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This board will be deleted next Wednesday. I am moving to a General on 8chan.moe /t/. This board is archived at 8chan.moe /hydrus/!

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6dd46f No.14555

But there are a few improvement suggestions I'd like to make, if that's ok? They're pretty small (except for the last one) but I have no idea how to code anything so maybe it's harder than I think… but regardless, here they are:

-It would be very convenient for editing tags if the selection for editing tags was not inside any arrow side menus. So if you right click, the option for "Edit Tags" would just be at the top of the menu, instead of having to hover over "Manage". The attached picture to this post will show my personal ideal right click menu.

-I have a LOT of alternate pictures. Instead of having to go through the right click menus to check if there are any alternates, could there be an icon that tells you whether a picture has alternates or not on the thumbnail? Similar to the Notes icon that was added not long ago.

-In addition to the previous one and like the first request, could the alternate grouping option be put in a more convenient spot in the menu instead of having to go through "manage > file relationships > set relationships > set alternate"? Maybe I'm the only one that has a lot of alternates (I get a lot of art from pixiv and artists love to have multiple images per post with slight variations between them)? But imo this is a very tedious way of setting images as alternates. It would be awesome if the button was just there when the menu is opened, instead of having to hover and guide the mouse cursor over a bunch of side menus.

-To add a new page, could there be a "+" button, similar to adding a new tab in an internet browser?

-And my biggest and most difficult request: having a sort of "folder" system. This would allow folders or archive files of manga to be added to the database. You could make it so that you add all the pages normally, but then you can add a grouping that turns it into a folder of sorts. Maybe when you decide to view the 'folder', it opens a new tab with all the pages? This would be extremely cool, as I like to collect digital manga as well as pictures, and as of now, I cannot sort my manga beyond making folders in Windows Explorer. Which isn't a very good way to sort manga…

If you take the time to read this and consider it, I thank you very much. And I also thank you for working on and updating this program, it has been a game changer for me.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6dd46f No.14556

Aww no, I made a mistake!

I typed this in notepad and when copying it to here, I accidentally missed the first two paragraphs. I'm very sorry about that.

Here it is:

Hey there, I apologize if making a new thread isn't warranted for this but it's not really a simple Q&A question, so…

I use Hydrus Client for sorting through my massive image collection every day and this program really is amazing. Never before have I been able to find my favorite images so fast.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6dd46f No.14557

One more thing actually: if you think these ideas aren't good or you don't have the time to implement them, then is it hard for a complete noob in programming to go into the source code and find the menu code and change it to suit my needs? Making the menu have easier access to alternates and slightly easier access to editing tags would be wonderful for me, but maybe it wouldn't be for other people.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bc550e No.14580

Dev has said he wants right click menus to be entirely customizable, but that is probably not a very high priority feature so don't expect it anytime soon.

Meanwhile I suggest you learn the keyboard shortcuts. F3 is manage tags, F9 is new page etc. Change or set them up yourself in File > Shortcuts menu. I have "set alternates" as shift+a, for example.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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