudes are right, we had a to-do list. One: score a piece, two: hit the dead drop. We've finally done the first, and if we'd known the bullshit that would be involved we might have reconsidered. Now we need to go to the second item on the itinerary.

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0d72f0 No.360111

I guess everyone is keen on the whole search for PNP. After this post, I'll just use a flag instead of a tripcode. I get frustrated when I accidentally tripfag when I don't intend to.

Not that I really need either. I don't see anyone trying to hijack my CYOA.

Next part will be a bit meatier. We're closing in on the end of this arc. I can maybe be done before the start of the weekend but I gotta hammer out some details to things.

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b9bbeb No.360206



I suppose if Anon wants to pinpoint on her use of "whatever that might entail" he could point out that she sounds awfully loyal for someone who just decided not to kill him based on her "remembering something she forgot" which is incredibly vague in and of itself. I feel conflicted here, because while I'm glad we got her to not kill us I can't fathom a reason for Anon to just hop on the back of her motorcycle and ride off to what is supposed to be a secret dead drop that she really shouldn't know about unless he told her while he was drunk last night.

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0d72f0 No.361311


Anon grabbed the detective special out of the center console from the bullet-pocked Viper. His other guns danced loosely in his coats' pockets. He'd have to be careful or they might fall out at an inopportune time. The thought triggered another bout of deja vu from the previous night but he didn't have time to dwell on it.

Morrigan sat waiting for him on her bike. "Looks like it might rain soon…"

He hopped on behind her "Do you know where we're going?"

"You told me about the dead drop last night remember?"

He hadn't had time to decrypt the coordinates yet, although more strange than that was her knowledge of the dead drop itself. He pondered, even at his drunkest would he have divulged such information? Before he had time to question her the bike growled to life and they departed.

His arms were locked around Morrigan as they sped off. The bordello was just off the edge of the city next to a riverwalk that snaked all the way to the south bay. He looked off into the distance and caught a glimpse the bridge they'd crossed coming from Tastey Bitz. Behind the bridge, storm clouds darkened the horizon and were creeping towards North city. Hopefully, they were merely ominous in appearance and not some cryptic omen for the day to come.

Once they'd got out of the driveway and onto the side road they'd picked up speed. Once they'd hit the expressway she gunned it and the soft grumbles of the bike became more pronounced and fearsome roars. He felt the engine through the seat and squeezed her tighter fearing he'd fall off if he didn't. Using his smart lenses he went ahead decrypted the dead drop location since he didn't really need to look where he was going at the moment. When they came to a stoplight downtown he grabbed her shoulder.

"Can we stop here? I need to grab something."

She nodded.


Anon was surprised there was a gun shop in this part of the city. Cognizant of the clock ticking he made his selections quickly. First, was some extra ammunition for the .50AE and .45 along with spare magazines and speed loaders respectively. HV-AP wasn't available for civilian purchase but the detective special still had 11 rounds left after Morrigan had used one in the prior night's excursion.

His tactical vest had some molle weaves for attaching various things, in this case, he'd get some holsters. He consulted Morrigan to see if she wanted one of his guns.

"My hands are too delicate for a gun." She wiggled her fingers with a smile that said please and resumed her disinterested browsing.

He was wrapping up the purchases with an overzealously patriotic salesperson that was pushy about NRA membership and a store-centric discount card when a phone call from his work came in. The voice was one of his overseers. Their tone was that of concern but also somewhat standoffish.

"Anon, we didn't hear from you this morning. When we'd checked the news we saw about that break-in, are you alright?."

"I'm okay for the most part."

"Your sick days will cover for today but if you need longer just let us know alright?"

"Gotcha. For the time being, I don't see myself returning to work."

"How long do you think you'll need?"

He didn't want to say he'd quit. He'd at least want to put in a 2 week notice but would it even matter at this point? He wasn't going to go cube again.

"Just use whatever sick days and vacation days you can give me. If you have to let me go I'll check back later."

There was contemplative silence after his request.

"I understand. Take care Anon."

Morrigan stepped into his field of view and lowered her glasses "We done?"

He nodded and they left. The storm clouds had crept ever closer with the light overhead dimming evermore as they sped towards the dead drop. The location was a community park that was later repurposed as an open-air market but said market gradually turned into a den of ill repute. A good place for a dead drop and an even better place to get killed if you weren't careful. We arrived at the perimeter entrance. The signage by the gateway was covered in graffiti and it looked completely unloved by the city. The name ''Grand Circus Park".


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0d72f0 No.361312

File: 1f1337e993a6648⋯.png (Spoiler Image,5.16 MB,3264x1608,136:67,the puppet masters.png)


The exact location wasn't down to the inch but they'd figured they'd be able to find it when they got close. Creepers and assorted leering eyes watched them as they made their way along scummy walkways. A doped up punk that smelled like several kinds of awful offered them a chemical escape. Morrigan shoved him away once he got inside her personal bubble.

"Fuck you, bitch!" He pulled a knife and looked ready to go. Morrigan extended her arm blade with a wa-tisch and it dwarfed the punk's pathetic poker. He didn't want anything she was selling and quickly ran off without another word. She craned her head to Anon and spoke dispassionately.

"Let's not take longer than we need to." The arm blade retracted with the same speed it appeared with familiar wa-tisch-click.

Going deeper into the park they encountered abandoned shops and stalls which had been repurposed by homeless as impromptu shelters. Going further they encountered an open-air theatre. It was a crumbling amphitheater that was being overtaken with aggressive and untamed greenery. They were close to the drop now. Before they could begin the search in earnest steps fell from the darkness. Shadowclad figures from their flanks crept towards them.

Morrigan gripped Anon's arm "Get ready, this might get messy."


Somewhere in a highrise in another part of the city, the encroaching stormclouds shrouded a boardroom in darkness.

A plain-faced middle-aged fellow with broad shoulders wrapped up in an expensive suit began "I think we can all agree the situation is escalating quicker than we could have anticipated."

An older mustached gentleman who'd had several parts of his body replaced with all manner of augmentations sitting across from him nodded "I'm afraid after the fiasco in Taiwan it was unavoidable. Once they find out we've intervened in their elections their diplomats will need to be silenced."

A gaunt-faced woman in a designer dress interrupted. "They can be bought. Besides, we have more pressing matters to deal with locally. Thanks to Thurgood and the dealings with his…" she sneered "…business associates we now have the police sniffing around our feet. You realize it's far easier to neutralize dissidents across an ocean."

A heavyset dark-skinned man whose face was wired with all manner of augments rolled his head around in a suit that barely contained him and chuckled "We practically own the police department. We've been subsidizing them for years. We merely need to bring them to heel. They're beholden to us. We have nothing to fear from them."

The woman cut back at them "It's not just the police I'm worried about."

The plain-faced man spoke up "I'll speak with Thurgood myself. In the meantime, Dorothy will awaken soon and she'll want answers."

The mustached gentleman smiled and twisted his mustache with an amused look "Still tiptoeing around Dorothy are we?"

The woman soured her face "After South America, you'd figure she wouldn't want to wake up."

The plain-faced fellow glared "Mind your tone, Beatrice, Dorothy may be asleep but she has ears all over. Let's not engage in any unsavory discourse in her absence."

She shot back at him "Well Tom, I don't care what Dorothy has heard. If the truth is that painful then perhaps she shouldn't wake up."

The mustached man grinned at the exchange "There's also the matter of section 9's involvement in our Asian theatre of operations. They're no longer part of the JSDF. That means they can operate independently now."

The dark sinned executive clasped his hands together "That also means they don't have the same support structure they used to. They're not a threat to us."

The mustached gentleman stroked his chin "We shall see…"


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0d72f0 No.361315


The amphitheater's inhabitants weren't nearly as malicious as they'd first thought. Beggers and stim chasers with hollow faces and outstretched arms asked for handouts. Anon felt bad for the citizens the city had forgotten but now wasn't the time to start a food line. They made their way past civic rot and hunted for the dead drop.

They peeked under benches and shadowy alcoves only finding used needles and various homeless tucked away in them. Droplets began to sprinkle down. The storm was closing in. A sideways glance saw Morrigan approaching with a disappointed look.

"No luck?"

She shook her head "Maybe someone got to it before us?"

A withered looking synth tugged at her dress and she batted them away with her forearm. The lady then presented a package with the writing on it which read to captain F. The dead drop!

Anon went to reach for it but the woman retracted the offering. Her 3rd generation exterior made it clear she wasn't human but It'd be harder to tell from a distance. Her clothing was patchy and dirty and reflected her environment perfectly. Unlike Neet who stood out like a sore thumb from across the room, she was fairly passable for a human at a glance. The synth lady spoke with a worried tone "Can you please help me?"

Her child had been taken by some dope fiends and she didn't have the muscle to retrieve the kid herself. She figured we meant business by how we looked and would be able to solve her problem for her.

Morrigan glared at Anon "We don't have time for this."

The synth lady clasped her hands together around Anon's still outstretched hand with a look of desperation "Please…he means the world to me."

The fiends are holed up on the other side of this place at a skate park. Things could get messy if we try to go full vigilante there. It'd be easier to take the dead drop from her by force.

[] Help her retrieve the child. Whoever it is, it isn't actually her child though. 3rd gens don't have the parts to create children. She must have adopted some homeless kid. How predictably empathetic. If Neet were here she'd want me to help right?

[] Take the dead drop by force. Between Morrigan and myself she won't stand a chance. Nothing personal lady but we need that dead drop. Might stir up some of the homeless here but they shouldn't be too hard to get through. Life in the big city sweetheart. Maybe she could go to the police? (nonlethal force unless otherwise needed)

[] (Lie?) Tell her we'll get her kid back. We don't have to do it today though. Probably shouldn't mention we're putting this mission on the back burner so to speak. If she wants to hold onto the dead drop we'll tell her we don't want it going missing and it's too hot for anyone but us to handle. Truthfully this sounds like a time-sensitive affair but we're already on the clock as it is.

If the third option fails you can default to one of the prior two. Just mention your preference in your post.

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d59581 No.361337

File: f34750b0c3f0ba4⋯.jpg (473.71 KB,978x978,1:1,1529354968463.jpg)

Let's help the robutt.

>Gotta get them karma points.

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b9bbeb No.361386


Kill druggies

Acquire child

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ccd478 No.361389


1 but ask more about it. If it seems fishy, 3.

Also (((JSDF)))

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0d72f0 No.361398

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


There's definitely a little more to the story that might make you have less sympathy for the synth's predicament but ya know good intentions vs bad outcomes. Also wrong JSDF…


You make it sound so easy…


>muh karma

What do you think this is, shadowrun?

Guess we're edging towards Anon being cyberpunk Jesus. One thing though, he hasn't really seen Morrigan in action yet. Given their individual problem-solving styles there's probably going to be a disagreement on how the dorpher punks are to be handled.

>outside the skate park.

>piss pouring rain on both of them by the time they arrive.

>Morrigan is focused on some dorphers in the open "It's Dark out now, we should be able to geek them without trouble if we use stealth."

>"Hold on! Let's try to solve this with diplomacy. You can't just go around killing people ya know."

>Morrigan turns to Anon with her eyes glowing bright red and she extends her arm blade right next to his face "You'd be surprised what I can do."


That should be a mostly non-cannon entry for the story.

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4994e7 No.361401


Get the kid back. Neet will understand the need to lawful good all over some thugs.

>definitely a little more to the story that might make you have less sympathy for the synth's predicament but ya know good intentions vs bad outcomes

She's into /ss/?

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0d72f0 No.361405

File: 94df17aa912178f⋯.jpg (85.71 KB,1920x1200,8:5,shall we do it.jpg)



please. That's really dirty. This isn't the gutter row ya know.

>you'll never be a homeless shota being taken care of by a homeless yet compassionate synth momma.

why even live?

>lawful good

Given our penchant for buying illegal guns and torturing people I think we'd fit more into the chaotic good side of things.

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b9bbeb No.361498


I find that looking at the greater scope of things will just give you a headache. We're only one man and a guilt ridden robo-hooker. We should correct what inJUSTICEs we can along the way, but getting Neet back is the only thing that matters. So maybe we do jobs for synth supremacists, maybe we do jobs for human supremacists, but only if they bring us closer to saving Neet.

Also I didn't mention it at the time but you pulled torturing the pawn shop guy completely out of your ass. The only suggestion close to that was wanting to blackmail him using records of his illegal dealings. You just somehow interpreted that as "hack his robot arm and make it strangle him." I'm fine with it, he was an asshole, but don't hang torture over out heads like it was our idea.

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0d72f0 No.361506


I didn't mean to. Anon was really pissed at the time though.

I won't say your choices don't matter but I do kind of have certain plot points pre-etched so to speak. Overall I want to tell a good story while at the same time giving the audience some choice in how our character develops and certain arcs we go down. Granted, there's only so much freedom I can give in a CYOA format. At some point I have to dictate some choices for the character myself based on how I've mapped out who he is as well as making the story compelling to follow.

That being said, we're kind of jumping between arcs with the current story. The longer I mull over things the more likely I am to change them if I think of something more interesting or thought provoking.

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a1ce5e No.361912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


is Dorothy Neet?

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0d72f0 No.362101

File: 75255b685d09f6d⋯.png (168.6 KB,348x360,29:30,autism.png)


Good question

Sorry for the longer than normal wait for the next part. I've been fiddling around with other projects but I don't have much to show for my efforts yet.

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768606 No.362669


Great stuff. Would like to read more of this.

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b9bbeb No.362728

File: a3bca7c25a35c2c⋯.mp4 (1 MB,476x268,119:67,baka_baka.mp4)


You got my hopes up cunt

Take your (You), I'm too disappointed to care

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0d72f0 No.362833

File: af490c7fb55eb5b⋯.gif (2.86 MB,1286x574,643:287,pouring rain.gif)

The dorphers took Alvin, the synth's adopted kid, over an unpaid loan of a particular drug. He suffered from an affliction known as street cough. It's a kind of asthma that usually afflicts unsheltered homeless in cities where air pollution is a given. When his adopted mom couldn't fork over the brouzouf they took him. No telling what they'll do if they don't get paid but it won't be good for anyone involved.

It was raining now- a real vicious rain. The sky itself had contempt for the duo daring to walk without an umbrella. Sporadic lighting strikes licked the tips of skyscrapers and sent loud booms echoing through the air. Anon and Morrigan were at the boundaries of the skate park and crept low.

Peeking through an unkempt shrubbery they surveyed the scene. A mixture of tents and ramshackle shacks lined the various half-pipes and skatepark fixtures. Impromptu light fixtures and wayward cords wrapped around like synthetic webbing and gave the structure an almost otherworldly design. It had to have been violating all kinds of building codes. Forget calling the police this place needed a fire marshal.

Anon turned to Morrigan "I didn't think it'd be this elaborate."

She turned to him "Having second thoughts about this?" her red eyes gave a dull glow through the umbra of the shrubbery.

He winced at her tone, whose inflection showed her lack of confidence in his choice to extract the kid from the drug den. "There's no telling how many goons are in there or where the kid is."

She'd already returned her gaze to the skatepark and her eyes glowed brighter. She placed a hand on his temple and his smart lens displayed a permission request for shared vision. Knowing the request's sender he accepted it without question. Instantly wireframe representations of human shapes were indicated all throughout the structure. Vivid depictions of men, their weapons as well as their predicted threat level.

"Smart eyes?!" Anon was caught off guard by the high-end hardware. Usually, you'd only see tech like this from the military or well-paid PMCs.

She returned her gaze to him "Things a little more clear now?"

"You could say so. Those are some nice eyes you have there."

"They better be after what I paid."

There were at least 7 guys she could see with her enhanced vision that was echoed over to his smart lens. No kid in sight.

"Where do you think the kid is?"

Morrigan extended her armblade with a familiar wa-tisch "Let's go to work and find out."

"Hold up! Let try to avoid making a mess if we can help it."

Her armblade retracted "What's your plan, beg for the kid and hope they don't kill you for fun?"

"Can you be my eyes? I'd like to try and keep you out of danger if I can help it."

She sneered "How chivalrous of you."


Anon approached the entrance of the skatepark alone. Sideways glances were shot at him from two dorphers guarding the place. One of them whistled for his attention. He was tatted up in a sleeveless hoodie.

"Ey' you lost man?"

His cohort chimed in, a chromed out synth who looked like he enjoyed making trouble "Gotta be careful 'round here at night. Might end up missing."

They both chuckled.

"I'm here for some thyo-nine. If you don't have that I'd settle some fresh juice." This was lingo he hadn't had to use since he'd gone cube. He hadn't needed stims to help with all night matrix runs when he had a nine to five.

They nodded in at his requests. The tatted' dorpher smiled. "Well, if you got the brouzouf we might have something for you then."

Anon was escorted inside. Sideways glances of his own let him monitor Morrigan's movements outside as well as targets she marked for him. The interior of the place reflected the outside in terms of haphazard and nonsensical design. Structures adhered too and sprung forth from concrete skate ramps and half-pipes. The air inside tasted like a mixture of drugs, cooked on chemical fumes, and uninhibited squalor. He didn't need his eyes to know what kind of place this was.

He was led to a room that was composed of half dingy tarpaulin and half moldy plywood. At the center, there was a table that showcased all manner of uppers, downers, screamers, laughers, neurotropics of every flavor and some things he couldn't even place. A guy could have a swell time with such an assortment of brain-altering substances. he thought.

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0d72f0 No.362834

File: b3733d3e6cc7800⋯.jpg (2.57 MB,3264x2448,4:3,scary.jpg)


couldn't decide on the art which kind look was better for the skeletal dorpher. Them cheekbones though.

"Who are you buying for?" The question came from a dorpher from the other side of the table. He had a skeletal face that was pot marked with scars and indentations suggesting he'd been through some shit.


"You're not a user. I can tell from that pretty face of yours."

"No better time like the present." Anon let his gaze fall to the table to defuse the question. In his peripheral, he monitored Morrigan's movements and progress to reposition herself closer to his current location.

The skeletal faced dorpher continued "Someone like yourself, well, if you were a police officer we'd have to kill you ya know." His demeanor was lighthearted and he smiled with his passive threat.

Anon played it cool "Good thing I'm not a police officer then."

He laughed at Anon's reply revealing his gnarled teeth "Good answer."

Anon changed gears since he had no intention of stocking up on chems during this visit. "While I'm here, I was going to ask if you dabbled in aftermarket wetware."

The skeletal dorpher's expression changed from one of jovial indifference to a look of disgust. He paused before speaking. Assorted dorpher goons began to encircle their exchange. "Why would you think I deal in wetware?"

Anon jumped over his question and spoke confidently to bluff his way through the conversation "My buyer has specific tastes. She likes em' young. Have anything like that available?"

The words were right on the nose but Anon couldn't play it any other way for this situation.

The skeletal dorpher's arm glided above his illicit wares "What you see is what I have. Now, are you going to buy something or do you wanna zog off?"

Anon scratched his head with a smirk. "You don't have a kid named Alvin? I'm pretty sure he'd be here."

The skeletal dorpher drew a pistol from his waist and racked the slide before listing the barrel in Anon's direction. "Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you chummer. You can prance your ass out of here before we geek you. That's us being polite." A number of equally caustic dorphers gathered around closer to intimidate. Anon reached for a vial of snuff, a powdery substance that numbs pain and gives you an accelerated reaction time.

"How about some of this?"

The skeletal dorpher cocked his piece and grinned. "I'll die before I sell you anything."

Anon agreed "You will."

A loud snap cut through the air and the lights went out. All at once the room was shrouded in darkness. Anon hit the deck and unholstered his .45 with deadly intent. He started plugging the closest dorphers to him. Shouts and screams of confusion rang out due to lack of light but everyone was clearly visible for him. Vivid human shapes were highlighted against the blackness courtesy of Morrigan's shared vision. As close as they were gathered around him before they were hard to miss now.

Morrigan had cut through the tarpaulin wall of the room and was making quick work of stragglers caught outside his immediate line of sight. She was highlighted in his vision with a different color to keep a friendly fire incident from occurring. While the nuance of her frenzy was obscured in shadow he could clearly see limbs bending in ways they shouldn't and being sliced off in turn. The word vicious wouldn't do it JUSTICE.

Anon swapped his now empty .45 for the .50AE and leveled it at a malicious silhouette on the other side of the thin plywood wall. The larger caliber punched right through and sent the adversary tumbling to the floor. The recoil was wicked and put the paltry .45 to shame.

His eye darting around, he searched for someone who still posed a threat. A cursory glance showed they'd they'd neutralized the room. He got to his feet feeling a little disappointed he couldn't maneuver his way to the kid with some dialogue but with the dorphers out of action, they could search the place unhindered. After switching the power back on he could properly survey the carnage.

Anon's ears were still ringing. A veritable pile of goons lay on the floor in various states of consciousness as they leaked out bodily fluids. Morrigan had jacked herself into one of them that still had a pulse to extract the location of the kid. A question wormed itself into his mind upon viewing this morbid interaction. It was a suspicion he had to clarify.

"Morrigan, about last night."

"What about it?" She didn't turn to look at him. She focused on the data extraction.

"You needed the location for the dead drop. Did you go in my head to find it?"

She removed data jack from the fallen dorpher before unfolding her shades and putting them on "I found Alvin. Let's get the kid and get out of here."

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0d72f0 No.362835


Anon grabbed her bicep to confront her and felt the high tensile strength nanofiber muscles beneath the surface. "Last night I had a dream that I didn't want to remember… but it's been on my mind all day."

She said nothing, only craning her head slightly.

Anon continued "What I want to know is-"

The interrogation was cut short by a firm squeeze on his wrist from Morrigan. Instantly his grip was sapped and she removed his hand with ease.

"Anon, it sounds like you already know the answer." with a swift twisting motion she pinned him against the drug-laden table sending paraphernalia spilling onto the floor. She looked over her shades into his eyes.

"My question for you Anon, what are you going to do about it?"

The truth was that he trusted her with his life. Whatever happened last night, for better or worse they were partners now. Anon attempted to wriggle free of her grip and with the nonverbal cue, she released him. Her dress was a bloody mess and her forearms were coated in crimson as well. Confident a confrontation over her betrayal from the previous night would not benefit them at this moment he stowed the issue for later. Understanding his own misstep he changed his tone to a more consoling tenor.

"Thanks for your help. Sorry for getting you mixed up in my mess. I definitely woulda' died a few times by now if you weren't helping me."

"Probably." She adjusted her shades and started for the exit.


It was still raining hard. Morrigan took advantage of this and wiped herself down as they walked sending little rivulets bloody rainwater streaming down her limbs. Anon had grabbed some brouzouf off the fallen dorphers but they weren't exactly loaded. He attempted to give her a cut of the spoils but she rolled her eyes.

"You keep it."

"Fine, drinks on me then."

"Alright" she smiled at the offer and shook her head.

"Things got pretty messy in there. Is that how you always operate?"

"I'd prefer to use more subtle force. Usually, my targets are too drunk to fight back or passed out completely." She glanced at him to see if he'd done the math.

"I see…"

They'd made their way to the other side of the skatepark. The kid was being held in a utility shed. It was locked with a padlock but Morrigan was able to break it with ease. Inside the true scale of debauchery was made clear. The shed was full of strung-out dope heads of various ages and genders. They were chained up to the wall twitching and mumbling to themselves. There was similar funk inside that echoed the interior of the skatepark and merely being inside made Anon physically ill. Without wanting to know it was easy enough to guess all manner of lurid and disgusting acts that went on inside this shed. Some of the girls chained up were wearing next to nothing and looked primed for easy access.

"This place is sick."

"What did you expect?" Morrigan had just broken the bindings for the kid and pitched him over her shoulder.

"Is he alright?"

"He'll live…for now."

Anon had a desire to help these people but cutting them loose to run around the park may not be the best idea. Morrigan gathered as much from his pensive look and suggested they call the police and tip them off to this place. Before he had time to agree she'd already started for the door. Not wanting to spend more time here than was necessary he was quick to follow her out.


They made it back the amphitheater and rain stopped right as they entered. Not that it would have mattered since there wasn't a roof to the place. Hushed whispers crept from dark corners as they approached the benches. The adoptive synth mother rushed up to Morrigan but she was held at arm's length with an open palm as Morrigan twisted her shoulder that toted the kid away from the mom.

"Package please."

Apprehensively, the mom placed it in Morrigan's outstretched hand before she, in turn, passed it to Anon. Morrigan then shifted her shoulder causing the kid to slump forward and she cradled him against her bosom with one arm The mother lifted the child from her and held him close. Anon was slipping the package into his coat when mother began to thank them both profusely.

"Don't worry about it, just don't take loans from dorpher gangs, alright?"

The synth lady nuzzled the kid while on verge of tears and offered them some brouzouf for their trouble. They both declined. "Truly, I can't thank you enough!"

Anon smiled at the humble display and nodded. If nothing else the karma on the table had to be worth something.

Morrigan nudged him. "Let's get going before we have this whole place asking us for favors."

Sure enough, homeless folks were emerging from the shadows with mournful eyes that screamed please help me. As the duo departed the amphitheater some wayward calls for help were made but they left unanswered. If they stopped to help every downtrodden person in the city they'd die before the cleared one block.


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0d72f0 No.362838

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Not too long ago Anon had taken the lives of multiple dorphers. He didn't bother thinking about it at the time but the realization struck that he'd just killed people. He'd felt less bad about it after encountering the rape shed but he'd definitely crossed a line he couldn't uncross. His post hoc rationalization being he at least tried to do things the right way whatever that meant.

Was there ever even a possibility they would have given up the kid for a handful of brouzouf? He'd like to think there was but reflecting on the situation no amount of charm and charisma would have given the dorphers a nonviolent end. Helping out the homeless lady meant they had to die. Even if they deserved every bullet and more it wasn't his place to pull the trigger was it? That situation could have been avoided if they'd just taken the package without all the fuss. Choosing to dive into that drug den, he knew good and damn well what was going to happen.

He examined the dead drop once they'd made it back to the entrance of the park. The address was for a fancy hotel on the other side of town with simple directions; Come alone and Trust no one. Too late for both of those. Then again this was PNP's request. Maybe Morrigan would be okay waiting for him outside?

Anon had asked her to tip the police off while he reviewed the dead-drop. They'd be long gone before badges showed up to start asking questions about the dead dorphers.

"You ready to go?" Morrigan hadn't taken long with the call and was already straddling the hot pink crotch rocket. She'd put her helmet on and was offering Anon his tough cookie helmet.

cue some "it's time to get down to business" music

[] Have Morrigan take me to the hotel. I wouldn't want to go in solo. If things get dicey I can have her wait outside the room. Morrigan is too useful in a fight to leave behind so she's definitely sticking with me. If PNP knew the kind of shit I went through already they'd understand.

[] Have Morrigan take me to the hotel and send her back to the bordello after she drops me off. If I play this the wrong way I don't know what could happen. PNP trusts me. I wouldn't want to violate that trust by bringing a hanger on that I only met yesterday.

[] Have Morrigan take me to the hotel and stay nearby. If things go sideways I can call her in after the fact. She might be put off by this option but I don't see her loyalty wavering. She doesn't seem like the type would balk at the dead drop requirements. If things get hot and heavy too quickly will she be able to assist in time though?

[] Ask Morrigan if she'd like to hit up a bar first. I could really use some liquid courage. I do owe her a drink after all. Then we can go chasing after PNP however we like.

edit- Don't worry. Just covering up something everyone already probably figured out.

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d377c1 No.362871

File: c7cc6e3568871f1⋯.jpg (50.49 KB,750x738,125:123,IMG-20180704-WA0003.jpg)


>Good question

Ha! Goteem!

My nigga using breadcrumbs like he fathered Hansel and Gretl.

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d377c1 No.362872

File: 3fb5668e189ac56⋯.jpg (279.73 KB,631x750,631:750,02ad518a39b0f21fcb68efa133….jpg)

Also go to hotel and keep morrigan nearby and incognito. Trusting nobody usually tends to be a good tactic and we need to get to this PnP fuccboi before he/she gets pwnt by BigCo. Incase that has already happened, well, that .45 better be loaded y'knowutimsayin. We're gonna leave the suits a little more God loving, a bit more holey y'knowutimsain'

Hehehe, I like murder.

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b9bbeb No.362903


C. "Trust no one" should include PNP. Maybe Morrigan can hang out on the roof or something, depending where in the hotel we're supposed to meet. She's a professional, she knows how to shadow someone without being noticed.

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0d72f0 No.363182

File: 39e93c4d730fa24⋯.png (2.43 MB,4640x2184,580:273,character sheet version 1.png)



>sending Anon in by himself.

Having Morrigan go with him tends to make things a little too easy when it comes to combat. At least she'll be in the area with our current leading option. On the flip side Anon isn't entirely helpless without her he just has to tackle problems with different tactics.

I'm still putting together some details for the next part of our story in which we'll finally get to meet the notorious PNP.

In the mean time have a character sheet of sorts that I've kept in my head. These are some of the underlying perks of the characters. They'll never acknowledge them in the story but the dice rolls in my head use these perks to inform me of the characters play style in terms of how they handle certain situations.

Anon won't consider punches or kicks unless he has no other choice while Morrigan will always prefer CQC to ranged weapons if given the option.They maybe be able to gain some new perks along the way if the story presents a situation for them to get one.

I don't think too many more people will vote or if they do it'll probably fall into "c camp" but I'll leave it open for a day or so while I mull over how to go forward with the story assuming we go with the preferred option right now.

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4994e7 No.363191


Have her drop us off a couple streets away, then we can walk there. If PNP is even half as twitchy as I think he is, he'd run the second we go anywhere near the hotel with someone else.

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fb9481 No.363654


Null sheen, my man. Also could you perhaps include dice rolls in the writeup? Not all of them but it'll make combat sequences a lot better imho

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0d72f0 No.363679


As in, in the post? I never use dice so I'd have double check so I don't fumble my spaghetti everywhere when dice start rolling. If you do want a more D&D style experience what other CYOA would you recommend I emulate?

Or do you mean math behind the scenes while I'm writing? The dice rolls pretty much all take place in my head. I'm afraid if I let chance tell the story we may actually get some kind of terrible end.

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4994e7 No.364099


A bit of plot armor is fine. Shit luck alone shouldn't kill us.

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0d72f0 No.368500


He'll need it. Update: soonish.

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0d72f0 No.369788

The wind whipped at them as they made their way towards the hotel on the crotch rocket. Anon's coat had kept him mostly dry but the rain from earlier left his hair soaked and limp. Despite the respite from the previous wetness, the sky was still overcast with ominous clouds creeping overhead. Morrigan's dress was wet but she didn't mind it. At least if she did she didn't show it.

They'd wormed their way through the city streets and the buildings became less shitty as they drew closer to the hotel. Skyscrapers that lined the horizon before now towered over them. They were in the concrete jungle proper now. The hotel was a highrise building. If anything it'd be easy to hide in plain sight if someone wanted to blend in but with his coat and eyepatch he wasn't sure if he was dressed for this place. Too late to worry about apparel now.

He dismounted the bike at the entrance. He'd already discussed with Morrigan the meeting arrangements with PNP and she agreed to stay back but insisted he be careful. There was a parking garage below and Morrigan decided she'd lay low in the lobby after parking her ride.

"If things get dicey call me, alright?"

Anon ran his fingers through his hair "Worried about me already?"

She revved the bike twice "You still owe me a drink." she quipped before speeding off into the garage below.

The lobby was lavish. Finely upholstered furniture, with stylized oak tables and chairs; it was a relic from the old world. He made his way to the front desk. Ringing the service bell did little to encourage the staff to hasten their attention to him. All the same, he waited patiently to be seen. A polite young man greeted him. The attendant's face forced a smile at Anon's appearance. He was a clean-cut kid with bright if drifting eyes.

Anon began "Hello, I wanted to check in on room 404." he figured he should see if he was too late.

The attendant's head rocked back and forth as they pecked at their computer. "Mnnnnnnnn. Are you wanting to stay the night or…"

"No, I'm a guest of someone else."

The attendant breathed through his nose. It was an annoyingly audible exhalation.

"Mnnnnnn, sorry, that room's being cleaned. It'll be ready in an hour or so."

"Wait, what do you mean? 'Should be someone in there."

The attendant shook his head "They checked out earlier this afternoon I'm afraid. I can find a similar room for you on the same floor if you'd like."

Anon looked away in frustration. Had I taken too long getting here?


"I'll be right back."


Tisel's bail had been paid but he wasn't smiling. His face was a mess of cuts courtesy of Anon's earlier interrogation and he felt about as shitty as he looked. His prosthetic arm had been confiscated as evidence for their investigation. The police had argued since the arm could still be infected with whatever malware caused him to choke himself they didn't want it reactivating and finishing him off. He wanted to point a finger at Anon but he knew better than to spill his guts to the police. As the saying goes anything you say can and will be used against you. That and his attorney advised him to keep his mouth shut.

Two officers escorted him from his holding cell to the exit of the detention center. Outside the facility, a curvy black sedan awaited him as he expected it would be. The window rolled down and a familiar voice spoke to him

"Get in." It was the attorney.

It looked like it had been raining and there were droplets still clinging to the car. He went to grab the door handle with the hand he didn't have and grunted in frustration when he had to switch to his remaining arm.

"You didn't tell them anything, correct?"

"Yea, yea." Tisel examined his various cuts in the review mirror and grimaced at Anon's handy work.

His attorney stared earnestly "This is very important Mr. Donald," Tisel glowered at his legal name "You didn't give any statement to the police right?"

The car had already departed the detention center with the window rolling up as they drove.

"I already told you I kept my mouth shut! What are you gonna do about that psycho decker?! Motherfucker nearly geeked me!"

"That decker you're referring to has already sent a recording to the police of your confession along with the sale orders they can trace back to Thurgood."

Tisel's eyes got wide "Then…"

The attorney spoke calmly. "We can get it dismissed in court. Technically your confession was under duress and furthermore, there's no way to prove your records weren't tampered with when the decker accessed your private files."

"S-so we're good then right?" Tisel spoke nervously.

The attorney said nothing.

Tisel spoke questioned again "Well!?! No charges right?"

"It's not the police you need to worry about."

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0d72f0 No.369789


Tisel felt a hand grip his shoulder from behind the seat. A domineering voice grabbed his attention. "Omar wants to see you Tisel. 'Singing for that decker, you're gonna havta' miss that court date, chummer."

Tisel squealed and squirmed in the henchman's grasp wanting to fling himself from the car to get away from whatever nightmares awaited him at Omar's place but the prick of a syringe had him slumped over in the seat and passed out before he realized what was going on.

"Thanks for collecting him for us."

The attorney eyed Omar's goon in his review mirror. "See that whatever happens he never talks again, understood?"

"You got it, counselor."

"One more thing. The decker's accomplice at the hotel."

The goon smiled "Oh yea, that reminds me. I need to make a phone call."

Tisel's head bobbed as they took a bumpy corner.

The attorney spoke sternly "Thurgood doesn't want any loose ends. See that you don't leave any like before…"


Morrigan was sitting at the bar listening to the uncertainty in Anon's voice.

"Maybe we took too long?"

She sipped a dark drink from her short glass "What do you want to do then?"

"They said they're cleaning the room. I want to go there and see for myself what's up."

She set her glass back down on the bar and looked at him over her shades. "It's your call. If you're still wanting to go in solo take this."

She squeezed her knee and a compartment in her leg opened up. She reached in and extracted an earpiece after moving a pack of cigarettes aside.


"It'll sync to your phone. It uses burst transmission so no one'll be able to listen in. It has a mic as well. It's sensitive so it'll pick up even if you're whispering."

Anon smirked, "What's wrong, 'fraid you'll get lonely with no one to talk to down here?"

She grabbed him by his coat collar and gave him the look, her grip giving a distinct mechanical growl as it tightened. "You're welcome."

Anon threw his arms up "Alright, thanks!"

Morrigan nodded at him before releasing her grip and returned to her drink.

In the elevator, nervousness gripped Anon tighter than Morrigan's hand just did. He shifted his weight back and forth from his heels to his toes trying to look casual. He decided to test the earpiece since the elevator was taking its time.

"This is Anon, can you hear me?"

A pause. He tried again.

"Hello, Morrigan?"

Still silence.


her voice interjected, "What is it Anon?"

"Oh! Hey, I was just making sure this thing worked."

"It does. Is something wrong?"



Anon winced at her tone. Why'd she have to be so short with me?


PNP's floor. Time to go to work.

Anon edged around the floor trying to be both inconspicuous while also glancing around corners cautiously. Room 420 started at the end of the hallway he was at and the numbers went down from there. The floor was carpeted and the air smelled flowery. It was a synthetic aroma but a pleasant one none the less. Stepping softly he made it to room 404. The door was shut and the urge to knock welled up within him. Apprehensively he prepared to knock. Before he could connect with the door the handle started to turn. He turned away from the door and hid his face with his coat collar while simultaneously whipping out his phone to put on the mindless browser facade.

A man emerged from room 404 talking on a phone. He was dressed in a suit but he had a look that meant business. His face was flat and angular with a thick bridge to his nose and a prominent chin. "Oh yea, no, don't worry, we already took care of it. There won't be any evidence this time."


"Oh? So the plan's changed then?"


"Right, we'll make sure they disappear."

A mixture of context clues from the phone call and the uncouth appearance of the guy clued Anon in on the situation. Whoever they were they weren't PNP. He trailed the goon as they made their way down the hall. The conversation wrapped up as they'd arrived at the elevator. It was a different elevator than the one he used to get to this floor and his mental map of the hotel shifted around to place where it'd put him if he were to take it.

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0d72f0 No.369790


The button to call the elevator had been pressed. Anon figured now was a good a time as any to strike up a conversation.

"You come to this place often?"

The abrupt dialogue gave the goon a scare and he literally jumped. He turned to face Anon and looked to be reaching for a piece but anon had already unholstered his and upon seeing the barrel the gears turned for the goon quickly

"Hey man, I don't want any trouble."

"Start talking then." Anon accented the question by cocking the gun.

"Wuh? Listen, man, I'm just here on vacation. I think you have the wrong guy." The goons eyes darted around nervously.

Anon wanted to question further but Morrigan's voice rang in his ear "Don't forget to check your six." The realization occurred that he hadn't bothered to peek into the room the goon emerged from. Even without her smart eyes peeking through walls, she could look through his smart lens and parse the situation better than he had.

Anon stepped to the side and worked an oblique glance down the hall. No one was pursuing him but the hallway converged in a T-bone junction at the elevator's entrance and he was exposed from all angles.

The goon spoke up "C'mon, just put the gun down alright…"

"What happened to the person staying in room 404."

The goon glared. His face told Anon he knew the answer.

Anon did his best to imitate Morrigan's look but she was much better at being threatening than him. "Spill it, I won't miss when I'm this close"

"Okay! We got your friend in the parking garage. I can take you to her if you want."

Her? before the realization of PNP being a lady sunk in the distinctive ding~ of the elevator sounded its arrival.

Anon used the flat faced goon as a shield of sorts guiding him with the .50 AE poking into his back. "You first."


Morrigan was watching through Anon's eye and trying to think two steps ahead of him in every moment. Her dark shades hid a no doubt glazed over expression the dual vision gave her. She finished her drink with a swift swig and the glass clanked on the bar after the fact. She casually strode through the lobby towards the service stairwell to the parking garage. She didn't have much time if her hunch was on the mark and Anon would be walking into an ambush at best.

"Anon I'm going to scout ahead. Don't do anything stupid."

Anon gave her a thumbs up in his line of sight apparently clued into the fact she was looking through his eye at this point.

She hadn't noticed anything out of place when she'd parked her ride but she wasn't looking at that time either. Sticking to the shadows, she removed her shades and the soft red glow of her eyes pierced various vehicles and concrete structures of the parking lot. She could seek out and lock onto targets for a good 10 meters but beyond that things would get fuzzy for her. The parking garage had a sub-level below it so after exhausting the search on the current one she delved deeper.

All the while she'd divert her attention to Anon's vision in intervals to monitor his situation. The elevator was a few floors away from the parking garage level she was on and steadily creeping downward.

"I'm not finding anything here. 'Gonna move to the lower level alright?"

He signaled with a thumbs up gesture as he had earlier. The desire to intersect the elevator's path seized her momentarily but she figured the element of surprise would be more valuable than teaming back up with Anon.


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0d72f0 No.369791


Anon had a tight grip on the goon's shoulder and his finger was on the trigger. Morrigan's smart vision began to sync with his lens as their proximity grew and her silhouette came into view as the elevator descended. She informed him the stairwell for the garage was at the other end of the lot and it'd take some time for her to rendezvous with him below.

"Be careful Anon."

He nodded and gave a verbal "uhuh"

The goon turned towards the verbal cue but Anon prodded him with the muzzle. "Eyes forward."

Her silhouette faded as she disappeared to the far end of the garage's top level and the smart connection was lost.

Ding The elevator stopped and he felt the subtle shift from it. The doors slid open slowly and revealed the garage gradually. Light from the lift leaked outward and exposed the more shadowy nature of the lot. Columns and cars played havoc with the view that the fluorescent lights above provided. The dull hues they provided gave a very lifeless feeling to the place.

Anon advanced slowly prodding the goon with a simple question. "Where is she?"

"J-just let me go and-"

A harsh light snapped on ahead of them. It was blindness not from darkness but a vicious brightness. His eyes weren't ready for the jarring contrast and his face jerked away from it reflexively. The goon gave his gut a jab and bolted away. Gunfire erupted from behind the veil of light and he stumbled backward into the elevator's modest cover. Bullets riddled the exterior of the lift and ricocheted inside. The sliding doors failed to close and Anon, curled up in the corner slapped desperately at the elevator's panel to get them to shut.

A wet soppy crack echoed above him and fragments of his left forearm rained down on top of him. The ladder part of the arm curled around limply exposing bone and sinew with spurts of blood following. He recoiled from the pain as well as the grotesque sight. It was then that pain started to radiate from his leg and shoulder. Wounds that happened too quickly for him to even register before. He'd dropped his gun and squeezed his pulverized limb to hamper the bleeding somewhat. A futile effort as blood seemed to be coming from other places as well. Morrigan's voice spilled over his earpiece "Stay down!" but the gunfire outside the elevator was deafening.

A voice from beyond the blinding veil followed "Eat this asshole!"

A metal clang against the rear wall of the elevator announced the arrival of a grenade.

No escape!

He swung is his leg around to kick the thing out the door.


A loud boom shook the entire lot and set off every car alarm in the place. A cacophony of noise pervaded the air and Morrigan shouted "Anon! Talk to me! Are you alright?"

An unknown voice answered in a digitally distorted tone "Anon was supposed to come alone. "


No time to hunt down the mystery voice. After the blast, she'd lost the connection with Anon's smart lens and her sense of dread rose. She bolted to the scene and started picking out and marking targets as she got close to the fight. There were a total of 6 goons tucked behind parked cars, 3 on each side of the lot for an effective convergence of fire. They were shooting not at the elevator Anon came down in but an alcove to the side. a dog?

It was a dog, albeit a synthetic one. A mounted gun on his back was peppering the 3 goons closest to her. Between the car alarms and the exchange of bullets, she was able to advance to the first group undetected. They shouted their tactics.

"Left! To the left!"

"I can't see, where is-"

An overly exposed goon caught a round to his temple and crumpled against a car door. A spurt of blood from him painted the driverside window of the car he was next to.

"Shit! Mark!"

Morrigan intercepted the goon on his way to help his fallen friend. He was pulled into her armblade and her other hand muffled what scream he could muster before he started choking on his own juices.

"The hell!?" The final goon of the trio turned to see Morrigan's red glare.

She flung the mostly dead goon into his still standing friend before diving in to deliver death to them both.

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0d72f0 No.369792


The doggo had already moved in to engage the remaining goons on the other side of the lot. It was then she spotted Anon. He was outside the elevator nestled behind a large support column in the corner of the garage. An easy trail to find as blood marked the path to it. The overhanging lights were either shot out or not working so she crept low and quick beneath the exchange of gunfire.

"What about the body!?"

"Fuck it man, Bail!"

Another goon fell to the doggo's harassing fire along her way and the two remaining retreated.

"Wait! We can't leave without-"

"Too late! Just Bail!"

She'd finally made it. Anon wasn't looking too good. He'd caught more than a few bullets. She shook him to evoke some sort of response.


He groaned "Careful. Find PnP. We gotta…"

Shots rang out in the distance and the squeal of tires screamed through the lot. Headlights affirmed the approach of the yet unseen vehicle as it closed the distance. She reached into his coat and removed the detective special from his vest preparing for the worst. A van pulled up to the corner column with the aforementioned doggo riding on top. Behind the wheel, a hooded figure with a cartoon character's face as a mask shouted at Morrigan with a digitally distorted voice she'd heard before.

"Anon's coming with us."

The doggo barked "Drop your heater!" His back mounted P90 charged itself with an autonomous mechanism and a laser sight engaged, painting Morrigan's head with a red dot.

Anon braced himself against Morrigan and the column, lowering her gun and obscuring the doggo's line of sight on her as he attempted to stand.

"Can we all chill?" His diplomatic gesture was short lived as he slumped back down. The courageous if pathetic display evoked a yelp from the driver and they left the van to help the ailing Anon. The driver was short, barely getting above four and a half feet. Their hood connected to a cloak that extended down to her ankles.

The doggo barked "Pee! Careful!"

The driver turned to the doggo "Boss, hush!"

Morrigan figured she was looking at PnP but the doggo was a mystery for her. Her exchange with PnP was brief.

"Anon is hurt bad, we need to get him to a street doc."

PnP nodded "In the back of the van, hurry!"

Morrigan toted anon to the rear of the van under the vigil of Boss above. PnP opened the double doors to the back and Morrigan hopped in. The van was littered with assorted decker gear and cables. She converted stray cables into makeshift tourniquets to stem the blood loss from Anon's various wounds. Boss had jumped down off the roof and into the passenger seat before training his weapon on Morrigan as she did her best to patch Anon up.


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0d72f0 No.369793


The back of the Van was caked in blood. It'd been parked in an ally a few blocks shy of gutter row on the cusp of a road that still managed to have streetlights overhead. Anon was laying on a dingy looking if technically sterile operating table with a number of drug cocktails drip feeding him all manner of saline mixes and painkillers. The street doc in question was a dark-skinned fellow with a thick Indian accent. He noticed Anon's eye opening and began to converse with him.

"Ahh, good to see you're with us again, my man."

He was attending to the stump that was now anon's left forearm, wrapping it in a bandage.

"When your friends brought you in I told them to leave you in the gutter but they were not having it, no no, they insisted I treat you. I tell you, there were quite persuasive…" A worried expression and forced smile edged on his face before the next sentence "Truly, I was afraid of what might have happened if you did not make it."

The doctor adjusted one of the IV drips and continued.

"Considering the blood loss, you were very fortunate Mr. Omus." he shook a pan next to the operating table generating a fanciful chiming of metal noise. "That is the sound of metal fragments I took from you. Some pieces were too small for me to pick out but, I think you should be okay. Try to rest and please do not die. I worked very hard to make sure you did not expire."

As the doctor spoke Anon was assaulted by dull aches and pangs of pain that came and went. His train of thought drifted and before he could converse with his doctor he passed out.

Anon awoke later in a recliner. An upturned beer bottle held aloft by a lampstand was working as his IV. He tried to get up but his body refused. He melted back into the chair. Morrigan's voice got his attention

"Don't worry, we can't keep you here long."

Anon grimaced when he looked at his left arm "I feel like a mess."

Morrigan smirked "You are a mess."

Memories of the hotel started to come back to him "What about PnP?! We gotta-"

"I'll take you to PnP. Before I do we need to get you sorted out."

A doggo hopped up on a table across from them and barked "I'll take you to Pee."

A Talking dog?!

Morrigan turned to the doggo before returning her gaze to Anon "That's Boss. Apparently, you two know each other. He insisted that PnP go on ahead to the safe house while you got patched up here."

Anon looked to Boss "DosBoss? I thought you were dead?"

Boss didn't miss a beat with a somewhat annoyed tone "Well, from what I've heard you've danced with death yourself, Captain."

There was a lot left unsaid after he'd abandoned the crew to go cube and both PNP and DosBoss no down held some resentment for him for having done that. Whatever the case he seemed willing to put those feeling aside for now.

Before Anon could get some questions answered about DosBoss being a doggo Morrigan took back his attention. "Dr. Talele also deals in prosthetics. Before we get you out of here it might be a good idea to get some chrome to cover that stump."

Anon nodded, "I'd like to, but I don't have the brouzouf for the arm, let alone the surgery."

"I'll foot the bill for now. You can pay me back later. We need to get you out of here. Badges and bounty hunters alike are sniffing around for you."

Boss continued the sentiment. "I'd say get out right now but if you're want to get your arm fixed we may as well do it while we're here. Whatever you decide, make it quick."

Dr. Talele wheeled out a selection of prosthetic arms on a cart with a grin. "I may have lost my medical license but you can trust me, my man. We will have you gripping and grabbing in no time flat!"

With a worried, if somewhat intrigued expression anon grinned "Groovy."

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0d72f0 No.369795

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


cue some music for selecting some fresh hardware.

[] DnR series Decker arm- Sleek and mechanical in nature. Features wireless hacking utility along with electrified data jack spike. Integrated smart technology allows for it to sync to most devices with little trouble and would compliment a smart gun nicely. You could hack all manner of devices for a good 5 meters. PnP could probably show me how to get the most out of this thing.

[] DnR series CQC arm- Robust and meaty in nature. Features synthetic nano-fiber muscles that are effectively twice as strong as a human counterpart. A kinetic booster in the wrist allows for increased force to be delivered during melee combat. The hand can achieve 400-foot-pounds of crushing grip strength. More than enough to put a mean squeeze on any dorpher. Morrigan could probably show me how to get the most out of this thing.

[] General Dynamics Marksman arm- Smooth and tactical in nature. Features HAAC (haptic assisted accuracy control) that allows any gun to operate similarly to a smart gun. In addition, smart guns receive additional bonuses when using this arm. Utilizes pneumatic magazine loader for additional ammo storage and faster reloading times. Boss was always knowledgeable when it came to guns. He could probably help me get the most out of this thing.

[]Morrigan's offer is nice but she's already done me enough favors. Boss said we need to leave ASAP anyway. I can just leave my arm as a stub. At lesat I have my right hand…

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0d72f0 No.369796


Forgot to mention, the General dynamics arm also features a recoil dampening system to help stabilize aim and reduce the effect of recoil.

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b9bbeb No.369830

File: fbf03e5ec360af4⋯.jpg (64.37 KB,830x807,830:807,1457469233977-1.jpg)


Look who's not dead and here I was ready to bully everyone by bumping the thread with "RIP OP"

I'm gonna go with the marksman arm, in part so we can use our detective's special without it flying out of our hands, and also so we can spend quality time learning marksmanship from Dog with Gun, being that a dog with a gun is fucking radical

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59bcdb No.369832


the GDM gotta get those gunslingin skills up

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ddbd0e No.369835

File: 2858bb83dcb14d7⋯.jpg (141.33 KB,1000x591,1000:591,1432443056558.jpg)


If we're gonna keep getting in gunfights we should have every edge we can get. Voteing for marksmans arm. Gonna need to have it painted red though.

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0d72f0 No.369976




GDM it is then, I guess. Given that Anon does tend to mix it up with guns fairly often this does seem like the optimal choice. I'll try not to be such lazy nigger and get the next part out sooner.

It will be more chilled chapter but an interesting choice I hope at the end.

For those interested, there was a dice roll to determine the scenario for the previous bit.

DICE ROLL with a 12 sider

>1-2 - scenario 1 Anon got there on time. No drama for the most part.

>3-10- scenario 2 Anon got there a little late and there'd be an altercation at the hotel room

<[x]11-12- scenario 3 Anon got there too late, Anon had to save PnP in the parking garage. Although it looks like she ended up getting herself free and saving him based on the outcome. More on that later…

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0d72f0 No.370390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Near the north end of North city in the mostly abandoned industrial district, hives of outlaws and assorted shadowrunners make their homes in abandoned warehouses, substations, and shuttered plants. Apart from stray mutants running around and unchecked toxic waste dumps it wasn't the worst place set up shop. Anon hadn't paid close attention on the trip since he was pretty high on painkillers. Sum total, he'd been shot 12 times and lost 150¥ worth of blood. His body was a mess of bandages and his left arm had to be whittled down further than it was earlier to accommodate his new chrome. It was a fresh wound and as the cybernetic arm needed to charge before being used it was currently dead weight. A brief test at the street doc showed it did work and he could even feel very minute changes in pressure while touching his mechanical fingertips together. In the meantime, a dull ache persisted from the chrome's recent attachment and part of him wished he could have stayed a while longer with Dr. Talele so he could have some higher end drugs to numb him up.

Pee's hideout wasn't exactly elegant. Not as cramped as his apartment but it definitely wasn't meant to hold three people and a dog comfortably. Boss had a close eye on Morrigan who seemed her usual detached self, a cigarette hanging from her lips. Anon was currently seated on a folding bed sofa watching some corp news with pill bottles and some instant noodles on a tv tray to his fleshy arm's side. Breakfast of champions.

The talking heads started with global news. A straight-laced male with capped teeth began spilling his swill "Argentina's nationalist leader Carlos Perón has once again incited diplomatic sanctions from the U.N. synth right's council after his recent inflammatory remarks toward synthetic individuals calling them mechanical devils. This statement is on the heels of another political gaffe when he unknowingly kissed the hand of Brazillian foreign dignitary Izabel Cortez, only to find out later she herself was a 5th gen synth." The camera panned to a gorgeous newswoman coanchor and they kept peddling the swill. "Continuing south of the border, another terrorist attack from the ALF (Atzlan Liberation Front) has rocked a small settlement outside of Mexico City leaving five dead and 12 wounded. Mexican President Juan Camacho held an emergency press conference from his vacation villa -" The screen cut to a blubbery mustached man in front of a podium with a pool in the background, a dubbed voice more or less captured his sentiments We will not bow to violence of any form. Those seeking to dismantle our great republic we have built will not succeed.

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0d72f0 No.370391


The news drifted to local happenings. "The violent shootout that erupted at the La Prime De Ciel hotel and convention center that left six dead is still under investigation tonight. Police chief Wright joins us for comment on the ongoing investigation. Wright, do we have any idea what happened?"

The Cheif had his own dedicated screen space across from the anchor that was digitally synced up to provide the nuance of a back and forth conversation. His face had the gloomy features of an overworked and underpaid middleman. "At this moment, we'd like to clarify this was not a terrorist incident despite what some pundits are arguing."

The anchor interjected, "Is there any indication this shooting is linked to the Circus Park shootout that happened earlier that same evening?"

The chief looked annoyed the conjecture. "At this time, our detectives are sifting through the facts as quickly as they can. Currently, we have not established a connection between the Circus Park shooting and the hotel shooting but both investigations are ongoing. Given the nature of the crimes and the brutality on display, it will be necessary for us to conceal the identities of those involved in order to keep the investigation from being compromised."

The anchor nodded his head in an exaggerated manner and probed further. "Can your department comment on the human trafficking ring uncovered inside Circus Park? Do you believe that might have some connection to the shooting there?"

The chief swallowed and grimaced, there was no way a juicy scoop like this wasn't going to turn into a scandal. He tried to spin it so his department didn't sound completely incompetent despite there being a literal slave trade going on under his nose. "We are aware of the increased rate of abductions in and around the city. We cannot comment on any possible connections there might be to shooting, but again, the investigation is ongoing. Our special victims unit has been investigating numerous human trafficking cases and my department will work hard to make sure this vile practice is brought to an end."

He'd done a good job of saying a lot without really saying anything at all. A necessary skill when needing to fill airtime when you have no clue what's really going on. The anchor nodded with the same exaggerated fashion he did earlier. Anon sunk into the sofa feeling somewhat nervous that he was responsible for all the top local stories in the news.


The next day, Anon, with a combination of painkillers, modern medical magic, and a little determination was on his feet and walking around getting used to his new arm. There was still a soreness where the mechanics met his meat but the pain was becoming a constant companion and he began to welcome it as if it were an affirmation of his own existence. Morrigan had left briefly to retrieve his backpack from her bordello. It had some extra clothes as well as some mementos that he wasn't ready to part with. The clothes Morrigan had loaned him were perforated and bloody courtesy of his misadventure at the hotel so, in the meantime, he was wearing some of Pee's hello kitty pajamas. They stopped just below his knees but they were cut to stop around one's ankles if fitted properly. He was topless with a number of bandages on each arm and some on his torso and shoulders. Not his most flattering display.

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0d72f0 No.370392


He was out back in a fenced in enclosure picking up assorted garbage giving his new arm a workout. Boss hopped over the fence with some saddlebags strapped to his back.

"Hey sunshine, present from Pee."

It was his tactical vest. She'd managed to repair it for the most part. The ballistic plates had been replaced and it sported 3-d printer produced patches to fill some gaps bullets had left in the outer kevlar weave. Boss did a side step, presenting the other side of the saddlebags. Anon collected the .50 AE as well as the detective special. Tisel's .45 had got dinged hard from a bullet impact and was in need of repair. Anon slipped the vest over his head and soreness washed over his torso evoking a grunt as the weight of the thing pressed against his fresh wounds. He went about attaching his holsters and such as well getting things as comfortable as he could.

"Thanks, Boss."

"You ready to use that arm for something other than trash picking?"

"I do need to break it in."

Subconsciously he'd lined up various bits and bobs on a broken down bench, making a fairly admirable impromptu gun range. Boss walked him through calibrating his aim.

"Don't try to lead the arm. It'll do most of the work. You synced it with your smart lens right?"

Anon nodded "Yea, but target tracking seems a little off."

"Well, you're working with your shitty wetware eyes, maybe you should have replaced them while you with the 'doc."

Anon groaned at that idea "I think I've got enough chrome for now."

"Try adjusting the sensitivity of the target fixer with the lens instead of your eye movements. You might get some latency with your aim reticle but you'll have better accuracy overall."

Anon took his time to calibrate his target tracking as Boss had said and afterward he was better able to lock onto things and move his eyes around without losing the tracking. Occasionally the reticle would jump around during these movements but at least he stayed on target.

"Feel smoother?"

" 'Bout as smooth as it's going to get." Anon unholstered his .50 AE and aimed it down range with his chrome limb. The combined weight of the arm and the gun made his aim unsteady with his wetware bicep trembling to support the load. Doubt began to set in if he could make the whole system work right with his wetware. An anxious look grew on his face. Boss whined.

"Trust in the in tech. Try that bottle on the right there."

Anon's aim listed rightward and boss barked at him. "Remember to use your HAAC, it's a lot more accurate than you are."


They both stood still for a moment. Anon had his chrome arm extended. A howel of some beast echoed in the distance but both of them ignored it. A breeze followed and they both remained motionless. Boss looked up at him expectantly but Anon didn't return the gaze. Five shots in quick succession followed from the .50 AE, each taking out a distinct target from the range. The impressive display of marksmanship took no more than a second. Boss growled.

"Testing the multi-target tracking, huh?"

Anon retracted with his arm with a mechanical "whirrr" and smiled "Seems like I'm always outnumbered anyway. Better off deadly than dead."

"Don't get too excited, empty beer bottles don't shoot back."

Anon nodded before switching the safety and twirling the Deagle into its holster.


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0d72f0 No.370393


After some time at the range, Boss and Anon sat around catching up, both of them not having not spoken since Anon had left the crew months ago. PnP had kept to herself after having Morrigan retrieve Anon from the 'doc. This had made Anon a little nervous but Boss reassured him that she had a few idiosyncracies he'd have to get used to.

"I don't think she ventures into meatspace often. If she does she doesn't like it."

Anon was loading an extra magazine into the autoloader built into his arm. "How long have you been working with her in meatspace…also how long have you been a dog?"

Boss growled. "For a little while." He lost his train of thought and looked sullen. Anon flicked his mechanical wrist and the magazine popped out at an angle. The orientation was perfect for slapping it into open magwell by sliding his hand along the edge of his chromed forearm. He practiced the motion repeatedly trying to code it to his muscle memory. He looked to Boss. "Noel said you died."

"I did. Pee brought me back"

"She put you in the canine chassis as well?"

Boss growled, "Yea, turns out she dabbles in rigging as well some general engineering."

"Even still, that's a hell of a procedure. What'd you OD on? Moreover, how did she get to you in time?"

Boss looked annoyed by these questions in particular "After you left, Noel left with you. It was just me and Pee. She was pretty torn up when she found out you went cube."

"I…I'm sorry Boss. I didn't mean to hurt you guys."

Boss gave a deep growl. A tinge of real resentment welled in his voice. The way he spoke it'd seemed Anon had touched a nerve. "Don't worry about it. I'd say you've more than paid your dues with corps." he got up and left looking pissed.

The door the Pee's room cracked open. A single digitized eye peeped from the crack "Cap'- Are you done? Talking with Boss? Are you done?" A timid voice if there ever was one. She spoke in a choppy and uneven manner.

When Anon went to get up, the door closed. Nervously he advanced towards her room "Pee?"

After a moment the door cracked open again.

She yelled angrily, "Get in here faggot!"

The door was slammed shut again, then opened once more.

Her face kept changing every time she opened the door. A digital mask obscured her real face. "Please."

The door then shut again. Her demeanor was quite different in meatspace than it was in the matrix. Anon entered her room.


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0d72f0 No.370394


He was debriefed on the whole hotel fiasco. Somehow the goons had information on her location as well as well as the fact Anon was due to arrive soon. She waited overnight and on through the morning. She went to check out figuring he wasn't going to make it. In the parking garage, Omar's goons managed to abduct her. Boss was close but bided his time before making a move. Sometime later Anon showed up and that's when everything went to hell. Boss figured the best time to attack was after the elevator distraction. He didn't know who it was at the time but he made use of the situation regardless. Pee had managed to free herself before then and was working on some wireless decking when she caught some cross chat from Morrigan's burst transmission.

Anon nodded not finding a contradiction in the story. Anon recalled his story from the hospital to Tastey Bitz, from one pawn shop to another, then to the bordello, then the park and finally the hotel. A brief silence followed their exchange. Pee's mask was a thin mesh veil that projected a face of her choosing while obscuring her real face beneath. Her faux face stared intensely.

Anon patted his vest "Thanks for fixing up my gear."

"I told you to come alone you know." her face warped again, only her eyes remained.

Anon flinched at her tone, the comment disrupted his conversation's flow so he tried to change it, working his charm "Can I see your real face?"

"No." Her digital eyes vanished as well. Her blank face looked away.

Before he started again she got to her point that she originally wanted to make

"Captain, I think you may be suffering from memory loss."

"What makes you say that?"

She fidgeted and her face morphed once more to resemble protoman's face. Her voice modulation changed to sound like the interloper he fought in the chrome bone's matrix network. "Because you've forgotten what I remember."


"That was you?"

She looked away and her face morphed again to a simple yet sad looking pixel emoji. Her voice changed back to normal "Anon. Try and remember. Who taught you- Who taught you what you know about decking?" It then changed to the thinking emoji.

Anon probed his own mind. All he could remember from his adolescence was Noel and himself playing games on the Matrix when they were younger. Although some middle period of his past felt fuzzier when he reexamined it, he felt sure Noel was the one who taught him how to really use a deck for hacking.

"Can you tell me what you remember?"

"NO!" Anon jumped back from the outburst. She continued, her faux face morphing into a smaller version of itself "You have to remember yourself. Otherwise, your own memory could be corrupted."

Puzzled, he needed a piece to help fix his memory. Pee read as much and her face changed again, her features were replaced with a display of dialogue that scrolled slowly.

"What's that?"

"Chats we used to have. Chatlogs. I saved them. I saved all of them."

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0d72f0 No.370395


A log from when Anon was a teenager.

>Falcon- I don't know man. 3dpd are the worst. 2-d is best u_u.

>P-man- Yea. Girls are lame. If you had to choose though, what kinda girl would you go for?

>Falcon- No need. Meatspace women are disgusting. I'd rather enjoy pristine waifus in the matrix.

>P-man- I know! I'm saying if you had no other choice though. What then?

>Falcon- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I don't know. Probably some synth chick. I heard their vagoos are better than the meat puppet variety.

>P-man- Have you ever been with one?

>Falcon- No. Girls want a successful guy. Not deck jockies like us.

>P-man- Yea…

Another log from later

>Beastmode- Pman you suck.

>P-man- You cheating faggot!

>Beastmode- git gud.

>Falcon- He did okay for a nub

>Beastmode- as long as you carry him, yea.

>Falcon- Beastmode, all you do is game. You fucking try hard.

>Beastmode- ya'll mad jello at my sick fucking skillz.

>P-man- Do you have any real skills or are only good at shitty FPS games?

>Beastmode- I'm top tier when it comes to hacking bitch.

>P-man-I gotta game then. First one to dox the other wins.

>Falcon- Can I play too?

>P-man- No. You and Noel already know each other in meatspace.

>Beastmode- WTF Falcon! fucking OPSEC!!!!

>Falcon- I never told him anything dude…

>[Beastmode] disconnected

>P-man- Guess that means I win (nwn).

>Falcon- How'd you do that?

>P-man- I'll show ya.

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0d72f0 No.370396

File: d2367c7bf246c09⋯.png (Spoiler Image,8.1 MB,3264x2448,4:3,PNP unmasked.png)


Those logs. Those were his. He remembered them. Somehow P-man who would later become PNP was lost from his memory. He'd spent a lot of time with Noel as kid so maybe his brain filled in the gaps but why'd he forget about Pee's younger self and the real reason for his prowess in the Matrix?

"Captain, do you remember? Remember who got you into classic games?"

Anon looked away from Pee "I'm sorry for forgetting about you. I can't explain it."

"I don't think it's your fault Cap'. When you got jacked- your memory- your mind- it may have been damaged." That sounded possible but something felt off. He turned to face Pee once more, his memories jumbled.

"I remembered you as PNP but not as P-man. I'm trying to make sense of it but…"

Pee's digital mask dissolved revealing her true face beneath.

"I think I know why. We grew apart. After a while, we stopped talking entirely. When I reentered your life I did so anonymously. I didn't tell you who I was. It wasn't important. Not for us. Not for the kind of work we did."

Anon was silent as he contemplated this fact. Pee continued.

"Noel didn't know who I was either. For a while, it was a fun game to see if either of you could figure it out but I gave up eventually. I don't think you ever figured it out. If you did you must have lost that memory."

"I guess so…"

Pee gave Anon a hug "I'm glad you're okay. Promise you won't leave me again. I've lost you enough times already."

Anon returned the hug but felt unsure of his own memories. Even forgetting his childhood, he wasn't about to let Pee down again after he'd abandoned her for the time that he did remember. Feeling the sincerity of her embrace she no doubt cared for him a great deal more than he did for her. She'd waited a long time for a friend that had completely forgotten her.

Sorry Pee


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0d72f0 No.370397



Morrigan had just got back. Pee decided to seclude herself in her room when Anon went to greet Morrigan.

"Your bag" she'd handed him his backpack.


Morrigan looked around the place before refocusing on Anon "You think you'll be alright here?"

"Eh, 'better than living under a bridge I guess."

"I need to take care of some business so…" she pushed her dark shades up "…be careful out there."

"What kind of business?"

Morrigan dodged the question "Business I need to handle on my own."

She started for the door. Anon blocked her way.

"Hold up, you can't just-" Morrigan leered at him over her shades. Anon stood unflinchingly "That won't work on me. Just tell me what's up."

She took two steps back and rocked her head around before taking off her shades.

"There's consequences for failing to fulfill a contract. I knew from the beginning what I'd have to do. As a member of the collective, those who fail to collect have to answer for their actions. I'm already late for an appointment and the collective won't hesitate to kill people I consider friends to draw me out. I'm not going to let that happen. That's why I need to leave now and take care of this myself."

"How exactly do they expect you to answer for your actions?"

Morrigan leaned against the wall and averted her gaze from Anon "They're a group of assassins, how do you think they settle these matters?"

Anon was clueless. She clarified it for him.

"Trial by combat. They'll want to make an example of me. If I survive, my indiscretion will be excused. They'll kill anyone who gets in the way of their system."

[] "I understand…" Morrigan is a big girl, she can take care of herself. I'm worried about her but I need to catch up with PNP. We need to go over more chat logs, review evidence and take the fight to OCP to get Neet back.

[] "Screw your secret society bullshit, I'm not going to let you run off to face down some assassin alone!" Morrigan is my friend. She's pulled my ass from the fire a few different times. If someone is gunning for her she'll have my back. After all the help she's given me I'm not going to abandon her.

lotta words for this part. I had cram in a lot of story beats. Maybe the media break was a bit much? Too late now :^)

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768606 No.370534

File: 5c561c9704c779a⋯.jpg (320.77 KB,1000x1412,250:353,kawa.jpg)

Nice. New content. I'm still only half-way through the thread. Gonna take me awhile to catch up.

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b9bbeb No.370634

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d2)


I'd like to help but I'm pretty sure we'd be dead weight if the other members of the collective are at the same level as Morrigan. We should ask her if she needs any help.

Rolling for whether we go anyways when she says no. 1 we stay, 2 we go.

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0d72f0 No.370696


I hope you rike it.


Dis nigga be using context clues and everything. Reading ahead before I've written it. Without spoiling too much, the collective is definitely top tier. Their members don't drop like drophers and street gang goons. So to be clear, you're wanting Anon to voice his feelings and let Morrigan know she's important to him or let Morrigan know that he isn't concerned with her well being and is okay with her facing what is most likely a death sentence alone?

>only 2 replies

For everyone else, Is everything okay? I know I crammed in a lot o different story beats across multiple posts. I tried to mix things up so you got little bit of everything. My next days off are Monday and Tuesday so I'd like to have things sorted by Tuesday so we can get on with the decision.If you need more time to read through all my crap just say so and we can push things out if needed. If you have any questions or need clarifications on stuff I don't have a problem going over something. A little feedback is always helpful so I can know if I'm writing something interesting or something that's a chore to read. Also feel free to let me know if I'm repeating certain words or phrases too often. A particular CYOA comes to mind that uses "heart racing" a lot and it triggers me a little every time I see it.

>What about some dice rolls?

I don't like leaving important things to chance but as a little side decision…

Anon's clothes- Gotta dress to impress. All the choices incorporate the tactical vest and the trenchcoat.

[] A simple black undershirt and black slacks that used to belong to Boss before he was turned into a doggo. Clearly a shadowrunner uniform. It's not like Boss can wear them now.

[] Anon's backpack clothes. A nice dress shirt and business pants. His old "shirt" uniform when he was playing it cube. Nothing flashly. Better than being naked.

[] Wear some of Pee's clothes. They don't really fit but they do have kawaii cartoon characters on them. Up your cute factor by a good number. Everyone will look at you funny for sure. Pee will get mad that you stretched them out but whatever.

[] Wear one of Morrigan's black dresses with the fluffy frill on top. Anon would never pass for a woman with his whiskers and and blocky chin. At least there will be some extra venttiliation for his nether region. Morrigan won't want it back when you're done -"Uhh, you can keep that one Anon…"

Roll a 1d20. Highest roll wins

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b9bbeb No.370706

Dice rollRolled 17 (1d20)


I'm saying, after some thought, to tell Morrigan that we know we'd be dead weight if we went with her, but please don't die. We've barely recovered from the last fight we lost, facing a cabal of assassins would probably be the last fight we lose.

Anyway, rolling for Boss' old outfit

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0d72f0 No.371072


In case we lost a few people along the way or if there's some new people who don't wanna go through the backlog I'll do a re-cap since we haven't done that in a while

The Story thus far

part 1>>357968

Anon has been running in the shadows for a while now. After interrogating Tisel, the pawnshop dealer that was responsible for selling him out to crops, Anon needed a safe place to stay for the night. Murphy, the antique store owner advised him to talk to Darkness at the Tastey Bitz bar. Her real name was Morrigan and she was the proprietor of a brothel along the river in North City. A few drinks too many had him tripping over himself and Morrigan decided to take him to her bordello. >>358636

It turns out Morrigan had taken a contract from the collective (a secret assaination society) to kill Anon after stealing his memories to find his friend PNP. Delving into his mind, his memories touched her heart and she couldn't bring herself to kill him. Anon forgave her for the violation of his body as well as his mind and Morrigan pledged to help him see his mission through. After dealing with some dorphers and rescuing a kidnapped child Anon & Morrigan got their hands on the dead drop data needed to find PNP's location. >>362833

As luck would have it Anon had taken a little longer than expected and the rendezvous turned into a rescue mission. PNP was kidnapped and being used as bait and Anon ended up stumbling into a trap. A violent firefight left him gravely wounded. A quick trip to a street doc saved his life but he now sported some fresh chrome where his left forearm once was. >>369788

We also learned DosBoss wasn't as dead as we thought thanks to PNP transplanting his consciousness into a robot dog after he OD'd. We then learned that PNP was actually Anon's secret childhood friend whose memory had been burnt away from getting his nerual jack yanked.

You're now more or less caught up. That's definitly the reader's digest version.

I'd like to have all the votes locked in by this time next week if we can manage. This current choice is similar in nature to this one >>356400 where it's a real diametric decision in terms of story arc.


Real a la carte chummer. Since the underlying tone is I care about Morrigan I'll put you down for the second choice. I think your sentiment is in line with Anon's words even if they're not verbatim. Also you know I like to screw about with dialouge options and subvert expectations. Remember >>338785? Trust me.

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b9bbeb No.371076


Just remember, "I like you and don't want you to be violently killed by a cabal of assassins" is a different sentiment from "I love you." My head remains in the game, and despite all of this sidetracking Neet is still #1.

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4994e7 No.371471

Dice rollRolled 10 (1d20)


Can't we just say something along the lines of "we're a team now, please don't run off alone without telling anyone else"? Choice one, but with the sentiment of two.


Let's borrow Boss' old clothes if we're going with Morrigan.


Of course. We're getting that monogamous ending with Neet and then we're going to buy her a state of the art new body.

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0d72f0 No.371535

File: 657c71ac901f1ca⋯.jpg (31.41 KB,610x324,305:162,jerk-shakespeare-x.jpg)


>Can't we just say something along the lines of "we're a team now, please don't run off alone without telling anyone else"? Choice one, but with the sentiment of two.

Yea, but that's not as dramatic. Think more VN rather than TTG in terms of choice here. I'll put you down for the 2nd option unless you prefer otherwise. If we're stuck at a tie I'll break the tie. We got a few more days if you have any questions. Just as well I have a general concept of the story together but I still need to write it.

>Of course. We're getting that monogamous ending with Neet and then we're going to buy her a state of the art new body.

That would be a happy ending…

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4994e7 No.371620

Dice rollRolled 19 (1d20)


>I'll put you down for the 2nd option unless you prefer otherwise

That's fine.

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1804b7 No.371638

File: 9df8b9e81fda09f⋯.jpeg (29.33 KB,648x227,648:227,images (2).jpeg)

Y'all niggas gay. We're a Decker so aw accompany her not in meatspace but on the 'net. Give her unfair advantages, disable bits and bobs on the other AssAssIn's gear, generate decoys when she needs, that sort of shenaningans. Just, a good time in general.

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1804b7 No.371639

Dice rollRolled 20 (1d20)


Forgot me roll, I did. Bugger.

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4994e7 No.371647

Dice rollRolled 19 (1d20)




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0d72f0 No.371648

File: 2b99e9091a90b69⋯.jpg (17.94 KB,400x292,100:73,loli cockfighting.jpg)


Wew lad. Dis nigga just rolling dice for all kinds of shit. If you wanna pick the poison see this post.


Otherwise you got two choices .>>370397

Creative thinking though.

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0d72f0 No.371910

File: 2a6894fb1b191d7⋯.png (4.63 MB,10384x2176,649:136,full party.png)

An updated perk chart for the current roster. A little project to help get my creative juices flowing. I really need to start writing the next part.

I lowkey based bosses' facial structure off a shiba inu.

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0d72f0 No.372390

File: 7407997fa4daf21⋯.png (2.09 MB,5792x2168,724:271,rest of the party.png)

I had done the perk sheet for everyone but that post seems to have disappeared. Maybe because it was too big since I just added it on to the old one? Anyway, I shaved the size down if that was the case so it only shows the new additions.

update- Hopefully soon.

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0d72f0 No.372391



and now it seems to be back? 8chin may be bugging out. I'll leave em' both up in case it bugs out again.

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381577 No.372485


Must have. I did not see either post untill

Checking again now.

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d388b2 No.373821

Lad? You still here? What happened?

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0d72f0 No.373829


I know we're slipping down the catalog. I've actually got a good chunk of it done I just got hurry up and finish. And edit. And maybe do some art.

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0d72f0 No.376357


"So, do you understand?" The red glow of her eyes hid behind her eyelids, and she wore an expression of anxiousness- pursed lips.

Anon extended his chromed arm and subtle clicks accented his finger movements to present an open hand "Let me help you. Boss and Pee too."

Morrigan seemed detached from his offer and took his hand, looking it over "How's the new arm treating you?".

"It aches at the connection, but otherwise it…" she traced her fingers along the inside of his prosthetic as he spoke, her finger traveling along the textured plastic shell up to where connected to his wetware and then to his bicep. The sensory feedback along the cybernetic limb had the acuity to interpret her soft touch and the sensation when her fingers traveled between his synthetic facsimile to his wetware was nearly seamless.

"It's good then, like your old arm?"

"More or less." Anon made a fist and the mechanisms within the arm clicked and whirred.

Morrigan smiled. "That's good."

She'd managed to derail the earlier inquiry, Anon got them back on track "If we work as a team, I'm sure we can-"

"No. This isn't your fight. This is something I have to deal with on my own. The collective-"

"Screw your secret society bullshit, I'm not going to let you run off to face down some assassin alone!"

Morrigan was caught off guard by the emotional outburst "Anon…you really want to help?"

He nodded assertively. "Yea. Friends don't just abandon one another." In the back of his mind, the memory of leaving his old crew stung him. That was the part of himself he wanted to forget. The new Anon wasn't going to run away anymore.

Morrigan took him close in an embrace, snapping him out of his stupor. She squeezed him tight "Friends…?"

"Eh, yea."

With their proximity, her bosom pressed snuggly against his collarbone. Anon attempted to create some space, gingerly pushing himself away. The new distance revealed a genuine look of grief from her. The look compelled him to reach up to touch her face but his wetware hand was intercepted. In an instant, she'd pulled him into a half-nelson. She whispered into his ear "Forgive me."


Morrigan laid the unconscious Anon down on the sofa before running her fingers through his hair. The staples along with the platinum blonde streak still remained from their first outing. She didn't have long now, his soft and shallow breaths heralded his return to consciousness. She made her way to the exit. Pee's door opened, only a crack.

"Anon- What's wrong with him?"

Morrigan turned slightly giving Pee half her face. "Little dizzy from the painkillers. He'll be alright." She let herself out.

Pee left her room and timidly approached the sleeping Anon. Anxiety came from the thought of him ODing as Boss had. There was no indication he'd do something so stupid but the fear was there. She began jostling him as his slumped posture was unnerving for her.

"Anon- Hey Anon- Anon- wake up- Anon- Anon- Wake up Anon."

Anon stirred from the prodding and held his head for a moment. He shook the dizziness from his person and regained some composure.

Boss hopped through a dog-sized ventilation shaft into the hideout "Anon, your weirdo friend just took off on her bike."


It couldn't be helped. That didn't make Anon any less pissed at her for leaving the way she did. Pee tugged at his tactical vest.

"A-anon- Ya know- There are some clothes that-"

"What is it Pee?"

Boss hopped up onto the Sofa "Those pajamas don't fit ya that well Cap'."

Pee nodded and withdrew some folded clothes from a cardboard box. A black marker inscribed the name "DosBoss stuff" on the top of the box.

"T-try these Anon."

Boss looked irritated "Hey! Those are-"

She wagged her finger at him "It's not like you can wear them anymore."

Boss sulked and growled.


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0d72f0 No.376358


There was nothing he could do about Morrigan running off. If she was dead set on going solo that's how she'd go. In the meantime, the crew was gathered in the living room which also doubled as the briefing room. Pee was leading the meeting, albeit her facemask hiding her real face behind a classic cartoon character. It helped her cope with her social anxiety. Anon had changed into Boss's clothes. They were pretty slick and they fit better than Pee's pajamas.

"I've been going over the data you sent me. I discovered some interesting things about your Neet."

"Like what?"

"Let's start with her serial number- NE-37. Do you know what the NE stands for?"

Anon was clueless and his face showed as much "I never looked into it…"

"It means Non-empathy. Technically your interactions with Neet were impossible if that serial number was legit."


"But…Then how?"

"I don't think your Neet was her original self. Rather, someone dramatically altered her cyberbrain to allow her to act the way she did. Whoever modded her must have been very good." Her face morphed to a thinking emoji.

Anon pressed forward "Someone at OCP you think?"

Pee nodded, face morphing again to stary vista "That'd be the logical conclusion but there's no way to know. At the very least they were aware her brain was special."

Boss interjected "Pretty convoluted plot if they were behind the modding. Why would they mod a cyberbrain, kick it to the curb and then hunt it down again?"

Pee rocked back and forth "hmm. Any idea's Anon?"

Anon shook his head "I'm sure we'll uncover that later. I don't really have a plan to get Neet back. I was kind of hoping you might figure something out."

Pee stopped rocking "If her brain is being held at OCP headquarters nothing short of professional strike team is dragging her out of there. Instead of going after OCP directly I think we should focus on their subordinates on the street."

Anon's chrome arm flexed and produced a fist "Omar."

Pee nodded "Right."

Boss perked up "You can't be serious…"

Pee turned to Boss. "We know who he's working for. We put the screws to Omar's crew and we'll get the data we need to tackle OCP."

Anon interjected, "You really think that'll work?"

She turned her attention to him "It's all we can do for now. If nothing else you'll get your revenge on Omar and help clean up the streets. Omar and his goons run things in both north and south city. If we take them down then-"

Boss growled "Listen to yourself Pee, This isn't some video game. We can't just go around kicking doors down like we're wearing badges. We operate on the Matrix!"

Pee shot back "We're already marked! Or did you forget the hotel? Whether you like it or not we've got to deal with Omar now."

Boss barked "So that's it then, Anon still got fresh holes in him and you want to drag us into meatspace to hunt down a dorph fiend and bring down a mega corp for good measure? You're more whacked than I was before I fucking geeked myself." He hopped away from the briefing table livid and muttering.

Pee stood up "Boss!"

Boss didn't break stride and continued out of the room through a doggy door. Pee's face morphed to a sad looking character from a cartoon that was long forgotten. Something told Anon there was a little more to Boss's anxiety other than her intrepid plan.

"I'll go talk to him."

"Do you think that my plan- Do you think it's- It's the only…"

"It's not my idea of a good time but I can't slow down now. Let me talk to Boss."


Boss had his little corner of the hideout. Amenities were made for his dog body. A charging bay he could lay down and sleep in. A matrix jack fixture that protruded from the wall so he could escape meatspace without having to have someone plug him in. He was gazing into a framed picture, a rarity in the age of digital media prevalence. The picture hosted a gang of faces Anon didn't recognize.

"Friends of yours?"

He answered, intended inflections of his voice fought against the Vocaloid in his drone body. He was answering question Anon hadn't asked.

"Don't do it."

"Do what?"

Boss turned to face him. "You lose something when you come back."

"Talking about losing your wetware?"

Boss looked like he struggling to find the words. "There's more to lose than flesh."

"Sure it's not just the doggo drone you're riding? What about a less animal frame?"

"That's not it Anon." his paw tapped his doggy brow "Your mind, how it processes thoughts and feelings. I can't think of a way to describe it properly but the closest thing would be a dream you know you're in but your body refuses to wake up."

"You think you're in a dream?"

"No." Boss closed his eyes.

A pensive pause.

"You don't think Pee's plan is a good idea?"

"It's a good idea if you want to die." his eyes flicked back open "I'm not Boss ya' know? I wouldn't even call myself his ghost."

"What would you call yourself then?"

"Mobile mausoleum."

Another pause.

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0d72f0 No.376359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Is there a reason why you're so testy lately Boss?"

cue the "Fuck it, I'm a robot dog, let's get this done music"

His tail wagged and with a tone of indifference, he rattled on "Nothing you can fix. Not anymore." He led anon to a small weapon locker "Let's get you a proper primary. Those pea shooters aren't going to cut it for what we're getting into."

(descriptions courtesy of Boss)

[ ] Boss's FN FAL modded SBR- "Can't beat .308 caliber when it comes to penetration. I shortened the barrel to make it more friendly indoors and upgraded the internals for softer trigger squeeze. 'Stock is adjustable so you can fit however you want it. They don't make em' like this anymore. 20 round mags.

[] Boss's FN P90 "So good I bought two of them. Lightweight and compact. The 5.7 ammo packs a pretty mean punch to boot. It's a versatile and deadly weapon. They're pretty easy to come by since so many of them were made. FN still produces them today. 50 round mags."

[]Boss's FN Scorn "Developed back in the mid-2030's, this was FN's answer to the growing pervasiveness of smart guns on the battlefield. I don't care for aesthetics personally but it's a quality piece none the less. You can jack your arm into it for a synced HAAC for better overall accuracy. It'll transmit useful data such as remaining ammo and real-time feedback on your performance to let you know how good your aim is. Granted, if you're not using it well you probably won't know for too long. 7.62x51mm/ 30 round mags."

Boss was obviously an FN fanboi.

"So, you're up for Pee's plan then?"

"No, but I can't let either of you go alone. There's no running away from this. We either go down kicking or we might as well let em' geek us in our sleep. The only thing I have left are my friends. If I lose you guys then I really will be dead."

"I'm sorry for mixing you guys up in my-"

"Don't apologize. Pee knew well enough what kinda trouble you were in and so did I when I followed her. Even if I hadn't gone she would have done anything to help you. That's just how she is."

A question that was on his mind poked through "Were you and Pee…" How to phrase it "Was she your input?"

Boss growled "I wish. She only ever had eyes for you. Funny though, I don't think she'd know what to do with you even if she had the chance. When she found out your heart belonged to someone else you could tell she was jealous."

"Jealous? Of Neet?"

"Ask her yourself. I'm done with love triangles." Boss was making his way towards his doggy door exit. Anon grabbed the primary of his choice and made his way out.


The party Van was set. Pee would be overwatch and provide support with mini-drones while Boss and Anon stayed busy with wetwork. They weren't ready to deploy yet. That would be later that at night. Anon still had some time to kill and a few more drugs to down. In the meantime…

[] Talk to Pee. 'Forgotten friendship is one thing but an unrequited love could tangle her up in a tense situation. I need to let her know I love her as a friend, and that when this is all over I'll make things right for abandoning her twice.

[] Target practice with Boss. This new heater is vicious. It doesn't belong to me so I better have boss show me how to work it right. Bros before hos and all that.

[] I need some alone time to meditate on things, browse the matrix and chill for a bit. This might be my last foray onto the net before I rest in pieces later tonight. It has been a while since played around with my favorite catgirl. If I try real hard I can maybe convince myself It's Neet. If only for a moment.


Roll 2 d 20's

First for your WEPON pick, second for Anon's choice of activity before the real fun begins.


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191c1b No.376605

File: e21b1b76e613ed5⋯.jpg (45.07 KB,193x189,193:189,e21b1b76e613ed59d2c342e24f….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 12, 20 = 32 (2d20)


As much as FAL is gun waifu, it's going to be useless in close quarters because every time you fire the damn thing in a corridor you go blind, deaf and numb.Add to that the cumbersome factor from the full power carts and the long ass rifle barrel, yeah nah.

As much as it pains me, the P90 with it's five seven ammo and it's large ass mags and bullpup form was designed from ground up to be a close quarters gun. As long as it doesn't have the stupid fucking americunt barrel and trigger that is.

Man, i am not good with people. Maybe go bully Pee about her name or something? I… I think i see why i don't have many friends.

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0d72f0 No.376647


>that nat 20.

Goodness. Locked in for Pee I guess. If anyone wants an alternative you'll need to roll for something different and have multiple vote rolls to counter that 20. Total for an alternate choice would have to be 30+ total using D20's (two people rolling 15's for the same choice for instance).

Not that I have a problem with that choice, I just wouldn't want people not to roll for their choice if they think it's locked down before they even get a chance.

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b9bbeb No.376752


This is what I was gonna suggest anyways, so I'm happy with these rolls

As long as we don't bully her too much. Please be patient, she has autism.

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0d72f0 No.376753


Someone had earlier mentioned the P90 was their favorite so I figured I'd squeeze one into the story somehow. Guess it's off to bully Pee then. I'll try to be more prompt with the next update. I need to finish this bastard of a story sooner or later.

or maybe make a second season if people want some more cyberpunk action.

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30f714 No.377627

File: 7a1a3bcd2beeb5d⋯.png (117.98 KB,602x452,301:226,A003C75D-7089-48A5-91D1-17….png)

>picking the P90


The P90 seems like a good idea on paper. But it’s actually terrible for this situation. It’s good in tight spaces yes I’ll agree. But it does NOT pack the kind of firepower we need for this operation. The P90 was designedly for mostly non combat personnel to be able to easily and more effectively utilize full auto fire in the event they suddenly came under attack. To reduce the recoil enough for this to be possible the size of the round is nearly as small as a .22 WMR. This is not what we want when it’s possible for individuals to walk around wearing tank armor.god help you if this thing jams on you

The better choice would either be the FAL or the scorn. I personally suggest the scorn with its increased accuracy from the synced HAAC, 30 round mag, larger caliber round, and the ammo tracking it does for you.its easy to lose track of how many rounds you’ve already fired off, especially for people who’ve never been in combat before.

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f09081 No.380908


>Not bothering to roll

I mean, do you even want the scorn? The next part may be the last since it's a big fatty. I'm considering putting it into a PDF. I'll see when I'm done writing.

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f09081 No.381148



Midday was creeping away into a sky choked with unfiltered pollution. The plan was pretty straightforward as far as wetwork went; get to Omar, grab some of his private data regarding his corporate handlers, and maybe geek him for good measure since he had a decent price on his head. The truth was, it sounded less like wet work and more like wet dreams. Managing to complete this OP without being detected let alone escaping with their lives would be a long shot even under the best conditions

Anon knocked on Pee's door. No answer. Another batch of knocks followed behind the first. Maybe she was in the matrix? He messaged her over his deck. A short time later she invited him in. She was jacked in. He took an open port and followed her into the net. Digitized, he felt himself connect. The sensation of insincere reality pushed against him but despite that, he enjoyed the feeling of his previously intact arm that only the matrix could provide. Pee's Avatar reflected her meatspace self albeit somewhat taller.

"Ready for tonight Anon?"

Pee's attention was jumping around between multiple virtual monitors. Maps, names, faces, and other data intermingled between them.

"Just checking up on you Pee."

"We'll only get one shot."


She kept her attention focused on net diving. He continued "I never really had a chance to properly thank you for responding to me back at Tasty Bitz. Noel was always a good meatspace friend but he wasn't one to get mixed up in dangerous situations."

She stayed busy.

"So, ya know, thanks."

She paused and looked at him over her shoulder.

"Anon, if Neet- if she's…" She knew the issue would raw for him.

"If she's toast- What are you going to do?"

The question he'd never actually bothered to consider. It was a thought he'd repressed since facing it made her demise seem more real than he wanted it to be. He felt his chest tighten up.

"If I can't get Neet back…" There wasn't a clear answer at first. Dour thoughts pervaded him. Would he return to his old ways? Would he become a reclusive net jockey chasing after digital highs once more? The prospect of regressing to that previous unfeeling state would numb the pain he currently felt but the memories would always be with him. The answer he found came from his heart. "…I'll keep fighting for her. I'll make sure that those that prey on the weak sleep with one eye open. Even if I have to clean this city up one block at a time."

She winced "You go chasing demons all the time and you'll become one."

He shrugged "I'm already a demon."

Her cringe was visceral at the comment along with captain falcon avatar he never changed "You were always a softie. Don't try to pretend otherwise."

"You still think so?"

"I need to check your arm. See me in meatspace." That 'tism.

"User 'PnP' has disconnected"


Her room was a mess of every kind of tech one could want for dabbling in cybermancy. Cords, boards, cards and shards piled all over. No sense of organization. She knew where everything was because no one but her came into this room. Anon was reclined in Pee's bed. His stocky build made it look smaller than it actually was. His arm had a number of cables connected to it with firmware updates steaming into it courtesy of Pee's penchant for modification.

"What's this supposed to do again?"

"Keep your arm from getting hacked. I've also upped the clock speed for the neural bridge. You'll burn through your juice a little faster but it should increase the overall performance of the limb."

"How much faster?"

"Your battery will drain fifty percent faster after we're done depending on the load it's under."

"That only gives me six hours to work with…" Anon made a fist, the artificial limb's articulation produced mechanical humming and clicking as he flexed.

"That's why I'm replacing your battery as well."


A firm squeeze on his shiny bicep on two specific points it popped open a latch exposing a bulky battery which Pee quickly extracted. His arm fell limp after its removal.


She replaced it with a sleeker battery, clearly a higher end model. His arm pulsed back to life.

"That should get you around eight hours."

Anon Grinned and patted Pee's head, "S'alright, I'm used to only working eight hours at a time anyway." a callback to his time as a wageslave.

Pee's facial visor morphed to an image macro which flashed: Kill yourself anytime. before squealing "NO HEADPATTING!" and batted his hand away.

She always made him smile with her bluntness.

"Thanks for everything Pee."

"G-go get ready or something! S-shoo shoo!"

She ushered him to the door.

Before shutting it she whispered.


He leaned in close to hear what she had to say.


She proceeded to slam the door in his face. Same old Pee.


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f09081 No.381149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The ambient glow of North city danced across the water along the riverwalk. The sun had crept below the elevated horizon courtesy of the skyscrapers and the colors refracted through the city's polluted skies gave the place an otherworldly aura. Morrigan sat on a bench enjoying the view. A cigarette dangled from her lips and smoke wafted from her mouth.

A gravely synthetic voice called to her from behind "Picked a nice spot. I figured you wouldn't make me chase you."

He was built for combat, a mountain of woven carbon fiber that covered a no doubt high end endoskeleton. Trauma plates were his second skin and dotted parts of him that didn't require flexibility. He was a geometric monstrosity whose very silhouette seemed to scream the design of some sadistic devil's workings. Atop his towering stature, there was no face- only a mouth with a grin. The rest of his head was covered in angled armor as if he were a throwback to a medieval era.

He licked his lips and continued "I was hoping you'd be more excited to see me. Perhaps when I'm done I can go see that friend or yours and finish your job for you."

Morrigan stirred at the comment and she stood up to face him peering over her shades. Their red glow, menacing as ever, was the look of death. The look did little to deter the beast she was facing down. She donned her usual evening dress.

Through pursed lips, he cooed "Hoohoohooooo~! Now we're talking." His toothy grin widened, an expression of animalistic hunger showed through with what little bit of his face was exposed. With outstretched arms, he announced, "I'll know if you're holding back so you better show me a good time!"

cue some menacing music to let you know things have just gotten serious

Two additional limbs erupted from his bulky frame, both brandishing heavy duty heaters. High-velocity rounds whistled by Morrigan and she took cover behind the bench. While it was molded concrete the HV rounds quickly whittled the cover away. Two grenades made their way through the air towards the quad armed beast. He shot them both out of the air with impeccable assisted aim. The moment's distraction allowed her to briefly take aim with an automatic shotgun and a hail of flechette peppered him. Sparks and shrapnel exploded from the rounds' impact disabling his heaters but doing little to damage to his exterior.

"Goohaahaha! Hot damn! Nice toy ya' got there!" he threw his heaters aside and lumbered towards her with heavy footfalls, his body still smoking from the flechette he'd been showered with. She tossed aside her now empty gun and squared up. It wasn't just a fight for her life, but a fight for her friend. She had no choice but to win. For the first time in a long time, she had a real reason to kill.

The faux stride of the beast ceased and he jumped forward at incredible speed. She attempted to deflect his attack but both arms on his right side connected and sent her reeling down the stonework walkway a good twenty feet before she impacted a dockside pillar with a sickening crunch. An attempt at standing failed and she only managed an awkward stumble before crumpling back down. The left side her face was caved in and her once delicate features were now spoiled by the beast's brutality.

His lower set of arms came together to crack their knuckles as he made his way to where she lay, his upper arms shrugged "Don't tell me you're done already."

She righted herself against the pillar and limped onto the dock. The beast followed close behind and chortled as his massive weight caused the plywood beneath his feet to creak and moan "Where the hell do you think you're going? Maybe I hit you a little too hard huh? Woohahaha!"

She rolled off the dock and disappeared into the water.

"Going for a swim now? I didn't bring my trunks and I really don't feel like fishing your ass outta there…" a fist punched through the bottom of the dock and grabbed his leg to pull him into the depths.

"W-ha-hoa! Hey now! Cheeky little monkey!"

With an additional arm, the beast braced himself against the dock and attempted to pull her up from the hand she had on his leg. "Didn't think this all the way through didja'!? HooHaha!"

They grappled, Morrigan wrapped her legs around the beast's midsection and her arm blades stabbed desperately at any opening she could manage. The beast reciprocated with vicious blows that left indentations on her softer frame after each impact. The close proximity limited the amount of power he could deliver and she whittled away at him with her blades while enduring the dents he left on her.

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f09081 No.381152


"C'mon lady, you could at least-" he flung her down the dock and she bounced along the way. "-ask my name before you start wrapping your legs around me! I mean, I'm not that kinda guy…" He noticed said legs were still wrapped around his midsection along with a portion of her torso. Odd considering he didn't use that much strength to pry her off. At that moment she flung what was left of herself into the water.

He looked down and chuckled, pointing at the legs still locked onto his waist

"I think you forgot so-"


An explosion ripped the dock apart sending bits and pieces high into the air before they rained down along the river. The thunderous boom caused birds to erupt from the surrounding trees and the ground itself shook from the shockwave it created. Chunks of flaming debris coated the surface of the water where the dock once stood. There was no sign of Morrigan or the beast amid the devastation save a pair of wraparound shades that lay broken on the riverwalk.


The party van was trucking along out of the industrial ruins. Pee would provide logistical and drone support while Boss and Anon would be busy kicking doors. Omar moved around but he kept to a pattern. Choosing where and when to attack could be the deciding factor in their success.

Anon sat across from Boss who was checking his gear. The back-mounted P90 swiveled and actuated a self-charging handle that made a clack clack as he tested the mechanism. He wore a doggie tactical vest that sported saddle bags that were loaded with grenades and a first aid kit. It looked custom tooled by Pee given the embroidery of an anime-styled dog character patch holding a knife its mouth affixed to the vest.

"You're too precious boss."

He flaunted razor-fanged maw "I think you mean bad to the bone." before racking his P90 with a ka-chack'. Anon racked his P90 as well. A single point sling kept it close at hand. Two knocks came from the front of the cab before Pee's muffled voice made it through some small grating that separated the van's innards.

"We're almost there, you guys ready?"

Boss and Anon nodded, Anon replied: "Let's go to work."

Pee confirmed anxiously "Be careful out there, alright?"


Where should they hit Omar at? Only one dice roll for this one.

[]9:00 pm-North City Docks- Contraband by boat. Gotta import your drugs and human slaves from somewhere. Security will be tight both from port security as well as Omar's private goon squads roaming around. Stealth will be paramount for this location.

[]11:00 pm- Neon Dreams- a fancy club in North City for those with enough brouzouf to enjoy it. Omar stops there for lunch and enjoys all manner of illicit activities. Security won't be as tight but things could get crazy real fast. If we lose Omar in crowd chasing him down will be rough.

[]1:00 am the Lower end of South city- The Stack houses- real shithole. Lots of recycling (selling harvested organs from non-consenting fresh cadavers) done there. Not as many eyes on the place but whatever kind of mess we get into there, it's sure to be extra messy no matter what.

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30f714 No.381179


i forgot to roll

Let’s hit him at the docks. Less guards mean less bodies to get in the way if things go south

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30f714 No.381180

Dice rollRolled 12 (1d20)

Damn it not again

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9b31bd No.381201


Did you read tight as light? If so I'll give you one chance to reroll a different option if you choose.

phone posting so different ID

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30f714 No.381216

Dice rollRolled 10 (1d20)


Thanks for that. I was getting ready for work and missed that. I change my option to number 3

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815b64 No.381308

Dice rollRolled 12 (1d20)


I vote docks for meta reasons involving Morrigan's top half. Although the fact that she didn't speak was… Suspicious.

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f09081 No.381339

File: 079867313f25b62⋯.jpg (667.57 KB,1286x1562,643:781,The alleged map.jpg)


The docks by her bordello and the docks further up north are far enough apart that there shouldn't (read won't) be any play between them. I didn't bother to go into detail about the exact distance between any landmarks so if you wanna reroll based on that info you may or you can keep your roll if you have ancillary reasons to do so.

As far as why she's quiet throughout the fight, she didn't have anything to say to the beast. She knew what kind of killer he was. There's no bargaining, reasoning, or intimidating with that kinda being. She wasn't about to waste any words on someone like him.

Also, have a map that is definitely not inspired by any megaman games. I'd like to draw the beast. My only fear is he's probably a lot scarier in your imagination than anything I could conjure with my pencil and ink.

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f09081 No.381594

bump check. It looks like the Dock's early bird special is pretty popular. I'll lock it in for good on Sunday unless we have a higher roll.

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b9bbeb No.381616

Dice rollRolled 10 (1d20)


I'm gonna vote nightclub

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5111c5 No.382548

Dice rollRolled 20 (1d20)


Given the choice between having to deal with lots of guards, having to deal with large crowds, and having to deal with getting unpleasant substances out of your clothes, I say go for the Stack Houses.

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09672d No.382614

Dice rollRolled 20 (1d20)


>The Stack houses

Even though I'm tempted to hit the Neon Dreams just out of contempt for the rich, we can do more good fucking up a place like this. They undoubtedly prey upon the weakest people in society. And this might hit the corporate checkbooks harder than the club.

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09672d No.382615



>two 20's for the Stack Houses

Hot damn. It would take an act of God to stop us from wrecking that place.

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f09081 No.382758

File: 444a13231b6b8e3⋯.png (380.24 KB,638x505,638:505,yis.png)


I did say I'd lock the voting down for the story a Sunday or so ago. Then again two 20's in a row is pretty fierce.


If you want to yield to the 20's you can but technically you won given my cutoff time. Writing-wise everything is still in my head, I just gotta set aside some time to stop being a lazy shit and stop playing on my new computer.

Pic not related.

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09672d No.382760


>I did say I'd lock the voting down for the story a Sunday or so ago. Then again two 20's in a row is pretty fierce.

I actually thought we had just snuck in before the bell. Since you didn't actually post that it was locked (and I was too lazy to read the timestamp on that post), I assumed you meant this Sunday instead of the one before it. I still think the Stack Houses are best to raid, but I don't want to hear anons cry about you not following the rules or whatever. If the winning anon doesn't mind relenting to them then great, but my feelings won't be hurt either way. Congrats on the new PC too.

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09672d No.386076


OP, are you planning to continue the story at some point? It's been 5 or 6 weeks since your last update.

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f09081 No.386501


Had a lot on my plate since christmas. I'm also responsible for kelpchan alive so thats on my mind as well.

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09672d No.386506


I'm not judging you. Life happens. Just curious.

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