Personal rough “estimate”
He didn’t get out of btc before it dropped significantly and it’s hard considering that “real” money but even assuming it is:
-purchasing, fixing/customizing, and transporting all those vehicles (cars and bikes) could easily push 100k total (let’s say the cars from jap are 25k/ea and need major work, bikes also at least a few thousand)
-the employees he doesn’t rip off entirely he has to pay some poverty line salary or throw them a couple thousand here and there
-filling his apt with expensive gadgets and gear and computer technology “for his video game” that he just plays with (apparently throws out?) and lets sit there, new costly cameras and lenses
-no serious investments and I doubt he has financial advisers/anyone to manage his shit
-general indiscriminate spending and flashy impulse buys (like those watches that someone mentioned) & other “cool clothes” etc
-gives random girls money (hands them bills at random times) and apparently flies some of them to providence, treats them (a few more thousand)
-2-3 rents since 2017 (40k/yr or more), insurance, etc
-just not spending below his means but rather like a rapper/athlete who just got his first big check, little to no self-restraint
I understand gumroad rakes in a decent amount and books/merch were profitable but this doesnt seem sustainable (and definitely not smart) imo… younger people who make more than him live in tiny apts and save like hell
My 2¢