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/lit/ - Literature

Discussion of Literature

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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: eb752b14f0a45a9⋯.jpg (70.63 KB,800x533,800:533,unravelling-ropes-into-fra….jpg)


Hey /lit/

You ever read a book in which the story is told about a number of independent characters undergoing different challenges interwoven – a chapter on this person, a chapter on that – but as the book draws to a close, it turns out they're all the same person maybe in different times of their life or different perspectives of them?

Did you read something like this?

Can you name it?

Did it suck?

What sucked about it?

Did you feel cheated by it, like the writer was lying to you and you felt all like betrayed n shit?

Does the idea suck?

Would you feel cheated by a story like that?

Wouldya? Wouldya? Wouldya?

Or are you ctrl+c-ing this thread right now and sending the proposal to your agent?

Closest I can think of is Cloud Atlas albeit that's people reincarnating into new eras

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Wow, really, no one? It's never been done or just no one here's read it?

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>but as the book draws to a close, it turns out they're all the same person maybe in different times of their life or different perspectives of them?

It depends on how the reveal(s) is(are) done.

>Did you feel cheated by it, like the writer was lying to you and you felt all like betrayed n shit?

Why would I feel betrayed by that? Presuming it was well-written and well-crafted, nothing would have changed about it.

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