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File: 31f4a8cc7d15e20⋯.jpg (64.2 KB,800x1069,800:1069,1540174216569.jpg)

18bcdf No.2366 [View All]


75 posts and 79 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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94183e No.3646

File: dd26bcbe39fe41c⋯.jpg (337.5 KB,705x1155,47:77,72061669_p0_master1200.jpg)

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7038a5 No.3652

File: 66f3de574e900af⋯.webm (15.16 MB,600x800,3:4,1544835350584.webm)


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448411 No.3682

File: 10b29cb681eb01e⋯.webm (3.08 MB,960x720,4:3,1545004469544.webm)

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94183e No.3720

File: 1033a57477cc977⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,1000x1473,1000:1473,5.jpg)

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7e5bd0 No.3745

File: 380606e8162cec4⋯.jpg (568.51 KB,1200x675,16:9,71703152_p1_master1200.jpg)

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11dc9e No.3775

File: d302cbf7f30820c⋯.png (1.35 MB,876x1238,438:619,Du3H9uXVAAAHF3y.png)

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3904b9 No.3815

File: c9f5532b081de07⋯.png (396.82 KB,700x910,10:13,takarada_rikka.png)

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3904b9 No.3844

File: 58acbacfab2e9ec⋯.jpg (491.24 KB,886x1200,443:600,72189849_p0_master1200.jpg)

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3904b9 No.3846

File: 5f806512d42abba⋯.jpg (493.97 KB,886x1200,443:600,72189849_p1_master1200.jpg)


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c902b4 No.3946

File: fcfd6420276bd7d⋯.jpg (46.04 KB,593x532,593:532,1545791150125.jpg)

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28fade No.3971

File: c51f473c2410501⋯.jpg (271.06 KB,720x406,360:203,DqaxMghVsAAZ4Dl.jpg)


天空很藍 六花眼睛很漂亮 氣氛很青春 發展很賣玩具



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28fade No.3972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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28fade No.3978

File: 789f84ab61cb577⋯.jpg (68.85 KB,600x725,24:29,DvVH0BGVsAAHL9l.jpg)


不給同人創作 官方卻出這個

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6418a6 No.4004

File: 5d44f2f21bb95c6⋯.jpg (669.65 KB,1920x1080,16:9,DblnJBR.jpg)


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6418a6 No.4005


——第 9 話中,茜是打算將裕太等人困在夢的世界之中,如果那個作戰成功了的話,裕太等人會死亡嗎?


——第 10 話中,安奇覺醒了自己與“人類”相近的存在,進而變身成了古立特騎士。這樣的展開是最初就決定好了的嗎?








——第 5 話的在通往校外學習的電車裡,裕太夢見了古立特,這是怎麼一回事呢?



是從原作《電光超人古立特》中“擁有真正值得信賴的朋友才是最強的武器”這一結論萌生的想法。這裡所說的武器不是那種攻擊 weapon 那樣的意思。




我知道有這種 genre,但並沒有百合的想法。我只是想描寫簡單的友人同伴關係。

——最後一幕讓茜以實拍的方式登場的 idea,是誰以何種理由提出的嗎?







我喜歡第 8 話。可能是因為學校的描寫比較多。

——本作是 1 季全 12 話構成的,假如是 2~4 季的作品的話,您想加入怎樣的劇集呢?





我喜歡最初動筆的第 3.3 回(譯註:《でもでも本當は》)。宮本(侑芽)小姐的演技十分精彩。


是在本篇的劇本全部寫完之後才開始動筆的。除了第 11.11 回(譯註:《怪獣が居る街で》)之外,都是不考慮主題,隨著彼時彼刻的靈感來寫的。










飾演裕太的廣瀨(裕也)經常被前輩調侃,我感覺這是對他的愛。飾演怪獸少女(阿諾西拉斯 2 代)的高橋花林小姐即使在沒有台詞的時候也會每周到現場來,我也很有印象。



——最後,希望您能對我們《Megami MAGAZINE》的讀者說一些話。


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571c64 No.4096

File: 2ca51caf45e1f3c⋯.jpg (71.76 KB,600x600,1:1,1546335431842.jpg)

File: 780c1fb92cb5ee1⋯.jpg (68.44 KB,600x600,1:1,1546335393237.jpg)


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53a0f6 No.4144

File: b0114a08d3ca8ef⋯.gif (3.58 MB,423x701,423:701,1546369205352.gif)


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f9c3d1 No.4358

File: b4a52206b4d7c02⋯.jpg (148.35 KB,1444x2048,361:512,Dwe3sbHUwAAwaSv.jpg)

File: c84aced1813f64b⋯.jpg (241.8 KB,640x640,1:1,Dme3sdHUmVVmaSv.jpg)


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25d70e No.4359



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17afc7 No.4394

File: 1f24117c429d183⋯.gif (2.11 MB,720x720,1:1,1547296211090.gif)


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886d5a No.4470

File: 372423dfd83cb59⋯.gif (2.61 MB,840x630,4:3,1547295883960.gif)

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886d5a No.4493

File: 845ac051a1b9a1e⋯.gif (2.23 MB,720x720,1:1,1547295988387.gif)

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50c15e No.4515

File: 994698a3c2161c6⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,4566x3456,761:576,1547908870211.jpg)

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0215ba No.4526

File: a7a68a6a4d4d76b⋯.jpg (278.08 KB,1445x2048,1445:2048,facebook_1547978135695.jpg)

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65138e No.4655

File: a4483bb530b2919⋯.jpg (887.14 KB,5048x3552,631:444,1547917228038.jpg)

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7c6cb5 No.4746

File: 90d51a818370113⋯.jpg (289.3 KB,1444x2048,361:512,1544855750960.jpg)


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7c6cb5 No.4764

File: b3a3318a7cf3db8⋯.jpg (3.74 MB,3916x2936,979:734,1549180963566.jpg)


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aab45c No.4869

File: d4a319adf18a9a5⋯.jpg (77.36 KB,533x800,533:800,1549357782049.jpg)

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e6754d No.4887

File: 33597554007c9d6⋯.jpg (303.75 KB,1699x2048,1699:2048,1549896268521.jpg)

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04603a No.4924

File: f9d46d5c45b9e31⋯.jpg (806.82 KB,1450x2048,725:1024,1549194617581.jpg)

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04603a No.4948

File: 7074d45803445b3⋯.jpg (253.06 KB,1444x2048,361:512,1550163116397.jpg)

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b2767e No.4996

File: 1891c66db6565f7⋯.jpg (186.22 KB,1444x2048,361:512,1550163116398.jpg)

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dce229 No.5091

File: 4d8f5c3471a46d4⋯.jpg (303.83 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,Dq7cAwAV4AA7MLn.jpg)

File: a643d8f004b8f17⋯.jpg (330.17 KB,2048x1364,512:341,Dsh_DEaU8AIGwfK.jpg)

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b2767e No.5223

File: 5f1ba3ca8476b6a⋯.jpg (160.23 KB,1444x2048,361:512,1550837977603.jpg)

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ba9fbb No.5310

File: 5e66d0f3d35f14e⋯.jpg (183.63 KB,1444x2048,361:512,D0I9dIGVsAEyeAK.jpg)

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ba9fbb No.5346

File: 6d8b06cf7c74397⋯.png (2.01 MB,1033x1500,1033:1500,1551188422816.png)

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dcd0e6 No.5424

File: e4be50b37be382b⋯.jpg (116.8 KB,722x1024,361:512,1551273320643.jpg)

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740162 No.5492

File: da451e21be8f8ad⋯.jpg (236.56 KB,1100x620,55:31,1551537689717.jpg)


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13d184 No.5493



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dcd0e6 No.5494

File: 2e1f7564cb879cd⋯.png (294.71 KB,580x750,58:75,DuXurRMUwAIP5ED.png)


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63fe87 No.5724

File: b8108b8cea0871d⋯.png (472.6 KB,2424x1080,101:45,1542021799598.png)


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6d39c5 No.5787

File: 25b542e3b5bcb73⋯.jpg (183.98 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1552054122828.jpg)



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d2d5c5 No.5822

File: 36d47d4aeeafb47⋯.jpg (62.19 KB,827x827,1:1,1552231542530.jpg)


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451ba2 No.6129

File: 585531c07f4d215⋯.jpg (177.68 KB,1199x1200,1199:1200,1553251487744.jpg)

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17a5b5 No.6285

File: 975462891920dd5⋯.jpg (139.98 KB,1444x2048,361:512,D3DsHi8VYAAlh85.jpg)


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62f431 No.6318

File: a903c11c6fb0cc3⋯.jpg (255.07 KB,1442x2048,721:1024,D3ORtDSVYAAD0JB.jpg)

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73bd48 No.6444

File: 643d4f6909e832b⋯.jpg (204.67 KB,1442x2048,721:1024,DwnKWi1UwAAtJQ3.jpg)

File: dc27fc0badd613a⋯.jpg (423.85 KB,820x1146,410:573,Dx7UbK_UcAA5aVA.jpg)

File: af81a70643bdb88⋯.jpg (219.34 KB,1444x2048,361:512,DyJKxLAUYAAYqWC.jpg)

File: 21f694230c822ea⋯.jpg (88.98 KB,722x1024,361:512,D08-03qUwAAPH58.jpg)

File: 05a493b105d713a⋯.jpg (181.23 KB,1444x2048,361:512,D1sVJkWUgAA_mJP.jpg)


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b0078c No.6925

File: 4abbfee6a8a2c46⋯.jpg (433.36 KB,1228x1840,307:460,1556026056457.jpg)


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c7591d No.7003

File: 6c154f198e88036⋯.jpg (598.06 KB,4032x2816,63:44,1556346115012.jpg)

File: 968c8bd7ef0833c⋯.jpg (411.05 KB,4032x2586,672:431,1556345943823.jpg)

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1e54b5 No.7697

File: 823f1e11232653f⋯.png (1.33 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1559484647155.png)


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