I ordered some of the "bootleg" MDE shirts. Two that arrived were the correct size/color/design, one was not.
Seeing as how the store is now closed, I cannot return it and no one else can buy them anymore, I was wondering if anyone wanted to buy it from me on ebay?
I'm selling it for slightly cheaper than I bought it because fuck it, I just want to recoup my losses and I don't want it sitting around gathering dust. I'd rather someone got some use out of it and was able to promote Ham Syde.
The t-shirt is a LARGE size, it is red, and it has this design. Ships from that gay little Kingdom that is United where the queen lives.
Pic related, it's the back of the shirt design. The front has the little World Peace/James Holmes logo (I'll post the front next) Limda6ngsbmited time offer! Limited edition! Get yours while they're still hot!