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/hydrus/ - Hydrus Network

Bug reports, feature requests, and other discussion for the hydrus network.

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This board will be deleted next Wednesday. I am moving to a General on 8chan.moe /t/. This board is archived at 8chan.moe /hydrus/!

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e135fa No.13842


zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v390/Hydrus.Network.390.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip

exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v390/Hydrus.Network.390.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe


app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v390/Hydrus.Network.390.-.macOS.-.App.dmg


tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v390/Hydrus.Network.390.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz


tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/archive/v390.tar.gz

I had a good week. I spent most of my time cleaning code, but there are a couple of important bug fixes as well.


Several users have reported that potential duplicate pairs could sometimes come up again for files that had previous been set not related/false positive. This particularly hit users who had reset their potential dupes and re-searched. I had trouble reproducing this, but thanks to the latest user report I was and I traced down the problem. It should now be fixed. If you have been hit by this, please reset your potential duplicates (hit the 'cog' icon on the duplicates page), and then re-search–the bad pairs should not be re-added again.

Several tag autocomplete bugs are fixed today, all for unusual search types. Searching 'hyphenated-namespace:' now gives the correct 'anything' search. 'anything' namespace searches now work for namespaces that have asterisk wildcards. Autocompletes in manage tag dialogs ('write' a/cs) now match results with UPPERCASE inputs. Several more cpu-killer searches (usually some variant of 'get everything' through a clever wildcard) are now impossible to add.

Also, I have fixed the recently borked layout of the 'cancel search' button, which pops up when a page search takes more than three seconds, and fixed a couple of instances where a search page could get stuck in the 'Loading…' state until it was poked.

full list

- fixed a bug that was causing potential duplicates to be sometimes re-added between media groups that were previously set as false positive/not related. I apologise for the inconvenience this bug has caused. if you were hit by this, please reset your potential duplicate pairs (hit the cog button on the dupes page) and re-search, and the bad pairs should not be re-added again

- fixed an issue where tag autocomplete entry in the form 'namespace-blah:' was replacing the hyphen or other 'collapsable' character to space, which then was not searching correctly for the _anything_ namespace search

- 'namespace:anything' searches now work when the namespace itself has a wildcard

- fixed 'write' autocompletes not matching inputs with UPPERCASE letters

- fixed adding tags that start with a colon (e.g. ":D") in 'write' autocompletes

- it should now impossible to enter some 'kill my cpu' queries into tag autocomplete, such as '[asterisk]:anything', even if accidentally entered through the fast-add system

- the 'cancel search' stop button that appears after a search takes three seconds is back to being neatly embedded beside the tag autocomplete input box

- hitting the cancel search button now clears the non-interactable 'Loading' thumbnail media page (with its misleading 'Loading…' statusbar) and returns you to an empty thumbnail page

- loading a favourite search with non-immediate search no longer loads the 'loading…' page. it also saves that new non-immediate status to the page session more reliably

- reworked my linux build environment (pyinstaller=3.5, virtualenv=16.1) so that you can launch the built exe using a symlink

- rolling out a first version of a requirements.txt, any feedback would be appreciated

- rolling out another version of the derpibooru file page parser that no longer duplicates namespaced tags as unnamespaced, thank you to the user who submitted this

- .

- boring stuff:

- .

- moving old pubsub system to Qt signals:

- all the 'refresh query' calls that do changes to the current file search across the program

- the current file and tag domain update calls for search pages

- the clear/set file focus calls when launching and exiting the media viewer browser or archive/delete filter

- the way thumbnails send the current focused media to the preview media window

- the way widgets with shortcuts-based tooltips are notified to update those tooltips when shortcuts change

- the way a thumbgrid sends the current tags to be displayed in the 'selection tags' list

- the way a thumbgrid adds newly imported files' tags to the 'selection tags' list as they fade in

- the way the 'searching/waiting' search button is flipped on and off by shortcut. btw what should be the correct name + label for this button? should it really be an icon?

- .

- cleanup:

- NOTE: the 'include' folder is renamed this week to 'hydrus'. if you have source patches, please update. as I further disentagle code in future, hydrus will ultimately move to typical nested folder/module structure

- decoupled the shortcuts edit ui code from the controller and db, unified how shortcuts are edited, and eliminated db wait when booting shortcuts editing

- decoupled the shortcuts manager from the controller, cleaned all the code, and moved to a nicer reference with proper typing hints

- refactored the frame and media controls of clientguicanvas into separate files

- renamed the hoverframes file to canvashoverframes and updated its classnames to 'canvas' rather than the old 'fullscreen'

- fixed two wx->Qt typo artifacts in the login script edit ui

- reduced some occasional idle memory bloat of clients that have large subscriptions

- cleaned up how media-based taglists are appended with new media

- removed some old booru object update code

- some misc setmedia/clearmedia cleanup

- misc search code cleanup

- misc typing hints to clear up pylint confusion

- misc tag autocomplete code cleanup

- misc 'global' variable cleanup

- misc gui code refactoring, cleanup and typing

next week

Next week is a 'small jobs' week. I will catch up with little jobs, perhaps 'search by framerate' or adding select/remove for filetypes. I definitely want to add close/minimise to system tray, which keeps being put off

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e135fa No.13843

Note source code users: There were a couple of definitions in the source that would become real bugs if your Qt is set to run in a debug mode. If you get a bunch of popups about "TypeError MediaPanel.selectedMediaTagPresentationChanged[list, bool].emit(): argument 1 has unexpected type 'SortedList'", please get the latest commit at https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus or roll back to 389 and wait for 391!

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cbec80 No.13845

Thanks for the dupe fix!

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6f825d No.13856

Hello hydrus_dev, the danbooru file page parser broke again and wasn't finding file url's, but I fixed it.

"section id=image-container" simply needs to be changed to "section class=image-container" and it works fine.

Seems like they've been fussing with the page layout, so who knows whether this change will stick.

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c86d20 No.13860


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1e0397 No.13863

okay, so. i thought this was originally because of my db being broken, but after restoring a db backup from a month ago and it still happens after that, i'm just going to assume it's a bug.

whenever i middle-click on a selection tag on a favorite search files page (as in, pages that have favorite searches loaded into them), i get an error that says 'OperationalError: no such table: external_caches.specific_current_mappings_cache_7_5' and nothing shows up in the new page. i looked in the cache db and the current mappings cache only goes up to 4, so i have no clue what's going on here. any ideas?

(i should also clarify: this ONLY happens when middle-clicking a tag on a favorite searches page. on other file pages this function works as normal)

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d643e1 No.13878

I had a great week. The hydrus client can now have a system tray icon–to which it can also minimise or close–framerate and 'number of frames' are now both searchable and sortable, and I was able to clear out a bunch of old bugs, including the issue where tag autocompletes would sometimes not reset back to system predicates properly.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.


Thanks, should be fixed for tomorrow.

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26efa4 No.13882


Sorry for this problem, should be fixed in 391 later today!


I'm afraid I don't know anything about this problem. If you have a parser for the site that seems to work, could it be a User-Agent issue, as per the discussion here >>13826 ?

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