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/hydrus/ - Hydrus Network

Bug reports, feature requests, and other discussion for the hydrus network.

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This board will be deleted next Wednesday. I am moving to a General on 8chan.moe /t/. This board is archived at 8chan.moe /hydrus/!

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

21e110 No.13500


zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v379/Hydrus.Network.379.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip

exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v379/Hydrus.Network.379.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe


app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v379/Hydrus.Network.379.-.macOS.-.App.dmg


tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v379/Hydrus.Network.379.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz


tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/archive/v379.tar.gz

Happy New Year! Although I have been ill, I had a great week, mostly working on a variety of small jobs. Search is faster, there's some new UI, and m4a files are now supported.


As hoped, I have completed and extended the search optimisations from v378. Searches for tags, namespaces, wildcards, or known urls, particularly if they are mixed with other search predicates, should now be faster and less prone to spikes in complicated situations. These speed improvements are most significant on large clients with hundreds of thousands or millions of files.

Also, like how system:inbox and system:archive 'cancel' each other out, a few more kinds of search predicate will remove mutually exclusive or redundant predicates already in the search list. system:limit predicates will remove other system:limits, system:audio/no audio will nullify each other, and–I may change this–any search predicate will replace system:everything. I have a better system for how this replacement works, and in the coming weeks I expect to extend it to do proper range-checking, so a system:filesize<256KB will remove a system:filesize<1MB or system:filesize<16KB or system:filesize>512KB, but not a system:filesize>128KB.


I have started on some quality of life for the downloader UI. Several of the clunky buttons beneath the page lists are now smaller icons, you can now 'retry ignored' files from a button or a list right-click, any file import status button lets you right-click->show all/new in a new page, and the file import status list now lets you double-click/enter a selection to show that selection in a new page.

I have rolled in a fixed derpibooru downloader into the update. It seems to all work again.

With the pixiv login script confirmed completely broken with no easy hydrus fix in sight, if you have an 'active' record with the old, now-defunct default pixiv login script, this week's update will deactivate it and provide you with a note and a recommendation to use the Hydrus Companion web browser addon in order to login.

the rest

m4a files are now supported and recognised as audio-only files. These were often recognised as mp4s before–essentially, they are just mp4s with no video stream. I have made the choice for now to recognise them as audio-only even if they have a single frame 'jpeg' video stream. I hope to add support to hydrus for 'audio+picture' files soon so I can display album art better than inside a janked single-frame video.

The 'remove' and 'select' menus on the thumbnail right-click have been improved and harmonised. Both now lay out nicely, with file service options (like 'my files' vs 'trash' when there is a mix), and both provide file counts for all options. Support for selecting and removing from collected media is also improved.

full list

- downloaders:

- the right-click menus from gallery and watcher page lists now provide a 'remove' option

- gallery and watchers now provide buttons and menu actions for 'retry ignored'

- activating a file import status list (double-clicking or hitting enter on a selection of rows) now opens the selection in a new page

- file import status buttons now have show new/all files on their right-click menus

- on gallery and watcher pages, the highlight, clear highlight, pause files, and pause search/check buttons are now smaller bitmap buttons

- as the old default pixiv login script is completely broken, any client with this active will have it deactivated and receive an update popup explaining the situation and suggesting to use Hydrus Companion for login instead

- updated the derpibooru downloader

- .

- search:

- when search predicates are added to the active search list, they are now better able to remove existing mutually exclusive/redundant predicates:

- - system:limit, hash, and similar to predicates now remove other instances of their type

- - system:has audio now removes system:no audio and vice versa

- - any search predicate will remove system:everything (see how you feel about this)

- improved 378's db optimisation to do tag searches in large file domains faster

- namespace search predicates ('character:anything' etc…) now take advantage of the same set of temporary file domain optimisations that tag predicates do, so mixing them with other search predicates will radically improve their speed

- wildcard search predicates, which have been notoriously slow in some cases, now take full advantage of the new tag search optimisations and are radically faster when mixed with other search predicates

- simple tag, namespace, or wildcard searches that are mixed with a very large system:inbox predicate are now much faster

- a variety of searches that include simple system predicates are now faster

- integer tag searches also now use the new tag search optimisation tech, and are radically faster when mixed with other search predicates

- system:known url queries now use the same temporary file domain search optimisation, and a web-domain search optimisation. this particularly improves domain and url class searches

- fixed an issue with the new system:limit sorting where sort types with non-comprehensive data (like media views/viewtime, where files may not yet have records) were not delivering the 'missing' file results

- improved the limit/sort_by logic to only do sort when absolutely needed

- fixed the system:limit panel label to talk about the new sorted clipping

- refactored tag searching code

- refactored namespace searching code

- refactored wildcard searching code and its related subfunctions

- cleaned all mappings searching code further

- .

- the rest:

- m4a files (and m4b) are now supported and recognised as separate audio-only mp4 files. files with a single jpeg frame for their video stream (such as an album cover) should also be recognised as audio only m4a for hydrus purposes for now. better single-frame audio support, including functional thumbnails and display, is planned for the future. please send in any m4a or m4b files that detect incorrectly

- the remove thumbnail menu has been moved to a new, cleaner file filtering system. it now presents remove options for different file services and local/remote when available (most of the time, this will be 'my files'/'trash' appearing when there is a mix), including with counts for all options

- the select thumbnail menu is also moved to this same file filtering system. it has a neater menu, with counts for each entry. also, when there is no current focus, or it is to be deselected, the first file to be selected is now focused and scrolled to

- for thumbnail icon display and internal calculations, collections now _merge_ the locations of their members, rather than intersecting. if a collection includes any trash, or any ipfs members, it will have the appropriate icon. this also fixes some selection-by-file-service logic for collections

- import folders, export folders, and subscriptions now explicitly only start after the first session has been loaded (so as well as freeing up some boot CPU competition, a quick import folder will now not miss publishing a file or two to a long-loading session)

- the subscription manager now only waits 15s before starting first work (previously, the buffer was 60 seconds)

- rearranged migrate tags panel so action comes before destination and added another help text line to clarify how it works. the 'go' confirmation dialog now summarises tag filtering as well

- tag filter buttons now have a prefix on their labels and tooltips to better explain what they are doing

- the duplicate filter right-center hover window should now shorten its height appropriately when the pairs change

- fixed a couple of bugs that could appear when shutting down the duplicate filter

- hackily 'fixed' an issue with duplicates processing that could cause too many 'commit and continue?' dialogs to open. a better fix here will come with a pending rewrite

- dejanked a little of how migrate tags frame is launched from the manage tags dialog

- updated the backup help a little and added a note about backing up to the first-start popup

- improved shutdown time for a variety of situations and added a couple more text notifications to shutdown splash

- cleaned up some exit code

- removed the old 'service info fatten' maintenance job, which is not really needed any more

- misc code cleanup

- updated to Qt 5.14 on Windows and Linux builds, OpenCV 4.1.2 on all builds

next week

Next week is a 'medium size job' week. Now I am more comfortable with Qt, I would love to see if I can get an MPV window embedded into hydrus so we finally have legit video+audio support. I can't promise I can get anything but a rough prototype ready for 380 for all platforms, and there is a small chance it just won't work at all, but I'll give it a go.

Hydrus had a busy 2019. Starting with the jump to python 3, and then the duplicate storage and filter overhaul, the Client API, OR search, proper audio detection, the file maintenance system, multiple local tag services, tag migration, asynchronous repository processing, fast tag autocomplete, and all the smaller improvements to downloaders and UI workflow and latency and backend scheduling and optimisations for our growing databases, and then most recently with the huge Qt conversion. The wider community also had some bumps, but we survived. Now we are in 2020, I am feeling good and looking forward to another productive year. There are a couple of thousand things I still want to do, so I will keep on pushing and try to have fun along the way. I hope you have a great year too!

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d225f9 No.13501


thanks Dev

>and a recommendation to use the Hydrus Companion web browser addon in order to login.

What's the proper procedure for this? I recall trying it once before but didn't notice it doing anything (maybe my prior login cookie was still active?)

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cf77d8 No.13502

Are you going to fix the remaining Qt bugs in the manage tags window? Doesn't seem that complicated to fix but it's been a while now… maybe you forgot?

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88eda3 No.13505

File: 3c67a261aa1391f⋯.jpg (243.13 KB,425x600,17:24,3c67a261aa1391fc5a01702ab9….jpg)

I updated to this from version 330 or something.

Getting a Serious error on startup, since my local_tags_cache table appears to be missing.

The software attempts to run RepairDB, but fails as: sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: local_tags_cache

Cloning the database doesn't fix the issue as the missing table still doesn't exist

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d225f9 No.13506


You shouldn't be updating more than 5-10 versions at a time. At most. Why do people do this?

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88eda3 No.13508


So I've now migrated from 332 -> 350

Jumping from 350 -> 379 still prompts the same warning about the cache but doesn't error on the table and eventually migrates fine

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88eda3 No.13509

File: 5e938fd4ab637a3⋯.jpg (7.78 KB,257x196,257:196,5e938fd4ab637a3c40c32c0795….jpg)


ahh fuck meant I jumped from 333 -> 360 and I haven't hit 379 yet

unsure what the fuck I just spaced out on

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86b921 No.13512

File: a0734e618b8ddc6⋯.png (4.82 KB,215x74,215:74,ClipboardImage.png)


cheers to the updated parser on derpi, everything's working again.

What is the Hydrus Companion web browser? I've never heard of it and got the pop up on updating.

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423042 No.13513

Sorry if this was already mentioned before but using the watcher to download images from this site doesn't seem to be working. After a few seconds it'll still label the thread in question as "unknown subject" and say that it's dead even if it's up and active. For example, I used this Shantae thread from /v/ and the watcher's not detecting it (https://8kun.top/v/res/16783978.html) but it has no problem with anything outside 8kun.

Btw thank you so much for making this program. It's been such a godsend for me!

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43f9ff No.13514

>>13512 its a browser extension that uses the client api, you can quickly add stuff to hydrus/share logins etc., for a list api programs using the api and further information see: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/help/client_api.html

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0da479 No.13515


Hi HyDev. There seems to be a bug in version 379. Right-clicking anything in Hydrus, anything that brings a Context Menu locks up the UI completely until I move the mouse again. Happens in both Windows 7/10.

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86b921 No.13516


I found it searching the board, but used the unofficial one for vivaldi I think caused my browser to lock up repeatedly with memory leaks. I had to do a fresh restart, not even disabling or uninstalling it made a difference. That was the most recent extension i added.

So if anyone going to use the extension, id suggest sticking with the original one from hdev.

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3dfce9 No.13517


Install the Companion to your web browser, make sure you are logged in with your web browser, and tell the Companion through its options menus to either send the cookies to hydrus one time or do it every 7 days or so.

You have to have the hydrus client api turned on and sync Hydrus Companion to it. The guide for this is here if you scroll down a bit: https://gitgud.io/prkc/hydrus-companion

Copied here:

>Basic setup - connecting the extension to Hydrus

>Enable the client API in Hydrus under services > manage services > client api: the 'do not run client api service' needs to be UNTICKED

>Navigate to your client API under services > review services

>Click add > manually on the client API

>Tick all the boxes (or at least the 'add urls for processing' permission for basic functionality)

>Copy the API access key into Hydrus Companion's options page and save it

I have heard from some users that pixiv works by doing this, but there may be some exceptions. Let me know if it doesn't work. You can check what cookies hydrus is using under network->data->review session cookies. I believe the cookie copy will clear your old ones, but if not, you can manually clear them from that window.

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3dfce9 No.13518


I'm sorry, with all the different things just recently, my 'emergency, must do' todo list has spun out of control. Can you say which one thing you would like fixed more than anything else, so I can prioritise that?


Can you clarify–did doing the update in the smaller steps work for you, or would you still like help? If the next update step still gives you an error, is there a full traceback printed to your log? It should be recorded at the bottom of 'install_dir/db/client - 2020-1.log' and will have more data about which lines of code were going wrong here. As it happens, 351 is the version that creates that table, so if you are stuck on 350, perhaps just trying 351 will get you over the bump and let you then do the larger jump ok.

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3dfce9 No.13519


Great, I am glad you like it! Tell me if I am being stupid, but I don't think 8kun has a default watcher yet–how are you watching it? I was planning to create some proper watcher definitions for 8kun and the bunkers for 380, but if they are available somewhere else, I'll be interested.

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3dfce9 No.13520



This is the link I point people to: https://gitgud.io/prkc/hydrus-companion

Just so you know, I do not develop this. It is a guy on the discord. He's a good lad.

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3dfce9 No.13521


Thank you for this report. I am sorry you are having trouble. This is the first I have heard of this–is there any chance there is something shared between your Win 7/10, like a custom theme/window manager, that might be handling the little menu 'fade-in' a little weird? Do menus fade in for you, or does the UI stutter at that point until the mouse moves? If you open up task manager, does hydrus's CPU spike at this point? Also, how can you tell the UI is frozen without moving your mouse–do progress bars or background animations halt?

This is a long shot, but if you change the style under options->style to fusion or anything else available, does the behaviour change?

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3dfce9 No.13522

I had a challenging week. I was able to get a basic MPV (a proper video+audio player) player embedded into hydrus and playing video and audio great, but some IRL difficulty meant I could get nothing else done. I don't want to put out a release with nothing but a janky prototype, so I will put off v380 until next week, January 15th.

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cf77d8 No.13523


>I'm sorry, with all the different things just recently, my 'emergency, must do' todo list has spun out of control. Can you say which one thing you would like fixed more than anything else, so I can prioritise that?

On the file lookup scripts tab, the text label that displays the url will resize the entire window when the url doesn't fit instead of getting cut off. I gotta resize the window all the time because it covers the images because of this. Thanks

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423042 No.13527

File: 1000e7cd4f4bd52⋯.png (755.81 KB,1284x768,107:64,Untitled.png)


No no, it turns out that I'm the stupid one here. When I used Pages>New Download Page>Watcher to download from 8kun, it'd say that the thread died and label it "unknown subject" like I said before. So I tried the other download page options and Simple Downloader with the "8chan thread (all linked files) forumula works for it. My bad.

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7f0121 No.13530


Does it work for videos? I'm using 378 and the url downloader just skips videos since it grabs them by the filename rather than hash.

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a8078e No.13533

File: 6ed44fe3c6360c7⋯.jpg (221.83 KB,1000x1300,10:13,6ed44fe3c6360c7d3e84e13e85….jpg)

I had a couple of difficult weeks, but I got some good work done. A prototype for an mpv video player embed is ready for advanced users to test! This new player renders video smoothly and finally adds audio support to hydrus. I have also fixed a heap of bugs, added some new imageboard downloaders, and improved the quality of life of a variety of UI.

I still have some things to do, and plenty to test, and messages to catch up on, so the release is likely to be late tomorrow.

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a8078e No.13534


Thank you. I have just fixed this now, let me know how it works for you. There are some other fixes in this area in today's release as well–please check out the changelog and let me know what else I need to catch up on.

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a8078e No.13535



No worries. I am rolling out 8kun thread url recognition and parsing today, so you should be able to paste 8kun threads into a watcher page and it'll all work, videos and everything, in 380.

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