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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

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Niggers of Color

I've traveled the world - all over the place,

I've met cool niggers from every race.

By car, bus, foot, and bike,

Here are just some of the niggers I like.

Some of these niggers use the term "Jew",

They have lots of money, intelligence too.

The religious ones are all quite old,

Let's call these niggers, "niggers of gold".

There are niggers in Italy, Spain, and France,

These niggers have culture, song, and dance.

These are most of the niggers I know,

Let's call these niggers, "niggers of snow".

Eastern niggers are respectful and nice,

Their diets consist mainly of rice.

In crowds, you just have to yell their name,

I speak of these "niggers who look the same".

Some of the niggers have seen more sun,

These niggers are strong - they jump and run.

Rap and hip hop are the beats they feel,

These are the homies, the "niggaz that's real".

There are niggers that run convenience stores,

I hope they stay out of nuclear war.

These are niggers for whom I worry,

I'm speaking, of course, of "niggers of curry".

There are niggers in the Muslim world,

Respectful to every boy and girl.

These niggers live in the middle east,

They're simply known as "niggers of peace".

Hispanic niggers are not very tall,

They are quite adept at the sport of baseball.

These niggers play on all the best teams,

We'll call these niggers, "niggers with beans".

There are niggers that live as one with the land,

They identify with a tribe or band.

These are the niggers that aren't reimbursed,

These are the "niggers that got here first".

Niggers have their differences,

Go draw all your inferences.

We could be like sister and brother,

Together, perhaps, "niggers of color".

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