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File: 48cb0ba54a838aa⋯.gif (171.58 KB,500x500,1:1,48cb0ba54a838aa77fac4f1bd7….gif)

2e1689 No.13278

I had an ok week. I did some of the last duplicates work, including matching zooms for files with different resolution ratios and adding a neat pixel-for-pixel duplicate detector, polished some of the logic for the new tag autocomplete search, and cleaned and fixed a bunch of code.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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05a58b No.13283

cant wait to see some of the changes to duplicates, if it does what I think, I may be able to do everything in program without a magnifier program assisting me, will still probably use the magnifier, but the need to use it being gone would be great for when I want to watch a video on the side, as the program at 8x magnification can completely kill performance for some reason.

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2e1689 No.13290


Unfortunately the slow/bad rendering of vids and images at high zooms will continue for a bit more. I have a plan to improve it–moving to tile-based rendering, where off-screen tiles are not scaled/rendered–but it will be a 'big job'. If you are at 100% zoom on a file, using a magnifier is a great way to highlight pixel differences in the meantime.

Let me know how these dupe changes go for you. I am basically done with duplicate overhaul now, pretty much just have some help to write.

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8eec11 No.13292


Hydrus dev I still can't fetch "pixiv work" tags after deleting the "pixiv" entries you told me to, and doing the fill in gaps thing >>13245 >>13257

Is there anything more I can do? I didn't change anything about my subscriptions, but I did look at them and saw that everything except the pixiv options for subscriptions is now duplicated, so it's like "nijie" and "nijie (1)" or something now.

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2e1689 No.13294


Hey, I am sorry, I think I read your post wrong the first time. I thought you couldn't search by tag, rather than actually getting certain tags. The pixiv parser is supposed to pull some tags, but I don't know enough about it to know exactly what should be being pulled. I will play with this and address your post more properly later. Can you tell me what a 'pixiv work' tag is–is it like the normal tags for the image, like 'touhou', or something else?

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8eec11 No.13295


Hi, thank you for helping me. It's ok you misunderstood the first time.

What I mean by "pixiv work" tag is the "id" of a pixiv submission. "Saucenao" straight calls it "Pixiv ID" when showing a result from pixiv, but the tag for it Hydrus produces is the namespace "pixiv work".

"Pixiv work" tags don't actually preserve the "page" format of pixiv submissions at a 1:1 ratio; instead they start at page 1 rather than page 0 (so for example, where the filename pixiv itself produces is "73378380_p0", Hydrus handles it as "pixiv work:73378380" and a "page:1" tag).

I was able to get "pixiv work" tags by opening a "gallery" tab in Hydrus and selecting "pixiv artist lookup" in the box under what you enter, then I'd enter the pixiv member id (I don't know what pixiv actually calls the IDs I enter there). Also subscriptions would fetch "pixiv work" tags just fine.

I don't know why I stopped getting them. I don't remember changing anything, except possibly updating. I only noticed I stopped getting them randomly, when searching for a "pixiv work" tag didn't return anything, when I knew it should have.

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05a58b No.13296


oh sure, the program does not handle videos being large, but that's not what I meant, the magnification program I use when I have it going sometimes causes youtube to drop frames like a motherfucker, so me having 1/2 my screen hydrus, 1/2 my screen a video and my 13 inch display the magnification, the youtube will look drop I think 60000 og 70000 frames, that was the last time it was really bad. not sure what the cause is for it to go from watchable to horrible,

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8eec11 No.13313


Hydrus dev, I know you're busy and have your own life, but I was hoping you could prioritize giving me feedback on at least if it's just me with the issue of not fetching "pixiv work" tags anymore.

Since I still fetch every other tag just fine, I just searched "r-18" and "-pixiv work:*" at the same time to check the damage, and the earliest instance of Hydrus failing to fetch "pixiv work" tags for me was 20 days and 10 hours ago as of my typing this. I only first told you about it seven days ago because I was hoping it wasn't just me, and it would be noticed and fixed in the next release, or something, without me saying anything myself.

I probably didn't update Hydrus as soon as the release came out, so maybe 20 days ago I updated which broke it. But I was just wondering if it was just me with the issue.

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06632c No.13317

File: 640cc620b81beea⋯.png (71.27 KB,1192x814,596:407,pixiv parser.png)




Hey, sorry for the delay. I am all caught up on IRL shit and hope to clear out all my messages today.

Thanks for explaining. I am not a big pixiv user, so I don't know much about it. I think I rolled out a new pixiv parser about three/four weeks ago when they updated their API. I generally cull my default parsers so they do not have lots of tags, especially site-specific ones, which I think is why you are not getting it any more.

The guys who put new pixiv parsers up on the github tend to me more enthusiastic about id tags and so on. This one does include 'pixiv id' and 'pixiv work' tags:


I think that is the one I used to make the new slimmed-down default.

Since you are more familiar with the advanced UI here, you can check what sorts of tags you get from a parser by going to manage parsers and going into the parser itself and clicking 'content parsers'. Pic related, you can see what that github one tries to get.

The easy-png-import process is supposed to completely overwrite what you are currently using with what you import, but if you want to check, check out manage url class links again to make sure you are lined up with that new parser that gets the id/work tags. You can also do a test run in that manage parsers UI to make sure it is getting what you want.

Then I suggest you open a big search for all files with a pixiv url but no id tag and then ctrl+a and right-click->known urls->copy->pixiv file page urls, then open a new 'url downloader' page and set the tag import options to get tags even if urls recognised and file and in db, and then paste all those urls in. It should catch you up with the missing tags without trying to download the actual files again.

Sorry again for my lateness and confusion here. Please let me know if you have any more trouble.

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8eec11 No.13329


Thank you Hydrus dev. It's ok for the delay. It's just that I was hoping someone else would come forward with having the issue so I wouldn't have to myself. I can't really confidently meet social expectations, so this was kinda worst case scenario for me short of me being bullied for stalking your replies across threads or something.

I haven't done the "url downloader" suggestion yet (which I definitely will, since I didn't know you could fetch tags without redownloading images until you said as much), but I looked at the parser thanks to your instructions, and I can see that the new one has the same name as the default ("pixiv file page api parser (1)"), but with the "pixiv work" tags the default stopped fetching. So I think my issue is fixed now, thank you.

But this new parser you linked fetches a new tag (namespace) "pixiv id", which fetches the ID of the pixiv account itself. It's a fair name for that function, but I already have legacy tags using the "pixiv id" namespace from when I used "PixivUtil2" to rip from pixiv. Ideally I'd just be able to use this parser's "pixiv id" namespace stock, but in practice I can't, since I'm already using the namespace. I think I'll rename the namespace to "pixiv member id" if possible, which was a custom namespace I was using for pixiv account IDs.

Also every parser is duped except the pixiv parsers because at first I deleted only the pixiv parsers, then re-added defaults for everything. And now the new pixiv parser that can fetch "pixiv work" tags has the name of a dupe. I have to clean that up but otherwise I assume everything's fine on my end. Thanks again.

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8eec11 No.13331


>but I already have legacy tags using the "pixiv id" namespace from when I used "PixivUtil2" to rip from pixiv. Ideally I'd just be able to use this parser's "pixiv id" namespace stock, but in practice I can't, since I'm already using the namespace.

In hindsight this excerpt/ entire paragraph is just unrealistic, since everyone but me will use "pixiv id" namespace for the stock function, but I was planning to use a different namespace, which probably isn't feasible since any update to the parser will revert to the default.

Is there any way to rename instances of a namespace without forfeiting the entire namespace? This doesn't really work for me otherwise; I now just have two types of tags under the same namespace.

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8eec11 No.13332


I just checked and I have 139,198 files in my database with a "pixiv id" tag (namespace) I used for PixivUtil2 filenames.

I can theoretically re-download them all and re-import under a different namespace… but it'd just take a lot of time and my Hydrus would be unusable for the entire import time. Assuming I even have the hard drive space for this.

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8eec11 No.13348


This is stupid but my laptop only has 4GB ram, and normally I'm able to keep my browser and Hydrus open at the same time, and Hydrus is often frozen but still usable sometimes. But in trying to load a tab with 139,198 images at once, Hydrus remains frozen for 40+ minutes at a time for me, and I had to sit there watching it in my peripheral vision to catch it for the seconds in a row it was unfrozen.

I managed to load the images, highlight them all, press f3 to tag, and paste the desired tag in from a text document where I manually typed the tag when Hydrus was frozen. I even seemingly successfully pressed accept, because a subscription window partially loaded, signifying I returned to the main client window. But on this partially-loaded subscription window on the main client window, it's been frozen for like 10 hours now.

My measly 4GB ram never dips below 95% usage wih only Hydrus open in this state, with Hydrus using from 3 mil to 3.2 mil. So I was just wondering if there is a way to tag without loading images… like if I could perform the same search with arbitrary exclusions if possible, but without the burden of the client loading it all, or any of it in one tab.

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8eec11 No.13354


>Then I suggest you open a big search for all files with a pixiv url but no id tag and then ctrl+a and right-click->known urls->copy->pixiv file page urls, then open a new 'url downloader' page and set the tag import options to get tags even if urls recognised and file and in db, and then paste all those urls in. It should catch you up with the missing tags without trying to download the actual files again.

I just did this, and the number it shows is 0/12,025, when my search of "r-18" and "-pixiv work:* only showed 8,499 results. So I was worried it would only fix the r-18 tagged images, but it must've gotten everything instead. So I think it works, thanks.

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b2bbc6 No.13367


Great. Although the new downloader system is amazing compared to the old rubbish I had, it is not always pleasant to work with with the duplicate objects and so on. The next iteration here will have versioning or something and auto-updates.



I hope to add namespace siblings in some tag repository work that will start in the next 3-5 weeks! This has long been requested.


Yeah, hydrus performance bombs out at about 30-50k thumbs in a single page. And manage tags doesn't work well for selections above about 8k thumbs. I am afraid the code just can't handle this stuff yet. Next step here is to improve manage tags so it does big operations asynchronously with a nice cancel button, and then yeah, I'd like some sort of faster tech for various large operations overall. The main problem for manage tags is when you try to add a tag, it needs to check all the files in the selection if they already have the tag in order to present you with 'pend to 3 files/petition from 2 files' kind of decisions. It does not scale well (and I think the final 'approve' stop is O(n²)), so for 10k files it just takes an unreasonable amount of time. As well as code optimisations, some CPU-faster entry actions (like 'woah lad, there's a lot of files here, let's make some add-only decisions beforehand') will come at some point.



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8eec11 No.13372


Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to my random feedback on trying to add "pixiv work" tags to those that missed them the first time around.

I wanted to say too though that actually I was mistaken- the "url downloader" page only added "pixiv work" tags to the images tagged "r-18".

I was able to tell as much because I found a western artist who used to tag his images "r-18g", which is the gore tag, rather than mere "r-18" to mean adult. So every one of his images before he started using the "r-18" tag still didn't have a "pixiv work" tag.

I think I may not have a meaningful way to add "pixiv work" tags to every image that failed to get it the first time, in the end. Because even if I manage to do the "url downloader" for as many popular tags as I can, there will always be images that weren't tagged correctly.

But the only reason anything even has an "r-18" tag is because I used a "gallery" tab and put in a pixiv member id. I thought I could use the fact I've done that to fill in anything missing a "pixiv work" tag somehow.

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a4df90 No.13386

File: 02db0e20484d1d2⋯.png (149.02 KB,1293x1392,431:464,pixiv.png)


Hmm, that's odd. I just did a test for this:


As in pic related, and it looked ok. The actual json parsing rules for pixiv work tag look sensible and don't seem to rely on some clever lookup path that goes through r-18 gubbins anywhere.

I am not sure. I am not a big pixiv guy and didn't write the new parser, so I can't talk too cleverly.

This is a small thought, but is there any chance some of those files that couldn't take a 'pixiv work' tag actually had it deleted in the PTR (if you are adding to PTR)? If you hit F3 on one of them that you know didn't work and then hit the cog icon on manage tags and tell it to show deleted, is there 'pixiv work:123456 (X1)'? I think I have deleted some before after some large petitions came up on the PTR regarding some of this 'meta'-style content.

The 'what to do when a tag is deleted' workflow has always been a bit shaky. I'd like to clear some of it up when I move onto this PTR work in 2-4 weeks with better overall local control of what tags you see from difference sources, moving solutions to 'I like this/don't like this' preferences away from the existing 'this is correct/incorrect' workflows.

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