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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

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what does /lit/ think of audiobooks? is listening to a narration of a book as legitimate as reading it yourself in text form?

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its functionally the same thing, but different strokes for different folks. like automatic and stick.

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I'd be surprised if there weren't people here who didn't take issue with equating audiobooks and reading.

Maybe /lit/ isn't the

>muh elitist club

… it started as

Personally don't have an issue with it, especially for books-that-expect-nothing-from-you, but if you're driving you're kinda losing a lot by being so distracted whilst "reading"

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I only read books. I do consume audio media, podcasts and so forth, so I recognize audio books as a viable option. Having never got into this method of experiencing a book I can only say it's not my thing. A preference is neither call for policy nor a desire to for exclusion. I have no need to see such discussion excluded from the board.

Some people have a preference for it. As mentioned audio books provide opportunities in places and times that are impossible for regular readers.


>muh elitist club

Yeah, halfchan can hold and keep that distinction. We can do better by welcoming forays into non-traditional media and methods. Graphic novels, fan-fiction works, ebooks of all sorts, visual novels, and audio books; maybe even pick apart an occasional film. We should be a part of the greater community, not a private offshoot.

Limiting ourselves exclusively to print media on an image board strikes me as being willfully inept.

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>I'd be surprised if there weren't people here who didn't take issue with equating audiobooks and reading.

how does it work?

there is people complaining that other people are using audiobooks?

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btw i'm not interested in audiobooks. but that's me…

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a lot of people are very unempathetic. they simply cannot comprehend doing things any other way than the way they do things themselves, and look upon any other methodology with condescension, derision, and contempt. i have met many a person who will complain about how you eat your food. i even had someone behaving condescending towards me for buying a backgammon set.

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It's a waste of attention for people who want to brag about "reading" lots of books without taking in any of it.

Reading lets you analyze. Audio books just let you hear a story.

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i, instead, get particularly angry when people do just that, especially in that kind of situation when even admitting i'm doing a mistake i'm the only one who pays the consequences.

come to think of it i met that kind of people quite a lot.

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Not a fan myself, but if you commute a lot then they sure can be useful. Retinence is what I'd be worried about with literature not in print, since readers remember less of digital media.

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>how does it work?

>there is people complaining that other people are using audiobooks?

No, well, all it takes is for one person to say something like, "Yep, I read the Foundation series as audiobooks. Good series." which then triggers a bunch of fucktards who launch defcon 93 on his ass because "audiobooks are not books", and the shitstorm rages for days as everyone who doesn't agree but wouldn't DARE being caught with an actual contrary opinion come out of their turgid little mouths, memes their disapproval of OP and audiobooks until everyone just accepts that as a fact when, in truth, the original retards are just being super-bismuth edgy 13yo faggots holding uninspired opinions.

Y'know. Typical imageboard threads.

As I said >>10055 audiobooks have definite disadvantages, and I wouldn't recommend them for high-end deep-thought books, because the pleasure of reading the like is the fact that between each word in your reading you can think and consider and contemplate. It's just harder and less precise and less conducive to deep thoughts to keep hitting "reverse" on the flac file when you're driving.

BUT, that said, nothing wrong with them.

And I agree with anon here >>10059

>Graphic novels

… are (often) the shitnit. I still remember the first time I read "Maus" and "When the Wind Blows" in the late 80s. If faggots haven't read the latter at least, they ought to. Really established the medium as viable, and stopped 90% of critics holding their nose about graphic novels after that. Of course, Killing Joke is pure win.

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>Reading lets you analyze. Audio books just let you hear a story.

Alright, fine. A more succinct way of saying >>10099

But, at least I got double-dubs

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I zone off too much when i have them on, so I never used them.

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that's exactly why i use them.

my ADD makes it hard for me to read a book, because i'm reading at my own pace, to the detriment of my shitty attention span. often times, i'll get distracted mid-sentence and have to start a line over from the beginning, multiple times.

if the book is progressing at its own pace, i can zone out for a second and i don't miss anything meaningful or get hung up anywhere. i like to think of it as cruise control.

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You need to understand that the medium you use affects your understanding of the work. I vaguely remember a study, for example, where generally people will retain less information when they learn something from a computer screen compared to when they learn something from a printed work.

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I find it much easier to listen to them at double speed. Otherwise I get bored and zone out.

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Some books are better read, but there's plenty of stuff that was written to be performed. Read those works and you miss out.

I've listened to several books where the reader actually made the book better. Pretty rare though, and anything beyond genre fiction and popular non-fiction is a no-go.

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This probably doesn't account for confounding variables, mostly that if you're reading something on a computer, you have the ability to at any time do something else and distract yourself. It's alot harder to do this with a physical copy.

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Eh, i have problems with eyesight, it would be extremely painful for me to read a book for too long, i recently stopped watching letsplays of video games and started listening to audiobooks in fantasy settings, and its quite entertaining. However i try to focus on listening alone instead of doing something during it, so i won't be distracted.

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its preferable as my eyes often get tired easily.

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What exactly about audiobooks prevents people from analyzing or taking in anything? If people weren't able to take in or analyze the spoken word, teachers and professors would never talk, and instead would just hand out written lectures to students. After all, if you're just listening to a lecture instead of reading it, you can't really analyze it, right?

Same thing with narration and dialogue in movies and tv. And things that people tell you in conversation, for that matter. People have been talking and listening since way before written language was even invented, so our brains are even more hardwired to analyze the spoken word than the written word.

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File: bb77baf38704b92⋯.webm (14.59 MB,320x240,4:3,H.P. Lovecraft - The Call….webm)

Old thread, but the board is too slow to justify making a new one just for this.

I've been experimenting with encoding audiobooks as WebM files and the results are decent. With the right settings, I can get about 90 minutes of audio in. I don't see any practical use for it outside of imageboards, but maybe one of you will find it useful.

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File: 8840f8c7a4eadca⋯.webm (11.16 MB,320x240,4:3,George R.R. Martin - The ….webm)

And here's an example of a story I had to split.

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File: c3399a01ca417af⋯.webm (9.14 MB,320x240,4:3,George R.R. Martin - The ….webm)

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True, but audiobooks are very convenient.

For instance, I might not have liked The Master and Margarita as much if I hadn't listened to the audiobook because the narrator did a great job of keeping me interested.

On the other hand, when I listened to the The Magic Mountain audiobook, it felt like it didn't do justice to how good the content of the novel actually was. Because the story was excellent.

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File: d55210ec853bcd2⋯.webm (15.64 MB,320x240,4:3,Harlan Ellison - A Boy an….webm)

Here's one read by the author himself. I could have made it a bit smaller, but IMO it wasn't worth it for how much worse the music would have sounded.

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