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File: 2d1aef86a16379a⋯.jpg (224.5 KB,1631x1363,1631:1363,C-lyaPjV0AIXM6H_proc.jpg)

 No.28415 [View All]

yebin edition

245 posts and 216 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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I miss long haired lime tbh

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ugly people need love too

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File: ab4c7bd11a7650f⋯.jpg (169.19 KB,1080x1350,4:5,14134515_1773785476239471_….jpg)


same i'm still really broken up about it actually

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File: f08dcdf5880597a⋯.jpg (137.06 KB,960x639,320:213,1480355652721.jpg)


def in. eunha too

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File: dfffeec6ccddd9f⋯.gif (4.8 MB,295x623,295:623,140109hotstarshuttle핫스타셔틀.gif)

File: a1e67f6bb5fa776⋯.webm (2.95 MB,382x680,191:340,lime20.webm)

File: ed8b3dbe3dfb8ec⋯.webm (2.98 MB,400x800,1:2,lime18.webm)

i miss her lewd butt too

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File: 825ca97270e7a15⋯.gif (2 MB,480x480,1:1,sex_(1).gif)

File: 71200ead055bb6f⋯.gif (9.63 MB,560x513,560:513,p.gif)

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rime's uggo english accent ruined her for me tbh

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what are you gay?

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tell them to stop

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not what you said first gayboy

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best outfits ever

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

my waifus are slobs

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File: b4ff4beb00790b1⋯.jpg (103.98 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1481492522017.jpg)


seriously? i always liked it

that clip of her saying "whats your name" and alice's "mmm difficult" will always be burned into my memory

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this girl is nip right? i can't find her birth place anywhere

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lol i always thought she was saying typical

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no she's korean. just looks nippy

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File: 1f4d1403673d46f⋯.jpg (99.86 KB,427x446,427:446,HelloVenusAliceBornHater.jpg)


lol that's what it sounds like but it doesn't really make sense, her gooky english is just like that

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homeless man's lee jin ah

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she sounds like every k-indie singer ever

not that that's necessarily bad

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>dia hoarders

i feel sick

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File: c886629679ab12a⋯.jpg (83.93 KB,1080x1350,4:5,17494095_273074956452637_8….jpg)


she sounds nothing like my eyedifu tyvm

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of course not

eyedi's in a league of her own

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File: 7601c585ac3cee5⋯.png (1.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,download.png)


paused and stared at it for a solid 10 seconds ngl

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wanna kiss jinsol tbh

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really grinds my gears these poor gooks have our goddesses sleeping in fucking bunk beds

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File: 97c4eed7728b15e⋯.webm (1.44 MB,1421x899,49:31,1483578133619.webm)



word tho

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i guess since they really only sleep there it's not as bad but yeah, i would never be able to live like they do. so much clutter

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if it makes you feel better, they dont get to sleep in them often

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gonna kiss my monitor to this webm

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w-why is this allowed?

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what's the matter?

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File: e70e428e425e632⋯.jpg (112.75 KB,954x1069,954:1069,159134 (00_15_11.478) 0007….jpg)

File: 0bf6151bf8582d4⋯.webm (2.27 MB,480x600,4:5,18055619_218174928669144_….webm)

File: 38fe4a85911fede⋯.png (1.61 MB,1920x1080,16:9,159134 (00_11_45.739) 0006.png)


cosmic babes aren't too bad, yeonjung even has her own bed (that's where i sleep ofc)

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what if i told you 15 year olds can be sexy too?

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yeah other than the 6 person room it's pretty nice.

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File: af85ed50c5ff63b⋯.jpg (102.54 KB,886x844,443:422,C-pDDtsUMAEuNEa_proc.jpg)


stfu vivinigger, jinsol is beautiful

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File: 10b632eb641e9c5⋯.webm (8.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,jin3.webm)


>damn jinsoul is cute as FUCK


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holy fuck do they really only have one bathroom?

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homosexual degenerate liar spotted

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File: 74b91e9483e1178⋯.png (142.39 KB,285x482,285:482,viviviviviv1.png)


idiot blind idiot

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File: 86bed5bdbb28c24⋯.png (816.28 KB,634x892,317:446,1491200655703.png)


goblinshitter btfo

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File: 2bc9580f9a2ef5f⋯.png (1.76 MB,1920x1080,16:9,download.png)


kek what a nightmare

pic related

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me in the back left

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this. 1000x this

for fucks sake sometimes i think he actually believes the shit he says

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File: ba362c990ec0afe⋯.jpg (452.7 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,3473a83192680795c397742096….jpg)

>13 girls

>it takes them until 1PM to get ready

when i become a chinese billionaire and clone all of them i'm going to give them each their own bathroom

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