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File: c3caab63bec10c5⋯.jpg (31.22 KB,382x415,382:415,1454716392979-4.jpg)

File: a942a3e8d44e361⋯.png (278.17 KB,559x676,43:52,1482992504242.png)

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File: c450cce4569119a⋯.jpg (136.74 KB,900x563,900:563,5fe80f13e097b3b78cf4df345b….jpg)

00a5ca No.280379 [View All]

>come home from work one day

>oni daughteru usually comes rushing in and hugs you, but not today

>basement door is open

>daughteru opened the door, went down, and got into the expensive wine you and your waifu were saving for your anniversary

What do?

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c3d5cb No.385420

File: efdb911cfb44f44⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,400x354,200:177,What_the_fuck_are_you_sayi….jpg)


>He wants to be a paypig

Nigger, just get divorced by a 3DPD if you want to waste money like that, jesus fuck.

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d15dd4 No.385421


*protection cummies

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b7e034 No.385428


For some reason maternal instincts really turn me on

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4f8aab No.385429

File: d4bb1e1e4b33e76⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,346.85 KB,834x710,417:355,IMG_0399.JPG)

Guess what day is comig up soon?

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c82524 No.385435


The day when Monster Girls become real?

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c167fd No.385478


same here, although. if you think about it for a while it becomes evident why it makes complete sense for maternal instincts to be attractive

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d18fcc No.387428

Does anyone have any daki prints of the MGE red oni? If not does anyone have recommendations for an artist to commission?

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2c9c44 No.387443

File: 4e7b86fccae3b59⋯.jpg (550.22 KB,1045x1500,209:300,22.jpg)

I was searching for this image in the thread but I couldn't find it. This is my favorite oni comic.

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d15dd4 No.387447


Saucenao is your friend. Hopefully he'll draw a sequel where she's larger.

>tfw no tall loli oni childhood friend


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c078cd No.387458

What if I want to drink shots out of my Oni girlfriend's ass?

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1b0fcf No.387474


Use her pussy instead because ass to mouth is for faggots

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e4804d No.387478




>butt eating

Y'all some bitch niggas. Real patricians suck on toes. If you're into the next level shit bend hend her big toe back to lick the tendon that becomes exposed when that's done.

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1b0fcf No.387493


>vaginas are icky I just want to lick some feet

Begone footfag

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123a7c No.387508

File: 5502a47258569dc⋯.jpg (67.65 KB,491x742,491:742,5502a47258569dc4c51386ecb5….jpg)



>lick some feet

Not even that, it's nigger tier toe sucking. The worst kind of foot faggotry.

While we're here, fit midriff licking and other normal stuff like tiddy licking, cheek liking and so on >= cunnilingus > killing yourself > licking foot > licking toes > annilingus

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57dc58 No.387514


>Performing the noble and timeless act of making your waifu speak in eight languages by writing them with your tongue between her legs

>not above pleb activities like titty sucking/ab licking

What fresh faggotry is this?

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123a7c No.387515

File: f4859e9a110369d⋯.jpg (88.26 KB,500x281,500:281,f4859e9a110369db63a66e19f6….jpg)


>licking her breasts and lightly biting on the nipple during sex

>licking your waifu's sweaty midriff after you both exercise to exhaustion, followed by sweaty post-exercise sex

>pleb tier

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9972f5 No.387524

File: a8c99360b0c974a⋯.jpg (45.29 KB,600x600,1:1,IMG_20190213_130800.jpg)

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d15dd4 No.387571

File: 558916fd3376f8e⋯.jpg (253.58 KB,1602x1200,267:200,Dxdz_gDVsAA2iz-.jpg)


Found this uncensored.

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d18fcc No.387577

File: 72fa08aaa65cbe5⋯.jpg (125.32 KB,737x1024,737:1024,Doq-mQbVAAAKhBD.jpg)

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71a47f No.387582


Finally someone manages to post it.

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04f430 No.387583


Truly 2 horned onis have a evolutionary advantage over their 1 horned cousins.

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18582e No.391681

File: 02fb53d9f98823b⋯.png (1.92 MB,1910x1623,1910:1623,Bleach oni.png)

Found this on Halfchan. Also it's fucked there, even more so, You no longer have access to basic features if you use ad block.

Fuck that cucked place

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d7a617 No.400978

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d7a617 No.400979

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d7a617 No.400980

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d9d118 No.400996

File: eb33856b122cf7e⋯.webm (765.19 KB,811x1300,811:1300,What_I_Get_for_Marrying_a….webm)

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72c935 No.402884

File: b6ec8849f514052⋯.jpg (123.1 KB,991x1200,991:1200,D3bOEqTX4AAVCrI.jpg)

File: 39c3ad71eba3bb6⋯.jpg (103.34 KB,850x947,850:947,__inutade_dungeon_meshi_dr….jpg)


More of cute thicc oni

* 1st from @glacierclear, before she did mostly furry, second sameda_koban *

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d63ab4 No.406064

File: a65679125f3bd7b⋯.png (484.83 KB,1261x1006,1261:1006,e55ffd6b16ba7e4d5cfb80b340….png)

File: c19ffe74d6a530e⋯.jpg (554.07 KB,736x900,184:225,bf44ba637a567f394b4d9a8f6e….jpg)

File: a3e5e3c1b56939b⋯.png (391.71 KB,800x646,400:323,27845e191f20103c41892f7c9d….png)

File: bf8e4a172036fa6⋯.png (523.47 KB,636x900,53:75,ba6b8978f1f05fa11762197401….png)


What do you think of this oni? Does she count or is she not oni enough?

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bd878e No.406066


>left picture

this is 3dpd tier distgusting you pig

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8b0034 No.406097


>2nd picture

The weak should fear the strong.jpg

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ea9a9f No.406108

File: 52448116285489e⋯.png (1.65 MB,1200x1600,3:4,0e6.png)

File: b9abc1e2e819444⋯.png (1.01 MB,800x1280,5:8,lusciousnet_lusciousnet_or….png)

They're the best waifus. Do you think they smell sweaty? And how different would having an oni waifu be from having an orc waifu?

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ea9a9f No.406118

File: 09adde46d7cc497⋯.jpg (75.27 KB,610x858,305:429,x4oudwnvuhc31.jpg)

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78b6b8 No.406120


>second picture

this is what reddit loves

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ea9a9f No.406123

File: b811d7e9eefd7ac⋯.png (775.79 KB,1500x1062,250:177,69a1ace28db4baaf1d0afd0bbf….png)

Would you bean an oni?

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ca053d No.406126

File: 91b4d235c6d2273⋯.gif (1018.21 KB,256x192,4:3,111b13bfdc42681918ec3646e8….gif)

Am I blind or has nobody posted any Suzuka?

SRW Endless Frontier on DS (and the sequel, if you can read Japanese) give you a cute oni party member.

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ca053d No.406127

File: a08d03db906ef34⋯.jpg (539.84 KB,660x794,330:397,0e14f8eef8f2049c66434d2ce0….jpg)

File: 8c961526e570ce2⋯.jpg (900.88 KB,1000x1414,500:707,2f05fb2fd73de9e792b9c07851….jpg)

File: 22d8fdd9ea18344⋯.jpg (96.02 KB,700x560,5:4,c1f2ab6dd5dce42ce09ee82e88….jpg)

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d0ec29 No.406128


please keep us up to date on what your friends on reddit think

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ea9a9f No.406130


What does leddit have anything to do with onis? You faggots are getting off topic instead of keeping this interesting

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ea9a9f No.406131

File: 7652c925a1c6c45⋯.jpg (105.51 KB,904x898,452:449,fc698a966017ae048da6db6a41….jpg)

Must be hard to keep an oni waifu fed. How much do you think they eat?

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ea9a9f No.406140

File: d5b4a030c514a85⋯.png (79.6 KB,774x1032,3:4,ryori_akai_by_blazbaros-da….png)

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ea9a9f No.406161

File: 77af4ac70f47600⋯.png (461.24 KB,800x533,800:533,f493c3b0c875913282ced86095….png)

I love onis

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02e751 No.406165


Refreshing to see an oni with something besides a spiked club. Why do they all have spiked clubs?

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730642 No.406167


It’s called a kanabo and it’s the most commonly reoccurring thing in oni lore.

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18582e No.406171

File: 59b275695318d6b⋯.png (335.94 KB,540x807,180:269,Oni398.png)



>Bullying the oni fag, and rightfully so

These two posts wont be here tomorrow. Mark my words.

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d18fcc No.406176


>any post ever made with the oni flag is this one guy

kill yourself retard

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1d4074 No.406192

File: 0bb91a347775cd2⋯.png (2.3 MB,1191x1818,397:606,e36d200a573bf58e5ad81a9d82….png)

Petite, muscular or plump oni? Why do you prefer them?

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1d4074 No.406205

File: 14090da64325dfd⋯.jpg (388.61 KB,724x1024,181:256,73208b41a408cb67b2f5f30114….jpg)

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4242b0 No.406208


Strong-plump is the only answer you fool

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4242b0 No.406209

File: 2833fd6aede02b7⋯.jpeg (132.24 KB,677x838,677:838,0E946EAC-8B34-47EE-B723-B….jpeg)

File: 8c2386a4b4c5f82⋯.jpeg (106.55 KB,926x1200,463:600,0DB8C526-0D35-4A25-A1EA-1….jpeg)

File: a9dd37aad568c59⋯.png (3.6 MB,2077x2682,2077:2682,1E89846B-92D0-4348-A30F-DC….png)

File: 6a535f87f714048⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB,1417x1747,1417:1747,4CC1DB96-90AA-4483-82E9-9….jpeg)

File: 7327d0012288bcb⋯.jpeg (1.62 MB,1500x1166,750:583,57D74EDA-0331-4C4D-94D9-C….jpeg)

We have a lovely anon who commissioned some of these Tios

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bf5181 No.406624



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