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File: 3503aa3ce6debca⋯.jpg (212.38 KB,398x839,398:839,C_7OZa4UMAA0f6F.jpg)

 No.33654 [Last50 Posts]

yena edition

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>11 days

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File: 36158aa52a13151⋯.webm (2.82 MB,1202x1080,601:540,36158aa52a13151a9b76b1055….webm)

yena giggles in your area

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File: 61f975435f63dae⋯.jpg (103 KB,717x1080,239:360,18513504_260213601119844_5….jpg)

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File: 90c9b620b6e164c⋯.mp4 (4.9 MB,640x800,4:5,17583059_391618254556523_4….mp4)


the cutest

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File: cfa6f822985175a⋯.jpg (304.83 KB,1538x2048,769:1024,C_62D7rUwAE5UyZ.jpg)

File: e3f8fe71a041b54⋯.jpg (299.35 KB,1538x2048,769:1024,C_62D7qUAAACGbZ.jpg)

File: 6afeb1f7770fc3c⋯.jpg (286.4 KB,1538x2048,769:1024,C_62D7rUwAAkvUd.jpg)

gf just sent me this

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cute gf

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kpop? more like ktop because it's freakin daebak!

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hahah agreed anon kpop is the jjang

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File: 6b2865ba7f0d9df⋯.jpg (75.33 KB,668x393,668:393,0yena.jpg)


word i wish there were more pictures of her

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kpop? more like kpoop

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*posts shitty stale meme*

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File: a287a7dd4142667⋯.webm (2.68 MB,595x956,595:956,y.webm)


it's only a matter of time until korea recognizes the nation's darling

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file hider…

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File: b90e0e0e3059dce⋯.webm (2.63 MB,1920x1080,16:9,b90e0e0e3059dcef5aa5fb03b….webm)


2 weeks!

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i'm not luke but we shouldn't be picking on him he's just a dude trying to support his sister's dreams

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plus he's cute

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luke do you know any pristin's numbers? hook us up

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

asmrfu just sent me this

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who invited the homosexual

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idk how did you hear of this place?

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who invited the 8th grader

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they found me XD lulz!!1!!1

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the meme has gone too far we can stop picking on luke now

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File: d77bd78983a169d⋯.jpg (446.33 KB,1335x2000,267:400,C_3yqQRUMAQuT8d.jpg)


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File: dd8bd24a9a9d394⋯.jpg (149.35 KB,1080x1920,9:16,C_yl4DfUAAAll2o.jpg)

File: 07bb5d96c5711d9⋯.jpg (162.49 KB,1080x1920,9:16,C_yl4j_UIAA1EQW.jpg)

I mean in

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is she the new MC

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better have

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yeah, for mtv the show

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File: cad2923730689cf⋯.jpg (145.09 KB,586x683,586:683,kek.jpg)


it's not a meme he really is a fucking dweeb lmao

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gonna add him

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File: 17668e25f27bce8⋯.webm (11.75 MB,866x784,433:392,eyefuckqts.webm)

(from left to right)

in in

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in | in the trash

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File: 102495641cbad81⋯.jpg (100.53 KB,640x640,1:1,11007860_1551264635156448_….jpg)


you jealous sweety?

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luke "pizza face incestcuck" massie

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*creates luke folder*

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File: 68767efa4d1d0da⋯.jpg (91.17 KB,750x1001,750:1001,C0vtYiaUAAQRCXU.jpg)

lmfaooooooooooo this faggot

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he's so romantic..

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File: e4c6ec963955469⋯.jpg (382.29 KB,750x1334,375:667,slut.jpg)


lmao he just puts the pussy on a pedestal, little does he know his girl is a slut and has 2 other boyfriends at least

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File: 5b42b00f9fa1753⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,640x640,1:1,14130386_1745146995740766_….mp4)


mmm sweety can you flip a canoe over your head in one go?

didn't think so so stfu

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File: 1ad4d13f42d1cfe⋯.jpg (79.43 KB,750x1000,3:4,Cp7olnyUIAANLQ_.jpg)

dude weed lmao

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shit he lives in LA

i'm gonna find him and become his bro

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wtf shay? whore

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fucking jealous mate

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holy shit this guy went to the same high school as me i think

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Dice rollRolled 74 (1d135)

lollin lollin lollin

Gugudan - 구구단
Sejeong - 세정
Mina - 미나
Hana - 하나
Nayoung - 나영
Sally - 살리
April - 에이프릴
Chaewon - 김채원
Chaekyung - 윤채경
CLC - 씨엘씨
Ratqt - 최유진
Seungyeon - 장승연
Yeeun - 장예은
Eunbin - 권은빈
Brave Girls - 브레이브걸스
Hyeran - 혜란
Yujeong - 남유정
Minyoung - 김민영
Switch - 스위치
Gayoung - 가영
Sonamoo - 소나무
D.ana - 디애나
Nahyun - 나현
Laboum - 라붐
Solbin - 안솔빈
Soyeon - 정소연
ZN - 지엔
Yulhee - 김율희
Tight Leader (Yujeong) - 김유정
Playback - 플레이백
Hayoung - 하영
Momoland - 모모랜드
Nancy - 낸시
Yeonwoo - 연우
Hyebin - 혜빈
Bob Girls - 단발머리
JiNa - 염지나
Oh My Girl - 오마이걸
Arin - 아린
Binnie - 비니
Jiho - 지호
YooA - 유아
Hyo - 효정
DIA - 다이아
Chaeyeon - 정채연
Huihyeon - 기희현
Yebin - 백예빈
Girl's Day - 걸스데이
Sojin - 소진
Yura - 유라
Hyeri - 혜리
EXID - 이엑스아이디
Hani - 하니
Jungie - 정화
Bestie - 베스티
Haeryung - 해령
Dahye - 다헤
Uji - 유지
Hyeyeon - 혜연
I.O.I - 아이오아이
Sejeong - 김세정
Chaeyeon - 정채연
Pinky - 주결경
Yoojungie - 최유정
Mina - 강미나
Doytoy - 김도연
Somi - 전소미
Chungha - 김청하
Cosmic Babes - 우주소녀
Chengie - 성소
Dayoungie - 다영
Eunseo - 은서
Yeoreum - 여름
SeolA - 설아
Exy - 엑시
Soobin - 수빈
Mei Qi - 미기
Dawon - 다원
Bona - 보나
Luda - 루다
Yeonjung - 연정
PLEDIS Girlz/PRISTIN - 플레디스 걸즈 // 프리스틴
Eunwoo - 은우
Shannon - 배성연
Kyla - 카일라
Yebin - 예빈
Minkyung - 민경
Nayoung - 임나영
Yewon - 김예원
Rena - 강예빈
Siyeon - 시연
Dal★Shabet - 달샤벳
Woohee - 배우희
Serri - 세리
Subin - 수빈
Ah Young - 아영
Sistar - 씨스타
Bora - 윤보라
Orange Caramel - 오렌지 캬라멜
After School - 애프터스쿨
Nana - 나나
Nine Muses - 나인뮤지스
Kyungri - 경리
APink - 에이핑크
Cho-rong - 박초롱
Bomi - 윤보미
Naeun - 손나은
Namjoo - 김남주
Hayoung - 오하영
AOA - 에이오에이
Jimin - 지민
Yuna - 유나
Hyejeong - 혜정
Mina - 민아
Seolhyun - 설현
Hello Venus - 헬로비너스
Alice - 앨리스
Nara - 나라
Yooara - 유아라
Lime - 라임
Yeoreum - 안채연
Yooyoung - 유영
Seoyoung - 서영
Red Velvet - 레드벨벳
Irene - 아이린
Seulgi - 슬기
Stellar - 스텔라
Minhee - 민희
Jeonyoul - 전율
SNSD - 소녀시대
Tae - 김태연
Yoona - 임윤아
Yuri - 권유리
Kara - 카라
Seungyeon - 한승연

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Dice rollRolled 3 (1d5)

1 luke

2 luke

3 luke

4 luke

5 luke

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File: 1b23335d43f032d⋯.png (591.28 KB,520x693,520:693,1b23335d43f032dde93b018855….png)

File: c0ec843a3089aeb⋯.png (522.6 KB,520x693,520:693,e0279e30f4662c0802e3fa5a65….png)

shhh don't tell seolabro it's a Secret

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we should just have a compilation sticky with all the rolling lists and pics tbh

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homosexuals OUT

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she knows what she's doing doesn't she?

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File: cadda58e6f0d1ae⋯.webm (5.48 MB,568x540,142:135,seola_slow.webm)


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File: 42dcb0ab1494f43⋯.jpg (86.41 KB,682x1024,341:512,CtN8PeNUEAEGsGN.jpg)

File: 8a3e8174e7ff4ac⋯.jpg (115.16 KB,800x1200,2:3,CtN8TrBVMAAAZdb.jpg)

File: 5d71ae64e80a0f6⋯.jpg (118.07 KB,800x1200,2:3,CtN8TvGVYAA2lMR.jpg)

File: 9690a0c735f2409⋯.jpg (139.66 KB,800x1200,2:3,CtN8WIZUIAAN7lW.jpg)

File: 12ed3fc0943396a⋯.jpg (134.4 KB,800x1200,2:3,CtN8WMCUMAEjkIU.jpg)

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me under the table in pic 2

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seola has a big mouth

you know what that means…

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big bites

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File: fe40eb3a984af2d⋯.webm (1.17 MB,1020x840,17:14,fe40eb3a984af2d82f57b6b8f….webm)

냄세 상상해

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File: f94e22f33ebbbd7⋯.jpg (107.33 KB,1080x1080,1:1,18512805_259372271195702_5….jpg)


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gooks out

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unironically fucking vomit

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chopin sunbaenim…

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File: e622b37de17dc5a⋯.jpg (108.23 KB,720x960,3:4,1482218494107.jpg)


where did it all go wrong

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File: a438a73fc19f882⋯.png (874.03 KB,941x634,941:634,exy.png)


manager-nim misread and booked a procedure with dr. lim, not dr. kim

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File: a6702548a0e95c7⋯.png (1.12 MB,1366x768,683:384,1487011852782.png)

File: 77c05d05ce74475⋯.png (1.04 MB,1366x768,683:384,1487012234292.png)


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File: 23bf5bbf0ad8877⋯.jpg (94.64 KB,600x800,3:4,CVlGcmkVEAAtnn3.jpg)

File: ffdaad36209ab4f⋯.jpg (35.48 KB,512x512,1:1,mYZLEyT.jpg)

where did this qt go????

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rip s(exy)

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File: 9d2b08ad48ee943⋯.jpg (78.45 KB,1080x752,135:94,CqydXYQUEAAda55.jpg)


nahyun sucked the cute out of her

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dark sexy exy….

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File: 35f53d51a309165⋯.jpg (47 KB,687x362,687:362,NahyunExyLovers3.jpg)



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File: abe0e5c46322157⋯.jpg (37.92 KB,549x366,3:2,C0X0wafUkAAA54I.jpg)

File: e0c3ea78f8eb07d⋯.jpg (83.54 KB,911x960,911:960,C0X0wagVIAAglJI.jpg)

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>tfw you will never experience exy in the cowgirl position

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our girls

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exys brown skin

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File: bfef57c5cfb71cb⋯.webm (1.66 MB,608x1080,76:135,1467616772944.webm)


in and around my face juseyoo

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File: 8fa96535d54c4c2⋯.jpg (115.46 KB,736x282,368:141,1490604303122.jpg)

File: 53fbbc8bfd0a3bb⋯.jpg (13.96 KB,279x313,279:313,1493959537251.jpg)

File: 973a456c844b0e9⋯.jpg (64.19 KB,681x454,3:2,1493959847142.jpg)

Yeo "darky" reum, pussy dark as a cave

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File: 784d509f38e1135⋯.png (1016.62 KB,1366x768,683:384,784d509f38e113548aa075646c….png)

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File: d124bf3cf798b6a⋯.png (407.51 KB,1620x599,1620:599,done.png)

>a slut

>a jew

>two darkies

>a man

>a beaner

>a shit

>three stinky chinks

>a gook

>an uggo

>and dayoung

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File: e414c74613e18eb⋯.jpg (82.5 KB,750x937,750:937,14360225_1751448561777803_….jpg)

what's wrong with dayoung

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>three stinky chinks


>literal seaweed smelly bitch

>actress slut

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couldn't think of anything wrong with her other than she's too old now

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File: ebae9b3dcec47c8⋯.jpg (226.82 KB,1523x1170,1523:1170,IDY_4919.jpg)


word i had to drop her

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hyperactive attentionwhore bitch

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File: daec5d572758895⋯.webm (2.91 MB,1000x563,1000:563,dy.webm)

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File: 5ee4b60205f74d5⋯.jpg (113.68 KB,565x569,565:569,sdy.jpg)


what the FUCK did you just say

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where's 4 line story bro? i'm anticipating your next work

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File: 5fd14aa0c0fd698⋯.webm (876.44 KB,480x502,240:251,Seola pushing a retard.webm)

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slutdamemer ran him off i think

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how much do you think eunose paid her to do this?

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i feel bad now

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File: 762c4bf93303900⋯.webm (2.94 MB,846x720,47:40,Luda Eunseo.webm)

slutdacuck post again juseyo

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File: cb3887d178ac499⋯.png (748.52 KB,721x960,721:960,C_7rElCUwAAh43T copy.png)

File: b31973986ed25fc⋯.jpg (91.67 KB,960x720,4:3,C_7rElHU0AEQF5m.jpg)

File: e76f53d74f7eff8⋯.jpg (93.99 KB,960x720,4:3,C_7rElHUwAEPT0U.jpg)


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lenses were a mistake

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File: 0402c37b8d799cf⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1500x1000,3:2,seola2.jpg)


can confirm

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who should i post

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my waifu juseyo

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>tfw nothing good on kpopfap

wtf how am I supposed to decide who to blast to

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File: 9caa9e0ade1a934⋯.png (3.89 MB,2048x1700,512:425,waifuroll.png)

Dice rollRolled 21 (1d31)


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File: 2c9c53bf5ea5507⋯.webm (2.85 MB,696x720,29:30,Seola ear scratch.webm)


what.. do.. you.. mean.. ?..

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File: fdc5f16c4337f00⋯.jpg (302.33 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,C_7sbabVYAAVMbn.jpg)

File: c0931fde38753bc⋯.jpg (213.37 KB,951x1499,951:1499,C_7os63UQAALYzK.jpg)

File: f388ec4311d07c2⋯.jpg (218.36 KB,1036x1500,259:375,C_7oupGVYAAjmpw.jpg)


she looks good today

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not bad

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wtf you actually posted my waifu

gj chingu

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File: 3037b13161abd04⋯.webm (2.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,Full Bloom Begins - 16092….webm)


how fucking dare you

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File: a5b06dfbc2b617a⋯.webm (2.91 MB,1000x562,500:281,1450549903085.webm)


my favorite brown slut

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still here, still not a cuck, still like luda

please anticipate

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File: 25b4db7a5938d02⋯.webm (2.97 MB,720x1280,9:16,25b4db7a5938d0213b5a31677….webm)


on her pits

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i think about chaeyeon's pussy every day

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my eyes go straight to her thighs

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File: 7689bebf2022322⋯.webm (2.87 MB,764x720,191:180,Luda hello.webm)


hang in there bro

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well stop please

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File: 77eca841fdc0043⋯.jpg (133.56 KB,1080x1080,1:1,77eca841fdc004387ec7d1be38….jpg)


they are deceptively thicc

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File: c1c92cc25b000e1⋯.webm (2.88 MB,608x1080,76:135,chew.webm)

File: f03c2ae09f26b9d⋯.webm (1.09 MB,372x778,186:389,f03c2ae09f26b9db5c5a8353f….webm)

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File: 7912a35805a784a⋯.jpg (262.44 KB,1280x1920,2:3,K2Pfkbz.jpg)

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who invited the twiceniggers?

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File: 49f43eab96dc10a⋯.jpg (713.26 KB,2048x1611,2048:1611,C98byzNVoAEHObd.jpg)

File: 591f7a6bc97bb3c⋯.jpg (262.46 KB,1280x1920,2:3,tumblr_oden1sCjhY1qk12q0o1….jpg)


i can't believe me i've tried

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we only like the caramel fukkslut

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>tfw i've saved the first webm 3 times now


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need some new thicc chewy fancams asap

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File: 73a6455be582df4⋯.jpg (282.1 KB,1346x2048,673:1024,C--Qu4cUwAESttR.jpg)

File: 0db25623d63bff1⋯.jpg (402.87 KB,1338x2048,669:1024,C--Qu4hVYAAIs26.jpg)

File: 3e03a2f81e2dccc⋯.jpg (480.2 KB,1344x2048,21:32,C--Qu4eUQAIB9_y.jpg)

kpg taught me flat butts can be sexy too

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signal looks to be blastable. soon~

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doesnt look flat to me

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File: 3219a968b68b859⋯.webm (2.74 MB,518x600,259:300,Luda hip shake.webm)

File: 419b0c98ecfed4e⋯.webm (2.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,Luda rubbing cream on her….webm)

File: ac73f7404fff06b⋯.webm (2.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,Luda uncovers herself.webm)

>n-not a slut

>n-not a cuck

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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that shirt ripple between eunseo's breasts makes me DIAMONDS

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If i did 5 line stories, would people assume i wasn't a ludabro and stop calling me a cuck?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

gas all 360p reuploaders immediately

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it's just one guy

we love you here

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as long as they don't involve that slut luda

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seriously. 1080+60 verticam or i literally can't blast

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take that back pls

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>that first comment


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much better

shame about the uggos blocking her sometimes

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File: 425add842368100⋯.webm (436.53 KB,400x900,4:9,425add8423681002ee3ec4a57….webm)

File: d8564e4c73c81fb⋯.webm (1.73 MB,405x720,9:16,1469419519278.webm)

File: 111f5f7bd68446d⋯.jpg (155.9 KB,1125x1500,3:4,1485413003875.jpg)

File: 92bf09b771510fd⋯.webm (954.18 KB,400x950,8:19,1480951923237.webm)

FUCKING chaeyeon

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File: e3b447538d1839a⋯.jpg (46.28 KB,640x640,1:1,C_7ObJiUQAERZNg.jpg)

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i finally got a taste of 4k@60 and now i can't go back

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dont sexualize chokeslut

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true. i'm just saying that's my bare minimum to blast

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>i really love mera's fancams, they're blessings tbh & im thankful for them, but can we change the thumbnail just for the respect for tzuyu? deny it or not the thumbnail seems 'disturbing' for the image of an 18-year-old girl 😱 once are here to protect our girls ✊

/not even once/

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File: 4fdfdbd95303d83⋯.webm (2.89 MB,664x720,83:90,Luda eating candy.webm)

File: 869fc27756b18f7⋯.webm (2.91 MB,634x720,317:360,Luda eating worm.webm)

ludabro, another story juseyo

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TEAG INAH19 minutes ago

>Please protect her at all cost . She is just too precious in this cruel world .


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ludacuck is a shit meme

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word, she's pure

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>this is an ad in south korea

man, if ads were this awesome in the west i would unironically watch television

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blossominnie1 day ago

>Her bottom body is HUGE 0.0


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i just want the short stories to come back

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i only like doing them when a fresh selca comes out and just haven't seen any good ones lately

t. not ludacuck

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File: cc5a70a2f43df03⋯.jpg (169.62 KB,800x1200,2:3,seola4.jpg)

seola is verry hungry

will you give her something to chew on?

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how about this stale meme


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go fuck yourself mate, shit meme.

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still cannot believe this is an actual face of a human being

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Kudek Chopah1 day ago

>she's a minor. . please.. as human being, please change the thumbnail pic. .

twicecucks are the cancer killing kpop

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>go to korea

>end up kfapping to ads

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>it's more than one guy

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File: 6981e88745c265a⋯.mp4 (836.43 KB,508x640,127:160,6981e88745c265a0aa1d4daf8e….mp4)

2xgook did nothing wrong

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slutdacuck shaming should be banned

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Clarice 1 day ago

>0 respect for an underage girl. I hope you guys come in a girls' body in next life


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there's at least 3

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not true

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File: 87dcf59b0f47c55⋯.jpg (695.17 KB,1946x2919,2:3,tzuyu.jpg)

i would unironically cum inside chewy

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i've seen 3 distinctly different styles

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all me

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File: 044a5dedeed78c8⋯.webm (113.46 KB,278x282,139:141,1484055731213.webm)


>tfw eskimo bros with jyp

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>ywn rip off that skirt and rape her over the desk

oops… did i say that out loud?

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File: ea59683ccda89bb⋯.jpg (94.5 KB,1200x1020,20:17,C_pCWUWUMAAiuCQ.jpg)

*draws slut*

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KpopFanBoy 21 hours ago

>aww sh!t…it happen……this is fucked up…0_o

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are 4k fapcams worth buying a 4k panel? asking for a friend

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Gio Bosisio1 month ago

>Kyla is one of the prettiest maknaes in this generation. She looks beautiful already, can you imagine how stunning she's going to be when she gets to her 20s?

made me think

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I've not seen anyone else do a cosmic one. someone did a couple about yoona and doyeon tho

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classic luke

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virgins should be banned from the internet

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if you can mount it vertically, yes

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there are definitely at least 2 copycat 4liners, i know for a fact that i'm one of them

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i think i did a four line story a while ago. i'm more of a 10+ line arin kinda guy

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

never forget

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time to go back to mu

ttwiceshitters found their way here

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i did the emoji ones so there's at least 2 more

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>not knowing ourgirl

how new

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shut up nigger tzuyu doesn't count

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how many times

we only like chewy's fuccbod here

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lmao chewybros we out here

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>you will never WAP WAP WAP chaeyeon

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call me when twiceshitters leave

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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oshit i forgot this existed


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k they're gone and were never here

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File: d80fdd39d7fbaee⋯.webm (1.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,crying.webm)


anon how could you…

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vivi's eyelids are disgusting

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>vivi in my ears


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not cool. delete this

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File: 33820f7645127ce⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,2100x1400,3:2,chaeangry.jpg)

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i lose it every time lmao

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KpopFanBoy 21 hours ago

>aww sh!t…it happen……this is fucked up…0_o

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where my jinsoul/lip at

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word i want the fucking mv teaser already

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File: 6f400f12f29059e⋯.jpg (97.83 KB,700x906,350:453,C_78T48U0AE4xf5.jpg)

File: 67c027dae4d307c⋯.jpg (66.04 KB,700x906,350:453,C_78WFCU0AA3jLa.jpg)


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are there more?

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in in

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through uggobrows

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File: c85a5a448380aca⋯.jpg (68.05 KB,700x906,350:453,C_76lLbVoAEkk73.jpg)


yeah if you're into emtionless rocks

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File: 5f39d04876e05ec⋯.webm (3.29 MB,852x480,71:40,1 (40).webm)


don't be mean to stone

she's just shy

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File: 98a1d5554795004⋯.jpg (109.33 KB,850x850,1:1,C_72K5HUwAAY5rH.jpg)

gf just sent me this

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File: 08b2b9a7c427282⋯.jpg (46.7 KB,540x810,2:3,nayoung.jpg)

>not finding out how far in nayoung can keep her face straight


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it's just an act, she's a robot

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i'm developing a bot that will auto post all my waifus and gfs social media posts here so you guys stop stealing them

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File: 6f60fa36d68adba⋯.jpg (302.16 KB,1536x2048,3:4,C_71COrVoAAZjML.jpg)

actressfu just sent me this

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you literal mother fucker

i was five seconds away from posting this

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File: 350708c54b99d78⋯.mp4 (796.65 KB,480x600,4:5,17973355_199935500515820_1….mp4)

>Dayoung-ah, how's your last day at school going?

>"great oppa, they let us leave early! It's a beautiful day too…"

>Nice, are you heading back to the dorm?

>"No, I'm coming to see you, pabo. They won't miss me for a couple of hours ;)"


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develop this


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Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.


stay pressed homie

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love it love it~~~~

i love how you incorporated what was happening in the video into the story. makes it very believable.

one of your best works yet. 9.4~~

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cute, didn't like the pabo tho

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it was a playful pabo. maybe it needed to be "pabo~"?

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incredible, well developed, got me to the edge of my sit.

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maybe pabo-ya~~

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File: c9bbb818b499c08⋯.jpg (176.51 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,13388566_806898092675757_1….jpg)

>tfw legaldayoung will never Y24 on your omostick

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File: bf97e466e525fe3⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,1280x1918,640:959,WJSN_161029_dy0514.com-pag….jpg)


good idea, I'll bear this in mind

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File: 81f4a5aadb87aaa⋯.jpg (143.91 KB,1200x800,3:2,81f4a5aadb87aaa0332e58826f….jpg)

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File: ac06ddb66ad363d⋯.webm (2.66 MB,544x720,34:45,1472865679296.webm)

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that's one way to kill a thread…

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

new record

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why does he hate dayoung

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just ate 8 eggs ama

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it's a good song

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who is ur waifu

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File: b66c3974a39f088⋯.jpg (1.97 MB,1333x2000,1333:2000,1482430015032.jpg)

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post 60fpscams

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File: 8b8a3e8003a621b⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,1280x1918,640:959,WJSN_161029_dy0514.com-pag….jpg)


only pedos hate dayoung now

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i'm surprised she hasn't been posted to kpf yet

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full chungha album when?

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Irene became so much sexier to me when I found out she is 30.

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File: 4230c0cba0e0616⋯.jpg (21.58 KB,227x543,227:543,C_6ASBDV0AAFAgg.jpg)

File: 62b0826454da603⋯.jpg (101.56 KB,784x966,56:69,C_5_miRUwAA2FDn.jpg)

natty goddess

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File: aea5ceaa01a609a⋯.webm (2.94 MB,576x1024,9:16,Dayoung almost left behin….webm)

>not even her manager likes her

really activates my almonds

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she's not 30 yet pabo

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still fucked up after hearing sdy isn't actually dayoung's father

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File: cc42c8ea0c6dd0f⋯.webm (1.86 MB,626x360,313:180,531C05F3B30AF34C7F33FE0B2….webm)

literal goddess

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june 7th and it's def not a full album

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File: 00ad9921399e133⋯.webm (8.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,chunghalien phones home.webm)


i know it's just an ep but she put out a single first

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>mfw chungha said in an interview this song is about missing ioi

>mfw still haven't listened to downpour

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>ideal of idiots

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File: ae519a43f776827⋯.jpg (78.78 KB,600x800,3:4,1466381836199.jpg)

>tfw 90% of my ioi parent folder is unsorted doytoy pics

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File: ecd185cd6e1aae7⋯.png (748.55 KB,1280x720,16:9,29990 (00_02_47.566) 0001.png)

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File: 363f62cedd22fd6⋯.jpg (33.05 KB,1161x67,1161:67,42.jpg)

we did it

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doyeon is the perfect female

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she needs a nosejob then word

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>home alone

feels so good taking a bona with the door open

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File: 07164633fb73910⋯.webm (2.89 MB,1190x670,119:67,6.webm)

fuck you her nose is perfect

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having literal fucking SEX with seulgi

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no it makes her look like a lizard or a snake

like yeoreum from wjsn

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File: 1f2ae2c55bc5e87⋯.webm (1.29 MB,400x900,4:9,1480969832283.webm)


i'll allow it

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File: 168f17614b82d0d⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,1500x2250,2:3,6HODQVZ.jpg)

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File: 55114da77846324⋯.png (116.52 KB,350x263,350:263,ClipboardImage.png)

bareface yeoreum

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File: ba16405f4ee2593⋯.jpg (193.87 KB,816x911,816:911,you're pretty dark you kno….jpg)

yeoyeo is actually very fit

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File: 238176ecca98b06⋯.webm (2.9 MB,716x720,179:180,Yeoreum24.webm)


yeoreum is an angel

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File: d0d4c9452c9bdaa⋯.webm (2.93 MB,984x720,41:30,fan girl.webm)


she is

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File: e7637eca35fb085⋯.webm (580.52 KB,778x600,389:300,e7637eca35fb08514e5032daf….webm)

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File: e0ecb13a9a8ca5f⋯.webm (2.16 MB,1072x566,536:283,cuddles.webm)


>tfw not a teddy

seulgi holding you tight as you finish inside

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File: e1c705abebf847f⋯.jpg (191.88 KB,1066x1600,533:800,1484515053053.jpg)

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File: 78609c15ce874aa⋯.png (2.15 MB,1000x1500,2:3,seulgi cheesin.png)

>when you tell you're gonna cum inside

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File: ca504be12e2d41d⋯.webm (2.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,Yeoreum eating potatoes.webm)

File: 0ea12253955947b⋯.webm (2.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,Yeoreum getting adjusted.webm)

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File: 9655dca984d3cbc⋯.jpg (160.46 KB,1024x1536,2:3,C-nuJHHU0AAPY82.jpg)

doyeon x yoojung 4lines juseyoo

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fuck off sinb

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File: 309d8fbb6cf495f⋯.jpg (278 KB,1600x1200,4:3,C_32QqlVwAEN3ju.jpg)

i miss seeing jiu's butt

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File: 6ddffbdf1620a0d⋯.webm (3.99 MB,852x480,71:40,Coming in catch me.webm)

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>coming soon


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File: c404e2e4c0ec542⋯.png (100.53 KB,640x640,1:1,1479343533325.png)


>coming out

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File: ae28b76b1abe410⋯.webm (3.91 MB,532x300,133:75,Cosmic presentation.webm)

>group's slut


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you better pray for your waifu

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dawon tho

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kill yourself already shitter

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File: 2945f0e77dde943⋯.webm (462.68 KB,426x640,213:320,CX mouse.webm)

File: d5dba53dea6fd32⋯.webm (3.73 MB,1138x640,569:320,CX pizza w sound.webm)

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already dead

shitposting from hell

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File: 72026b391a36bdd⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB,1920x1080,16:9,kpop.mp4)

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stop reposting retard, it's not funny

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File: 64bff480ba6807f⋯.jpg (131.09 KB,1080x1080,1:1,18579671_1279404715509292_….jpg)

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File: 6e3aa34f5dc4ee6⋯.jpg (231.91 KB,1278x1920,213:320,wmbO0Z7.jpg)

I refuse to save my memecoats

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File: 6f2298dffb1313d⋯.mp4 (531.72 KB,452x354,226:177,C_gNlbnUIAA-u08.mp4)

my waifu thread juseyo

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File: ae3d3d469dded3e⋯.jpg (473.99 KB,666x1000,333:500,tumblr_o6uubt2A6u1sk3fmro1….jpg)

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File: 4f611831389fb1b⋯.jpg (219.16 KB,1024x683,1024:683,1459710358594.jpg)

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File: 0c555f04825cf28⋯.jpg (376.12 KB,500x749,500:749,fj.jpg)

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lovelyz: won a show, still fucking awful lol

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arf arf

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