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This board will be deleted next Wednesday. I am moving to a General on 8chan.moe /t/. This board is archived at 8chan.moe /hydrus/!

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8654cc No.14620


zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v407/Hydrus.Network.407.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip

exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v407/Hydrus.Network.407.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe


app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v407/Hydrus.Network.407.-.macOS.-.App.dmg


tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v407/Hydrus.Network.407.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz


tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/archive/v407.tar.gz

I had an ok week. I did some prep work for siblings, and fixed some bugs.


The right-click menu off a normal taglist now provides a whole bunch of different copy options, depending on whether you want all or selected, tags or subtags, and with or without counts.

I fixed a bunch of weird hover window issues in the media viewer. On a thin media viewer, the top-right window now squeezes into the smaller space better, and if it can't fit, it bumps down so you can still use it. The center-right duplicates window also positions correct on a thin window. And now moving your mouse off a clicked hover window will immediately restore focus to the main media window, which should eliminate some annoying click focus issues (usually when you click quickly after moving your mouse off, when the click can be swallowed).

A user has written a simpler getting started guide here: https://github.com/Zweibach/text/blob/master/Hydrus/Hydrus%20Help%20Docs/00_tableOfContents.md This is now linked at the top of my help as well. If you have had trouble with the denser official help, or you know someone else interested in hydrus who is similar, please give that a go.


This is about a somewhat advanced change to how siblings and parents will work at the database level. I'm doing big work behind the scenes soon, but nothing huge will change at the front end, feel free to skip.

v408 will introduce a database level cache of your current tags as they appear with siblings. This is a long-planned and large job that will improve accuracy, speed up a bunch of siblings stuff, and enable some neat features like namespace renaming. I did various prep work for this this week, but unfortunately it does not do much visible yet.

I also prepared some new options, but the back-end isn't ready to accept them yet. If you want to check them out, they are under services->manage where siblings apply. Instead of the old 'siblings only apply to their own service' vs 'siblings apply everywhere' option, we'll be moving to a neater per-service system, where you can say things like 'apply "my tags" and "PTR" siblings to "my tags"' or 'do not apply any siblings to service x'. The same will be true of parents, but I'll get siblings working first.

Also as part of this update, I have decided to make siblings and parents completely 'virtual', which means if a tag is changed by a sibling or added by a parent, it will appear as normal in any UI view, but it will not actually exist on the main store. Such tags will not be shared on the PTR, for instance, which means you can set up whatever situation you like, and it won't affect anyone else. It also means they will be completely undoable, so if a parent or sibling is wrong or reassigned, or if you want to stop or change which siblings apply to your view of the PTR, the virtual tags can just be recalculated from the unchanged main store. I know hard-replace actions are important to some users, so I will re-introduce this later under a modified or entirely different system–trying to support both virtual and non-virtual in the same pool has proved too messy to manage at large scale.

full list

- sibling prep:

- I am preparing for a new siblings database cache for v408. this will ultimately make siblings (and parents) faster, more accurate, more powerful, and simple to undo. I have decided, as part of it, to make siblings and parents completely virtual (i.e. the tags won't exist for real, they'll be implied). better tools to manage hard-replace siblings and parents will come later, as trying to support both situations at once has not been excellent

- .

- created options to hold per-service sibling and parent preferences, so you'll be able to set up '"my tags" siblings and then "ptr" siblings apply to "my tags"' or 'no parents apply to this service'

- wrote UI for the sibling options under 'services->manage where tag siblings apply'. you can play with it if you like, and it saves values, but it is not plugged in yet and makes no changes

- siblings logic is a little tighter. the db and gui side of siblings structure calculation is more unified, petitioned siblings are discounted properly on all generation, and the db side now resolves conflict decisions the same on every regen. the gui-side still runs on an older structure, but will be updated to exactly mirror the db

- updated and unified how large numbers of raw tag siblings are fetched in the database. it also supports fast tag slicing, speeding up sibling cache maintenance. the siblings lookup cache now uses this method for regeneration and update calls

- .

- the rest:

- tag right-click menu copying now supports all combinations of selected/all, tags/subtags, and no_count/with_counts where appropriate (issue #325)

- if the media viewer is too thin for the top hover window to fit into its space, the top-right hover now drops down below it. I don't really like how this looks, and will probably instead figure out a flow layout so the toolbar buttons always fit, but at least they are now accessible (issue #388)

- altered the above fix–if the top-right hover window can be shrunk to fit in the available space, it will now squeeze in, only bumping down if it can't

- moving the mouse off an activated (e.g. clicked) hover window now instantly activates the main canvas. this should fix up some fast swallowed clicks and annoying click-to-activate issues with the center-right duplicates hover window, which does not hide (issue #384)

- the duplicates hover window now positions correctly if its min size is too wide to fit in a thin media window

- if you make changes to a parser or content parser, there is now a yes/no confirmation when trying to cancel the dialog

- fixed an issue where 'queue' listboxes with no edit button would throw an error on double-click. now double-click in this case deletes

- fixed a couple of timestamp convertions that were doing YYYY/MM/DD instead of the more ISO-nice YYYY-MM-DD. also, when in UTC, they'll correctly say UTC now instead of GMT (issue #369)

- fixed some borked centered text layout on ratings dialog and import folder dialog

- fixed the manage services dialog's wrong headers for type/name columns

- added links in the official help to the new user-written simple help guide at https://github.com/Zweibach/text/blob/master/Hydrus/Hydrus%20Help%20Docs/00_tableOfContents.md

- moved object tag and ratings code to a new client module, 'metadata', and pulled various ratings gui code into a new separate file

- refactored some more manager code around to generally more sensible locations

- did a bit more work chasing down the highlight-downloader ui deadlock, which unfortunately still exists

- reduced the number of db hits some paged downloaders need, particularly on highlight and init

- updated some test code to support cleverer db testing

- updated mpv for windows build. api version is now 1.109. this fixes at least one weird linux vm audio driver issue

next week

So, I will try to get this cache working. I need to essentially mirror the existing tag and autocomplete caches, but after siblings collapse, ensure that is maintained through tag or sibling changes, and then plug it in to everything. There is a bunch of ancient code to update around here, and other auxiliary system to improve, so this may end up being a two week job. I'll update on Tuesday night as normal.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8654cc No.14633

Hey, I messed up the siblings dialog in 407, it won't ok correctly. I'll fix it all up in the bigger siblings work in 408.

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43e5e4 No.14641

>I fixed a bunch of weird hover window issues in the media viewer

This caused an annoying bug. When you have the manage tags window open in the media viewer, and you move the mouse pointer outside its window it loses focus and that then makes the left tag list pop up over it when you move the mouse pointer back over the window. Quite annoying.

Previous workflow would be having the tag window in focus all the time and with the mouse over media viewer use scroll wheel to go previous/next image. Can't do it now because the tag window loses focus so I have to click on it again to edit the tags but then the annoying tag list covers it when I try to click it. Please restore previous behavior.

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8654cc No.14646

I had a good week getting into the meat of the tag siblings database work. There is a lot to do, but I have a plan I am happy with, it is going well, and I am confident I will have a good first version ready for next week, Wednesday the 19th.

So, no release tomorrow!


Thank you for this report. It is driving me nuts as well, I know what is going on and will fix it.

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2e92dc No.14653

I had a great couple of weeks moving tag siblings forward. The client now handles siblings more quickly and accurately using a new database cache. They are easier to undo going forward, and you can also choose where siblings apply on a per-service basis (e.g. turning off the PTR's default siblings and using your own instead).

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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07510e No.14670

File: 7c0fa834d670640⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,4115x5836,4115:5836,7c0fa834d67064051f2b8d9fb0….jpg)

Hey dev, did something changed about the client API system? I can't use Hydrus-Companion right now and getting this message when starting Hydrus:

>Twited failed to import, so could not start the local booru/client api!

I'm running from the source.

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