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File: e754684e58a177c⋯.jpg (328.72 KB,800x600,4:3,b281ac50199cbba821f5b39d2e….jpg)

aaeac0 No.9161 [Last50 Posts]


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aaeac0 No.9162

>連鎖早餐店漢堡肉「可能沒有肉」 業者律師曝肉品來源

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aaeac0 No.9163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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aaeac0 No.9164

File: 28b2e7f44ae8d74⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,640x360,16:9,_CV_.mp4)

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aaeac0 No.9165

File: 57af220a2668874⋯.jpg (231.6 KB,1920x1080,16:9,EjcFHzfVoAATLzZ.jpg)

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45e1f8 No.9166

File: 6aba2b31631a447⋯.jpg (74.72 KB,960x960,1:1,tired_pepe.jpg)

請給我台灣的難過歌曲, 越舊越好


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aaeac0 No.9167




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45e1f8 No.9168

File: b37aaccc68ff1ac⋯.png (53.96 KB,686x802,343:401,fez_apu_1.png)


為什麼台灣的老歌都是台語? 台語很好聽但是聽不懂, 沒有人唱普通話嗎?


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aaeac0 No.9169



國語老歌我不熟 鄧麗君?

台灣講普通話也就這幾十年被國民黨硬推的 老一輩聽台語比較多

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45e1f8 No.9170

File: 5957b8b799fc7ca⋯.png (417.24 KB,657x680,657:680,1599234498771.png)


>台灣講普通話也就這幾十年被國民黨硬推的 老一輩聽台語比較多

哪一輩? 我在台灣出生 99年住到 12 年, 我記得我代聽懂但不說台語. X代也不講, 應該是 Boomer 代吧.

>只有會說 幹你ˉ ㄋㄧㄤˊ


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aaeac0 No.9171




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be943a No.9172




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be943a No.9173

File: eb6f8aadb6f032a⋯.jpg (252.92 KB,813x619,813:619,uzqAbqj.jpg)

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be943a No.9174

>康軒吹哨者風波 女員工看到霸凌字條痛哭崩潰


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be943a No.9175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

俺 参上!!

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be943a No.9176



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e3e1a4 No.9177

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e3e1a4 No.9179

>徐國勇為實坪制舌戰高嘉瑜 館長批民進黨「把台灣囝仔當白癡」

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e3e1a4 No.9181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e3e1a4 No.9182

>魯凱族長老攜十字架自焚燒成火球 抗議屏縣府拆違建永久屋

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2d20a9 No.9187

File: e74cd7fcf6935e5⋯.jpg (13.56 KB,396x189,44:21,tr8t55Y.jpg)

>研究:慢慢眯起眼睛 可與貓咪增進感情交流

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fe4ea4 No.9191

>泰國學運升級 總理宣布曼谷進入緊急狀態

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fe4ea4 No.9192


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fe4ea4 No.9193

File: 50ce9b4ccf5a609⋯.png (337.5 KB,663x931,663:931,LsZqUNV.png)


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fe4ea4 No.9194

File: 84b84b95cb70de4⋯.jpg (104.56 KB,553x782,553:782,l_2020_sineva001_w400.jpg)


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fe4ea4 No.9195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f49f64 No.9196


>「鬼滅の刃 無限列車編」40億円突破!

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f49f64 No.9199

>紐郵不刪拜登兒醜聞 推特拒解封

>爆不完!拜登團隊再被指吸收推特 臉書至少8高層


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e4fdb2 No.9207

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e4fdb2 No.9209

File: e4fc3f1e95f08f1⋯.jpg (100.79 KB,916x674,458:337,YqPufGG.jpg)

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54f90f No.9210




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54f90f No.9211

File: 9dea04d0335f409⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,3096x4128,3:4,WRG1rKV.jpg)


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72a072 No.9214

File: 9d5aa80ec1754f1⋯.jpg (134.12 KB,670x956,335:478,ElsRolVU8AAqCd9.jpg)



>超越天氣之子 再把波妞跟阿凡達幹掉就前十

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72a072 No.9215

File: 5ed1da7505abc93⋯.jpg (851.04 KB,1772x1181,1772:1181,EltlAMCU4AE6v8u.jpg)

JR九州 SL鬼滅の刃

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72a072 No.9217

File: 1fb3747bbc2505c⋯.mp4 (365.21 KB,320x568,40:71,_EXILE_.mp4)

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07eb7a No.9222

File: 0999b5299b8e6d5⋯.jpg (178.03 KB,804x745,804:745,FireShot_Capture_227_Elect….jpg)

舔共失智老人大勢已去 就算先把鐵票加州55張全算上也是



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07eb7a No.9223



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07eb7a No.9224




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07eb7a No.9226

>美國若明年1月無法產生總統 學者:裴洛西將宣誓就職


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f9c3c9 No.9227



加上黨內不挺 媒體網路平台封殺 各國開始祝賀拜登

變成川普大勢已去了 就算他不認帳


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f9c3c9 No.9228





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f9c3c9 No.9229

File: c55e35863cfe64b⋯.jpg (191.54 KB,1700x888,425:222,XCM2nJ0.jpg)

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f9c3c9 No.9231



(怎麼看鬼滅票房逼近神隱少女) 干我屁事

(有看過鬼滅嗎) 沒有

(神隱少女快不是第一了耶) 隨便啦我要丟垃圾

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f9c3c9 No.9232

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71196a No.9233



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6aa21d No.9237

File: ac5b197d880292e⋯.jpg (12.47 KB,350x263,350:263,84c7066c079d7f961c8a868d17….jpg)

>不走川普老路! 拜登:抗中但不行「懲罰貿易」

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90a741 No.9238

File: eda6f6e770071b9⋯.jpg (99.95 KB,960x960,1:1,125391993_3662234407160267….jpg)

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90a741 No.9239



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90a741 No.9241



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cf198a No.9242




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fa566c No.9245

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b3a25e No.9246


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593477 No.9249

>陸企花大錢買小島 「你家變成我家」逼島民3天打包滾蛋

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56d840 No.9252

低端信仰無異於黑道 半夜放炮燒房燒人也逍遙法外

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71238d No.9254



也許能出現新的K島 也許不能 在這之前他們自己先分家了就是


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71238d No.9255


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71238d No.9256

發震時間:2020/12/10 21:19:58

位置:北緯 24.74度,東經 122.03度

即在宜蘭縣政府東方 27.2 公里 ,位於臺灣東部海域



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ab4abd No.9257


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8aa950 No.9261

更新失敗 爛WIN10

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2769ce No.9263



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2769ce No.9269

File: ff4e3193d478e4e⋯.png (1005.13 KB,1024x771,1024:771,20180701094221.png)



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11c5d2 No.9270

File: e536fb950b4d11a⋯.jpg (596.79 KB,699x643,699:643,CdRvu4q.jpg)

It's me,Mario.

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39dbb7 No.9274

File: d8fd98ec6d31dfb⋯.jpg (21.3 KB,480x360,4:3,0.jpg)

File: 89e187153d7ffe1⋯.jpg (402.15 KB,870x1884,145:314,rY2VTdy.jpg)

File: 249924ec80f978d⋯.jpg (365.74 KB,870x1884,145:314,9yYO7QE.jpg)

File: 019b7d5ee9efe3e⋯.jpg (41.88 KB,826x473,826:473,ujuJAyX.jpg)

File: a11285af5127602⋯.jpeg (113 KB,614x960,307:480,t5c51l8.jpeg)

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39dbb7 No.9277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b8748b No.9278



「鬼滅の刃 無限列車編」72日間で


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b8748b No.9280



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0e011b No.9283

File: 64344567ded8de6⋯.mp4 (5.18 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Shia_LaBeouf_Just_Do_It_Mo….mp4)


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5fbdaf No.9284

File: 33ce53e689571fe⋯.jpg (268.95 KB,850x850,1:1,sample_6fa7bfd7748b4a54ffb….jpg)

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d230e9 No.9286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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127623 No.9292



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127623 No.9293


推特 臉書 IG youtube抗瀣一氣



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127623 No.9294

推特今天表示,除川普帳號被停權外,將永久停用推送極右派陰謀論團體「匿名者Q」(QAnon)內容的帳號,包括總統川普的前國家安全顧問佛林(Michael Flynn)及前川普陣營律師鮑爾(Sidney Powell)的帳號。

推特也停用邊緣論壇8kun管理員華金斯(Ron Watkins)的帳號,這個論壇實際上是「匿名者Q」陰謀論運動的大本營。


技術顧問也被砍了 麻煩了

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259199 No.9296

File: 31543486ccbd992⋯.png (165.39 KB,595x370,119:74,ErbWMGOUUAYG9nY.png)

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259199 No.9298

>封殺川普帳號震驚歐洲 社群媒體免死金牌引熱議


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b9584b No.9300

>社群移民潮再起,無廣告、無過濾的 MeWe 能成為 Facebook、Twitter 替代方案嗎?


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b9584b No.9302

>誰才是言論自由的最大隱憂?Google、蘋果、亞馬遜接連封殺社群媒體 Parler

>Snapchat 跟進封川普帳號,Google 旗下平台禁政治廣告至拜登上任

網路終究是演變成了大企業決定一切 反正絕大多數人離不開他們

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b38875 No.9317

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4e6089 No.9321

File: 0a7296cb788eca1⋯.jpg (128.8 KB,1076x1522,538:761,1aDb7XTzZNoP7DIOYocrtv.jpg)

File: 78386cacec696be⋯.jpg (39.08 KB,556x485,556:485,58rWOxLuHx76slAUYdWZGb.jpg)

File: d710d7e090a8cb8⋯.jpg (241.09 KB,1224x1224,1:1,33rsVOKwyk0kCOqI9TtJd1.jpg)

File: 1754e04905a49f8⋯.png (517.94 KB,600x726,100:121,1xSt7o7nmxY4v4eL1K8Qv.png)

File: ebf278285cab784⋯.jpg (56.3 KB,600x300,2:1,27GHBsS8eiADklOPt2MLA8.jpg)

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fef28e No.9324


>拜登簽行政令 允許自認女性的男性使用女用設施


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77f2c5 No.9327

File: 1cd6f955654452e⋯.jpg (676.47 KB,1920x1080,16:9,nTyk9V3.jpg)

File: 396415983f3dac9⋯.jpg (76.06 KB,690x388,345:194,EfSdExF.jpg)

File: 32419e9ca071a0f⋯.jpg (59.92 KB,690x388,345:194,4wU9nR9.jpg)

File: 20317c6ae8efae9⋯.jpg (72.77 KB,1080x540,2:1,rFOijoj.jpg)

File: 659940e0bce06d1⋯.jpg (139.27 KB,1080x540,2:1,MmJ30Ll.jpg)


想當年還得特地帶43等?刀背大蔥鴨來回飛 黑色眼神不讓逃

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da6b8f No.9328



破壞原作 不看了

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572266 No.9336



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48b57a No.9337


Clubhouse已經被牆了 雖然是中資

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48b57a No.9339

有搖沒警報不搖報十次 媽的智障

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a41c3a No.9341

>靜悄悄 拜登取消川普限制孔子學院政策

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a41c3a No.9344

>快訊/拜登政府停止「微信禁令」 重審對美國安威脅

>拜登與習通話後推文 稱若有益美國人 願與中國合作


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e9dbc5 No.9345





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875b8c No.9350

> 不只京華城!旋轉豪宅也由沈慶京催生

>京華城今熄燈!18 年賠掉 130 億,沈慶京:開幕那天就知道完蛋了

>陶朱隱園等不到買家 傳封盤不賣


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875b8c No.9351

File: 309878a974ddfa2⋯.jpg (66.81 KB,506x515,506:515,EuL9VF0VEAkpRt4.jpg)


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875b8c No.9352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3929d5 No.9356



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3929d5 No.9357

File: 82753dd53591104⋯.jpg (21.84 KB,640x356,160:89,40400002e6b939125c19.jpg)


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3929d5 No.9947

驗證碼不管用了嗎 居然有換IP洗版

CAPTCHA is cracked? change IP flooding post

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3929d5 No.9948

File: 7e1d27b91687586⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,4.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,EDlXnsv.gif)

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000000 No.9951


I post over Tor and it works fine for me.

Remember to use Tor if once Xi Jinping will censor Taiwanese internet


Poor him

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000000 No.9953


Its also better to use Tor for normal internet usage

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010df4 No.9965

靠夭 老外們怎麽知道這裡?

這裡的管管呢? 該作事了

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825276 No.9967




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b7d3bd No.9970

File: cbbfa0970ca27f9⋯.jpg (111.81 KB,800x914,400:457,map_of_taiwan_max.jpg)



算了 是時候該讓老外們認識這裏台灣K島文化

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b7d3bd No.9971



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b7d3bd No.9972


等等 看來我也是老外了


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b7d3bd No.9974





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b7d3bd No.9975


看vichan板幾個新發文也這樣 可能是啥東西設定錯誤


另外這邊用ipv4還只能看文 v6才能發文操作

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4e2f06 No.9977

耶 復活了

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5d8372 No.9983

File: ee25759e7f02df3⋯.jpg (209.33 KB,1852x2621,1852:2621,EvJqkW7UUAUwJwV.jpg)

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5d8372 No.9984

File: 031304320fc8506⋯.jpg (15.92 KB,500x274,250:137,unnamed.jpg)


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088005 No.9997


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594811 No.10000

File: 9c066ac98f72bd8⋯.jpg (203.79 KB,1024x576,16:9,LcmzGGP.jpg)

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f5a071 No.10003

>拜登被疑認知衰退!上台50幾天還沒開記者會 創百年紀錄

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60f5b3 No.10006

File: 88f51e61d821c64⋯.jpg (376.89 KB,640x3445,128:689,1615723248543.jpg)



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fdbc25 No.10013

>加州提案SB-82 非持械搶劫或降為輕罪


>美墨偷渡激增 國安部:20年來最多非法移民


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fdbc25 No.10015

File: 3c63f043cf65b03⋯.gif (4.25 MB,600x338,300:169,ptUpf7i.gif)


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acf7cb No.10019

File: 7da0e89cd036efd⋯.gif (791.26 KB,300x169,300:169,ckSHljz.gif)

>快訊/與女記者在局長室辦公桌上嘿咻!丁允恭遭撤職 停止任用2年

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9c14cd No.10020

File: a56db54cd2d3014⋯.jpg (40.43 KB,680x436,170:109,ExNhyhEVEAEDgZP.jpg)



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04f893 No.10021

File: 94edee77c5e55c7⋯.png (387.45 KB,800x369,800:369,HDisIQm.png)

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10a5f5 No.10029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ffbc5b No.10030

>時代的眼淚!Yahoo奇摩知識+宣布5月4日關閉 網友童年回憶湧現

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eea068 No.10033

File: 6b17f1df51b3682⋯.png (286.27 KB,453x339,151:113,CMlpVLC.png)

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29f589 No.10036



這島就這樣啦只想大事化小小事化無 不斷把標準拉更低

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29f589 No.10038


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620be4 No.10040

>丁怡銘請辭4個月 上月回鍋政院任顧問月薪12萬


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620be4 No.10041

File: a1498d7b8a76c65⋯.jpg (144.94 KB,760x1125,152:225,CJJYB45QGZHVZHY5BCSV7U57CM.jpg)

western loves XI.

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2137ec No.10043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2137ec No.10044

File: 66d7066abd6ec32⋯.jpg (7.07 KB,200x252,50:63,_.jpg)

>涉收中資500萬在台發展共諜組織 王炳忠、周泓旭5人全無罪

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2f5d5a No.10045



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2167df No.10048


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468046 No.10049

File: 4188b37a28dc11b⋯.jpg (507.8 KB,1200x628,300:157,2021_05_04_609145c6bfbd5.jpg)

欸 你知道嗎 失控火箭的速度


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df256e No.10053


長征五號火箭殘骸墜落印度洋 地點近馬爾地夫

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4573ed No.10054

File: 53a308a34e470cd⋯.jpg (58.77 KB,780x512,195:128,w1200.jpg)

愛降低標準圖利 出事就有人要跳樓

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4573ed No.10055


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4573ed No.10056


鐵達尼拿掉一半救生艇 然後撞山就知死

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51d094 No.10057

Taiwan can(not) help.

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4961d9 No.10058

File: b3b6a55a9835628⋯.jpg (67.58 KB,800x435,160:87,r6FJT7J.jpg)

File: e68e0ca1ebeefef⋯.mp4 (6 MB,960x720,4:3,cn6DZ4G.mp4)

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4961d9 No.10059

File: ef5073f5a4c9f34⋯.jpg (257.46 KB,749x361,749:361,W1fAWrF.jpg)

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4961d9 No.10060

File: 10d85229795601d⋯.jpg (155.22 KB,600x390,20:13,uvhYOhJ.jpg)

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a03526 No.10061

File: bf0e2a47b2ebd2c⋯.jpg (806.3 KB,4096x2893,4096:2893,E1zHeLKUUAEF8JD.jpg)

漫画家・三浦建太郎さんが死去 54歳 『ベルセルク』など

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0013b7 No.10062

File: c5da4c24482ee45⋯.jpg (56.86 KB,600x375,8:5,UlQT6pl.jpg)


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0013b7 No.10063

File: dd4a6c4117e33f2⋯.jpg (41.42 KB,828x486,46:27,E1_q0_UUYAIOYP1.jpg)

File: 11616ee079327e7⋯.jpg (68.46 KB,828x462,138:77,E1_q0_TVcAI_vFY.jpg)



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1f2256 No.10064

天天校正天天開心 今天案例永遠比較少

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1f2256 No.10065

File: 2b9902f54b6619b⋯.jpg (95.96 KB,744x921,248:307,D3ubDJO.jpg)

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1f2256 No.10066

File: 8df54b336aa6079⋯.gif (8.39 MB,640x360,16:9,LHvcTS3.gif)

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15358e No.10073

File: 658e4e0c60cbeee⋯.gif (1.91 MB,498x280,249:140,1536060228_tenor.gif)


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15358e No.10074





台灣:自肥的政府 色情行業

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15358e No.10075

File: de2da84e19fdfa3⋯.jpg (343.62 KB,2208x1242,16:9,g37BaSO.jpg)

File: 704a4a6613a2f61⋯.gif (1.34 MB,654x368,327:184,ReZpCzK.gif)

File: c04ecca7b674899⋯.gif (3.57 MB,654x368,327:184,pXgL9t8.gif)


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15358e No.10076


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692884 No.10077

File: 4e41dc01effb022⋯.jpg (434.84 KB,2599x1885,2599:1885,1622399920237.jpg)


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15358e No.10078



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15358e No.10079

File: 562657045413649⋯.png (561.46 KB,526x526,1:1,35ekKgm.png)

國產買了 股價跌了 還要擋嗎

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ae3940 No.10080



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15358e No.10081

[快訊]蔡英文親自澄清 絕對沒有炒股 😏

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15358e No.10082



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891ffe No.10084

File: 524846e288396ef⋯.jpg (40.17 KB,600x441,200:147,d5657649.jpg)

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891ffe No.10085

File: 73a94fefb0dbd12⋯.jpg (114.3 KB,960x880,12:11,luxVw2W.jpg)



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891ffe No.10086



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891ffe No.10088




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705b60 No.10089

File: e1939cfb6be1817⋯.jpg (61.07 KB,1024x680,128:85,1cc2ad85d7dcfc900e9b4250d1….jpg)



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705b60 No.10091

File: 56173570b91a2d6⋯.jpg (430.89 KB,2000x2000,1:1,zt94tAh.jpg)

File: a6e5f1504c1ba7b⋯.jpg (350.29 KB,720x1016,90:127,GgQ60it.jpg)

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705b60 No.10092


跌停變漲停 騙人接盤囉

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705b60 No.10093

>5月底請辭 疫苗審查委員會已不能維持獨立性與專業性!陳培哲:最大困難就是來自蔡英文總統

跳船啦 好過對其他人的爛事背書

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9e22bc No.10094

File: 4b813633547c9b9⋯.jpg (244.64 KB,750x1024,375:512,REXY2i9.jpg)

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fce37a No.10095

File: 1be5c863a8c0501⋯.jpg (51.66 KB,953x234,953:234,wCx7Fsf.jpg)

別打了 自己人

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fce37a No.10097

File: dd16d30ffb01387⋯.jpg (15.87 KB,480x360,4:3,_.jpg)

>85歲連戰罹惡性腫瘤住院 醫生建議施打疫苗


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fce37a No.10098

File: c452be2fd61f728⋯.gif (350.7 KB,200x200,1:1,2r00Rop.gif)

>北市公布中央郵件!週五才告知疫苗數量 竟要求一小時內回覆配送點


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e5370f No.10099


>黃光芹號召捐贈冷氣、防疫物資竟遭衛福部開罰! 網友抱不平

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e5370f No.10100

>微軟預告將淘汰Windows 10!2025年停止支援更新


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e5370f No.10101

>獨/南檢驚爆「疫苗打了」 全國檢方昨才准列冊「那要辦好心肝嗎」

特權自肥 雙重標準

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8f6d87 No.10106

File: 6e3998c36d3c9fa⋯.jpg (325.66 KB,1539x856,1539:856,p6nHTXX.jpg)




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d09bab No.10121

File: 182c51fa7024afe⋯.jpg (907.24 KB,1920x1029,640:343,OnTunNR.jpg)


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14e148 No.10123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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14e148 No.10125

File: 9af9a8dff2e329f⋯.jpg (112.66 KB,744x751,744:751,1624874498055.jpg)

File: bf1325cbb99d0c6⋯.jpeg (698.8 KB,1506x1156,753:578,qDibegv.jpeg)


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4672a5 No.10130

File: 36b673b5590eddb⋯.jpg (118.98 KB,800x659,800:659,262d941626cac00eb56386529b….jpg)

>送花籃諷衛福部「下民易虐」16字 朱學恒遭告妨害公務

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4672a5 No.10131

File: 22fe0ea41dd1cc1⋯.jpg (21.65 KB,500x371,500:371,usami.jpg)



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4672a5 No.10133

File: 098120c77141448⋯.png (129.66 KB,750x213,250:71,3o4130f.png)


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4672a5 No.10137

>林昶佐嗆柯P講廢話 遭攤商酸騙肖:演戲去別的地方演,滾


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4f7ba8 No.10140

File: abccb2dda9afd6e⋯.jpg (881.76 KB,1280x960,4:3,PHAxobD.jpg)


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42be0c No.10144

File: 190acab92399468⋯.jpg (92.39 KB,675x900,3:4,5sUALJC.jpg)

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266f72 No.10150

File: e7ecb50aebe2f32⋯.jpg (12.98 KB,274x184,137:92,HAHAUCCU.jpg)


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266f72 No.10151

File: 29b4c87e378b1af⋯.jpg (1007.25 KB,2822x2117,2822:2117,jJzusrW.jpg)

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266f72 No.10152

File: c42e6b0aff7e0cd⋯.jpg (131.59 KB,640x640,1:1,917dfd80055508a63fdb49d0a5….jpg)


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266f72 No.10153

File: 303c38036f9a7fa⋯.jpg (56.72 KB,436x640,109:160,e09kSDxl.jpg)

File: 3a0bdcd4e55dee4⋯.jpg (67.73 KB,455x640,91:128,YeFxNcrl.jpg)

File: 7a7ac221586b031⋯.jpg (52.14 KB,457x640,457:640,UyaoGOCl.jpg)

File: 0a794dc8a7d7157⋯.jpg (58.76 KB,473x640,473:640,3KI3Hzpl.jpg)

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897edc No.10154

>快訊/台中家教男疫調不老實!疑憂劈腿超連結曝光 46友全匡列


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4f6334 No.10155

File: 77e5176ed464f33⋯.jpg (444.77 KB,2000x1755,400:351,1626531029458.jpg)

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4f6334 No.10156

File: 990a3eb86c7c670⋯.jpg (73.81 KB,482x482,1:1,https_cdn_ak_img_shonenjum….jpg)

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be5030 No.10157


>桃園版男人幫!10天26確診「一半是特殊交友圈」 他8天內就住5旅館


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be5030 No.10158


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e6f156 No.10160

File: 10c1a59dae22ef8⋯.jpg (22.99 KB,610x641,610:641,zdZBZw9.jpg)

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e6f156 No.10163

File: 9a549276dfeff07⋯.jpg (340.49 KB,2048x1350,1024:675,E7QgDi_UUAA3M9v.jpg)


在違反規定的啦啦隊面前華麗的被小日本打爆 笑死

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fe8539 No.10164

File: 225b9610b6a8674⋯.jpg (19.79 KB,525x425,21:17,vNW3myhh.jpg)

>白思豪:紐約市30日起 打第一針疫苗送100元

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cff581 No.10168


京アニ事件想起か、表現を修正 話題漫画「ルックバック」―集英社

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443df9 No.10169



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443df9 No.10171

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344b1f No.10172

File: 7b9e554558b952a⋯.jpg (99.43 KB,600x338,300:169,UjM1CKP.jpg)

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344b1f No.10173

File: 2de10eb71c8e200⋯.jpg (575.73 KB,998x1330,499:665,d5ca58a9ee9d5b5f46a3cc313e….jpg)

>全球暖化海冰消融 皇帝企鵝2100年前恐瀕臨滅絕

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344b1f No.10174


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29a290 No.10175

File: b6080cbe8197312⋯.jpg (173.46 KB,1200x722,600:361,e607c411_92fd_4837_b8ac_1b….jpg)

好 就用惟心流現實扭曲能力救贖所有角色兼重開世界 順帶情懷下

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29a290 No.10176

>美軍撤軍 阿富汗首都淪陷 將和平轉移政權

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29a290 No.10177

File: 6eedca37660e4c7⋯.jpg (207.89 KB,849x1200,283:400,E85ZhoCUYAEiLcr.jpg)

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8a2f53 No.10182

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8a2f53 No.10184

File: 7c24baa7ff644f5⋯.png (714.71 KB,640x477,640:477,unnamed_1_.png)


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8b2096 No.10189

File: dc911f66a5b0c72⋯.jpg (33.76 KB,750x422,375:211,_ep2_01_750x422.jpg)



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8b2096 No.10190

File: de606c415781825⋯.jpg (43.93 KB,656x492,4:3,Bo8O05v.jpg)



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8b2096 No.10191

File: b10bca4ae2d4906⋯.jpg (26.79 KB,780x470,78:47,Ultimate_insult_Taliban_fi….jpg)

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212205 No.10193

>154走私貓將「人道處理」 蔡英文痛心:會修法更符合人道精神


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212205 No.10195

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212205 No.10196


>專欄作家昨打高端今不適送醫亡 桃市通報指揮中心判定


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266589 No.10205

File: b28929080a24a70⋯.jpg (58.31 KB,640x480,4:3,9rTL0Vz.jpg)


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60df39 No.10211


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f519ee No.10216

>西門町最後一間「肯德基」熄燈!結束36年營業歲月 首度無店面

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f519ee No.10217

>20億補助八大行業 直匯員工戶頭


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f519ee No.10218


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7ea6f0 No.10219



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9d5e97 No.10220

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7ea6f0 No.10221

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7ea6f0 No.10222

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12645f No.10223

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12645f No.10224

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12645f No.10225


還在 只是版面縮放會自動省略

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afb886 No.10230



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13c3e5 No.10231


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329dde No.10232

File: de66840b18b3e96⋯.png (8.67 KB,1464x789,488:263,_BSDSBSDBGSDGH_.PNG)


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