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/lit/ - Literature

Discussion of Literature

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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: 732367a5a3b0653⋯.jpeg (31.31 KB,500x375,4:3,13234256363.jpeg)


join my discord book club motherfuckers, pseuds and fags can fuck off

epub for monthly reading provided


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Fuck off with your cancerous chat service with

>data mining as its business model

>corporate censorship

>arbitration clause in its TOS

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mayhaps you have a better alternative in mind? I was thinking mumble but nobody uses it and I don't want to pay for a server.

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Pretty much this. Why don't you share your books on /lit/ instead of gating them behind a ~private community~ for a botnet program?

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10ips a day, and you shill your shit here. You're amazing incompetent, so it no surprise that you're also an anime nigger.

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well, I wanted something a bit more community-esque than the anon culture on /lit/. something a tad more structural.


hey friend, I just googled the picture, I don't watch the cartoons. also, amazingly* :L

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>well, I wanted something a bit more community-esque than the anon culture on /lit/. something a tad more structural.

Go back to reddit.

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