/luddite/ - Luddite
Welcome to /luddite/, ∞chan's anti-technology board.
For board rules, refer to https://8ch.net/luddite/rules.html
For resources on anarcho-primitivism, ludditism & rewilding, refer to https://8ch.net/luddite/resources.html
For contact, please mail me at <luddite@8chan.co>.
For meta discussion, feel free to post in this thread.
Anti-Tech Organization
Wilderness Front: https://www.wildernessfront.com/
An anti-tech organization that ascribes to Kaczynski's ideas. They also host an archive of anti-tech writings, including some rare writings from Kaczynski.
Industrial Society and Its Future: https://www.wildernessfront.com/the-manifesto
Kaczynski's preface to ISAIF: https://wildernessfront.com/blog/isaif-preface
Rare TK letter: https://www.wildernessfront.com/blog/tk-letter-070103
How come our hunter-gatherer ancestors were superior to us technological slaves?
We have all those surgeries, medicines, procedures. Yet we're still less healthy than the hunter-gatherer.
/Luddite/ resources
Thread for every /luddite/ related resource you have.
Starting with "Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How" by Theodore John Kaczynski.
I couldn't post it in pdf here (request entity too large), so here's link: https://archive.org/details/KaczynskiAntiTechRevolutionWhyAndHow_201803
You can find it in several formats there.