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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: acda13ccf4347b8⋯.png (891.29 KB,740x925,4:5,acda13ccf4347b82a80183e918….png)

cc7bfb No.326604 [View All]

New thread for cheshires and cheshire accessories as the other one is soon to be full

This thread will also be a continue of my story that began in the last thread but other content is entirely welcome

Previous thread:



292 posts and 98 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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68b4ef No.362004


>… … …huh?

>How long had I waited to hear someone say that?

>I'd lived alone since I moved out 4 years ago. I'd turned down the others that had approached me during my time at the bakery, for the sake of professionalism and my ideals

>Yet here was a woman I barely knew but had somehow, unilaterally accepted and welcomed into my home and my bed. And all the 'justifications' I had made seemed like excuses

>Her shy but honest and endearing presence had pushed past everything I had put in place to avoid a 'pro-active' relationship. And despite it all, I didn't mind

>In fact, I liked it. She had been in my life for almost a single day, yet she felt like an old friend already. Her presence, in one night, had transformed my little apartment into a real home

>Somewhere to return to, somewhere warm and inviting after a hard days' work. Something more than just a place to live, more than just a dark, empty place to return to

>A great man once said that every man's house was his home, and that home was his castle. Now I may not have a house, or even own this little place I call home

>But from the moment those words reached me, I felt like a real king. A real lord of his own home, a private domain to call his own. And with someone there to make it worth more than anything

>There was nothing I could say in reply, no clever response, I was at a complete loss for words. I turned to face her, my mind long since ground to a stand-still from utter shock

>So I abandoned all thought and acted on impulse alone, letting my instincts play out as they pleased. It was all I could do to avoid standing there with my mouth hanging open

>The sky itself shone in those blue eyes, the sunlight radiating of the pale softness of her skin. I'd seen many a pretty face in my time and all were overshadowed by what stood before me

>Embarrassment blazed in her cheeks and her lip quivered as she desperately held back tears. So I kissed her. It was not driven by passion, or lust, it was of nothing but affection and appreciation

>It was complete acceptance of who and what she was. And in a moment it was over as I pulled away from her soft lips. I turned away to hide my own blazing red face and to calm my pounding heart

>Having regained my composure, I faced her once more and drew her into my arms. She buried her still cherry red face into my neck as I summoned my courage and gave her my reply

>I told her I'd be home before she knew it and that I'd bring her something special home with me. And I told her to keep the light on for me if it got dark. Landlord be damned I was going to keep her

>She nodded her reply as I released her before turning to leave. I rose my free hand in farewell and walked away without looking back. I walked with confidence and pride and a smile that lasted all day

>I arrived at work a little later than usual but for some reason, my boss took one look at me and chuckled. No remark on my lateness, just a chuckle and a very knowing look from a wise old man

>To be fair it was probably written all over my face that something good had happened, he probably left things alone to let me savour the moment for as long as I could. He was good like that

>I powered through my tasks at such a rate, I was free for most of the day to help serve the usual army of customers and had time to spare to make my special someone a real treat

>Even the old man said it was one of the best things his shop had ever produced and that whatever had happened had left me twice the man I was before. He said it reminded him of when he met his wife

>He said he felt like he could take on the whole world with her at his side. By the time the store was clean and prepped for the next day of service, all the work I had done began to take its toll

>The old man bid me goodnight as he drove away, leaving me to decide on a meal plan for the evening. After a short detour to the supermarket and dodging a sudden downpour, I arrived home to the lights on

>I was still fishing for my keys when the door opened suddenly, the warm air and the smells of a clean home and hot tea wafted out to greet me as she stood in the doorway, the lights behind her making her shine

<Welcome home~!

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dda16f No.362007


I-I'm not c-crying! You're crying!

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c47361 No.362046

File: d3d5884e6bd3a8a⋯.png (105.4 KB,1380x1056,115:88,7afc9f59cf095bc0bee5557005….png)


Could end it here and would be gr8

but don't

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495cee No.367155

File: 8efe098efa1a5e9⋯.jpg (159.72 KB,940x1000,47:50,8efe098efa1a5e943632a5a0c1….jpg)

Please don't let this be the end

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a1fd1f No.381942


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ec91b7 No.386004

File: bdf57613e87223e⋯.png (6.65 MB,2500x3200,25:32,bdf57613e87223e7050bd8726c….png)

Not a cheshire, but pic related gave me an idea

>your cheshire wife is laying on the bed, your white shirt clings to her lewd body, and long white gloves cover almost her entire arm

>despite all that clothing, her lower body is completely unguarded

>she looks at you and makes a sexual gesture with her hand

>knowing there's no stopping, you simply resign and nod, taking off your pants

>she takes the shirt off, unleashing two heavy bouncy breasts, the bouncing mass slightly pulls her upper body towards you

>she takes a gloved hand and touches your penis

>despite the glove, it feels surprisingly good, you almost let out a moan

>she takes her time exploring the glands with her fingers before quickening the pace, engulfing your body in pleasure

>it's not long before you finally ejaculate, covering her entire glove with your seed

>she takes her other hand and, once again makes the same obscene gesture

>you look at her hand wondering if she's asking for another go, but her smile tells you otherwise

>she follows your look to her hand, stares at it for a while as her grin deepens, then looks back at you

>her tongue wets her lips in an erotic manner, her moist lips opens and mouths a word towards you

>"made you look"


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00637e No.386028


thank you for this, we really need more stories for best cat.

i should start getting good at writing if that's what it takes to save this thread

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ec91b7 No.386045


>i should start getting good at writing if that's what it takes to save this thread

Just draw write™, nigga.

Read stories you like, try to emulate them at first to learn, wait a day and re-read it for spellchecking or not if you're an ADHD faggot like me that doesn't care about fuck ups in the story enough to wait that much and then post it and ask for feedback.

It's not that hard unless you're going into autistic 200 pages territory.

Also, thesaurus is your friend for finding synonyms, since repeated words don't sound good unless they're intentionally repeated three times or more.

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00637e No.386136


thanks for the encouragement bro, i think i'll just write some stuff on my own before i start posting low quality garbage here.

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6a48a2 No.386200

File: cae93bd4fbc9229⋯.jpg (30.6 KB,309x500,309:500,255_mad_hatter_L.jpg)

>I don't know how, but I got invited to a tea party by this girl in my class

>little thing, quiet

>always smiling to herself, scares me a little

>has this weird hair style, always thought it was parent issues or something, you know the type

>long, fluffy, one half dyed pink, the other black

>and yet we got talking at random one day

>looking at memes, nothing serious

>her name was Tabitha apparently

>we kept talking afterwards, and eventually…

>she invited me to this party she was having with some friends

>fuck all else to do so I go

>so i'm on my bike

>the place she sent me is weird, into the forest and down this weird gated road

>gate is closed normally, somehow it was open today

>she said keep going for about a mile, but the forest isn't that long

>"you'll see" she said

>trees are getting funny colors

>everything is getting funny colors

>i swear i just saw a giant mushroom by the road

>nothing in sight and i'm getting hungry

>pull to side of the road, equip crunchie chocolate bar

>your dex level is not high enough to equip chocolate bar.png

>falls into drain underneath me, fuck

>hear clang followed by silence

>followed by MEGA CHOMP

>shit my fucking drawers, peg it down the road

>something huge is underneath me

>follows for quite a distance

>eventually stops, i'm tired af

>see mushroom blocking road ahead

>there's not mushroom to get past HAHAHA help

>it smells like fifteen colors and it just lifted me into the air

>girl in a top hat looks at me, sneering

>"where do you think you're-" suddenly she sniffs

>"SHANA!" a voice yells. "PUT HIM DOWN, HE'S INVITED!"

>look over, see… Tabitha?

>she's must be doing some kind of cosplay, she has big cat ears and… paws?

>get dropped in front of her, mushroom lady makes a huffy noise behind me

>"Hey Anon!"


>"Hi!" The little bell around her neck makes a noise as she moves. "What do you think of my home?"

>I see she's standing in front of… quite a big house, actually

>It's like a stately home, covered in ivy and those weirdly coloured plants

>the road curves off to the side and I can see what looks like a village

>"I-It's nice," I mumble, wondering about what exactly happened to the small, out of the way forest I entered. But onto more important matters - "I, uh, like the cosplay."

>"Cosplay? Oh, yeah. Come on, then. This way."

>She drags me straight through her home into an almost filled courtyard with a single table.

>"These are my friends!" She explains as I freeze up.

>"This is Yanny, she's a jabberwock!"

>I look up at the huge woman at the foot of the table

>7 foot fuck me

>She gives me a pleasant sort of glare, and blows some smoke in my eyes. She's in, uh, cosplay as well.

>A long scaly tail, and two extra snake mouths, and to top it all off, two wings

>Most of the appendages are moving on their own

>I didn't just get off the shortbus, I know something weird's going on here

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6a48a2 No.386201

File: 25f2721bb83513e⋯.png (14.35 KB,128x128,1:1,475112833080623104.png)

>"So," the giantess says, "We finally meet this human."

>something's wrong in that sentence somewhere

>I look back at Tabitha just in time to almost catch on to her immense enjoyment of my confusion at this point

>"Right." I say. "Nice to meet you, Yanny."

>"The pleasure is all mine."

>moving quickly on

>"This is Moggie," She said, pointing me to three girls, very like herself, all dressed in pink and black - "This is Lisa, and this is Ant. They're my sisters."

>I look closely at the three cats. "Ant…?" I say to the eldest.

>She smirks. "It's short for Rupert," she declares.

>"Surely not-" I try.


>"R-Rupert's a boy's name."

>"Obviously not."

>"We don't tolerate ladyboys around here," The youngest, Moggie, chimes in, before going back to sucking on her dummy.

>Well, I can't argue with that.

>"And, um, we have a guest today, actually, everyone. Unexpected, I know, but we have Mr. Egg with us today. Please be nice to him, some of you might have heard a good friend of his fell victim recently to the most awful workplace accident…"

>I slowly look the creature in the eye. It stares back.

>pic related

>I feel something brush against my back. Immediately, Tabitha clutches me to her side. Did she just hiss?

>"Relax, little pink." Drawls the hatter that stopped me earlier. "Just coming to get that tea you owe me."

>Tabitha hisses again, giving a near exemplary demonstration of how someone grins aggressively. "I see. A freeloader!"

>"Come on now." The woman gestures, taking a seat at the end of the table. "What's a tea party without a hatter?"

>"What is a tea party without a hatter?" Moggie asks.

>"Well, it's a hatterless tea party, I suppose." Ant responds.

>"Is that legal in a residential borough at half past six in the evening? If a tea party is hatterless then surely it falls upon the residents to find a hatter, so that the hatter can hat as a hatter might and leave the tea party as hatted as a hatter's tea party can be. With a hatter, of course."

>Everyone looks at her blankly. "It depends on the time of year." Yanny says immediately. "But I've heard it can be awfully uncivilised. Scratching, name calling, touching the biscuits without asking-"

>"The special biscuits?!" Tabatha yells suddenly.

>"Well I suppose so, if you're going all in you might as well-"

>"Can-" I try. "Can we just stop, please? What is going on? Why is… should I be wearing a costume?"

>Yanny glares at me. "Oh? That's not a mask, then. How ghastly-"

>"Why don't you be quiet, hmmm, fogbreath?" Tabitha suggests.

>"Go cough up a hair ball."

>"Now come along." Tabitha says, following the second suggestion up with a rather loud and sudden unsheathing of several dangerous looking claws from her, uh, cosplay? "I'm sure we can all come to-"

>Shana steps neatly between them. "See? I'm needed. And I have arrived; just in time to meet the lady of the manor's young suitor here, it seems! Come along, my erstwhile chum!" She wrenches me away from Tabitha and almost throws me into a seat. When the world stops spinning, I notice Tabitha setting herself up beside me. Her ears are… wriggling up and down?

>"Are you a cat girl, Tabitha?" I ask. I just feel like it makes a lot of sense to ask at this point. She smiles at me, but obviously, she ignores me. Of course.

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6a48a2 No.386202

>"Well now." The hatter says. "Boy serves."

>"Boy serves," Moggy repeated.

>"Boy serves," Ant and Yanny repeat.

>"Yes, boy serves." The hatter says. "And if he serves well enough, I wouldn't mind if, later on in the evening, perhaps he were to sip at my own sweet tea, you know…" Her voice lowered to a purr that would make the cats blush - "My personal blend."


>"Oh, come on now. So clingy." She leans into a mock whisper, right across where I'm sitting - "You know it's the boy who chooses, don't you, Tabitha? Jealousy turns men off."

>The cat reddens, but doesn't stop grinning. "That's funny. So does acting like a lecherous, thirsty old mi-" A large mushroom bounces off her head.

>"Do keep your voice down. But yes, those are the rules."

>"The rules of tea." Tabitha nods, pushing a large, laiden tray towards me.

>"Erm…" I say, looking down at the teapot, and 8 teacups.

>I take a breath.

>"I, uh, I don't really… drink… tea?"

>A short silence.

>"S-Sorry?" Tabitha says.

>Yanny looks bewildered. "But this is Wonderland, and out there is England. Everybody drinks tea here."

>"Not me." I shrug. "I'm not that keen on the crumpets, either, to be honest, I mean, not turning down a good meal or anything but… I'm gonna be honest, I mean, I don't know what I'm doing here."

>"You know, I could say the same." The hatter looks perpexed. "So what, pray tell, do you like to eat? Are you a coffee drinker, perhaps?"

>The cats all make sour faces. "Oh, no, I can't stand socialists," Moggy comments.

>"Uh…" I think. "McDonalds?"

>They look at me in shock. The jabberwock sucks hard at her pipe, breathing out a plume of smoke through her nostrils. Meanwhile, Moggy turns in her high chair and spits into the grass, giving me an icy glare. The hatter glances over at her, then does the same. "Listen," she says, her voice a little shakier than before, tightly controlled. "It's not hard. You might come to love a bit of tea. Just try some with us. Come on, there aren't that many rules to tea. Why, a child could do it."

>"A-All right. I'll serve some tea." I say quickly, glancing back down at the tray, then up at the expectant faces.

>They're right, it's easy. I'm making a fool of myself. Just grab this, pour it in here, and-

>"Did he just fucking put the milk in first"

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3cc172 No.386205

File: 8de189cf99a22a7⋯.jpeg (407.67 KB,1043x1043,1:1,A5F470EE-0F15-4778-8A04-C….jpeg)


>"Did he just fucking put the milk in first"

This party is going places.

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cd3464 No.386255

File: 288692e7a83265a⋯.png (57.32 KB,438x523,438:523,IMG_1235.PNG)


>Doesn't like tea.

>Eats McDick's



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af65fd No.386269


Poor kid needs a break

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b024f5 No.386271


how on earth can someone not like tea?

i mean granted i might be a bit biased because my waifu is a cheshire but still.

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ad7942 No.386318


I can't stand the taste of the leaf water tbh fam and where I'm from they put a pound of sugar in it.

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1a89da No.386319


>that entire fucking ordeal


>"Did he just fucking put the milk in first"

I'm laughing my ass off but the worst part is that I would be that awkward at a tea party. I sympathize with that poor bastard brought to the physical reality equivalent of an acid trip.

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80ec35 No.386321

>There are plebs who don't drink their tea plain

>They need milk and sugar

That's what little tea cakes are for.

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ec91b7 No.386328


My fucking sides

Reminder that vanilla tea with sugar and mate tea are objectively the best teas.


Tea cakes fucking suck.

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af65fd No.386364


It’s repulsive to me. I’ve tried multiple versions trying to find one that’s tolerable, but I haven’t had any luck.

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f5de53 No.386375


if you need to add sugar to tea, it kind of defeats the purpose, if you can't really taste it without the sugar, you might as well just be drinking hot sugar water.

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a20fc7 No.386379



Sweet iced tea is for patricians

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bd38fc No.386387


I don't like tea hot or cold, sweet or unsweet. Also for the record they ice the tea.

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1b806c No.386629


it's not coffee

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d6d077 No.387105

Imagine your Cheshire wife spiking your food with a aphrodisiac and turning her pelvic area invisible, hidding it around the house. Her disembodied head following you around just out of reach taunting you and making puns about each place you look.

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693415 No.387107


Well at that point, it's easier to just grab the head.

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d6d077 No.387108


That's why I said out of reach

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b024f5 No.387138


she can't keep proper distance forever, if she slips up and gets too close, she will have to drink my protein shake.

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7f71f2 No.387140


But how are you supposed to get your gains if you’re giving away your protein shake?

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a1fd1f No.387185

We need more chubby Cheshires.

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2ed7e0 No.387191


fair point, nofap has helped me so far, but my guess would be mamono mana bullshit.

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825c60 No.387198

File: 4aebdf1240ea8f0⋯.jpg (114.59 KB,412x400,103:100,400.jpg)


>>"Did he just fucking put the milk in first"

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cd5791 No.387702

Do you think Cheshires intentionally purr to the beat of shity songs to get them stuck in your head?

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3c5daa No.387705


>be Anon

>Just sitting on the couch reading.

>Cheshire waifu cuddles up next to me and starts purring.

>For a short while, all is fine. We just enjoy the mutual warmth.

>I begin reading the same page over and over again.

>A certain melody seems to be looping in my head, breaking my concentration. I put the book down to purge it from my mind.

<"Something wrong, Anon?"

>A smug grin spreads across her face.

"Just an earworm."

>And then I notice it. She's purring it. This faggot cat is purring it.

<"Would it happen to be ’’Purrude’’ - ’’Sandstorm’’?"

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af65fd No.387708


Honestly if she can purr to the tune of Darude Sandstorm I’d just be impressed

I knew one girl who learned how to play it on the flute by ear on the first try once we started playing the video. Shit was rad.

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cd3464 No.387905

How do you think a meeting between a cheshire and Robot-kun would play out? Would be a real duel of wills right there.

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5c6a1f No.387912


Robot-kun was made that why by life experiences his will already broke to the world around him. But a Cheshire is a force of purge smug you can't break the will of a force of nature

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bf18a0 No.387937

I got faggotcatted in my dreams tonight.

>Sitting in an armchair in a generic living room, reading an article on the construction of stilt houses in aquatic terrain for some reason

>Cheshire pokes head into room, somehow I know she's my wife

>She looks serious for once

<Anon… I have something important to tell you…

>Oh fuck, if a Cheshire isn't being a smug little shit it's got to be grave

<Anon… I… I have a worm

>I have an extremely deep rooted fear of internal parasites, so naturally my first instinct is to trigger my gag reflex

>She bends over, clutching her stomach

<Aaaahh! Nooooo!!! Get out of me!!!

>I'm screaming like a little schoolgirl

>A Wyrm pops out from under her skirt and waves at me with a smile

<Hello mister!

>Faggotcat wife looks up at me with the shiteatingest grin on her face

I woke up yelling angrily.

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00637e No.387950


this is why i want a cheshire waifu, good banter, memes, and pranking between the two of us. and the occasional frequent struggle snuggle

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260d3d No.389194

What does a bitter rivalry between Cheshires look like?

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38c6ca No.389197


Like a meme-off.

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db77ef No.389213


are you having a stroke??

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771288 No.389528

File: f765cf9f43915aa⋯.jpg (2.5 MB,3024x4032,3:4,IMG_20190312_160345955~2.jpg)

The drawthread has reached bump limit, so I shall take over this thread for Jabberwocks.


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5c6a1f No.389878

Was the ausie just trying to get a Cheshire wife and how would a cjesorr go about getting their husband out of prison and escape the law?

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682bec No.389910


Blessed anon

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45a8a2 No.389951


<Welcome home~!

>… … …


I-I'm home

>It was all I could manage. My throat had seized and my chest was caught in a bittersweet vice of emotion

>Time had frozen and the sounds of the city seemed to fade away, leaving only the sound of my heart drumming in my ears

>Neither of us moved, neither daring to break the revere. That was until she took a single step forwards and buried her face against my chest

>I loosely followed along as I rested my chin atop her head and looped my arms around her waist. She smelled like black tea and brown sugar

>Her ears tickled my cheeks as they grew damp with the tears streaming down my face. We stood there in silence, together, until we had calmed down

>Wiping the last bit of moisture from my eyes, I descended to meet her upturned lips. All the fatigue of a long, hard day bled out of me as we savoured the moment

>The gentle sweetness of her lips and the barest hint of her tongue sent sparks throughout my body as she cooed and pushed herself against me

>Our world shrank down to a single moment of shared affection, without lust or desire. Just the blooming love and appreciation we had for each-other

>As I pulled back and broke the kiss, I was caught with the look in her bright blue eyes. In that moment, they shone like twin sapphire stars

>Her cheeks were cherry red to match the sweater she was wearing and I suspected my own face was just as rosy

>She took my hand and drew me inside as I pulled the door closed behind us. The room around us practically sparkled with cleanliness

>I headed to the kitchen to put the groceries away and to get a better look at the place. From the looks of things, nothing had been spared her attention

>She poured me a cup of tea from a pot I thought I had lost years ago. I had been saving that tea for something special and to see it used was a nice surprise

>We spoke of our respective days as we put the food away and began cutting up the vegetables for the pot roast

>With the pot in the oven and with tea in hand, we sat down together at the table to finalize our living arrangements for the foreseeable future

>She told me that she had moved the rest of her things to my apartment while I was at at work. Needless to say, I was extremely surprised to hear that

>I asked her how she managed to move all of her things from her place to mine without being seen by the landlord. All she did was blush shyly as the teapot appeared

>Ah. She teleported everything straight from her apartment to mine. I wasn't sure if I should be scared or awed by what she was capable of

>I chose the latter and gave her a ruffle behind her ears as I moved us over to the couch to watch some TV while dinner cooked

>My couch wasn't the biggest but it had ample room for the pair of us. We settled into the soft faux leather as she spread a blanket over us both

>Most of the news stories were bland and mundane. A piece on immigrants protesting at the border reminded me to forward the details of her previous employer to the ICE

>I was lost in thought when I felt her tense up beside me. A story on homeless mamono had come up and the footage of the less fortunate ones cut her deep

>That could have been her, had I not invited her in. Her out there in the cold and dirt, desperate to find shelter from the elements

>She began to shiver and shake with silent tears at the thought of how close she came to ruin. She clung to me, like one would to a lifeline in a storm

>In a way, I guess I was just that, her lifeline. I maneuvered her into my lap and held her close as her tears left little lines of heat down my neck

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9a157c No.391190


> w h o l e s o m e

Is it just me or is there something special about healing a stray catgirl? I tend to prefer wan wans, but for some reason earning the trust of a feral dog girl doesn't quite seem the same. I can't really explain the dynamic.

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00637e No.391195


this is the best healing writefag story i've ever read.

in a weeks time she'll probably have a little more of her faggotcatted-ness' back

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f29e39 No.392957

do you think cheshires count down the days until their daughters are old enough to be bombarded with how do you do my fellow kids memes.

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