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This board will be deleted next Wednesday. I am moving to a General on 8chan.moe /t/. This board is archived at 8chan.moe /hydrus/!

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

031ef0 No.13605


zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v383/Hydrus.Network.383.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip

exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v383/Hydrus.Network.383.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe


app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v383/Hydrus.Network.383.-.macOS.-.App.dmg


tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v383/Hydrus.Network.383.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz


tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/archive/v383.tar.gz

I had a good week. Unfortunately it was a little changelog-light again, but hydrus now has a nice volume control, and mpv should be working for the Linux build.

mpv volume

You can now set volume and mute properly across the program. Any mpv player that has audio will now have a small speaker icon button next to the seekbar. This controls 'global mute', which silences the whole client without exceptions. This control is also on the top hover window of the media viewer.

When you put your mouse over the speaker icon, a popup appears with a second speaker button and a volume slider. The second button controls mute just for the preview window or the media viewer. By default, the volume sliders are also respective to preview vs media viewer, so you can have a quiet preview vs a loud media viewer if you like. (if you wish, you can change this under options->audio to have them both use the same single global volume setting)

You can also change the mutes and volume from the media canvas right-click menus.

Furthermore, there is a new shortcut set, 'global', which now has actions to set, unset, or flip the global mute. At the moment, it works on the main gui window and any media viewer. By default, I have set ctrl+g to flip global mute on and off. Please feel free to set whatever works for you under file->shortcuts->global.

I expect to add more options and shortcuts for altering volume.


I have updated my Linux dev machine from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04, and with it, I have added mpv support for the Linux build.

This has caused some changes to my environment and the build. My build packager has included more library files than it needed, so the release has bloated. I have taken out many .so files that I am fairly certain are not needed, but it is still about 200MB. I will test this more and hope to cut down more in future, as well as improving my PyInstaller configuration to slim this down more naturally.

It is possible that some (perhaps older) flavours of Linux that were happy with the 16.04 build will not be happy with the newer 18.04 libraries. If you use the Linux build, I would be interested in knowing:

1) Does 383 boot for you?

2) Does MPV load correctly and play audio?

Early tests seem to be good, but if you do use an older version, please be prepared to roll back.

full list

- mpv:

- updated the prototype volume/mute controls on the top media viewer hover window to be a proper 'speaker' icon button for mute with a volume slider that pops up or down on mouse-over

- the new volume control is on the hover window and any media that has audio

- the right-click menu of the preview viewer and media viewer now have volume submenus to set mute/volume

- the client now has multiple volumes and mutes:

- for mute, there is a global mute which overrides everything, and the preview and media viewers have their own mutes that just apply there.

- under options->audio, you can choose whether preview windows have their own separate volume value, default is yes they do

- there is a new shortcut set called 'global', which applies on the main gui and the media viewer both, and which currently has actions to alter global mute. by default, ctrl+g flips global mute

- after reports of unusual rendering bugs for some users, the default mpv.conf is now more barebones. more work will happen here

- .

- linux:

- the linux release is now built on Ubuntu 18.04 (was 16.04). unfortunately, my build packager bundled in a variety of surplus libraries, so the archive has bloated somewhat–I have removed some that I am confident are not needed, but I may have made a mistake, and there are likely more that can be taken away

- the linux release now comes with mpv support

- please let me know if you have any errors running this build or loading mpv. early tests seem good though!

- .

- the rest:

- the launch/exit splash screen now uses a cleaner Qt-compatible layout system. It resizes and obeys stylesheets better, colouring text and background according to current style

- removed the 'has duration' text label option from 'audio and duration' options panel as it is no longer used, and renamed the panel back to just 'audio'

- the string transformation edit panel's individual transformation edit panel now shows that transformation step's example string and the transformed string, which is updated by button. this edit panel will get some more love soon, including dynamic hide/show of applicable controls and live updates of the example transformation as you type

- misc ui layout improvements

- misc ui improvements

next week

I would like to put some time into the shortcut system. The shortcut edit UI could do with some slimming down, and I want to integrate more mouse actions, particularly now we have MPV. I would love to have the currently hardcoded clicks like video pause/play and 'open externally' completely configurable so users can set up the archive/delete etc… workflows that work best for them.

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031ef0 No.13606

File: e708585039bffee⋯.mp4 (576.97 KB,230x528,115:264,Bb36511SqF.mp4)

Here is an example of the new volume control. There are two mute/unmute buttons–the main one is the global mute, the second in the popup is for either 'all preview windows' or 'all media viewers'.

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23085a No.13607

If you're working on shortcuts for next version, can you also add some shortcuts for skipping back/forward in videos, preferably both in short and long steps. I feel this is needed for Hydrus to be viable as a video viewer. Who watches porn without skipping around to the good parts? :)


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023e4a No.13608

I updated to this version and it fails to start now. Trying from the terminal gives this error:

qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.

This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, webgl, xcb.

I use Fedora (Linux Distro)

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ccc374 No.13609

This release broke something with QT on Linux. Any page I open results in this and the page doesn't display:

2020/02/06 12:38:01: Uncaught exception:
2020/02/06 12:38:01: AttributeError
module 'qtpy.QtGui' has no attribute 'Qt'
File "/media/crypt/Hydrus/include/ClientGUIMenus.py", line 169, in event_callable
callable( *args, **kwargs )
self._notebook.NewPageImportURLs( on_deepest_notebook = True )

If I do "git checkout HEAD~1" it all works fine again. BTW, I still use Python 3.7 because 3.8 and 3.9 aren't supporting Hydrus' dependencies on my distro yet.

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ccc374 No.13610


Woops, a part got cut off.

2020/02/06 12:38:01: Uncaught exception:
2020/02/06 12:38:01: AttributeError
module 'qtpy.QtGui' has no attribute 'Qt'
File "/mnt/Hydrus/include/ClientGUIMenus.py", line 169, in event_callable
callable( *args, **kwargs )
self._notebook.NewPageImportURLs( on_deepest_notebook = True )
File "/mnt/Hydrus/include/ClientGUIPages.py", line 2556, in NewPageImportURLs
return self.NewPage( management_controller, on_deepest_notebook = on_deepest_notebook, select_page = select_page )
File "/mnt/Hydrus/include/ClientGUIPages.py", line 2471, in NewPage
page = Page( self, self._controller, management_controller, initial_hashes )
File "/mnt/Hydrus/include/ClientGUIPages.py", line 437, in __init__
self._preview_canvas = ClientGUICanvas.CanvasPanel( self._preview_panel, self._page_key )
File "/mnt/Hydrus/include/ClientGUICanvas.py", line 2592, in __init__
Canvas.__init__( self, parent )
File "/mnt/Hydrus/include/ClientGUICanvas.py", line 1242, in __init__
self._media_container = MediaContainer( self, self._canvas_type )
File "/mnt/Hydrus/include/ClientGUICanvas.py", line 5303, in __init__
self._volume_control.setCursor( QG.Qt.ArrowCursor )

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3e2ed4 No.13611


> File "/mnt/Hydrus/include/ClientGUICanvas.py", line 5303, in init

> self._volume_control.setCursor( QG.Qt.ArrowCursor )

The nerd typo'd.

It should be QC.Qt.ArrowCursor at line 5303, not QG

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4a2711 No.13612

Something broke when I updated and now I get this

2020/02/06 18:57:20: boot error

2020/02/06 18:57:20: A serious error occurred while trying to start the program. The error will be shown next in a window. More information may have been written to client.log.

2020/02/06 18:57:43: boot error

2020/02/06 18:57:43: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "include\ClientController.py", line 1715, in THREADBootEverything


File "include\ClientController.py", line 774, in InitModel

HydrusController.HydrusController.InitModel( self )

File "include\HydrusController.py", line 498, in InitModel

self.db = self._InitDB()

File "include\ClientController.py", line 183, in _InitDB

return ClientDB.DB( self, self.db_dir, 'client' )

File "include\ClientDB.py", line 283, in init

HydrusDB.HydrusDB.init( self, controller, db_dir, db_name )

File "include\HydrusDB.py", line 204, in init


File "include\ClientDB.py", line 11052, in _RepairDB

( self._null_namespace_id, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT namespace_id FROM namespaces WHERE namespace = ?;', ( '', ) ).fetchone()

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

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b1ba37 No.13615

File: a3964dc789bab96⋯.png (30 KB,517x249,517:249,ss.png)

Report from linux land. Using Debian/Buster, running straight from python.

1. Boots fine

2. No audio, but I do see the button/slider control.

Notably it's not super performant, while it is smooth, and at low resolution it seems smooth, however 720/1080 is fairly 'slow' and 2K is super slow motion. Did try bumping up the video buffer but performance seems the same. I use the mpv player for the same videos and they run fine, so no clue whats up there.

Also ran into an issue (unrelated to 383, I checked my 378 backup and I still had it there), where if i search for a tag it doesn't find all of them. For example I have a bunch of files with the chapter:* type tag, I only find 2 images, but if I search for the title I'll see all the files tagged with chapter's. In testing I found that when I updated the chapter tags, they started showing up in results. Also tried regenerating autocomplete cache which didn't help (and didn't really expect it too). Any ideas what I could do here?

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b1ba37 No.13617


Fixed the performance issues, had to force it to use mpv in the media options, so just me being dumb there. Still no sound though :/

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b1ba37 No.13618


Aaand disregard this - going out the wrong channel! Awesome stuff, wanted video/audio in Hydrus for the longest time, super stoked. Cheers again for all your hard work.

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023e4a No.13619


A fresh install of hydrus, instead of updating the one I had, seemed to fix the problem and Hydrus works now, but mpv doesn't work at all. In help → about, it says that mpv is not available.

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16edae No.13622

Videos break slideshow functionality instead. Old behavior was play through at least once then advance to the next file if slideshow timer had expired, current behavior is continually loop media file and never advance to the next file automatically in slideshow mode.

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ed745d No.13624

File: 264d01c8bccc4f2⋯.webm (13.26 MB,891x501,297:167,2189069.webm)

well endchan has shit the bed, then this site every time I came around was also having issues.

so v382 had a problem where for some reason watchers just shut down function. the last time this happened was when watchers got the revamp and I just hammered the shit out of them and the program couldn't take it, no idea what happened and after a reset it went back to normal but thought it was worth reporting

now, since mpv got implemented the need to open externally on double click is kind of gone for video. I don't know if there is an option to disable it as nothing is jumping out and I cant remember if there is a way to turn it off, but I have a suggestion. could there be a double click option to open and close mediaviewer like it does for images?

I can only really think of one file that I had that I needed to open externally to confirm its not working right, and that was this (the 13 mb webm) which I had to run though handbrake to get the 4mb mp4 (wont let me upload both)

the source for said webm is https://derpibooru.org/images/2189069

for some reason it just wont play outside of chrome, be it mpchc, mpv in hydrus, potplayer, or vlc

i'm only really linking and sharing it because the fucking file can play in chrome, so there must be some way to get it to play, and if one file is fucked for playback like this there are likely others too.

on the topic of volume normalization, as I have no idea how long/hard this will be to get done, I have a 'simpler' work around.

most videos I notice have a fairly consistent volume so having it around 70% im still able to hear it without need to turn it up. and for the loud ones, 70% takes enough of the edge off to not be an issue. but the quiet ones where I need to boost it are another issue entirely. would it be possible to have a button that boosts the volume for that one specific video, as in while im playing it its at 100% but if I move video it goes back to 70%/whatever I have the norm set to? the way im thinking is if I want to have all videos play louder, I can easily just go and turn the volume up, but if I just want one, turning the volume up and then back down is a pain in the ass, right now im listening to podcasts while culling videos so I want it to be 70% almost all the time, but there are a few quiet ones where the volume being up would be nice, if I wasn't doing this the volume to 100% would likely be the norm but that's not likely to happen anytime soon while i'm just parsing files.

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ed745d No.13625


oh, I also said this on end chan but as its down, I have no idea if you seen it.

when scrubbing with mpv, the files want to keep playing, so it will go a few frames forward and then snap back. is there a way to force pause while scrubbing if this isn't manageable in other ways?

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6c2c39 No.13628

File: 79986d4ce9b7a22⋯.png (61.01 KB,835x390,167:78,2020-02-10-174821_835x390_….png)

I use Debian/bullseye and the Hydrus linux build. 383 boots and runs fine. MPV does not load at all, only the native viewer is used. Media viewer options tells me MPV is not available for this client.

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2768c6 No.13630

Sorry for late replies, lads. Several times 8kun went down this week right when I put time aside to catch up on messages, and then I didn't follow-up later.


I absolutely have this on my list. I want it too, and for customisable seeking distances. This week's work is more focused on integrating more of the program into the shortcuts system and fixing the awful UI to edit commands, but I am now in a great position to start extending it again with cleverer commands.




Thank you for this report. I apologise for the inconvenience. It turns out this works in PySide2, which I work and test in, but not in PyQt5. It is fixed, and there is nowhere else that I do it.

I have a job set up to create a PyQt5 test build so this stuff won't happen again.

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2768c6 No.13631



Thank you for this report. I am sorry for the trouble–perhaps there were .so conflicts between 16.04 and 18.04 on your machine, or older if you are a very long-time user.

For mpv, I will make it so it prints info to the log under install_dir/db/client….log when you open help->about and it fails to import mpv. Please check that in 384 and let me know what you see.




Thank you for these reports. I am glad the mpv worked out after a bit of searching–I want that to be easier to realise and navigate, although I am pleased the new media options are easier to change en masse now, at least.

For your tag issue, I would have suggested regenning the autocomplete cache, so it sounds like that is not it. Can you describe exactly the sort of searches you are doing? I have made a bunch of optimisations there recently, so perhaps a particular search is not working with another:

Are you searching a wildcard, like 'chapter:*anything*', or specific, like 'chapter:2'?

Are you searching on its own, or mixing with other tags? Are those tags wildcards, or OR search predicates, or system search predicates?

Could any of those files have previously that same chapter tag deleted on a different tag service?

Could any of those chapter tags have siblings? If you look at them in manage tags dialog, are they as they are, or being re-mapped via a sibling?

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2768c6 No.13632


Thank you for this report. I am sorry you are having trouble. This is a serious error. I recommend you roll back to a backup if you have one and have not already.

This namespace id is core to the database and should never be deleted by code. Is there any way your update could have gone wrong, with one database file overwritten by another by accident, or deleted? It would probably be client.master.db under install_dir/db.

If you are certain you did not make a mistake in updating, and client.master.db is there ok in your directory with reasonable file creation timestamp compared to the other db files, it is possible you have had a hard drive problem.

Please read the 'help my db is broke.txt' file in that directory for background reading on how to find out if your db has been damaged. I am happy to help if you discover an integrity check fails.

This kind of core error could also be due to the install, perhaps related to my updating my Linux environment from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04. Are you on Linux, and using my build, or are you running from source?

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2768c6 No.13633


Thank you for this report. I have not hooked up mpv to the 'this file has played once through' signal yet. I have it in my list to do, and will happen in the near future as I work my mpv list.


Thank you for this report. Endchan and 8kun having trouble has been a pain, I hope things get back to normal soon. If Endchan seems completely down, I expect to find another bunker.

For the watchers not working, was it like they were all set to go but just did nothing? Just no status update at all? This is a temporary hack I put in when I last worked on the network engine–I was so successful at letting the front-end of the client hold hundreds of simultaneous downloaders at once that the back-end that does all the threading could not keep up, so I put in some artificial bottlenecks like 'don't work on more than ten or so watchers at once'. This hack is so ugly that it does not even permit status updates like 'waiting on a free work slot' or anything. If this is what you see, please just wait it out for now–the watchers will start work when the handful that are doing work release their threads. I expect in the next large downloader work to completely rewrite the download pipeline to be more asynchronous and permit hundreds to operate at once.

I agree on double-clicking for mpv. Tomorrow's release has a variety of shortcut improvements, as well as the removal of that shortcut by default. Double-click by default now does 'open/close media viewer', exactly as you suggest. Standard controls like click-to-pause/play, even show_menu, are all now under the shortcuts system and are editable, so if you want to map middle-mouse to pause, you can do what you like. I am still working on it, so let me know how 384 works for you and what new commands you would like added.

Thank you for this example broken file. I am sorry to say that it plays ok for me in mpv in hydrus and in MPC-HC. My Windows mpv is 1.107 under help->about and MPC-HC is 1.7.13. Do you have different? I assume it imports ok to hydrus–does it have a good thumbnail? I see it as 891x501, 44.9s, 2,692 frames. That odd-numbered resolution is unusual–perhaps that is causing a problem in an older version of those players? Or perhaps, ha ha, my older stuff doesn't have a bug the newer versions of some shared codec do.

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2768c6 No.13634



MPV does not support audio normalisation per se, but you can tell ffmpeg to do some stuff. I am experimenting with some different commands in the mpv.conf file. Here are a couple of attempts:



The options are as per here:


The effect is not excellent, and it seems not to work at all on some files (vp9?), but it may be a step forward. I am not at all an expert in this, so any experienced opinions would be welcome.

I am going to play with the scrubbing/pause stuff. MPV is very good about seeking to keyframes, even on keyframe-index-broken files, but it then reports back to Qt where it is based on timestamp, whereas my old native player works on frame number. I just need to put some time into it.

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2768c6 No.13635


Thank you for this report. Please let me know what your log says after a help->about call in 384 as here >>13631 .

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2768c6 No.13640

File: 414224cc2a071c1⋯.jpg (93.51 KB,1280x720,16:9,414224cc2a071c1f1e3639fc39….jpg)

I had a great week. The shortcuts system is improved, with better edit UI, more shortcut actions, increased support for mouse events, and the start of mpv shortcut integration. I also fixed a variety of bugs.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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b1ba37 No.13642


The search complexity doesn't appear to matter, I've tested with a number of single line searches, with wildcard or specifying a specific chapter.

The files could definitely have previously had the same chapter tag deleted.

The files have not currently any siblings for those tags, however its possible I would have had tried a chapter:* to set:* sibling in the past (didn't work ;)), I may have also tried chapter:x -> set:x.

In checking this for you, I've noticed that I now have a bunch of 'unknown tag:'s for these images now - implies maybe some kind of db corruption, and no chapter tag at all. Unfortunately I only have my 378 DB to work off of (easily) to do any testing.

* for some of these tests I need to limit the results because of the number of images/tags

From 378:

Searching:"chapter:*" - finds 2 images, notably these 2 images are actually duplicates and one is from a mislabeled set. Chapters found: 065, 076.

Searching:"chapter:076" - 1 image, single chapter found, same as in above search.

Searching:"chapter:*76" - 1 image, single chapter found, same as in above search.

Searching:"*:*65" - lots*, bunch of chapters found, includes chapter 76, but includes all the images. Probably 100's of chapters - it's matching page:*65 too obviously and it's a bit awkward to count.

Searching:"series:*" - lots*, large number of chapters found.

From 383

Searching:"chapter:*" - finds 120 images, chapter 76 from previous, retagged when I noticed.

Searching:"chapter:076" - same as above

Searching:"series:*" - seeing a lot of "unknown tag" namespaced stuff, and not specific to chapter - looking like I'll need to rollback

Unfortunate, it seems it's evolved a bit since the initial update, not too sure where to go with testing from here. It seems the problem is within the db.

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ed745d No.13643


ench chan had hardware failure and they are apparently rebuilding from a backup, but as they are small yet had a 250mb upload limit, im sure thats doing them no favors in coming back online.

for the watcher just up and dying… I didn't do an extensive test when I found it was fucked, I just noticed that after putting 5 watchers on one and 1 on another a few days later one of the watchers was still unknown, thinking I fucked up a copy paste, I looked into it, and it was still correct, I then noticed that the watchers that weren't dead were not updated at all past a point despite some of the watchers getting to 151 images.

im not going to lie, I have a metric fuck ton of watchers, probably something close to 5-6000, with nearly all of them dead and waiting to be parsed.

However there are only 38 watchers that are 'active' and among those there were only 7 new ones that were being parsed. this has not been a problem since the watchers were first updated to the new type where I tried dumping several thousand threads at once.

as for the file, im on

mpc-hc 1.9.1 - just a note if you don't know, apparently one of the original people from it is still doing updates but does not have control over the main site. there have been a few small updates that made some newer encodes play correctly.

vlc is 3.0.3, will update that and see

pot is 1.7.21126

going a bit more expansive on my video player list, mpc-qt 1808 did play the file, (mpv front end) I have no idea why this will play it if hydrus wasnt and hydrus im assuming is using a newer version of mpv then this given the front end is 9 months old from when I downloaded it and possibly older,

now, when I was initially looking at this file, hydrus was not playing it, and I tried requirement it several times, till I just said fuck it and re encoded it, apparently downloading it from this site and importing it let it play. I have no fucking Idea what happened, but the file now plays.

fucking annoying encodes that don't work on most shit, mpc-hc vlc and pot should all have their own codecs with mpc-hc and pot just sharing a rendering method (madvr)

at the very least the video works.


as for normalization, i'll hold off for a bit on doing that, while its annoying to bounce from 70-100% in program, its relatively easy for me to pause what i'm listening to and turn a volume knob irl.

for the scrubbing. can't wait till that gets sorted, there is also a problem with some videos refusing to scrub to a specific part of the video like if its 60 seconds long, it will play from 0.0, but if you want anything in between 0.1 to 15, it shoots to 15, and then anything between 15.1 and 55 shoots to 55. annoying bullshit with videos I have long gotten use to, but if there's a way to make the program scrub to a specific time regardless of what the file wants that would be great.

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6c2c39 No.13647


Update on this:

I updated to 384 and this is the error message "help->about" yields:

2020/02/12 19:36:08: MPV failed to import because:
2020/02/12 19:36:08: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "include/ClientGUIMPV.py", line 21, in <module>
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 971, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 665, in _load_unlocked
File "/home/hydrus/Desktop/hydrus/hydrus/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PyInstaller/loader/pyimod03_importers.py", line 623, in exec_module
File "site-packages/mpv.py", line 48, in <module>
OSError: Cannot find libmpv in the usual places. Depending on your distro, you may try installing an mpv-devel or mpv-libs package. If you have libmpv around but this script can't find it, consult the documentation for ctypes.util.find_library which this script uses to look up the library filename.

So, naturally I installed the "libmpv-dev" package and now everything works. In retrospect I should have tried that sooner. For some reason I had it in my head you were shipping your own MPV binary with Hydrus and weren't relying on the system package (as you would with windows). Probably my fault for not paying closer attention.

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