I had a great week catching up on a mix of smaller work.
The manage tags dialog is now more efficient at making changes for very large numbers of files. My test application of 6 tags to 10,000 files went from 52 seconds to 4.8! A variety of other tag presentation updates should also benefit from the optimisations here.
I reworked my hacky multi-list sizing code. The various instances of the final column sizing weird should be much better. The horizontal scrollbar is enabled again.
A new checkbox under options->files and trash now lets you prefix any copied hash with the hash type, like "md5:2496dabcbd69e3c56a5d8caabb7acde5". If you often paste hashes into boorus or other search engines that take this format, this should make it a bit quicker!
I am rolling in default thread watchers for warosu, prolikewoah, and Warosu seems to have some CloudFlare stuff going on, so your mileage may vary.
full list
- misc:
- the new siblings and parents taglist menus now copy just the actual tag when you click, excluding the 'ideal/child/parent:' prefixes
- added a checkbox to _options->files and trash_ that allows you to automatically prefix hashes copied to clipboard with their hash type in a booru-lookup friendly manner, such as "md5:2496dabcbd69e3c56a5d8caabb7acde5"
- the media viewer now remembers if it was previously maximised when you set it to un-fullscreen (before, it would always restore-window-ise)
- fixed the 'test address' button in _manage services_ for hydrus administration services
- improved the 'add upnp mapping' error handling to better catch 'already mapped' error, with separate errors for redundant, already-on-but-wrong-port, and already-on-another-computer
- improved error handling when saving objects to the database, particularly for encoding or giganto-size-session errors
- rewrote my tag sibling lookup unit tests to deal with more situations
- wrote similar fairly comprehensive tag parent lookup unit tests
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- new downloaders:
- rolling in a user-created thread watcher for warosu. it may be CloudFlare hampered depending on your situation
- rolling in a prolikewoah thread watcher
- rolling in a thread watcher
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- multi-column lists:
- spent a bunch of time cleaning out how I calculate multi-column list preferred initial width/preferred current width/minimum width, and made the final column more flexible in its resizing. instances of dialog suddenly getting gigantic because of a final column that wants to size itself at 1,000px should be completely gone, and lists that are shrunk due to non-last-column resizing will now adapt to this situation and not try to flex back to total initial width.
- multi-column lists now have horizontal scrollbars again for those situations where the parent window is thinner than their (now better calculated) minimum size
- improved the multi-column list num_rows height calculation, it should have less empty space at the bottom for lists that grow as items are entered into them (such as in the download pages)
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- manage tags megajob speedup:
- sped up manage tags final application step when entering many tags for many thousands of files at once
- optimised UI-side per-file tag cache (re)generation, reducing overhead and surplus work
- granularised UI-side per-file tag cache (re)generation based on the four current tag display contexts–now, if a system (e.g. manage tags dialog) only needs storage tags, the different display tags do not need to be regenerated
- optimised all tag filtering, which is also used in UI-side tag cache regen
- overall, giganto manage tag dialog jobs should now be faster in several ways. on my dev machine, adding 6 tags to 10k reasonably tagged files went down from 52s to 4.8. even larger jobs will still need a lump of CPU time, but they should scale more efficiently (what was previously O( num_tag_changes x num_total_mappings ) is now O( num_total_mappings ), and better at that)
- when a huge number of tags is added at once in the manage tags dialog, 'recent tags' is now populated more carefully
next week
I want to do more of this work, catching up on older items and things that have piled up in the past few weeks. There are eight weeks left in the year. I want to do one large round of network updates, but otherwise just more like this!
I will be updating the 'network version' of hydrus next week, which will mean any client that talks to the PTR will need to update to keep syncing, or it will get a polite popup message telling them to. This will guarantee that all PTR clients will be on the new virtual sibling and parent caches, containing the problem of sibling and parent based surplus/faulty tags being uploaded. There should be another version update before the end of the year when I commit the planned network changes.
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