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/lewd/ - Circlejerks

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File: b921394feb3469d⋯.png (632.53 KB, 1152x1536, 3:4, _f4933d7a-38c0-4264-babc-d….png)


Day of Fall edition



File: 320de4401d98eae⋯.jpg (164.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20160922194241_1.jpg)


File: b2e5d49e197bd55⋯.webm (1.66 MB, 720x480, 3:2, What the fuck am i listen….webm)

I don't remember this.


File: 87cb7aa248b90ac⋯.webm (1.43 MB, 692x388, 173:97, wtf.webm)

Oh its a reaction.


File: f26d97ee701f5af⋯.gif (54.22 KB, 300x429, 100:143, __schrodinger_hellsing__52….gif)

Jello :3


File: 550fae5f124d092⋯.jpg (202.41 KB, 850x992, 425:496, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)

On time replies as always


Welp she rescheduled so second times the charm.


Aw, then you making sure to save up to move out then?


File: 5eb8af7fcbb4952⋯.png (11.99 KB, 589x242, 589:242, 60a93c6bfbbfe43651138b1bdd….png)


Y-yeah… Saving that money…

But for reals yeah, I'm saving money though the gov will probably take lion share of the rent (assuming I get the apartment) until I get myself fixed. Think having my own apartment is the thing that would help me the most. Not having to worry about shit that I worry about right now.



File: 328ce9cbb88646b⋯.jpg (80.11 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 807078.jpg)


Hey Clown


File: 4593043293b3a9b⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 418x640, 209:320, 5fca616e.gif)


where's blackjack!


File: c6f48760b8f7e03⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 510x731, 30:43, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Is that a new graphic card? Only words I understand are GTX.

Yeah not worrying about other people or their opinions helps a lot. Then you can wonder around your apartment with minimal clothes for maximum comfy.


Hey G, whats up with you.



I-I'll show you soon


File: 974db76b54eb05b⋯.jpg (32.55 KB, 762x1100, 381:550, VI142A02F-Q11@10.jpg)


Heh no, new shoes/boots.

Yeah, it's mainly the no more questioning of what I was doing out or stressing about getting in a fight with daddyo.

That clothes thing is also nice.


File: 2cfd576f6543606⋯.png (882.36 KB, 700x748, 175:187, CHuDiE7.png)


File: 27473d39a9e3ba9⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 236926-43485-schrodinger.jpg)





What's that game?


Lots of stuff :3

Today I cooked some stuff and now I am talking with a friend about what does he think I should do with some stuff I found.


File: a968116e6c8ae24⋯.jpg (199.05 KB, 850x1056, 425:528, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Getting in fights could be pretty stressing, same with people questioning you constantly about what you're doing.

Being an adult should mean freedom and doing what you want without other people caring.


Stuff you found?

Well do it if its drugs, or sell them. One or both


File: 9dfdbc7ac06ff13⋯.jpg (7.64 KB, 220x173, 220:173, 13238902_1187660797945085_….jpg)


>blackjack as sensei

>not magi

may mercy have on your souls


File: fde7fd75e7f106e⋯.jpg (306.67 KB, 625x800, 25:32, 0.01.jpg)


Its some leftover ADHD shit because my lil brother is on another level and changes drugs every month or two so there's lots of stuff he was trying…there's like 20+ pills of 70mg Vyvanse and retalin and other stuff


File: 27fdc3b782adc9e⋯.jpg (170.17 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, CnknKWmUkAACiay.jpg)


Yeah, made me a pretty nervous wreck around home whenever someone else is home.

That's the dream if the apartment thing works out.


>may mercy have on your souls


File: 9de2f333cebe21a⋯.jpg (321.42 KB, 850x1162, 425:581, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Yup, I have no idea what any of that means. I know jack shit when it comes to names, doseages, or anything at all. SO I don't know if thats strong, weak, or if it'd do anything. Ask magi or something, he knows about drug stuff, or google. Google knows.


>He only has one soul

But real note, yeah. How long do you think it'll take for you to get your apartment?



Don't try those out of boredom. 70mg is a very high dose.


File: 83046f9f0d9eabf⋯.jpg (309 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1410488246393.jpg)


With good luck and winds blowing my way probably earliest on December. I have no idea how long it might take though. I'm just estimating December if everything goes perfect.


File: 684cd2bfa06948e⋯.png (347.56 KB, 680x383, 680:383, sm6aCez.png)


We didnt make her, takes along time to make characters so we just made a few!



I know.

there are also from 15 to 50..


Vyvanse contains something that's REALLY similar to what's called "speed"


File: 413dd5e03f9aa20⋯.jpg (443.77 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, supKp6y.jpg)


please restrain yourself with the tags! it's artificial academy 2.


File: 4e401e08da3d804⋯.jpg (87.66 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Thats not too far off then. Just be more concious next time you think you need shoes you damn fashionista!


Drugs are still just drugs to me. I don't know what is in or what speed does.

Just follow Clown logic.

Have I done it before?


Then do it to mark it off the bucket list.


File: da1c7fd2619c0f0⋯.jpg (110.53 KB, 800x634, 400:317, hellsing_millenium_chibi_b….jpg)


Okay I am sorry~


That's not safe!

Not at all!



Vyvansse is an Amphetamine derivant, speed is Amphetamine. It's nearly the same stuff except the ratios are different which means it has less of a body load than street stuff. Ritalin is more like fucking Cocaine than Amphetamine. They'll make you fast but you'll also get anxiety so bad you'll think you are dying.



I said its similar, its an opposite molecule.


File: f9ccc96800b6024⋯.jpg (428.09 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, tumblr_odtzuqRkWP1t7anzgo1….jpg)


Heh, well mom said she doesn't want to see me in shitty winter shoes again this year so she offered to pay for them. In reality we'll probably go 50/50 on the paying.

Tbh I just fell in love with the shoes when I saw them and then splurged.

How did the wine tasting go? Get tipsy?



The effects are almost completely the same though.


File: 5189e0c18be7ef1⋯.jpg (254.69 KB, 850x1189, 850:1189, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Yeah no one who lived safely would ever have as much fun as I do. Its fine to live dangerously.


Nope, I ate a ton of good food though. Lots of bar be que and corn on the cob. Really I probably ate too much. So I had so much food didn't really get too drunk. Wine was very meh, not that cold so wasn't great.



Because its just like turning a molecule around!

that only matters in some receptors!

>I only know about it because I watch at least two hours of nerd shit on youtube.


I guess living dangerously is fine if you don't plan living past your 40s


File: c294079d9988075⋯.jpg (356.5 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, tumblr_odtzuqRkWP1t7anzgo3….jpg)


Corn doesn't seem like a fun thing to eat honestly. Seems annoyingly messy. Was it white wine or red or both?

Enjoy it at least? Were you with friends?


File: c2284037702c2b4⋯.jpg (192.42 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Yuno-yuno-gasai-31938206-1….jpg)


File: 420be5b26d6c55b⋯.png (798.97 KB, 600x843, 200:281, chibi_schrodinger___millen….png)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah, me and 3 friends went to it.

Both red and white, red tends to taste better in my opinion, unless its super bitter and dry.

But corn isn't messy, have you never eaten corn on a cob before?

I always enjoy things though, I make the most of all my adventures.


Naw, take chances, make mistakes, and get messy.






Getting messy and making mistakes without taking chances is easier.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i would marry skeeter davis just for her aesthetically pleasing face

and that voice


File: 7f0ff603438d54b⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_20160909_112249.jpg)


Sounds nice honestly. I want to go to one that our alcohol monopoly does, they do beers, whisky, wine etc. things.

I've grown to like red more, white seems to have the alcohol taste come through easier.

I have but I guess I was a young uncoordinated lil' shit when I had it last.

Heh well that's good.


File: 3b75aede9b80019⋯.png (137.93 KB, 806x992, 13:16, till_the_dawn_is_breaking_….png)

Nini everyone!



night perverted cat


File: c8af5153b1d0a86⋯.jpg (58.46 KB, 705x707, 705:707, blackjack.jpg)

Morning, /lewd/.

How y'all doing? :3

Assuming there's anyone here!


File: 32f347a58d04af6⋯.jpg (211.4 KB, 850x638, 425:319, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Should do it ten, do you have any real life friends you could go with to do those kinds of activities?



Hi there ash.


File: 207ef88d3f55bc9⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_20160909_111220.jpg)


Nah, not anymore. I wouldn't really mind going alone though. Of course It would be more fun to go with someone.


We're all here.


File: efd2d95ab2af798⋯.webm (128.11 KB, 494x360, 247:180, voices.webm)


File: 7624c9a91390fd4⋯.jpg (39.23 KB, 549x671, 9:11, silver.jpg)


Hey Clown! How you doing?



but nobody was posting!

What you up to? I just woke up


File: b603e23977a49bf⋯.jpg (510.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1410233167261.jpg)


Oh-Hell it's Rumor!


Probably going to sleep soon. lol

what's the plan for the day?


File: 5f0239cb920bafc⋯.jpg (214.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20160923165214_1.jpg)


File: 927e1c63a79bbb2⋯.webm (300.57 KB, 608x336, 38:21, squid h.webm)


Damn right it is! I am, I mean. What up?


File: 0bba0b6abf0659e⋯.jpg (561.04 KB, 552x720, 23:30, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


I'm doing fine, did fun stuff earlier. Now relaxing, drinking copious amounts of coffee as always and listening to early 2000s/90s rock.


Aw, well then you can go and maybe you'll meet some cool people.




File: fc68aa8b1074769⋯.png (494.39 KB, 751x1200, 751:1200, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_dr….png)


Sleepy! And super annoyed with my skin deciding to be super dry, must be the winter coming.

What about Remur?


Maybe, I'd imagine it's mostly old folks going there with some younger hipsters. Old folks usually seem chill.


File: e7c7b9b73f2e898⋯.webm (7.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, NFS2SE-short.webm)


What's up mate?



Wait are you implying I'm old or a hipster then!

I'll have you know I'm 100% clown, so they might be there.


Waiting on mortal kombat to update so I can beat up some kids. Might go get alcohol so I can drunkly yell at them about how they are shit.


File: 99d5895ff05f0b4⋯.jpg (62.64 KB, 592x475, 592:475, hug.jpg)


Vidya first, maybe write some porn later in the day. Definitely need to do -something- productive


>fun stuff

Like what?

Sounds like you have good taste in music, famu



Bar be que event downtown and a wine tasting.

Now to video games and probably alcohol.

I have normal, I just like upbeat happy music you can dance and sing alongside.


File: e53df42945b6bce⋯.jpg (38.78 KB, 246x228, 41:38, rumor has it 003.jpg)


Oh. https://youtu.be/CHF2hDuH5HE?t=21

Remur has it that nephews are visitting. Everyone else is asleep atm though so it's okay. Getting sloshed on white wine I guess.


Sounds like fun! Heh. You show 'em little brats what's what.


File: a46c9a34e68c068⋯.png (754.54 KB, 924x1400, 33:50, __tomoe_mami_mahou_shoujo_….png)


Heh. Maybe.

Or I guess one of your firends could be a hipster or old since you went with them.


Nah, you don't need to do anything productive.

Just do whatever non-productive,


O-oh… That's… Weow… S-stahp. This got way too fucking real way too fucking quick.

Oh, isn't that weird if people visit when other people are asleep? How old are they btw?


File: 52dc406076523d5⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 736x690, 16:15, 82746f3747787449e705b12f19….jpg)


File: 68e64559af6b37f⋯.png (4.14 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, __dwarf_gumi_and_snow_whit….png)


N-no cats. No cats.


File: bf956823ceaf582⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 883x729, 883:729, anal vore.jpg)


Rip you

What you going to play? Destiny?

I like intense music more than anything else, slow music usually bores me unless it's really good


I've been on an unproductivity binge for weeks! It's time to start being productive again…

after i finish fapping and playing vidya i guess


File: ccb99e108d44680⋯.jpg (45.08 KB, 500x497, 500:497, 69aebf7d3ce0ccb17fca2289da….jpg)




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm the one who forced my friends to go do it though.

I always initiate events, most people I know just like sitting around doing the same old routine. I force them out of their safety shells so we can go on road trips and have adventures.


I will, unless I'm complete shit since I haven't played in a while then it'll just be a sad show of me getting beat by kids and try hards.


File: 828ff20c5e1ebd7⋯.jpg (191.84 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20160923170830_1.jpg)

wtf piccolo




Music like this post is what I like. Not slow at all.

Right now playing mortal kombat, since I've been in the mood for a game with fighting since For Honor.


File: 422ca511833700e⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 245x217, 35:31, rumor has it 013.jpg)


>O-oh… That's… Weow… S-stahp. This got way too fucking real way too fucking quick.

Aren't those manly nails pretty? I knew you'd like it.

Oh no, I just meant, everyone but me is asleep, including the kiddos. They're like 3.5 and 5.5 now.


That would suck, do your best!

Although I guess since you call yoursellf clown, it would be socially acceptable to get completely raped by youngsters and try hards.


File: bf3b2d1553a9694⋯.png (4.14 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_dr….png)


N-no cats. Unless I find something super cute.


It doesn't need to stop! Don't do this!

do that instead


Huh. You sound like a person I'd love to have but then hate whenever you forced me do some stupid shit. Then again I used to be pretty down with everything.


Like wtf. It got way too real.

ahh okay. they fun to hang out with? Playing board games and shit must be top.


File: 3246b81dce0824f⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 618x379, 618:379, lester.jpg)


but famu i need to stop being a lazy asshole ;_;

at least clean my room and take care of myself so i'm more like a lady


I used to play Mortal Kombat with some guy when I was a kid, would always use the red masked guy and spam rockets against him. good shit

Never really been good at fighting games :<


File: 8310699024e9bfb⋯.jpg (30.79 KB, 239x225, 239:225, rumor has it 005.jpg)


>Like wtf. It got way too real.

What do you mean?

Mhmm. Demanding though. But at least I have an excuse to do things I want to do but am too embarrassed to on my own. Like watching TMNT or playing with legos!

They got strangely obsessed with buying stuff. Like the older one would ask if the younger one wanted this or that part and when he said yes, the older one would ask for (lego) money. And the younger one asked me to build him a plane and then as I was finishing it, he asked me how much would it cost, and when I replied I did it for free, he insisted he would pay (even though he gave all of his his lego money to the older one).



Liu Kang? Adorable how you don't even know his name though.

I've always been super sub-par at them, but I still enjoy playing them lots.


Probably. You'd enjoy it again once we got to the desination and did the fun stuff though. I never disappoint except when I do all the time . But aside from then people end up getting to do lots of stuff they normally wouldn't.


No don't rape the clown, we slutty and the stuff


File: 83046f9f0d9eabf⋯.jpg (309 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1410488246393.jpg)


From the moisturizer to… and then the nail painting! Shit Rumor it's like it was made for me.


Maybe I should do those things as well.


Probably. Depends on my mood which is down these days. rip

I'm sure they appreciate it. You're probably included in their best stories tbh



And my mind just ignored everyhting else you said.

kek. just own it and do it all on your own time. you can just say it's stress relief.

Oh wow. They probably learned about paying for things recently so it's their thing now for a while lol.



but you're male

you don't get to clean your room and shave your legs


in my defense it's probably been at least 9 years :P

I might want to get SFV, I dunno, was waiting for it to become cheaper due to the "NO CONTENT" meme


File: 44546b048e9836e⋯.jpg (226.26 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 9481903_p3_master1200.jpg)


Y-you're a male too!;-;


File: 5c20decaf33c3ee⋯.jpg (39.41 KB, 184x222, 92:111, rumor has it 020.jpg)


Well if you're slutty, why don't you want to get raped?

But I meant it figuratively. Get beaten by the kids in the game, you see, that's what I meant.


Yeah to be completely honest, I forgot about the nails, I just remembered the moisturizing bit and posted it. Thank SD for linking me that channel. Have you seen SD today btw?


File: f6d34382e48216a⋯.jpg (126.32 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1463843417650.jpg)



Um not today I don't think.


You know the drill, booped recognized and noticed.



Just wait for super street fighter 5. It will have all the characters and be way better, its what they always do with street fighter. Then I can play with you cause its cross platform with pc.


I view my life like a book. If someone was reading it what would they think is interesting to read about next and thats what I do.


I'm not slutty I'm p.ure! I forgot about word filter its been too long.

Naw clowns suppose to beat up kids.


File: 8066206b0b50c6b⋯.jpg (226.85 KB, 1074x1517, 1074:1517, 1471978551811.jpg)


But you did that today already… So you're trying to cheat me out of my victory? :o


File: 12c0e54e8e7baf6⋯.jpg (33.58 KB, 612x380, 153:95, transnig.jpg)


File: ca855145139f61b⋯.png (953 B, 68x41, 68:41, 99ad7880bebe8b8f7815495ba5….png)


See pic


Welp that's a good way to live.


File: 0322830b69f3134⋯.jpg (26.36 KB, 181x215, 181:215, rumor has it 040.jpg)


No worries, it happens!

Well, I watched some TMNT like three, four weeks ago, I think.

I think so. I mean they knew about money, I guess it's just recently their thing. The older one was able to count how much he had though, I was pretty impressed. Added up correctly a 40, 40 and 30 to 110, even though he hasn't been to school yet. He'll be bored out of his mind in math classes for a few years.


Ah, welp. Doesn't reply to me on steam. Maybe he's sleeping over the flu he has. I think it's a flu anyway.


You are never unding it, slutty you are!

And I don't think clowns are supposed to beat up things. Was pretty sure they were supposed to make them happy!


File: 0d7f3cd6ff0e3a0⋯.jpg (329.5 KB, 918x832, 459:416, 1394131314159.jpg)


But we both have to be on the same day, you're in the future right now, and it doesn't count!



To be honest I'd use the same argument that you're using now so I guess I agree.



Yeah that's pretty good tbh. I in that age still probably argued that 99>100

Maybe, could also be wrecked sleep schedule.


File: a8d0a3a99b3890f⋯.jpg (29.91 KB, 253x290, 253:290, IT'S BITTER.jpg)



i'm kind of prospectively trans! i'm allowed to get offended


rumor are you projecting your 'getting raped by kids' fetish on Clown


hi empty


Ah, how long do you think until that comes out? I remember when Pokemon Black came out I didn't play it for almost a year because I was waiting for Gray. :|


File: d3d82c6b819301c⋯.jpg (121.95 KB, 850x850, 1:1, __inubashiri_momiji_touhou….jpg)


Haha! So we agree! \o/ Wait till it's 12am for me then go from there.


Hello Burch how are you doing today? I hope you're doing well!


File: 82650d96c20241d⋯.jpg (202.99 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 9481903_p2_master1200.jpg)


I might be sleeping then. Not sure. Kind of tired.


I assume the 1st reply was for me?

Y-you're the bully here telling me I can't do girly things!


File: 7a5243616142d9a⋯.jpg (352.49 KB, 600x849, 200:283, 1463514351553.jpg)


Well then we can go from there~ Also I need someone to keep me in check and make sure I sleep early today.

Tee has already gone sleep already so he can't do it.


File: 7de9ec1da9fd393⋯.webm (278.97 KB, 640x360, 16:9, trollolo.webm)


Man I don't remember, but I don't even think I was able to count very well.

Hmm, maybe.


No. Are you projecting projection of a getting raped by kids fetish onto me?



No idea, it could be anywhere from another year to two years.


Yeah I'll make them happy by beating them up so they can realize their lives aren't that bad. I'll be like krampus.


I know it is! It's why I choose it and made it my way of life!


File: 948e7003c5f4e73⋯.jpg (45.67 KB, 449x361, 449:361, FEELS MORNING.jpg)


Yeah, a lot better than yesterday. Probably helps that I actually got a decent amount of sleep



Of course you can't do girly things! You're a manly man! Stop culturally appropriating my trans culture even though i'm not really trans so i don't really have a trans culture


No. Are you getting raped by kids?


Honestly, I think GOTY editions are killing the market. Why buy games new when the GOTY (physical copies, at least) are 40$ in a year and a half?


File: 3dcc3e420948c5f⋯.jpg (89.36 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1465309195290.jpg)


I'm glad you got enough sleep, I haven't got enough sleep as of late but I'll get some soon!

I'm doing fine thanks for asking, are you going to do anything today?


File: 8f27a15bbd02f1b⋯.webm (6.51 MB, 540x360, 3:2, Winter Assault - We Die S….webm)


Oh. Harsh. Idk what krampus is, but fair enough…




File: a51dbfce47e833d⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 766x1000, 383:500, 9C3.jpg)


Yeah. Hard to remember what it was like being so young.

I just noticed him coming to the board at a later and later time. Idk how his job/school/neet schedule is though.


Keep it up, seems to be working for you.



This just got super confusing.

idk where the distinction is drawn


Heh, well go to bed now! it's late!

Weow, you're lewding so hard that Tee needs sleep!


File: ebe13be9699e62d⋯.jpg (195.18 KB, 510x810, 17:27, Gruss_vom_Krampus.jpg)


You are from czech and don't know abotu krampus?

He is the coutner to santa claus he goes around punishing kids who are naughty by hitting them with a wooden stick and the such.


Who knows, it might be. Then again if devs would just release finished games at launch we wouldn't have this problem


File: 02e3498ecb02eac⋯.jpg (116.51 KB, 850x1275, 2:3, __inubashiri_momiji_touhou….jpg)


I'll go bed in like 1 hour and 16 minutes from now. Also we're not Lewding that much!

You forget he wakes up at like 8am and goes bed at 12 so I'm not surprised he's in bed now!


File: 121f0f79a69f1d2⋯.jpg (49.61 KB, 452x360, 113:90, spiderman.jpg)


You probably should :o

Though that's a bit hypocritical coming from me!

Battleborn, either now or later tonight with my boyfriend, other than that probably some writing and SP games.



i dunno, i don't have severe GD like hattie does or anything, so i'm probably not trutrans™ either way

not even on hrt or diagnosed yet though lmao


I don't mind DLC per se, but the current market allows for really overpriced content, and some games (looking at you, FO4) really try to milk their players


File: f7c2574e3bb0a4a⋯.webm (86.88 KB, 640x360, 16:9, kill or be killed.webm)



Oh. I guess. I think he hasn't felt like coming to the board, or at least it feels he has posteda bit less. Ah well. Guess I'll only have one Finn keeping me company tonight!


Well that guy looks like something we call čert (pronounced chert I guess). But that's like a devil, really.

We have a tradition though, I think 6th or 5th December, when St. Mikuláš (saint Nicholas) walks door to door, usually accompanied by an angel and čert, and asks whether children have been good or naughty, promising to reward the good kids and to let the bad behaving kids be put into a bag and carried away by the čert.


File: 5d498927a7d34e0⋯.jpg (121.75 KB, 834x834, 1:1, 1474637391434.jpg)


I should but like I said 1 hour and 9 minutes from now I shall sleep!

Oooh, battleborn have fun with that. ^^ Umm, listening to podcasts and then heading to bed!



heh okay. good that you've decided your sleepy time.

sure I believe that mhmm

yeah true, he gets up super early. weird.



need to slap you tbh.

besides I'd say you're probably the best one to diagnose yourself if you feel like you're born in the wrong body/gender than anyone else.hrt will come though if you want

im not the best one to talk about this though, ask someone else who is trans, we have multiple choices


Heh, well it could be that as well. He used to only come once in a blue moon. Like I've been here since february and before he started posting here daily I saw him maybe 2-3 times before.

And you'll have me for the next maybe an hour.


File: ed3b63f189a0ec0⋯.webm (471.26 KB, 118x114, 59:57, meaning and purpose.webm)


Ah, yeah that's fair.

Long enough for me to get a daily dosage of Finn. What have you been up to today?


File: 2c68e43e854b7a0⋯.png (222.99 KB, 396x379, 396:379, cyto.png)



Yeah, I probably will. Been undoing my loss streak, which is nice. What podcasts you listen to?


well i mean i don't really have dysphoria as bad as most actual trannies do, i don't have genital dysphoria either, i just really want to be female

but don't want to slap anyone with my pronoun dick before i've even gotten to changing my life much lmao, be tumblr otherwise


File: 974db76b54eb05b⋯.jpg (32.55 KB, 762x1100, 381:550, VI142A02F-Q11@10.jpg)


Had an appointment during the day, then went to a mall to look for winter shoes. Ended up ordering a pair online.

guess the price


Isn't that gender dysphoria then?guess it's hard to differentiate will to be female and feminine?

lol, well take it easy with it. it'll take time to transition and I bet it's best to do "properly" when you can focus a bit on it


File: 1ce131893fd3bef⋯.png (217.12 KB, 469x562, 469:562, firefox_2016-09-13_14-22-1….png)


I will, I promise I'll go bed at 12! I promise~ Tee will see this too!


Nu uh! No sleep yet in one hour and 1 minute. It's called baited with 3 youtube people, Keemstar, Colossaliscrazy and Tommycsftp.

Two of them hate each other and still do the podcast, it's funny.


File: 145137acc2f2f6f⋯.png (359.28 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, yT3iaB3.png)


I told SD to have an early night, think he took my advice


File: 3268e562ce43862⋯.jpg (571.71 KB, 755x1157, 755:1157, 000 Shamuntanti Hill Cover.jpg)

File: 123bd75822ed4c4⋯.jpg (762.6 KB, 1426x1148, 713:574, 000 Map.jpg)

File: 1bdffb68c6f1e27⋯.jpg (462.29 KB, 653x964, 653:964, 000 Introduction.jpg)

Anyone up for a game?


What appointment?

Ah, I see. Didn't find any you liked? Were they comparable in terms of price?

I would have no clue, but you posted a pic before I think? Like €160-80 or something equally horrid?.



Heh, unless we push this thread to super velocity!



Gaming is my life, what you got to play?


File: 5e33cfceac6a7e1⋯.jpg (371.33 KB, 652x877, 652:877, 000 Libra.jpg)

File: 4ed7fa1f158a44a⋯.jpg (274.26 KB, 639x758, 639:758, 000 Luck.jpg)


Ah, I see. Is he sick?


File: d8bc8d583cbaa87⋯.png (274.95 KB, 527x383, 527:383, peepee.png)


i mean, i definitely have some, just it's not as intense as some other extreme trans i've seen

mostly i really want to be feminine / be able to act and be treated feminine, being -female- isn't NECESSARY per se, but kind of an obvious decision

and yeah, need to move out before i can get anything done tbh


it's time to sleeeeeep

keemstar is some gaming guy, right? i don't know youtubers or internet celebs at all. they talking about gaming, then?



does this mean i get to ruin your game again


File: b57281661aa21fb⋯.png (376.49 KB, 500x700, 5:7, gasai_yuno_render_4_by_tox….png)



Well I meant the game I was posting. It's like choose your own adventure thing?

In terms of PC games, just Alien Swarm and Age of Empires 2. Have just a few other games but don't feel like playing them.


Why yes. You or everyone else who joins!


File: a0baef2e1ec342f⋯.png (64.97 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1474636227603.png)


Nooo! I'll even screenshot it! To prove that I did! So hahaha, beat that! >:3


Nope no sleep yet! >:c

Nah, keemstar is that dickhead who does the Dramaalert thing, and Colossal is a British guy with a very soothing voice.


File: 7b4bbac392933a2⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1032x1600, 129:200, 41502196_p0.jpg)


Yeah pulled muscle I think and coming down with the flu/cold from what I know

Think it's working on him but he might be feeling a bit better if he gets a proper rest


File: 5eb8af7fcbb4952⋯.png (11.99 KB, 589x242, 589:242, 60a93c6bfbbfe43651138b1bdd….png)


some therapist who specializes on getting people to be active again.

I found one pair but I don't trust the brand for the price. They were comfy and looked pretty identical.

Yeah……. scary accurate tbh


people get them in different degrees, doesn't invalidate your concern if someone has more of a problem with it

so you want to go out in skirts and things and be recognized as female? Seems like it's something you want then.

hope you can get that sorted, idk how hard it is leaving a whole island to move somewhere.




Inga katten!



Oh you posted a thingy. I have all images hidden so didn't realize.


File: ccb99e108d44680⋯.jpg (45.08 KB, 500x497, 500:497, 69aebf7d3ce0ccb17fca2289da….jpg)


File: a27276eb94e0d16⋯.jpg (40.52 KB, 472x472, 1:1, rZUpG8N.jpg)


W-we can't keep doing this!


File: 87a29375014ee0d⋯.jpg (170.88 KB, 856x907, 856:907, 1474588412825.jpg)


I wanna prove that I can sleep at reasonable times, even though he said it's fine that I sleep late. But I still want to prove it!



I'd say 'poor thing' but somehow I feel like he wouldn't like hearing it, the poor thing…

Fingers crossed.


Fingers crossed for you as well then.

Well I just remembered the price you posted before is all. That would be crazy expensive here, but it's the difference between countries too I am sure.


…oh. No game then, eh? xwx



heh, well i'm sure he appreciates a nice dose of empty in the morning



i find it funny i ended up getting roped into talking about GD with you kek

thanks though :o

i'm hoping to get it sorted out, maybe i can move in with someone on the mainland or my aussie bf eventually


File: 48ae7acc1e51394⋯.jpg (122.21 KB, 1200x919, 1200:919, 1474655171211.jpg)


H-he does, he said it's not as good when he's up alone in the morning. Like wise for me, it's not good when I'm alone at night when he's gone bed.


File: 52dc406076523d5⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 736x690, 16:15, 82746f3747787449e705b12f19….jpg)


yes we can!


File: 462588c310a5901⋯.jpg (177.09 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 1471093364556.jpg)


N-not really. That is crazy expensive here. Well I mean you get good winter shoes for 100e. these are just insane but i fell in love with them and couldn't say no.

**also mom said she'll pay for new winter shoes, probably going 50/50 though since these are way more expensive than expected.


aw, you two need to sync you cycles!



Would be pretty cool for you to move to Australia though. They have these 1 year work visa things there. like you go there work part time things for a year and enjoy the country,. a friend of mine did that.


No! We can't!


File: 906e0fe31eb73b4⋯.png (34.46 KB, 257x279, 257:279, firefox_2016-09-13_13-17-4….png)


Two hours is impossible to sync! IMPOSSIBLE I TELL YOU.

W-well you and Magi have done it, so it's not impossible.. >.<



It's scary how well we synced it. We'd wake up like 20min apart of each other without alarms and by going to sleep at somewhat different times.

2 hours is surprisingly much though. Like 8pm is and early night sleep but that's 6pm is still super awake hours! Crazy!


File: 92e2919736a09ff⋯.jpg (23.79 KB, 195x228, 65:76, I know a guy who knows a g….jpg)


Ah, oh well, I guess it's done. See how much she pays, gib the rest I guess.


File: f74bbcae2b60e47⋯.gif (911.57 KB, 250x188, 125:94, 2i71yzb.gif)

Hah, I fucking love discord drama.

Some people get so damn salty.

And this ain't even on the /lewd/ discord, thank fuck.



Drama is always funny when you are the one who isn't involved. You can be like ha, they so silly



i just don't have that many skills besides, i dunno, manual labor :<

hence why i need to start writing or doing somthing online because i have too much anxiety and autism for proper IRL jobs


File: 1ef6df5c2ce3c4c⋯.jpg (146.61 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, 1474619276279.jpg)


That's pretty scary to be honest! Anyway, quick game of Dotes then bed time or resting in bed for me.


File: 9821b1e55f2b4e9⋯.jpg (39.68 KB, 291x313, 291:313, 94.jpg)


It's especially silly when they kick you from a server because you have no interest in them and you talked to their crush.


File: c19cac5ad92ff3c⋯.webm (76 KB, 640x360, 16:9, hopeless.webm)


File: 7c8fae6b7eeb2c9⋯.jpg (326.65 KB, 700x1690, 70:169, 1420655112807.jpg)



Usually when she offers it she means get a nice 100e pair so I'm ready pay the rest no problem. Assumin I like them when they arrive since they're from Zalando.


Well I mean I'm sure there are like garden part time job things, or waiter or something like that. Think there's a website for looking that up.

Aw… Well now I feel bad for telling you to go full unproductive this evening.


>quick game

>becomes 1h 20min grind


File: 21d08b6d13dc2cd⋯.jpg (174.8 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20160923163724_1.jpg)


File: 6ad474d30f92a5f⋯.webm (131.24 KB, 494x360, 247:180, unstoppable.webm)




I don't know what Zalando is. Here you have 14 days to return anything from internet without giving a reason (though you have to pay the shipping alright). Is it the same there too?


File: 92575ca09a006e1⋯.gif (618.21 KB, 1063x789, 1063:789, 1420228570317.gif)


File: 8ce270522edfbc0⋯.jpg (411.86 KB, 598x900, 299:450, 8ce270522edfbc090e0de83602….jpg)




File: 0f916b6da38a6cc⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 276x282, 46:47, 56.jpg)

Yeah, I guess I'm just posting random shit now.



RIP, this is why you be discord free like me!



yeah, maybe

need gay marriage to become legal there so i have a proper reason to immigrate >:P

I'd probably slack off anyway

Whatchu up to, Venven?


File: 1ff1c16973a840a⋯.jpg (89.81 KB, 419x541, 419:541, 170.jpg)


What would I do instead, though?

I need to find other shit to occupy me on the internet. Boards only provide limited entertainment and I'm not a top troller like you.


File: 68baecbeac93c47⋯.webm (116.51 KB, 640x360, 16:9, smash 01.webm)






Top troller? I'm not sure what that is all I do is play games and go out on adventures. So play more games



Think it's 30 days here. But zlandos big selling point is that it's free shipping and returns for 100 days. I'd rather not deal with waiting 3weeks to get my money back though so i hope I got a good size choice.



We can't if I go to sleep! Ha!


Heh, well that's in the more distant future :p

Myeah, my friend had his gf do the work while he surfed and went to some wrestling things. lol

just chatting here and listening to music before bed.


File: f67b891d67b327e⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 287x302, 287:302, 97.jpg)


Says the guy who knows me from those places.


I dunno, I thought you occasionally go pretty trolly and aggressive on people from time to time.



Thats not trolly, thats drunk ranty. Entirely different.


File: 84c8cf42a2e19d0⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 258x254, 129:127, 44.jpg)


Ahh, well, I can't easily tell when you're drunk on the internet. And your ranty phases usually happen while I'm asleep.


File: 52fc69a12d0259a⋯.webm (83.57 KB, 640x360, 16:9, doom.webm)


I'm not sure why I keep getting surprised at things being better in Finland all the time! X3

That's pretty neat though.


I only came for porn as far as furry stuff went though, that's perfectly acceptable, unlike all the weird stuff.

I'm not even kidding, I feel more comfortable knowing a person likes furry porn but nothing else than if they were into furry comics and stories and such (which is not the same as liking a comic that happens to be furry).




Yeah different time zones are a bitch. I'm 2 hours closer to you now though!



lol… it's not really like that extra 16 days no reason return makes a huge difference. 2 weeks is reasonable enough.


File: 29ec613bdfbd418⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 240x197, 240:197, 50.jpg)


Same here. The porn is as far as my interest goes.


Oh yeah? Did you move east?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah I moved about 2,000 miles eastwards.


File: 68ad8286b542a60⋯.jpg (76.61 KB, 336x512, 21:32, 93.jpg)


Oh, good for you. You're lucky you can make a big move like that while staying in the same country, not having to deal with visas and shit.

Not that I'd really want to do it, I just kind of envy the people who do.

I know some guy who's in the UK now whose family is in New Zealand, he was working in London for a while, now he's gone up to Scotland and is probably going onto Germany and Norway after that.


File: c5f79166b56423b⋯.png (430.7 KB, 746x1000, 373:500, 1362769511.peritian_aaa2.png)


I guess that's true but still.


So I herd u liek otters?



Grass is always greener on the other side Rumor.


File: 2c9cada451db53e⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 400x240, 5:3, 1431977508511.gif)


I'm not sure where you could possibly have heard such a thing.



Yeah having lots of people all over so movign about in america is easy for me. Really I just need to get to know more people in other countries so I can move about even more. Been meaning to get my visa anyways


File: cf79b3541ee0d88⋯.jpg (72.16 KB, 1280x1069, 1280:1069, 1346706045.ookami-kun_cabe….jpg)


Well in your case it's also covered in snow and saunas. I wouldn't mind the saunas mind you, but I'll pass anyway!


>I know some guy

Ooooh, that's Rabbit yeah? He's going to just move?


It's my mongers. They deliver all the news and then some!



I bet you have cheap Kozel…


File: dc72e3baf3594e8⋯.jpg (22.06 KB, 149x242, 149:242, 275.jpg)


Yeah, he moved last weekend. We've been meeting up occasionally and getting lunch and he didn't even tell me he was moving on. Tsk.


File: e30a69ba4108b58⋯.jpg (332.18 KB, 713x950, 713:950, 1385085242.stripes_remingt….jpg)


I suppose, mhmm. Around €0,6 for 0,5l or so.


Oh wow, kind of…. I guess rude.

Odd how when a person uses a real life person for an avatar, I kinda tend to think of them as if they looked similar. So Rabbit in my mind is Kevin Spacey.


File: 9ccc505b64dac3e⋯.jpg (97.03 KB, 470x600, 47:60, __lucina_fire_emblem_and_f….jpg)

Good night lewdies. Was nice talking.



tfw off brand beer is at least 1e for 0,33cl can



Night Venya!




The wages are way lower here too though!

Good night Venla.


File: 3da475ddc2be1ce⋯.jpg (173.95 KB, 1280x1805, 256:361, 1402172114773.jpg)

>when pouncy kisses you goodboy.


File: a9239e14bf686b1⋯.jpg (318.92 KB, 1460x1029, 1460:1029, 05_-_h9dYyuU.jpg)


>when you're fed up whining but you still love them.


>>331188 (HEIL HITLER)


File: d4f53131f558441⋯.png (196.83 KB, 421x427, 421:427, 1457404804488.png)



Nice bush.


File: a66635d477dca0c⋯.png (161.58 KB, 363x370, 363:370, a66635d477dca0c43a9e96b89f….png)


Im sure we both would calm down if we kiss


Thanks, its hot right?


File: ab2b6e6ccb2f316⋯.jpg (385.13 KB, 2590x3307, 2590:3307, 9jDgrnL.jpg)




File: f36fc7c57b2fc98⋯.jpeg (140.75 KB, 1280x1172, 320:293, 1391228009.vertex01_perit….jpeg)

File: da8970746187fb4⋯.jpeg (141.07 KB, 1280x1172, 320:293, 1391228370.vertex01_perit….jpeg)

File: e4c541a8b0d1984⋯.jpeg (141.26 KB, 1280x1172, 320:293, 1391228578.vertex01_perit….jpeg)


Kinda hot yeah.


File: dbc5a9945f7274f⋯.jpg (922.74 KB, 3543x3507, 1181:1169, cc4a7d46df97b5609d2569adbb….jpg)


That way no one would be able to speak!


Why did you post the same image 3 times.



that\s us?


File: 33b5a092996763d⋯.jpg (200.65 KB, 700x1080, 35:54, 33b5a092996763d03b1af2ca81….jpg)


I thought you were a half deer irl




File: 0329f0937ad9456⋯.jpg (161.55 KB, 696x768, 29:32, 1342387704989.jpg)


It's 3 versions of the same image. Feels like a waste to only post one.


File: 28a60e0bb6f54d8⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 2050x2902, 1025:1451, 28a60e0bb6f54d865c4987c65f….jpg)


Why not just save the one you liked the most?


File: bde79fe4df86af5⋯.jpg (221.67 KB, 1280x1180, 64:59, 4be20b73bd360ab0221d6baa6d….jpg)


we gfur now


File: d53757fa151de06⋯.png (464.37 KB, 621x900, 69:100, 1349383695393.png)


It's like breaking a family apart. Beside, I don't know which one you will like the most.


We sure are.


File: 336dcfd1b065766⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1461992533764.png)


File: 11554fa1e15e53a⋯.jpg (125.45 KB, 699x1000, 699:1000, 8c9bf475f4a4ea6e5888fb8fd6….jpg)


I always knew you were a fag

what you up to?


File: c9a9472b1e256fb⋯.jpg (150.03 KB, 1024x356, 256:89, c9a9472b1e256fb1fea68ec95f….jpg)


Why does it matter if I like it?




File: 6b1de33382ef4e6⋯.png (90.05 KB, 600x600, 1:1, sk1426890959787.png)

>friend's birthday

>loads of alcohol

>karaoke machine didn't have any Queen at all


G'night /lewd/


Walk the dog and go to bed, cya.


It doesn't.




later fag



Did you sing something else?


File: 2d1b517597994c5⋯.png (112.39 KB, 285x285, 1:1, sk1426890959443.png)


Even asking that question means you don't know Drunk Skandi at all! Of course I did, but it had to be stuff other people knew too! And my music taste is all over the place, so eventually I settled on Disney songs. Which wasn't ideal, but at least everyone knew them!


File: 89e53ced75a215a⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 300x280, 15:14, 921.jpg)


Sometimes I try to forget. Not so sure I'd settle for Disney songs, but only because I don't care for Disney much. Which ones did you end up singing?


File: 57e27aa69d5cc42⋯.jpg (49.71 KB, 350x350, 1:1, sk1426890960114.jpg)


No need to forget, everything I say is super important! "I Wanna be Like You" was a good one, as was "Poor Unfortunate Souls". … Damn, I should've done Hellfire. AH WELL


File: 9dcedaf9a493221⋯.jpg (17.76 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 163.jpg)


Continuing to try and forget! I'm surprised you didn't do that Aladdin song everyone loves.


File: 02bd5d1f7f3f952⋯.png (201.84 KB, 304x616, 38:77, sk1426890959516.png)


Aladdin is gay and was made by gays and I don't know those gay songs!

And since that was my first thought w/r/t responses, I'll go to bed!


File: b4a12853e99f70c⋯.jpg (108.2 KB, 733x720, 733:720, K (119).jpg)


w/r/t response?

Sleep well, Skandi.


File: 8cef5af1769de21⋯.png (91.6 KB, 518x527, 518:527, hmm.png)


File: c3caf5f4396206a⋯.webm (3.43 MB, 720x540, 4:3, 1474386764544.webm)



File: 509de438e7a9a0b⋯.jpg (15.29 KB, 250x133, 250:133, 1460495121469.jpg)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: d57d51467f0d9ff⋯.png (77.28 KB, 358x449, 358:449, You are receiving this bro….png)

Is it broken or something? Where is everyone?



Huh, looks like I chcked /lewd/ again just in time

How are you?



File: b750abc8ec7e649⋯.png (211.3 KB, 456x600, 19:25, 1st.png)


Good! Home from work and ready for a day of relaxation tomorrow <3

How's you tonight?


W-well, everyone dies, anon :(


File: 7fcc5b12f98c64c⋯.jpg (43.83 KB, 692x674, 346:337, pilger.jpg)


Iiiii'm just sitting around in my skirt and plucking, watching some animu uwu

work tomorrow which is gonna be eh, but whatever

What're you planning to do for the rest of the night? :o



File: 1776158e25c2196⋯.png (458.82 KB, 700x630, 10:9, lovecraftian horror.png)


Watching a little food network like usual before passing out.

Post skirt.

What do you do for work?


File: 8e67b3913e2d48b⋯.jpg (74.59 KB, 357x634, 357:634, 20160921_022306.jpg)


>food network

Oh yeah, forgot you were into that. You really take this whole woman thing seriously :o

pic from a few days ago lol

Yardwork, I'm not really a big fan of it but I'm too autistic for other stuff and have no motivation to actually make money writing porn :/

Probably the reason I have a wide frame and definitely why I have yardworker arms


File: f99d5f3910cda80⋯.png (145.74 KB, 325x400, 13:16, lolol.png)



That seems like a rude thing to say.

Ooh. Manual labor is shit. I used to build houses with my dad and uncles which is cool conceptually but I really hate having muscles lol


File: b29d347d76037a9⋯.jpg (115.52 KB, 700x961, 700:961, FB_IMG_1474188176756.jpg)

I started to transmeme on my Facebook O.o




Get ready for the hatemail^^


File: 84fcda666995dcc⋯.jpg (48.36 KB, 445x392, 445:392, aabra.jpg)


Uh, sorry? It wasn't meant to be rude. I'd like to be feminine but I'm not sure how good I'd be at traditionally feminine things ie cleaning / cooking :<

Oh, did you used to have a wide build as well? And yeah, fuck muscle. Mine has gone down a bunch since I did a weight crash diet for like two weeks, but still ehh…


muslim bois gonna fuk u up


File: 2f25b1b1b2c41ea⋯.jpg (81.27 KB, 692x978, 346:489, FB_IMG_1472858939866.jpg)



Oh it's very down low, sort of stuff


File: 373f3f22781b684⋯.png (37.52 KB, 359x501, 359:501, boops.png)


*shrugs* No, I mean like I kinda have to take it seriously considering it's my life… And honestly, nobody likes cleaning lol I mean come on.

I mean I'm self-conscious about my arms and shoulders but they're probably not as bad as I think. I've never been big and strong so it's meh. Be careful with those kind of diets. They're not exactly healthy^^


It'll probably be fine depending on how supportive your friends are or whatever. Pic related


File: 3987a39914766f1⋯.png (114.05 KB, 396x373, 396:373, 3987a39914766f1c8f38042e0c….png)

>tfw born with no penis


File: 7881239c5ab0b42⋯.png (152.48 KB, 1000x619, 1000:619, awkward_family_photo_by_pe….png)


>TFW born with 6


so yea… soup lewd, hi… been a bin. much love

also message for CP: TP loves you pls come home

and we tinychat… http://tinychat.com/scootadoot


File: 281e2d5bdacccc2⋯.jpg (66.24 KB, 850x944, 425:472, FB_IMG_1468455335122.jpg)




Do it.


File: 165ae7fb8d9961b⋯.jpg (30.28 KB, 364x320, 91:80, abrakadabra.jpg)


I mean, yeah, I get that. Just I'd like to be able to develop an interest in that kind of stuff? I'll have to if I'm going to take up anything close to a feminine role in a relationship. I just find it kind of admirable? I dunno, I'm bad at this

My sister apparently does? Or did, when she was 13 or 14. She's kind of an extremist christian like my mom though.

That's true, everyone calls me cute but I think I look uggo as hell. I've got a pretty wide frame compared to most /cuteboys/ I see, though. :<

And yeah I know, they work, though…


File: 8dbe3e650033927⋯.jpg (19.27 KB, 440x440, 1:1, FB_IMG_1474691664514.jpg)


It might be too early


Transwoman tend to have more traditional ideals of feminity. I know I do


File: 61f24a125667a4d⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 433x333, 433:333, boop.jpg)


Yeah, me too? I'm just lazy as fuck, ugh. Need to work on that

i dunno, i'm a bit too degenerate to be truly tradtionalist


File: a464c6d4346a4e9⋯.png (346.46 KB, 689x576, 689:576, a bit bigger.png)


Yeah, you have to be ready for it. And even then it feels like you're not ready so you need that push. It's not like there's a specific timeline for anything though; definitely don't rush it.


Why do you end so many sentences with question marks?


File: 69dbbb58f6af38c⋯.jpg (65.85 KB, 671x653, 671:653, ginger.jpg)


nervous habit tbh



I see.


File: d35451482a9ba09⋯.png (389.3 KB, 898x302, 449:151, nini.png)

Welp. Nini, /lewd/ers <3


File: af37389a0752eab⋯.jpg (91.52 KB, 902x669, 902:669, reppu.jpg)


File: b4effbd6515b5dd⋯.jpg (983.1 KB, 4016x4253, 4016:4253, kGSr62U.jpg)

I return



Name pls




Still using Dashchan?




Have you tried Everychan yet?






Try that one. There should be an option in preferences to have a default name for every post. Only thing is I think you actually have to get on the website via browser to do the captcha. Because this, >>331475 , was on my wifi. But I tried again on data and it didn't make a post.

Not so sure how Dashchan does that.


File: f37a4b2330318b6⋯.png (3.35 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1472615396951.png)

Damn, I missed Elma



I don't see where to download it..



It was here on 8chan, but they removed it and put that internet freedom thing. Here's the APK though.


Open this through Android and it should download automatically.


File: a5bc7541592af57⋯.gif (84.49 KB, 752x752, 1:1, 1443461717776.gif)

File: a5bc7541592af57⋯.gif (84.49 KB, 752x752, 1:1, 1443461717776.gif)

File: a5bc7541592af57⋯.gif (84.49 KB, 752x752, 1:1, 1443461717776.gif)

File: a5bc7541592af57⋯.gif (84.49 KB, 752x752, 1:1, 1443461717776.gif)

File: a5bc7541592af57⋯.gif (84.49 KB, 752x752, 1:1, 1443461717776.gif)


File: 70bfdaaf50c60dc⋯.png (410.97 KB, 1280x1768, 160:221, tumblr_o4r9pi3HPv1tnj2iwo1….png)


File: 9f8c9f6c09800ec⋯.jpg (74.79 KB, 716x846, 358:423, ss (2013-11-05 at 12.00.01….jpg)


Do you get small lag spikes in RS?

If that's what you'd call them anyways.


Tell me if it works out.



I will in the morning


File: fe9a40e3beffb3e⋯.jpg (104.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1443826785129.jpg)



Sometimes going into different areas but not really, I believe RS is more cpu than gpu



Hope it goes well.


Huh. Would still like to think my AMD cpu is not shit but maybe I'm running too many things.


File: 59d88614ffb5883⋯.gif (60.03 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1462667188020.gif)


Maybe, or turn down some settings and mess with vsync



Doesn't seem to matter really. Oh well. Need to learn about this new combat somehow.


File: c1635466740f103⋯.png (3.83 MB, 1960x1074, 980:537, Screenshot_2.png)


Go to lumby and look for this, believe she helps


File: 301982079a7fa8b⋯.jpg (30.58 KB, 460x379, 460:379, 14358900_10154565298494320….jpg)

sort out all the legal paperwork and go shopping



Ah. Thanks. Trying to check it out before I decide.


File: cab23cbf42a763d⋯.png (232.53 KB, 524x541, 524:541, 1443051289785.png)



Well fuck that apparently. Kept trying and it told me I was on Legacy mode despite switching it in setting and in worlds.


File: 4fea1b660fee12c⋯.jpg (624.8 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, __aori_hotaru_and_inkling_….jpg)

File: e6cf492fc82a054⋯.png (775.14 KB, 1017x727, 1017:727, Screenshot_3.png)


Hmm you wasn't on a legacy world? Clicking here didn't work either?


File: 453ad79581857ca⋯.webm (2.8 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1474414918540.webm)


File: 4aa267901499af2⋯.jpg (223.22 KB, 1068x600, 89:50, 1474592563859.jpg)

1 to the 2 to the 1 to the 3, I claim this thread for Empty!



File: fa7f10e7dee201f⋯.png (113.43 KB, 640x682, 320:341, mob26.png)


File: 9d54b86315a5b1c⋯.png (105.69 KB, 331x448, 331:448, 1474655795795.png)

When other people show up in my thread




Hey Tee! How are you doing this morning? :3


File: bfc5af00f0ec368⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 690x556, 345:278, bam4.jpg)


It's punching time!


File: 1ef6df5c2ce3c4c⋯.jpg (146.61 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, 1474619276279.jpg)


>Mfw punching time.

Tee wouldn't punch Empty! He just wouldn't!


File: 96de59e297aace4⋯.webm (356.98 KB, 326x326, 1:1, 1474533635263.webm)

tfw thread killer


File: a0baef2e1ec342f⋯.png (64.97 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1474636227603.png)


NO! Do not kill this thread mister! I want more clues.


File: f0bd10ba06d5c13⋯.jpg (328.69 KB, 723x1023, 241:341, 1401517924245.jpg)


I'm a big boy I can do anything I want!


File: 909b0cbe5688e8a⋯.jpg (36.85 KB, 606x370, 303:185, 1474600860998.jpg)


O-oh, well I can't argue with that, but please no bully the empty! ; ~ ;


File: 84c8cf42a2e19d0⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 258x254, 129:127, 44.jpg)

Time to interrupt this Tee/Empty lovein.


File: a66635d477dca0c⋯.png (161.58 KB, 363x370, 363:370, a66635d477dca0c43a9e96b89f….png)


Good job, now me and pouncy will take over


File: 2def5445ea75756⋯.jpg (38.22 KB, 207x255, 69:85, 14.jpg)

You guys really did kill this thread.



File: c4e9a4e760dfc39⋯.jpg (64.48 KB, 280x466, 140:233, 149.jpg)


Cool, just what we need.

Even more pairs of people talking within themselves in an annoying lovein!


File: 4b77c0e8c885b93⋯.jpg (184.42 KB, 800x635, 160:127, __imaizumi_kagerou_touhou_….jpg)

I'm bored. Tell me what to do!






File: bfb12bef26f4cf7⋯.jpg (36.84 KB, 300x249, 100:83, 192.jpg)


I'm not so sure I should.


File: c9a9472b1e256fb⋯.jpg (150.03 KB, 1024x356, 256:89, c9a9472b1e256fb1fea68ec95f….jpg)


One dont you get one too?

Tbh I feel like most pairs interact with eachother!


Get a hobby


can you cancel?


File: c0db8fea7ea6dca⋯.jpg (45.99 KB, 332x298, 166:149, 245.jpg)


I don't actually want anyone from here.


File: 9a4d1286b974bf4⋯.png (219.29 KB, 700x700, 1:1, c04f4fc22a65d1a1a0e0e10ee7….png)


Why not? I think they are pretty cute and nice, do you only date normies?


File: 398f48ebfb5e8ac⋯.jpg (52.25 KB, 275x311, 275:311, 232.jpg)


There's just no-one here who appeals to me that way.

That's why I'm cutting down my posting here and I left the discord. I'm probably better off outta here.


File: 7f374300ad82053⋯.gif (980.07 KB, 480x270, 16:9, kirino a shit.gif)


Should've waited on a sale. I'm subscribed to the HM newsletter only because they sometimes have 50% sales on certain things and send you codes so I get to know when to buy stuff.


File: dd9cb8f17bf9d82⋯.png (477.56 KB, 850x749, 850:749, u2ze.png)


I just did. Luckily I ordered them on a friday so they hadn't processed it yet. Still have to wait for monday until I get moneys back though I feel like.


Why!? But anywyas I have to go do at least one thing today.



Luckily I was still able to cancel. I didn't know they were going to have some crazy sale!

h&m is pretty cheap though sometimes.


File: 7fa72b9b9bfb8ca⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 350x500, 7:10, 1439342809464.gif)


Thats alright, people can't like everyone, we've all come and gone from places. Why are you still sticking around now tho? If you don't enjoy posting then don't! No one is forcing you.


>I'm subscribed to the HM newsletter

HNNNG I'm not the only one?!


Oh thats good, lets hope it works out!


File: bc082721bc557b1⋯.jpg (34.61 KB, 205x247, 205:247, 110.jpg)


I'm still looking for somewhere else that's good to post.



Every store has crazy sales at this time of the year.


File: 6047da48df406f4⋯.gif (164.04 KB, 413x547, 413:547, 14116540827328.gif)


Thats reasonable! I hope you find a place that fits you more.





File: c294079d9988075⋯.jpg (356.5 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, tumblr_odtzuqRkWP1t7anzgo3….jpg)


It should Just have to wait for the money to get back but I was able to order the boots now with the payment option that I pay when I receive them if I don't like them which is pretty cool now.


I guess that's true. Need to make room for the new things.


File: f34fb1f8295e563⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 792x444, 66:37, 1936119_1059259730801392_5….jpg)


thats more expensive then my hrt shipment



you compare everything with your HRT :D


File: 37f56fb81dac3e5⋯.jpg (81.99 KB, 850x1173, 50:69, 13147580_596266737192291_2….jpg)


Amount: EU 139.13

(Goods: EU 125.93)

(Shipping included: EU 13.2)

Card Details: (withheld for security)

Product Code: 794

Product: Spironolactone (generic)

Price Each: 12.83

Quantity: 3

Product Code: 894

Product: Estrofem (Estradiol hemihydrate)

Price Each: 43.72

Quantity: 2


File: 206ab6af2edb2f5⋯.png (12.23 KB, 594x245, 594:245, 242ebf9b1a77033a22b39b6e50….png)


H-how about after the 20% sale…? 147€

And you never told me how the Tullamore Dew was REEE!



File: b9bf7f1be69690b⋯.jpg (306.25 KB, 768x930, 128:155, 230772eee5d3229403168b4ba1….jpg)




oh it was good heh


File: a0821c71ef8cbb2⋯.jpg (80.48 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 14117781_1176855755711067_….jpg)


your language is retarded btw



good to know.

So I can secretly mix it in Dates food :3


File: 1656a5c8118f934⋯.png (598.81 KB, 953x535, 953:535, 8992659f45292a8b42e01569be….png)


Did you mix it with coke or something? Or just straight up?


What. You don't like the short and sweet TALVISAAPPAAT or KOKONAISSUMMA?

But yeah I know…


File: f970f67234ff4d4⋯.jpg (78.52 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 14192594_1176855805711062_….jpg)



have fun hans


with coke only drank a bit


its like your having a stroke



What about KYLPYAMME


File: 2d9a106eeca3c10⋯.jpg (71.56 KB, 300x252, 25:21, 363.jpg)




What's wrong?


File: 34f3cb3ec0b2de3⋯.jpg (52.97 KB, 300x357, 100:119, 323.jpg)


Seems like I didn't give alcohol a short enough rest.


File: 6434cc9b4085b71⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_20160924_141615.jpg)


Oh, how long of a rest did you give it and why do you think so



rip kat


File: 7d58be147088cea⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 300x351, 100:117, 431.jpg)


Almost done with this bottle. Don't feel too much like I use to. Guess I really need to give it a break

Why are you tutoring that cat?


File: 94d76784fb97221⋯.jpg (962.94 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 14747162773391852208557.jpg)


It didn't leave when i came for a bath. The perverted katze


Ahh tolerance thing. What were you having?

It didn't go away when i came for my bath!


File: c20fd82c798b0ca⋯.webm (2.99 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Dissing your waifu.webm)





File: b58c654e80ee443⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 300x169, 300:169, 20 (2).jpg)


Tuallmore Dew. My favorite.

Is that your cat btw?

It must really love you!


File: 11d18457d5b4127⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, 1474717017969-834311736.jpg)


Ahhh we need to have a tullamore dew party, i have it, hattie has it you… Had it!

And yeah, well it's in moms name so it's her.

All this love


File: 6af2dd8a3ec7278⋯.jpg (41.77 KB, 280x285, 56:57, 61.jpg)


Oh, you do? BJ has/had it? We really do. I like it the most out of Irish whiskeys. Kind of my goto whiskey too.

Fuck who's name it's in. the cat knows who it really loves.


File: 1fe839be86bdd7b⋯.webm (984.07 KB, 950x534, 475:267, Between Two Ferns With Za….webm)


You're the biggest Fin weeb I know!



Yeah i still have it unopened, hattie opened hers yesterday but said she didn't drink much.

Wish i had a go to whisky ;-;

Guess Hanky Bannister was okay for the 20e price…

Which is mom since she gives them food and treats and cleans their litterbox. I go for the cuddles though.


File: 2ff8135be4e07a1⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 240x218, 120:109, 52.jpg)


Damn you guys suck. Then again I should feel bad for being able to drinking this much and only feeling a fraction of what I use to.

It's my goto whiskey because I enjoy its flavor the most, been with me the longest, got me into more whiskeys, etc. Basically my favorite.

Oh…yeah cats know who go to for food and liter for sure. Devilish son of bitches really.



We guys suck!? Ree.

Hmm i guess Naked Groose did that to me. Too bad the price of everything triggers me now.

Yeah! Where's my unconditional love you little brats!?


File: 04b4e56bbd8d208⋯.webm (999.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Its about that time.webm)



What are you reeing about now?

Naked Groose? Don't think I've heard of that person. Or maybe site/company.

You gotta give them the F. :^) By that I mean food.



>you guys suck

Is the cause of ree

The Naked Grouse is from the makers of The Famous Grouse. They market it as only paying for the whisky, not the marketing or labels. So it's supposed to be good quality whisky for the price. It was good though. First whisky i bought.

Too bad the smell of cat food makes me gag



That 2h until 20 page essay needs to be done and you're on page 2 feeling



File: b4a12853e99f70c⋯.jpg (108.2 KB, 733x720, 733:720, K (119).jpg)


2much4me at this time.

Enjoy your day, Ven.



You too mobster


File: 999c5ace7a934d3⋯.png (531.82 KB, 650x880, 65:88, kariya_masaki_and_kirino_r….png)


"Oh no! People are more desireable than me! And they're happy too…"

People that like eachother a lot usually ends up dating

I've seen plenty of people talking within themselves on the board, then other people join the discussion or ignore it. Isn't that how boards work?

Bait or not, you're just being petty.



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