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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: e0c011ded6b4bc8⋯.jpg (523.66 KB,1154x1593,1154:1593,Shakugan_no_Shana_Light_No….jpg)


What's a good light novel that I could actually enjoy rereading without knowing much Japanese?

I've already "officially" read in English:

The Melanchony of Haruhi

Crest of the Stars

Spice and Wolf

Shakugan no Shana

Kino's Journey

Ore no Imouto ga Konnna ni Kawaii wake ga nai

Chuunibyou demo koi shitai

Full Metal Panic

Shinsekai Yori

And poked at parts of of them in Japanese, but it's honestly hard to imagine being motivated to reread any of those in Japanese once you already know the plot or have seen the anime enough times. So what's something that would grow on me and hold my interest?

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>light novels


Anyway, fuck rereading. The only stuff that comes close to being worthwhile is bakemonogatari and log horizon. If you definitely want to reread something though, I'd say go with shinsekai yori.

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Kore wa Zombie Desu?


Denpa Onna to Seishun Otako

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Every light novel translator is garbage. Stop wasting time on them and learn the damn language. Finish Heisig in five months, Tae Kim in two, Core6k in a year, and then you should be able to read simple light novels. It doesn't take that long, but any time you

waste on reading them in english or surfing the internet will delay you.


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Anyone know of western books that 'flow' like a light novel? Or LN-like books if you will.

My example is Werewolf Smackdown by Mario Acevedo. It wasn't good, but I remember just wading through it in small cracks of free time in just a couple of days. It did some stuff by the end that made me cringe hard, leave the book unfinished, and ultimately lose it inside my own home. Still better than the last couple of books I've tried to read.

Lastly, anyone else feels like it's a shame that japs distanced their written works like that? Some formal stuff ends up going the same ways as always -some stuff in After the Earthquake was great but the story about the hero frog, albeit good, almost announces how it's gonna go down from the getgo- while LNs reduce themselves to the use of anime quirks. I haven't had much experience with them but I wouldn't be surprised about >>11711 being right about the quality of most translators: my experience with Haruhi in Spanish was alright, but trying to read GATE was pain.

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I desperately want to see the rest of Slayers, Lost Universe, Black Blood Brothers, Spice and Wolf, and Full Metal Panic. Plus maybe Twelve Kingdoms.

Tell it to me straight, are any of the English translations, whether official or (*gulp*) fanlation coherent enough to be worthwhile? It doesn't have to be perfect prose, just something good enough where I can understand what's happening and enjoy the original intent instead of struggling not to hunt down and mailbomb the weaboo translator.

I've read many normal books translated from a variety of languages (French, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese…) with slightly stiff at worst results, but the quality of anime/manga translation (for which I can lean on the visuals to clarify things sufficiently) leaves me leery for the prospects of LNs.

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I've heard good things about Youjo Senki. The only problem is that because the author wrote it in high-level Japanese, the translation is coming along at a snail's pace. Been holding off on reading it so I can binge read it when enough chapters get translated.

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How transgendered is it? I know the anime is coming soon, and I've enjoyed the Mahou Shoujos Keikaku anime, but probably not enough to read the LNs.

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"Overlord" is the best thing ever, all of it (including drama CDs) is fan-translated into English with some unbelievable quality too.

In turn, I, too, 'd like to ask a question. Is there a web site like anidb and vndb for LNs? I want to scratch precisely at my fetishes and that's hard to do without a search engine over tags.

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Check novelupdates.com

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