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File: 52016eab9e82ef8⋯.png (683.42 KB,941x631,941:631,1555584864347.png)

fbcfb6 No.6746



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fbcfb6 No.6761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

看 很簡單吧

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fbcfb6 No.6762

File: c21345ff4b9acdd⋯.png (110.04 KB,256x256,1:1,47a5a3c9-d648-461c-9d96-ea….png)

File: cd2e1f952df65ec⋯.png (38.25 KB,398x565,398:565,canvas.png)

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789b59 No.6764

File: 0f5d34cff2dfbc8⋯.png (501.49 KB,800x567,800:567,下載.png)

智障AI www

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789b59 No.6765

File: 3fb67c3ee9fb8e1⋯.png (302.81 KB,800x567,800:567,下載.png)


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789b59 No.6766

File: 00c7bb9a6e50971⋯.png (115.04 KB,256x256,1:1,f656c45d-ee01-4c5b-b7c4-84….png)

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789b59 No.6767

File: db7ea90ff979dbc⋯.png (117.86 KB,256x256,1:1,65656.png)


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789b59 No.6768

File: 660aa651ab6e9d1⋯.png (270.51 KB,800x567,800:567,65656.png)


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