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File: 3202ce1bfc2c450⋯.jpg (141.1 KB,768x1024,3:4,C-RE1X3UwAgatmu.jpg)

 No.58391 [Last50 Posts]

doygoddess edition

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File: 5d9964362082ae0⋯.webm (8.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,autism aegyo.webm)

first for literal goddess

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File: 70219220057cc12⋯.jpg (99.64 KB,432x1235,432:1235,wow.jpg)

File: 419853e06a631ec⋯.jpg (56.57 KB,505x1192,505:1192,C3HKMpYXgAA4vnI_proc.jpg)

this is what i like

t. white male

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File: 02669843ad3d5f5⋯.jpg (295.53 KB,1200x1800,2:3,Cn41YV5VIAA3OIC.jpg)

kek keep using your precious memewords kiddo

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File: a261423a60c5bfa⋯.jpg (231.24 KB,1000x1500,2:3,1480240431347.jpg)

File: 904cb2f91ce2874⋯.jpg (310.41 KB,1246x2048,623:1024,1480240303853.jpg)

File: 363168c25503766⋯.jpg (330.59 KB,1364x2048,341:512,1480240239836.jpg)

File: 49150ad4816f7a6⋯.jpg (155.33 KB,720x1080,2:3,1480240109262.jpg)

File: 24aec1659e95104⋯.jpg (152.88 KB,720x1080,2:3,1480239918742.jpg)

this is what a goddess looks like btw

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File: 05f3affa40e4e0d⋯.jpg (493.92 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,CyuyfAZUUAAIbic.jpg)

File: deb44fd39c0499e⋯.jpg (266.44 KB,1321x2048,1321:2048,C1AgvMGW8AAvrA-.jpg)

File: fb241b8051e786c⋯.jpg (194.8 KB,1000x1500,2:3,CzObwODUsAAA7zP.jpg)

File: 191312b89839186⋯.jpg (200.41 KB,1000x1500,2:3,CzObwOCUQAA_O0c.jpg)

File: 0196f5cb235aa27⋯.jpg (261.38 KB,1000x1500,2:3,CzObwODUAAAUx2U.jpg)

doyeon will save us from these idiots

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cuckchan still has soshitters? since when

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File: 491be976732f9a6⋯.jpg (113.66 KB,800x1200,2:3,1480135749288.jpg)

File: 20427cec98300a4⋯.jpg (271.32 KB,1300x1947,1300:1947,1478057992929.jpg)

File: 9d0ff22f5f2b0e6⋯.jpg (225.25 KB,1200x1800,2:3,1478117686897.jpg)

File: dab9f110f7909f3⋯.jpg (456.24 KB,1400x2100,2:3,1478117580932.jpg)

File: de257e596281b7b⋯.jpg (963.23 KB,999x1500,333:500,tumblr_oj41rpliCc1v88qe3o1….jpg)


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>doesn't link it

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i wish anon would keep his "trolling" contained to cuckchan already

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i bet they're going to make her keep the pink hair just to force us to notice her and avoid fans realizing she looks even more busted without memehair

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forgot your seola nerd

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i legitimately hope vivinigger dies in his sleep one of these days. sooner rather than later obv

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be quiet spic

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File: 19cb419ee0237fc⋯.jpg (157.24 KB,800x1200,2:3,DDXbSQLUwAArUOo.jpg)

>tfw you will never pinkypromise sohee that you will never blast her

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>ywn ride into town with your sejeong x mimi gugufus

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File: 6562f0c08f34f1e⋯.jpg (84.97 KB,575x1024,575:1024,DDYZ5X5UwAA1y9z.jpg)

*kisses monitor*

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File: ce376f57c77d653⋯.jpg (69.83 KB,500x723,500:723,DDbLuSWXoAEuAwu.jpg)

>whinepost removed

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File: c46011b9cc45528⋯.jpg (58.48 KB,500x674,250:337,DDbLu8EXgAAp0Un.jpg)

pretty sure this is kpop general not i-only-come-here-to-complain and get (You)s general

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File: 72d71500d151877⋯.gif (2.23 MB,450x422,225:211,laughing.gif)

>he's still forcing this pathetic narrative in an attempt to convince others they're posting under an oppressive regime

lol go back to cuckchan already dork

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im drunk on honey jack can i stay here? it's comfy with all the pictures of pretty girls… p-please say yes

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File: 01eaae83b635156⋯.webm (722.12 KB,444x610,222:305,01eaae83b635156e0fce5f487….webm)



honey jack though? again? wtf dude

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File: c9eb3cda4019f11⋯.jpg (665.32 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Czss7eoUQAA7Ues.jpg)

i wasn't really hyped for iteengirls because they're so busted but after watching a few of their comfy vlives i'm just excited to finally see doyeon perform again

it's been too long ;_:

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File: b65253879051370⋯.webm (943.22 KB,1000x718,500:359,Seolaugh2.webm)

>that idiot still think it's me


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File: abfe68ef74f62d4⋯.jpg (132.61 KB,800x1200,2:3,DCDfhG8UwAE8AIx.jpg)

File: cc6bf6384f200b1⋯.jpg (148.66 KB,800x1200,2:3,DCDfjFEUMAAj0JT.jpg)

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File: b401f4080b33b9b⋯.webm (11.27 MB,402x720,67:120,literal goddess.webm)

don't mind me just watching this webm for the 300th time

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File: cc42c8ea0c6dd0f⋯.webm (1.86 MB,626x360,313:180,531C05F3B30AF34C7F33FE0B2….webm)


lmfaoooo you really are clueless then

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File: 07e3a86f24f279c⋯.jpg (123.24 KB,1200x797,1200:797,C6hWFezV0AAEEmx.jpg)

at least (i'm a massive faggot please rape my face)bro doesn't ban seolabro

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>banned on cuckchan multiple times

>never banned here

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makes you think

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one of the seolabros is actually amusing, a bit obnoxious sometimes but still better than the moody one that only comes here to make brainless shitposts and incite conflict

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File: 41e63bdba403b17⋯.jpg (50.28 KB,683x601,683:601,CyiU1ImXUAAz-IL.jpg)

File: 5d6ae6e0ef6df4c⋯.jpg (53.64 KB,683x616,683:616,CyiU3a_WgAAhbqf.jpg)

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File: 5d2ceaa5381a9b4⋯.gif (2.83 MB,450x450,1:1,2.gif)


>he's still clinging to this falsehood

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File: cddbf40b241ef0f⋯.jpg (46.22 KB,453x680,453:680,DBePXsjU0AAgkhI.jpg)

File: 563cb03ebfb94b8⋯.jpg (112.01 KB,1199x800,1199:800,DBePXt9UAAAt2_d.jpg)


literally (i'm a massive faggot please rape my face)th me, but there's also the falseflagger

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but if it's so bad, then why come back?

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>for no reason

lol how new? take a look at the catalog player. if you have a problem go back to cuckchan, i've entertained your whiny bullshit long enough

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lol muh (You)s obviously

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File: 853c7402708d692⋯.gif (1.74 MB,386x352,193:176,1475093726628.gif)


>people only come here when they get banned from cuckchan

yet another delusional falsehood, stay cucked loser

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post kqts or get out honestly, i'm done tolerating all this spiteposting

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File: 5b69b0f229963b8⋯.jpg (74.02 KB,750x561,250:187,14026708_1018849134879923_….jpg)

got you fam

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File: 83f4877b88053c2⋯.jpg (200.01 KB,1500x1000,3:2,0402c37b8d799cf482d315f974….jpg)

i decided i still like seola btw

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File: 4b293da3969a090⋯.mp4 (4.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,4b293da3969a09076a443a8989….mp4)


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File: 9f61cbfaeae0674⋯.jpg (363.6 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,DDagYJ6VYAABl1y.jpg)

why is her face so fucking smug

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File: 55d1619dfa992b5⋯.jpg (235.58 KB,1536x861,512:287,13c376d4de0eb03febc2857356….jpg)

File: bea0c525422b4f3⋯.jpg (272.85 KB,1536x868,384:217,74b9a31b919107b88161a9433e….jpg)

>tfw no flippywife

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File: c8dc9ac17676b49⋯.jpg (160.72 KB,819x1024,819:1024,CklIN3IXAAAcAx8.jpg)

me on the left

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File: 2c1ad22750ec57b⋯.png (779.92 KB,980x720,49:36,CX smile.png)

*drops Seola*

*picks up Cheng Xiao again*

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dear god no…..i was really hoping you killed yourself by now

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File: b40a6c2c21912c1⋯.jpg (60.18 KB,440x652,110:163,CX936.jpg)

>his waifu can't flip

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i should have known CXshitter was seolatard….

please save your shitposts for cuckchan. we like nice things here

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File: e49ba88355ed984⋯.jpg (152.02 KB,800x1200,2:3,DC1c14pVwAAJKMT.jpg)

Goodnight everyone except memer.

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complain all you want dude, i stopped posting cx when the falseflagger appeared.

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>wahhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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wait you're the original CX poster? assuming it's true that's based actually

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File: 44f011b7df41cdd⋯.jpg (331.22 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,DDagaY1VoAEe6HU.jpg)

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i spoke too soon

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File: 3a5cf72b63a3c70⋯.jpg (114.46 KB,720x1080,2:3,3a5cf72b63a3c70f69534a69a1….jpg)

i see it's time for yet another seola thread

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File: 3aee78c4aa62c70⋯.jpg (232.67 KB,600x653,600:653,kill me.jpg)

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File: 25e3c14f85da235⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,1280x1917,1280:1917,WJSN_170108_dy0514.tistory….jpg)

>logs in to /kpop/

>posts the same seola pics again

>logs out

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File: 538a841acf5062e⋯.jpg (531.21 KB,986x1259,986:1259,whoa1.jpg)


gotta go fast

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File: 6cda71aacf34e61⋯.jpg (244.74 KB,600x653,600:653,idiot.jpg)


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File: d1b2232e4a7387b⋯.jpg (124.02 KB,1080x1920,9:16,d1b2232e4a7387b741bd1f5867….jpg)


word, it feels great to contribute so much to this (i'm a massive faggot please rape my face)ard by reposting every thread

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nice filter

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(i'm a massive faggot please rape my face)om, roasted.

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File: b65253879051370⋯.webm (943.22 KB,1000x718,500:359,b65253879051370ab457244f4….webm)

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File: 9f61cbfaeae0674⋯.jpg (363.6 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,DDagYJ6VYAABl1y.jpg)


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File: f0f8ec11e6e4095⋯.jpg (528.14 KB,1538x2048,769:1024,f0f8ec11e6e4095683fd6b9d62….jpg)

i don't even know who to root for anymore

bοcuck or seolamemer

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They are the same person

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File: c9b9041e415e16e⋯.jpg (1.87 MB,2000x3004,500:751,wFDcnk5.jpg)


literal angel

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File: 53cc2b430ebdd81⋯.jpg (138.64 KB,454x680,227:340,whoa.jpg)

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File: f9598efd1e89828⋯.jpg (137.88 KB,750x682,375:341,f9598efd1e89828c678d80a857….jpg)


oh shit, then who's the freedom fighter

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Not them

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File: b6274df2859e280⋯.jpg (815.08 KB,1000x1600,5:8,aGHo0Un.jpg)

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File: a39fc3ebd19f378⋯.webm (10.7 MB,960x540,16:9,a39fc3ebd19f378f1c923ea1d….webm)

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File: eaf148df9565d9c⋯.jpg (222.76 KB,982x937,982:937,IMG_0336.jpg)

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File: 5b6b90670528af9⋯.jpg (509.45 KB,2000x1331,2000:1331,1487250768898.jpg)

File: fd8191eebde7563⋯.jpg (117.17 KB,750x1200,5:8,C3Bz05RVEAALR5H.jpg)

File: 85433259351f604⋯.jpg (109.13 KB,750x1200,5:8,C3Bz05WUQAAFMHj.jpg)

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File: 0d1d2df4a900b3c⋯.jpg (1.89 MB,2796x4194,2:3,cosmic chink.jpg)

>tfw no seaweedsurgarmami

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File: 47dd508d6a20594⋯.jpg (114.17 KB,750x1200,5:8,1492175873212.jpg)

I need lewd seaweed

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<for a project

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File: 56a7bc41bfab94f⋯.jpg (65.15 KB,640x640,1:1,1496848584922.jpg)

File: bebbd583897c008⋯.webm (2.88 MB,866x720,433:360,bebbd583897c008a01a408210….webm)

File: 9d5b92e3d33b365⋯.webm (3.41 MB,405x720,9:16,1495843554298.webm)

File: 39f517260dda20f⋯.jpg (144.79 KB,799x1200,799:1200,선의 (1).jpg)

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File: 0806f3131c26131⋯.png (2.36 MB,1200x1800,2:3,1476625969743.png)


this is the lewdest seaweed i have

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File: 73d42c30bd2a4f5⋯.jpg (371.99 KB,1200x1800,2:3,WJSN_170108_twitter.com-Li….jpg)

>tfw too pure

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>everyone i don't like is bo


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please forgive

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File: 35bfeca5fed6de2⋯.webm (8.4 MB,810x720,9:8,XY37ultimateedition.webm)

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File: 5b69bc950b8bda5⋯.webm (2.86 MB,548x540,137:135,1475440351760.webm)


your cosmic webms inspire me

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it was 2 CX posters, me and other anon that made the webms, he has like 100+ of CX.

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File: 009de274e4f2d88⋯.webm (1.5 MB,558x500,279:250,1475525593895.webm)


pretty sure i have most of them

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File: fc1a2f841661644⋯.webm (2.85 MB,680x600,17:15,CX111.webm)


I'm here too

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File: ad447d95e767024⋯.webm (2.69 MB,664x720,83:90,Eunseo37.webm)

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File: 480b383815521b9⋯.webm (2.61 MB,616x720,77:90,CX blows kiss.webm)


sorry, forgot to mention it, but yeah, i've noticed you

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File: 7bd7743ab29a97c⋯.jpg (132.91 KB,818x1200,409:600,DCmjiMvVYAIkjPP.jpg)

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File: bf8b5902a76b824⋯.webm (1.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,eggeukaching.webm)

File: 07bdb6670696a85⋯.webm (1.09 MB,568x954,284:477,35364(sound).webm)

File: 2e7790c6eb58425⋯.webm (2.95 MB,624x576,13:12,DAZZLINGCOLOR - 170114 영등….webm)

File: ece272a790d71b4⋯.webm (2.86 MB,784x720,49:45,eunseooo crop2.webm)

File: 432a511c4965b72⋯.webm (3 MB,576x576,1:1,eunseo2.webm)

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File: 594dec52fbfb615⋯.jpg (321.33 KB,733x1099,733:1099,c928cf540de926585ee9d44522….jpg)

*dispels the joos*

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File: 33e900387bfc404⋯.jpg (105.35 KB,800x1199,800:1199,Cz2HWxEUUAAW37z.jpg)

*poisons the kfc*

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File: 8feeed39ae55cf3⋯.jpg (223.96 KB,1000x1500,2:3,CsT1MGUUIAA0k2C.jpg)

File: 95faa0797cb3309⋯.jpg (209.3 KB,1500x1000,3:2,CsT1MGVUEAAkh57.jpg)

File: 1706f82339a9ccf⋯.jpg (202.59 KB,1500x1000,3:2,CsT1MGSUkAEitqw.jpg)

File: 33ae86e4c16d021⋯.jpg (180.47 KB,1500x1000,3:2,CsT1MHJVMAA_kCP.jpg)

File: 0f20eb89426ac02⋯.jpg (102.87 KB,1024x682,512:341,CsXD5k3VUAA9fDQ.jpg)

*saves kpop*

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File: 562afde667c85a2⋯.webm (908.54 KB,530x746,265:373,562afde667c85a2cec70cddb7….webm)

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File: f22f1ec52014360⋯.jpg (182.9 KB,1800x1200,3:2,DASLYj0UAAAvar0.jpg)

File: 572b0dc0a896a34⋯.jpg (246.08 KB,1920x1280,3:2,DAUum9AVwAAt0Eu.jpg)

File: dff965ce5093e95⋯.jpg (165.58 KB,1920x1280,3:2,DAUum8_UwAMpQrf.jpg)


where did it all go right?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wtf i hate pork now

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File: 61080e8f423c88d⋯.webm (5.58 MB,1080x1920,9:16,61080e8f423c88deb9636fdbc….webm)

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File: 50a59464b47d014⋯.webm (2.97 MB,540x960,9:16,1497993429447.webm)


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File: a9520444634bf0f⋯.webm (839.51 KB,330x792,5:12,starshipTV - [Making Film….webm)

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File: 363957274b8469f⋯.jpg (71.38 KB,1199x595,1199:595,CsRhHRlVYAApU0Y.jpg)

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File: 722359fa76e865d⋯.webm (5.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,722359fa76e865d6c9476b507….webm)

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File: 72eea36e2e134a4⋯.jpg (134.53 KB,1200x801,400:267,Cr2Kr70XYAgd8Xr.jpg)

File: a219723a66d2ed8⋯.jpg (123.25 KB,1200x801,400:267,Cr2Kr85WEAAzUzS.jpg)

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File: 885c3ed14887306⋯.jpg (298.27 KB,1536x1522,768:761,DDePB0sWAAAIQa8.jpg)

gf just sent me this

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File: b1350e1c6a5363e⋯.jpg (91.72 KB,682x1024,341:512,b1350e1c6a5363eccf54be9295….jpg)

File: 032163064094fde⋯.jpg (128.19 KB,840x1260,2:3,1497246143266.jpg)

File: 3d51261fefe92ca⋯.jpg (101.62 KB,693x1000,693:1000,3d51261fefe92ca39e59ab3ccd….jpg)

File: 84a50419cff797e⋯.jpg (462.33 KB,2000x1331,2000:1331,31298.jpg)

File: 507a2d4964d2aa3⋯.jpg (3.19 MB,2000x3005,400:601,U54VstO.jpg)

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File: ced766075873052⋯.mp4 (426.94 KB,400x600,2:3,ced766075873052221ad78b5d2….mp4)

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File: bdd600235e01ad1⋯.jpg (379.92 KB,892x1055,892:1055,eunosie.jpg)


>those eyes

<slain wig

(((every time)))

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File: d9cc9bd408e5a56⋯.jpg (386.47 KB,1334x2000,667:1000,1497510791670.jpg)

File: b7b0c6fbead4b4a⋯.jpg (200.78 KB,1080x1080,1:1,b7b0c6fbead4b4a102cdb55fc4….jpg)

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File: 95fda0be3a39f0a⋯.jpg (130.88 KB,960x960,1:1,1247896028319560928_183161….jpg)

>nobody ever posts the girl that puts best in best cosmic couple


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File: fc95b9455e9a297⋯.jpg (113 KB,1000x1170,100:117,1473794973650.jpg)

File: fa166b6a95a30f6⋯.jpg (82.24 KB,750x500,3:2,1474792743696.jpg)

File: 948c5e11d0a78cf⋯.jpg (83.13 KB,893x720,893:720,1475915785381.jpg)

File: 2c88639d9356c9e⋯.jpg (78.55 KB,540x719,540:719,1476007646234.jpg)

we need a designated soobinposter

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File: 6fd18db40e3ad30⋯.jpg (149.1 KB,1200x900,4:3,tumblr_os9g69TzHe1uafu8xo1….jpg)

File: f0ad8f056865d0a⋯.jpg (154.43 KB,1200x900,4:3,tumblr_os9g816Pe61uafu8xo1….jpg)


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File: c33ee2e98a0516c⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,1080x1080,1:1,19051686_137529480145991_6….jpg)

plz no

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File: 976179b6d67b15c⋯.webm (11.58 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1theK (원더케이) - [Ep. 6] Wo….webm)

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File: c3258def668cf5f⋯.mp4 (5.11 MB,640x640,1:1,우주소녀???? - Video by wjsn_c….mp4)

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File: 842970846f3979a⋯.jpg (515.12 KB,1665x2197,1665:2197,842970846f3979a28c90cb9cd5….jpg)

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File: eac40998a30ad73⋯.jpg (23.95 KB,501x386,501:386,C8RH3hUXgAAygHx.jpg)

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File: 4f2d7342d4c7752⋯.jpg (209.97 KB,800x1200,2:3,1485049575195.jpg)

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so over wuju and wujushitters

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File: a068526187ecba0⋯.jpg (120.19 KB,640x960,2:3,a068526187ecba071e71edf999….jpg)


<cosmic uggos

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seola is the problem

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File: c52996154a23763⋯.jpg (86.53 KB,966x730,483:365,_MG_2282.jpg)

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stop spamming her

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not word

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File: da46506d7207e76⋯.jpg (139.68 KB,1200x800,3:2,C-Gg3kUWAAAguFZ.jpg)

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File: aad16db461866b9⋯.jpg (134.44 KB,800x1200,2:3,1485270916401.jpg)

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File: 2b9cd790847809c⋯.webm (2.9 MB,990x720,11:8,1475962034103.webm)

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continue spamming her

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File: 20d53b4b5db74df⋯.jpg (147.4 KB,1000x750,4:3,me in the box.jpg)

where did my april bros go

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<stop posting


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File: 65b5f7fd1a14645⋯.jpg (309.1 KB,1778x1334,889:667,DC6aLKdUQAAD7_b.jpg)

April aka our literal girls

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File: 10b83e8d3929ee7⋯.jpg (115.29 KB,786x1200,131:200,DCmjU6uVYAEq1gx.jpg)

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where do i start with nugupril

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Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>he's not a fineapple


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File: f70e31e076ba838⋯.jpg (106 KB,720x460,36:23,#1 april stan.jpg)

>you don't

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oh, okay

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File: 8dfae4582b597da⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB,592x416,37:26,meandkpganon.mp4)


just got back from hockey tbh

fineapple reporting in

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me on the green shirt

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File: b849edb0132ef2a⋯.jpg (193.72 KB,1080x1080,1:1,DCXeZZsUwAE3X8K.jpg)

File: 62215ddfd1d5c42⋯.jpg (185.81 KB,1080x1080,1:1,DCXeZZnUwAI6NsE.jpg)

File: 19fac9dae4a4e48⋯.jpg (188.28 KB,1080x1080,1:1,DCXeZWwUQAA74WM.jpg)


me as the darky

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>saving the best for last

based fineapple

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File: ccfe6d12a8ae775⋯.mp4 (8.67 MB,1920x1080,16:9,when kpganon walks past.mp4)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

our girls

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File: fad4b765ad8fb59⋯.png (1.26 MB,1920x1080,16:9,download.png)


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we only like seola here

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File: 57690f661b1705f⋯.webm (9.75 MB,650x650,1:1,02. MAYDAY.webm)



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File: bfd09fca5e63b3c⋯.jpg (116.23 KB,1200x800,3:2,C6Lcv92U8AAT0rq.jpg)

File: d0e5ed44c541b68⋯.jpg (120.07 KB,1200x800,3:2,C6Lcv94UwAEsCn_.jpg)

File: b7209b0978282d7⋯.jpg (175.76 KB,1200x1200,1:1,C6pbcckVsAAGsWU.jpg)

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File: a77b8e8b56970b9⋯.webm (11.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,rachelenglish.webm)

>tfw need to make qt rachel english webms from asc the other day but too lazy

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File: ced766075873052⋯.mp4 (426.94 KB,400x600,2:3,ced766075873052221ad78b5d2….mp4)

>it's another cosmic shitter fest

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File: 580e60959d2a7e2⋯.jpg (161.71 KB,1000x1000,1:1,DDXSKsdW0AAnDc-.jpg)


i was going to webm yena but every time i scrub through the video i instantly regret it and give up

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File: 6d56a6f35797aef⋯.mp4 (5.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,rachelaegyot.mp4)

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File: 81f4a5aadb87aaa⋯.jpg (143.91 KB,1200x800,3:2,C4oV5gGUkAAQIwz.jpg)

File: c92451f7f537bf9⋯.jpg (73.11 KB,1024x683,1024:683,C4oWBKTVYAAW_Sp.jpg)



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File: 07eeb79ba82ae76⋯.jpg (81.89 KB,683x1024,683:1024,DCMe102UAAENiJj.jpg)


lol i just can't watch asc

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File: 6be66c01e288ca7⋯.jpg (108.42 KB,800x1067,800:1067,DA5CMGMVYAUpybL.jpg)


it is a bore and awkward for the most part

i only skip around for any english moments

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link me this one

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File: 2bb0f8ddba19e9e⋯.jpg (53.79 KB,338x1028,169:514,32624a335738d0c1a519636a09….jpg)


i skipped through just to hear yena giggle a few times and that was enough for me tbh

idk why i even download them. i still have wjsn's secret episode but i haven't watched that either

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File: 03c5e112340adef⋯.jpg (90.78 KB,720x729,80:81,C11x5XKVEAAOnuL.jpg)



thanks, gonna rewatch some parts

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File: 111b1e8565f3109⋯.jpg (168.83 KB,1200x800,3:2,111b1e8565f310995be0b15a8f….jpg)

getting tired of seolahating

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i was against the retard meme but i think it's warranted because of falseflaganon at this point tbh

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>she is our one and only girl

no. just….no

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stop replying to them/him tbh

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File: 70833c7d510f60f⋯.png (657.09 KB,660x658,330:329,pleaselaugh.png)

why so mad, seolahater?

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File: 5c6c1142720ae53⋯.jpg (68.48 KB,530x796,265:398,C2n9-k6UQAAFTw4.jpg)


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Our Wujus going to Kcon LA

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File: 430b737710f2500⋯.jpg (116.02 KB,960x960,1:1,dfdsf.jpg)

i wanna put a baby in this belly

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File: bb416d7976b8416⋯.jpg (94.17 KB,1000x666,500:333,C_Ot2MNUAAAh7QF.jpg)


there's nobody else to reply to at this point

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Unless she gets pregnant or dies between then and now, yes.

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i wish it was that easy

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hmmm should i put myself through all that autism and go for our girls?

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>not seola


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File: 82b3652a9d0a6e0⋯.jpg (134.1 KB,800x1200,2:3,82b3652a9d0a6e02c94233cd9f….jpg)


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it's like he wants us to turn against her or something

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you can talk to me

whose you're waifu?

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>he uses multiple tabs so he can shitpost even faster and attempt to make us think there's more than one guy

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like i said earlier, it's probably choai like boys set out to ruin yet another girl

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File: 6e88f310a119fa9⋯.jpg (273.27 KB,1000x1500,2:3,DDaX-ysUIAEfGEP.jpg)

File: 56b1f40bf6e03e5⋯.jpg (267.4 KB,1000x1500,2:3,DDaX-ytV0AAr8BR.jpg)

File: d50aa5e9d6dda78⋯.jpg (248.63 KB,1000x1500,2:3,DDaX-ysUwAAoKHX.jpg)

File: a7043da36b850dc⋯.jpg (309.45 KB,1000x1500,2:3,DDaYmanUwAAEVaA.jpg)

File: 895301faafd32f3⋯.jpg (270.66 KB,1000x1500,2:3,DDaYmanU0AA7-xO.jpg)


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File: 408286c54d51749⋯.jpg (10.67 MB,3827x8148,3827:8148,harem 4.2.jpg)


do you have all day?

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why are there gay word filters?

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no, forget i talked to you.

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*skips episode*

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File: 1eb0724b781b38c⋯.jpg (121.05 KB,720x1280,9:16,DDcLkTvUMAAZw2t.jpg)

use you're head

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i'm assuming that means b.o

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seola filtered when?

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we don't have the technology unfortunately

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File: 4edcaa93d88a9cb⋯.jpg (132.36 KB,1000x1500,2:3,4edcaa93d88a9cbae5f79e5a91….jpg)

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File: fa5329f057d4739⋯.jpg (112.45 KB,1024x918,512:459,C5ZbSFnXQAEF69-.jpg)



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your paranoia is showing


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File: aaa6a4bab861907⋯.jpg (107.65 KB,840x1260,2:3,DBuD87JXsAAZG6G.jpg)

seola tho

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File: d64ad5be745cde1⋯.jpg (101.59 KB,798x1199,798:1199,CtKfHWaUAAAUT1_.jpg)

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File: 714e223f7141594⋯.jpg (50.5 KB,750x750,1:1,vV_rK_NsUuM.jpg)

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I'm gonna impregnate Seola when she comes to LA.

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File: 29c2de19bf32cef⋯.gif (3.06 MB,551x572,551:572,29c2de19bf32cefea727d2e659….gif)


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File: 3e5c75a1bb53516⋯.jpg (163.87 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,NN318EfYZQI.jpg)

only person who gets to impregnate seola is soobin

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go cry about your life on i like boyschan dork

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File: 1b89e0d1331a257⋯.jpg (168.12 KB,800x1200,2:3,C5HHPrqWcAA8Ty7.jpg)

>tfw i can't get new ip

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Imagine trying to ruin a board, then crying about it after getting banned

What a fucking bitch you are. I hope you die :)

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he thinks it's the funniest shit in the world

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I'm trying to see his side, like what's so funny that he keeps coming back every day, but there's nothing there.

How does he get joy out of it? Is he just retarded? Who knows.

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lol nobody is hiding, just you begging for attention like a little bitch (((again)))

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his end-game is obviously convincing anon this place is worse than cuckchan while simultaneously turning this place into cuckchan

and anon wonders why i delete this retard's obnoxious posts on sight

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>The only one ruining this place you you

hahahha he actually belives that

Truly delusional.

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File: 648e30d4de1d862⋯.jpg (111.13 KB,658x988,329:494,DDd_ZMoVoAAjDP4.jpg)

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haha word i love kpop

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doing my best not to associate seola's face with autism tbh

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File: 72312fa1944104c⋯.jpg (86.43 KB,1024x683,1024:683,1483641702525.jpg)

stop fighting

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File: c6a0138e2c6b0a3⋯.jpg (134.86 KB,800x1200,2:3,c6a0138e2c6b0a371196f931fa….jpg)

>liking kpop

i only come here for seola pics

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File: 2d1c48369f99f79⋯.jpg (145.85 KB,1000x1500,2:3,2d1c48369f99f79f1cbe9d8c8c….jpg)


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File: 2ace2e7f59e5da9⋯.jpg (185 KB,1000x1499,1000:1499,C2JcGLpUAAEtVPD.jpg)

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File: c4c147c49768ca7⋯.jpg (86.76 KB,640x852,160:213,fngGTKTzluI.jpg)

stop being autistic and post seola

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So who's unironically going to Kcon LA then?

Do we have any LA bros here?

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don't know if i'm going but i'm an la bro

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File: 41ee62de0925cbe⋯.jpg (168.11 KB,800x1200,2:3,1495349023022.jpg)

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File: 0d67b698358269b⋯.jpg (65.92 KB,640x852,160:213,1481744072571.jpg)

File: 3dc79fca8b6eb1f⋯.jpg (198.59 KB,960x1200,4:5,C0bGddAVQAA6Mpz.jpg)

i love the shape of her chinky eyes

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At least go to the airport for some pictures. Then you don't have to buy tickets and be associated with the YASSS QUEEEN SLAYY western kpop fans.

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File: 9f51fd6e2539586⋯.jpg (25.26 KB,201x72,67:24,cxeyes2.jpg)

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File: 26a27045db519f6⋯.jpg (168.61 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,Cheng-Xiao-9.jpg)

File: 3dd94d85acda363⋯.jpg (176.55 KB,960x1280,3:4,tumblr_ombb9bB8qz1tpq4hco1….jpg)

File: a6493b0f0a83d05⋯.jpg (216.6 KB,1202x1599,1202:1599,CzN0IYdUQAQwAJn.jpg)

File: 96aae322123c2a4⋯.jpg (191.06 KB,750x910,75:91,15624340_357954274582257_4….jpg)

File: daed464501cc216⋯.jpg (103.79 KB,750x936,125:156,15253294_1789395061299253_….jpg)

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this doesn't look like seola…

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You're free to leave whenever you want.

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>Then you don't have to buy tickets and be associated with the YASSS QUEEEN SLAYY western kpop fans.

they will 100% be at the airport too. i'm not going to shitty lax to stand with a bunch of niggers and beaners tbh

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<hating beaners

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File: 00702e24c031af5⋯.webm (2.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,feeding seola.webm)

*ignores dayoung*

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you don't live in la so you don't what it's like

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File: d767e7d046955a0⋯.jpg (148.71 KB,1080x1080,1:1,d767e7d046955a0a5d3951d6c0….jpg)


word she looks great

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File: 1166a8dfb630eea⋯.jpg (66.02 KB,1024x683,1024:683,C6z1whjWwAAH7ja.jpg)



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Then follow them with your car from the airport to their hotel, then rappel yourself down from the roof with a selfie-stick in hand and take pictures through their hotel-window.

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File: 8de1fe0c4fe44c5⋯.png (1.46 MB,1129x958,1129:958,2017-04-09 17_24_10-CjT9du….png)

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File: b65253879051370⋯.webm (943.22 KB,1000x718,500:359,Seolaugh2.webm)


>so you don't what it's like

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now you're thinking.


s-shut up it's late

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File: c3ecf6f650d3b3f⋯.jpg (48.92 KB,1225x841,1225:841,photoplan.jpg)

I drew it for inspiration.

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the yellow figure is a nice touch

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>he thinks he is actually accomplishing something other then ruining this board

This cannot be anything more than bait.

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Gotta keep it realistic my brother.

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File: 9f2737950891c46⋯.jpg (86.15 KB,1225x841,1225:841,c3ecf6f650d3b3fdef83d1f917….jpg)

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stop taking it

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this is when it all started

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you've done enough dickspamming thanks

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File: 10b1bd2249fa11d⋯.webm (172.71 KB,500x348,125:87,Seola bang bang.webm)


based me

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that's real seolabro i think. this seola falseflagger has to be newish

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>He's gonna google and save dickpicks to "Punish" us

I don't think you're the one winning here bro.

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cause argentinabro is a seolabro and we never had this problem before. this falseflagger also uses a lot of 8ch filenames

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yeah i know he's the nice one

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i'm considering posting seola

should i do it?

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we already know it's a blackstinker from halfchan, they're all like this unfortunately

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only if she doesn't look smug

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File: 6ced2977d29558f⋯.jpg (103.52 KB,800x1200,2:3,C7iEThcVAAAVkXJ.jpg)


I tried…

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nobody wins when memer is around let's be honest

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File: 9155376af88bc27⋯.jpg (105.64 KB,1200x800,3:2,CvSm0U-WAAA7qx3.jpg)


>he's the nice one

y-you too

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File: 736cb0b3d1d6ee2⋯.jpg (166.94 KB,888x1200,37:50,736cb0b3d1d6ee250b80842d0c….jpg)

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File: 9f61cbfaeae0674⋯.jpg (363.6 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,DDagYJ6VYAABl1y.jpg)


good enough

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fuck i meant to spoiler that

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Just know that he's unironically googling dickpicks and deciding which ones to save to his computer as "revenge". You should find some solace in that.

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File: ebe371e5055a2c4⋯.webm (2.87 MB,544x720,34:45,1488890651379.webm)

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i know, he's literally doing it right now sadly. i just don't get why he has to shit up this place too when cuckchan is already ruined

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Didn't someone post an article here stating that 1 in 100 people are fucked up in the head or something?

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i vaguely remember a statistic about psychopaths posted on cuckchan that was alarming but not here

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Probably that article I was referring to, can't remember if it was here or cuckchan that posted it.

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yeah 4chan attracts the worst of them, i think the absolute state of /mu/kpg confirms that. this place has been chill until recently i really don't know what this kid's problem is

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File: 467934cf09147b9⋯.jpg (326.67 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,467934cf09147b92def02b6866….jpg)

just got off the phone with bo and he told me that all posts that do not contain seola are now illegal so be aware~

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yeah i'm on pins and needles my man

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File: 9dad9d167643d0b⋯.png (250.99 KB,368x640,23:40,31371 (00_10_11.945) 0007.png)


call the cops i don't give a fuck

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File: 85362d92c7280bb⋯.jpg (54.5 KB,590x519,590:519,Capture.jpg)

We cosplay now

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File: eb7a8c3d91b862f⋯.jpg (121.17 KB,720x960,3:4,C0a4NoyUkAAnciR.jpg)

Does anyone have a link for all loonas mp3s?

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fingers crossed we get to see cheng xiao in some kind of leather

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File: 065c9a32202a83a⋯.webm (8.76 MB,480x480,1:1,02. Love Letter (Feat. Li….webm)


i can upload them if you want, i think i have their whole discog

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She's probably going as Chun Li.

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File: 82d5c8bf02a0353⋯.png (121.39 KB,350x467,350:467,ClipboardImage.png)


yeoreum preview

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vivi a shit

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File: 6a0d9d30048e7c3⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,4033x3226,4033:3226,1488492482950.jpg)


yes, do it.


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File: 3ec8b817438ccc5⋯.jpg (880.93 KB,1200x1195,240:239,the state of kpop.jpg)

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File: cbb8f61ed520d2f⋯.webm (4.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,cbb8f61ed520d2f788dc2c31c….webm)


their discog is an absolute mess to keep track of, please anticipate~

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File: b2b0aaa8e4afdfe⋯.png (1.14 MB,800x1200,2:3,1476006966732.png)


or post it tomorrow, i'll hit the bed soon.

thanks anyway

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>File (hide)

>File (hide)

>File (hide)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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File: f48d2c84507ded9⋯.jpg (79.35 KB,720x720,1:1,C75yuRoVwAAo4S_.jpg)

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can someone just make another board without (i'm a massive faggot please rape my face)

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You do it. You go first, I'll meet you there …later..

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cuckchan loves uggos why not just go back?

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thanks, but it'd be better as a whole tho

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lmao a new low

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what do you mean as a whole? just select all folders, right click and download as zip

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i really don't like this concept but jiu looks so hot in fishnet

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File: 16bbbce355a74dd⋯.png (2.62 MB,1003x1600,1003:1600,16bbbce355a74dd0106ebeac78….png)

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downloading already

but it doesn't include the vivi single/mini right?

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lol migrate >>58793

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