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File: a1fbbe7dddc7ce9⋯.png (1.21 MB,800x561,800:561,real one.png)

b80808 No.29915


i put together a little video, what do you think?

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d47bf7 No.29916

Don't bother, this board is as dead as Sam's career.

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86d8e9 No.30003

File: ca386b4ff0c1c23⋯.jpg (56.4 KB,640x639,640:639,m22cmzlr5yg21.jpg)

too bad. i missed out on md3

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4b4529 No.30004


it was really cool and good and a fun bit of internet-people humor 2011-2015 but don't worry unless you're over the age of 27 you wouldn't like it anyway

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33895a No.30869

its bad

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