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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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b6d64b No.328423 [Last50 Posts]

In front of an imperial oriental castle, sakura trees bloom with stunning beauty. Because of the sheer volume of petals, a seemingly never-ending staircase that leads into the castle becomes littered. It's like a cascade of cherry blossoms, overfilling the landscape. This is the 'Castle of Shining Heaven', in monument to the goddess known as 'Amaterasu'.

And thus, there you are, a tiny spec compared to the sheer size of the castle stairway, trying frivolously to sweep the petals away from the steps. At the bottom. With no help. And a chaffed broom. You have a long way to go….

The polished stone street you stand on, before the steps, used to be populated with commerce and attractions. Stores and trade. But, as of late, this town has become somewhat underpopulated. The season for trade hasn't begun, and thus, there you are, alone, in front of a tower of steps, on a stone street littered with old commerce shelters and unwanted clutter.

"…" You halt your cleanliness preparation and quickly observe the scene before you.

…There's nobody around…

You immediately drop the broom and turn on a conveniently placed boom box nearby, where catchy upbeat music begins to play.

Slide to the left… Stride to the right…

You then unleash your inner Kevin Bacon and begin to break into dance. Turning the abandoned commerce area into a dance zone, you loose your feet and groove like a fiend on the scene. As you strike a pose and immediately shift into another—

—A shooting star captures your vision.

Rather, it doesn't look like a shooting star. It looks like a shiny metallic object descending from the sky. A shooting crystal? It fires it's way past the skies above and into the forbidden forest miles ahead of you. A shining beam of prismatic light emits, signifying that that wasn't a mere hurdling space rock.

"Huh, would you look at that?" A masculine voice rings out from behind you.

You immediately spin around to see a man in his mid-thirties, with long greyish hair tied into a man bun, a shark tooth necklace, and a famed hollowed gourd of premium alcohol… lounging about on the staircase without a worry in the world.

"Uncle, just how long have been laying there?"

"Long enough to see you dance like a fruit," Mace Wagner exclaims with a mocking shifting of feet, "You're never gonna wow any girls with those dance moves. You need to thrust your pelvis like you're committing a mating dance with ants in your pants."


"Heeeeeey… That was a -playful- insult, nephew. What's with the silence? Where's your rebuttal? Come on, don't make me feel like a complete dick."

"It'll come in a moment."

"A moment? Hah! What-? All that fruitbowl dancing wear out you thin…? I thought you were made of sterner stuff—-" Your uncle attempts to get up as to mock you further.

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b6d64b No.328425

…In a drunken stupor, he slips and rolls down the flight of stairs as if tripping on a comical banana peel. Diligently, you spot the opening, and quickly spring up your broom from the ground with a mighty kung fu stomp.

And in slow motion, as your uncle rolls off the stairs, the tip of the broom angles itself right right as his posterior falls into place.


The broom's handle finds it's way up your uncles hind end.


He leaps around frantically with a broom stuck inside him, ironic considering the inverse was his advice. Or is that coincidental?

"Worry not, I will pick something appropriate for your eulogy," you clap your hands together and pray for your uncle as if he's already passed on, "My uncle was a peculiar man, 'Anything is a dildo if you're brave enough', he would say with utmost certainty. His downfall was unavoidable, the face-down broom-up open casket funeral a parting gift."


"-Oh shit crackers."

Your uncle springs up, broom still stuck up inside his ass, and begins to chase you around the commerce area. You run, luckily you have the advantage of being sober, as the broom begins to knock objects and clutter while Mace tries desperately to get his hands on you.

And thus is the daily life of a budding martial artist studying abroad, a boy known as June Wingman, age 1X, and his Uncle, Mace Wagner, age 3X.

You maneuver about like a frenzied kung fu master, avoiding your uncle's blustering swipes as you backflip up the stairs, using the natural slope to your advantage. With each futile swipe, Mace unknowingly swings the broom's straw back and forth, sweeping the stairwell using his naught but his asshole. Perhaps you've found your out, after all, in the oddest of places-!


Minutes go by unabated yet shamefully…

You stand on top the stairwell to the Castle of Shining Heaven, the cherry blossoms purged from the steps surface. The Princess tasked you with this difficult task as part of your training— you've been staying at this castle for the better part of three years now. Envoys and agents flock to the interior, adventurers and journeymen tall and bold pass through, carving out a living in the chaotic times you live in.

It's strange. One day, the fabric of society suddenly shifted from cordial to anarchy at the blink of an eye. Nobody really knows why— well, unless some do and they just choose not to bother the simple folk with.

Sensing movement next to the nearby torii, you quickly avert your attention away from your blithering gasping uncle, struggling to catch his breath after climbing all those stairs in a vain attempt to hit you. A tuft of glimmering hot pink catches the tipmost corner of your eye.

Chin-length, blazing hot pink hair, an amazingly curvaceous body brought about from weeks of pamperment and laziness, and a pair of twitching fox ears. There, emerging from a side-entrance, stands the Princess of this castle, the crude and unusual, Madam Seroshi.

Those permanent bags around her eyes and that agitated glance that refuses to leave her face, it could be no other. Despite being a princess, she still presents herself in a slobbish manner, you don't recall if you've ever seen her with her hair combed. Wasting no time at all, the fox woman steps before you, towering over your budding body and resolve.

"The fuck are you doing back up here, Jun? Have you finished your chores yet?"

"With honors, your grace."

Seroshi glances her strikingly fierce slit eyeballs toward the visage of your uncle, sweating profusingly, trembling upon the top of the steps with a broom sticking out of his ass.

"The hell! The fuck! And the shit?!" The fox girl points her dainty finger in an undainty manner, "What 'is' that, boy?"

"That's my uncle, your grace."

"I'm aware of what it is. I'm asking why he's here and why he's currently in the state he's in?"

"You told me to sweep the steps, you did not mention the manner of which I could use."

"'The manner'? He's got a broom stuck in his ASS."

"We like to think outside the box."

"Right. Well. I'll try to be more 'concise' next time, then."

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b6d64b No.328426

File: fb9fab81838ef34⋯.jpg (83.94 KB,714x1000,357:500,Yip yap, all your yens.jpg)

"Y…Your grace!" Mace gasps as he wobbles to a stand, "What a lovely day it is, and how lovely you look on this lovely day! On lovely days like this, the garden is rather lovely and thus, the loveliest action one could partake in would be a walk of lovelyness. What do you say?"


"Or we could stay in. Alcohol is a gift that can be accepted no matter the time of the day."


"Uh… Netflix and chill?"

You have to admire your uncle's gumption. Not just anyone can try to ask out a princess while his sphincter is engaged in housework.

Seroshi responds in kind, as bluntly and coldly as she ever does, "You're banned from the castle until you take a shower. Effective now."

"Wha- what are you talking about?"

The fox girl pinches her nose and steps backwards, "The stench. What IS that stench?"

"That's…" Mace inhales his armpit and shrugs, "That's just my cologne."

"Alcohol scented?"

"Man scented. With elite man salt squeezed from the very sweat of glory and pride."

"There's plenty of salt on the ground, you'll become acquainted after I throw you down that flight of stairs if you do not leave and shower. Now."

"Man…" Mace shrugs in a defeated fashion, "Women, am I right, nephew? Must be her time of the month."

"Please don't drag me into this."

"Bros before hos, my little dude. You'll thank the day you know I've always got your back."

"Of course, uncle,I feel safer already. Please go shower in the meantime."

"Alright alright. But I'm taking your broom," Mace turns around and strides down the stairwell with newfound pride, "We've bonded in a way very few men will ever know. Let's go, partner!"

[Mace would go on to have amazing adventures with broom-kun, the annuls of history rich with their combined achievements, placed in order of importance between such greats as Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great.]

[Or rather, they would've, but unfortunately as Mace Wagner retreated from the castle, he turned a corner far harder than he should've and broke the broom in two against a bamboo tree.]


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b6d64b No.328427


Thankfully, we're done with the broom gag, and now you're standing inside the princess's royal chamber. Seroshi, scratching her chin in curious ponderment, looks to you with tired troubled eyes.



"You're…" Seroshi points to a piece of paper with doodles drawn on math problems, "You're really bad at fractions."

"Ah. Yeah…"

"Look here, on the next page— In the spot of lowest common denominator, you drew a picture of what appears to be Kirby from Super Smash Brothers with a grossly realistic depiction of actor Bill Murray's face."

"The only power Kirby absorbed was crippling depression and gambling debts from hookers."

"I'm not sure what I'm more shocked at, your surprisingly good artistic ability or your strange imagination."

"With all due respect, I didn't come here to learn math, your highness."

"You came here to learn a fist, in order to learn it properly, you must first learn the rudimentary facts of life. Education is being the most important-"

"I'm aware. But I don't see myself being a doctor or a scientist. Fighting's about the only thing I'm good at— I'll never be an academic."

"I wouldn't say that, you've made an obvious improvement since you've been here. Your speech for one-"

"I fear I might've been a bad influence on you in terms of speech, your highness."

"Nonsense, I had never thought curse words to be as cathartic as you made them out to be. It's fucking liberating, motherfucker!"

"R..Right? Hahaha…"

You were a problem child when you first came here, thinking back on it now, you're deeply ashamed of your rambunctious conduct. But it's not as if you can redo first impressions, even though you've changed, Seroshi will always see you as that rude little boy.

Come to think of it…



"Why did you take me in?"

"Because every soldier, every fighter, ever little boy seeking a power fantasy comes here to learn the 'Fist of Amaterasu'. But is not a fist that causes harm, thus they are turned away. But you— you came here strictly because it was a fist that causes no harm. A noble heart in one so young is admirable."

"I.. I see."

"Hmm?" Seroshi tilts her head and twitches her fox ears, "Was that not your intent? Am I wrong?"

"No no, you're right! A martial art that causes no harm sounds lovely!"

…The real reason you came was so you could meet a real life princess— but she turned out to be nothing like you imagined. At first, you thought it was lame that the princess wasn't a young girl with a pure and regal demeanor… a fox girl old enough to be your mom, man what the hell–!

But… well…

You got older.

And uh…

She's not ugly. Though she may be crude and crass, her tail is the softest, fluffiest surface you've ever felt. Seriously, it feels like your floating in a sea of stars, neverending bliss just touching that fluffy tail.

And that's not even mentioning her breasts. They're bigger than her face-! And those hips… and those thighs… her rear end is tightly squeezed inside that miko hakama, it's bulging out almost as if the clothing could rip at any moment! On several occasions you've seen a glimpse of her puffy areola, creeping up as her wardrobe malfunctions.

Being around Seroshi, alone, is probably a terrible awful tease for your hormones. You wish she'd stop calling you 'Jun' instead of 'June', she does it in such a wanton tone of voice—!

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b6d64b No.328428

"…" You quickly cross your legs and hunch over.



"A..Ah well.. is something the matter?"

"Sorry, I'm just excited to be alive, did you need something?"

"You're staring at me."


"It's all right. I assumed you wished to ask me something?"

"Well, I would like to know just how much longer my training will be?"

Seroshi closes her eyes and focuses, "…The forbidden forest. What do you know of it?"

"Well, it's obviously dangerous if it's forbidden to enter."

"It's dangerous to little boys— and certain men," the fox woman explains with a sigh, "The monsters within are attracted to them like catnip. Virgin killers is what they're called."

"Y-You don't say…?"

"You're nearing your final task, before you complete your training. As you may— have surmised, it has to do with the forbidden forest."

"What would I be doing?"

"Deep inside the forest lies a temple— inside the temple lies a mirror. It's an ancient mirror that belongs to the goddess whom watches over this castle. It's said to reveal the truth hidden within your heart as well as give you insight. Your final task would be to gaze upon it— as it will also unlock the hidden potential within your heart."

"Deep, but simple enough."

"And dangerous enough. I'm hesitant to send you at your age."

"Might I bring my uncle?"

"I wouldn't."



"Yeah no, I had to ask out of obligation."

"I understand. It's like looking after a mentally ill family member."

"That's honestly not far from the truth."

"Definitely, don't bring him."

"I won't."

"Good." Seroshi stands from the exotic pillows and garments she uses as her throne and smiles, "You -did- clean that stairwell faster than I ever expected you to. I feel like I should award you— nay, I will award you for your quickness."

"You're uh… too kind. But I can't think of anything off the top of my head-"

"Truly? Are you certain? I will aid you in your training however I can— you are like a son to me after all."

"N-No, that's all righ-"

"Jun, it's all right. We are alone and untethered, you needn't be reserved around me. Whatever you'd like, I would consider it a boon well deserved. Speak up, and don't mince words."

Don't say oppai. Don't say oppai. Don't say oppai.

[] Oppai ╰(◉ᾥ◉)╯! I want to play with your boingy bodacious boobies! OPPAI!

[] A kiss for good luck?

[] I need a good luck charm, how about your panties?

[] Touch fluffy tail

[] Dance with me!

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64419e No.328429


[X] Oppai ╰(◉ᾥ◉)╯! I want to play with your boingy bodacious boobies! OPPAI!

Hey, she said not to mince words.

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27b8d8 No.328438


[X] Touch fluffy tail

Is this even a choice, c'mon man.

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4d8e3a No.328464


Boobs are life but I gotta give it to

[X] Touch fluffy tail

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775296 No.328478


[x] Oppai ╰(◉ᾥ◉)╯! I want to play with your boingy bodacious boobies! OPPAI!

[x] A kiss for good luck?

[x] I need a good luck charm, how about your panties?

[x] Touch fluffy tail

[x] Dance with me!

Secret option: [x] Her hand in marriage once we finish our quest.

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b6d64b No.328508

File: a563329edbbe3cf⋯.jpg (297.93 KB,990x988,495:494,Charlie Chaplin.jpg)


Pick one, you gabagooey!

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cf9bac No.328519


[X] Use 「Kill the Star」on her

You thought you could escape?

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775296 No.328569


all of them

if not, then the secret choice of her hand in marriage after we complete our quest, because the secret ending means we get to do all the others anyway

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808461 No.328570


>[x] Oppai ╰(◉ᾥ◉)╯! I want to play with your boingy bodacious boobies! OPPAI!

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990a12 No.328572


>[X] Touch fluffy tail

>doing anything else


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b6d64b No.328591

File: 8b992bb88220ab3⋯.png (576.07 KB,1024x1382,512:691,Hime-sama.png)

[X] The fluffy tail, of course!

"I would like to touch the fluffy tail, your majestyness!"

"—My tail, you say?"

"Of course, the tail of a kitsune is fuzzy and warm. It's a guilty pleasure, I must admit-"

"My tail… Why yes… My tail." Seroshi begins to cackle fondly to herself without a hint of refusal, "By all means, do so sonorously. Go ahead and touch my… 'tail'."

"Thank you-"

The fox girl grabs a hold of her tail and bends it to her front, and cautiously begins to groom it. The gloomy face of the princess is replaced with one of unnerving perversion, she begins to pet her tail while eye contact continues unbroken.

"-very… much?"

"Well then, what are you waiting for? My tail is yours for the taking, my charming little student."

"Here I um.. Here I go, then."

You motion to touch the fox princess's fluffy tail, her eyes prying you apart as you do so. It's not menacing, there is no malice behind that glare, yet you feel disturbed all the same. As you place your fingers upon the soft, smooth, and velutinous surface— a creepy smile washes over Seroshi's face.

"Madam Seroshi, I err— I can't concentrate when you stare at me like that."

"Do not mind me, I'm merely observing," Seroshi starts breathing erratically, "Heh… Heheheh."

"That's… That's the problem."

You rub the fluffy tail, it's every bit as wondrous as it always is. Well then, a job well done, you'll have to get some rest in preparation for tom-



"You're not done already, are you?"


"Don't you wish to stroke my tail some more? Brush it, perhaps? I would feel insulted if you still feel reserved after I told you it's fine." The fox princess gets uncomfortably close to your face with a grin that reaches from one side of her face to the other, "If you want, you're welcome to bury your face inside my fluffy tail."

"That's… a little much, besides, I feel like I've experienced it enough. If I overdo it, I might spoil myself, you know?"

"You shouldn't stop at merely touching it. You need to stroke it— thoroughly working the base before you rub the tip. Here, allow me to teach you-" Seroshi sticks out her tongue while not breaking eye contact with you, "With any proper grooming, using your tongue is vital to success."

"I think that's going a little far-"

"So then, why don't you lick my tail clean?" The kitsune princess begins to cackle fondly, "Fufufu, you could bury your whole face in, if you wanted to. I wouldn't mind, it's just the two of us, after all. Hue hue hue…"

You neglected to mention, but Seroshi is unusually weird about letting people touch her tail. She becomes like this every time you touch the fluffy tail—

—fucking weird.

"I'm feeling kinda sleepy after all that busy work! Thousand pardons, Hime-sama, but I need to turn in."

"Oh…?" The princess's sadistic face reverts to her usual gloomy demeanor, "Oh. Very well then, I suppose there are more pressing matters."

Well gee, you feel a little guilty now.

"Right, I suppose you do have a dangerous day ahead of you tomorrow. You may take the rest of the day off— please, enjoy yourself in my castle. Dinner should be prepared shortly."

"Your magnanimity is appreciated as always, Princess."

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b6d64b No.328592

"…Just one more thing, as I feel inclined to mention," Seroshi mentions with a deep breath, "But this must stay between us and only us, understand? Not a word to your uncle, to your friends, 'anyone'."

"A secret straight from the princess herself? Absolutely, what is it?"

"There is a way to make the journey through the forbidden forest easier for you— that is, if you're willing endure something. That is— to simplify it, you would receive my 'blessing'."

"Your blessing? I didn't know you had such fantastical powers, Madam Seroshi! That's so cool!"

"It's… um.. not really a power. But it is something I'm willing to facilitate for you, on account of your perilous deeds and due reward… and your cute face… However, I would require two things from you, things that would permanently affect your life going forward."

"S… Sounds awfully dire."

"It's not really, but I'm unsure you are entirely up to giving me those two things at this point in time. Especially at your age. Not that it'd matter, as long as we keep it a secret."

"—Huh? I'm lost, what are you talking about?"

"I cannot say anything further, as it would require a concise answer. If you wish to receive my blessing, and are willing to pay the price, you're welcome to visit my chambers tonight. However, if you do decide— you are not to be seen, is that understood?"


"Consider it part of the challenge." Seroshi relinquishes her fluffy tail and bows politely, "If you wish to tackle the forest as you are, I will not stop you. But please, be careful. You are one of the few I may speak frankly with, I would hate to lose you to the foul yokai of the forest."

"I wouldn't worry about it, I'm strong as an ox! Anyway, in case I don't see you later, have a good night!"


You enter a guest room deep within the castle, one of many, but the only one you claim as your own. Inside, you have but a few meager possessions, your most prized being that of a family photo. Your mother and father are currently on an adventure somewhere in the Neo-Amazons, they intend to live their lives that way, as adrenaline junkies.

You were entrusted to your uncle at a young age, yet unfortunately, he proved to be a poor substitute. You lived as a hoodrat for a few years, watching the Kaizer games and street fights, you've taken up an interest in martial arts. Especially in the chaotic world these days, it's useful to be gifted at hand-to-hand combat.


You hear a rock knock against your bedroom window. You carelessly open the case and glance outside, spotting the source of your disturbance. Your uncle is two stories down, beckoning you to come outside.

You casually hop from your open bedroom window and dodge roll as you hit the ground. Your uncle appears to have a half-serious grin going on, which means something is going on.

"Yo! Nephew! I've got something cool to show you, were you busy?"

"Not particularly, what seems to be the matter?"

Mace beckons you to follow, and as self-defeating as it ever is, you decide to give chase. He stops before the castle exterior wall, and points to a stack of boxes placed conveniently nearby. The two of you leap the wall and run across the surface towards what appears to be a guard outpost.

Here, you can oversee the entire city below— and much of the countryside-


"W…What?! Fire?"

"I know, right?"

Around the city lies a wall of hills and mountains, the most famous mountain of which, being Mt. Kodomo—

—Which appears to be on fire.

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b6d64b No.328593

"What happened?"

"It's those damned Australians, transporting their faulty trees and planting them on Kodomo. They neglected to mention the trees catch themselves ablaze."

"Australians burned down a mountain?"



"It's the work of Mexicans, actually. Apparently, a group of rebels were fed up with this city's xenophobia and their love of walls, two things any taco-blooded Mexican would call an affront. So they set the mountain ablaze— with a tactic they call 'Pito Pito En Fuego; which roughly translates to 'Penis Penis on Fire'."

"What? Mexicans?"

"Again, kidding. It was actually the Chinese."

"No it wasn't."

"The Russians."

"Uncle, stop."

"The Russians hacked that forest so hard it caught fire."

"Uncle, I'm too young to even know what you're referencing."

"You're never too young for the gulag, you little shit."


An explosion rings out atop Mt. Kodomo, hellfire and smog cloak the sky in a sea of molten grey.

"Is that where that shooting crystal landed?"

"Nah, that went toward the forbidden forest, remember? From what I hear, well, atleast from what succubus barmaids that turn out to be adult men have told me— there's some kind of a yokai pissing contest going on, and it's laying siege on Kodomo between the crossfire. Not sure why, but I don't think an explanation was needed."

"Are we going to do anything about it, Unc- wait, what did you say about succubus barmaids being men-?"

"Nah, nephew, apparently they've already managed to seal the head demon, which dispersed the rest. It's just, they haven't been able to put out the fire yet. We'll be fine here, in town, it's only a manner of time before the fire dies out. Just thought you'd like to see the fireworks."

"They sealed a demon? Where is it now? What kind is it? What's it's name?"

"I'm not sober enough to answer a barrage of questions, but I hear they're going to bring it right here, right in this very castle. Probably so it rots in a jail cell, but I mean, that just seems like a bad idea-" Mace takes a swig from his hollowed plant before almost spitting out an epiphany, "Oh! Shit! Nephew, get this though, I heard a rumor that it's not actually a 'demon' demon. Though they managed to seal it all the same. Don't remember what the orients called it though. Tenga? Temma? Tenbu?"

"A 'Tengu'?"

"Yeah, that's it. Ten Jews."

"Huh. No shit?" You cross your legs as you watch the mountain miles upon miles away burn in a spectacle, "Don't think I've ever met a Tengu before— what are they like?"

"Well, they're known for being proud and arrogant. And if they're known for being 'proud and arrogant', they're known for being no fun to drink with. I hear they wear red penises on their noses and hop around on comically large wooden sandals."


"I mean, it's Japan, they're into some really weird shit."

"I guess so…"

Time flies when you're having fun, it's already nightime— though you're not able to tell simply by looking at the sky currently.

Tomorrow, you will be braving the forbidden forest in search of a temple containing Amaterasu's mirror. You may use this time to get a good night's sleep and reflect. You may also spend it with your uncle— and apparently, the fox princess is offering you a blessing of some sort and a hefty cost.

You only have time for one thing. What do you do?

[] Sleep and prepare for the journey through the forbidden forest

[] Roast marshmallows with your Uncle

[] Sneak through the castle and into the fox princess's room, as per instructions, and receive her 'blessing'

[] Head over to Mt. Kodomo, and observe the remains of the yokai pissing contest

[] Research just what that falling sky crystal was on the castle internet while looking up Tengu hentai

[] Kid'n'play

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64419e No.328594


[X] Sneak through the castle and into the fox princess's room, as per instructions, and receive her 'blessing'

Let's not disappoint the princess any further today.

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553509 No.328598


[X] Sneak through the castle and into the fox princess's room, as per instructions, and receive her 'blessing'

Moar fluffiness. She seemed so happy to be petted

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344147 No.328603


[x] Roast marshmallows with your Uncle

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8ba584 No.328604


[X] Sneak through the castle and into the fox princess's room, as per instructions, and receive her 'blessing'

Maybe it'll be a really fine leather jacket.

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808461 No.328618


[x] Roast marshmallows with your Uncle

Too early to just up and give her our virginity.

Let's confirm she's best waifu first.

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990a12 No.328650



>[X] Sneak through the castle and into the fox princess's room, as per instructions, and receive her 'blessing'

She just wants to help. Whatever she is taking is probably not important anyway.

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b6d64b No.328712

[X] Sneak through the castle and into the fox princess's room, as per instructions, and receive her 'blessing'

Your feet clash and clatter atop the kawara, vainly attempting not to slip off the oddly shaped Asian clay. The castle has a multi-layered rooftop system, as well as a dungeon hidden deep underneath. You've spent enough time here to map it out properly, and if you remember correctly, there's an open window-way right around the corner.

The quickest way to avoid being spotted by the guards, or any personal for that matter, is the castle's rooftop exteriors. Apparently, a good portion of the staff are out taking care of that mountain catching fire, and whatever comes after.

"SWOONCE!" You exclaim upon finding the open window and swooncing on in.

This is the sixth floor, the princess's chambers are beyond the ivory doorway at the end. You're not entirely sure what is needed for the ritual she wishes to perform, as the details were not spoken.

Curious. For what reason would she ask for you to come unnoticed? It's not like it's particularly unusual for you to come up here and meet with her— though there are a usual guards present when you interact. You must've lucked out, maybe she doesn't usually give the students any form of protection when they're sent into the forbidden forest?

Is she breaking the rules? Are -you- breaking the rules?

Ah well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. You open the princess's ivory door and enter her chamber. Naturally, it's decked out with exotic silks, a kotatsu, fancy armaments and peculiar oriental furniture that you can't pronounce the name of.

"–Jun? Is that you?"

"Hai!" You respond in kind, with the appropriate youthful cheeriness.


Where is she? You can hear her voice, but that bodacious body of hers is nowhere in sight?

"Oh, pleasant," the princess exclaims from beyond her chamber, "I trust you were not seen by anyone?"


"And nor have you told anyone where you were going and whom you were meeting?"

"Double hai."

"Perfect… I'm amazed everything's gone so smoothly. Well then, will you do me a favor and lock my door?"

"Uh… Why?"


"Oh– right, okay. At once, your fluffy tailness."

You lock the door behind you and take a few steps forward-



"Your shoes."

"Excuse me?"

"I know you haven't taken them off yet, before you take another step and ruin my floor, take them off at once."

"…" You begrudgingly take off your shoes and toss them to the side. What is it with Japs and not wearing shoes in doors? The floor is wooden, and because it is wooden, it is cold. —Not to mention uncomfortable to walk on bare foot for long periods of time. Come to think of it, what is it with Japs and the lack of chairs in their culture-


"Hai hai hai!"

"Have you locked the door and taken off your shoes like I've asked?"


"Good. Now then, we're properly alone and secure— the second door on your left, come through it. I apologize for being so demanding, but privacy is our main concern right now."

"…" You're beginning to feel nervous, as if you've stumbled into an trap or something. She's awfully careful about this 'blessing'.

You're starting to break into a nervous sweat- No. That's the door. Why is the door sweating? That's strange.

You approach the sweating door— and hear running water?

"Excuse me! Are you taking a shower in there, mam?"

"Close, but it's not a shower. Don't worry, please, you may enter. It is safe."

…You're not sure what's on the other side of this door, but you've come too far to back down.

You open the doorway cautiously, feeling a sudden dampness and warmth in the air. Like a sauna of some sort— perhaps not that extreme, but it numbs you having just come from the freezing coldness of the outside air.

Inside the room lies an incredibly spacious rectangular space— a pool of water that clearly doubles as a hot spring, an onsen perhaps? But the in-door hotspring quickly becomes the least interesting facility in the room.

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b6d64b No.328713

File: 2a6ce3bd804ce44⋯.png (654.64 KB,1920x1080,16:9,_.png)

There, sitting submerged up to her thick thighs, sits the kitsune princess Seroshi. In a state that could be described as either natural, or indecent. She coyly waves to you and winks with a smirk.

"…" You nervously swallow and wave back.

"You caught me at the right time, my young little friend. I was unsure whether or not you were going to come, but I decided, just in case you were, I would be certain to be clean and hygienic."

"A..Ah.. Oh.. Oh yeah?"

"I was conflicted, whether or not to shave my pubic region. Since you were a boy, I figured you should see an adult body in it's natural state. But, given your inexperience, I concluded you'd be better off gandering at a bald pussy. That way, you'll be able to find the hole easier."

"I-I'm not in trouble right now, am I, your grace?"

"Huh? Why would you say that?"

"Well, I just walked into you taking a bath, I'm expecting some kind of response like 'ECCHI!' or 'HENTAAAAI!' followed by being pelted with objects that may or may not cause brain damage- despite being asked to enter and thus none of it being my fault. It's comical when it happens to guys, because everyone treats men as disposable, so if something bad befalls them, society dictates everyone points and laughs. I hate situations like that, you know? Damned if you do, damned if you don't."


"…Right. I'll shut up, then."

"You are not in trouble, though your summation of the mood is a little troubling."

"I'm sorry, I think?"

"No apologies needed, however, it would be best if we conducted our business in a mutually compromised manner."


"By that I mean, strip and get in."

"Nah knee?"

"Strip." Seroshi balls up her hand into a fist as her tail swishes underwater agitated, "And GET in the HOT SPRING. RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW."

You respond in a deadpanned and defeated fashion, "—Hai, princess, hime, mam, sir."


You try your best not to look at Seroshi's massive breasts while you change, deeming it to be embarrassing and rude. But as you avert your eyes elsewhere—

—You see the top of Seroshi's pussy poking out of the water's surface. Her pelvis is glazed in a shiny wet surface, it's simply no use, your eyes glue themselves to her privates despite exerting every bit of self control you can muster.

"You're awfully slow."

"Sorry, hime-sama, I'm dealing with the butterflies in my gut right now."


"Sorry, looking at your breasts is really too much for me!"

"Hai hai…" The kitsune crosses her legs and smiles at you fondly, "You are a boy after all. It's to be expected…"

As you strip to your underwear, you begin to step inside-



"Fuck do you think you're doing? Boxers too."

"What-? My boxers have to come off?"

"Do you see me wearing anything down there? You've been eyeing my pussy all this time, have you not?"

"Oh. Uh, sorry."

"No apologies needed."

You quickly take off your boxers.

…Hunched over.

Guarding your hyper weapon with your hands.

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b6d64b No.328714

As you dip your toes inside the hotspring, goosebumps riddle your skin and shoot up your spine like a jolt of lightning. Quickly, you submerge yourself and hum out in sheer joy.

"So warm.. uwwwaaaa…"

"Ara, don't get carried away with the spring, we need to discuss the manner of your blessing."

"Right! The blessing!" You feel your heart about to beat right out of your chest, "What does that entail?!"

"The monsters in the forbidden forest, they attack in hordes— but they're easy to avoid as long as they don't get your scent. Virgins have a particularly strong scent they easily pick up. So then, we must do something about your virginity."

"H-HAI!" You voice cracks as you try to contain yourself.

"…" Seroshi gives you a lopsided smirk and giggles to herself, "My my, let's not get carried away yet."


"Well, that depends."


The princess looks away trying to force a smile, "…Are you alright with an old fox like me?"

"HAI!" You grasp your fist, "HAI!" You stand up triumph, "HAI!", and strike a fabulous pose, "HAAAAAAAAAAI!"

"…" Seroshi stares at you blankly for a moment, before glancing downwards toward your crotch region, "Um. Well then. Like I said, there are two conditions you must fulfill to earn my blessing."


"The first is obvious, but you must give me your virginity," the old fox coyly scratches her cheek, "All right?"

"—What's the other?"

"The other is my condition for my participation—" Seroshi gets up, water splashing about from her ass as she does so, and stands before you, "This will remain our secret until the day we die, understood?"


"Okay. Now then, my condition—" The curvy fox kneels next to you and places her sharp fingers upon your chest, "I demand a child."

"…" You spit out piping hot water despite not drinking from the spring, "NAH KNEE?"

"If you wish to lose your virginity, you will have to plunge yourself inside without protection. Pulling out is forbidden, ending before finishing is forbidden, trying to finish at the entrance instead of balls deep is, incredibly, forbidden."

"But that's-"

"Nakadashi. I desire your seed, inside my womb. I have yet to have a child of my very own, as I am— picky— when it comes to men. I dare say it is about time for me to breed, being as old as I am. I am more than adequately prepared to raise the child, you need only provide the means."

"That's— still, aren't I a little young to be a dad?"

"—And I don't want you to see me as your foster mother while you do— you will see me as your woman used solely for breeding, is that understood?"

"Uh… well.."

[] Those are conditions I cannot accept! Be reasonable!

[] It's time for /ss/! [Bareback the kitsune princess]

[] This was a mistake, sorry, I didn't realize this was what you meant by blessing. I refuse (Leave)

[] Wawawa! Shouldn't we wait for marriage before we do that!?

[] If you're so worried about children, why not hook up with my Uncle instead?

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56d5d4 No.328716

>[X] It's time for /ss/! [Bareback the kitsune princess]

Don't look a gift centaur in the corsetry you double niggers…

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64419e No.328726


[X] It's time for /ss/! [Bareback the kitsune princess]

This for now, but let's actually try to marry her as soon as we get the chance.

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344147 No.328740


>[x] It's time for /ss/! [Bareback the kitsune princess]

Like there's any other choice here.

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b6d64b No.328743

File: 80f3bce2a98dbbf⋯.png (508.39 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Size Difference.png)




Now, there is a bit of a size difference along with the age difference. Means some positions are off the table, but others, such as the Amazon Press, are viable.

What position should we use?

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64419e No.328748


Whatever position will make his balls drop the furthest.

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775296 No.328780


>[x] It's time for /ss/! [Bareback the kitsune princess]


doggystyle as first choice if possible, if not then cowgirl

captcha: fatwjo

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b6d64b No.328789

File: 88c3eb3c5c09bed⋯.jpg (196 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ss chart.jpg)

Circle one, or alternatively:

[] Doggystyle

[] Cowgirl

[] Mating Press

[] Amazon Press

[] Spooning

[] Suspended Congress

[] Missionary Embrace/Interlocked

[] Prone Bone/Downward Dog

[] Whatever, just surprise me

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21ab31 No.328792


All of the above.

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519314 No.328794


Please tell me this pic's got an higher resolution somewhere else.

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64419e No.328799


>[X] Whatever, just surprise me

This should be good.

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775296 No.328802


[x] Doggystyle

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553509 No.328807



Suspended Congress totally impossible because of their height/weight difference.

Since she wants to be in control, the more logical would be :

[X] Cowgirl

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b6d64b No.328927

File: 40331d66de24f73⋯.jpg (165.63 KB,1193x1920,1193:1920,Touch Fluffy From Behind.jpg)

How about touching fluffy tail while pounding from behind?

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64419e No.328929


I wanna say yes, but then they can't look into each other's eyes during it.

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990a12 No.328983

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b6d64b No.329014

File: c5d53234d202810⋯.png (831.37 KB,1056x1920,11:20,ss.png)


She can still see his face by turning. But if that's the deal breaker, I can do something else, if you really want.

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b6d64b No.329030

File: 0b4f01e4594407e⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Colored2.png)

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108706 No.329120


This is alright.

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64419e No.329123


It needs to be romantic enough and involve enough handholding.

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553509 No.329262


Go with it Bromont, that's fine

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7cdb72 No.330585

File: 9ac9b378d8396a9⋯.png (451.9 KB,900x1080,5:6,June3.png)


Haven't forgotten, just kinda tired. This is my first real crack at this series' MC. We've had black hair, blonde hair, brown hair, multi-colored hair, but no white haired MC yet.

I'll update the thread tomorrow, with lots of sex.

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7cdb72 No.330842

File: d8704d583991810⋯.png (911.51 KB,1080x1615,216:323,Sexu.png)


Need some more time, should have the next posts done in time for Christmas Eve. Which works, because Christmas with Bizarre Slime is always white.

Although, no incest this year, just /ss/.

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4be1b1 No.331157

Well, okay, I was going to post Christmas Eve, until Krita crashed mid-painting. Now, of course, I have to do it from the top. For some reason, the autosave gives me a 'can't recognize file type' error.

The sketching is done, I just have to color. The writing is half-done. I'd say it'd be finished Christmas morning, but I have to work then, so smut is postponed for a short while.

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fe7d88 No.332660

So, got food poisoning at work on top of freezing cold weather, had a rough week and it really killed my work ethic. I'm sure anyone who reads these threads are used to waiting, but this is getting a little ridiculous. I was gonna update Christmas, and it's now the fifth of January.

Thread -will- be updated Sunday at the very -latest-.

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d9b87a No.332713

File: 87d5dc82890d37a⋯.gif (263.88 KB,148x111,4:3,1447592321566.gif)


Don't kill yourself trying to push out updates, Bromont. There's always a tomorrow.

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ef0912 No.334723


I think you jinxed it.

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d49651 No.335248

File: 1a119ec0e77faf2⋯.png (830.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1.png)

File: f7c21712c70b116⋯.png (1.1 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2a!.png)

File: 0a0dd6ac9aa85fa⋯.png (926.59 KB,1080x1920,9:16,3.png)

File: 0da08e877ea07b0⋯.png (1.31 MB,1080x1615,216:323,4.png)

File: 5736172634fd23b⋯.png (1.08 MB,1080x1920,9:16,5a.png)


I don't really have an excuse now, just have to feel a certain way to write /ss/, it'll come to me naturally. Have some rough art.

I did work on the RPG in the meantime, though. So I'm not wasting time, just not using it on this thread, like I should've.

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ee728b No.335392


Man, it would've been really Steve Erwin-esque if you had actually died of food poisoning.

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d49651 No.335711

File: aef296e6e895895⋯.jpg (789.34 KB,4362x1920,727:320,Choices.jpg)

File: 2f8e4cf087c487d⋯.png (573.39 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Dark Priest.png)

File: 1fd2c4ee04acf68⋯.png (682.4 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Lower Fiend.png)

File: fb306d73dc38a44⋯.png (205.92 KB,530x1038,265:519,Not-Alice.png)


No, it would've been had I choked on McRib sauce.

Besides, if I die, who's going to finish Grim Grotto?

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d49651 No.336061

File: a63d16390e68c67⋯.png (268.24 KB,710x641,710:641,MC.png)

File: 7caa6ec014abd89⋯.png (290.39 KB,1080x1636,270:409,Violet Expy.png)


Speaking of which, I have a question. Would you guys be okay with having a FeMC choice on top of the regular male choice for the RPG?

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ee728b No.336071


That'd be fine, it's not like there hasn't been a FeMC Bizarre Slime before.

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d49651 No.336429

File: c35d8ee21d9de87⋯.png (1.59 MB,3056x2520,382:315,Walk in the Swamp.png)

File: 31b1e1cb1c8da70⋯.png (723.3 KB,1819x1920,1819:1920,Wight convo.png)

File: ec23ac42b302172⋯.png (202.12 KB,1080x1920,9:16,From Behind.png)

File: 9133d911da17e34⋯.png (1.27 MB,3808x1920,119:60,Options.png)

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ee728b No.336492


Facial expression on the wight doesn't look very pompous in the second pic, it looks slightly friendly even.

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d49651 No.336524

File: 4c261e25ad0b5e7⋯.png (532.98 KB,1233x847,1233:847,Lol2u.png)



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ee728b No.336673


It's better, but for that text she seems more slightly annoyed in expression rather than outraged/shocked enough. Also, the male MC looks really robotic and spacey in expression.

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d49651 No.336676


>for that text she seems more slightly annoyed in expression rather than outraged/shocked enough

That's the intent.

>Also, the male MC looks really robotic and spacey in expression.

That's what blank slates are supposed to be.

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d49651 No.336878

File: 09b2d2d8dc571bd⋯.png (1.64 MB,2120x1920,53:48,Decisions.png)

Guess I'll just make this a split between game dev thread and story time, save space.

Would you guys rather have a regular Yuki-Onna or a brown Yuki-Onna?

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ee728b No.336912


What about a black ice yuki-onna?

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d49651 No.336941

File: fd9279ea7dac651⋯.png (673.96 KB,1684x1920,421:480,Snek and Spoder.png)


While it sounds like a good idea, you have to remember black ice isn't even black. It'd be a mud Yuki-Onna. Or an Ice Golem or something.

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ee728b No.337114


But in that case, is the brown yuki-onna mud too?

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ee728b No.337595

File: 308998423cbb239⋯.png (52.1 KB,917x736,917:736,bttf doujin.PNG)

File: 881883303e7bd19⋯.jpg (166.77 KB,564x800,141:200,bttf manga.jpg)


Well Bromont, congrats, looks like a BttF doujin might end up genuinely existing after all.

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ca326a No.337888

File: 01c054b659348ef⋯.jpg (404.67 KB,1051x1392,1051:1392,OH HO HO HO HO.jpg)


I'm not complaining but meme magic seems strangely random sometimes.

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6946c4 No.337918

fuck yeah, another Bizarre Slime story.


what the heck is this?

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ee728b No.339503


>what the heck is this?

It's a kirby game, anon.

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a8f83b No.342882

File: 2ab1a35e5e84b14⋯.png (205.39 KB,1000x1036,250:259,Sketch.png)

List of monster girls with planned scenes/CG thus far, the girls of Shin Shura and Blood Bayou will not be changed, Fat Larry's Town is more a work-in-progress as it's the hub.

Fat Larry's Town:

Smugtacular (Green-skin) Witch [Jillian]

Innocent Amazon [Nokoma]

Salacious Orc [Dura Dura]

Dandere Nixie [Trant]

Scheming Dark Priestess [Kacia]

Shin Shura:

Kuudere Kitsune [Baofu]

Flirtatious Kitsune Mom [Saikoto]

Kansai Nureonago [Mafuka]

Gyaru Yuki-Onna [Maetomi]

Yandere Kiyohime (Lamia) [Fumiko]

Dynamic -> Baofu/Clueless Straight Face, Mafuka/Playfully Dense, Maetomi/Gently Sassy

Blood Bayou:

Affable Vampire [Gretta]

Sultry Vampire Mom [Myriam]

Tomboy Dullahan [Billie]

Emotionless Lich [Melusina]

Maternal Mothman [Ira]

Dynamic -> Gretta/Excitable Wild Card, Billie/Annoyed Straight Face, Melusina/Sardonic Nerd

Devil Fish (Bad Guys):

Dom Arch Demon [Lord Vedda]

Hopeless Greater Fiend [Alexypise]

Tsundere Wight [Thanosa]

Capricious Succubus [Kokoroth]

Sadodere Arachne [Yurah]

Lascivious Nurarihyon [Queen Nothing]

Romantic Red Oni [Shimaki]

Possessive Undead Minotaur [Big Giorna]

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577643 No.342889


was this supposed to go in the Grim Grotto Dev Thread?

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a8f83b No.342952


I wasn't aware it was still up, so I'm just using this one.

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ee728b No.342981


>romantic red oni

Will she do things like singlehandedly bring you an entire cherry tree as a gift instead of flowers?

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a8f83b No.343015


It's a giant muscle girl trying to woo you instead of rape you.

So yes.

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192051 No.344033


You're a good person.

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fd87f7 No.344207

File: d70c594869a089c⋯.png (603.91 KB,1158x1043,1158:1043,Sketch Layer 4.png)

You guys okay with a meganekko Lich?

Trying to diversify our bonds, nigger. Just what tropes am I missing?

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ee728b No.344228

File: d4d82b9551e1058⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,3820x2350,382:235,archetype.jpg)


>Just what tropes am I missing?

Do you have an utsudere or hinedere yet?

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fd87f7 No.344440

File: 8895b5dac0c47eb⋯.png (845.5 KB,1158x1043,1158:1043,Color.png)


Don't believe so, I'll try for one of everything.

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ee728b No.344441


What, even otokonoko?

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8be142 No.345735

File: 023991a88d698b0⋯.png (1.7 MB,1909x1920,1909:1920,Choices.png)

I need your guys' help-

Fire crotch or Moody blues?

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d9b87a No.345738


I like the Moody Blues, but I have shit tastes so what the fuck do I know.

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8be142 No.345776

File: 1308ccb2472eba1⋯.png (2.28 MB,2808x1920,117:80,Choices2.png)


It certainly looks more monsterish, but iunno if I want so many alabaster skinned gals though.

What do you guys think?

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ee728b No.345921


Depends. What's her personality meant to be like?

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8be142 No.346002


An alpha dandere.

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ee728b No.346197


Elaborate, I'm having a hard time imagining what you mean.

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8be142 No.346299

File: ad6f1ec0a4dbaed⋯.png (1.31 MB,2098x1050,1049:525,Titty Veil.png)


Imagine a girl who's normally quiet and emotionless as if she's naturally shy, but when she's around you, is assertive and talkative.

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ee728b No.346332


I guess I'd go with blue then.

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776759 No.346486

File: cbf74bee98e20fb⋯.png (369.04 KB,1080x1706,540:853,Fat Butt.png)


I thank you for your input.

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759a41 No.346498

Have you already started on the scene and how long should we wait to see it

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776759 No.346502


For this thread's story? I have it half done, haven't really drawn anything for it past >>335248

I don't have very much free time, so I've been working on the game instead of writing anything for this. If you're talking about the game, you'd have to specify what scene you mean.

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759a41 No.346509


This thread's story I don't really know anything about the game just kinda anxious for the story

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658bf5 No.347242


Anxious? Well alright, tell you what, I'll update this week.

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26cc21 No.348489


What about this week instead?

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0a72c6 No.348622


Finger's injured, gimme a few.

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0a72c6 No.352133


My fingers are healed up now, I apologize again, but goddamn was life difficult. Update will come over the next couple days, I'll leave it at a vote but I'm really focused on the RPG right now, so please don't expect much over the next few months.

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633bbb No.353727

So I upgraded my machine to Windows 10 and I moved everything over to a separate drive so I could simply copy and paste it onto the new one. Problem is, I can't seem to find the text file with all the lewd stuff written.

So I'm rewriting it, that's what is taking so long.

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88f983 No.353780

File: 950873f4456fa9b⋯.png (106.05 KB,280x403,280:403,cherub 2.PNG)


>So I upgraded my machine to Windows 10

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f7aeec No.353783


>Not backing up copies of files somewhere else

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546497 No.353784

File: 09164f7eba38983⋯.jpg (41.28 KB,600x345,40:23,1491376425053.jpg)


>not saving important work to do files to either the cloud or to a thumbdrive or external harddrive so they can't be lost in case of shenanigans.

Bromont I thought you were smarter than this you dumb nigger.

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633bbb No.353982




I did. It was on my external.


My external died on me last week, I'm still in mourning you jizz wiz. It's fine though, I don't mind writing it again. No worries, expect it soon. By soon I mean tomorrow night.

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633bbb No.354125


I am here, but I'm going through somewhat of a surprise family emergency at the moment. The update will still come tonight or early tomorrow morning, as I have nothing going on then. Again, soon™.

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633bbb No.354173


Whoops, I fell asleep. No worries, still coming. Give me a few hours.

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633bbb No.354210

[X] It's time for /ss/! [Bareback the kitsune princess]

There is somewhat of a lump in your throat the moment you decide you'd agree to the princess's conditions. This woman, who might as well have been your second mother, is asking you to perform the lewdest act there is upon her person. Yet, you agree all the same, as if it were second nature.

Seroshi's expression remains unchanging yet enamored, the moment the words of agreement leave your lips, her eyes shine with a youthful vibrancy the likes of which you have never seen. Your inner conflict is easily picked up on, as she steps out of the steaming hot soup of love and finds herself a royal towel.

"A blessing requires tribute, Jun." The curve princess explains as she wraps her towel snuggly about her erotic body, "The higher the tribute, the better the blessing."

"This is a tribute-"

"-And there's no better tribute than a human's virginity."


Seroshi hands you a towel for your person, and leads you outside the onsen with a sway. The castle, and by proxy, the villages below depend on the blessings of Amaterasu, a fox god whom protects all with the vibrance of her light. Seroshi is another in a long line of descendants of Amaterasu, and thus, her and her ilk are responsible for protecting the villages from various oni and oni related accessories. The fox princess's chambers are big enough to take up an entire floor at a fancy hotel, dozens of rooms that remain unused to the naked eye.

But considering Princess Seroshi must spend her life in this castle, it might as well be a fancy five-star prison.

As the fox lady leads you from chamber to chamber, your eyes stay glued to her figure. Specifically, the tight curves being smooshed inside her bath towel, as well as her ass cheeks which hang out thanks to her fox tail. Seroshi is swaying her hips purposely, like a fisherman lining their hooks with bait, to keep you stumbling mindlessly behind her in a trance. The towel you are wearing is doing little to hide your erection, the fact that she's toying with you about it is frustrating.

While she seems incredibly focused on what's to come, the fox princess is taking extreme caution as she locks every door behind her and leads you deeper into her lair. "I will remind you that this matter will be private and kept between us. For your safety." Seroshi stops before a small confined room, droplets of water glistening off her body, and takes note of a single futon inside and quickly beckons you, "Here, this'll be nice and cozy."

"There's not a lot of legroom inside, is there?"

"I prefer to think of it as intimate, this ritual only requires a bed big enough for the both of us, after all."

The pink haired fox woman steps inside the room and flings her towel at you, temporarily blinding you visually and with her scent. Despite the sweet smell, you throw Seroshi's towel over your shoulder and immediately start to reprimand her… but you stop the moment you gaze upon her nude form, once more. This time, without a hint of steam or water clouding your vision.

The mature fox girl's skin is smooth, yet freckled like a decoration. As she sits upon the futon's surface, it sinks to accommodate her curvaceous butt, like a sickly man trying feverishly to lift a barbell clearly beyond his abilities. Her breasts, which are damn near the size of watermelons, give way to gravity and sink slightly to their respective sides. The fox princess's body is soft and delicate, and while not athletic in the slightest, is still far from what you'd consider fat or unsightly. Thick is the best word you'd use to describe her body. Thick thighs, thick butt, large breasts, proportional hips— your uncle would call this the perfect body to 'breed' with.


A small bit of juice stains the inside of your towel. It quickly leaks through the surface in an unsightly manner, it's clear and somewhat sticky. Seroshi immediately notices the juice dripping from your towel and smiles fondly to herself.

"Boys can get wet too, I see!" The still-damp fox girl exclaims in a playful manner.

"Sincerest apologies, I don't know what's going on with me, I just sorta feel funny-"

"It's just your body telling you that you want to fuck, of course." Seroshi digs her palms into the futon's sheets and spreads her legs, "It means you want to insert yourself here. Your penis wants to slide itself inside and go 'spurt spurt'!"

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633bbb No.354211

Seroshi exposes her private parts to you without a second a thought, her crotch snugly fit between her plump thighs. Her pink slit glimmers in the stream of light emitting from the doorway, coated in a thick juice that couldn't possibly be mistaken for sauna water. You take a deep breath and close the door behind you. Seroshi commands you to remove your towel, which you do with a slight hint of hesitation. As your chin-chin springs forth from it's barrier, the mature fox lady smacks her lips and rubs her hands together in an enticing manner, as if she had spotted herself a delicious treat.

"Jun~" Seroshi impatiently twitches her pointy ears and gyrates her body, "Skinship is the most important part of the ritual. Come forth, embrace me, and do not be afraid. What happens now is a secret, after all, you should enjoy this to your heart's content."

"A-Ah.. right."

"Come~ Come~!"

You quickly dive yourself into the royal futon with the fox princess, and find yourself locked firmly between her thighs. The curvy fox gal's bright red tits stare you right in the face, as you dig your fingers into her bosom, you can't help but note the weight.

"You wanna play with my boobs first?"

"Ever since I laid eyes on them, if I'm being honest."

"You need only of asked~" You feel Seroshi's fingers touch the back of your head as she gently pushes you toward her left breast, "They are quite sensitive, perhaps a good tongue massage is in order?"

"Tongue message?"

"Go ahead, bury your face in my tits, suck on them like you haven't drank a single thing in days. Suck on my tit like your life depended on it!"


Seroshi pushes your face directly into her breast, with a measured gasp and moan. You can feel her heart racing, beating against your face as if it were about to burst like a volcano. Not wanting to disappoint your teacher and closest maternal friend, you open your lips and wrap them tightly around the fox woman's bright red tit, taking note of the taste and texture. It doesn't taste like what you imagined, rather it's akin to the taste of skin— but for some reason, it doesn't seem to bother you. Rather, in your mind, it's the most delicious thing you've ever put in your mouth.

"Ah~!" Seroshi gasps as little bolts of lightning shoot down her spine, "Ahahaha, my my, these breasts are more sensitive than I thought! How does it taste, Jun? Do you like sucking on my tits?"

"Dericious!" You exclaim with a mouthful of the fox woman's breasts, "Absowutely dericious!"

"You're making me blush-!" The princess dances her fingers around your back sensually, "You can act like a choir boy all you want, but you're just as naughty as me, aren't you?"

Not wanting to leave her right breast unintended, you quickly dig your fingers in and begin to massage it. Being this is your first time, you're not entirely sure if you're being too rough or too soft, so you decide to go for broke and if you're being too hard, hopefully Seroshi will say-


You feel your glans slide across the meaty part of Seroshi's pussy lips, the sensation immediately jolts you back from the titty suck, your saliva leaving a thin line from your lips to her soaked red bulb.

"…" You slowly retract yourself and stare downward at the beating warmth touching the tip of your cock. The juices from your penis and the liquids from Seroshi's pussy seem to be intertwining, strings of stickiness interwoven like a lewd tapestry, "Are we really going to have sex?"

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633bbb No.354212

"Yes, you're going to put that inside my pussy-" Seroshi grips your ass in mischievous intent, "It's the only way I can teach you the final and most effective technique of the school of Amaterasu, the blessing technique—"

"Blessing technique? I'm not sure what you're talking about?"

"It's a secret technique, passed down from generation to generation— a technique that ensures there IS a generation to generation." Seroshi bluntly explains as she giggles to herself, "It's called "No Second Shot"."

"What's it do? Can I use it?"

"Absolutely, you are my student after all, so I will now teach it to you!"

This is actually a training course—? You were under the impression it was simply a case of the fox woman's lust gone wild— even now, Madam Seroshi surprises you!

"I am honored to be your student."

"Fufufu, you honor this old fox with your words. But now, you've sorta upgraded yourself to my lover, now haven't you?" Seroshi's face comes uncomfortably close to your own, her slit inhuman eyes following your every movement with otherworldly precision, "This will be the final time I will ask. Are you really okay— having sex with an old fox like me?"

You nod in affirmation, you don't want to just have sex with this yokai, your instincts are telling you to make love to her and impregnate her-!

"Haaaahh…" You feel Seroshi's fingers dart below your ass and into your prostate, "Then I hope you're prepared for the best orgasm– and the best creampie of your life."

"Nah kn-"


A blinding light engulfs your genitals and a painful prod hits your prostate. In a flash, your body becomes as though your skin provided you no sense of protection, sensitivity the likes of which you had never known overwhelms you. Your can feel air around you, as if the dim nonexistent breeze were a maelstrom. The sensation surrounds your genitals three times fold, making you almost cry out in painful pleasure.

"Endure, Jun, you must endure."

"I CAN'T-! I CAN'T DO THIS—! THIS IS TOO MUCH!" You scream out in a panic, unsure what it is the princess is doing to you, "PLEASE STO-"


Seroshi plants her lips upon your forehead and silences you with a kiss. Your oversensitive body is pressed against her warm curviness, her skin melting into yours like a hot knife through butter. Your heart feels as though it's beats are rippling across her body, like an earthquake sending shockwaves across her sensitive breasts.

An embrace.

Seroshi removes her hands from your nether-regions and latches onto you like a spider to prey, wrapping you in a warm zenlike kindness, calming you down almost instantaneously. All your fears and pain melt away into a ball of blinding glowing light.

"See? It's not so bad at all, is it?"

"This feels so… nice…"

"This technique brings 'true skinship', a testament to the will of Amaterasu," Seroshi, not wasting time, gently yet firmly grabs a hold of your beating erection, "But that is not all it does…"

"My dick feels crazy, like I'm about to explode out everything I am-"

"Your penis is going to ejaculate every last drop of your semen in one continuous flow, ensuring /absolute impregnation/," Seroshi slowly begins to aim your penis directly where it needs to go, "You're going to flood me, Jun. With your lust and your love, you're going to flood this old fox and reach unfiltered bliss. This is a thank you, for taking my virginity as well."

"Wa.. Wait, what did you say?"

"Hold on tight, and do not let go. Lest you spoil our mutual fun."


You feel your glans slowly slide inside something moist, warm, and overwhelmingly tight. The tightness gradually melts as the warm slipperyness engulfs your entire shaft, a new wave of sharp pleasure dances along your spine like knives. You try to stifle a scream, as your body contorts and shakes from the unyielding assault of bliss that beats along your shaft. Seroshi quickly forces your head between her bosom and turns your scream into a muffle.

…The princess herself is trying to keep herself from moaning, but she's simply doing a terrible job at it.

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633bbb No.354213

"T-This is…"



You thrust your hips forward, and begin to wildly shake your hips, wanting to dig yourself deeper and deeper into the core of this blissful heaven. You can feel Seroshi's arms and legs wrapping tightly around you, sweat soaking into your skin as the mature fox woman begins to moan like a whore. The sensation gets wetter and wetter with each passing thrust, the sound of your hips slapping against the lascivious body of the mature kitsune fills the room accompanied by increasing moans of pleasure.

-slap slap slap-

You're filled with an almost animalistic need to breed the princess, as her jiggling curves slap against your onslaught. You glance upwards at the woman you call your teacher, the both of you red faced and panting, and feel a bit of Seroshi's saliva drip off her tongue and land onto your own. Her body was already wet before from the onsen, but now the gentle soaked exterior has become a slicky sweaty mess. Each thrust brings you closer and closer to finish, as you turn her pussy into a sloshy mess with your once-virgin dick.

Moments go by, yet you cannot properly gauge how long you've been pounding away at this fox's slutty body. Your face firmly plants itself next to a single freckle next to Seroshi's right breast, catching your attention as your cock trembles inside. You begin to feel Seroshi's pussy juice soaking your balls as little streaks of liquid drip off, but as all good things must, it shortly comes to an end.




Cum erupts without warning. It floods the inside of Seroshi like a geyser and safely shoots it's way into her womb's entrance. A wave of calming pleasure fills your complex, feeling as though an enormous weight had become dislodged from your chest. You glance upwards at the ripened fox cake, as you spurt load after load of semen inside her fertile pussy, staining her insides with torrent after torrent of young jizz. The look on her face tells you she immediately realized what was happening— as she herself begins moaning in hysteria.

Seroshi's nipples hard to a degree that could cut diamond, her legs trembling as her toes bawl and curl.

"Hahaha…! Nakadashi! Nakadashiiii!"

The fox princess is cumming, she's cumming from being filled to the brim with cock yogurt, reaching true ignorant bliss from the sheer overwhelming juices firing inside her. Impregnating her several times over if it were so simple.

"Madam Seroshi…!" You whimper out as you clutch her, unable to stop your balls from draining inside her, "I can't stop-!"

"Every last drop, Jun-! I'm going to milk every last single drop of precious seed inside my fuck hole-!" Seroshi grabs your face and makes certain you're staring directly into her eyes, "Haaaah~ I can feel it pouring inside. Every last spurt—! It's making me go INSANE-!"

"H..Hah… Hah…. Hnn!"

"Keep cumming! Cum to your heart's delight! Don't stop until I'm knocked up and your balls are shriveled up!"


After a few minutes of nonstop orgasms, your penis finally softens inside the mature fox's deep pink womanhood. There's a pool of semen running down her asshole and sticking to her butt, mixed with her own obscene liquids. You slowly pull your unerected cock out of the kitsune's pussy, having gone in a virgin, and taken out a man. It makes an almost suction noise as your flesh exits hers, as if her pussy had not stopped drinking your seed in overwhelming thirst. Seroshi gasps in surprise as another thick batch of white goo slowly leaks out as you do so, as your cock acted as a make-shift cork.

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633bbb No.354214

"My~" She gently calls out, clearing exhausted from that small amount of arduous fucking, "You've filled me to the brim. You really wanted to knock me up, didn't you, Jun…?"

"I couldn't stop myself. What… what technique was that?! It was AMAZING!"

"Hue hue hue… even without that technique, you're quite good at this." The fox's breasts jiggle in their gravity as she leans in to embrace you, "Without a doubt, that creampie definitely will make me pregnant."

"You're… welcome?"

"The mating ritual is complete, your cock has now been blessed with my pussy~!"

"Hah… hah…" You glance at your genitals, reddened and exhausted, but lighter than before. There's a certain overwhelming satisfaction to how you feel, yet you cannot describe it.

"You are free to leave, if you wish. There is a back entrance in the room across from this one, a secret passage that will take you back outside. Your quest will be a rough one, so do take care and be careful… I shall need you back for more special 'training', after all."

"I don't think I can make it outside this room, to be honest," you explain as you collapse onto the fox soon-to-be-MILF's soft body, "That constant cumshot drained me of all my strength."

"Ara… Well, the night is yet young. Perhaps it would be for the better that you stay here with me and keep me warm?" She exclaims as her fluffy fox tail slowly wags in excitement.

You nod in confident affirmation, "Yeah, I think I'll do that."

"Then it's decided, come, let's fetch a clean shee-"


Seroshi's expression changes from blissful afterglow to confusingly shocked, as if she had forgotten something important to tell you.

"I suppose we lept before we looked, didn't we? My perverseness surprises even myself sometimes."



The kitsune princess sweeps you off your feet with a sweet kiss on the lips, and headpats you like she would a child.

"Suppose we forgot to do that, didn't we?" Seroshi knocks the side of her head and sticks her tongue out, "That's like learning to run before you walk."

"Does this mean we're lovers now?"

"In private. In public, we're still the same as we were before, understood?"


"Marvelous. Now then-" Seroshi fetches a blanket as semen drips from her with every step, "-What shall we name our daughter?"

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88f983 No.354483


>"-What shall we name our daughter?"

Just to clarify, are you saying WE get to name her or not?

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7cf4db No.354865



This will now become a daughter raising story.

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88f983 No.354908


Okay, then let's name her Tits.

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7cf4db No.355000


Tits Mcgee?

Then she'd have to grow up flat, since that way it'd be funny.

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88f983 No.355002


Seroshi's genes and Jun's focus on her tits during the magical sex are both too prominent for Tits Mcgee to grow up that way. Instead she would end up surpassing her mother by about the middle of her days as an oppai loli.

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c24aff No.355177


Why wouldn't she let us name her Tits? She's a pretty open-minded gal, just look at what she did with us.

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c24aff No.355205


Tits are not juvenile, therefore they are acceptable as a name. Also, learn to sage your posts in CYOA threads, newkiddo.

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c24aff No.355207


Lurk forever.

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4fdce2 No.355225


Lurk more faggot

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f12ae2 No.355290


Some name ideas I have are sunny, yuri, and candice

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7cf4db No.355318

File: d0a5c74b9bfde38⋯.png (292.31 KB,887x1130,887:1130,Daughter Sketch.png)

This is what you made as a result of your choices. Unfortunately, she grows up to be just as attractive as her mother. You had best not have any lewd thoughts about your daughter, you sick fuck.

Your kitsune daughter wishes to become a martial artist like her papa, how are you going to raise her?

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88f983 No.355321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Your kitsune daughter wishes to become a martial artist like her papa, how are you going to raise her?

While we should teach her our own knowledge directly, let her also learn her alternate, strange tastes in martial arts from a variety of eccentric teachers in difficult-to-reach locations that we go on a number of adventures to find. Like Kinamotay.

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9d9e72 No.355379

An open education filled with multiple subjects like medicine and subterfuge

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9d9e72 No.355381

What would happen if we chose the other paths also your making it sound like seroshi is gonna die/be dead.

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88f983 No.355382



Learn to sage.

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7cf4db No.355392


What would've happened is irrelevant now that you're on this path. And don't be ridiculous, it's like you're asking me if Slade Stardust is gonna show up and kill Seroshi for being a descendant of the gods thus fueling June to go down a journey using his fist for harm rather than help.

It's all about that kitsune daughteru raising. So then, have y'all decided on a name and preference for your daughter?

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88f983 No.355417


Because you need to lurk more. Quit aggressively being a newfag.

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000352 No.355486


Is there any specific way you are picking the next thing?

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42a255 No.355487

Name ideas: momoko and yuki

Education ideas: stealth, persuasion, first aid

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88f983 No.355494


Silly anon, she's already named Tits.


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7cf4db No.355495

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fa5f3d No.355520


You know choosing name and upbringing

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7cf4db No.355529


Whatever I like most

Go wild

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96c14a No.355574

File: a163285caf1b4b4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.65 KB,600x600,1:1,Naamloos-2.jpg)


>Fat Larry's Town:

Guess we'll just have to Zoom through it.

I want to call the daughter Misaki.

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92dd25 No.355821

How much older is June around this time? Does their daughter grow fast?

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88f983 No.355836


Not to mention, is the relationship between Jun and Seroshi STILL secret at this point?

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c2c8c9 No.355874


Yeah I would think the uncle would know and considering how much of a loose lipped drunk he is….

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c2c8c9 No.355883

blazerella the second sun fox, dance based martial arts

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c2c8c9 No.355885

Vixena of the light gifted by the fox

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6c3905 No.355894


June is still a boy, the daughter is a teenager of unspecified age. Why that is I cannot get into.



So far I like Sunny and Momoko, but I'd suggest you keep going with the name suggestions.

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c2c8c9 No.355958


I'm just gonna blame fox magic. red for a name

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692e3b No.356132


If it encourages you to make a decision momoko is also the name of the warden of nanba prison in nanbaka

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8536d5 No.357071


>watching fujobait

im just projecting, she's really cute

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2b66ba No.357910


Are you able to make a decision yet?


Cool dude my favorite guard is either samon or kenshiro. I really want the newest chapters to be translated.

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0ba085 No.358239

File: 7d907776a8aa45d⋯.png (593.59 KB,848x1143,848:1143,8.png)


Yes, Sunny.

As far as how she is going to be raised, don't you worry about it. I've got something else in mind now.

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88f983 No.358478


You know Bromont, you might be the one who got me into heterochromia to begin with, but it really does cheapen it if you keep using it again and again.

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0ba085 No.358482

File: 770209e87c74086⋯.png (518.7 KB,845x1159,845:1159,1.png)



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88f983 No.358484


I suppose so, and the eyes look pretty. Though her right iris looks like it's overlapping the skin under her eye.

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0ba085 No.358489

File: 4c1576c88799719⋯.png (1.63 MB,2377x1204,2377:1204,Daught.png)


Think that's just artifacts.

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2b66ba No.358584


Woo was worried that this thread would become dead, like there was no activity for a few weeks

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2b66ba No.358586


Maybe a predominantly red dress would work better or orange like a monk's robe works more with the martial arts thrme

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709514 No.358612

File: c3f3a5b1960cdeb⋯.png (959.04 KB,819x1029,39:49,10 seconds in krita.png)

File: a6858a167881240⋯.png (529.41 KB,847x1145,847:1145,Brown.png)


It is dead, I only update once in a blue moon due to other projects and work. I'll tell you guys what though, I'll start updating more frequently and sticking to a schedule so we can actually get this journey started. I'll start updating twice a week, starting tomorrow (Sunday) then Thursday. My schedule changes from week to week, so which days I use will have to change as well.

It's chaos, but it's the best I can do with what little time I have.


Like this? The red/black clothes with white hair mirrors her papa, which is why I drew her like that in the first place. But if you guys like this, we can go with this. It's your kitsune daughter, after all.

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2b66ba No.358656


Do like the colors on her, now that you mention i haven't seen many colored pictures of jun or seroshi in their clothes. Many colors would look good on her so I'm not sure which colors to give her.

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88f983 No.358661


In order to keep our promise to not tell anyone we've impregnated Seroshi, wouldn't it mean not even our daughter knows?

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2b66ba No.358662


Now that I had time to mull over it I like her cocoa skin I've really grown a shining to this color scheme.


What is the background there?

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2b66ba No.358664


Well seroshi said they would be lovers in private would that also mean they are a family in private? She does seem to know the profession of her father.

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709514 No.358804

I take that back, right now is prime time for e3 shitposting and memes. After e3 I'll update the thread.

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350d37 No.358869


Fair enough. Just make sure to shitpost well enough.

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a6667d No.359549

File: 678a888d91c9f51⋯.png (246.52 KB,1600x1602,800:801,A.png)

File: 9f766b87d6615bb⋯.png (246.61 KB,1600x1602,800:801,B.png)


I'm working every day this week, so don't expect much.

In the meantime, however, I would like your opinion on the game I'm still making, Grim Grotto. I'm trying to better differentiate the body types so I can draw clothes that fit them better. While we're on the subject of foxes:

What do you like better, A or B?

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602242 No.359551


Personally, I like B better, but then, I've always had a thing for girls with broad child-bearing hips…

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8abab9 No.359554


B, it has to be B. Inari without wide hips are just sad.

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88f983 No.359556

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2b66ba No.359561

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90e3b5 No.359793


Definitely a 🅱 from me.

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a6667d No.359973

File: 86e8ca76c516c98⋯.png (285.7 KB,1600x1700,16:17,1.png)

File: 3b06c46013a93fc⋯.png (283.39 KB,1600x1700,16:17,2.png)

File: 7dc212d02a62cd1⋯.png (279.73 KB,1600x1700,16:17,3.png)






Wow, overwhelmingly for wider. Alright, w-i-d-e fox girl it is. Let me throw you a curve ball.

Red Oni, 1, 2, or 3?

Ignore the increasingly widening hips on the backside

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b3d886 No.360127


Needs to be stronker, but out of the choices currently provided, B once again.

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073e01 No.360328


A i like onis with big boobs

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1e3e69 No.360756



I'll take what you've said into consideration.

I've been roped into extra work again, I'm updating you so you know I haven't forgotten to update the thread. Just haven't had the time/feeling to. If I could give an estimate, I'd probably say Tuesday since it's my one and only day off.

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f5b61d No.362583

Wonder when people will come back

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88f983 No.363670


Me too.

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cb1d81 No.364131

File: 72c5bdb5865f8bb⋯.png (720.69 KB,1735x920,347:184,Front and Back2.png)



Probably never, I'm being worked half to death. When I get home, I'd rather play a video game/nap instead of work. Don't know when I'll be able to take a breather.

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88f983 No.364169

File: a283e0ef7f37aaa⋯.png (387.64 KB,900x900,1:1,awoomer.png)


What about if you go to bed really early and then write in the morning before you go to work?

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88f983 No.366097

Congrats on getting into Smash, Bromont.

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e30d42 No.372696


Nah man, pack it in, I just can't write threads anymore. I wanna issue an apology to anyone who followed the stories I wrote on here, no matter how jumbled they became, I cannot continue. The grind's got me and it's not letting go. There's plenty of other writefags around though, they'll keep you covered. Also:


Thank you, Sakurai's balls smelled like sweet dandelions. You better be maining me against those furfaggots.

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7aede0 No.372711


You're still going to be working on your VN and so forth, right?

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94320f No.377439

Well Bromont, I'm sad to see you go. I've been following your stories since the Katawa Broujo days and you've brought me countless hours of joy. I hope you can find some time to relax and do things you enjoy. I'm sure I've suggested this before, but I think if you collected your old stories in ebooks and sold them, you'd at least make enough money to not have to work yourself to death. If you ever come back, I hope I have the good fortune of stumbling across your stuff again.

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3994fd No.377446


Yes. I'm continuing work on that visual novel I started on here awhile back with NB, obviously without his help this time. Decided against making a thread until you can play it. The RPG Maker game will come when it's done and not before.


Appreciate the kind words, I will do my best to not let you down further.

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88f983 No.377482


>I'm sure I've suggested this before, but I think if you collected your old stories in ebooks and sold them

If there's some format out there that lets him sell it in a "pay what you think it's worth" sort of way, then there'll almost definitely be a few people that pay him a huge amount.


>Yes. I'm continuing work on that visual novel I started on here awhile back with NB, obviously without his help this time. Decided against making a thread until you can play it. The RPG Maker game will come when it's done and not before.

Glad to hear it, friend. It's pretty tough to believe you of all people would ever give up on writing altogether.

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235e1e No.377512


I'm gonna try to keep this short as to not make anyone or you feel as bad for leaving

Hope you survive the grind you beautiful fucker

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94320f No.377514


>I will do my best to not let you down further.

You haven't let me down at all. Shine on you crazy diamond.


>If there's some format out there that lets him sell it in a "pay what you think it's worth" sort of way, then there'll almost definitely be a few people that pay him a huge amount.

I'm sure such a format exists, but I cannot think of what it is for the life of me.

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a7acbb No.383638

File: bc864f75850b0f4⋯.png (107.68 KB,600x745,120:149,Dab.png)

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94320f No.383696


Did you draw that yourself? Looks just like the stuff Tottori used to draw.

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a7acbb No.383698


Use sage next time, and no, that's from tottori.

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b395dd No.383700


Tottori's drawing art again at last?

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6d575c No.383798


Good to see you're alive, Bromont

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a7acbb No.383834

File: 697b3b3f5bc4b59⋯.jpg (766.18 KB,2178x1783,2178:1783,Sketch.jpg)


Good to be alive, let's hope 2019 is kinder to all of us. I really wanna make a new thread for the Visual Novel project because I have questions I wish to ask you all. However, I did say I would not do so until after the game was out. Would you prefer I use this thread even though it's old and convoluted? Or should I make a new thread and ask Aux to delete this one?

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88f983 No.383896


I thought you said you wouldn't make a thread until you had enough content/a demo to show rather than the full game.

Either way, continuing in this thread should be fine for now.

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a7acbb No.383931


You're right, nevermind.

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d4c16c No.383940


Hey Bromont. Do you happen to have archives saved of stuff that you've wrote? Mainly Crystal and beyond. I'd be sad to see you leave for the grind since I love your stuff, unfinished or not.

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a7acbb No.383942


No, I never keep archives of any of my works. Not because I don't like them, rather I enjoy it more when they live on as memories.

I believe somebody else on here archived them, however. So you may be in luck if they see your post.

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88f983 No.384027



Come to think of it, the links to the side here now work/redirect to "archived.moe": http://bizarreslimeart.tumblr.com/

Though yeah, it doesn't consist of having Crystal/further saved.

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a7acbb No.384071

File: 9ae3c63ea3e4c62⋯.png (681.65 KB,1692x990,94:55,Penguin Wingman.png)


Be a shame if that tumblr got wiped because of the porn content.

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94320f No.384616


You mainly looking for Crystal and after or the whole shebang? I believe I have most stuff archived.

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88f983 No.384763


You should probably just go ahead and post everything you have.

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94320f No.385059


There, a link to my archive of all Bromont stories. There's some stuff missing, like the pastebin only stuff and the stuff posted in the monster girl meta threads like Aqua and the one with the bar, but that's most of it. Used to have Aqua at some point, but lost it in a computer crash.

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f092db No.386781

File: d02b8b2ebcd4504⋯.png (582.51 KB,2404x854,1202:427,Chicks.png)

Quick update, the good news is, everything's coming together. The bad news is, it's still gonna take a few more months. I'm optimistic to the point where I could say June is a real possibility. It depends on a few factors, and free time's gonna be scarce for a few weeks atleast. But just know, it's coming, for sure.

The other thing I wanna lay on whomever still browses this thread, I'm trying to figure out a hairstyle for an oni. A petite kohai oni. Any ideas?

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88f983 No.386882


Something very long and untamed-looking that seems like it'd belong on someone much taller, but provides excellent gap moe in the process.

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053faf No.392704


Petite kouhai oni makes me think of Io in PSO2. Short-haired tomboy who talks like a boy and thinks she's not feminine. Gets flustered when you say she's pretty.

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0c7b8e No.393567

File: 95d3c08223418b8⋯.png (340.72 KB,873x1220,873:1220,Yurei.png)

File: 11e332df0d3588a⋯.jpg (158.27 KB,722x918,361:459,Oni.jpg)

File: b593158a160fafe⋯.png (568.14 KB,936x1356,78:113,Kitsune.png)


I remember that girl from PSO2, the tiny duman. Io is the cutest, but I can't exactly rip her off 1/1. Honestly, the Oni has given me the most trouble and I still haven't nailed it. Maybe I need to go back to the drawing board.

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88f983 No.394731


Maybe you should just think about what you like most about onis and build something around that.

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0d38b9 No.396743

File: 49f3a231dcedce0⋯.png (298.57 KB,830x1214,415:607,k254.png)


It's cool, anon, I got it figured out. Also made her a sister, so it's a blue oni/red oni situation. Right now I'm trying to develop a design for an Alû, which is a faceless Mesopotamian demon that attacks mens breasts and prevents them from sleeping, covering men 'like a garment'.

Trying to cram as many monster girls as I can into the visual novel but also give them all proper interactions. Not only that but original designs. Time consuming when I work a job on top of it.

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88f983 No.397573

File: ea10ec7ec867ea6⋯.jpg (227.76 KB,1040x1040,1:1,Alu depiction.jpg)


>Right now I'm trying to develop a design for an Alû, which is a faceless Mesopotamian demon that attacks mens breasts and prevents them from sleeping, covering men 'like a garment'.

The chestattacking/sleep prevention sounds like the actions of other dream-related demons from european and other lore (alps, nightmares, succs, etc.). So you could give it a design similar to other sleep paraylsis demons (in terms of horns, tail, hooves, etc.), but faceless and with a blanket-like attachment to her body like pic related.

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ae109e No.401696


I'm thinking about using a mask instead of it just being two glowing eyes. Problem is, I don't quite know what kind of mask I want her to have. But that depiction in your image is close to what I have in mind.

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e070c3 No.406717

Felt a fuck-huge pang of nostalgia when I realized Bizarre Slime first started damn-near 10 years ago. IRC is long-since dead, Steam group is gone, not a single post here in nearly two years - dunno if anyone else here is gonna see this, but it was a wild ride. Best case scenario, the story continues on some other site I don't know, but in case things really are done, I just wanted to leave a message somewhere and say that from Roy Rondo to June, BS was all a lot of fun. Thanks for all of it, Bromont.

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28f959 No.406718


Why are you still here?

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e070c3 No.406719


Went cleaning out some old bookmarks from years back and remembered this place. Dropped back to see if there'd been any progress since I was last here, and turns out there wasn't. A shame, since I remember looking forward to the project.

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28f959 No.406720


Did you try to go on smuglo.li. the link is literally everywhere. There might not be this precise cyoa, but majority of the board moved there.

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