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/hydrus/ - Hydrus Network

Bug reports, feature requests, and other discussion for the hydrus network.

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This board will be deleted next Wednesday. I am moving to a General on 8chan.moe /t/. This board is archived at 8chan.moe /hydrus/!

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69f3b8 No.13453


zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v377/Hydrus.Network.377.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip

exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v377/Hydrus.Network.377.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe


app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v377/Hydrus.Network.377.-.macOS.-.App.dmg


tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v377/Hydrus.Network.377.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz


tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/archive/v377.tar.gz

I had a good week. I mostly caught up with my smaller jobs queue, just pushing on work that had piled up.


Thank you for the continuing Qt bug reports. I fixed a variety of typo-broken buttons this week, mostly buried in less-used UI, and if you have set a browser launch path override in the options, hyperlinks across the program should obey that again. I also believe I fixed the annoying issue where media viewer hover windows that needed to shrink (because of switching to a new media that had fewer info lines or known urls) would linger too tall for one frame. EDIT: I'm still having slight hover window resize flicker in my IRL client when I keep my mouse over the top-right hover, I'll give it another go next week.

Furthermore, all non-menubar menus across the program now open on right-click release instead of press. This sounds trivial, but there was a mix of down/up click handling here, now unified, and some things like thumbnail and tag selection are handled more naturally in the initial click down. This also fixes an issue where users who had menu styles with no significant border were sometimes accidentally activating the first menu item on a slow click (the click down would show the menu, the click up would activate it).

Last week's support for styles and stylesheets for Qt seems to have gone well. There is more to do here, but this week brings better error handling for unusual situations, better 'we already have this set, no need to waste CPU re-applying it' detection, and fewer hacky colour overrides, so custom stylesheets should be able to colour regular panels without lots of unintended grey or white boxes.

the rest

The shortcut system should now be able to support any text key. This includes extended characters like ø or æ. If you need to apply a modifier to get these keys (e.g. ctrl+alt+e), these modifiers are likely to show up spuriously in the shortcut's label (e.g. ctrl+alt+æ), but everything should nonetheless line up in the program correctly. Let me know if you discover any new bugs here!

There are also some new shortcut commands this week, for the 'media viewer' set. They are 'pan_top/bottom/left/right_edge' and 'pan_horizonal/vertical_center'. They move the whole image around to edges, or center it again, and should be helpful if you often look at tall or wide comics at 100% zoom. There will be more to come here in coming weeks.

The work on making the UI smoother is also continuing. Session saving and a variety of 'media refresh' events that occur on file import or maintenance are now significantly faster and do the bulk of that work in the background. Users with very large sessions should experience less juddery behaviour during both idle and heavy work periods.

full list

- qt:

- all non-menubar menus across the program now launch on click release. some previously launched on click press. a variety of related click event behaviour is cleaned up, particularly with thumbnail/tag selection on the click down. this also fixes some users' menus immediately activating the first entry on slow clicks in some ui styles

- I think I fixed the annoying single-frame delayed size-down resize on media viewer hover frames when changing media!

- the vast majority of old wx panel background colour hacks are removed, so custom stylesheets should now cover much more of the UI

- improved the new custom style and stylesheet setting, resetting, and error handling code, particularly for not re-applying the same style or stylesheet twice, and for handling un-re-settable styles (seems to be defaults initialised by third-party OS-wide Qt style) gracefully

- fixed hyperlinks not using the custom web browser launch path as set in the options

- fixed the 'migrate entire db' and 'set thumb location' buttons in the migrate database dialog

- fixed a typo bug when launching the url selection tree after adding an ipfs directory to download

- fixed two typo bugs when editing regex favourites and simple downloader formulae

- fixed an issue where custom shortcut sets could not be deleted

- fixed a typo in the edit account type panel

- fixed sorting the login listctrl when there are session logins mixed with non-session logins

- removed some old media viewer hover window display/raise hacks

- retired the 'always show hover windows' debug mode

- the media viewer will no longer perform any drag calculations on anything but left-click drag

- misc Qt code refactoring/cleanup

- .

- url searching:

- the database now stores 'known url' domain information more efficiently. it will take a few moments/minutes to reshape the db when updating

- system:known url's exact url search now runs extremely fast. this will only affect new predicates of this type, not those in existing sessions

- system:known url's domain search now runs much faster and matches subdomains of the given domain. this will only affect new predicates of this type, not those in existing sessions

- system:known url's url class search now runs much faster. this will only affect new predicates of this type, not those in existing sessions

- when entering a regex system:known url predicate, the dialog will now not OK (throwing up an error dialog) if the regex is invalid

- .

- the rest:

- the shortcut system now allows all text characters. if it has text, it should work, but it is the wild west in terms of modifier labelling. anything unusual on your keyboard like ctrl+alt+e to make æ will _display_ as ctrl+alt+æ, but the same key combination will match up in the program all correct

- added shortcut actions 'pan_top_edge', 'pan_bottom_edge', 'pan_left_edge', 'pan_right_edge' to the media viewer shortcut set that will move the current image so the respective edge is aligned with the larger canvas's

- added shortcut actions 'pan_horizontal_center' and 'pan_vertical_center' to do as above but center on that axis

- session save now hangs the UI significantly less, whether triggered by user command or auto-saving 'last session'

- saving of last/exit sessions on client close is a little faster

- the call to refresh thumbnail file info (and redraw if needed) when a file is imported or has metadata-regenererating file maintenance done will now only call for files that are actually loaded, run faster per file, run faster when the client has large collections in its session, and not hang the ui thread when waiting for the new media info to arrive

- like regular popups, modal popups (like those created when big vacuum/analyze jobs jump in) will now only appear if the main gui or an on-parent child has OS focus

- the main gui/on-parent child OS focus test now includes misc child windows like the autocomplete results hover window

- network jobs that fail for one reason or another will now be more reliably cleaned up, and their connections returned to the connection pool. this may fix the 'too many open file handles' errors some users were seeing after long term unreliable network traffic

- fixed an issue where some thumbnails that were trashed or physically deleted were being removed from 'all known files' and file repository views when it was not appropriate

- connection and downloader retry time options now have a wider min/max range when in advanced mode, with an accompanying warning label for the connection panel

- checker options times now have a wider min/max range when in advanced mode, with an accompanying warning label

- cleaned up some shutdown reporting text

- misc debug improvements

next week

The holidays are coming up. As 379 would normally be due on Christmas Day, I will postpone that to New Year, which means next week's 378, on the 18th, will be the last release of the year. I am due for a 'cleanup' week, which will also make for a nice 'safe' release before the break. So I will clean up code, do some more Qt neatening, and otherwise catch up on smaller jobs like I did this week.

I never strictly marked down the day when I started working on hydrus, but December 14th, 2011, the date of the first non-experimental beta, has emerged as a decent birthday. This week marks eight years. It has been a lot of work and a lot of fun. There are a couple thousand things I would still like to do, so if I can, I would like to keep going as I have into the 2020s. I deeply appreciate all the feedback, help, and support over the years. Thank you!

If you would like to further support my work and are in a position to do so, my simple no-reward Patreon is here: https://www.patreon.com/hydrus_dev

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611abe No.13454


Is there a bug with sessions? Noticed yesterday that all but 1 of my old saved sessions were wiped, and a session that I saved last night wasn't listed when I checked this morning.

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a7af28 No.13458


really want to know this too, I haven't updated yet, but dont want to loose sessions

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9a6eba No.13460


You are the first I have heard of this. I am very sorry you are having trouble. I updated how sessions were saved last week, making them faster in CPU terms, but even if this failed for you, this should not have affected existing sessions. Sessions normally are not deleted, and there are 10 rolling backups of every one.

If you hit pages->sessions->append session backup, what listings do you have there? It should be at least 'exit session' and 'last session', with 10 or so backups for each.

How do you normally save a session? Is it from the menu, or from a tab right-click? Could you have tried to save the same session more than 10 times since the error started?

If this is in 377, do you know when you updated from? Was it a recent release like 375, or much longer ago?

Have you had any hard drive problems recently, or a recent sudden power cut-off while the client was running? Any errors pop up about 'malformed db' or similar?

And do you have a backup? We should be able to recover sessions from that and transfer them into your working client.

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9a6eba No.13461


I forgot to ask–were any of these sessions very very large, like 400,000+ files/downloader urls? I know sessions that large can fail, but you usually get an error. It would not explain why existing ones would disappear, but would be a data point.

Also, if you shut the client down and go to your install_dir/db directory, there should be a sqlite3 executable. If you run that, it will bring up a new console. Please copy/paste these lines in:

.open client.db
select dump_name, timestamp from json_dumps_named where dump_type = 13;

That should list all the sessions in your db and the integer timestamp of when they were saved. Does that reflect what you saw in the menus? Does it produce any sort of error?

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2856c2 No.13468

File: 26c1f0967cb6f86⋯.png (6 KB,397x231,397:231,Untitled.png)

I've updated my Hydrus ver.33x to this 377 since I wanted to finally fix some sort of account error (preventing updates and sync with the public tag repository).

Now I get a runtime error popup 4 times whenever I try to start Hydrus up.

I'm pretty sure I'll have to wipe the whole program and reinstall it, I just don't want any damage done to my image database; everything should be just as it was after doing the fix.

Would anyone tell me how I can safely fix Hydrus?

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7b9344 No.13469


I'm experiencing this issue as well. "exit session", "last session", and one manually saved session are the only sessions that show up in the "append session backup" menu. The same is true for "clear and load" and "append". However, my missing manually saved sessions are still accessible via the "Default session on startup" dropdown in files -> options -> gui pages.

On a unrelated note, I've had an issue with my "last session" session in two different Hydrus clients for a few months. Setting it as my default startup session causes Hydrus to load a session from a couple months ago. It also happens if I append or "clear and load" the "last session" session, but appending any of the 10 session backups works correctly. I believe this may have been caused by temporarily setting my computer's date a couple months ahead while Hydrus was open. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this?

I should probably also note that the "exit session" session isn't affected by this.

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611abe No.13470

File: 1d419f2b714760a⋯.png (15.3 KB,565x291,565:291,Untitled1.png)

File: 0447f4e0a88362b⋯.png (12.25 KB,706x167,706:167,Untitled2.png)


>If you hit pages->sessions->append session backup, what listings do you have there? It should be at least 'exit session' and 'last session', with 10 or so backups for each.

Just those and 1 other session.

>How do you normally save a session? Is it from the menu, or from a tab right-click? Could you have tried to save the same session more than 10 times since the error started?

Nah, always through the menu. Most of these sessions are mega old, 2017-2019, but they did still work.

>If this is in 377, do you know when you updated from? Was it a recent release like 375, or much longer ago?

I always update version to version, so from 376, 375, 374, etc. Can't say when I last noticed them working.

>Have you had any hard drive problems recently, or a recent sudden power cut-off while the client was running? Any errors pop up about 'malformed db' or similar?

Nope, none.

>And do you have a backup? We should be able to recover sessions from that and transfer them into your working client.

I do a weekly backup so they're probably already gone, but it's not a big deal. I haven't touched them in months/years so I clearly wasn't going to do anything with them.


>I forgot to ask–were any of these sessions very very large, like 400,000+ files/downloader urls? I know sessions that large can fail, but you usually get an error. It would not explain why existing ones would disappear, but would be a data point.

No, largest might be like 1K files.

>That should list all the sessions in your db and the integer timestamp of when they were saved. Does that reflect what you saw in the menus? Does it produce any sort of error?

Yeah, they all still show up there. No error.

Like >>13469 says, they still show up there as well.

>I'm experiencing this issue as well. "exit session", "last session", and one manually saved session are the only sessions that show up in the "append session backup" menu. The same is true for "clear and load" and "append". However, my missing manually saved sessions are still accessible via the "Default session on startup" dropdown in files -> options -> gui pages.

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c07151 No.13472



Thank you for the follow-ups. I believe this is fixed for 378. Thankfully, your sessions are not deleted from the db, they were just not showing in the menu.

A recent change in how the 'pages' menu is generated was relying on the 'backups' list for the main 'session names' list, but in the case where a session only had one recorded save, no backups, it was not included in the backups list. This would particularly hit older sessions that were saved before the backup system was established. I have fixed the way these lists are generated to check both areas for session names.


For your time-skip issue, I think this is the fix:

Same deal with the sqlite3 executable console as in >>13461 above. We will rewind all your subs a bit just to make sure a new session gets saved on top rather than be discarded as the new 'oldest' one. First, we need to pick a number of seconds to rewind. If you reckon a couple of months difference, let's try rewinding them six months, or 86400 * 30 * 6 = 15500000:

.open client.db
UPDATE json_dumps_named SET timestamp = timestamp - 15500000 WHERE dump_type = 13;

Now any new session (with a timestamp of 'now', 1576526960 or so) should save on top of the backup stack. I will fix this issue this week and make sure that even if current backups appear to have been saved in the future, any new save will fast-forward. If you need to do some more clock-changing in future, I'll still advise you do it while the client is off, as all downloader/subscription/thread watcher timings are based on current time and may go haywire.

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c07151 No.13473


Hey, I am sorry you have run into this. I believe you got hit by the tricky 335 update, which was the jump from python 2 to python 3. Your db is safe.

Hydrus needs a 'clean' install to clear out old python 2 dlls that conflict with py3 stuff. Forgive the tumblr URL, but here is the release post from then with full instructions:


The basic thing is 'don't delete the db directory', since that is where all your stuff is stored. Delete everything else, reinstall/reextract, and you should be good. Please let me know if you still have any trouble. A big jump of 40-odd versions may have other issues, so you might like to try 345 or so first, boot it once, then 355, 365, 377.

Please also bear in mind that a few weeks ago a complete overhaul of the UI engine happened, wx to Qt. It is as significant a change as the py2->py3 step was. Hydrus looks a little subtly different now, but performance is significantly better. There are no special install instructions for this wx->Qt stuff.

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7b9344 No.13474


Thank you so much, that fixed it! I don't expect to do any clock-changing for the foreseeable future, but I'll follow your advice if that changes.

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2856c2 No.13476


Thank you very much, Hydrus dev!

I followed your instructions, cleaning out the old program and reinstalling thru 335 to 377 every 10 or so updates, and now the latest version is running well so far. I encountered 2 minor hurdles in the form of a "missing cache to rebuild" and the migration to the new PTR, both done smoothly.

If I encounter any unusual, less-than-optimal events I'll be back with details.

Thank you again for your help!

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c07151 No.13477

File: f976e21aab1682a⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1433x1900,1433:1900,f976e21aab1682aa1d9ee4f581….jpg)

I had a great, simple week. I mostly concentrated on code cleanup and database optimisation. A number of unusually very slow searches and routines (sparse system:known url searches particularly) should now be significantly faster. I also managed to push all the simple file sorts into system:limit queries, so now if you search with sort:filesize:descending and system:limit=256, you'll get the 256 biggest files of the whole sort, not a sample.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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