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File: ccbc600bb546807⋯.png (799 KB,1089x612,121:68,group_f2861da0fd889d168bf9….png)

cf5ec8 No.14665

I would like to set up a locally hosted booru for my (rather large) image collection. Having used hydrus before, I would like to use it in conjunction with hyve (https://github.com/imtbl/hyve) as a Web UI accessible by many devices, instead of relying on a danbooru instance, for example.

Some things that I'm thinking about are:

- I mostly use Docker images on a Debian-based headless system. hyve provides a Docker image for hydrus server to use so I think my plan will be to use the server version as host, use the client to manage the database, and use hyve's web UI to access the database on the Android devices which don't have the client.

- I'm not very knowledgeable so I'm mostly relying on using others prebuilt images.

- I'll probably want to test this out on a smaller imageset first as I'm well aware of how long it will take to set up a database of 50,000+ images.

I posted this here because I'm curious:

1. Does anyone else have a similar set-up to this and if they do, do they have any comments on how it's working?

2. Is there a better solution than hyve that would suit my purposes?

3. Would it make sense to find (or try to build) an up-to-date Docker image of the client to run on the host?

Thanks in advance for any replies, even if you just want to call me a fag.

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