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/hydrus/ - Hydrus Network

Bug reports, feature requests, and other discussion for the hydrus network.

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This board will be deleted next Wednesday. I am moving to a General on 8chan.moe /t/. This board is archived at 8chan.moe /hydrus/!

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94a0a3 No.13437


zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v375/Hydrus.Network.375.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip

exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v375/Hydrus.Network.375.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe


app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v375/Hydrus.Network.375.-.macOS.-.App.dmg


tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v375/Hydrus.Network.375.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz


tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/archive/v375.tar.gz

I had a great week. There are a bunch more Qt fixes, and a few other things as well.


I have fixed a bunch more bugs in the Qt code. We are getting to the end now–this is mostly smaller stuff like an unusual dialog button not working, but I have fixed another important memory leak that was causing some backend not to be deleted correctly when a media viewer closed on a video. This should radically reduce memory use for some heavily used clients.

Some windows that were large, or could expand to be, like the options dialog on some pages, were sizing off the edge of the screen. This should be fixed now, and a variety of child-window initial size calculations should be a bit more accurate–Qt manages window size a little differently than wx, and the additional buffer represented by the window title frame and border was not being taken into account.

The menubar menus should work a little snappier this week. Things like the rapid 'pending (xxx)' menu updates when a downloader is importing files with tags. The whole UI should get a little latency benefit from this during these high-traffic times.

I also gave the layout and scaling another go on clients that use UI scaling (when you tell your OS to display UI at >100% on a monitor) on high dpi displays. The experiment from last week did not go how I wanted, with pixelly scaled-up thumbnails, so I have reworked that and fixed the taglist, which was crunching tags together on these displays.

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94a0a3 No.13438

the rest

For users who have been trying to download from unreliable or tight servers, the network engine now handles connection errors and 'server was busy due to low bandwidth' errors separately, and has separate delay time options for both of these under options->connection.

There's a new danbooru login script. They apparently changed their cookies a little. If you use a danbooru login and have had trouble, please make sure your credentials carried over to the new script and give it another go.

For users who have complicated file storage failures and need some specific recovery options, there are now new jobs under the file maintenance system to quietly delete bad files from storage without affecting the db file record, and also to re-download files that are missing or broken if they have known urls. These jobs are experimental and only useful for certain file recovery scenarios, but if you have been waiting on something like this, please give them a careful go and feel free to ask for help.

full list

- qt:

- disabled the failed legacy high dpi scaling mode experiment (which was scaling up thumbnails and media in an ugly way) and returned to font-size-based natural ui scaling as set by the OS. a couple of non-font things like bitmap buttons and various layout margins are too small on >100% UI scale, and the splash screen is borked again, but it looks clear again. I'll keep working on this

- fixed the custom taglist at >100% UI scale, which was spacing its tags at the wrong text height. this should survive changing ui scale while the program is open and environments with multiple monitors at different ui scale

- re-fixed a critical old media-viewer-close-on-video memory leak from wx code to qt code. this was also a cause for some child ffmpeg processes not being terminated

- fixed the media viewer not redrawing correctly when the media size completely exceeds the canvas window size

- fixed the loading of the shortcut edit panel when the shortcut set a tag

- fixed some url class edit path component ui

- fixed and cleaned up some 'safe window size/position' calculations that were missing out the total frame geometry, meaning some dialogs were not moving up and left enough to show entirely on screen, and dialogs with parent-dimension gravity were not calculating initial size accurately

- fixed focusing on the already-open manage tags text input when you hit 'manage tags' on a canvas with a manage tags dialog already open

- fixed the html formula rule edit ui actually rendering html tag labels, lmao

- updated boot-password entry to use the normal hydrus text entry dialog, and fixed a hydrus password cancel not setting a 'clean' exit for the next boot

- fixed page layout splitter sash positions not resetting nicely from the menu command

- fixed keyboard delete in the manage urls dialog

- popup message titles are now in bold

- popup message titles should now multiline correctly and fill available width

- the popup messages manager should now set its min/fixed width more sensibly

- subscription popups now will be wider if space is available

- wrote a new class to manage better asynchronous updates for future Qt ui presentation

- the file, pages, and pending menubar menus, which all require a db hit to generate, now operate on this new update class. all three should update faster when able and more politely and smoothly wait when the db is busy

- reduced some accidental blocking in an old ui-update routine that kicked in when it was running hard

- if the media_viewer frame type is set not to remember its 'last size', it will now instantiate with a small min size

- when pasting new queries into a sub, if there are more than 5 or 50 that are already in or new, they will be rendered in a more compact way in order to stop the notification dialog growing too tall

- improved stability of page update, splash screen update, and perhaps pubsub update

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94a0a3 No.13439

- .

- new file maintenance jobs:

- added a new 'check for missing files' file maintenance job, where if the file is missing and has urls, those urls will be queued up in a new url downloader for redownload. the file record is not removed, preserving archive/inbox and import time

- added a new 'check for invalid files' file maintenance job that does the same deal as above with an additional expensive byte-for-byte content check if the file is not missing

- added a new 'check for invalid files' file maintenance job that only cares about invalidity–if the file is present and invalid, it is moved out but the file record is not removed

- .

- the rest:

- network jobs that receive low-bandwidth error codes from the server now use a separate wait routine (previously, they piggybacked on the connection fail retry system). they have a separate cog-menu action to override these waits

- the time delay multiple for connection errors and serverside bandwidth problems are now editable under options->connection. old default was 10 seconds base, now 15 and 60 seconds respectively

- updated the danbooru login script

- improved the precision of the thumbnail size estimate in database migration

- the alphabetisation of a url class's GET paramaters on normalise is now optional. it is a new checkbox on the url class edit panel

- when a default object fails to load from a png path, a simple error is now written to the log

- misc cleanup

next week

I got hit by some IRL stuff right at the end of this week, including some Thanksgiving surprises, so I couldn't fit in the new downloader fixes I wanted to, but I have some fixes for pixiv tag search and twitter video download waiting to be added. I also couldn't get to Qt theming again, nor macOS tab DnD! So, I'll focus on those first thing so they definitely get done.

Otherwise, next week is scheduled to be a 'medium size' job week. I would like to get a long-planned overhaul of subscription data handling done. Subs are getting huge and clunky for many users, and I'd like to have them load into their dialog and do their normal work much faster, with much less CPU and HDD involved.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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94a0a3 No.13440

test BO trip

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502ec9 No.13441

Curiously this thread only shows up in the catalog. At least for me.

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d48852 No.13442


Yeah, I have had to force-refresh a couple of threads on the site to get new posts, and a couple of the BO things didn't work immediately after migration. And things are obviously sluggish. Seems to be getting better though!

My only real peeve is that file downloads now don't have the content-length header sent or something, so my web browser doesn't have a nice progress bar as they download. And the anti-DDoS blocks hydrus html for now unless, I assume, you send the vanwatech cookies with Hydrus Companion or similar. JSON API seems to work, so maybe that is better.

I keep meaning to do this job but keep not getting around to it, but I'll roll out new thread watcher support for the big bunkers, and 8kun, in a release soon.

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7a4da2 No.13443

File: df048ec65ccb387⋯.jpg (85.56 KB,496x768,31:48,df048ec65ccb3878338698ca38….jpg)

I had an ok week. Subscriptions now operate more efficiently, using less resources and choosing their sync times more precisely. Some simple Qt theming support is added for experimentation by advanced users, and a number of bugs are fixed, including page tab drag and drop for macOS users and anyone else with a center-aligned tab bar.

I have a busy day, so the release will be quite late tomorrow.

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