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Bug reports, feature requests, and other discussion for the hydrus network.

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This board will be deleted next Wednesday. I am moving to a General on 8chan.moe /t/. This board is archived at 8chan.moe /hydrus/!

File: 7a56ef4350b0bb9⋯.jpg (64.84 KB,445x488,445:488,7a56ef4350b0bb96c5b6a4eb80….jpg)

2b149c No.11542 [Last50 Posts]


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2de1cf No.11545

File: e7cec3c80e2eb3a⋯.gif (293.75 KB,200x200,1:1,e7cec3c80e2eb3a9b2cd518734….gif)

I have this one.

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1fc118 No.11547



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67eb80 No.11553


Wait… If that's supposed to be a bee giving honey shouldn't it be coming out of her butt?

That's how real bees do it

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2de1cf No.11555

File: 615cb12f7d9da38⋯.png (33.26 KB,713x197,713:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Also, computer bug.

Getting this error when trying to commit tags or anything related to the PTR, including refreshing the account.




>When her nectar “sacs” are full, the honeybee returns to the hive. Nectar is delivered to one of the indoor bees and is then passed mouth-to-mouth from bee to bee until its moisture content is reduced from about 70% to 20%. This changes the nectar into honey. Sometimes the nectar is stored at once in cells in the honeycomb before the mouth-to-mouth working because some evaporation is caused by the 32.5°C temperature inside the hive.

That's really fucking hot in a way.

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2b149c No.11569


Thank you for this report. I got one of these on Thursday, but it cleared up after a refresh account call. I am not sure if it is related to me rebooting my server on Wed to update it, or if it is related to some recent power cuts I had that maybe knocked my network about for a few 60s-segments that maybe my client just happened to try something on, or something else.

This sounds stupid, but if you try refresh account again, does it work now? I've had this stuff fix itself over time before.

Otherwise, if you check your client log under install_dir/db, is there any traceback related to the login error? You can prob search the log for "public tag repository" to help find anything relevant.

And if not anything good there, what happens if you try a 'refresh accounts' with help->debug->report modes->network report mode on? It should dump some popup messages and eventually write it all to your log again. What requests is it making to my server, and what responses is it logging, at all?

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ecbed1 No.11581

Having trouble closing any page of pages; I don't use this feature often so I don't know if it's new on latest release or what


'PagesNotebook' object has no attribute 'TestAbleToClose'

File "include\ClientGUIMenus.py", line 156, in event_callable

callable( *args, **kwargs )

File "include\ClientGUIPages.py", line 907, in _ClosePage


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f311c8 No.11582


>Do you have, say, more than 100 pages open?

I've never had anything close to even 50 pages open because I'd find myself overwhelmed by it. I do however have a good number of downloads from galleries, I download artists I like entire gallery and then sort through it so that could easily be the cause of the huge number of pending tags.

I have not tried page of pages, but since it's been a week on the new version (still on 338) I haven't run into the bug since then and I think I would have run into it again by now. I believe it's been fixed from moving to wx4.0.

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160223 No.11585

Clearing the deleted mappings record doesn't seem to be doing anything. The deleted tags still show up in the tags manager.

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2de1cf No.11589

File: 508f87d77bde51b⋯.png (1.16 KB,366x26,183:13,ClipboardImage.png)


>This sounds stupid, but if you try refresh account again, does it work now?

Refreshing it just tells me to refresh my account.

>Otherwise, if you check your client log under install_dir/db, is there any traceback related to the login error?

Clicking show traceback on the error(it also shows on the bottom right) gives me this.

Download cancelled: This hydrus service (hydrus service: public tag repository) recently failed to log in. Please hit its 'refresh account' under 'review services' and try again.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "include\ClientGUIPanels.py", line 846, in do_it
self._service.SyncAccount( force = True )
File "include\ClientServices.py", line 993, in SyncAccount
response = self.Request( HC.GET, 'account' )
File "include\ClientServices.py", line 876, in Request
File "include\ClientNetworkingJobs.py", line 1174, in WaitUntilDone
raise HydrusExceptions.CancelledException( message )
include.HydrusExceptions.CancelledException: Download cancelled: This hydrus service (hydrus service: public tag repository) recently failed to log in. Please hit its 'refresh account' under 'review services' and try again.

>And if not anything good there, what happens if you try a 'refresh accounts' with help->debug->report modes->network report mode on?

Nothing changes except pic related shows.

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935677 No.11592

I restarted my client because the usable area turned blank (though I could still see my tabs and they highlight blue when I hover over them; didn't try clicking this time since this happens every so often)

.. and on restart it said "OSError" ; "File not found!"

File not found!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "include\HydrusThreading.py", line 342, in run
callable( *args, **kwargs )
File "include\ClientGUIDialogs.py", line 1021, in THREADParseImportablePaths
mime = HydrusFileHandling.GetMime( path )
File "include\HydrusFileHandling.py", line 315, in GetMime
if HydrusVideoHandling.HasVideoStream( path ):
File "include\HydrusVideoHandling.py", line 309, in HasVideoStream
lines = GetFFMPEGInfoLines( path )
File "include\HydrusVideoHandling.py", line 132, in GetFFMPEGInfoLines
CheckFFMPEGError( lines )
File "include\HydrusVideoHandling.py", line 37, in CheckFFMPEGError
raise IOError( "File not found!" )
OSError: File not found!

If it matters, what i was doing immediately before the client area (except tabs) turning blank- which was what prompted me restarting the client- was importing an old windows folder I was too lazy to sift through manually. I never learned how to really tackle this stuff, so I was running irfanview's (image viewer) batch rename command to rename all the images to "date (ascending)" to import under a unique namespace. I let that do its thing into a new folder it created, while at the same time I was importing the original folder with original filenames to Hydrus.

Hydrus said it couldn't access two images, probably because they were in use, but I couldn't be arsed to import the folder again over two images, so I just let it go. I assumed that was what this error was about but I don't know. I'm on version 339 (latest version as of the time of submitting this).

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935677 No.11597


Actually the two images Hydrus didn't have access to on importing this folder, that appears to be independent of my running an irfanview batch rename command alongside importing to Hydrus.

The folder irfanview's batch rename thing produced has two fewer images than the original folder. So two of them must just be broken.

In short all my text after pasting the error was probably irrelevant and independent of the error.

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f311c8 No.11607

File: a89937f20768873⋯.png (15.87 KB,336x311,336:311,ClipboardImage.png)


false alarm still get the bug. showed up again after heavy downloading today after many crashes almost immediately after restarting, I've since cleared the 800k pending tags yesterday so that can be scratched off the list as the cause.

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962de6 No.11615

Since 339 i am getting an error when uploading data to repositories on the linux client, now with 340 it still happens.

first i got this

C++ assertion "win" failed at /home/vagrant/wxPython-4.0.4/ext/wxWidgets/src/gtk/menu.cpp(84) in DoCommonMenuCallbackCode(): event for a menu without associated window?

File "site-packages/wx/core.py", line 3259, in <lambda>

File "include/ClientGUICommon.py", line 3351, in WXDoIt

self._func( *self._args, **self._kwargs )

File "include/ClientGUI.py", line 4940, in RefreshMenu

old_menu = self._menubar.Remove( old_menu_index )

then the pending menu get gray and vanish and i get this

Menu not found!

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "include/HydrusPubSub.py", line 141, in Process

callable( *args, **kwargs )

File "include/ClientGUI.py", line 4756, in NotifyNewPending

self._DirtyMenu( 'pending' )

File "include/ClientGUI.py", line 1164, in _DirtyMenu

menu_index = self._FindMenuBarIndex( label, name )

File "include/ClientGUI.py", line 1236, in _FindMenuBarIndex

raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( 'Menu not found!' )

include.HydrusExceptions.DataMissing: Menu not found!

until the upload is complete

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2de1cf No.11620

File: 82faf1159dede4b⋯.png (86.64 KB,866x818,433:409,1.png)

File: 509c7845a7f36a7⋯.png (78 KB,862x818,431:409,2.png)

File: cffa40b5eda910a⋯.png (71.53 KB,856x812,214:203,3.png)

File: f6eb639a40b2d9d⋯.png (102.75 KB,866x830,433:415,4.png)

File: d7ea83f3f94f273⋯.png (83.72 KB,852x816,71:68,5.png)

Found some exporting fuckery.

I have some files I want to tag with pages 1 to 18.

First I tried exporting using

and it got really fucking weird. Page 1 got a blank filename, pages 2 - 18 got a page, except it was the number of the previous one.


led to the same result, except instead of a blank name, 1 was just named "page.jpg", whereas page 2 was then semi-corretly named "page 2.jpg".

I tried just saying fuck it and using

which worked for the pages, but then the tag order fucked up on some files for some reason, all in the same pattern.

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2de1cf No.11624


>whereas page 2 was then semi-corretly named "page 2.jpg".

*whereas page 2 was then semi-corretly named "page 1.jpg".

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2de1cf No.11629

File: 983bd7dbdec8ff0⋯.gif (268.58 KB,500x281,500:281,983bd7dbdec8ff02f4ae98f0d0….gif)




Also, I'm possibly retarded.

I went to check on the services again just now and it was paused, I unpaused it and it worked. Either I accidentally paused it, or something fucked up and it paused itsel,f either way it's working now.

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9d221e No.11631

File: 6a0572f500a1e3d⋯.png (33.37 KB,362x716,181:358,46546456546.png)

Not sure if this happen on new versions but right now i'm using Hydrus 334 on windows 7. When i load a lot of images it doesn’t load every image on my archive, there is always missing a few images to load (10,12,5,6,etc)

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9b673e No.11633


Use "[page]" not "(page)"

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9b673e No.11634

I have a problem on linux where the popup window with all the system searches like in the pic in >>11631 doesn't show up. Same with the popups in the media viewer.


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2b149c No.11647




Thank you. I am sorry for the inconvenience here. When I wrote the new network engine, I had to fold in the old hydrus account checking stuff into the new login system, and it was a little messy. I suspect there are some dead-end error states in there somewhere that I am not catching properly. In your case, perhaps after several days some timer clicked over and it realised that the login status really was 'unknown' instead of 'failed' or something, so it was able to try one more time in the background, failed cleanly, and then set the service paused in a 'true' unknown state. You were then able to honestly retry and it all sorted itself out.

Please let me know if this happens again or you find out anything new.

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2b149c No.11648


Hey, I am sorry for this bug. It was a mistake I made in 339. I have fixed it for the most recent 340 and written a new UI test to stop this stupid stuff happening again.

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2b149c No.11649



Ok, thank you. I will keep working on this. I rejiggered some menubar stuff this past week for 340, so maybe if >>11607 was on 339, it will now be improved, but I am not sure. I don't think this is menubar but instead something else overflowing. If you are also getting crashes, I recommend you scale back your client in any other easy ways. If you have a lot of thumbnails sitting there waiting to be processed, give them a local tag for like 'process later' and close the tab. Make your client leaner is probably the best bet here for now.

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2b149c No.11650


Was this through the advanced content update dialog, where you say like '(copy) (all mappings) from (x) to (y)'? That had a counting bug that meant it would not perform enough update rows (often it would do 0) in many cases. This is fixed in 340, so if this is so, please try again in that and let me know if it works.

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2b149c No.11651



Thank you for this report. A couple of users have got boshed by this. Please check the chain at >>11594 . I am interested in answers to all the questions in that.

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2b149c No.11652


Thank you. I will revisit this code this week. I am not sure what is happening here, but I think it is OS- or window manager-specific–is this on Linux, as running from source?

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2b149c No.11653



Hey, I think >>11633 has it. Try with brackets, [ and ], and not parentheses, ( and ). With parentheses, it is looking for 'page' rather than the x in 'page:x', and since the files do not have 'page', the resultant filename is the empty string. Each file gets the same empty string, so my 'duplicate-filename de-deduper' is putting ' (n+1)' on the end of each one.

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2b149c No.11654


Thank you for this report. I do not recommend you try to load that many files at once! I recommend you set a limit under options->speed and memory. 10k is the default.

That said, this bad number may be due to some file miscounting in the past. Please try running help->debug->data actions->clear db service info cache and then restart the client (you might like to note down your exact numbers here beforehand). Afterwards, have the inbox/archive/everything numbers changed? What about the 'all local files' and 'my files' file domains under services->review services panel? 'all local files' should have the same number of files as the sum of 'my files', 'repository updates', and 'trash' domains.

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2b149c No.11655


I have had a lot of trouble getting those floating windows to work right in non-Windows, so by default I have them 'embed', like in the manage tags dialog. Please check the 'always embed autocomplete …' option under options->gui and restart the client–does that work better?

There is an ugly BUGFIX option on the same page to make the hover windows on the media viewer always show. It isn't nice, but it works better on the Linux window managers that do not like my code.

Did you by any chance migrate from Windows?

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962de6 No.11667


not running from source, i am running the the executable. To be more specific, The problems happens if i rover the mouse over the pending menu after i put one to sync. I am runing ubuntu 18.04 with KDE plasma, if i go over GNOME the problem is worst, most of the menus get greyed out

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9b673e No.11679

File: 21d5084b223767a⋯.png (160.4 KB,389x400,389:400,freeze.png)


Cool thanks. Yes I did switch from windows.


Followup on this. While the gui doesn't freeze at random anymore I noticed it will always freeze irrecoverably when I export files.

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5969b1 No.11686

pressing "restore from a database backup" on client ver 340, newly install debian 9 causes the client to crash, output in terminal is "Aborted."

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2b149c No.11706


I've got 341 to do some more intelligent swapping during fast update events here. It may fix your issue, or it might move it somewhere else. Please keep me updated once you have tried 341, and I'll give it another go if needed.

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2b149c No.11707


Thank you for this report. Is this when exporting via the export files dialog (i.e. from the thumbnail right-click menu), or drag and drop exporting? If you haven't tried one way, can you try it and let me know if that works?

Does it freeze at the beginning of the action, like as soon as you click, or at the 'end', when the copy is completed and control passes back to the program? Do the files ultimately get exported or not?

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2b149c No.11708


Thank you for this report. I will revisit this code. It was always a jank way of doing it and something I did not maintain, so the solution here may be to remove it and write a better guide on how to do it manually.

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9b673e No.11714

File: 434a8ff854d0ce2⋯.gif (151.66 KB,512x128,4:1,rogdham_gif_md5_hashquine.gif)


It's from the export files dialog. I need to export the tags with the files so drag and drop isn't really an option. I did test the drag and drop and it seems to work just fine.

The freeze happens while running the export i.e. at 7000/30000 files exported. Luckily it will successfully export all the files, it's just I have to kill the client whenever I think it's done.

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962de6 No.11728


ok m8, you are doing gods work, i will report wfter i try 341

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37188c No.11736

Since I updated from 338 to 340 I've been having a problem with file discovery crashing my client. I don't get an exception message, no logs, just a message in my terminal:

[1] 19988 segmentation fault (core dumped) hydrus-client -d ~/mnt/data/hydrus/hydrus/

So if I click the discover duplicates button, my client crashes. Anything else on the page works fine (except the button to launch the filter, I don't have any potential duplicates and trying to find them crashes my client, so maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.) I figure I somehow fucked up my duplicate processing, unfortunately for me I overwrote my previous backup with a 340 one because I'm retarded.

Even more unfortunately for me, on a fresh db this doesn't happen which probably means I fucked up.

Also I'm running 341 on Linux.

Any suggestions for unfucking duplicate discovery?

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a5d64f No.11741

Version 340, downloading from SVTFOEbooru

Source: http://svtfoe.booru.org/index.php?id=23786&page=post&s=view

<html>… (Copy note to see full error)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "include\ClientImportFileSeeds.py", line 1071, in WorkOnURL


File "include\ClientNetworkingJobs.py", line 1133, in WaitUntilDone

raise self._error_exception

include.HydrusExceptions.ServerException: <html>

<head><title>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</title></head>

<body bgcolor="white">

<center><h1>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</h1></center>




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2de1cf No.11747

I was trying to make collections out of my newly downloaded files, it was fucking up and turns out it had downloaded an mp3 and that's what was fucking up.

Looks like the program is set to accept mp3 files but not programmed to collect mp3 files properly or something.

Here's the file: yiff.party/patreon_data/20184639/Whatevs_01.mp3

'>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "include\HydrusPubSub.py", line 141, in Process
callable( *args, **kwargs )
File "include\ClientGUICanvas.py", line 2585, in MediaFocusWentToExternalProgram
File "include\ClientGUICanvas.py", line 1674, in _MediaFocusWentToExternalProgram
elif self._current_media.HasDuration():
File "include\ClientMedia.py", line 1702, in HasDuration
def HasDuration( self ): return self._media_result.GetDuration() is not None and self._media_result.GetNumFrames() > 1
TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'

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025915 No.11752

File: 91ac0fc0301a2c7⋯.png (14.58 KB,492x740,123:185,oof.png)


Still a relatively new Hydrus user. This is also my first time posting here, but I found this bug where part of the file search box sticks around on whatever page I switch to. (Here's a screenshot of it on top of a watcher page I opened). Anyone else experiencing this issue?

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1e273d No.11758


Are you using binary distribution from tarball or built version from github? Pre-built hydrus is often broken on Linux because of the plethora of libraries shipped with it that might be incompatible with your system libraries.

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65cde3 No.11788


I use a Arch based distro so I get Hydrus from the AUR, the pkgbuild appears to compile hydrus from source. Regardless I've been running it out of pycharm for debugging purposes, so unless I have a library that's so new it's breaking stuff, I don't think that's the problem.

Now as I just mentioned I've been running hydrus out of pycharm so I could debug it. Tl;dr I debugged the shit out of hydrus, eventually we get to the Write method in /hydrus/include/HydrusDB.py:

I figure either

line 967: job = HydrusData.JobDatabase( job_type, synchronous, action, *args, **kwargs )

is producing an incorrect job which in turn causes this:

line 974: self._jobs.put( job )

to flip out.

Or if we go with what gdb says (even though I can't even find a single piece of sqlite related code in the entire set of methods I followed), then sqlite is flipping out which probably means I need to manually edit a table in my database which I am quite capable of…if I knew which table to look at.

So if anyone has any knowledge on where exactly the aforementioned write method is calling to sqlite, I'd love the info.

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30513f No.11795

Found an image that was incorrectly detected as a decompression bomb by the importer, here is the original link


and here is a mirror


Fair warning: pic is 13 MB of furry porn.

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4e58b7 No.11797


Well I figured it out. sqlite 3.27.1 can't execute the following statement:

SELECT phash_id, phash, radius, inner_id, outer_id FROM shape_perceptual_hashes NATURAL JOIN shape_vptree WHERE phash_id IN (123778, 113226, 135502, 94192);

Every other version can. Guess which version of sqlite my distro upgraded to when I performed the system update that upgraded hydrus to 340?

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962de6 No.11800


ok, i tried to replicate the error.

now the menu stay greyed out and the error that appear is this

2019/03/06 00:45:02: wxAssertionError

C++ assertion "win" failed at /home/vagrant/wxPython-4.0.4/ext/wxWidgets/src/gtk/menu.cpp(84) in DoCommonMenuCallbackCode(): event for a menu without associated window?

File "site-packages/wx/core.py", line 3259, in <lambda>

File "include/ClientGUICommon.py", line 3351, in WXDoIt

self._func( *self._args, **self._kwargs )

File "include/ClientGUI.py", line 4959, in RefreshMenu

self._menubar.Replace( old_menu_index, menu, label )

sometimes the menu comes backup, sometimes not. but i can state that it is more stable, specially on the gallery download page and on my gallery(+- 18k images)

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2b149c No.11898

I am sorry lads, I had a mixed couple of weeks so I am late getting to all this. I have a new tablet for hydrus that I hope will help me keep on top of this better when I am away from my dev machine, even if I put out shittier shorter posts at times.


Thank you for this follow-up. There is some really shit ui code in the client that can lead to hangs during big operations. I have a long-term plan to fix it all, but for now I'll see if I can make large export files jobs less susceptible to the problem.

The 'solution' for now is just to wait it out. It will get there in the end.

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2b149c No.11899



This should be finally fixed in the current release. It was an odd low-level issue related to the order in which I was doing some CPU stuff and database iteration for distance>0 searches, and specific to some flavours of Linux. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Please let me know if you still have it.

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2b149c No.11900


Hey, 503 is a server-side error. I presume booru.org was overloaded at that time. It works for me now. Please try the download again and let me know if you still have problems.

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2b149c No.11901


Thank you for this report. I have been doing some work here recently, so it might be fixed already, but I will check it out again.

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2b149c No.11902


Thank you for this report. This is odd. It happened a bit a while ago, but I thought I had it cleared up. If you are on the search page and click on the thumbnail area, does it dissappear as expected then, or does it always stay up no matter where the focus is? Which version of Windows are you on?

This is not an ideal solution, but you can make the dropdown always 'embed' into the panel under options->gui->always embed autocomplete….

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2b149c No.11903



Continuing from >>11899 . Yeah, this way the problem query, which should now be fixed. If you are interested in the details, the problem seems to have been the subsequent HydrusData.Get64BitHammingDistance call being interleaved with the row fetching. This Hamming function does some mickey-mouse CPU stuff to count 1s from an XOR, and when I did it during the SQLite query iterating its results, it crashed in some flavours of Linux. When I instead complete the query and then do the phash distance searching, all in smaller batches, it is ok.

I am not expert enough in this stuff to know what the problem was, but I presume SQLite was still hanging on to a buffer pointer or something of the phash bytes, to be used in the next row fetch iteration, and when python then did either the struct or n & 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0 bullshit on it and SQLite returned to it, it caused a memory access violation.

Again, seems to be fixed now. I am sorry for the mess–this was a pain to figure out because I could not replicate it on my test machine. Let me know if you still have trouble.

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2b149c No.11907


Thank you for this report. Yeah, this seems on the lower end of bombs. I don't really see any memory explosion as it loads, even if it is a big file in itself.

I recommend you turn on 'allow decomp bombs' under file import options and reattempt the import.

The decompbomb test isn't actually mine–it is something internal to one of my image loading libraries. I think I can bump up the limit–especially since python 3 is better at handling memory all around. We'll see how that works out.

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2b149c No.11908


Thank you. I will keep working on this.

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050985 No.11925



I'm also having the same issue with it crashing on >0 duplicate searching on Arch Linux. I'm using the latest v343. Was it supposed to already be fixed or do you have it queued up for the v344 release?

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2b149c No.11934






Yeah, this should be fixed in 343, which means there is still more to go here.

Ok, please keep the search at 0 distance for now. I will see if I can do something about this this week. Maybe make a super-safe debug mode or similar for you to test out.

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050985 No.11941


For some reason it's working now that I restarted my computer. It's weird because it's not like I was still running an older version. I turned on my computer, updated all my packages, then opened hydrus and encountered the error. I even made sure to double check the version I was running before I posted. Today I restarted both of my computers for a kernel update and it's working fine on both of them.

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70011f No.11943

Latest version on Linux is constantly crashing. And doesn't show the tags on the search menu. I'm on Manjaro.

And one question: when I asked to export some files to a folder, only a few are actually are. Like there is 138 files under "X" tag and only half of them are exported to the folder. Am I missing something?

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70011f No.11944

File: 61773d3f9c7ef6b⋯.png (17.63 KB,388x551,388:551,123.png)


>And doesn't show the tags on the search menu

I have figured it out what's happening here. The search box is squashed on a tiny box. When I resize the client window to some ridiculous size I can actually see it.

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2b149c No.11948


Thanks. Please keep me updated–there is just the smallest off-chance this was a crash due to a different problem that either happened to occur at the time you clicked, or maybe the click fired off some garbage collection that triggered it otherwise.

Or perhaps the kernel update actually fixed some deeper memory-management issue! Anyway, let me know how you get on from now on.

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2b149c No.11949



Thank you for this report. Are you running from source or the built release I put out? If you ran 342, the previous week's release, was that ok for you?

I see you have the hidden button borders as well. Is that new as well, or have you had this before?

Unfortunately, the frozen build I release is made on Ubuntu 16.04 and is not very compatible with certain flavours of Linux and window manager. If you are running from that, you may like to look into running from source:


A bunch of UI weirdness is generally fixed, and stability improves as well.

As for file exporting, I am not sure. Is this an 'export folder'? Is there any chance the filename phrase you set may result in duplicates? Is it possible it is writing two different files to the same 'blue eyes.jpg' or whatever filename?

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70011f No.11957

File: 646d66d72c648b7⋯.png (62.59 KB,362x242,181:121,646d66d72c648b7e5214d1b5ea….png)


>Are you running from source or the built release I put out?

Built release. To be honest, I got no crashes after I made that post. Maybe I was doing something stupid and causing it to crash.

>If you ran 342, the previous week's release, was that ok for you?

No, this is the first time I'm using hydrus on Linux.

>I see you have the hidden button borders as well. Is that new as well, or have you had this before?

I haven't change anything, maybe is just manjaro theming. I had some issues kinda like this one on Firefox, maybe it has something to do with it.


>Is there any chance the filename phrase you set may result in duplicates?

Yeah, I think that was the problem. I added the {hash} on the filename options and I think it fixed.

Thanks for the help.

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1fe32d No.11960


>No, this is the first time I'm using hydrus on Linux.

On options check the "Always autoembed dropdown results".

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70011f No.11961

File: a368f53330efab8⋯.png (109.08 KB,1366x722,683:361,2019-03-20-140124_1366x722….png)


This one? There's no checkbox for me.

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2b149c No.11963




Yeah, that's more of the hidden ui elements. The checkbox is there, afaik, but just not rendering right. The embed autocomplete is now forced always-on for non-windows, you don't have to worry about it. My guess it is squashed because your WM isn't reading/storing my SetInitialSize etc… calls right.

Thanks for that info about Firefox sometimes doing similar with themes. I do not really set any colours for my controls, and I am not sure I even can set colours for different parts of checkboxes–I think wxPython just uses the system defaults. This borderless stuff seems to be related to my Ubuntu .so files clashing with whatever your system wants. I believe the best path is to try running from source (or maybe try switching theme/WM for hydrus, if that is possible?).

Let me know if you figure out a particular behaviour seems to cause a crash, or if otherwise avoiding something seems to eliminate it completely.

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dfc9b2 No.11974

File: 7e0f9c4cccc22c5⋯.webm (2.43 MB,500x500,1:1,7e0f9c4cccc22c57e0bcdd3e0….webm)

File: 57d2c5f6e4923c5⋯.webm (2.26 MB,980x551,980:551,57d2c5f6e4923c504692b98aa….webm)

File: 9d4c3a50f921aab⋯.webm (1.9 MB,200x200,1:1,9d4c3a50f921aab031ef02649….webm)

File: b9562959b5f7bc4⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,2500x3174,1250:1587,b9562959b5f7bc4e62672ce2f6….jpg)

File: de55ae1fc07f025⋯.webm (1.14 MB,700x700,1:1,de55ae1fc07f02570c0d0d5d6….webm)

Here's a couple of webms that hydrus fails to add into itself

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dfc9b2 No.11976

File: 26e37512b1125ec⋯.webm (3.75 MB,600x600,1:1,26e37512b1125ec1f204e7c0b….webm)

File: b0836e2fe9cc77c⋯.webm (3.49 MB,700x700,1:1,b0836e2fe9cc77c389e717cf0….webm)

File: 40f9cee0533633c⋯.webm (3.23 MB,700x700,1:1,40f9cee0533633cd3999e74bd….webm)

File: cf5593fabe8fd5b⋯.webm (2.89 MB,600x600,1:1,cf5593fabe8fd5bc361c0d87f….webm)

File: 64e682849b9ef3c⋯.webm (2.49 MB,614x428,307:214,64e682849b9ef3cd56936aeaa….webm)

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dfc9b2 No.11977

File: e47646ad20a6d62⋯.webm (4.45 MB,915x915,1:1,e47646ad20a6d6281b444726c….webm)

File: ec90296967d5009⋯.webm (4.04 MB,700x700,1:1,ec90296967d5009e5f84a28f6….webm)

File: 99f43cb2b92b5d1⋯.webm (4.04 MB,700x700,1:1,99f43cb2b92b5d167ba641f62….webm)

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dfc9b2 No.11978

File: 60e9a9c19383361⋯.webm (5.08 MB,700x700,1:1,60e9a9c193833614c2249a071….webm)

And here's the last one, alongside an error that appeared with it.

Error counting number of frames!… (Copy note to see full error)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "include/HydrusVideoHandling.py", line 507, in ParseFFMPEGNumFramesManually

l = frame_lines[-1] # there will be several of these, counting up as the file renders. we hence want the final one

IndexError: list index out of range

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "include/ClientImportFileSeeds.py", line 831, in ImportPath

self.Import( temp_path, file_import_options )

File "include/ClientImportFileSeeds.py", line 788, in Import

( status, hash, note ) = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.ImportFile( file_import_job )

File "include/ClientCaches.py", line 1098, in ImportFile


File "include/ClientImportFileSeeds.py", line 283, in GenerateInfo

self._file_info = HydrusFileHandling.GetFileInfo( self._temp_path, mime )

File "include/HydrusFileHandling.py", line 234, in GetFileInfo

( ( width, height ), duration, num_frames ) = HydrusVideoHandling.GetFFMPEGVideoProperties( path )

File "include/HydrusVideoHandling.py", line 211, in GetFFMPEGVideoProperties

num_frames = ParseFFMPEGNumFramesManually( lines )

File "include/HydrusVideoHandling.py", line 520, in ParseFFMPEGNumFramesManually

raise HydrusExceptions.MimeException( 'Error counting number of frames!' )

include.HydrusExceptions.MimeException: Error counting number of frames!

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30513f No.11981


>I recommend you turn on 'allow decomp bombs' under file import options and reattempt the import.

That was how I worked around the issue, yes, I reported mainly because it was pretty weird behaviour.

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2b149c No.11982





Thank you, these are great. I will try to check these out this week.

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935677 No.11983


Dude, I'm sorry. I am dummy depressed all the time and I feel stupid even making this post.

I didn't reply to you for now over a month cause I was kinda panicking over your reply. I don't use Linux, and I didn't get all the stuff you mentioned, and I wasn't doing so well anyway. I figured maybe later it'd be easier.

But I still can't do it. It's hard. That doesn't justify anything but I don't know.

I'm on version 341 now, and I was about to install version 344, which is the latest right now. I am on Windows 7 Ultimate.

I don't really fetishize ignorance so I don't really need you to say "it's ok to not provide context". I'm not really saying anything for any purpose

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acc009 No.11984

I'm having an issue with the API. When I GET /get_files/file_metadata with the parameters file_id and only_return_identifiers, I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "threading.py", line 916, in _bootstrap_inner

File "threading.py", line 864, in run

File "site-packages\twisted\_threads\_threadworker.py", line 46, in work

File "site-packages\twisted\_threads\_team.py", line 190, in doWork

--- <exception caught here> ---
File "site-packages\twisted\python\threadpool.py", line 250, in inContext

File "site-packages\twisted\python\threadpool.py", line 266, in <lambda>

File "site-packages\twisted\python\context.py", line 122, in callWithContext

File "site-packages\twisted\python\context.py", line 85, in callWithContext

File "include\ClientLocalServerResources.py", line 1255, in _threadDoGETJob
file_ids_to_hashes = HG.client_controller.Read( 'hash_ids_to_hashes', file_ids = file_ids )
File "include\HydrusController.py", line 588, in Read
return self._Read( action, *args, **kwargs )
File "include\HydrusController.py", line 183, in _Read
result = self.db.Read( action, *args, **kwargs )
File "include\HydrusDB.py", line 931, in Read
return job.GetResult()
File "include\HydrusData.py", line 1577, in GetResult
raise e
include.HydrusExceptions.DBException: TypeError: _GetHashIdsToHashes() got an unexpected keyword argument 'file_ids'

Database Traceback (most recent call last):
File "include\HydrusDB.py", line 557, in _ProcessJob
result = self._Read( action, *args, **kwargs )
File "include\ClientDB.py", line 9265, in _Read
elif action == 'hash_ids_to_hashes': result = self._GetHashIdsToHashes( *args, **kwargs )
TypeError: _GetHashIdsToHashes() got an unexpected keyword argument 'file_ids'

The request returns OK if I get rid of the only_return_identifiers parameter or if I use hashes instead.

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2b149c No.11991


No worries m8. I think I read your error report wrong in the first place and assumed you were having 'finding ffmpeg executable' problems, whereas it looks actually like your ffmpeg is ok but could not find the file hydrus was pointing it to. If you had a batch rename thing going on at the time, this may well have been related–maybe hydrus queued the file up to be imported, and then irfanview renamed it before hydrus got around to trying the import. Or maybe hydrus had a hiccup when trying to do some temporary storage stuff and lost track of the file mid-import for other reasons.

If you are still seeing this error over and over, then I am happy to chase it up. But if this was a one-time thing that may have been because of two programs accessing the same space at the same time, no need to worry about it.

You are good to update to 344. Let me know if you run into any more trouble.

Sounds like you are having a shit time. I understand this completely. If you can get a few bucks together, please consider getting this book: https://www.amazon.com/Feeling-Good-Handbook-David-Burns/dp/0452281326/ . It saved my life about ten years ago. You can find it in any big corporate bookstore as well, just say you are buying it for a friend.

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2b149c No.11992


Thank you for this report. I fucked up the variable name here, and this is now fixed for 345. I have a background job already to improve my testing to catch this shit, which has been a blind spot previously.

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dacccd No.12087

File: 1f2aeba821a6762⋯.jpg (394.96 KB,2527x660,2527:660,client.jpg)

File: 34f56b805466c99⋯.png (1.4 KB,283x24,283:24,client1.png)

I updated to 346 earlier today, but I seem to be having an issue with thumbnails.

Today (after updating) I ran a couple concurrent searches for the same artist on different sites, using the gallery downloader, and, later, one search using a simple downloader (for yiff.party). I'm pretty sure everything was working fine before I started the simple downloader, but now when I check on one of the gallery download pages, many of the thumbnails are missing. The file count at the bottom also appears to be incorrect - stating 111 files, but when ctrl+A'd, says 149 selected.

Refreshing the page causes the thumbnails to load (and the order changes too, strangely (actually, this happens on all of my gallery downloader pages))

Also, for some reason, if I F5 on certain other pages, it fixes the thumbs on the gallery downloader page too.

Oh, opening the options menu fixes them too, apparently.

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ce7e46 No.12096

I'm not sure if this is a bug with Hydrus or what is going on. I downloaded the standalone Flash player so I could view swf through Hydrus' open externally menu. However, when I do that the program opens like it's hidden. I can only hear sound and find the process in the task manager, but I can't find a window. If I run the launch path (X:\Hydrus\flashplayer_32_sa.exe "%path%") manually it works fine.

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a28539 No.12101

File: 817cab8d6edf556⋯.png (732.59 KB,1366x768,683:384,scrot_2019-04-06-13:21:03_….png)

File: 3e953753f507dbc⋯.png (927.21 KB,1366x768,683:384,scrot_2019-04-06-13:25:18_….png)

Can you fix this? I know the program is made with a resolution of 1080p on mind but please can you make it a bit more friendly with lower resolutions?

Not a bug but a related problem it's the tags dialog, can you make it scroll automatic when you scroll on the tags? I have to scroll manually if I want to see the system tags or picture's tag.

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2b149c No.12109


Fuck, that's crazy. Thank you for this report. If you can repeat this now, can you try clicking on just one of those blank spaces? What info does it say in the status bar then, like 0 selected out of 149? What happens if you right-click on that ghost thumb, does it give any info or an error? What happens if you Ctrl+A and then try to drag the selection up to the greyspace tab area up top (i.e. moving it to a brand new page)? What's the 'file import options' 's 'presentation' options for that downloader? It looks like it is trying to present all 149 successful files, but some subset were maybe deleted or otherwise file-domain-invalid and so can't be sourced/counted somehow.

Hitting F5 on a page without tag search (typically any import page) will force a resort according to what the page has set (rather than the default there, which is downloader-queue order), so looks like 'oldest first time imported' in that screen.

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2b149c No.12110


Thank you for this report. That's odd–I assume if you double-click a swf in explorer, the standalone projector launches ok?

The default windows 'open externally' call is very simple on my end–I literally just say "Hey Windows, open this path m8: ( path )", so I presume what you are seeing is an artifact of an odd Windows-side 'open with' setup.

Perhaps your environment is unusual in some way, so if you would like to pursue this further, please try help->debug->report modes->subprocess report mode and then launch with your "%path%" command. It will popup a bit about the launch environment. If there is anything interesting here, please post it (and feel free to scrub out any personal info), and it might help here. There's an outside chance that maybe the hydrus exe is running as one user but the flash projector is owned otherwise, or there are some funny permissions going on here.

EDIT: I didn't read your post right. Did you try setting up that %path% in hydrus's options->files and trash, or is that something you were doing from the command line? If you haven't tried it for hydrus, that may 'open externally' fine.

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2b149c No.12111


Thank you for this report. I am afraid I am a little limited by my ui library here. I use wxPython for its ease of use (and I use it in a basic way), but that also offers a little less customisation as a result–it generally pulls from your system defaults for things like how to draw buttons and font sizes and so on, and I do not generally set those sizes myself.

That said, I can improve the layout sizers in the left-side management panel for smaller screens, and I will see if I can make the system preds either fit better or scroll to view when you interact with it.

If you want the left panel a bit wider, the program should remember the current page's current width when you close the program, so you might like to make it wider and go down to five thumbnails wide on your main thumbgrid. Also, if you want the extra verticality and are willing to sacrifice it, you can hide the bottom-left preview window under options->gui.

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ce7e46 No.12117


I had it set up in options->files and trash, yeah. But I removed it from there and set it up as an "open with" association in windows and now it works fine. There appears to be an issue with setting a manual launch path. The path was "X:\Hydrus\flashplayer_32_sa.exe "%path%"", if that helps. The program opens and plays the swf file, but the window is hidden, and has to be closed in task manager.

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d2c2f6 No.12118

File: 64c9859bf76b66c⋯.png (336.96 KB,781x393,781:393,image1.png)

File: 8d608c7c8df0f4b⋯.png (337.05 KB,781x394,781:394,image2.png)

File: 934a556c3d48f67⋯.png (139.99 KB,472x393,472:393,image3.png)

File: 2a6cb8f56c3ff7c⋯.png (220.22 KB,1092x263,1092:263,image4.png)

File: 9d58dcbca7d7ab3⋯.png (235.66 KB,1092x264,91:22,image5.png)


Okay, I'm just going to dump *everything* I've noticed/tested here - sorry for the long/rambling post ahead.

So, it seems like it's probably something to do with duplicate images. The missing thumbnails are duplicates of thumbs/images that are already there, and it looks like one of the two images is randomly picked to be displayed. As of now, there's always the same number of missing thumbs: 31.

Regarding clicking on one of those blank spaces: it reveals a thumbnail, and the status bar behaves as expected for selecting an image. Same with right clicking - no error messages.

Clicking on the blank spaces always reveals the thumbnail, but sometimes it reveals it half "greyed out" (pic 1). Subsequent clicks off/on the thumb progressively brighten the image up to its normal value (pic 2). In a similar vein to that, clicking on one of the thumbs which *is* loaded (but has a missing counterpart), results in the "highlight" not fully disappearing when deselected (pic 3 - only Misty in the bottom right is actually selected).

Also, *some* of the time, clicking on one of the thumbs that is already loaded will reveal its ghost duplicate counterpart. (see pic 4 - I clicked on the bottom right image, pic 5 was the result)

>What happens if you Ctrl+A and then try to drag the selection up to the greyspace tab area up top?

It creates a new page, but the new page exhibits the exact same behaviour as the Gallery Download page in question. The file count is lower than expected, and a bunch of thumbs are missing. The page title says files(92), and after a Ctrl+A, the statusbar says 92 files - 123 selected (I've done some archive/deleting since my first post).

I noticed that immediately after Ctrl+A dragging the images into a new page, I'm left with the offending 31 images (no dupes, no ghosts) on their own in the "downloads" page.

>What's the 'file import options' 's 'presentation' options for that downloader?

The buggy behaviour is present for both

>show all importers' presented files

>show all importers' files

but not for the last option:

>show all importers' new files

*However* I can't say for 100% sure that this was the case originally - as I said, I've deleted some files in the mean time.

>trying to present all 149 successful files, but some subset were maybe deleted or otherwise file-domain-invalid

At the time, I actually hadn't begun deleting anything yet.


Pressing Ctrl+A reveals a few of the missing thumbs, but then deselecting (clicking an empty spot) reveals many more (but not all).

Lastly, I doubt it's related, but I randomly checked the known URLs of one of the seemingly non-bugged images on that page, and it displayed two urls on one line:


https://gelbooru.com/リタを触手で.avi | ranken [pixiv] http:/www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?illust_id=48114073&mode=medium


I hope this helps. I tried to be as clear as possible, but some of this shit is just weird. Let me know if I can try anything else, or if you need any screenshots to visualize wtf I'm talking about.

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f6f7b0 No.12120

Had disk io errors, ran a chdsk and it fixed some things, now I have

>sqlite3.OperationalError: table local_hashes already exists

im completely fine with reimporting all my images, but is there a way to do that without losing my processed tags?

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70fc08 No.12123


hi, it's me again. got on 345 and for a long time i couldnt replicate the error. and got harder on 346, but i got to(dont know how tho). The erro message was this:

2019/04/08 13:03:48: Uncaught exception:

2019/04/08 13:03:48: wxAssertionError

C++ assertion "win" failed at /home/vagrant/wxPython-4.0.4/ext/wxWidgets/src/gtk/menu.cpp(84) in DoCommonMenuCallbackCode(): event for a menu without associated window?

File "site-packages/wx/core.py", line 3259, in <lambda>

File "include/ClientGUICommon.py", line 3351, in WXDoIt

self._func( *self._args, **self._kwargs )

File "include/ClientGUI.py", line 4973, in RefreshMenu

self._menubar.Replace( old_menu_index, menu, label )

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2b149c No.12139


Thank you, I will have a closer look at this next week.

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2b149c No.12140


Thank you, this is excellent. I am not totally sure what is going on here, but there are issues in 346 with drawing certain thumbnails and making files appear even when they are not in the appropriate file domain.

Neither of these issues is precisely what you are seeing here, although that 'thumb ghosts on click' makes me think the animation is a bit busted, perhaps as a result of it not being able to locate files due to dupes or whatever.

Whatever the case, 347 should be better in several ways here. Please give it a try when convenient and let me know if the situation is any better or exactly the same.

That bad 'known url' stuff is annoying. Some boorus prepend extra metadata in the known url area (in this case "リタを触手で.avi | ranken [pixiv] "), and it is parsing wrong. I'll see if I can auto-detect this stuff better and cut off everything up to any http.

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2b149c No.12141


I cannot say with confidence without more information, but could one of your .db files been deleted or moved as you fixed things? There should be:





In install_dir/db.

Are your three auxiliary dbs fairly large and old, but the client.db say only 200KB and brand new? Could the original client.db have been moved somewhere, and then the client was booted with it missing? That error looks like the client booted without a client.db, made a fresh empty one, and then ran into a roadblock when it discovered client.master.db already existed.

If this is exactly what happened (it may help to compare the creation date for your four files to see if one was only made recently), your solution will be to move the stub db file (likely client.db) to a new safe location and then move the original client.db back to the database folder so all four files are together again.

If you are absolutely certain you did not move your client.db, I believe it was deleted in the drive damage or the chkdsk. Please double-check your recycle bin, just to make sure. if you cannot recover a good client.db, I am afraid your client is lost and you will have to start again. The short steps for this are:

Move current db folder contents and client_files folder somewhere safe.

Boot a fresh client.

Import contents of client_files's 256 'fxx' folders in batches.

I am afraid I cannot help you recover subscriptions or other core metadata, as this is all stored on client.db. But with some work we should be able to migrate your tags to a new db.

If your client.db is large and old, please let me know, as a more complicated error has occurred here.

Do not delete anything, and please check if you have any backups anywhere, even very old ones.

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2b149c No.12142


Thank you. I will keep pushing on this. I am glad it is happening less. I still have some ideas for code cleanup and reduced replace calls, particularly during pending tags commit.

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f6f7b0 No.12147


yeah, client.db is only 4KB, though the creation time is similar to all the others

unfortunately no way to get the old client.db back, i didn't take the advice to backup :(

images are back, but no tags yet

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0c49fb No.12149

File: 70a3a57a239fae0⋯.png (3.88 KB,389x91,389:91,identifier error.png)

hello. i wanted to ask about a small issue i am having. i launched up hydrus to find certain images, but my subscriptions started to download stuff, but it kinda made finding the image harder as it was trying to process that meanwhile processing me searching for the image, so i paused the subscriptions. but apparently, the pause subscriptions button bugged out, as the subscriptions started to NOT PAUSE when i had checked pause subscriptions, but DID PAUSE when i unchecked. i checked the files in my inbox and 4 files were missing/broken, so i ran a file integrity check. at the end of the check, it removed the 4 missing files which was good, but it also said "a file indentifier is missing! this is a serious error that likely needs a repository reset to fix! think about contacting hydrus dev!" which now brings me here. i don't know if this missing file identifier problem formed when this bug happened or is something i've had all this time. if it is the case of me having it all this time, hydrus seems to work fine even with this bug.

i am on hydrus client 340, network version 18. i don't know if i should update or not. what should i do to fix this missing file indentifier?

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a8e215 No.12189

The yiff.party parser is technically broken, but not really. Nothing about the creator json on the site changed, but any and all attachments downloaded through hydrus result in either a 403 or a 404 for me, except the links are correct, viewing them in a browser works.

My uneducated guess is yiff.party is blocking whatever Hydrus uses as its user agent or something similarly simple. Not that surprising since that site is in desperate need of funding and has limited bandwidth.

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f6f7b0 No.12231

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2b149c No.12253



I am sorry you had a hard time with this, but I am glad you are putting things back together.

I know it sucks to hear right now, but this sort of problem can be a great driver to get a good backup routine going. It happened to me about ten years ago, and has happened to more than a few hydrus users since I started doing this–you lose a load of shit and previous effort and decide to spend a bit of cash to avoid that pain again. I highly recommend a cheap external usb drive, either from a store or second-hand from a friend. Even just having a copy of the .db files–rather than including all your client_files as well–can make a real difference.

If you are interested and not sure how to do it:


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2b149c No.12254


Thank you for this report. Have you had any crashes or power outages recently? The file identifier error may have occured due to a recent-ish hard shutdown of the client. As a precaution, I recommend you shut down the client and check the 'help my db is broke.txt' document under install_dir/db/ as background reading. You might like to just check the integrity of your db and maybe run a chkdsk to be sure your drive is ok.

Can you also check install_dir/db/client - 2019-4.log? If you scroll way down to the timestamp where this was happening (ctrl+f -> 'file identifier' will probably get you to it too), are there any error tracebacks related to the pause/unpause or missing/broken file imports? I would be interested in seeing that information, as it may better explain why subs were acting wrong here.

Subs may take a few seconds to register a 'pause' event, and will typically not stop working until the current gallery page or file being worked on is done, but they shouldn't flip behaviour entirely.

If this was just a blip due to a power cut or whatever, and you are confident your drive is healthy and database is not corrupt, you I think have two paths: if you keep using your client and it seems totally fine, especially if those subscription files are reimported and are fine, I think it may have fixed itself, but if you keep getting it, particularly in relation to the same set of files that are tagged on the PTR, your solution is to go services->review services->remote->tags->PTR and hit reset processing cache.

Let me know how you get on!

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2b149c No.12255


Yeah, it looks like they started putting secondary post attachments to a new subfolder in the URL structure, and it was being recognised and incorrectly truncated hydrus-side. I am rolling out a new url class for 348 that seems to fix it. Please let me know if you still have trouble here.

It wasn't a block, but the accidental hydrus truncation was doing something like this:




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9acad9 No.12271

I've noticed that the url import isn't attaching tags to gelbooru and pixiv links anymore. Is there a setting I'm missing? I am on version 347 now, I was on 343 before.

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2b149c No.12310


It seems ok to me in a drag-and-drop test on a gelbooru URL I just did now, and I do not think I have changed anything in the past four weeks–can you say any more about your situation? How are you importing this URL: through a search or a drag and drop? Have you imported any new parsers for those domains? And what are your 'default tag import options' set up as under network->downloaders->manage default tag import options? Do you have one TIO for all domains to rely on, or specific ones for gelb and pixiv? Do they all look correct?

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f6f7b0 No.12352

when I try to manually process tags, the entire client locks up

when I wait for it to do it automatically, it immediately finishes

it's about 200 tags behind

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f6f7b0 No.12353


i can only process tags using shutdown processing

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2b149c No.12412



Thank you for this report. Are you manually triggering repo processing through the 'process now' button under review services? This button has always been a bit debug tier and I have heard it increasingly working badly for some users with the current PTR.

If you have it run in idle time, does it run ok? When you say it 'immediately finishes', does that mean it does no work at all? Is it 200 updates behind on the review services page, and it doesn't seem to be catching up, even in idle time?

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b9df7e No.12417

Was doing some quick and dirty processing and when I attempted to set 2 images as alternates I got a DBException "IndexError: Cannot choose from an empty sequence"


IndexError: Cannot choose from an empty sequence

Full Traceback:

File "include\ClientGUICommon.py", line 708, in EventButton

self._func( *self._args, **self._kwargs )

File "include\ClientGUIManagement.py", line 1370, in _SetCurrentMediaAs


File "include\ClientGUIManagement.py", line 1385, in _ShowSomeDupes

hashes = self._controller.Read( 'random_unknown_duplicate_hashes', file_search_context, both_files_match )

File "include\HydrusController.py", line 593, in Read

return self._Read( action, *args, **kwargs )

File "include\HydrusController.py", line 183, in _Read

result = self.db.Read( action, *args, **kwargs )

File "include\HydrusDB.py", line 931, in Read

return job.GetResult()

File "include\HydrusData.py", line 1582, in GetResult

raise e

Database Traceback (most recent call last):

File "include\HydrusDB.py", line 557, in _ProcessJob

result = self._Read( action, *args, **kwargs )

File "include\ClientDB.py", line 9520, in _Read

elif action == 'random_unknown_duplicate_hashes': result = self._CacheSimilarFilesGetRandomUnknownDuplicateHashes( *args, **kwargs )

File "include\ClientDB.py", line 1285, in _CacheSimilarFilesGetRandomUnknownDuplicateHashes

hash_id = random.choice( list( potential_hash_ids ) )

File "random.py", line 260, in choice

IndexError: Cannot choose from an empty sequence

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b9df7e No.12418

Just found out that the media was actually set as alternates, it just would not remove the media from the duplicate page.

Closing the tab entirely and opening a new duplicate tab showed no potential pairs once again.

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005d49 No.12422

File: 2212120fa07a6b7⋯.jpg (46.07 KB,600x610,60:61,2212120fa07a6b7422945fa664….jpg)

Zoom toggle seems to be entirely ignored on images of the same height as monitor, even if zoom level has been altered some other way.

Like scrolling back from a lower res image in duplicate viewer, or having used ctrl+wheel

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2b149c No.12426



Thank you for this report. This is a very helpful error, and I think related to the 'ghost pair' issue I'll be tackling this week.

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2b149c No.12427


Thank you for this report. I think I am forgetting how some zoom stuff works, or just misunderstanding. Can you talk about it a bit more? When you say the 'zoom toggle', do you mean the zoom button/action that switches between 100% and the full media viewer size, or something else? Can you say what you would like to happen when it is hit and the image is the same height as the monitor?

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f6f7b0 No.12431


>Are you manually triggering repo processing through the 'process now' button under review services


>Is it 200 updates behind on the review services page, and it doesn't seem to be catching up, even in idle time?

i mean 200 processed tags behind the number downloaded

when idle time starts, the popup in the bottom right says it's starting to process tags, then immediately says it's finished

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005d49 No.12432

File: a1c5bc0b5017891⋯.jpg (119.13 KB,1080x1080,1:1,a1c5bc0b5017891965d3aabdc6….jpg)


Yeah, I mean the "switch_between_100_percent_and_canvas_zoom" action

What happens is literally nothing, it just refuses to change the zoom level back to 100%

I'll try to be a bit more formal and explicit:

My environment: Hydrus version 349 on Windows 10 with 1920x1080 monitor.

Example steps to reproduce:

>open static image where height==1080, width<=1920 in the fullscreen media viewer

>zoom in with ctrl+wheel up

>press Z (switch_between_100_percent_and_canvas_zoom)

Expected behavior: Zoom level changes back to 100%, as happens with images of other dimensions.

Actual result: Nothing happens, image remains zoomed in.

Same result happens with image of width==1920, height<=1080.

Does NOT happen if either dimensions of image exceed the monitor/canvas.

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005d49 No.12442

Another thing:

ctrl+shift+T / "unclose_page"

When several pages have been closed, I expect it to re-open the most recently closed page, which is at the TOP of the "closed pages" list.

Actual result: It re-opens the page from the BOTTOM of the "closed pages" list

It feels very counter-intuitive to me and is not how browsers do it, so I assume it's a bug.

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06a23d No.12494

File: 6433039c4675fc1⋯.jpg (200.03 KB,1271x843,1271:843,bug1.jpg)

File: 96ca566b59313ff⋯.jpg (202.54 KB,1266x844,3:2,bug2.jpg)

File: 13fa029d483c993⋯.jpg (206.1 KB,1268x847,1268:847,bug3.jpg)

File: b91ceac7db8312c⋯.jpg (684.67 KB,1280x1868,320:467,bug.jpg)


Hydrus version: 348

(Installed via AUR)

I'd like to report the same bug. The behavior is almost exactly the same as described. The only difference is mine has 35 images with 35 more "ghost" thumbnails – one for each image. 35 pairs of thumbnails.

The layout of the thumbnails changes between highlights. I have included three images (bug1-bug3.jpg) showing different layouts after clearing the highlight, and highlighting again. The last image shows the layout of all of the thumbnails once I've revealed them all by selecting them.

It's been two months since I downloaded these images so I don't remember exactly when the behavior started but I've been meaning to report it for a while now. Perhaps you've already fixed it because I'm running another query now and its images don't seem to have this problem, not yet at least

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61cc73 No.12501

Ctrl + Backspace in Windows inserts a control character instead of deleting the previous word in a text box.

Could that be fixed?

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9fa00b No.12512

When entering incorrect login credentials for Pixiv, Hydrus falsely reports that the login is valid and the user is logged in even though they actually haven't logged in.

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d2c2f6 No.12514

File: 789825691eb4219⋯.jpg (155.38 KB,1094x457,1094:457,1.jpg)

File: 24ec8f4dce88a3d⋯.jpg (3.05 KB,187x24,187:24,2.jpg)

I think there's a bug in the options -> files and trash -> remove files from view when they are sent to the trash , where deleted images are not being removed from a page.

I'm not sure how to reproduce it or anything, but I've experienced it at least once before.

The first pic shows trashed images not being removed, and the second image shows a new page opened (after deleting a bunch of images), with the exact same queries: it has the expected behaviour; no trashed images.

All the images I'm dealing with right now are animated, not sure if that makes a difference.

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01db32 No.12516

While in the Hydrus Client Media Viewer, if you open the manage tags window, the media viewer's hover-over popups (tags, known urls, and the top toolbar) still pop up and obstruct the manage tags window.

This occurs even when the manage tags window is the current active window.

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2b149c No.12527

I am sorry, I let this thread get away from me last week.


What are your idle settings under options->maintenance and processing? If you turn the system CPU setting off, does that stop this behaviour?

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2b149c No.12528


Thank you, I will check this this week.

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2b149c No.12529


Thank you, I will check this as well.

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2b149c No.12530


Thank you. I have been doing some thumbnail drawing work recently, and I am not done. It may be better now. I sometimes get something like this on my IRL client, but on only 4-6 thumbs, and it fixes itself with a ctrl+a. I will investigate this more.

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2b149c No.12531


Thank you for this report. I had no idea this happened. It looks like some Rich Text something, as here: https://trac.wxwidgets.org/ticket/10344

I'll see if changing the style removes this.

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2b149c No.12532


Thank you for this report. I think I wrote the Pixiv login script. If I remember right, Pixiv still gives you a cookie whether you are a guest or correctly logged in. I can't promise anything too fast, but I will make a job to see if I can add a login step to pixiv to check for login/logout buttons or whatever on the homepage once the login attempt happens.

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2b149c No.12533


Thank you for this report. I'll check this code. The animated part might have something to do with it.

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2b149c No.12534


Thank you, I am sorry. I had this from a couple of other people as well. In letting the hovers display even when the new duplicate filter always-on-top has focus, I accidentally added these dialogs to the permissable 'you can show' logic. I will fix it for 352.

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ce7e46 No.12535

When I manually stopped a dupe search at distance 8

wrapped C/C++ object of type BetterStaticText has been deleted
File "site-packages\wx\core.py", line 3259, in <lambda>
File "include\ClientGUIManagement.py", line 1272, in wx_code
self._refresh_maintenance_status.SetLabelText( '' )
File "include\ClientGUICommon.py", line 944, in SetLabelText
wx.StaticText.SetLabelText( self, text )

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f6f7b0 No.12537

File: f9ecbe7f89408a8⋯.png (9.46 KB,790x140,79:14,Capture.PNG)


same thing

im testing it with the settings in pic related

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a5b171 No.12538

File: e71a6a007b7a359⋯.webm (6.36 MB,1366x768,683:384,output.webm)

On image viewer, if I drag the image too fast, the mouse pointer show again and the drag is limited to the view only.

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2b149c No.12548


Wow, thank you for this report. I am 97% confident I can knock that on the head this week.

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2b149c No.12549


I have just had a look at the idle calculation code and nothing stands out. I am not sure what is going on here.

This is a long-shot, but what happens if you hit help->debug->debug modes->force idle mode? Do it at least 30s after booting the client. It should wake the process daemon and do some work, and the 'should I stop early' calculation should be functionally the same as shutdown processing.

Otherwise, if you have not written down the number of updates currently downloaded and processed, can you do that, and then check the numbers again in three days? I'd like to see if the idle processing is doing any work at all when you aren't looking, or if it is always stopping early.

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2b149c No.12550


Thank you for this report. This was a compromise I added to support touch-drag for touchscreens, which sperg out at the hidden anchor mouse warping. Can you just confirm that under options->media, you have the 'WINDOWS ONLY: anchor blah' option checked atm?

I will add an option here to override the touchscreen hack so it always anchors (probably, I'll change it so that is the new default, and you have to turn on touchscreen support, so hopefully you'll just be fixed here soon). I am 68% confident I can get this done this week for 352, and 95% confident I can get it done for 354.

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962de6 No.12556


Me again. got to 351, error occuring less and overall better stability. the erro i was getting changed, but doing the same action, and with same outcome, greyed out pages and pending menus. here the error:

2019/05/13 14:51:40: Uncaught exception:

2019/05/13 14:51:40: wxAssertionError

C++ assertion "win" failed at /home/vagrant/wxPython-4.0.4/ext/wxWidgets/src/gtk/menu.cpp(84) in DoCommonMenuCallbackCode(): event for a menu without associated window?

File "site-packages/wx/core.py", line 3259, in <lambda>

File "include/ClientGUICommon.py", line 3365, in WXDoIt

self._func( *self._args, **self._kwargs )

File "include/ClientGUI.py", line 5003, in RefreshMenu

self._menubar.Replace( old_menu_index, menu, label )

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f6f7b0 No.12558

File: 14c8fe9804ace39⋯.png (5.89 KB,411x188,411:188,Capture.PNG)

File: 56d7d61a4d79200⋯.png (5.84 KB,407x190,407:190,Capture2.PNG)


opens the same window as if I hit process now from network -> services

acts the same as well, crashing the client soon after starting (pics related)

when I just waited for it a textbox opened in the bottom right saying it was finished

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f6f7b0 No.12559



>I'd like to see if the idle processing is doing any work at all when you aren't looking, or if it is always stopping early

my computer isn't on most of the day, so this isn't really applicable sorry

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f4b3d2 No.12560


What GTK theme and what distro?>>12494

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a5b171 No.12566

File: 451b4047bc7f957⋯.png (2.1 KB,440x31,440:31,checked.png)


Yes, it's checked.

>confident I can get this done this week

Take your time man. Thank you.

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2b149c No.12572


Thank you for the update. I will not have time today to look at this, but I am 95% certain I can put some time into it by 354.



When you say crashing, does it actually quit the program unexpectedly, or does it only hang, 'Not Responding', indefinitely? Depending on the client, big maintenance jobs like this can sometimes block the UI thread until they are done (due to my old shit code not handling big asynchronous tasks properly). If your window is only hanging, greyed out, can you please check if the client.exe is doing CPU/HDD work under Task Manager? If so, it is probably working ok, just not updating the UI. It will eventually catch up and finish cleanly, even if it takes some time.

If it is actually crashing and quitting the program, then something worse is happening. It might be related to running out of memory or another unexpected OS/hardware bottleneck. Processing is typically very stable, especially for Windows users atm.

Nonetheless, if your client is having trouble doing processing work in idle time under any context, I think your most practical solution right now is to limit it to only do this work in shutdown time. I have plans to improve big maintenance task ui politeness, but it will not come quickly.

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f6f7b0 No.12574


yeah, seems like it was just blocking ui, it is still accessing disk

annoying, but whatever

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a5b171 No.12578

When shortcuts are used to open the manage tags window (f3 or a custom one), if you press spacebar while typing the tags, the window closes.

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2b149c No.12580


Thank you for this report. I am afraid I cannot reproduce it unless I bind 'spacebar' to 'manage_file_tags' shortcut action under the 'media' shortcut set. Do you have something like this? Do you have spacebar set to any other shortcuts?

And if you open manage tags from the right-click menu (i.e. not using a shortcut), do you not get this behaviour? What happens if you press spacebar on the similar manage ratings or manage known urls dialogs?

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a5b171 No.12581


Somehow I had spacebar binded to manage the tags. Removed and now it works fine. Sorry.

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2b149c No.12600


Great, no worries. Thanks for letting me know.

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a72613 No.12606

Seems that whenever I have my file page collected(by series, chapter, title, etc.) and I refresh said page, it chooses a random image to show rather than showing the first image from my 'sort by.' So when I have a comic, and I sort by series-creator-title-chapter-page it should show page 1 (the title page) when I collect, but when I refresh the files, it shows a random page. If, when I'm seeing a random page from refreshing, though, I change what I'm collecting by(uncheck and recheck the box), it shows the first page again, correctly.

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da4f95 No.12619



Just to follow up on this, I think it may have been my fault. It seems like the trashed images only still appear on pages which are/were opened as new page -> files -> all local files and do not appear on pages opened with new page -> files -> my files. I'm still not really sure what the distinction is between these two page types though.

That being said, there may still be a bug here. On the all local files pages, the images will be removed from view right after being deleted, but then show up again after a refresh (with the little trash can icon).

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2b149c No.12642


Thank you for this report. Yeah, it looks like I messed up some of the sort/collect publishing code when I added collect save this past week. I am 99.7% confident I can fix it for 353.


all local files is a catch-all I added that combines both my files and trash (and also the secret repository updates domain that you don't normally see). If a file is in all local files, it should be on your hard drive, and when a file leaves this domain at the db level, it is scheduled for physical deletion. It is a bit of a stupid technical difference, and I generally recommend you just search my files unless you are doing something special. When I eventually add support for multiple local files domains, it will gain importance. I think I will hide this file domain for users who have not turned on help->advanced mode as it is not important and has made for some confusion before as well.

Thank you again for the report, it was not your fault. I looked through the code, and the remove on all local files pages was unintentional. The remove option is supposed to reflect a quicker 'sync' with what is true, so when you trash from a 'my files' domain, removing instantly is an accurate option since a search refresh will not reproduce the trashed file. But all local files pages include trash, so sending to trash should not remove them.

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783bf6 No.12697

advanced operations > copy tags from ptr to local db is not working for me in 353. No error, just no effect. Happens for single and multiple images.

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783bf6 No.12699


Actually, does the mass copy not lock Hydrus anymore? It might have happened slowly in the background after all. A visual indicator would be a great addition if so.

Separate bug:

File URLs are not working in Firefox for me although it does for my chromium browser. Maybe it's because my Firefox path has a space in it?

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30513f No.12766

Was scrolling through my library and got this error message:


'ThumbnailMediaCollection' object has no attribute 'GetMediaResult'

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "include\HydrusPubSub.py", line 141, in Process

callable( *args, **kwargs )

File "include\ClientGUIMedia.py", line 2414, in ProcessContentUpdates

self._RedrawMedia( affected_media )

File "include\ClientGUIMedia.py", line 3000, in _RedrawMedia

self._FadeThumbnails( thumbnails_to_render_now )

File "include\ClientGUIMedia.py", line 2717, in _FadeThumbnails


File "include\ClientGUIMedia.py", line 2628, in _DirtyAllPages

self._DirtyPage( clean_index )

File "include\ClientGUIMedia.py", line 2642, in _DirtyPage

HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'thumbnail' ).CancelWaterfall( self._page_key, thumbnails )

File "include\ClientCaches.py", line 2418, in CancelWaterfall

cancelled_media_results = { media.GetMediaResult() for media in medias }

File "include\ClientCaches.py", line 2418, in <setcomp>

cancelled_media_results = { media.GetMediaResult() for media in medias }

AttributeError: 'ThumbnailMediaCollection' object has no attribute 'GetMediaResult'

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bcb5fd No.12768

Simple downloader (all files linked by images in page) gives the below error with a fireden.net thread (for example: https://boards.fireden.net/v/thread/464181401/#464181401). Images will only import as normal if they are opened in a browser first. Client 353.

The server's error text was too long to display. The first part follows, while a larger chunk has been written to the log.… (Copy note to see full error)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "include\ClientImportFileSeeds.py", line 1274, in WorkOnURL

self.DownloadAndImportRawFile( file_url, file_import_options, network_job_factory, network_job_presentation_context_factory, status_hook )

File "include\ClientImportFileSeeds.py", line 594, in DownloadAndImportRawFile


File "include\ClientNetworkingJobs.py", line 1137, in WaitUntilDone

raise self._error_exception

include.HydrusExceptions.ServerException: The server's error text was too long to display. The first part follows, while a larger chunk has been written to the log.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<!–[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js ie6 oldie" lang="en-US"> <![endif]→

<!–[if IE 7]> <html class="no-js ie7 oldie" lang="en-US"> <![endif]→

<!–[if IE 8]> <html class="no-js ie8 oldie" lang="en-US"> <![endif]→

<!–[if gt IE 8

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2b149c No.12789



Thank you for these reports. I will check the UI for the advanced operations. It is debug-tier at the moment, so if it is completing asynchronously, I'll change it to wait and throw up a modal progress dialog or something.

For the file urls, is this clicking on them in the top-right hover or similar? And they fail to open if you have firefox's path set in options->external programs? If firefox is in "Program Files" or something with a space, I think it is supposed to be ok–especially if Chromium is similar and works–, but you can try wrapping the path in quotes, maybe?

"C:\Program Files\firefox\firefox.exe" "%path%"

Or could it be a firefox profile issue? If you have multiple profiles set up and need to use -profile profile_path to launch your FF, maybe that is it?

You can explore this further by turning on help->debug->report modes->subprocess report mode. That should spam a big set of popups if you have a custom url launch path set up. If it isn't obvious to you, feel free to take a screenshot of the popups and post them here, but make sure to exclude or redact any personal info.

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2b149c No.12790


Shit, I am sorry. I have had this from a couple of other users as well. I fucked up the new clever thumbnail queueing with collections. This will spam any time collections that are about to fade get an update event like fast scrolling. I am 99.7% sure I can have this fixed for next Wed. I apologise for the inconvenience.

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2b149c No.12792


Thank you for this report. When I put that URL in the simple downloader with 'all files linked by images in page' simple downloader formula it works ok. When I do '4chan thread (all linked images)' it downloads the thread apparently ok but don't parse any file URLs.

That error says ServerException (typically a 5XX error), so is it possible the domain was having trouble when you tried it? If you go to install_dir/db/client - 2019-05.log and do a ctrl+f to find that section, what does the extended stuff say? That should be most if not all of the html returned by the server–does it have something like 'currently undergoing maintenance' or anything? Or maybe a cloudflare page?

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bcb5fd No.12793


Thanks for your help. Seems to be working for me now too.

The extended log message is 112 lines long, but the gist of it is that there was an error 522 (connection timed out), and, yeah, some cloudflare page stuff (short version below, tags removed). Weird because I had no such trouble connecting via Firefox at that time.

What happened?

The initial connection between Cloudflare's network and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the web page can not be displayed.

What can I do?

If you're a visitor of this website:

Please try again in a few minutes.

If you're the owner of this website:

Contact your hosting provider letting them know your web server is not completing requests. An Error 522 means that the request was able to connect to your web server, but that the request didn't finish. The most likely cause is that something on your server is hogging resources. Additional troubleshooting information here. https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200171906-Error-522

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2b149c No.12815


The Eternal CloudFlare strikes again.

I'll update that ServerException result to put the actual status code, 522 or whatever, at the front of the text so it is more obvious that the solution here is to wait a bit and try again.

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783bf6 No.12821


Experimented some more, and I found out that it was purely due to a peculiarity in how I launch Firefox (from a batch file). The same problem happens no matter how I open a URL, so it is nothing to do with Hydrus :)

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2b149c No.12828


Great, thanks for letting me know.

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e44358 No.12840

I keep getting these errors when trying to use collections after the last update. It only works if I set the collection then f5 the search.

'ThumbnailMediaCollection' object has no attribute 'GetMediaResult'
File "site-packages\wx\core.py", line 3259, in <lambda>
File "include\ClientGUIPages.py", line 2234, in MediaDragAndDropDropped
source_page.GetMediaPanel().RemoveMedia( source_page.GetPageKey(), hashes )
File "include\ClientGUIMedia.py", line 2454, in RemoveMedia
self._RemoveMediaByHashes( hashes )
File "include\ClientMedia.py", line 854, in _RemoveMediaByHashes
self._RemoveMediaDirectly( affected_singleton_media, affected_collected_media )
File "include\ClientGUIMedia.py", line 3063, in _RemoveMediaDirectly
File "include\ClientGUIMedia.py", line 2628, in _DirtyAllPages
self._DirtyPage( clean_index )
File "include\ClientGUIMedia.py", line 2642, in _DirtyPage
HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'thumbnail' ).CancelWaterfall( self._page_key, thumbnails )
File "include\ClientCaches.py", line 2418, in CancelWaterfall
cancelled_media_results = { media.GetMediaResult() for media in medias }
File "include\ClientCaches.py", line 2418, in <setcomp>
cancelled_media_results = { media.GetMediaResult() for media in medias }

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2b149c No.12843


Hey, thank you for this report. I apologise. I had this from several other people as well. I fucked up how collections are dequeued from the thumbnail 'waterfall' fade system in 354, so many update events that occur while collection thumbs are fading in (like fast scrolling) throw this error. It is fixed for 355.

I don't use collections myself much, and I keep messing up their rendering and sorting, so I will add some basic tests to my weekly routine to stop this.

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bcb5fd No.12864

Cannot import webms on Ubuntu 18.04, client 355. Details:

> fresh xubuntu 18.04 install, still a babby with it

> extract hydrus, run client

> import a few JPG, PNG, GIF; complains about ffmpeg missing

> install ffmpeg, version 3.4.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1, reboot

> now can import those (and most) files, but a popup says ffmpeg version not detected; lines from "db/client - 2019-6.log" below. Cannot import webm (can as normal on Win7 install), but CAN import MP4.

2019/06/06 02:09:33: FFMPEG was recently contacted to fetch version information. While FFMPEG could be found, the response could not be understood. Significant debug information has been printed to the log, which hydrus_dev would be interested in.
2019/06/06 02:09:33: FFMPEG was recently contacted to fetch version information. While FFMPEG could be found, the response could not be understood. Significant debug information has been printed to the log, which hydrus_dev would be interested in.

{'universal_newlines': True, 'startupinfo': None, 'env': None}

environ({'GDM_LANG': 'en_GB', 'XDG_SEAT_PATH': '/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0', 'MPLCONFIGDIR': '/tmp/tmpb0q9iesu', 'HOME': '/home/localuser', 'SSH_AGENT_PID': '1292', 'XDG_DATA_DIRS': '/usr/share/xubuntu:/usr/share/xfce4:/home/localuser/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/var/lib/snapd/desktop:/usr/share', 'QT_ACCESSIBILITY': '1', 'GPG_AGENT_INFO': '/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent:0:1', 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK': '/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh', 'XAUTHORITY': '/home/localuser/.Xauthority', 'DESKTOP_SESSION': 'xubuntu', 'MATPLOTLIBDATA': '/home/localuser/toplevel/Hydrus/mpl-data', 'LANG': 'en_GB.UTF-8', 'SESSION_MANAGER': 'local/xubuntu-laptop:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1310,unix/xubuntu-laptop:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1310', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '/home/localuser/toplevel/Hydrus', 'GDMSESSION': 'xubuntu', 'PWD': '/home/localuser', 'XDG_VTNR': '7', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS': '/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu:/etc/xdg:/etc/xdg', 'QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME': 'gtk2', 'XDG_SESSION_TYPE': 'x11', 'XDG_SESSION_ID': 'c2', 'XDG_SEAT': 'seat0', 'USER': 'localuser', 'DISPLAY': ':0.0', 'XDG_SESSION_PATH': '/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session0', 'GLADE_PIXMAP_PATH': ':', 'CLUTTER_BACKEND': 'x11', 'GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING': '0', 'XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR': '/var/lib/lightdm-data/localuser', 'GLADE_MODULE_PATH': ':', 'XDG_MENU_PREFIX': 'xfce-', 'XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP': 'xubuntu', 'GLADE_CATALOG_PATH': ':', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': 'unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus', 'LANGUAGE': 'en_GB:en', 'LOGNAME': 'localuser', 'XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP': 'XFCE', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin', 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR': '/run/user/1000', 'SHLVL': '0'})


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ce9633 No.12868

File: a1f30954ac62dbd⋯.png (144.11 KB,1366x768,683:384,scrot_2019-06-06-09:29:06_….png)


>you can hide the bottom-left preview window under options->gui.


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2b149c No.12889


Thank you for this report. I have been chasing up this same issue with another user. The PATH in your environment is all correct there, and FFMPEG is being found, but it looks like hydrus is getting no response back. Just no text at all.

Ok, thank you for the debug data. I'll have another look at what I am doing here and why this is happening. I don't have my devstuff in front on me right now, but I'll check this and update the debug info to include more about what if anything was read back.

If you are feeling cheeky, you can try downloading a static ffmpeg exe here: http://ffmpeg.org/download.html and then place it in install_dir/bin. The client may find that is ok after a restart–that's how Windows users get it, and it should work the same way for Linux. If you try this, let me know if it works.

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2b149c No.12890


Fifth option down, 'Hide the preview window'.

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bcb5fd No.12895


Oh hey, that does work (with 4.1.3-static). Appreciate that.

Incidentally, I did try running hydrus via wine, which, again, I am using for the first time. I think I've set it up fine because Notepad++ runs, but hydrus crashes it immediately (see below). No big deal to me.

Thanks for the great support and enjoy your E3.

wine: Call from 0x7b44c1e7 to unimplemented function api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll.PathCchCanonicalizeEx, aborting
wine: Unimplemented function api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll.PathCchCanonicalizeEx called at address 0x7b44c1e7 (thread 002b), starting debugger...

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a4ec3d No.12903

Getting strange behavior where it hangs at committing for hours, then if you alt-f4 out, it closes the window and begins eating RAM in the background until manually killed.

2019/06/08 02:38:25: shutting down gui…
2019/06/08 02:38:25: waiting for daemons to exit
2019/06/08 02:38:25: public tag repository sync: processing updates
2019/06/08 02:38:25: fattening service info
2019/06/08 14:39:32: processed 5,072,024 content rows at 117 rows/s
2019/06/08 14:39:32: committing
2019/06/09 21:17:57: shutting down controller…
2019/06/09 21:17:57: hydrus client shut down
2019/06/09 21:19:10: hydrus client started
2019/06/09 21:19:10: booting controller…
2019/06/09 21:19:10: booting db…
2019/06/09 21:19:10: preparing disk cache
2019/06/09 21:19:14: preparing db caches
2019/06/09 21:19:14: booting db…
2019/06/09 21:19:14: initialising managers
2019/06/09 21:20:16: booting gui…

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24ee1f No.12906

File: 832befdba800127⋯.png (4.78 KB,512x137,512:137,sankaku.png)

This is less of a bug report, but more of a fix for a longstanding known issue.

So at some point recently Sankakuchan decided to upload every doujin they could get their hands on, which is pretty annoying considering the default hydrus parsers limitations as it effectively buries actual content. Also said doujins are only like 1/3 tagged which is a pain in the ass.

Some light investigation and prototyping and I was able to fix the hydrus parser so it could just keep going forever in theory. I'm honestly surprised this was ever an issue considering how simple the fix was, basically I just made it get the next page correctly.

More specifically an html tag, a div specifically, contained an attribute called 'next-page-url' that contains the url for the next page by id which has no limitation rather than &page which is limited to page 25/50 if authenticated.

Some light testing on something I indexed a while back got through 1390 posts.

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a2386c No.12910

I've got two images, one of which i've accidentally tagged as a worse quality dupe to the other. Trying to set that image as an alternate image by right clicking on both, Duplicates > Set relationship > Set as Alternates results in both files still being tagged as one worse and one better. Can anyone else confirm?

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63fe45 No.12915


Yeah, although I'm like 95% sure hydrusdev knows, I recall reading something about it like a week ago.

If you're on 355 (possibly 354 too), the duplicate system is in the middle of an overhaul and hydrusdev needs to fix the context menu duplicate commands. I've been having a fun time with cg sets due to this.

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050985 No.12940

Using v355 on linux. I filter deduplicates bit it doesn't apply anything. After increasing the search distance from 0 to 2 it was still listing all the previous images. I moved to 4 and it still lists the previous images from distances 0 and 2 since the filter didn't apply the commits I guess. It worked previously so v355 broke it.

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97777b No.12941


Same here. I made the mistake of importing multiple CG sets, then scratching my head wondering if I've already sorted their duplicates halfway through.

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f311c8 No.12949

File: ea0aca71f39a012⋯.png (5.17 KB,476x104,119:26,ClipboardImage.png)

Artstation gallery downloader seems to be completely broken much like pixv still is, what a disappointment.

Spitting out a 403 before saying Done! and importing zero files.

You can see the artist does exist so it should function like any other parser but doesnt. https://www.artstation.com/yuzq

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13f562 No.12956


Hey, I have extended that FFMPEG debug info dump to say more in today's release. If you like, you can try doing help->about again in 356 with your system FFMPEG, but it is not a huge priority–I am working with another user on this same bug. If you work and are happy now, I am fine to leave it alone for the time being.

I am not totally sure what that dll issue is, but I think it may be related to VCRedist. Ever since I moved to Python 3, I think you need VCRedist 2015 on a pre-Win10 Win environment:


I think those api-ms-win-… dlls are related to that.

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13f562 No.12957


Thank you for this report. It seems like the client did a gigantic repository processing job there, with the 5M rows in one go over about twelve hours. Are you by any chance on a slightly older version of the client? New clients should only ever do 1 hour of repo processing at once and make checkpoint transactions to keep cancel lag low, and they should keep big transactions out of memory.

If you are on an older version, can you try updating to, say, at least 354? As it happens, today's 356 will have improved cancel tech here, including a cancel button on the exit splash screen. If it is convenient, I would recommend today's release.

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13f562 No.12958


That's interesting, well done! If you have a github account, there is a big repository of parsers here:


I have previously made commitments not to personally work significantly on new Sankaku parsers (one of the owners contacted me to let me know they are always short on bandwidth, for which I sympathised), but the owner of that repo would be interested in this neat discovery, I am certain.

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13f562 No.12959





Hey, I am sorry for the current difficulties here. The duplicates system is in slight limbo as I move each component over. Some features such as undoing/dissolving groups are not yet available, and certain logic behind figuring out which files are alternate inside an alternate group are still inefficient. Today's release will move better/worse/same quality dupes over to the new system, which will improve the situation but not complete it.

Now I am in the weeds of this code, I am only discovering how bad the old system was. Even though some 'reset and requeue' actions appeared to work, they often left invalid relationships behind. The new system I am moving to is comprehensive and reduces potential pairs much faster due to correct transitivity, but it will be a few more weeks until everything is working on the same data.

You shouldn't be able to set anything 'invalid' on the new system, but in situations where it doesn't know what to do, like manually overruling a better/worse with an alternate, it makes no changes. Please bear with me for a bit.


When you apply an action to some duplicates, is this through the duplicate filter or the 'show some random dupes' button? Are the 'potential' pair counts decrementing at all? I believe the duplicate filter will always decrement the potential pairs count, but some actions may not decrement the count completely yet (I think in some cases, like setting alternates, it may not decrement it at all), but I am not certain. The situation will improve in today's 356, particularly for setting groups of alternates, and moreso in future weeks.

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13f562 No.12960


Yes, I am afraid they set CloudFlare javascript protection on that API request URL. The hydrus downloader cannot pass through that yet, so the downloader is currently broken.

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9acad9 No.12979

Encountered a strange bug with client version 355 where after the client had been open for over 24 hours, Ctrl+V was not working for pasting links. A restart of the client fixed it, but I thought it should be made aware of.

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bcb5fd No.12981


Sure - 356 reports the same thing in-UI, but the log now gives the below:

2019/06/20 01:36:53: FFMPEG was recently contacted to fetch version information. While FFMPEG could be found, the response could not be understood. Significant debug information has been printed to the log, which hydrus_dev would be interested in.
2019/06/20 01:36:53: FFMPEG was recently contacted to fetch version information. While FFMPEG could be found, the response could not be understood. Significant debug information has been printed to the log, which hydrus_dev would be interested in.

{'env': None, 'universal_newlines': True, 'startupinfo': None}

environ({'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin', 'DESKTOP_SESSION': 'xubuntu', 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK': '/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LOGNAME': 'localuser', 'SESSION_MANAGER': 'local/xubuntu-laptop:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/3665,unix/xubuntu-laptop:/tmp/.ICE-unix/3665', 'XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR': '/var/lib/lightdm-data/localuser', 'XDG_SESSION_PATH': '/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session0', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '/home/localuser/toplevel/Hydrus', 'QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME': 'gtk2', 'QT_ACCESSIBILITY': '1', 'XDG_SEAT': 'seat0', 'GDM_LANG': 'en_GB', 'DEFAULTS_PATH': '/usr/share/gconf/xubuntu.default.path', 'DISPLAY': ':0.0', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': 'unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus', 'MPLCONFIGDIR': '/tmp/tmpzqtgebog', 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS': '/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu:/etc/xdg:/etc/xdg', 'GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING': '0', 'XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP': 'xubuntu', 'GLADE_CATALOG_PATH': ':', 'XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP': 'XFCE', 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR': '/run/user/1000', 'GLADE_MODULE_PATH': ':', 'GPG_AGENT_INFO': '/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent:0:1', 'GLADE_PIXMAP_PATH': ':', 'XDG_SESSION_ID': 'c2', 'XDG_DATA_DIRS': '/usr/share/xubuntu:/usr/share/xfce4:/home/localuser/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/var/lib/snapd/desktop:/usr/share', 'GDMSESSION': 'xubuntu', 'MATPLOTLIBDATA': '/home/localuser/toplevel/Hydrus/mpl-data', 'USER': 'localuser', 'XAUTHORITY': '/home/localuser/.Xauthority', 'SSH_AGENT_PID': '3647', 'LANG': 'en_GB.UTF-8', 'MANDATORY_PATH': '/usr/share/gconf/xubuntu.mandatory.path', 'CLUTTER_BACKEND': 'x11', 'LANGUAGE': 'en_GB:en', 'SHLVL': '0', 'XDG_SESSION_TYPE': 'x11', 'HOME': '/home/localuser', 'XDG_SEAT_PATH': '/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0', 'XDG_VTNR': '7', 'PWD': '/home/localuser', 'XDG_MENU_PREFIX': 'xfce-'})

STDOUT Response:

STDERR Response: ffmpeg: /home/localuser/toplevel/Hydrus/libz.so.1: version `ZLIB_1.2.9' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpng16.so.16)

This is LTS, but it is up-to-date. Looking at my packages tells me roughly that zlib is at 1.2.11.

I'll get back to you about the dll issues.

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97777b No.12984

Encountered this bug in 355, updated to 356 and it persists.

Tried to separate a Hentai Foundry artist lookup subscription in the 'manage subscriptions' window.


'<' not supported between instances of 'SubscriptionQuery' and 'SubscriptionQuery'

File "include\ClientGUICommon.py", line 781, in EventButton

self._func( *self._args, **self._kwargs )

File "include\ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit.py", line 4952, in Separate

panel = EditChooseMultiple( dlg, choice_tuples )

File "include\ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit.py", line 197, in init


Same thing happens with the rule34xxx tag lookup when trying to separate the subscription.

Bug didn't happen when separating a danbooru+gelbooru tag lookup subscription.

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050985 No.12987


>is this through the duplicate filter or the 'show some random dupes' button?

Through the duplicate filter.

>Are the 'potential' pair counts decrementing at all?

Yes when I'm finished the potential pairs count goes back to 0 but it really hasn't applied anything.

I updated to v356 today. I imported a few new images and rescanned for duplicates. I tried doing the same thing and it's still broken. Hopefully in the next release or two you can figure it out.

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f311c8 No.12991

File: 676703cab87834c⋯.png (54.4 KB,375x806,375:806,ClipboardImage.png)


e621's parser is now broken as of today.

The server's error text was too long to display. The first part follows, while a larger chunk has been written to the log.
No error trace--here is the stack:
File "threading.py", line 884, in _bootstrap
File "threading.py", line 916, in _bootstrap_inner
File "include\HydrusThreading.py", line 342, in run
callable( *args, **kwargs )
File "include\ClientNetworkingJobs.py", line 974, in Start
self._SetError( e, error_text )
File "include\ClientNetworkingJobs.py", line 438, in _SetError
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
File "include\ClientData.py", line 434, in ShowExceptionClient
trace = 'No error trace--here is the stack:' + os.linesep + ''.join( traceback.format_stack() )

<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollo

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f311c8 No.12993


parser is working again, didn't do anything just left it idle. not really sure what caused it or why it happened. something on e6's side?

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d9d3a0 No.12996


They turned on pretty aggressive ddos protection for a few hours. Everything that was not a legitimate browser received access forbidden errors.

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ca3709 No.13004


Thank you for this report. Do you have the new 'clipboard watcher' on? Is it possible the clipboard crashed from, say, trying to pull an in-clipboard screenshot as text or anything?

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ca3709 No.13005


Thank you, this was exactly what I was looking for. It looks like the env being passed still has some hydrus-specific path somewhere so ffmpeg is trying to load .so files from the hydrus dir. LD_LIBRARY_PATH, looks like, which I thought I was already redirecting–looks like the LD_LIBRARY_PATH_ORIG, which I am supposed to have, isn't there for your situation. What a headache. I will give this another go.

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ca3709 No.13006


Shit, thank you for this report. I am 99.7% certain I can have this fixed for 357.

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ca3709 No.13007


Are you clearing your duplicate search progress ('reset potential duplicates' from the cog icon under the duplicates page) and researching everything? If so, you do not need to do this, and I would not recommend this action for any normal operation. You do not need to 'rescan' for dupes in this way to keep up with new files. It would requeue many intra-alternate comparisons with the current system.

If you are just 'filling up' the 'finding potential duplicates' search bar and getting the same alternate pairs come up over and over, this would point to a different problem.

Either way, this whole situation with comparing alternates is on my mind, as here also >12999 . As I switch potentials over, I will write an alternates decisions cache to make sure you don't ever see the same thing twice, even if you were to flush and re-search everything.

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ca3709 No.13008




Thank you for this report. I'm going to try to write a 'This looks like a Cloudflare error' detector to try to give better summary info in these error cases, since this keeps happening.

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050985 No.13011


>If you are just 'filling up' the 'finding potential duplicates' search bar and getting the same alternate pairs come up over and over, this would point to a different problem

Yes, that's what I've been doing. I can give you logs or something if it'll help debug the issue. If you're re-writing it I guess you won't need them though.

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bd6f31 No.13038

For whatever reason, the pixiv single file page parser stopped working for me - every url I plug in tells me it found nothing in the document. In looking at the raw data from the example urls I noticed that any nsfw pages tell me I'm not logged in but I've checked the login credentials outside of hydrus and they're correct, and regardless sfw submissions don't download properly either. It had been working as of yesterday and the tag gallery parser still picks up urls, albeit only non-nsfw. Did something change on pixiv's end or what?

It chucks a few

include.HydrusExceptions.ParseException: Unable to parse that JSON: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
exceptions at me for the various tags when testing a url but I'm assuming that's due to the pages not showing up.

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bcb5fd No.13047


Looks like v357 is detecting my system ffmpeg properly, such that it can import webms without the static one now. Great stuff. Thanks for your hard work.

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103929 No.13055

So I found an interesting yiff.party issue. So I've noticed one subscription keeps failing and gives me the message 'connection broke mid-request' and retries over and over to no success.

So I decided to look into it, the particular json it is trying to download is here: https://yiff.party/7242260.json

If you actually look at it in a browser you'll see that it literally cut off part of the way through, or at least it does for me off my VPN, on several different VPN servers, and on TOR. I suppose the error message it gave me was correct. Any idea on what's causing that? I'd guess a server error


Also similiar issue here, for example the parser finds nothing for https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=64809850

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b82275 No.13060


Thanks. Yes, I will wait a bit for this. The new potentials system will work better all-around and plug into the new alternates and duplicates storage logically correctly, so a bunk of jank will clear out. There will be a couple of weekly follow-ups later as well that will ensure certain alternate decisions are remembered better. Please keep me updated on how this goes for you as I roll more of this out.

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b82275 No.13061



Thank you for these reports. Yeah, it looks like Pixiv changed up their internal API again. A user has lined up a good parser that I will fold into 358.

As for yiff.party, I am no expert with it, but in some testing I have been doing with another user's new parser, I have found the server very unreliable. It is always under heavy load and often just cuts off connections, including for media content. For some reason my network engine is not picking some of these errors up and is delivering broken json and jpegs–I assume Yiff is not delivering Content-Length header or something, so I don't know final expected content length. I will keep looking at this a bit and likely fold in this newer better parser in the coming weeks. My engine deals with connection errors better in recent weeks, but there aren't excellent ways to detect half-done content. I will keep thinking about it.


Fantastic, thanks for letting me know.

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a4ec3d No.13074

If I have both the media viewer and file tag editing windows open, I can no longer scroll down on the media viewer to advance to the next image until I click on the media viewer to give it focus.

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ed099a No.13076


Thank you for this report. The new unified shortcut processing test, which fixes various focus issues, accidentally does not have an exception for scroll events. I am 99.7% confident I can have this fixed for 358.

In the meantime, one way of browsing from manage tags is to hit page up/down on the tag autocomplete input box–it should pass a previous/next event up to the media viewer to which it is attached.

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2d564c No.13089

Small bug:

If you open the manage tags window in the dupe filter, when you close it, focus is set to the main hydrus window instead of the dupe filter. The main window pops up over. Windows 10.

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da139c No.13091

Hey there,

my client (v357) seems to reliably stall when I try to import https://e621.net/post/show/1915926

It downloads the image but never gets done with the processing. Not sure on what step exactly it gets stuck. But the client.exe will show around 30% CPU load. (Windows 10, 4 cores/threads system).

It makes no difference if the url is hit by a subscription or a gallery downloader.

I tried the same with various debug>reporters enabled and the log looked like this:

2019/07/02 14:05:08: Query "id:1915911..1915940" pre-work file login test. Login ok: True.
2019/07/02 14:05:08: Running read url_statuses
2019/07/02 14:05:08: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:05:09: Running read url_statuses
2019/07/02 14:05:09: Running read hash_status
2019/07/02 14:05:09: Running read in_inbox
2019/07/02 14:05:09: Running write content_updates
2019/07/02 14:05:09: Running read nums_pending
2019/07/02 14:05:09: Query "id:1915911..1915940" pre-work bandwidth test. Bandwidth ok: True.
2019/07/02 14:05:09: Query "id:1915911..1915940" pre-work file login test. Login ok: True.
2019/07/02 14:05:09: Running read url_statuses
2019/07/02 14:05:09: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:05:10: Running read url_statuses
2019/07/02 14:05:10: Running read url_statuses
2019/07/02 14:05:10: Running read url_statuses
2019/07/02 14:05:10: Running read hash_status
2019/07/02 14:05:10: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:05:12: Running read hash_status
2019/07/02 14:05:31: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:05:31: Running write serialisable
2019/07/02 14:05:31: Running write serialisable
2019/07/02 14:06:00: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:06:00: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:06:01: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:06:22: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:06:31: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:06:59: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:07:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:07:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:07:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:07:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:07:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:07:12: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:07:12: Running read file_system_predicates
2019/07/02 14:07:13: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:07:13: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:07:13: Running read serialisable_names
2019/07/02 14:07:13: Running read serialisable_names
2019/07/02 14:07:41: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:08:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:08:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:08:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:08:22: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:08:41: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:09:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:09:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:09:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:09:41: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:10:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:10:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:10:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:10:13: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:10:13: Running read serialisable_names
2019/07/02 14:10:13: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:10:13: Running read serialisable_names
2019/07/02 14:10:22: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:10:41: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:11:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:11:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:11:11: CallToThread doing a job.
2019/07/02 14:11:41: CallToThread doing a job.


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08c567 No.13095


Thank you for this report. There's some funky focus rules with this stuff–I think when the always-on-top-of-parent manage tags window exits, it reverts focus on like the initial run to the most top-level window, rather than its parent. I think I have some catches for this in the main media viewer, but I presume the duplicate filter isn't handling it right. I will have a look at this today.

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08c567 No.13096


Thank you for this report. I am afraid I do not get this problem either on my dev machine or my irl client.

Do you sync with my PTR? Have you personally uploaded a number of new tag siblings or parents to it before?

Can you try downloading the file manually, should be this link:


And importing it just from your hard drive? If it imports, does it come in as a new file or 'already in db'? Do you see it having tags?

If it imports ok as just a bare file, what happens if you queue up the URL again, now the file is imported? If the URL freezes up, what happens if you open a new url downloader and set its tag import options to parse no tags and try again–does it still freeze?

If that still fails, what happens if you open network->downloader definitions->manage parsers and edit the e621 file page parser and put in the URL in the top-right of that edit panel to pull the data and then click 'test parse'? I get this:


tag: character:mario
tag: character:tanooki mario
tag: creator:ultimatesol
downloadable/pursuable url (priority 75): https://static1.e621.net/data/01/9e/019e3fd020b4ea13e578576b128e5986.jpg
tag: 1up mushroom
tag: black eyes
tag: blue eyes
tag: brown skin
tag: cloud
tag: coin
tag: fungus
tag: hi res
tag: mushroom
tag: red skin
tag: star
tag: super leaf
tag: super mushroom
tag: super star
tag: video games
tag: white skin
md5 hash: 019e3fd020b4ea13e578576b128e5986
source time: 2019/06/26 19:00:00
tag: series:mario bros
tag: series:nintendo
associable/source url (priority 0): https://www.deviantart.com/ultimatesol/art/Super-Mario-3D-Land-272390217
tag: species:canid
tag: species:canine
tag: species:goomba
tag: species:human
tag: species:lakitu's cloud
tag: species:mammal
tag: species:raccoon dog
tag: species:tail goomba
tag: species:tanuki
tag: species:toad (mario)


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da139c No.13097


> Do you sync with my PTR? Have you personally uploaded a number of new tag siblings or parents to it before?

Yes, I do sync and I have uploaded new tags before.

> Can you try downloading the file manually, should be this link:


And importing it just from your hard drive?

I used

- file->import files->add files

- selected the file

- 1/1 files parsed successfully

- import now

and the page "import (0, 0/1) does not appear to do anything. Closing the page asks if I really want to close while it is still importing.

> If that still fails, what happens if you open network->downloader definitions->manage parsers and edit the e621 file page parser and put in the URL in the top-right of that edit panel to pull the data and then click 'test parse'? I get this:

I tried this just in case and the result at first glance looks like your's.

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074152 No.13099

Deviantart login appears to have broken for me. I have been gone for about a month, so it is likely cookies have expired.

However, attempting to refresh the login does not work, and returns: "invalid - The temporary variable 'validate_key' was not found!"

I also tried turning the login off, and downloading some content that did not require login, then turning it on again, no luck.

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2476d4 No.13104


Thank you. Looks like it is definitely the file itself, then. If you are still up to chase this error down, can you try extracting a new fresh copy of hydrus to your desktop or something and then trying to import the file from your hard drive to that new, empty client? This will help us figure out if there is a hardware problem with your computer, like some weird bug in your graphics driver that means hydrus can't do some processing on file import on that file, or if there is an issue with your specific IRL client install db (which I strongly suspect).

My best guess here is that on import the file has some similar-files metadata or something that is not inserting correctly into your db. Maybe something got janked up and your similar files search tree has a loop. I am gearing up now to put today's release out, so I don't have time to add it for 358, but I will try to fit in a 'file import report mode' or similar for 359 that will expose what is going on here so we can see better where your client is running into trouble.

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2476d4 No.13105


Thank you for this report. Sounds like they have changed their process. I will try to have a look at this next week.

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780121 No.13119


I'm totally up to chase the error down.

I tried a fresh copy of 357 and the file imported fine.

Using my existing db with the fresh copy showed the broken behaviour again.

Updating to 358 (because the change log said something about db loops) made no difference.

So as you suspected, it has to do with my db.

If there's anything I can query on the sqlite db directly that'll help, let me know. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty with the command line client.

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43f101 No.13131


Great. Shut down the client and let's open up the sqlite3 in install_dir/db and then do this: (you should be able to copy/paste each line)

.open client.db
ATTACH "client.master.db" AS cm;
ATTACH "client.caches.db" AS cc;
SELECT hash_id FROM hashes WHERE hash = x'8fdab765d788fb987fceee739bcfe3abdc0af747e45ef0e204b6e930739ff1aa';

(note this hash_id number. if it does not give anything, then .exit now and let me know)

SELECT * FROM shape_search_cache WHERE hash_id = (your_hash_id);
SELECT * FROM shape_perceptual_hashes NATURAL JOIN shape_perceptual_hash_map WHERE hash_id = (your_hash_id);
SELECT * FROM shape_perceptual_hashes WHERE phash = x'fb33c17a84e0966c';
SELECT phash_id FROM shape_perceptual_hash_map WHERE hash_id = (your_hash_id);

(note any phash_ids here, should be either one or none)

SELECT * FROM shape_vptree WHERE phash_id = (your_phash_id);

And let me know what you get. It is possible the shape search stuff will just give you no results. But this will let us know if the file has been seen by your db–likely through PTR sync–and if it somehow already has shape data, or if the shape data is colliding for some odd reason with an existing file.

Note if the error is located here, maybe due to a malformed search tree, there is an outside chance that database->regenerate->similar file search tree will fix this. It should take a couple of minutes or less. If the operation hangs indefinitely, then we have definitely found our problem.

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bb66c4 No.13143


SQLite version 3.27.2 2019-02-25 16:06:06
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> .open client.db
sqlite> ATTACH "client.master.db" AS cm;
sqlite> ATTACH "client.caches.db" AS cc;
sqlite> SELECT hash_id FROM hashes WHERE hash = x'8fdab765d788fb987fceee739bcfe3abdc0af747e45ef0e204b6e930739ff1aa';
sqlite> SELECT * FROM shape_search_cache WHERE hash_id = 30364954;
sqlite> SELECT * FROM shape_perceptual_hashes NATURAL JOIN shape_perceptual_hash_map WHERE hash_id = 30364954;
sqlite> SELECT * FROM shape_perceptual_hashes WHERE phash = x'fb33c17a84e0966c';
sqlite> SELECT phash_id FROM shape_perceptual_hash_map WHERE hash_id = 30364954;

I guess this means no results and there's no need to regenerate the similar file search tree?

What's next?

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050985 No.13147


Just letting you know the deduplicate filtering works normally again for me in v358.

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908d0a No.13150

I've just updated from 354 to 358, and I can't use file lookup scripts anymore. I get this error every time:


local variable 'f' referenced before assignment

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "include\HydrusThreading.py", line 342, in run

callable( *args, **kwargs )

File "include\ClientGUITagSuggestions.py", line 483, in THREADFetchTags

parse_results = script.DoQuery( job_key, file_identifier )

File "include\ClientParsing.py", line 2722, in DoQuery

parsing_text = self.FetchParsingText( job_key, file_identifier )

File "include\ClientParsing.py", line 2688, in FetchParsingText

if f is not None:

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'f' referenced before assignment

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074152 No.13161


Unfortunately still not working for me.

I tried just clicking "do login now", no dice. "The temporary variable 'csrf_token' was not found!"

I also reset login (clear cookies), then "do login now", still no dice.

Version 359.

I'm playing with the login script now, I'll let you know if I figure anything out….

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074152 No.13163




So after waiting a while, trying some more with no success, and toying with the login script to no success, it suddenly started working in the login script testing area sometimes, but wouldn't work for the real logins…..

I then Reset the login completely, and tried login several times, no dice.

After testing it probably 15 more times, I can get it to work now…. about 20% of the time, and I have absolutely no idea why.

So it's working for me now…… I'm just left confused.


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609de8 No.13167

File: 217fffd2284a6b8⋯.jpg (261.9 KB,708x746,354:373,Untitled 1.jpg)

File: 523ce0434088c3e⋯.jpg (216.44 KB,720x610,72:61,Untitled 2.jpg)

Any idea what these two errors mean?

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168caa No.13172


So I enabled the new file import report and got this

2019/07/13 01:03:12: File import job starting work.
2019/07/13 01:03:12: File import job hash: 8fdab765d788fb987fceee739bcfe3abdc0af747e45ef0e204b6e930739ff1aa
2019/07/13 01:03:12: File import job pre-import status: ,
2019/07/13 01:03:12: File import job mime: image/jpg
2019/07/13 01:03:12: File import job testing for decompression bomb
2019/07/13 01:03:12: File import job file info: (655563, 1, 918, 1279, None, None, None)
2019/07/13 01:03:12: File import job generating thumbnail
2019/07/13 01:03:12: File import job generating phashes

And then it sits there.

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050985 No.13186


The deduplicate filtering isn't working properly anymore in v359. Distance 0 is giving me very dissimilar matches.

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5604c8 No.13198



Hey, I am sorry I am getting back to this late. By that 'file import job generating phashes' being the last statement, it is definitely having trouble here simply using CPU/GPU time to generating similar search data for that file. The db appears fine.

This is double-odd, as none of this code stands out as something that could hang. It basically loads the image and does some transforms and math on it–normally, if there were a probeem, it would error out with some decent text. It can seemingly load your image ok, since it figures out the resolution and generates the thumbnail ok.

The image looks like a normal RGB jpeg, not like a 14,000x22,000 png or something that might blow up ram doing this. So, my guess here is it is something like your graphics driver is unhappy with some particular part of the shape of that file so that when it does DCT to it, or tries to greyscale it, it is hanging on that call. The image libraries I use send difficult image math to the GPU using OpenCL, and this sort of this has come up once or twice before.

I can think of two things to try:

1) This sounds stupid, but update your graphics driver. If this happens to be a bug in your current version, it may be cleared up in the latest.

2) See if you can disable OpenCL acceleration for client.exe under your graphics driver settings, at least for this one file. You do this just like you can override FXAA and Vsync etc… for a game exe. For Nvidia, it is under the normal Nvidia Settings panel and then 'Manage 3D Settings', and then you make a new profile for hydrus's client.exe.

Otherwise, I'll make a new 'similar files data generation report mode' so we can drill down to exactly what is hanging here for you.

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5604c8 No.13199



Thank you for this report. Can you post an example pair of dissimilar images that are being matched for you, so I can check on my end? I don't mind nsfw.

Also, if you load up one of these images in a search page and right-click->file relationships->find similar->exact match/speculative, does it give the same bad results in those cases, or does it give just the original file? Do either of the files in the example bad pair have duplicates or alternates already set? Could they be accidental false-positives?

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5604c8 No.13200


Hey, I am sorry for this. It should be fixed in the latest 359. Thank you for the report.



Thank you for the feedback. As far as I can tell, DA is rolling out the new layout/login system/whatever on a pseudo-random A/B testing basis or something. It seems like once you are logged in, it will 'fix' you to the new layout for the duration of that login, but I have also seen some 500 Server Errors. If they do it like Pixiv did, I assume they'll slowly roll it all out to all users 100% of the time and ultimately retire the old layout. Phoneshit compatibility and dynamic website drawing seems to be the way of the future.

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5604c8 No.13201


I am not sure. I have seen this seemingly false 'db is locked' error on boot a couple of times before but was unable to pin it down. Is there any chance there is/was an old 'client.exe' process hanging around in Task Manager, unable to close itself (and tidy up the db locks) from a previous session? Or was this on a freshly booted computer?

My best recommendation is to see if there is an old ui-hidden client.exe in Task Manager, and kill the process if so, and if not, try rebooting the computer.

If you still have trouble, try going into install_dir/db and running the sqlite3 executable there. It will open up a new console that you can paste commands into. Do this process four times for the four 'client' .db files:

.open client.db
SELECT * FROM sqlite_master LIMIT 1;

That will try to open and read some simple info from each file (i.e. swap in 'client.db' for 'client.caches.db' and so on). That may end up silently 'clearing out' and bad lingering locks so you can boot again, or it may report a better error here. Let me know how you get on.

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affbb7 No.13202


I cant seem to run python scripts from open externally anymore. This is the command I'm using [python "C:\Users\*\My_Documents\_tiff_shortcuts\reader.py" "%path%"]. It opens a blank cmd window with python as its title for a split second. I did some testing and if I just have the python exe open with no other arguments it still doesnt work. I also tried a very simple script with no %path% argument which asked for an input, same thing. I talso tried a program that just copied over sys.argv into a txt file to see whats wrong but the file is unchanged.

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5604c8 No.13203


Thank you for this report. Can you try again with help->debug->report modes->subprocess report mode on? That should dump a heap of debug info into some popups and your log and help us see how the command is failing. Some of that will be private environment info, so don't post it all unredacted, but is there anything in there that pops out?

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050985 No.13204

File: 232d97e6126a25b⋯.png (2.78 MB,2381x3340,2381:3340,232d97e6126a25b8ec4ae36f65….png)

File: 6ed82640fdd1464⋯.png (3.01 MB,1414x2000,707:1000,6ed82640fdd14643660cb4f50f….png)


Here's an example of two dissimilar matches at distance 0. In the duplicates tab I did a search and reviewed matches using the filter.

>does it give the same bad results in those cases, or does it give just the original file?

It has just the original file.

>Do either of the files in the example bad pair have duplicates or alternates already set?

Neither have relations previously set.

>Could they be accidental false-positives?

There are a large number of bad matches so this pair isn't an isolated indecent.

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734ff7 No.13205

File: 73f4e6dbff86486⋯.png (11.68 KB,438x199,438:199,Untitled.png)

File: 9875c97da040cde⋯.jpg (53.03 KB,709x388,709:388,Annotation 2019-07-16 0111….jpg)


I'm retarded, my previous script works just fine, the subprocess report showed me that I forgot to install a package which I needed.

But something else I'm trying fucks it up - highlighted line in pic related. I think calling another subprocess or capturing the output of one causes issues.

I don't really mind if it isn't fixed, ill try a python library to get the exif title instead. If you're wondering what the hell I'm trying to do, I'm adding tiff files to hydrus which have a title tag that I can plug into a dictionary to get the file path of my manga folders (I prefer not having manga archived and manga is stored outside of hydrus).

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97472f No.13208


No worries. Everyone's busy and there's no rush.

What makes me doubt the graphics driver is the import working fine with a fresh database.

Could there be anything else with my database holding back the import?

Thousands of other files (yes, I am a hoarder) have imported fine since that particular one. So generally everything works.

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5604c8 No.13213


Thank you. The files do not get a potential pair for me, so this is not some legit false positive accident. There is definitely something going wrong in your db. I recommend you pause automatic idle time potential pair searching by clicking on the cog icon on the duplicates page. You'll probably want to completely reset your potential duplicates as well through the same menu, once we have figured this out.

Can you please close your client and go to install_dir/db and run the sqlite3 executable to bring up the sqlite terminal, and then copy/paste these lines in one by one:

.open client.db
ATTACH "client.master.db" as cm;
ATTACH "client.caches.db" as cc;

SELECT phash_id, hex( phash ) FROM hashes NATURAL JOIN shape_perceptual_hash_map NATURAL JOIN shape_perceptual_hashes WHERE hash IN ( x'232d97e6126a25b8ec4ae36f65b5e8ae08314e74d06f4fcbc72350a9fd3f5995', x'6ed82640fdd14643660cb4f50f022b5b0dd7a4e1c4ff3f6d430a5ed8e7c82fac' );

SELECT media_id, hash_id FROM duplicate_files, hashes ON (king_hash_id = hash_id ) WHERE hash IN ( x'232d97e6126a25b8ec4ae36f65b5e8ae08314e74d06f4fcbc72350a9fd3f5995', x'6ed82640fdd14643660cb4f50f022b5b0dd7a4e1c4ff3f6d430a5ed8e7c82fac' );

SELECT media_id FROM duplicate_file_members NATURAL JOIN hashes WHERE hash IN ( x'232d97e6126a25b8ec4ae36f65b5e8ae08314e74d06f4fcbc72350a9fd3f5995', x'6ed82640fdd14643660cb4f50f022b5b0dd7a4e1c4ff3f6d430a5ed8e7c82fac' );

(note those media_ids down, and put them in here a couple times):

SELECT * FROM duplicate_file_members WHERE media_id = (media_id here);


Does that first SELECT statement give you:

(some number)|EAE648A595946D8B

(some other number)|E8EAD2E49595C583

Or does it give very different numbers, or a much bigger list?

Does the duplicate_files, hashes SELECT give two lines, or less?

Does the duplicate_file_members SELECT where you put the media_ids in give you one line per media_id, or more?

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5604c8 No.13214


Hmm, I am not sure what it doesn't like there. I don't know enough about subprocess details. I have not had luck with anything but subprocess.Popen. If you do something like this:

p = subprocess.Popen( ['exiftool.exe', argv[1]], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines = True, encoding = 'utf-8' )

( stdout, stderr ) = p.communicate()

That may work out better, I am not sure. Maybe doing the PIPE stuff is ok, since I am already doing that to call your process and there is some sys-related std-'chaining' issue going on? I dunno though, because it looks like the .run command just calls Popen anyway deeper into subprocess.

Was that traceback you got hydrus-side written to the client.log in install_dir/db? Does it show the full trace there, so we can see the actual meat of what it was having trouble with?

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5604c8 No.13215


Shit, I forgot that it was ok in a fresh db. Unless something very odd is going on that is prohibiting the next message getting out or being flushed to the log or something, after that 'generating phashes' line should be 'File import job generated xxx phashes'. Since that message is not coming up, it suggests the hang is inside the pure-CPU graphics processing code that generates similar files phashes. This all happens before the db is opened for the actual file import.

Ok, let's see how this new phash generating report mode goes in tomorrow's release.

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e44358 No.13227

I tried to import an epub but hydrus somehow turned it into a zip file.

This is the file


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3f613c No.13230


2019/07/18 19:42:36: File import job generating phashes
2019/07/18 19:42:36: phash generation: loading image
That's all it does, eating up a CPU core.

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734ff7 No.13235


The same thing that I posted was written to the log, nothing more. Alright so I used a python library to get the title and that works just fine. Even the stdout in hydrus will show anything I print from the program. But it seems I cant load my json file.

Nevermind, I think the correct solution to all my problems was to use full filepaths in my program. I.e. "C:\\Users\\*\\My_Documents\\_tiff_shortcuts\\data.json" instead of just data.json. Thanks for the help, the debug subprocess report was useful.

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1e273d No.13236

File: ef52d61d1ef7d8d⋯.png (19.4 KB,343x393,343:393,Screenshot_20190719_224514.png)

What happened to custom shortcuts editor? Seems like I can only see the reserved ones.

They are still accessible and still work but seems like I can no longer edit them

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7954c5 No.13237

File: b7f5f5f80ad43bf⋯.jpg (62.33 KB,953x730,953:730,1450914232560.jpg)

When I copied the 360 folder over the 359 one all my files disappeared. I hit F5 and now it's thrashing my hard drive. Is it reconstructing the database? How badly did I fuck up?

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283335 No.13253


Ah, it looks like epubs are zip files, a bit like cbr/cbz:


Most ebook formats are not supported yet in hydrus. Text is difficult for a bunch of reasons, and accurate mime (filetype) detection based on file content (which is how hydrus currently determines filetype) is a big one. You can leave the epub in there if you like, and when support eventually comes in I'll add a file maintenance job to recheck all current zips to see if they are really epubs and fix it automatically for you, or you can keep it out so your ebook reader can recognise it in the meantime.

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283335 No.13254


Ah, it looks like PIL (Pillow), a backup image library I use, completely spergs out when it tries to load that file! When I force it to load with PIL, I get the same CPU problem. I looked inside PIL, and I don't completely know what's going on, but it looks like the LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES setting, which is putting a fake EOF in the load file call, is not being recognised, so the virtual file being loaded is just a truncated file plus an infinite number of EOFs.

Can you check your options->media->BUGFIX: Load images with PIL setting for me? My guess is this is on, perhaps because you are/were a Linux user at some point? Uncheck it, and you should be good going forward. There was a while that PIL was more stable and reliable than OpenCV, and now I presume the opposite is true.

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283335 No.13255


This is now hidden behind help->advanced mode, as a lot of new users were stumbling into it by accident.

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283335 No.13256


I am very sorry you are having trouble. Can you talk more about your situation? When you say all your files disappeared, does it still seem like the client thinks you should have them (and the thumbs are not loading), or is it seemingly empty? Do you have 'system:inbox (some files)' or is it like 'system:inbox (0)')? Did it boot with your old session of page tabs, or just a fresh single empty page? Did it give the 'this looks like the first time you are running the client' popup message on boot?

Did the 360 folder get run before you copied it over 359, or was it a completely fresh extract? If you check your install_dir_359/db folder, what are the size and created dates of the four client*.db files in there? If you go deeper into the client_files directory and its subdirectories, do you still have media files in there? Or have you migrated your database/files to another location?

Do you have a backup of your 359 client?

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e3833a No.13262

Clicking on the button to change which site to search in a gallery downloader pops an error

'<' not supported between instances of 'GalleryURLGenerator' and 'GalleryURLGenerator'

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9fefa5 No.13264


Sweet, that helped! Thank you!

It was indeed on, though I have always been on Windows. But I've been using Hydrus for so long, I might have just turned that on myself who knows when and forgotten about it.

Speaking of which, is there an option I might have set at some point (that I am unable to find now) which disabled Hydrus from playing sound in videos? I feel like it did that at some point, but it hasn't for ages now. Is that a feature? Or am I just too daft to figure it out?

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7954c5 No.13277


It seems like it was a momentary issue. After killing the client and restarting it all my images were present. Before then it was like they weren't even there, but things are fine now.

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20f8dc No.13291



No, it's alright.. The client opened up normally after I clicked OK on both those errors and they never appeared again since that time.

I was just curious about the meaning of those errors.

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9d08f1 No.13309

I don't seem to be able to administrate my remote files service at all. I can upload files with the automatically-created administrator account just fine, but attempting to create new accounts for the file service, modify the account types, or ask who uploaded a file causes the client to lock up indefinitely. My first guess was a version mismatch, locally I'm running 361 on windows where my remote server is running 360 on ubuntu 19.04. I downgraded my windows client to 360, then upgraded back to 361 after running into the same issue. I've had no issues administrating the remote tags service running on the same server.

As an aside, the server is on 360 because I was unable to get 361 working on the server, even after reimaging the entire box and dropping a fresh copy of hydrus from the github on it. On 361 the server will run, but doesn't seem to listen on any ports.

Any ideas for either of these?

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283335 No.13340


Thank you for this report. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I am 99.7% sure I can fix this for 362.

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283335 No.13341


There's no native audio yet. It proved very popular in the last big job poll, so I expect to give it a proper go this year. Within the next 3-5 weeks I hope to have 'has audio' metadata sorted, which will display in the media viewer as a speaker icon or something.

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283335 No.13342


Ok, thank you for the update. Please let me know if it happens again and/or you discover more about this.

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283335 No.13343


I fixed a related error here in the past week or two–hitting 'forget it' on the 'a client is already running, do you want to wait or forget it?' boot dialog was accidentally clearing out the 'is running' file, SHIT, so a subsequent attempt to run the client was ploughing ahead regardless of any existing instance and throwing this error. This may be something of what you were seeing here.

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283335 No.13344


Thank you for this report. I am sorry you are running into this trouble. The service admin stuff has been caught up in some of the new network error handling recently, where if the network engine wants to wait because of a recent error, the old admin service code is now waiting to retry connections silently in the background. And because admin stuff is shit old code, it often waits on the ui thread, so it is locking up the client for x minutes until the connections time out. I suspect this is what you are seeing.

The job of making this workflow nice is bigger than I can quickly do, but I will go through all the admin commands and ensure they cancel snappily on a failed connection.

I did change how services start in v361, I had hoped for the better. I assume you have access to the file repository's server.log? Does it print any errors right after starting about being unable to map ports? I have a job this week to improve how this works further, improving error reporting.

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9d08f1 No.13345


I went back and checked the logs from the v361 instance. Now that I'm looking more closely, it actually doesn't print "Starting services…" at any point until after I keyboard interrupt it, no matter how long I wait after starting the server on that particular attempt. Every one of the logs looks basically the same as this one with different timestamps:

2019/07/27 22:22:23: Initialising controller…
2019/07/27 22:22:23: Initialising db…
2019/07/27 22:22:24: Initialising daemons…
2019/07/27 22:22:24: Server is running. Press Ctrl+C to quit.
2019/07/27 22:23:03: Received a keyboard interrupt…
2019/07/27 22:23:03: Shutting down controller…
2019/07/27 22:23:03: Shutting down daemons…
2019/07/27 22:23:03: Shutting down db…
2019/07/27 22:23:04: Starting services…
2019/07/27 22:23:04: Services started
2019/07/27 22:23:04: Stopping services…

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283335 No.13346


Thank you, this helps.

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dc9403 No.13415


Yeah, that's possibly what caused it but I don't remember for sure as it only happened once for quite some time now.

Anyway, I'll update to the latest version and I'll make sure to let you know if that ever happens again.

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9e9a29 No.13487

File: 35352b0d0aeb0e7⋯.png (4.84 KB,465x70,93:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67985c38360ce03⋯.png (40.03 KB,395x481,395:481,ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Hdev, hope you had a Merry Christmas.

This isn't a bug on your end because it broke while on the same version 372, It appears that the deripbooru downloaders are totally useless now and ignores all files.

As just a test, running a search for "Tutorial" only pulls 15 results, but then ignore's all 15. Meanwhile there's hundreds of files listed under "Tutorial" on derpibooru. This isn't just a one off case, any tag punched into the search wont scrape for the site.

I hope it's not unusable forever like the pixiv change, they were working fine just last week. So if you've got time could you look into the parsers?

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796f3e No.13495

File: 5cd86386a4cb01d⋯.png (4.02 KB,1024x112,64:7,derpibooru.org - version 2….png)


Thanks. Apparently they shifted their back-end around or something. A user sent me an updated downloader, attached, which I will roll into 379. I'll do a couple tests as I add it, but I am not a user of derpibooru, so let me know how it works for you.

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6b15fd No.13503

File: 86ce7a7721dfa34⋯.jpg (334.62 KB,1920x1080,16:9,86ce7a7721dfa34fe94f0d4d57….jpg)

First of all thank you, this is great software. I didn't see a mention for this minor error in the thread. Only a few images have this problem (actually all under my "series:umihara kawase" tag), on image open everything works fine, but after a few seconds a popup shows up anyways saying FileMissingException. I have tried all the database options hoping something would iron this problem out.


There definitely isn't a file of that name at the location stated so the error makes sense but what doesn't is why it still works anyways and obviously has a different filename as in pic related

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6b15fd No.13524

File: d913e00f90665f1⋯.png (466.97 KB,893x526,893:526,d913e00f90665f1bbab6b3b0b8….png)


I will update on this and say that it seems like my entire database is corrupting. It cant find a considerable amount of my files anymore, they no longer open despite errors. I do have a backup but I dont know how bad it is itself. I tell hydrus to vacuum the database and it instantly completes saying its done but i just have a hard time believing it does it so fast and nothing changes. what can I do?

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6b15fd No.13526



nevermind sorry i think this is unrelated, there are quite a bit of 0 byte files on my hard disk now. its going down, down to china town, REAL TIME

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9e9a29 No.13529

File: 24fd12329d1a39d⋯.png (2.9 KB,459x37,459:37,ClipboardImage.png)


so just an update on this, the scraper works but the one the user gave you is set to download with default filters on, as if you didnt make an account. there's no difference between derpi scraping and derpi no-filter scraping right now.

Not sure why it even picks up 3 results since none of them are tagged right but that's on derpi's end and none are explicit. There's no workaround for this with a login that i could find, like on deviantart

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e00e92 No.13532

I'm not certain where exactly it was introduced (probably in the past 3 or so releases), but there's a bit of a regression:

The trash display, when using "system:inbox"-selection displays ALL inbox entries (that is, both those in "trash" AND the ones in "my files"). It used to display just the inbox entries that were trashed (which is the desireable behaviour).

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40cc34 No.13551


Derpi scraping is working here, Though I can't vouch for filters working or not.

HOWEVER, I can vouch that I'm not getting any tags at all for anything downloaded from derpi currently.

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0b04ab No.13554

The duplicate filter doesn't zoom in/out to the center of the screen, more like lower right. At 2560x1440 resolution.

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8ec368 No.13558


Hey, I am sorry, I am just coming back to this thread after a period of not keeping up correctly with my messages. I have done significant work with other users in these sorts of situations, so please feel free to email me or hit me on discord or just post here on any further issues you are having. I'm happy to work one-on-one.

There is a help file in hydrus under install_dir/db/help my db is broke.txt that will walk you through various hard drive error recovery situations, particularly if you are not familiar with chkdsk and other tools.

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8ec368 No.13559



Thank you. I am afraid I am not a user of derpibooru and did not write the new parser, so I am a bit ignorant. I think I saw some conversation somewhere that the new site doesn't actually support the new filterless search stuff? Or that the format for that has changed somehow?

I will hit up the guys on the discord who made this to see if there is an update.

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8ec368 No.13560


Thank you for this report. This should be fixed now.


I have noticed something like this in the normal media viewer too. I've been pulling all that code to pieces to get mpv integrated, so I think I messed some mouse reinitialisation coordinates up or something. Thank you for the confirmation report, I will look into it.

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2cdf1a No.13573


Unfortunately, I am told the 'no filter' search strategy no longer works, so I think your best bet now is to use Hydrus Companion to copy your web browser's logged-in derpibooru cookies across to Hydrus, and then it will (presumably?) inherit your account's filtering preferences:


>>13551 I just did a test download, and I am afraid I get all tags ok–this sounds stupid, but can you double-check your tag import options? If it is still bad, can you do a derpibooru parser test under network->downloader definitions->manage parsers?

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d0902a No.13575

Apologies if this is a duplicate bug report.

Shift select is broken sometimes. Select the first file -> select the last, only last gets selected. Then select the first, only first selected. Select the last again and then finally all the files are selected.

Linux, v380

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d0902a No.13577

Not sure whether to put this as a bug or feature request.

Collecting files while under 'my tags' collects them based on all tags (my files + public tag repo).

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98632b No.13581

Apologies if this has already been reported.

Trying to load a .gif/.webm gives the following error on linux:

Non-C locale detected. This is not supported.

Call 'setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");' in your code.

zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) hydrus-client

going into the settings and switching to the default hydrus viewer solves this issue for me, but I thought it best to mention it.

Linux v381 but I'm pretty sure this has been going on since at least v380 or maybe even earlier

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c91b1e No.13583

Does nijie work for anyone?

I tried with a new install of the latest version and still get no successful connection.

Knowing if it's just me or not would help.

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da11ae No.13584

When I try to add a tag that's the old sibling in a sibling pair, instead of adding the tag I entered in and saying that it will be displayed as the new sibling, it just adds the new sibling, even when I manually select the old sibling in the autocomplete panel, and won't let me add the old sibling at all. This is a huge problem if the sibling pair was ever removed, and I don't know what's causing it.

It happens with both "my tags" and "public tag repository" sibling pairs, and I believe this is a recently introduced bug.

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9e9a29 No.13587

File: 65fa7053f4f98a2⋯.png (27.96 KB,345x330,23:22,ClipboardImage.png)


I get tags on derpi booru downloads but the hydrus companion does nothing from what I see for any website, not just derpi.

How would you plug the cookies into hydrus when it doesnt have a login manager?

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952ae1 No.13589


Thank you for this report. I have noticed this myself. I can't figure out if it is my code or my mouse driver (I have shift mapped on a Logitech mouse) or Qt in general–I have another Qt program that also does the same thing, again only sometimes. I can't obviously think of any place where I say 'ok, stop accepting shift for a bit', although I may be mistaken.

When this happens again, if you have another program in Qt with a list, can you check that at the same time? Does this only happen for you on thumbnail select, or can it also happen on column-ed lists, like the list of queries in a download page? That is where I see it most, when I am trying to shift-select six completed watchers or similar so I can delete them.

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952ae1 No.13590


Thank you. Unfortunately it is all merged at the moment. I had hoped to be putting some more time into per-service tag presentation and handling options in the past couple of weeks, but Qt boshed my whole schedule. I am not sad at all and am really pleased with Qt, but a bunch of those tag plans are now on the back burner.

Ideally, I want a whole new set of UI for saying which services apply and take precedence in different places (like thumbnail banners and tag siblings, as well). I am not sure when I will get to this.

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952ae1 No.13591


I am sorry for the trouble. This should be fixed in v382 now. It is a non-Windows problem with loading MPV, triggered accidentally for you because your system happens to have MPV access when I did not expect it to.

If 382 still give you trouble, please let me know.

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952ae1 No.13592


I do not know much about the site, but I feel like it has 'locked up' a bit since I last visited it. Do you have to have a login now to see anything? Pixiv went through an extensive round of updates over the past six months, perhaps nijie have as well, and this has broken the downloader in hydrus.

I am afraid I do not see a new downloader either in the shared repository:


What do you get when you try to download something? No results at all, or a parsing error, or a connection error?

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952ae1 No.13593


Is this in the 'manage tags' dialog? Some time ago I moved some automatic sibling/parent action options to the 'cog' icon button there–is your dialog set up to auto-replace tag siblings on a pend/add?

If it is turned off and still auto-replacing, can you say exactly the series of button-presses you are using to add the tag? Is it an enter press on an arrow up/down selection, or a mouse double-click, or anything else?

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952ae1 No.13594


Were you able to set up the Hydrus Client API for the Companion to talk to? Was it ever able to see the Client API? Under the Companion page here:


There is a section 'connecting the extension to Hydrus', which goes through the steps. You'll have to turn the Client API on and then grant the Companion permission to access your client.

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da11ae No.13595


You're right. I wasn't aware that there was an option for that. I must've accidentally enabled it sometime and didn't notice. My bad, although I often forget that not all options are in the options menu, and that some are hidden in gears in different parts of Hydrus. However, I recently encountered another bug. This one's been bothering me since I started using Hydrus at around V370, but it happened again just yesterday, and I'm more confident that this bug is legitimate because of how strange it is, but I'm welcome to being proven wrong again. It helps me learn.

After adding a child-tag to "male" or "female" in the local tag service, the tag "gender:male" or "gender:female", respectively, will be added to all files that I have tagged with the child-tag at the time of the relationship's creation. That's what I've gathered after doing a bit of experimenting.

gender:male and gender:female aren't even tags that are in my local tag service at all. They're the new-siblings of "male" and "female" respectively in the PTR, but the PTR shouldn't be interfering with the local tag service like this. This doesn't really seem like something that would be an option either, but after looking around for a little bit just in case (and keeping my eyes out for gears this time) the closest options I've found to what's happening here are "suggest all parents for all services" and "apply all siblings to all services", both of which I've never had enabled.

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52f2e6 No.13600


It is possible that setting was reset at some point when a system was rewritten, I am not sure. The whole siblings/parents system is a bit of a mess behind the scenes, so I am sorry for the inconvenience.

For your multi-service parents situation, please uncheck the 'suggest all parents for all services' checkbox under options->tags. At the moment, the only parents options you have are 'each service by itself' or 'all merged together', and this controls it. I notice that 'suggest' is the now wrong word here–it should be 'apply'. I suspect the option got written into a logic overhaul at once point, as it used to always be 'all merged together' all the time.

I very much want to improve the settings for which services provide siblings and parents to other services. I want to give you full control, letting you turn them completely on or off or override or whatever on a per-service-to-service basis. I had planned to do this in November/December, and then unfortunately Qt boshed my big tag plans. I am not sure when I will get to it, but the once-prototype logic here is creaking at the seams and I really would like to overhaul it.

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da11ae No.13601


That option already is disabled and it always has been. But this isn't exactly working how that option works anyway, because it only applies the parents when I create a new relationship, and only with files that are tagged with the child-tag. Also, it's treating the new-siblings from the PTR as if it's a parent in the local tag service, which is why "male" is getting gender:male added to it, instead of being replaced by it. That's why I'm so confused. After doing a bit more experimenting, I discovered that this appears to happen with all tags, not just "male" and "female", so I'll try to clearly explain what's going on:

The public tag repository has old-sibling tags that are replaced by new-sibling tags. Some of those tags exist in my local tag service as tags that I use and are not part of a sibling pair. For example, I use the tag "japanese language" in my local tag service. In the PTR "japanese language" is an old sibling that is replaced by its new sibling "language:japanese" but in my local tag service, "language:japanese" doesn't exist at all, and "japanese language" is not an old-sibling of it. That's the tag I use. a few days ago, I decided to make this tag the parent tag of "japanese text" (a tag that I've been using already) in my local tag service. When I did that, the bug took effect.

Every file that I had tagged with "japanese text" (the new child-tag) gets the tag "language:japanese" (the new-sibling of its parent tag in the PTR but NOT in my local tag service) added to it.

In other words, when I create a new parent-child relationship in my local tag service, everything that was tagged with the child-tag when I created that relationship gets tagged with the parent-tag's new-sibling in the PTR if it has one. the "suggest all parents for all services" option is not enabled when this happens, and I have never had this option enabled.

The bug treats the new-sibling of a tag in the PTR as if it is the parent the tag in my local tag service, but it only applies them when I create a new relationship between this tag, and another, and it only adds this tag from the PTR to files that I have tagged with the child-tag (not just the parent tag) in my local tag service at the time of the relationship's creation.

But again. Both cross-service relationship options are disabled when this happens, so those options should not be the cause of what's happening. I don't think it would make sense for that to be the cause anyway, because the bug is treating new-sibling tags as if they are parent-tags, which I don't think there's any option for in Hydrus.

Sorry if this still isn't a clear enough explanation. I wish I could just diagnose the problem myself, but I don't know Python, and I've looked at every option I could find to make sure that there isn't some weird "make siblings in remote tag services temporarily pretend to be parents in local tag services when you make a new parent-child relationship in a local tag service" option somewhere that I missed, but I couldn't find any, so I'm pretty sure that it's actually a bug this time.

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da11ae No.13602


I just remembered that I should include steps to reproduce, since they'll help you see what I'm talking about.

1. open a client that's connected the the Public tag Repository and also has a local tag service as well. Make sure that "suggest all parents for all services" is disabled, just in case.

2. In the local tag service (I think by default it's called "my tags") add the tag "japanese text" to a file

3. Go to "manage tag parents" and in the local tag service, make "japanese language" a new parent tag of "japanese text"

4. Go back to the file you added "japanese text" to and you'll see the results of the bug in that file's tags:

This file will have the tag "japanese language" added to it, as it should, because you just made this tag a parent of "japanese text". However it will also add the tag "language:japanese" to the file. This tag is not supposed to be added. You didn't enter it manually, and you didn't make "language:japanese" a parent of "japanese text". "language:japanese" is the new-sibling of "japanese language" in the PTR, but this isn't the public tag repository, and "suggest all parents for all services" is disabled, so there SHOULDN'T be any interference from there anyway, but there is. Even if that option was enabled, "language:japanese" is the new-sibling of "japanese language" in the PTR, NOT the parent of it, like it's acting like here.

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d0902a No.13604


>I have another Qt program that also does the same thing, again only sometimes.

It's probably QT then, heh. I tried searching through their bug tracker but there's so many selection bugs that it would take an hour to find a report.


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dc0b4a No.13613

File: 89745d8523bb1ea⋯.png (1.6 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1.png)

File: 290ef3f92ac2908⋯.png (317.43 KB,1920x1012,480:253,2.png)

Found a bug on 381 that's still on 383.

I censored all tags but one to make it easier to sort that tag, which caused all tags to simply disappear from the selection tags display. After I set the tags to show again the selection display is still empty in all pages, even the ones from before the change.

When I actually open a picture the tags display properly on the left, so there's nothing wrong with the censorship options, just the tag display itself.

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9e9a29 No.13614

File: 28dbcb5930f19fa⋯.png (21.85 KB,352x513,352:513,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86ba8d10126538c⋯.png (6.29 KB,335x94,335:94,ClipboardImage.png)


I get this. copying the API numbers into the companion didnt do anything helpful, following the guide in the github.

>API access test results

<A network error occurred while querying API version.

<A network error occurred while querying API permissions.

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c91b1e No.13621


I'm sorry for not answering earlier, this has been a very busy week.

I get a connection error when trying to download anything.

It used to work flawlessly up to 2 week ago at least. (I mostly check during week-end).

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335270 No.13649


Open a video in media viewer. Zoom out (make it smaller) to 20%, zoom in to 100% again, repeat this many times. Video will move lower on screen every time. It does not center properly to the middle of the screen. Doesn't happen with images.


The option "Remove files from view when they are sent to the trash" does not work on downloader pages or import pages.

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d0902a No.13659


two write holes so far resulting in partially corrupted DBs on linux. haven't figured out the issue yet, my intuition tells me btrfs. I'm in the process of migrating to ext4 (not sure why I was on btrfs, heh, maybe for reflink support). I got a checksum error the first time, then I used quicksync for a fresh db and got another checksum problem while updating the public tag repo. I know how to recover an sql db so, w/e. nvme drive that is only a 3-4 months old so likely not a bad drive, and a pci-e card so likely not a bad controller or cable.

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d0902a No.13660


uh oh. don't want to speak too soon, but I switched over to ext4. ran into the db corruption bug again while syncing the repo. happened on v383 and v384. hasn't happened yet on v382

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d0902a No.13662



Ignore these, the quicksync full database has an b-tree error in client.master.db. going to rebuild a new db from scratch and see if my issue really was a btrfs issue (I had multiple power outages which I'm pretty sure caused the write hole)

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115ebe No.13675



Thank you, I am sorry for the late reply. I have copied all this information down and will see if I can fix this in the near future.

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115ebe No.13676


Damn. Thank you, and let me know if you discover anything new here. If it is triggered by an earlier ctrl+click or something, maybe we can figure it out.


Thank you for this report. I will look into this bug. Does this fix itself after a client restart?

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115ebe No.13677


Thank you for this, I am sorry for the late reply. Could this be a firewall issue? Do you have a third-party firewall that is set to automatically block any non-whitelisted executable? It should be client.exe in the hydrus install dir trying to host here, if you need to add permissions.

A good way to test the visibility of the client api is to open, in your case, in your web browser. This should present a simple welcome page letting you know it is running ok, or perhaps a more helpful error page.

Also, you may want to check your install_dir/db/client…log file and scroll to the timestamps where you did tests. There may be some logged info, or again perhaps some errors about trying to bind the port.

If you only mean to connect to the client api from the same computer, I recommend you uncheck 'allow non-local connections' so other computers on your network cannot see it.

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115ebe No.13678


No worries, I am sorry to say I am in the same situation, ha ha.

If you check the gallery/file icon buttons (they launch a list of URLs attempted and the results) on your downloader that gets the error, can you find the URL row that errored? It is probably top of the list. Right-click->copy notes to copy all the error info, and can you then paste it here or email it to me, so I can have a look?

If this is a legit network connection error, then I hesitantly guess this may be something other than hydrus–could you have a firewall anywhere stopping access? I assume it works in your browser. Maybe the website has a rule to disconnect a hydrus client, but usually you do not get an error in that case, but something more like a successful 503.

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115ebe No.13679


Thank you for these reports. I will check out the zooming issue.

For the remove files issue, I had thought I had fixed this some weeks ago, and it works ok on my dev machine here. Is there any chance the downloader page here is very old? Pages secretly keep a file domain that they use to judge how to make various display decisions, and older downloader pages may still be using the 'all local files' domain rather than 'my files'. Does it still happen for you on a fresh downloader page?

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115ebe No.13680


Thank you for these reports. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I will let the QuickSync lad know his client.master.db has a problem. If I haven't told you before, there is some background reading on this topic under "install_dir/db/help my db is broke.txt" if that is helpful. Let me know if you discover any more here.

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dc0b4a No.13688

File: e417c45be011f23⋯.png (27.54 KB,672x208,42:13,1.png)


>I will look into this bug.

Well, I'm retarded. I did some tests and stumbled upon pic related.

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3f2492 No.13692

I added a third tag repository to stage my changes to the PTR, but when I go to use the "siblings" feature from tag management, every time I go in the order switches for "local" and the one I added, and it always selects the wrong repository.

Also, speaking of the siblings and parents feature, it would be nice to load them from the database based on context. Like if I am on the "local" repository, don't load everything from PTR because it dramatically increases the load time.

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f60ba8 No.13696

I'm going to count the storing credentials in plain text a bug.

For the love of all things holy, please.


I found this, but I haven't used it. If anyone else has suggestions. I would try to do it myself, but I am finding it nigh impossible to navigate the source code.

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335270 No.13697


>For the remove files issue, I had thought I had fixed this some weeks ago, and it works ok on my dev machine here. Is there any chance the downloader page here is very old? Pages secretly keep a file domain that they use to judge how to make various display decisions, and older downloader pages may still be using the 'all local files' domain rather than 'my files'. Does it still happen for you on a fresh downloader page?

It happens on the import page (for example when you drag and drop images to the client).

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0563a0 No.13704


Great, thank you for letting me know.


Thank you for this report. I will make sure those tabs always comes in the same order.

Yeah, I am sorry about the lag here. Siblings and Parents are way overdue a major data overhaul. I was hoping to fit some work in Q4 2019, but then Qt interrupted. I hope to get back to it in the near future, at least just to boost some speeds here and there.


Thank you for this report. I generally agree. I would like to do something better, but it got pushed back by other priorities. For now, as I think the UI says, I recommend you use throwaway accounts with hydrus (and I still will, once this is more secure, in case any websites start frowning on user accounts that use hydrus).

I will look into that keyring library, thank you. If I can offload the difficult part of this, all the better. Or perhaps something like this, which will let me store it locally and support portable clients that will move from one OS to another:



Great, thank you! I'll check it out.

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0fccd3 No.13718

Hydrus has stopped opening, nothing happens straight up when I try opening it. Looking in the db client log files, I find:

2020/02/25 22:30:44: hydrus client started

2020/02/25 22:30:44: hydrus client failed

2020/02/25 22:30:44: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "client.py", line 183, in <module>

from include import ClientController

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 627, in exec_module

File "include\ClientController.py", line 9, in <module>

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 627, in exec_module

File "include\ClientCaches.py", line 1, in <module>

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 627, in exec_module

File "include\ClientFiles.py", line 2, in <module>

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 627, in exec_module

File "include\ClientImageHandling.py", line 4, in <module>

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 627, in exec_module

File "site-packages\cv2\init.py", line 3, in <module>

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

As the first instance of the error, I updated hydrus to the latest as of this post and…

2020/02/29 23:49:31: hydrus client shut down

2020/02/29 23:53:31: hydrus client started

2020/02/29 23:53:31: hydrus client failed

2020/02/29 23:53:31: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "client.py", line 185, in <module>

from include import ClientController

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 623, in exec_module

File "include\ClientController.py", line 10, in <module>

from . import ClientCaches

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 623, in exec_module

File "include\ClientCaches.py", line 1, in <module>

from . import ClientFiles

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 623, in exec_module

File "include\ClientFiles.py", line 2, in <module>

from . import ClientImageHandling

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 623, in exec_module

File "include\ClientImageHandling.py", line 4, in <module>

import cv2

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 623, in exec_module

File "site-packages\cv2\init.py", line 3, in <module>

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

2020/02/29 23:53:31: hydrus client shut down

I still get this. Not sure if a bug, or I just did something dumb.

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61f281 No.13721


Thank you for this report. That error is complaining about a missing dll related to OpenCV, which does most of the image loading and handling in the program.

Since you are using Windows, in your hydrus install, you should have a 'cv' directory with a 'cv2.cp36-win_amd64.pyd' file in it, about 60MB. That's probably the one it is complaining about, but it could also be a different dll or pyd in the base install directory.

Is there any chance you either deleted a file, did not fully extract/install, or maybe had a anti-virus program get a false positive and remove a file? The best fix here is probably do simply re-extract/install, just as if you were updating. This should fill in the missing file, and/or perhaps show a popup you missed before from anti-virus if that was the problem.

If that does not seem to do it, can you extract a fresh release to your desktop and run that, just a completely new database? If that is ok, is there a file in the working db that isn't in your existing release?

If you have updated from a very old version of the program, it is possible there is a conflicting dll from an old version in your install directory. The solution to this problem is to do a 'clean' install, which is to:

Make a backup, just in case it goes wrong!

Delete everything in your install directory except for the 'db' folder and all its contents.


Let me know how you get on.

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0fccd3 No.13728


I don't see anything funny with my antivirus. I tried doing a fresh install with a new database, I get the same error.

2020/03/01 19:30:44: hydrus client started

2020/03/01 19:30:44: hydrus client failed

2020/03/01 19:30:44: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "client.py", line 185, in <module>

from include import ClientController

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 623, in exec_module

File "include\ClientController.py", line 10, in <module>

from . import ClientCaches

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 623, in exec_module

File "include\ClientCaches.py", line 1, in <module>

from . import ClientFiles

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 623, in exec_module

File "include\ClientFiles.py", line 2, in <module>

from . import ClientImageHandling

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 623, in exec_module

File "include\ClientImageHandling.py", line 4, in <module>

import cv2

File "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 623, in exec_module

File "site-packages\cv2\init.py", line 3, in <module>

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

2020/03/01 19:30:44: hydrus client shut down

I'm running Windows 10 if that helps. I did try updating my python to the latest version, didn't help.

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5ab255 No.13742

When processing duplicates, when you mark two things as identical, it only copies information between the two and not between all duplicates. If A and B are identical duplicates, and A and C are identical duplicates, it follows that B and C are as well. I noticed this while cleaning up.

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3e6c73 No.13744


Didn't see the bugs thread last time I posted. The latest e621 update doesn't work with hydrus. I don't know exactly how to explain it, but someone else seemed to know what they were talking about in the last release thread.

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9a3d9d No.13745

e621 changed their site to be more in line with others like gelbooru. Unfortunately, this breaks the Hydrus downloader as an unintended consequence. Note that there is a new default tag blacklist for anons, so a login script is needed for e621 to view all content now.

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d0902a No.13754



hydrus uses too much vram when not in use, probably need to flush mpv. I'll be at 10-15% (with pages open, but no selections or image viewer) vram usage until I restart hydrus. This is problematic for me because I need that vram when gpgpu training, or for others they might need it when gaming. It would be nice to be able to open an empty page and get 0% gpu usage despite active pages that aren't focused.

there's also lag when going backwards sometimes in the image viewer + archive/select filter. probably need to keep images in the cache for backwards navigation.

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e300de No.13758

If something with a duration comes up during a slideshow that has less duration than the slideshow time, it won't loop until the slideshow time expires. A 4 second gif will only play once during a 10 second slideshow and pause until the next file comes up, rather than looping if it's shorter than the slideshow time and has time before the slideshow needs to move on.

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a969ad No.13765


I should add that it hasn't happened since, and maybe it didn't happen at all. It's possible I had another app taking up gpu resources and didn't notice at the time. I'll report back if I notice it happening again.

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a969ad No.13770


semi-important bug: new pages don't remember whether you are in the trash or my files. if you duplicate a page while in the trash, or right click on a tag and "open a new search page for" it will open the new page in your files. this could be problematic, say you have the tag "processing files" and you've deleted files. you went over them to make sure you want to delete them, but somewhere along the line while navigating the client forgot you were in trash, you go to purge those files from your trash and but you end up deleting all files tagged under that tag.

other bugs: the autocomplete freaks out sometimes and won't give me back the system options despite clearing the input box. I can't manually type in system options either. system:everything is missing from the list. namespace:* does a wildcard search while namespace: converts to namespace:*anything*

I use a tiling wm so whenever I open the media viewer it resizes the main hydrus client to make space. hydrus doesn't remember the page vertical position so it ends up scrolling down whenever I open/close an image and I'm constantly losing my place. An option to reuse the opened media viewer when opening files would also be helpful.



I think I found the culprit here. Pretty sure it was firefox leaking vram. Sorry about the false report.

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894c7f No.13802

Back with the late replies, I am sorry!


Are you on Windows 10 N? This I understand is a version of Windows that does not have some Windows Media components. If this is true, then to do some media stuff you need a feature pack, I think this is it:


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894c7f No.13803


Unfortunately, this version of the duplicates system does not do chained or synchronous content merge. The next big iteration of this system will fill in all the gaps here and hopefully allow you set to set up synchronous merge, so that future changes will also propagate to all dupes.


Thank you, should be fixed in the latest version.


Thank you, I had not considered this! I will fix this.

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894c7f No.13804




No worries about the vram, please let me know if you discover anything more like this, mpv is new for me, and this stuff is always useful.

Thank you for these reports.

I will make sure that duplicate page and 'open a new search page for' propagate the file domain.

I hate this autocomplete bug, I haven't had time to look at it properly. And yeah, unfortunately you cannot type in system tags for now–they are secretly a completely different thing that don't work in the text autocomplete yet. I'll check out the namespace:* thing–it should be functionally equivalent to *anything*, just way less efficient, so if it is appearing, I'll make sure it is hidden.

That's an interesting problem with the tiling WM. I'll see if I can anchor a resizing scrollbar to the current top position or something. That code is still a bit jank right now from the wx->Qt switchover, so this may have to wait a short while. I will also make a job to add a checkbox for 'only allow one media viewer, if I launch a file when a media viewer is already open, re-use that media viewer'.

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a969ad No.13806


>I will also make a job to add a checkbox for 'only allow one media viewer, if I launch a file when a media viewer is already open, re-use that media viewer'.

would be nice to have a right click firefox "open in new viewer" and "open in current viewer", then have the shortcut system to decide what your double click action does

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da11ae No.13820

File: 8bd200247d16324⋯.png (18.84 KB,505x185,101:37,hydrus_being_a_little_bish.png)

I'm using the Linux version of Hydrus. I'm unable to upload any parent/child tag pairs to the PTR. Attempting to do so results in the client starting to upload, but them stopping before it actually uploads anything, then locking up completely and forcing me to kill the client process. Sometimes the client won't end up freezing completely but instead, the upload just stays there making no progress forever until I close Hydrus. When I close Hydrus after it does this, the client process doesn't close properly which results in needing to go into the system monitor and kill the process directly (it won't respond to "end" requests).

Oddly enough, this doesn't apply to adding tags to posts. Those upload just fine. It only applies to adding parent/child relationships, and it happens every time. I don't know if it also happens with siblings.

>pic related

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da11ae No.13821


btw in the pic it looks like it's uploading at 12B/s but that actually goes away after a few more seconds and then it just stops uploading entirely.

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d9687f No.13823

Whilst making a login script, I ran in to a few errors, first, while doing a test login, hitting "Review" failed and turned up this:

'PySide2.QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit' object has no attribute 'SetEditable'
File "include\ClientGUICommon.py", line 209, in EventButton
self._func( *self._args, **self._kwargs )
File "include\ClientGUILogin.py", line 1826, in _ReviewTestResult
panel = ReviewTestResultPanel( frame, test_result )
File "include\ClientGUILogin.py", line 1197, in __init__
self._cookies.SetEditable( False )

Second, when I tried to edit content parsers in a login step, it failed with

'PySide2.QtWidgets.QLineEdit' object has no attribute 'SetValue'
File "include\ClientGUICommon.py", line 209, in EventButton
self._func( *self._args, **self._kwargs )
File "include\ClientGUIParsing.py", line 2301, in _Edit
panel = EditContentParserPanel( dlg, content_parser, test_context, self._permitted_content_types )
File "include\ClientGUIParsing.py", line 1946, in __init__
self._temp_variable_name.SetValue( temp_variable_name )

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87ee17 No.13828


That's a much better answer, thank you!



Thank you for this report. Does the parent apply to millions of tags, say something like '1 female'->'gender:female'? When you upload a parent to the PTR, it is considered 'pre-accepted' to your local client, and the client bakes in that relationship by adding all the missing parents (and grandparents etc..). If this might mean three million new mappings, and you typically process PTR rows at 2,000 rows/s, this could take a very long time.

Unfortunately, there is no good solution for this at the moment, it is all in one atomic transaction that will freeze your client's UI after a few seconds. Everything will unfreeze once it is finished. The system was designed for thousands of rows and was simply outgrown by the PTR. It is something I need to address the next time I visit parents and siblings.

If you do this and your client is still doing CPU and HDD work in your OS's process reviewer program, the best answer for now is just to wait and let it finish. It doesn't happen nearly as bad with siblings.

That said, as this is happening, I am pretty sure that the server has accepted your upload here so the janitors can already see it. If they approve it, you will get this parent relationship in a regular update in the coming days, so you might end up just processing it and doing all this big work in idle time and see the pending (1) count disappear naturally when the 'pending' record is vacated.

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87ee17 No.13829


Thank you for this report! Those are wx->Qt artifacts, a couple of typos in rarely used UI that slipped through the big update. You could be the first person to hit those panels since then! These are fixed for 390, please let me know if you discover any more.

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a969ad No.13839


thinking about it more, when you single click on a link in web browsers it changes the page in the current tag. middle mouse click opens in a new tab. it would be nice to replicate this in hydrus, maybe even as a default. popup hovering would also be much nicer than the small preview box in the bottom left corner. if you hover a collection or video the scroll wheel can be used to scrobble.

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da11ae No.13840


After your suggestion, I left hydrus running even after it said it was frozen, and after several hours (about 3-4 I'd say) it actually did finish, however when it was finished, the ui was still frozen so I had no way of knowing and just had to hope that it was done when I finally force-closed it and restarted Hydrus. That could be some other bug at work.

You already mentioned how it's bad that it works this slowly and freezes the system, but I think another smaller issue here (and I don't know how much you can do about this) is that when it was working and applying the parent/child relationship, it didn't look like it was doing anything. It just looked like it froze, so I kinda just had to trust that it was still doing stuff. Even in the system monitor, it said that hydrus was only using 1% CPU. You'd figure that if it's working hard enough to be perpetually frozen for hours, it'd be using more CPU than that to speed things up and to justify the freezing, but it never went above 3%. The only reason I knew that it was still working, was because you told me that it probably was.

Maybe there should be some sort of spinning icon or something else, to let you know that Hydrus is still doing work, even when the progress bar isn't moving, the system say it's barely processing anything at all, and the ui keeps freezing and won't respond. But I guess that falls more into suggestion territory than bug report. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thanks for the help.

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d0902a No.13846



the PTR is a pain in many ways. personally, I got rid of it and moved to just scraped tags + deepdanbooru (v3) and am much happier. if you've got an amdgpu on linux you can use rocm + docker (rocm/pytorch python3, then install tensorflow-rocm inside it). for scraping I have a script that looks for missing urls and searches for their md5 hash on boorus. for deepdan I have my own python script i've made but there's a hydrus deepdan repo out there

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7b1c7f No.13848


No worries, I have a late reply of my own…

Anywho, that did it. Bizarre how hydrus was working the entire time until now, I was using w10 since release with hydrus. I suppose I made hydrus import some strange file that required some media component not in the N version.

Thanks for the solution, was annoying going for a month or so without it.

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d0902a No.13850


client api returns video/x-matroska for mkv files, but video/mp4 for mp4 files instead of mpeg4. dealing with mimetypes is confusing, it would be nice for the client api to report the full local path (and hashes other than md5) instead of having to manually write a lookup dict or glob searching via sha2

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79d052 No.13853

Whenever I load a saved search sorting by time imported it seems to disregard the timestamps and sorts them randomly instead

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dc0b4a No.13866

File: 6653eac94aa46d5⋯.gif (962.92 KB,500x333,500:333,6653eac94aa46d5f800fa0d44e….gif)

File: 5980385d396ae8c⋯.png (26.42 KB,370x258,185:129,ClipboardImage.png)

This gif breaks on hydrus' preview.

It's the only time this has happened, so I have no idea why it's doing this.

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da11ae No.13870



Okay, so this same problem is happening, but now it happens when I'm processing PTR updates as well. I don't know what's causing it but it's making it difficult to use Hydrus at all. Sometimes, Hydrus completely locks up but sometimes, hydrus still acts like it's responding, but never actually loads or processes anything, like I'll type a search in, and Hydrus will just say "loading" forever. I checked system monitor, and it says that hydrus is still writing data, but very slowly (tens of kilobytes per second) and the UI doesn't even show that. Typically, after around 2 minutes of saying that it's still processing rows without actually processing them, the processing drops to 0/s and stays like that. Like before, when I try to quit hydrus, the window closes, but hydrus stays running in the background and the exit dialog never pops up, so I have to kill the process manually (it still doesn't respond to end requests) which is annoying and makes me feel like I'm going to corrupt my database, which actually did end up happening one time, but I just restored from a recent backup.

This problem isn't because of me using an HDD, because it just started happening recently. It worked fine before. Part of me feels like the problem might be a corruption in my database from before the backup, but hopefully that's not the case, cuz if it is I'm probably screwed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I started hydrus from the terminal to check for any error logs, but hydrus isn't showing any errors, except:

Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"

but even though I'm no programmer, I don't think that's causing the problem.

Also sorry for the rambly bug report. I've tried everything I can think of to fix this without reporting it to you again, because almost every time I report a bug, it ends up not actually being a bug and just me not understanding something about hydrus, but I'm out of ideas on how to fix this, and because of the bug's persistence through a backup restore, I think it's actually the software this time.

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d0902a No.13871


mpv bugs with linux:

autohide cursor is buggy, I go to prevent it from hiding and half the time it still hides my cursor.

svp (smooth video player, svp-team.com) interopt is wonky. svp works using a vapoursynth build of mpv, piped through a unix socket. it will work on half the files in the media viewer, and those files that don't work in the media viewer sometimes will work in the preview box. it's not an SVP problem, I *think* it's mpv sharing a pipe with the viewer in the preview box due to sharing the same mpv config. is there a way to tell if mpv is being used vs the native viewer? maybe mpv isn't being used at all half the time.

also being able to set mpv profiles for certain tags (i.e anime vs real life vs movie etc etc) would be great.

finally, there's no option to use mpv for everything (images, animations, videos), and if there were, would it be possible to bind the shortcuts like so: left/right goes prev/next on images, on videos it will scrobble and you need to shift+left/right to go prev/next on videos

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d0902a No.13872


ok, so with SVP it seems to think the video player was completely dropped but half the time doesn't detect when it starts playing a new file. the below message doesn't happen when pausing/resuming. is hydrus destroying mpv and restarting mpv when changing files instead of forcing it to load a new file in the current instance?

13:17:38.723 [I]: Playback [1fc870c6]: playing at 120 [24 *5/1]

13:17:44.196 [I]: Playback [1fc870c6]: disabled while video is paused

13:17:44.202 [I]: Playback [1fc870c6]: deleted

13:17:45.601 [I]: VideoPlayer: mpv [python3.8] connected, waiting for the video info…

as for the autohide, I fixed that with cursor-autohide-fs-only = "yes" in the config, and for telling the difference between native and mpv I just used osd-level = 3

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d0902a No.13874



update on these. I could be wrong, but it looks like hydrus-mpv is actually caching the upscaled video. turning on demonstration mode (shows like a line in the center for a smoothness test) and then changing videos, turning off svp, and finally going back to the video it still shows the vertical comparison line and you can see one half is upscaled. this is actually great, although really really confusing at first.

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21afe1 No.13899

In the migrate tags window, clicking on "no path set" to choose a destination for HTA files is instantly crashing the client on 391 running on Windows 10. I just updated from 390 and it was crashing there as well.

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dc0b4a No.13903

File: 431fe8230d42617⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.46 MB,1000x1000,1:1,528a2894c39a2cfd771c846fc5….png)

Pic related gives me an "image truncated" error.

image file is truncated… (Copy note to see full error)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "site-packages\PIL\ImageFile.py", line 234, in load
File "site-packages\PIL\PngImagePlugin.py", line 658, in load_read
File "site-packages\PIL\PngImagePlugin.py", line 122, in read
File "site-packages\PIL\_binary.py", line 81, in i32be
struct.error: unpack_from requires a buffer of at least 4 bytes

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "include\ClientImportFileSeeds.py", line 973, in ImportPath
def IsAPostURL( self ):
File "include\ClientImportFileSeeds.py", line 930, in Import
File "include\ClientImportFileSeeds.py", line 217, in DoWork
File "include\ClientImportFileSeeds.py", line 302, in GenerateInfo
percentage_in = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'video_thumbnail_percentage_in' )
File "include\HydrusFileHandling.py", line 177, in GetFileInfo
( ( width, height ), duration, num_frames ) = HydrusImageHandling.GetImageProperties( path, mime )
File "include\HydrusImageHandling.py", line 505, in GetImageProperties
( width, height ) = GetResolutionNumPy( numpy_image )
File "include\HydrusImageHandling.py", line 196, in GenerateNumPyImage
numpy_image = GenerateNumPyImageFromPILImage( pil_image )
File "include\HydrusImageHandling.py", line 241, in GenerateNumPyImageFromPILImage
s = pil_image.tobytes()
File "site-packages\PIL\Image.py", line 762, in tobytes
File "site-packages\PIL\ImageFile.py", line 240, in load
OSError: image file is truncated

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da11ae No.13913


To give a bit more info, I've since tried running the windows version of hydrus in Wine (a made a backup, then restored it on the windows version) to see if this is a problem with the linux version of Hydrus specifically. The same exact issues happened on the Windows version. This means that the issue that's keeping me from using hydrus is either a bug that's not specific to an OS version, or a bug in my database specifically.

I've tried running a database integrity check to see if it's the latter, but since that's one of the things that causes Hydrus to freeze in the first place, I'm not having much luck there. I've even tried letting it run the integrity check while the UI was frozen for 2 days straight, to see if it's just me not waiting long enough for it to finish, and I still got nothing. It just stayed frozen until I killed the process manually.

I've been starting hydrus from the terminal to see if I can catch any errors that might be causing the problem, and finally I think I might've found something that can help. This error-like message popped up in the terminal while it was syncing to the PTR. Hopefully, it can help you figure out the problem I'm having:

2020/04/09 14:04:33: public tag repository processed 33,004 content rows at 9 rows/s
2020/04/09 14:05:53: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 13 (BadGC), sequence: 14934, resource id: 0, major code: 130 (Unknown), minor code: 3
2020/04/09 14:07:09: public tag repository sync: processing updates
2020/04/09 14:15:30: public tag repository processed 33,210 content rows at 66 rows/s

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3433a1 No.13914

File: 3e44d9d309b66e9⋯.png (20.93 KB,412x714,206:357,everything_is_gone.PNG)


I am also missing system:everything

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7efff0 No.13915

File: b83bb7de5e8f18e⋯.png (79.11 KB,935x277,935:277,33Ruq.png)


check this option

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3433a1 No.13916


oh, haha

thanks so much

I am very new at this

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3433a1 No.13917



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96e5b0 No.13929

The cycle of me being unable to check and respond to my messages every day continues, worsened by current events. I apologise. I'll keep trying new ideas here on schedule and stress budget, the ideal is 24-hour turnaround.


I think I agree with this. I'll see if I can get middle-click to open in the background, with have an option to make it raise.

I'm open to the idea of previews opening on hover, but I am not ready to do too clever new UI tech until I have cleaned more old wx code away.

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96e5b0 No.13930




Thanks. Yeah, I agree on the best solution is to have UI indication of work. My current first aim here is to relieve the hangups so that I have UI time to display that sort of thing. I made an experimental anti-hang mode under debug->data actions->db ui-hang relief mode. Since you are being hit by this, I recommend it. It may result in other unusual behaviour.

I don't think you have a db error, as usually these errors happen nice and quick, but I think you might have Qt issues where your system is having trouble with my Ubuntu's Qt .so files. The best answer here is to run hydrus from source. This takes a bit of work to set up, but most Linux users who have had persistent 'my hydrus can't deal with anything too weird going on' or 'my console gets X warning/error spam' problems tend to find their situations improve a lot. Here is the page:


If you want to check for a db error more closely, check the 'help my db is broke.txt' document in install_dir/db, as it has useful background reading on the PRAGMA you want to run etc…

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96e5b0 No.13931


Shall I add a simple 'ext' to the json structure, like '.mp4'? That'll be easier to match than my arbitrary mime choices.

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96e5b0 No.13932


Thank you, this should be fixed in the latest version. It was some weird conflict, I think, with the current secondary sort, which is by default, and thus for most users, time imported.

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96e5b0 No.13933


Thanks. I get this too. I am not sure, but I think this may be an mpv bug. I am parsing its size all correct, and my native viewer (and hence ffmpeg) is ok, but mpv seems to be rendering it with a half width ratio or something. I will hang on to this file as a good 'broken file' example and see if a new version of mpv or a different mpv conf setting handles it differently.

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96e5b0 No.13934




Thanks. I wasn't sure why the cursor was hiding in Linux–it doesn't do the same in Windows, and I couldn't figure out if it was a Qt thing I was doing.

As background, my current mpv system is that I cache a pool of available mpv windows off screen, and then any time I need a one for a new media, I ask the pool for one (which either generates a fresh one or returns an unused one, and then I silence, clear, and hide the current one, sending it back to the pool.

The good thing about this is it lets me do mpv transitions real quick, without audio blips or a couple frames of the old vid at the wrong aspect ratio. The bad thing is a couple of users have had issues where one mpv window doesn't initialise correct, and so any time that window gets pulled from the pool, it is just a black screen with ok audio. I think a similar thing is happening to you.

I believe my pool system is also leading to instability for some Linux users. I want to make a different 'safe mode' that re-uses the same window and tries to destroy it once it is done (although I have had extreme problems with crashes whenever I try to destroy mpv windows), rather than my window re-parenting mickey mouse shit.

I think my plan here is to keep pushing on cleaning code for now. The way the main media viewer lays itself out is still wx stuff, and is a cause for the flickering on certain media transitions. I need to put aside time to just clean that out and make it nice and Qt, and then get mpv working stably, and once that is less on fire, I'll be more free to consider extensions like svp.

I keep meaning to add shortcuts to scan a video back and forth, and then not getting to it.

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96e5b0 No.13935


Damn, thank you for this report. I do not get this problem, but I have an idea on what it may be: some OSes are having trouble with Qt's file selection dialogs, and I need to add a flag option to instead launch native OS ones.

Do you get a crash if you hid 'add files' or 'add folder' on file->import files?

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96e5b0 No.13936


Thanks, I get the same. This error usually means the image is broken, usually the result of a file upload/download that was silently broken, perhaps when the user originally uploaded that image to a booru or whatever.

Some of these errors can be compensated for, and some image libraries can deal with them better or worse. If you turn on help->debug->data actions->allow truncated image loading, this file does import to hydrus, but you will have trouble with it in future. I used to have that debug mode on all the time, but then it load to some crashing for certain files.

In general, these problems are rare, and I recommend to open the image in Gimp/Photoshop, which can deal with errors much better than hydrus's libraries can, and then save it back again. That new file should be fine to import to hydrus, although it won't have tags.

This has come up before and I don't really like the answer. I'll make a job to explore if my image libraries can do the load/save, in a safe way, and have an option to try to repair broken files.

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96e5b0 No.13937


As general background, I do this because you'll likely find you don't use system:everything much as you get more into the program and have a larger collection. If that reason isn't a tooltip on that option, I'll add it.

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21afe1 No.13948


I just noticed it crashing yesterday when i was trying to import some single files. After a restart, i noticed both the buttons made the client crash.

I don't know exactly what i did to fix it, but after a couple crashes and client restarts seems like it just fixed itself. But i could not solve the migrate tags crash.

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96e5b0 No.13950


Right, I'll see if I can play with that 'native' file dialog flag today and get maybe a debug mode for you to try in 393. Otherwise, likely next week.

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d0902a No.13955


as an update on this, I managed to get a workaround for SVP support w/o needing sockets. I just copied the vapoursynth script it generates and used -vf=vapoursynth=svp.py

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da11ae No.13964

I'm on the Linux version.

problem that immediately occurred upon hydrus idling once I updated to v393. This showed up in the log:

2020/04/16 06:04:24: Cannot vacuum "/home/[username]/Hydrus_Network/hydrus network/db/client.mappings.db": I believe you need about 25GB on your temporary path's partition, which I think is /tmp, but you only seem to have 3.9GB.
2020/04/16 06:04:24: Cannot vacuum "/home/[username]/Hydrus_Network/hydrus network/db/client.master.db": I believe you need about 7.1GB on your temporary path's partition, which I think is /tmp, but you only seem to have 3.9GB.

At least, I think this is a problem. I'm not actually noticing any bad effects from it yet, except that the log message constantly popping up in the terminal is annoying, but I don't think I would notice the db not being vacuumed for a while anyway, so it might really not be vacuuming now.

Something likely changed between v392 and v393 that's causing this to happen. Nothing on my system changed between updates (since I updated then restarted hydrus right after) and it didn't give any error like this before the update, but immediately got it once I did.

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462251 No.13965


If you run hydrus from source,

You can make tmp folder in home folder like,

mkdir ~/tmp

and run hydrus python hydrus-client –temp_dir /home/your_name/tmp.

This solves the problem.

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ca305a No.13978


Ah, great. If you end up with a nice .conf you would recommend for others in your situation, please feel free to pastebin it to me with a readme.txt or whatever, and I'll integrate it into the defaults.


I think these started appearing because I recently made these errors more verbose. Basically the normal maintenance routine is being safely abandoned, and likely has been for a long time, and now it tells you why.

As >>13965 says, you can change your temp dir if you like. Many Linux situations with ramdisks and so on run into this. Just launch the client, even a built release, like so:

client --temp_dir="/path/to/dir"

And you should be good. You can check you current temp dir under help->about. All temp stuff will go in there, including file imports and some other little stuff.

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ca305a No.13979


Now I think of it, I'll make those statements only print once a boot or something, if you keep seeing them over and over every time a maintenance check runs.

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335270 No.13995

Small bug in the dupe filter:

When you zoom out an image it doesn't center but goes down your screen. I was very zoomed in to compare a png and jpg image (the png was the jpg converted!) and when i zoomed out again fully with numpad minus the image ended up below my bottom screen border. When you zoom in it centers as expected.

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335270 No.13996

Another small bug in the dupe filter:

When you click the "go back a pair", "previous", "next" and "show a different pair" on the right side always on top window (doesn't apply to the top mouse over window) your keyboard controls stop working (for example numpad plus to zoom). I assume it's a focus issue.

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d0902a No.14006


>Ah, great. If you end up with a nice .conf you would recommend for others in your situation

the vapoursynth file it generates is specific to each user's hardware, so it wouldn't be too helpful. if I come across any fixes or helpful tweaks I'll post them though.

as an aside, you've been working on tag siblings/parents recently. have you thought of using an adblock rule parser? a bit weird I know, but it mostly fits into the problem space. brave browser built an extremely fast rule parser, someone ported it to python for qutebrowser. might have to rip some of it apart, but I think it supports most of what is needed (filtering, globbing/regex, substitution).



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d0902a No.14007



also, I ask about tag rules because I've been write locked for hours trying to import gelbooru's categories and danbooru's siblings/parents.

dump of the import files:


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d0902a No.14008

File: a01cc893eda0241⋯.jpg (148.34 KB,848x1200,53:75,0e42b72b56dac8809602a778db….jpg)


>7 hours and 12gb ram later

It'll finish eventually… this might take a few days

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d0902a No.14010

File: 3a4431502002b0e⋯.png (928.29 KB,1280x1817,1280:1817,ClipboardImage.png)


>27 hours and 30gb ram later

I may end up killing hydrus I have a new gpu arriving later today that I want to install.

tl;dr don't try to import 400k rules in one go

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3b6f5d No.14107


Thanks. At the moment, it zooms based on the 'center point' of the image, which isn't helpful when you are zoomed in and dragged, so the center point is off-screen. Perhaps it zoom center around the centerpoint of the media viewer instead. There's a job somewhere to add an option to zoom off the current cursor position as well. I'll see about adding options here.

For now, I think hitting 'zoom fit', which is 'z' shortcut by default, it'll always recenter.


Thank you again. This is an old wx->Qt artifact I think, and I need to ensure the hover windows are passing keyboard events up to their parent canvas. There may be a Qt issue for some shortcuts like tab and arrow keys where they get eaten by panel navigation (moving focus to next button etc…) that I can't get around, but I'll see what I can do.

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3b6f5d No.14108


Thanks, this sounds like an interesting solution. This may sound weird, but the actual bottleneck right now for siblings load is not the construction of the logic object, which is about 16-50ms I think, but actually pulling the tag sibling strings from sqlite, ha ha. Pulling 150k strings from random locations from a cold db just takes a few seconds even on an ssd. The ideal of the new database level tag sibling tech will be that I can work with tag_ids, the master number definitions, for most operations, and only fetch strings in pieces, as I need them. In reality, it will probably be that I load the tag strings in the background, after boot, as they will be less urgent.

Once I have all that working faster, and have a cache so the tags you see in the UI are pre-sibling-computed, I expect the actual logic of working with siblings will be the bottleneck again.

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3b6f5d No.14109




Ah hell, just read this. Yes, this may be a bit much. The PTR is groaning at 150k siblings, so you are likely to have significant load and sibling edit lag.

The delay there was probably due to tags being added from the parents. The PTR doesn't have all that many parents, 13k or so, but if those boorus have lots, that may have nuked you for this import operation. You may want to check your tag count under services->review services.

Let me know how you get on here. You may discover some new tag parent efficiency problems.

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d0902a No.14120


>This may sound weird, but the actual bottleneck right now for siblings load is not the construction of the logic object, which is about 16-50ms I think, but actually pulling the tag sibling strings from sqlite, ha ha.

have you looked into duckdb? OLAP databases (vs OLTP) are much quicker at querying deep data, and duckdb is a drop in replacement for sqlite.


importing the parent tags, which was about 50,000 IIRC (I can't check, I'm write locked), only took about an hour, I think. that import I was stuck on was 400k siblings. maybe there's an interaction between parents and siblings that you're talking about but it seems like the bottleneck is just the massive amount of sql thrusting. I've chunked it into sets of 50k and have been importing without memory exploding so far.

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2f23b1 No.14159

The pixiv artist downloader seems to skip NSFW pics even with a login.

When I log into the browser it automatically shows them, so it's probably the script ignoring the login or something.

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097646 No.14168


The login script has been broken for a while now since they added captcha. You have to import your pixiv cookies into the client manually.

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2f23b1 No.14172

File: a33280bbfcaa98b⋯.png (2.47 KB,936x20,234:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91741b99f6cce0f⋯.png (2.7 KB,760x20,38:1,ClipboardImage.png)


It is working though. The captcha only shows up if it's your first login in a while, so as long as it doesn't the script works. It even claims to be a valid login, but when I try to download stuff it just skips the NSFW images.

If I try and download something like "38371462", which is all NSFW, it just claims there aren't any pics.

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45c10a No.14173


>It is working though

It's not, the login script is only looking for specific cookies for a "successful" login, PHPSESSID in this case. Pixiv will return this just for visiting the site, so Hydrus will say it's successful no matter what. Pixiv uses ReCaptcha v3 which doesn't always show a visible captcha but it's there.

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d0902a No.14177


>Let me know how you get on here. You may discover some new tag parent efficiency problems.

update on this with 350k siblings and 50k parents, I'm lagging out when importing new files now, even 100kb ones. it takes about a second for each file and it locks my UI up. are you maintaining a cache of the relationships or is it trying to compute the resulting tag output from the database every time it tries to import a file? UI stutter would indicate python is doing a big computation that locks the UI

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40264e No.14196

since this week's update, i've been having this issue where the related tags panel in the manage tags window does not display the most recently-used tag at the top. it seems to add tags in completely random spaces and it's really annoying because i have to search the list for the tags i want each time. does anyone else have this issue?

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c37534 No.14197

I notice a weird bug, my gallery downloader always randomly stopped when Hydrus Client window is minimized.

Last I remember the gallery was downloading at 38/192 number of images.

I minimized it and went to sleep.

When I woke up it still stay at 38/192 and then it ran again normally when the window is restored.

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851804 No.14204

The e-hentai.org post page url downloader seems to be broken - it keeps throwing the message "Looks like HTML – maybe the client needs to be taught how to parse this?" even when the exact url is in the parser.

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57699c No.14212

So I tried to mess around with the tag importing stuff for the first time, and added some tags to the file import blacklist and ticked off the "only import tags that already exist" box

and it worked just fine for the gallery downloader

But then I found the option to use the downloader settings for simple url import, and when I tried to choose the default it gave me this 'too many values to unpack error'

as seen here


too many values to unpack (expected 8)

File "hydrus\client\gui\ClientGUICommon.py", line 218, in EventButton

self._func( *self._args, **self._kwargs )

File "hydrus\client\gui\ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit.py", line 5745, in _LoadDefaultOptions

self._SetValue( default_tag_import_options )

File "hydrus\client\gui\ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit.py", line 5761, in _SetValue

panel.SetValue( service_tag_import_options )

File "hydrus\client\gui\ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit.py", line 6153, in SetValue

( get_tags, get_tags_filter, self._additional_tags, self._to_new_files, self._to_already_in_inbox, self._to_already_in_archive, self._only_add_existing_tags, self._only_add_existing_tags_filter ) = service_tag_import_options.ToTuple()

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b4246d No.14250


Thanks. The topic of other db engines has come up before. In aggregate, I will be sticking with sqlite. A user who has participated in these discussions before ended up writing up a document about it, if you are interested, here:


I overall agree with him. It may be true that duckdb or another db can solve the tag sibling problem faster than sqlite, but I am sure there would be other tradeoffs, some predictable, some not. The real and easier solution here is for me to change my siblings code so it is not reliant on 150k random drive accesses before it can serve results.

Hmm, if it was siblings that was slow to import, it may have been something else. If it was hanging on the UI panel doing the import rather than the 'apply' button actually saving it to the db, that suggests my UI add-code isn't scaling well. Maybe it is doing a 500ms full-scan on every lookup, or there is an order-n-squared in there somewhere. Saving that many siblings to the db should be a few million rows, I'd say at most a hundred seconds on an SSD. I'll look at this.

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b4246d No.14251


It could be due to the siblings. I'd say that is probably even likely, but I am not sure. Once the siblings caches are loaded/built, they generally run fast, and when the PTR's 150k is ok, I am not sure why double that would be such a problem. If you would like to explore more, please try importing some files with help->debug->profile modes->db/pubsub profile mode on. There is more in this help document:


I am working on improving tag siblings at the UI and db level now, so this would be useful information.

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b4246d No.14252


Hey, I am sorry for this trouble. This should be fixed in 396. Next week's 397 will sort the 'favourites' column.

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b4246d No.14253


Thank you for this report. This is not intended. The only way I can think of this normally happening is if the domain was full in bandwidth terms and you were using the 'override bandwidth rules' checkbox on the network control's cog button. This override mode is a hack and currently tied into the UI Page Timer, which only works when the current page is in view. I plan to update these bandwidth override controls in future to work directly in the network engine.

If you are not using the bandwidth override mode, does this behaviour happen when you simply switch to another page? Does the gallery pause when it is 'not shown' in this way, or is it only when the client is minimised?

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b4246d No.14254


Hey, I am afraid that the e-hentai parser that once bundled with the client is not functional. It is no longer included, but older users may still have it in their clients.

I do not know how or if this works, but here is the latest e-hentai downloader in the user-run downloader repository:


You can import that under network->downloaders->import downloaders. I don't know what you'll have to do to login, if that is needed, but maybe Hydrus Companion can help you:


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b4246d No.14255


Thank you for this report. I am sorry for the trouble! I will have this fixed for 397.

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a09941 No.14304

Looks like Gelbooru downloads are broken. Both gallery downloads and subscriptions get nothing.

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a09941 No.14305


Okay it looks like it's all downloads, not just Gelbooru. Might just be me; I'll check if they work tomorrow. Tried downgrading to 396, when they definitely were working and the issue remained.

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a09941 No.14309


>Okay it looks like it's all downloads

Nevermind that, it's just Gelbooru.

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1920a5 No.14315




Gbooru subscriptions are broken for me too

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9e6d97 No.14317

File: 2dbaed19cd09587⋯.png (3.99 KB,512x113,512:113,easy_import_downloader_png….png)

Gelbooru changed the name of the class Hydrus uses to find post links in galleries from "thumb" to "thumbnail-preview". If you know where to edit this yourself it's a trivial fix.

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a09941 No.14319


This indeed fixed it, thanks!

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d0902a No.14321


I read over that link and I don't see any mention of OLTP. One bonus for OLTPs is you don't need to maintain read caches every time you want to add a feature, they work by being really really fast at brute forcing queries. I mention these things just out of a technical curiosity, this stuff is cool.


It's a shame they are relatively unpopular in the consumer space and you either get a partial implementation or very poor documentation / driver support.


it seems to be OK for now, maybe it was my file storage being fucky. I have 100TB in raid, sometimes it slows down and needs a restart, probably to flush stale caches. I have hydrus on an nvme.

As an aside, can you add md5/sha2/etc as an actual tag namespace, not just a system primitive, so it can be searched via the client api? I want to make a hydrus downloader which uses gallery-dl and youtube-dl, but I'm finding myself having to maintain an md5 lookup table which requires a rehashing of all my files.

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36ec5a No.14352

Thanks for gelbooru reports lads, should be a fixed gelb parser in the latest release also.


Thanks, that is interesting.

The same user who wrote the advanced 'OR' entry parser recently sent me a parser to convert text like 'system:height>400' to actual system predicate info. When I have some time, I hope to plug this into the new tag autocomplete pipeline and allow text entry of system preds. It supports system:hash. Fingers crossed, I will be able to do the same for the client api and instantly add all basic system preds to it. Let me know if it gives you any trouble when I get to it.

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25bb2f No.14374

Derpi fag here. It appears Derpibooru retired their old api and are implementing a new method. I'll be digging in again to see if I can't fix it myself.

I saw last time someone else needed to fix a duplicate tag problem when I gave the parsers. Anyone mind helping me understand what was wrong?

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25bb2f No.14377

File: 2e32a22b4865184⋯.png (3.17 KB,512x112,32:7,Derpibooru_API_scheme_rewo….png)


Derpi fag is back. The API rework was not too different in the switch. Mostly just had to change the parser to look for a static path that wasn't there before.

Created inside and tested inside virgin v399 copies on windows.

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4ecd6a No.14381

I think Twitter changed something and broke the Hydrus parser. I get the following error when I try to use the Twitter gallery downloader

Page Parser twitter media tweets api parser: Unable to parse that JSON: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0). JSON sample: <!DOCTYPE html>… (Copy note to see full error)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hydrus/hydrus/client/ClientParsing.py", line 1637, in _ParseRawTexts
File "hydrus/hydrus/client/ClientCaches.py", line 388, in GetJSON
File "json/__init__.py", line 354, in loads
File "json/decoder.py", line 339, in decode
File "json/decoder.py", line 357, in raw_decode
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hydrus/hydrus/client/ClientParsing.py", line 2347, in Parse
File "hydrus/hydrus/client/ClientParsing.py", line 540, in Parse
File "hydrus/hydrus/client/ClientParsing.py", line 1643, in _ParseRawTexts
hydrus.core.HydrusExceptions.ParseException: Unable to parse that JSON: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0). JSON sample: <!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=0,viewport-fit=cover" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="//abs.twimg.com" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="//api.twitter.com" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="//pbs.twimg.com" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="//t.co" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="//video.twimg.com" />
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//abs.twimg.com" />
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//api.twitter.com" />
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//pbs.twimg.com" />
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//t.co" />
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//video.twimg.com" />
<link rel="preload" as="script" crossorigin="anonymous" href="https://abs.twimg.com/responsive-web/web/polyfills.31ad74e4.js" nonce="ODY1NzI0YTctNWRlNi00ZGRkLTg3N2QtNThkZjdlMDBkN2U3" />
<link rel="preload" as="script" crossorigin="anonymous" href="https://abs.twimg.com/responsive-web/web/vendors~main.19622e04.js" nonce="ODY1NzI0YTctNWRlNi00ZGR

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hydrus/hydrus/client/importing/ClientImportGallerySeeds.py", line 309, in WorkOnURL
File "hydrus/hydrus/client/ClientParsing.py", line 2375, in Parse
hydrus.core.HydrusExceptions.ParseException: Page Parser twitter media tweets api parser: Unable to parse that JSON: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0). JSON sample: <!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=0,viewport-fit=cover" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="//abs.twimg.com" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="//api.twitter.com" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="//pbs.twimg.com" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="//t.co" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="//video.twimg.com" />
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//abs.twimg.com" />
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//api.twitter.com" />
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//pbs.twimg.com" />
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//t.co" />
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//video.twimg.com" />
<link rel="preload" as="script" crossorigin="anonymous" href="https://abs.twimg.com/responsive-web/web/polyfills.31ad74e4.js" nonce="ODY1NzI0YTctNWRlNi00ZGRkLTg3N2QtNThkZjdlMDBkN2U3" />
<link rel="preload" as="script" crossorigin="anonymous" href="https://abs.twimg.com/responsive-web/web/vendors~main.19622e04.js" nonce="ODY1NzI0YTctNWRlNi00ZGR

Running v399 on Linux. Happens on a fresh Hydrus installation as well as my normal one, but I can't comment on Windows. Someone in the Q&A thread says they're having issues with Twitter as well.

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3eb2ff No.14385


That was me in the Q&A thread, and I am on Windows. I don't know how to get a detailed log like you did but if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

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2e6ac7 No.14387

File: 1b14bc86ed63fab⋯.png (8.78 KB,512x149,512:149,niter_2020_06_03.png)

File: 6430359f62c231e⋯.png (3.45 KB,478x104,239:52,client_2020_06_03_10_48_38.png)

that's because twitter recently removed the older twitter ui that twitter parser used to grab tweets and search usernames. it's been replaced with the newer ui that's generated with JS (as well as using randomized class names). until we find a publically-available twitter api that we can use for parsing, a good stopgap measure would be to use the all-in-one parser for nitter, a nice js-less web viewer for twitter tweets. you can easily start searching and parsing twitter tweets again with nitter, provided you have the twitter url class set up to do an api redirect to nitter.net instead of twitter.com.

a copy of the all-in-one nitter downloader can be found in the attached image, or via this link: https://github.com/CuddleBear92/Hydrus-Presets-and-Scripts/blob/master/Download%20System/All-in-Ones/Single-Sites/niter-2020.06.03.png i haven't tested it yet (i already have my own nitter downloader i made myself), but it seems to work just fine. if you want to download twitter urls manually with it (via the url downloader page) like i said you're going to have to edit the twitter url class to have the api url redirect to nitter.net instead via a regex substitute (put 'twitter.com' in the first box, and 'nitter.net' in the second). hope this helps!

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2e6ac7 No.14388



you may want to take a look at >>14387

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4ecd6a No.14389


Looks good. I'll give it a shot when I get home.

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e76421 No.14396

Getting a weird error trying to boot v390 or higher on Linux Mint (18.3). v389 and earlier work just fine. Same error on a fresh install so I'm assuming it's an issue with my machine, but I can't make heads or tails of it.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/chives/hydrus network/client.pyw", line 185, in <module>
from hydrus import ClientController
File "/home/chives/hydrus network/hydrus/ClientController.py", line 16, in <module>
from . import ClientGUI
File "/home/chives/hydrus network/hydrus/ClientGUI.py", line 11, in <module>
from . import ClientGUIDialogsQuick
File "/home/chives/hydrus network/hydrus/ClientGUIDialogsQuick.py", line 2, in <module>
from . import ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit
File "/home/chives/hydrus network/hydrus/ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit.py", line 17, in <module>
from . import ClientGUITags
File "/home/chives/hydrus network/hydrus/ClientGUITags.py", line 17, in <module>
from . import ClientManagers
File "/home/chives/hydrus network/hydrus/ClientManagers.py", line 481
self._keys_to_services: typing.Dict[ bytes, ClientServices.Service ] = {}
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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1ab8a5 No.14406


This seems to break with any Twitter user that has an underscore in their name.

I tried adding regex to this (instead of any alphanumeric character) but that breaks everything and I'm probably doing it wrong.

Any idea why this wouldn't work with underscores, or what could be done to fix it so it works?

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4ecd6a No.14407


I'm not sure if this counts as a solution or if this is what you're already doing, but I haven't had any problems with just directly using the Nitter parser without any use of regex I don't even know where to edit regex in Hydrus. I just finished running a Nitter gallery downloader for a user that has an underscore in their name and it completed without incident.

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b123e5 No.14408

If you are having troubles with the twitter parser or are using the parser from this post >>14387

update to the latest nitter parser on the presets github.

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1ab8a5 No.14419


That worked! Thank you!

For anyone else stumbling onto this, the link above doesn't work anymore, but this leads to a huge list of parsers (including the updated nitter):


For anyone vaguely curious, it does look like it switched from "alphanumeric" to "any number of characters", thus matching the underscores now.

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b940b9 No.14452


Damn, I am sorry for the trouble here. Since the Qt switch, I have started decorating hydrus's code with 'typing' hints, which were introduced in I think Python 3.5 or so. I release on 3.7 now.

As you are running from source, if you open up a terminal and type 'python3', it should give you some summary info when you boot it, including version. Type 'exit()' to quit out. I don't know anything about Mint 18.3, but I would have thought it would have a newer python. Maybe those variable decorators need 3.6 or something?

As it is, I don't really like those variable hints, so if that is what your python has a problem with, I've taken out the offending line in your traceback, and all the other obvious ones I could find. I likely have more, so let me know how tomorrow's 401 works for you.

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b940b9 No.14453

>>14452 me, forgot my BO trip

General reply about recent nitter/twitter/derpi/e621/other problems: there were some problems in the code I use to update the default downloaders for the client. Sometimes, when a new default came in, if the user already had a different custom downloader imported to handle the relevant domain, the update was not applying correctly. Some sites got set back to the defaults again, and some complicated situations (e.g. 100+ x.booru.org definitions) got tangled up url class links. I have tightened this code up for tomorrow. Please let me know how this continues to go in future.

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be0ca8 No.14461

I have to right click the search field, wait for the menu, and then click the search field twice to be able to use it in Linux Mint. As soon as it loses focus (switching windows, selecting a file, etc.), I have to do it again. The whole window will be out of focus until I select something, which is probably a related problem. This has been the case for a long time. It's still usable, but this is a really annoying problem.

I've also tried to run the Windows version in Wine with no luck. It crashes before the window even opens.

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4ae2c0 No.14464

2020/06/17 20:59:11: hydrus client started
2020/06/17 20:59:11: Could not import lz4--nbd.
2020/06/17 20:59:12: booting controller…
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
2020/06/17 20:59:12: There was an error trying to start the splash screen!
2020/06/17 20:59:12: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/hydrus/hydrus/client/ClientController.py", line 501, in CreateSplash
self._splash = ClientGUI.FrameSplash( self, title )
File "/opt/hydrus/hydrus/client/gui/ClientGUI.py", line 6461, in __init__
screen = ClientGUIFunctions.GetMouseScreen()
File "/opt/hydrus/hydrus/client/gui/ClientGUIFunctions.py", line 400, in GetMouseScreen
return QW.QApplication.screenAt( QG.QCursor.pos() )
AttributeError: type object 'QApplication' has no attribute 'screenAt'

2020/06/17 20:59:12: hydrus client failed
2020/06/17 20:59:12: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/hydrus/client.pyw", line 180, in <module>
File "/opt/hydrus/hydrus/client/ClientController.py", line 1377, in Run
self.CreateSplash( 'hydrus client booting' )
File "/opt/hydrus/hydrus/client/ClientController.py", line 501, in CreateSplash
self._splash = ClientGUI.FrameSplash( self, title )
File "/opt/hydrus/hydrus/client/gui/ClientGUI.py", line 6461, in __init__
screen = ClientGUIFunctions.GetMouseScreen()
File "/opt/hydrus/hydrus/client/gui/ClientGUIFunctions.py", line 400, in GetMouseScreen
return QW.QApplication.screenAt( QG.QCursor.pos() )
AttributeError: type object 'QApplication' has no attribute 'screenAt'

2020/06/17 20:59:12: hydrus client shut down

This started after installing v400 and has continued with v401. I'm using the AUR package and there was a previous error message about cv2 which I fixed by installing python-opencv.

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2f23b1 No.14470

After updating to v400 my subscriptions all broke in a way. They seem to still import files and tags properly, but they only publish the files to a page sometimes(maybe only the first page, then it ignores the others, but I'm not sure).

I ran all my subscriptions and got a few pages with less than 20 files in total, but using my tagging system to find new files showed almost 200 new files. Sorting by time confirmed that at least some files that didn't show up in pages were imported by subscriptions.

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2f23b1 No.14473


I figured it out. It publishes files to a page after the subscription is done, but for some reason if hydrus is not in focus it just skips creating the page.

I updated and the bug is still present in v401.

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aa49ae No.14476


This is the search where you type tags, right? Can you try unchecking the options->gui->autocomplete results float in main gui option? Some Linux window managers don't like my floating dropdown, and that'll embed it once you restart the client.

If you hit help->debug->gui actions->make some popups, does that show correctly? And how about the left/top/top-right 'hover' windows over a normal media viewer?

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aa49ae No.14477


Ah, I am not totally sure as I do not maintain the AUR package, but I think the normal opencv has its own Qt in it that conflicts with the one hydrus wants to use. Can you un-pip that and instead try:

pip3 install opencv-python-headless

If you already did that, or it still doesn't work, which version of Qt do you have? And is it PySide2 or PtQt5? Should be doable with 'pip3 show PySide2' command.

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aa49ae No.14478



Thank you for this report. I am sorry for the trouble. The new subscription pipeline must be failing here, and I will check it out.

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4ae2c0 No.14482


It's PyQt5, version 5.15.0.

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b987c4 No.14486

Gelbooru subs seem to be broken again? They're not finding anything.

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b987c4 No.14496


Okay the update didn't fix it and no-one else seems to have the same issue, so it's probably just me. Could this >>14479 be part of the issue? I think the problems started quite close to importing that, but that's just a hunch.

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2f23b1 No.14507

File: d24a0deafbd330e⋯.png (40.74 KB,410x300,41:30,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdc0e7c6a94d776⋯.png (1.94 KB,348x22,174:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56d547a961a5d83⋯.png (3.43 KB,512x114,256:57,easy_import_downloader_png….png)

The page warning opens on a per-page basis, so if I leave my subscriptions running when there's already a big number of pages open I get dozens of the same message.


Works on my machine. Maybe your downloader is fucked.

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462251 No.14508

Vacuum fails.

My Hydrus is getting laggy,so I tried vacuum then I got this error message.

2020/06/28 11:38:21: Vacuumed /home/myname/ssd/hydrus/db/client.db in 1 minute 28 seconds

2020/06/28 12:08:48: Vacuumed /home/myname/ssd/hydrus/db/client.caches.db in 30 minutes 26 seconds

2020/06/28 12:08:48: Cannot vacuum "/home/myname/ssd/hydrus/db/client.mappings.db": I believe you need about 28GB on your temporary path's partition, which I think is /tmp, but you only seem to have 10.0GB.

2020/06/28 12:11:19: vacuum failed:

2020/06/28 12:11:19: Exception:

2020/06/28 12:11:19: OperationalError

database or disk is full

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/home/erdos/ssd/hydrus/hydrus/client/ClientDB.py", line 15345, in _Vacuum

HydrusDB.VacuumDB( db_path )

File "/home/erdos/ssd/hydrus/hydrus/core/HydrusDB.py", line 107, in VacuumDB

c.execute( 'VACUUM;' )

sqlite3.OperationalError: database or disk is full

2020/06/28 12:11:20: An attempt to vacuum the database failed.

I thought this caused by insufficient memory so I changed –tmp-dir option to more than 500GB partition.

And I vacuumed once again then I got this message.

2020/06/28 12:20:59: Vacuumed /home/myname/ssd/hydrus/db/client.db in 1 minute 18 seconds

2020/06/28 12:51:35: Vacuumed /home/myname/ssd/hydrus/db/client.caches.db in 30 minutes 35 seconds

2020/06/28 12:58:31: vacuum failed:

2020/06/28 12:58:31: Exception:

2020/06/28 12:58:31: OperationalError

database or disk is full

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/home/myname/ssd/hydrus/hydrus/client/ClientDB.py", line 15345, in _Vacuum

HydrusDB.VacuumDB( db_path )

File "/home/myname/ssd/hydrus/hydrus/core/HydrusDB.py", line 107, in VacuumDB

c.execute( 'VACUUM;' )

sqlite3.OperationalError: database or disk is full

2020/06/28 12:58:32: An attempt to vacuum the database failed.

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b987c4 No.14510


Tanks anon, it works now. Now I just have to catch up over a week's worth of subs…

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77cfa9 No.14526




Sorry for the trouble here. The downloader system is really lacking a versioning system to better track and upgrade for changes. This will be a big job, so perhaps in the meantime I can do some better UI to navigate re-linking when you import via Lain. I still have to think about this, but I hate when the auto-import fails.

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77cfa9 No.14527


Thanks. This is an old wx limit. I don't know what Qt's limit will be, but I'll increase the max value for the option under options->gui pages up to 500. I can't promise the program won't crash at very high numbers.

Nonetheless, if you are at this many subs, I strongly recommend you try to combine the 'publishing label' of your subs a bit, so instead of publishing a new page for every query, instead your subs publish all their queries to merged 'blahbooru' or 'artist' pages.

If you really have a ton of subs and often have many pages open that you rarely visit, you might like to even go the next step and add 'my tags' filtering tags like 'blahbooru subscription import' to your subs through their 'tag import options' and then not publish to a button or page at all. You can then have a single search page and load up these 'my tags' filter tags whenever you like and keep a lightweight session.

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77cfa9 No.14528


Thank you, that is odd. As you can see, there's a pre-check that tries to estimate available space, and it skips the attempt if it looks like there isn't enough. It'll only print that message once per boot, by the way. The actual OperationalError there is a sqlite error, so it looks like my check was ok, perhaps on a subsequent db file, but it still failed.

Did you use


? You can check this sticks by checking help->about, where the current temp dir should be listed. Even then, if the temp dir was still /tmp, the 'canvacuum' check should have failed with the nicer error again.

Can you tell me the size of the client.master.db file in install_dir/db? I wonder if my calculation is off for that one (but not client.mappings.db, which is the 28GB estimate).

I'll say pause vacuums for now, although I think the fail will have paused them automatically for you.

If you like, you can try a manual vacuum. Run the sqlite3 executable in the db dir, or any other sqlite interface, and type this:

.open client.master.db

But it may just end up running out of space again unless you jigger-jagger about with environment variables or PRAGMA commands.

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462251 No.14535

File: 2c5bb8e272626a7⋯.jpg (103.75 KB,1274x1012,637:506,hydrus_temp.jpg)


Hi,I'm >>14528

Thanks for reply,dev.

>If you like, you can try a manual vacuum. Run the sqlite3 executable in the db dir, or any other sqlite interface, and type this:

It suceeded!

But I Don't know why.

I made this through Try and error:

set TMPDIR and SQLITE_TMPDIR environmental variables and PRAGMA tmp_store etc…

But I can't filter out what is the cause.

>Did you use






>? You can check this sticks by checking >help->about, where the current temp dir >should be listed. Even then, if the temp >dir was still /tmp, the 'canvacuum' >check should have failed with the nicer >error again.


Sorry for incorrect description.

I checked it.pic is related.

>Can you tell me the size of the >client.master.db file in install_dir/db? >I wonder if my calculation is off for >that one (but not client.mappings.db, >which is the 28GB estimate).

7.2GB. Now it shrank to 6.9GB.

This error has been persisted for one or two months so I'm so happy.

Thanks dev!

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6733f6 No.14548

Using an unmodded 403 build, some tags won't download from derpibooru.

For example if I try to download this image https://derpibooru.org/images/232093 the tags in brown arn't downloaded. Any Fixes?

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83bdcd No.14566


Thanks, I am glad it got sorted. It's so weird that sqlite wasn't inheriting the temp dir from the environment correct. I'll keep this in mind.


Thank you, that looks like a (new?) 'species' namespace. I'll make sure a fixed parser gets rolled into v405.

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cb0e7f No.14572

2020/07/20 17:29:15: hydrus client started
2020/07/20 17:29:15: booting controller…
2020/07/20 17:29:19: booting db…
2020/07/20 17:29:11: hydrus client started
2020/07/20 17:29:14: booting controller…
2020/07/20 17:29:19: booting db…
2020/07/20 17:29:19: preparing disk cache
2020/07/20 17:29:24: preparing db caches
2020/07/20 17:29:24: initialising managers
2020/07/20 17:29:26: booting gui…
2020/07/20 17:29:19: preparing disk cache
2020/07/20 17:29:29: The db encountered a serious error! This is going to be written to the log as well, but here it is for a screenshot:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 555, in _InitDBCursor
File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 297, in _BeginImmediate
self._c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE;' )
sqlite3.OperationalError: database is locked

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 838, in MainLoop
File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 9059, in _InitDiskCache
self._LoadIntoDiskCache( stop_time = stop_time )
File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 9229, in _LoadIntoDiskCache
File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 559, in _InitDBCursor
raise HydrusExceptions.DBAccessException( str( e ) )
hydrus.core.HydrusExceptions.DBAccessException: database is locked

2020/07/20 17:29:29: hydrus db failed
2020/07/20 17:29:29: The db encountered a serious error! This is going to be written to the log as well, but here it is for a screenshot:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 555, in _InitDBCursor
File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 297, in _BeginImmediate
self._c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE;' )
sqlite3.OperationalError: database is locked

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 838, in MainLoop
File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 9059, in _InitDiskCache
self._LoadIntoDiskCache( stop_time = stop_time )
File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 9229, in _LoadIntoDiskCache
File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 559, in _InitDBCursor
raise HydrusExceptions.DBAccessException( str( e ) )
hydrus.core.HydrusExceptions.DBAccessException: database is locked

2020/07/20 17:29:27: starting services…
2020/07/20 17:29:27: services started
2020/07/20 17:29:48: If the db crashed, another error may be written just above ^.
2020/07/20 17:29:48: A serious error occurred while trying to start the program. The error will be shown next in a window. More information may have been written to client.log.
2020/07/20 17:29:48: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hydrus\client\ClientController.py", line 1805, in THREADBootEverything
File "hydrus\client\ClientController.py", line 772, in InitModel
HydrusController.HydrusController.InitModel( self )
File "hydrus\core\HydrusController.py", line 515, in InitModel
self.db = self._InitDB()
File "hydrus\client\ClientController.py", line 189, in _InitDB
return ClientDB.DB( self, self.db_dir, 'client' )
File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 309, in __init__
HydrusDB.HydrusDB.__init__( self, controller, db_dir, db_name )
File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 261, in __init__
raise Exception( 'Could not initialise the db! Error written to the log!' )
Exception: Could not initialise the db! Error written to the log!

2020/07/20 17:29:48: boot error
2020/07/20 17:29:48: A serious error occurred while trying to start the program. The error will be shown next in a window. More information may have been written to client.log.
2020/07/20 17:29:50: boot error
2020/07/20 17:29:50: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hydrus\client\ClientController.py", line 1805, in THREADBootEverything
File "hydrus\client\ClientController.py", line 772, in InitModel
HydrusController.HydrusController.InitModel( self )
File "hydrus\core\HydrusController.py", line 515, in InitModel
self.db = self._InitDB()
File "hydrus\client\ClientController.py", line 189, in _InitDB
return ClientDB.DB( self, self.db_dir, 'client' )
File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 309, in __init__
HydrusDB.HydrusDB.__init__( self, controller, db_dir, db_name )
File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 261, in __init__
raise Exception( 'Could not initialise the db! Error written to the log!' )
Exception: Could not initialise the db! Error written to the log!

Should I be worried? Version 402. Only happened this one time and I don't get any errors after I restarted Hydrus.

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14bb01 No.14585


Hmm, that shouldn't be a problem. Basically hydrus tried to access the database, but it was officially busy, so it just backs out. This can, but generally shouldn't, happen when a previous instance of the client has not finished shutting down properly. It hasn't cleaned itself up, and so the new instance can't get in safely. However, there are other checks that happen around this, the 'the client is already running' popup you get, which normally works.

Is there any chance you had another program, maybe a backup or cloud storage system, looking at the file? Those can sometimes do an OS 'write' lock on the db file while they scan it in a way that stops SQLite. Some special defraggers may as well.

In any case, this was probably a rare random event. Hydrus backs off when it happens, so no trouble. Just try again in a few minutes usually does the trick. If this keeps happening to you, and you can't figure out some other software that may be doing it, let me know.

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91f7d7 No.14586


is there anyway to debug gpu acceleration of QT? I'm trying to make a package for nix-os after migrating from archlinux. tried pyqt5 and it lags when scrolling, images take awhile to load. tried pyside2, images load fast but the scrollbar still lags. also, is pyparsing even used? I install it and the help page doesn't see the dependency.

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9e48e1 No.14587


Okay thanks. Windows was running its automatic defrag the night before, but I turned it off temporarily so I could turn it on the next day. Maybe that caused the problem? It hasn't happened since.

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112d59 No.14601

Is it possible siblings/parent tag relationships from the PTR could have leaked into my local tags?

I noticed I had way more files untruthfully tagged with "character:chun-li" then I realized since I clean a lot of that up manually, but I feel like its possible that the moonrunes tags (" チュンリー " and " 春麗 ") I accumulate and don't delete could have something to do with it. Does it seem plausible?

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903656 No.14610


I do not know. My bet is you can't debug clever Qt stuff at the python level, because everything is running through multiple wrappers. I've had a hard time doing some of this, so if you do figure a way, let me know.

If the scrolling that is slow for you is the main thumbnail view, this involves a good amount of bitmap blitting. If your GPU can't do that quick, I think you are looking at the correct issue. I think OpenGL is used to effect some of that, when the system supports it (e.g. the bitmaps are held in video memory if available, to keep things fast), but I don't know much for sure.

No, pyparsing is not used. Would you recommend it?

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903656 No.14611


That sounds reasonable. Maybe it was in the middle of one of your db files when paused, and there was a system lock on it. SQLite didn't want to get involved in that, so backed out safely.

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903656 No.14612


It is possible, most likely in a 'apply all known sibs/parents to all possible locations'. I am sorry if so. The sibling and parent logic has some hellish areas. It is now high priority to clean this up, and I hope to get a good whack of it done for v408.

I have also decided to change things so that siblings and parents are all undoable, so problems like this aren't such a pain to clean up.

My ideal here is that sibs and parents have strict always-on rules for each tag service, so you can say 'apply "my tags" and "PTR" siblings to "my tags"', choosing specifically what goes where, as atm the only real options are some slightly borked 'one to one' or 'all to all' choices under options->tags.

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91f7d7 No.14617


the way hydrus has fallbacks for most things is nice, but in practice it's really hard to debug. I don't know whether opencv is being used or pillow, if the system ffmpeg or local ffmpeg is being used etc etc. I just have to trust that they are when I turn them on. pyparsing is shown in the debug so I just assumed that it was used, I have no clue what it is beyond a template parser. I'm attempting to debug using some example pyside2 programs to see if I can replicate the lack of acceleration. I'm positive that's the problem because UI windows will *stick* for a second showing a black background when they are closed, I just don't know where in the stack the issue is happening. nix-os uses sandboxing for its package management, there's not really a global env like most OS's so if I don't include the right library in the build script the program won't see it.

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903656 No.14638


Ah, since you are running from source, I bet something like beautifulsoup is seeing pyparsing exists in your python env and is automatically loading it.

If it helps with your testing, I think OpenCV is used for all work once an image is loaded. PIL does loading from file if OpenCV fails, and it always loads if the BUGFIX in options->media is turned on, but otherwise OpenCV always does image loading. That should include all thumbnails, too, which are all jpegs and pngs.

The ffmpeg will always be the one with the version under help->about. It'll be ffmpeg in install_dir/bin, if one exists, or the one on your PATH if not. HOWEVER, OpenCV (and I think MPV) have their own bits of of ffmpeg code in their .dll/.so files, so if you are seeing ffmpeg debug, it could be in either of those.

I don't have an animation profile mode yet, but this may help you figure out if the thumbs are fading slow or something. I'll try to add this for 408.

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759ecc No.14655

Using ver 408 on debian:

I can't click into the tag-search bar. When I try to, the tag-search-suggestions pops up for a split second, blocking the actual entry field, and then disappears, ending with the tag search field still unselected.

I can get the 'suggested tags' popup to stick around by clicking very rapidly (so I can use the built-in inbox, archive, etc tags), but otherwise cannot enter any custom tags to search by.

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6a6357 No.14656


Is this a new problem, so <=407 was ok for you? And/or has your Window Manager recently updated? A couple of Linux WMs have had trouble with the floating autocomplete dropdown over the years. One simple workaround is to turn off the floating behaviour under file->options->gui pages->controls. Then they should embed (you'll have to restart), and at least be usable.

Qt has been better about this, but some OS-level stuff just doesn't seem happy with the focus behaviour here.

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2a6e75 No.14657

File: 41b1eac72b5819e⋯.png (124.94 KB,1054x491,1054:491,2020_08_22_20_36_10_hydrus….png)

Hi I download v407 and restored db from Quicksync https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YVYpaTQ7NES4dRIb0v2QAzdx8egIGMXP

. I can't open "review services" once I did it.

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c0fb52 No.14658

This is probably a problem in my end somewhere, but I can't get any audio working at all.

I'm running 407 on linux

I don't get any errors in the terminal and nothing shows up in the audio mixer.

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c0fb52 No.14659


I'll also add that directly using mpv to open a video plays sound fine

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876fac No.14660


Ah, I was also experiencing the problem in a previous version (380) before thinking to try a newer version

I'm not sure about the WM situation; I don't remember if the issue started around an update. For whatever it's worth, my WM is MATE's "Marco" v1.20.3-1

Setting the option to embed is good enough for me, thanks for the assist!

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2a6e75 No.14661


NVM, I reset the gui of review services in gui settings. guess the db reset twiggered some wield gui setting changes.

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6a6357 No.14683



Hmm, sorry for the trouble. Maybe the Quicksync has funny settings there. Do you have a multiple monitor setup with a slightly funky layout?



If you go help->about, do you have MPV api version listed there? It might pop up some helpful error info if it couldn't import earlier.

If you do have it, is MPV the player under options->media? If your hydrus does not have libmpv access, or is failing to import it, it will fall back to my native viewer, which has no audio support.

How are you running the client, from my build, or from source, or something like the Arch package?

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c0fb52 No.14685


'native viewer' was selected for video in the options instead of mpv.

it works now *facepalm*

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86cb01 No.14690



Sorry for the late reply. "Make some popups" doesn't seem to do anything. The hover windows show up the first time I move the cursor over, but once I move the cursor out of their way so they disappear, the media viewer window loses focus. I can left click it to regain focus, though.

I can't find the "autocomplete results float in main gui" option. Maybe it's changed recently?

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86cb01 No.14691


Oh, never mind. It's under "gui pages"! That did it! It didn't fix the issue with hover windows in the media viewer, but that doesn't bother me as much. It's easy enough to just click somewhere in the media viewer, which covers the whole screen anyway.

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fd03bf No.14704


Sorry for the trouble. I think for a while there, Linux had no MPV support, so when the various updates to media presentation went through, it defaulted to the old renderer and never switched up once you had access.



Ah, yeah, that option may have moved recently. Damn, that is annoying about the popup and hover windows. Some Window Managers just don't like frameless windows appearing as child windows. I had similar issues in wx, but Qt seemed to be doing much better.

If you would like to chase this up a bit, you can try running help->debug->report modes->hover window report mode and then getting the hover windows to show once and then move your mouse around a bit over where they 'should' be and other locations. It will make a bunch of popups which you can't see )^:, but will also dump that info to your log file at install_dir/db/client(date).log. If you scroll down to there, cut and paste that to a text file or pastebin and email/post the link to me here, I can have a look. It might show something interesting, like the windows are trying to scale to (0,0) or something weird, but since this does generally work well now, I think it might be core to an OS problem, and trickier to figure out.

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da6bee No.14783

If the default export folder doesn't exist, it is automatically made when you open the export dialog even if you change the folder before exporting.

This isn't a huge bug since you can change the default folder, but I guess it's a bug.

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5e49df No.14789


Thank you for this report. I will make it so it only ensures it exists on the export attempt or similar.

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000000 No.14829

Pixiv seems to have changed something to break the downloaders again. Login script is failing to get a true login (just the fake PHPSESSID that pixiv gives you if you fail a login) and if you import your login cookies from another source, you get a "CloudFlare needed solving" error, ending in a 403.

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da11ae No.14846

I just updated to v414 from v413 and I immediately ran into a problem. It's a problem I had before, and reported it either here or on the endchan board.

The update seemed to go smoothly, but once I started using the new version, any time the client would do something that involved writing to the database, (e.g. processing PTR updates, or the new "syncing tag relationships" thing added in this update) the client would stop loading anything. Like, if I clicked on the search box to enter tags, the little drop-down menu just says loading, and never actually loads anything.

This is a problem I ran into before, and I think I even reported it here, but when I ran into it last time, it sort of just solved itself and stopped happening, but here it is again, and again right after I updated versions.

Last time, you suggested that I run Hydrus from source to see if that solved the problem, but I didn't need to since it soon just went away on its own. I tried that this time, but I just don't know how to get it to work, since I'm not familiar with Python, or programming itself all that much. I couldn't figure out how to get the right packages to install without it throwing errors at me.

I'm considering just rolling back to v413 and restoring a backup to that, then just hoping that a future version makes the problem go away and updating straight to that. I tried restoring my v413 backup onto a fresh v414 install, and that didn't work, so this is all I can think to do now.

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f97c89 No.14856

I'm a relatively new Linux user on Ubuntu 20.04 who can't get mpv to work with Hydrus; it can't find it and tells me MPV is not available for this client. Could it have something to do with my db being on a different partition? I use a shortcut (./client -d='/media/(me)/(drive)/Hydrus/hydrus_db'

) to start my client

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da11ae No.14858


I had that same problem before and iirc it was because a certain package that hydrus needed wasn't installed. Try running Hydrus in the terminal and see what error pops up. Check for anything that sounds like a missing package or library of some kind.

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307340 No.14867


Change your password on pixiv and then enter the new PHPSESSID. I was getting this error inside of pixivutil2, and I saw this method mentioned in one of the issue threads on github

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f4b1b7 No.14874

Hey, I am sorry for not checking in correctly. I was tied up with all the sibling/parents bullshit, and then was still trying to catch up on my schedule last week. Hope to be getting back to normal once the election is past.



I just rolled out a new pixiv tag search in 412, but I have been hearing several reports recently about pixiv now doing cloudflare shit. There are not great solutions for this at the moment. Thanks for this >>14867 , I will remember this.



Hmm, I am sorry for the trouble. If you open help->about you should get more details on why mpv did not import. Btw, even if you have mpv on your system, what is actually needed here is libmpv, which should be bundled in my release, but must be failing to load for you.

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f4b1b7 No.14875


I am very sorry for this trouble. The main things that changed in 414 were the new parent caches. In database terms, there are now several new tables that do tag lookup and recalculation whenever tag work is needed. Normally, these shouldn't slow your client down, nor stop it, but there is a very small chance that due to lack of ANALYSE maintenance, something is causing your database to work very extremely slowly on some queries, particularly if you are on a HDD.

It could also be the new 'background' maintenance locking your client up for certain periods, if you have a lot of tags and parents (e.g. if you sync with the PTR). When you updated, it should have asked if you were an SSD or HDD person. If you selected SSD, it will do this maintenance while you are using the client. There is about 20-40 total minutes worth to do for a normal PTR user, done in pieces, and the worst bump involves 6 minutes or so of work in one go, I am sorry for the trouble.

415 that I put out last Wednesday, reduces those laggy bumps. The worst shouldn't be more than 20 seconds. You can also turn off this maintenance under tags->siblings/parents sync. Letting it only run in idle time means it will never bother you.

I do not believe anything in 414 would cause your client to lock up completely. If you are on an SSD, I recommend updating to 415, to reduce those lag bumps. If it doesn't free up after, say, 120 seconds in 415, there is a bigger problem here.

You can also try a 'soft' analyse under database->maintenance->analyse. If this extremely slow work is due to that, that will fix it. Don't do a 'hard' analyse.

Let me know how you get on!

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f97c89 No.14901

I don't know if this was deliberate but on v416 the parents of parents aren't being put onto files.

"person:ai shinozaki" with "nationality:japanese" isn't being given "asian" in my case despite "nationality:japanese" having the parent "asian".

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7e3a71 No.14909

When system:limit is on a search, trying to add a new search term doesn't work properly.

Instead of searching all files and then applying the limit to the results, it searches the files already on the current page. You have to remove system:limit, add the new search term, and add system:limit back if no files currently on the page have the tag you are trying to add a new search term for.

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3e2995 No.14910

Deviantart apparently doesn't openly serve the highest quality image but will readily give it to you if you harness the magic secret of removing the extra junk they tack onto the url. Could you make hydrus do this automagically?


github post talking about the url fuckery

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085975 No.14911

It seems that right click -> manage -> ratings fails to remove/set to zero numerical ratings when trying to use it on multiple selected files.

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f97c89 No.14917

File: 3701fc677130518⋯.png (89.04 KB,715x223,715:223,Screenshot.png)


This is the error I get when it tries to deduce why MPV isn't working; I feel like I missed a step in the install. Like I said I'm new to linux, all I do each week is download the new tar.gz, extract it to home and run it through terminal with ~/hydrus\ network/client -d='/{db directory}' and it works without mpv, idk if I'm skipping a step

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96e5b0 No.14922


Thank you for this report. Is the siblings/parent sync under tags->sibling/parent sync->review… complete, or is there still work to do? For a short period after recent updates, everyone synced to the PTR will have to catch up on nine years of siblings and parents, but in future, this should be more quick to show new changes.

If the sync is not complete but is set to run in idle or active time, the grandparent should pop in automatically. If it does not, or if you are completely synced and do not see it, and you know the tag sibling application is set on the same tag service the tag is, please let me know.

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96e5b0 No.14923



Edit: I got this from someone else who was completely synced. I am going to look into it, thanks again for the report.

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96e5b0 No.14924


Thanks. Yeah, I don't like this either. One way to get around it is to hit the 'searching immediately' (Ctrl+I by default) button, which forces the tag search to be global. But I should add a hook for this if system:limit is on and current files is <= to that.

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96e5b0 No.14925


Thank you for this. DA have always been tricky. If I just take the junk off the end, I get 401(I think) Unauthorised, but if I insert that 'intermediary' path compontent, it may work. Perhaps that is a mirror server that does not need the token info to download. I will let the guys who write downloaders know about this.

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96e5b0 No.14926


Damn, thank you for this report! This happens when the multiple selected have different non-null ratings. I will fix this this week.

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96e5b0 No.14927



Ah, apparently this trick is known, but it is unreliable, or at least has been until now, and the hydrus downloader is not clever enough to deal with it failing (and then falling back to the next best known URL). I need to update my code before we can handle this properly.

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96e5b0 No.14928


Damn, that is supposed to work. My 18.04 Ubuntu-built libmpv1 is included with the release, so perhaps your flavour of Linux isn't happy with it. This sometimes happens with very clever libraries that use low-level hardware acceleration and so on.

Since MPV (or rather libmpv) is a common pain, I make hydrus able to boot without it. You just can't play media internally with it.

You can try just doing 'apt install libmpv1' or whatever is your package manager, it may exist and just suddenly work when it is available on the system. Let me know what you discover here, and I will fold these instructions into the build/help/source to help people in future.

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f97c89 No.14936


That does the trick, thanks! I did try getting it myself with "sudo apt install libmpv" but "libmpv1" was the one. Don't know why it didn't work in the first place, though, but no worries

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537d99 No.14943

File: 1d7fc382618367e⋯.png (25.19 KB,481x211,481:211,sync.png)

Hi. I was using version 384 and didn't plan to update it until I finish importing my images collection, but since you bumped the network protocol version I had to update, so now I'm on version 418. I updated in steps bumping versions in ~+10 (384→394→404→417 and to 418 once it became available). My hydrus is installed on Linux with 4 GIb RAM, DB files are stored on SSD, images are on HDD.

I have two problems:

1. Public tag repository sync is painfully slow now. Usually five to ten minutes were enough to process all the updates, currently it takes hours. My screenshot shows today's update processing progress after 50 minutes. Despite is says ~1500 rows/s actual speed stays mostly around 100-300 rows/s.

2. Tag search is unbearably slow. It works like this: first tag gets found almost instantly, but for the second one especially if it's short you can wait up to 5 minutes and until then it just displays "loading results…" The DB is read locked with the current DB job read_media_predicates. Everything is ok once you turn off 'searching immediately' like it was discussed in >>14924. I suppose this behavior is related to >>14846.

So what should I do? Is it common behavior now? So far I left only 'sync tag display during idle time' (all is synced anyway, so it's probably not the cause). I also did full DB analyze and regenerated tag definition search cache.

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28f6fa No.14944

File: 281ed953ce448f6⋯.png (70.91 KB,913x517,83:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a81f8753e127664⋯.png (295.2 KB,1167x561,389:187,ClipboardImage.png)

I have a graphical bug to report. Some of the frames in this gif are sheared in the Hydrus file viewer. They are not sheared in the original gif that I got from https://gelbooru.com/index.php?id=1354978&page=post&s=view nor are they sheared when I open the file on disk with my default viewer outside of Hydrus.

I am using the Linux version. The second picture is some more technical information you might want. I don't know why it can't find mpv and I don't know if that's relevant. If you need more info, I'll check back and provide it.

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28f6fa No.14945


Same anon, I can't grab stuff from Gelbooru pools. It's as if Hydrus thinks the pool URL contains no image links or next page links whatsoever. The status displays as "working" for a second, then "DONE".

An example pool URL to test with: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=pool&s=show&id=45305

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fd5b4d No.14954


Thank you for these reports. I am sorry for the trouble. PTR processing is running too slow with the new virtual siblings and parents, and I will be working on it more in the coming weeks to get things faster again, and using fewer system resources. We just went over a billion tags, and things are starting to creak.

The autocomplete sounds far too slow, though. Thank you for the details here about media_predicates, I will investigate this. It would help me if you try to do this operation while help->debug->profile modes->db profile mode is turned on. That will make a new 'profile' log in your install_dir/db directory. If you can pastebin that here or otherwise email/discord DM it to me, I can check it out. It shouldn't have any private info in it, but feel free to check. I'm interested in the info below the 'media_predicates' call, if you want to clip the file.

And please let me know how future versions go for you. I don't want this to be normal, and I am confident I can improve things.

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fd5b4d No.14955



Hey, I am sorry, some Linux flavours have problems with the libmpv I bundle with my Ubuntu. You may have luck using your system libmpv, as this guy just did: >>14936

If that works ok, you can change the setting for animation and video under options->media from the native viewer to mpv, and I expect these will all fix immediately.

When I load that gif in the native viewer, I am afraid I get the same problem. Thank you for the example file, I will put it in my 'weird files' collection to see if I can fix the bugs on my end.

For pools, I also get the same problem. My guess is gelbooru changed their format. Thank you, I will check with the guys who make downloaders to see if we can figure out a fix.

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9b42fb No.14958

Ever since the upgrade to macOS Big Sur 11.0.*, Hydrus (I upgraded to 419 and was on 415 or something before that) launches but hangs while taking 100% of a CPU core. I thought it might have been a DB update or something so I left it alone, but it eventually crashes. No GUI elements appear. I can't post the forcequit report here because of length limits, but here's a paste of the heaviest stack, taken from the report info collected after a force-quit: https://ghostbin.co/paste/afk2

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dd6440 No.14960


Thank you, this is helpful. Current main plan to fix this is to move from building macOS release on my old 10.12 laptop to online github workflows or whatever it is called, when I commit a new release. Some users are exploring the different ways to do it, with luck I'll be using the working scripts before the end of the year and we'll be building for 10.15 (or equally more-compatible 10.14 or something) on release day and this will all clear up.

If that doesn't work out for whatever reason, or it is delayed, or the 100% CPU continues even with newer built libraries, I will dive deeper into this precise problem. I had first thought that Big Sur wasn't happy with loading my Qt's older .so files, since that is usually the sort of problem when this thing happens, but yeah it actually boots the splash screen and gets stuck here, which means core Qt and QApplication and so on are OK. Also, apparently running in Big Sur from source is fine, so it likely isn't a problem in my code.

Best quick guess looking at your stack is this is it either blitting an updated bmp to the splash, or it is drawing a custom shape, maybe one of my icon bmps being initialised, and it is there that it is running into a .so file version incompatibility. Not sure why it would look 100% rather than throw an exception, but it might be stuck in an infinite paintevent or something.

Fingers crossed, this new build process will fix things up. Any more feedback you can provide as we roll out solutions here would be great.

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7f822a No.14967

On v420, just started getting errors like this:

OperationalError: no such table: mem.temp_int_tag_id_0… (Copy note to see full error)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "hydrus\client\importing\ClientImportFileSeeds.py", line 1350, in WorkOnURL

did_substantial_work |= self.WriteContentUpdates( tag_import_options )

File "hydrus\client\importing\ClientImportFileSeeds.py", line 1464, in WriteContentUpdates

for ( service_key, content_updates ) in tag_import_options.GetServiceKeysToContentUpdates( self.status, media_result, set( self._tags ), external_filterable_tags = self._external_filterable_tags, external_additional_service_keys_to_tags = self._external_additional_service_keys_to_tags ).items():

File "hydrus\client\importing\ClientImportOptions.py", line 1386, in GetServiceKeysToContentUpdates

service_tags = service_tag_import_options.GetTags( service_key, status, media_result, service_filterable_tags, service_additional_tags )

File "hydrus\client\importing\ClientImportOptions.py", line 1713, in GetTags

existing_applicable_tags = HG.client_controller.Read( 'filter_existing_tags', service_key, applicable_tags )

File "hydrus\core\HydrusController.py", line 615, in Read

return self._Read( action, *args, **kwargs )

File "hydrus\core\HydrusController.py", line 194, in _Read

result = self.db.Read( action, *args, **kwargs )

File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 1074, in Read

return job.GetResult()

File "hydrus\core\HydrusData.py", line 1843, in GetResult

raise e

hydrus.core.HydrusExceptions.DBException: OperationalError: no such table: mem.temp_int_tag_id_0

Database Traceback (most recent call last):

File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 675, in _ProcessJob

result = self._Read( action, *args, **kwargs )

File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 14838, in _Read

elif action == 'filter_existing_tags': result = self._FilterExistingTags( *args, **kwargs )

File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 6839, in _FilterExistingTags

with HydrusDB.TemporaryIntegerTable( self._c, tag_ids, 'tag_id' ) as temp_tag_id_table_name:

File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 1186, in enter

self._cursor.executemany( 'INSERT INTO {} ( {} ) VALUES ( ? );'.format( self._table_name, self._column_name ), ( ( i, ) for i in self._integer_iterable ) )

sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: mem.temp_int_tag_id_0

Happens when I attempt to paste or drop a url for an image into the client. Oddly, despite the image not popping up into the url import tab, the images still go through and come up into the inbox.

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28f6fa No.14969


Thanks for the tips. I tried installing libmpv1 and it did successfully install and change the behaviour of the Hydrus preview, unfortunately the behaviour is still buggy. It does not display sheared frames any more, but it seems to skip the frames instead. I can see it go from frame 14 to frame 17 (lingering a bit on frame 14) and after frame 18 it skips all of the remaining frames (there are 26 in total).

Thanks for the incoming fix for Gelbooru pools.

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0780dd No.14970


Damn, thank you for this report. I will look into why this is happening, it is related to my new temp table cache.

There is another issue this week related to problems importing files while the 'only add existing tags' filter is on.

This stuff is a pain, it should be ok to rollback to 419 this week, I am sorry for the trouble.

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0780dd No.14971

File: 15ebc5959ae8e0a⋯.gif (215.9 KB,277x278,277:278,yo.gif)


Ah shit, your problem is also related to 'existing tags' filter, but it has a slightly different summary text than I have seen today. I will have this fixed for next week, sorry for the trouble.


Ah, now I load it in my Windows dev client (which has mpv api version 1.109 in help->about), I get shears on 15 and 16, and it jumps from 23 to 26. I am afraid anything beyond this point is something I can't fix, as that is all mpv code. My guess is that gif is borked, so any player is going to have to try to figure out what is going wrong with it. Newer versions of mpv may completely fix it in future.

One option, although this is normally for static images, is to try to load the truncated/broken file in a nice program like Photoshop, which may have the ability to heal the missing parts, and then save it back again for re-import. I tried a quick go with ffmpeg, but I ended up with the attached trash. I wonder what Firefox is doing to make this file render correctly.

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28f6fa No.14972

File: 3c73e182e7209fb⋯.png (18.62 KB,603x189,67:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Is the duplicate finder bugged? When I click the gear in the preparation tab and reset all duplicate pairs, and then search for exact matches, I get a lot of duplicate pairs coming up that are not exact matches (e.g. one picture has black bar censoring, the other doesn't). Resetting duplicates also doesn't bring the number of searched files down to 0 but instead to 92%. Both of these things are unexpected.

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537d99 No.14974

File: 4329ceaec0b32f7⋯.jpg (208.76 KB,414x500,207:250,rarjpg.jpg)


Hi, sorry for the late reply. I'm on version 420 now. So far I still have problems with the autocompletion. I created two logs with DB debug as you requested. 1.log it with the "search immediately" option turned on and 2.log is with it turned off. I put them in rarjpg attached to my post. Download the picture, change the extension from jpg to rar, and you should be able to extract it. In both cases i did same seaches: "female" (~13000 results) and then "eye" (~150 results). Do you need to know any additional details about my setup? Thank you for your work.

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62a6b4 No.14975


"Exact match" doesn't necessarily mean that, it just means they are very similar. It's just math. A censor bar might not be enough difference to make the numbers go up enough for it to not be considered an exact match.

"Reset potential duplicates" is meant to be used to reset matches when changing from a higher search distance to a lower one. So it doesn't make sense to search again files that are already marked as not having potential duplicates.

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da11ae No.14979

Since (I think) the last version, v419, the namespace:* search doesn't bring up suggestions for every tag in that namespace anymore. It's just empty, with no suggestions now until I type a letter instead of *. I have the option set to on, but it still doesn't work.

I'm running the Linux version.

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000000 No.14980

I'm on version 420 and currently the twitter/nitter downloader currently fails on videos saying "Count not find a file or post URL to download!".

Are there plans to fix this? IMO one of the major advantages of hydrus is to download an artist's twitter. It's easy/simple to browse and find what you want on e621 or even fur affinity where things have tags etc. but it is a nightmare on twitter having to just scroll through a lazy-loading timeline full of retweets and other shit.

I'm guessing they're just streaming the video using DASH or something rather than an easy to grab URL. This is probably out of scope for a downloader, but youtube-dl can grab twitter videos and gets packaged with everything else. That might be a solution?

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24c770 No.14987


Problem while trying to fetch External IP:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "hydrus\client\gui\ClientGUIDialogs.py", line 373, in EventCopyExternalShareURL

url = self._service.GetExternalShareURL( self._share_key )

File "hydrus\client\ClientServices.py", line 473, in GetExternalShareURL

host = HydrusNATPunch.GetExternalIP()

File "hydrus\core\HydrusNATPunch.py", line 50, in GetExternalIP

raise Exception( 'Problem while trying to fetch External IP:' + os.linesep * 2 + str( stderr ) )

Exception: Problem while trying to fetch External IP:

No IGD UPnP Device found on the network !

No IGD UPnP Device found on the network !

It gave me this error when I tried to set up a local booru wih external ip. How do I fix it?

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1c0344 No.14988


iirc the youtube-dl solution is planned, but in the mean time there is another parser that will fetch video through a third-party website in hydrus already. You just have to change your parser links as it isn't linked to it by default.

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f442ba No.14989


This doesn't exist anymore.

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dab44e No.14991


Thank you, this is great. I am really sorry for the shit here, it looks like it was lagging twelve minutes. All of that time was spend doing one query, and it was not where I expected, so this profile helps a lot.

It looks like there were 65,000 tags in the page that needed to be populated, with the lookup done twice, and 5ms per row is crazy slow, so something is going wrong here. I will examine this further, and I can think of a better way of doing it as well. Please let me know how 422 works for you.

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dab44e No.14992


Thank you for this report. I am sorry, this got recently broken. I am going to fix it this week and write some unit tests for the new cache that is failing here so these logical typos do not slip through again.

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dab44e No.14993


Hydrus uses a program in install_dir/bin to try to talk to your router to get UPnP information, which includes external IP. If your router does not respond to the UPnP request, or you are on a VPN of some sort so you can't talk to your gateway at all, this happens. I will brush up the english of this error.


It is now on options->gui pages, right at the bottom, 'hide the bottom-left preview window'.

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c1dc5b No.14996

This file caused the memory usage to spike up to 11 gigs when I came across it in the archive/delete filter.


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c1dc5b No.14997


I was about 200 in of the 1100 total, if that's important.

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000000 No.14998


So I found the 'manage parsers' screen and I assume what I'm interested in is the "nitter tweet parser (video from koto.reisen)". I went to edit it but I'm not really sure what to do from here? Could you elaborate a bit?

Also is there a way to sort by 'source time'? I imagine there must be because I can sort by everything from resolution ratio, to import time, to number of tags which all seem less useful than when a file was posted.

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728785 No.14999


That is the right parser to use, but you want to change to it in the 'manage url class links' menu.>>14998

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dab44e No.15000

File: 62758379213d06b⋯.png (38.93 KB,961x483,961:483,sqlite.png)


Hey, I looked into your problem today, and I cannot figure out why it is running quite so slow. I could explain a few seconds, even twenty, but not several minutes with 65,000 items. I can write a faster cache for the particular filtering job going on here, but I think I might be fixing the wrong problem in your case.

Can you please, with your client shut down, go to your install_dir/db directory, run the sqlite3 console executable, and then paste these lines in? For the second query, you will have to substitute the XXX with a number that lines up with a table that exists in your database, which the first query will give. I have attached an image of what I get in my dev machine.

.open client.caches.db
select name from sqlite_master where name like "%siblings%";
explain query plan SELECT 1 FROM actual_tag_siblings_lookup_cache_XXX where bad_tag_id = 1 OR ideal_tag_id = 1;

If your database is missing the 'ideal_tag_id' indices somehow, or SQLite is unable to plan efficiently with them, that would explain the quadratic slowdown you are getting, and it means I have something to repair, not optimise.

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dab44e No.15001



These gigantic pngs are a pain. I am not really sure what to do about them. Unfortunately, it is one of my image libraries needing most of that space, likely OpenCV, possibly Pillow.

A long time ago, some clever guys constructed large malicious pngs with extremely inefficient pixels/palettes/whatever, and they were able to crash people's machines as the decompression routine of loading the png suddenly ate up all the memory of the machine and crashed it. These were called 'decompression bombs'. We now get this effect naturally when patreon artists sperg out.

The good news is memory usage goes down quickly once the image is rendered, although 11GB is larger than I have heard of before. Even then, just having that image at 100% in memory is a 750MB bitmap.

Although I can detect the size of a png, being able to detect how efficiently it will unpack is not something (or my libraries) seem to know how to do. Perhaps in future they will be handled better, or I'll find a new library or a new way of rendering just part of an image at a time so I don't need 100% to get the scaled version, but for now I do not have great answers.

I will save that png though as a great example of something that will probably kill my 8GB dev machine. I am sure there is extra inefficiency in my loading routines, so I will be able to examine what is going on easily with it.

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dab44e No.15003


Follow-up: If the problem is your database does not have the required indices for some reason (my best guess here atm, either due to hard drive failure or a weird update logic problem), I have fixed this for 422. The database now automatically checks if those indices (and some others) are missing on every boot and recreates them if so.

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537d99 No.15005


My problem seems to be solved.

'%siblings%' in my DB lookes nothing alike compared to yours (sorry if I fail with the formatting):

sqlite> .open client.db
sqlite> select name from sqlite_master where name like '%siblings%';

So I started suspecting that I miss some indexes/caches/etc, and once again performed database→regenerate→* from menu, except "clear service info cache". Since then autocompletion works perfectly. '%siblings%' list however didn't changed. I also was unable to perform explain query:

sqlite>sqlite> explain query plan SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_autoindex_tag_siblings_1 where bad_tag_id = 1 or ideal_tag_id = 1;
Error: no such table: sqlite_autoindex_tag_siblings_1
sqlite> explain query plan SELECT 1 FROM tag_siblings_service_id_good_tag_id_index where bad_tag_id = 1 or ideal_tag_id = 1;
Error: no such table: tag_siblings_service_id_good_tag_id_index
sqlite> explain query plan SELECT 1 FROM tag_siblings where bad_tag_id = 1 or ideal_tag_id = 1;
Error: no such column: ideal_tag_id

For the record, here is my tables list:

sqlite> .tables
alternate_file_group_members local_file_deletion_reasons
alternate_file_groups local_ratings
analyze_timestamps options
client_files_locations potential_duplicate_pairs
confirmed_alternate_pairs recent_tags
current_files remote_thumbnails
deleted_files repository_updates_11
duplicate_false_positives service_directories
duplicate_file_members service_directory_file_map
duplicate_files service_filenames
file_inbox service_info
file_modified_timestamps services
file_notes statuses
file_petitions tag_parent_application
file_transfers tag_parent_petitions
file_viewing_stats tag_parents
files_info tag_sibling_application
ideal_client_files_locations tag_sibling_petitions
ideal_thumbnail_override_location tag_siblings
json_dict url_map
json_dumps vacuum_timestamps
json_dumps_named version
last_shutdown_work_time yaml_dumps

Once again thanks for your help.

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c7435b No.15006


Sorry, it had to be client.caches.db, not client.db, when you did the first '.open' line. No worries.

Since you ran the regenerate and that fixed it, that I think suggests this was an indexing issue, which is automatically fixed for all other users going forward tomorrow.

If you are interested, the slow bit for you was the 'is this tag involved in the siblings system?' method, which is part of when the client needs to figure out which siblings your autocomplete results (generated from thumbs) need to have so it can swap in typed text for a real result based on sibling mappings. This thing basically says: 'for every tag, is it either a bad tag or is it an ideal tag in the fast(lmao) siblings table?'. To speed it up, I have both the 'bad' column and 'ideal' column indexed. For some reason that I am not sure about, you did not have the 'ideal' column indexed, which meant for every one of those 65,000 tags, rather than being able to quickly test the second half of the OR, a few iterations into a search tree, it instead had to iterate the entire table for every negative result. Assuming you sync with the PTR or a similar big-sibling-number service, that probably meant something like 63,000 * 100,000 row fetches, or several billion loops on a handful of kilobytes in memory (six minutes), rather than a couple hundred thousand (about 50ms or so).

You may not be completely fixed, however. Since you have done the regenerate, your sibling tables were emptied, so if the problem was not in fact a missing index, you may see bad performance creep back in as your sync progresses under tags->sibling/parent sync->review. Let me know if this happens. If this has fixed you long-term, thank you for your feedback and help.

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000000 No.15009


So I changed the parser to the koto.reisen one in the manage class links screen for 'nitter timeline' and 'nitter tweet' but it doesn't seem to have done anything. Is there something else I need to change or is this just broken for now?

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f8b2dd No.15011


just change for 'nitter tweet' URL class is needed, other nitter should be default.

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000000 No.15050


I tried this and it got some of the videos, I think the failing posts are because they have links that have since died. Either way thank you for the help.

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6ecb67 No.15054


>For pools, I also get the same problem. My guess is gelbooru changed their format. Thank you, I will check with the guys who make downloaders to see if we can figure out a fix.

Wanted to follow up on this, has the fix been made? I assume I am supposed to be looking here for it https://github.com/CuddleBear92/Hydrus-Presets-and-Scripts/tree/master/Downloaders/Gelbooru and since the last non-readme change was six months ago, I gather that it's not fixed.

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002018 No.15057


This problem still occurs with version 423, by the way. Hydrus launches, spawns no GUI, and shoots a CPU core to 100% indefinitely.

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f69031 No.15076

I'm having trouble, I go to services > review services > remote, and it shows the PTR is paused. I click to resume, and it starts processing requests. I leave it overnight, then come back and it shows a notification in Hydrus stating:

Failed to process updates for the public tag repository repository! The error follows:


TagSizeException: Received a zero-length tag!

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "hydrus\client\ClientServices.py", line 1724, in _SyncProcessUpdates

num_rows_done = HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'process_repository_definitions', self._service_key, definition_hash, iterator_dict, job_key, work_time )

File "hydrus\core\HydrusController.py", line 852, in WriteSynchronous

return self._Write( action, True, *args, **kwargs )

File "hydrus\core\HydrusController.py", line 237, in _Write

result = self.db.Write( action, synchronous, *args, **kwargs )

File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 1100, in Write

if synchronous: return job.GetResult()

File "hydrus\core\HydrusData.py", line 1843, in GetResult

raise e

hydrus.core.HydrusExceptions.DBException: TagSizeException: Received a zero-length tag!

Database Traceback (most recent call last):

File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 679, in _ProcessJob

result = self._Write( action, *args, **kwargs )

File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 19772, in _Write

elif action == 'process_repository_definitions': result = self._ProcessRepositoryDefinitions( *args, **kwargs )

File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 14780, in _ProcessRepositoryDefinitions

tag_id = self._GetTagId( tag )

File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 11320, in _GetTagId

HydrusTags.CheckTagNotEmpty( tag )

File "hydrus\core\HydrusTags.py", line 181, in CheckTagNotEmpty

raise HydrusExceptions.TagSizeException( 'Received a zero-length tag!' )

hydrus.core.HydrusExceptions.TagSizeException: Received a zero-length tag!

Database Traceback (most recent call last):

File "hydrus\core\HydrusDB.py", line 679, in _ProcessJob

result = self._Write( action, *args, **kwargs )

File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 19772, in _Write

elif action == 'process_repository_definitions': result = self._ProcessRepositoryDefinitions( *args, **kwargs )

File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 14780, in _ProcessRepositoryDefinitions

tag_id = self._GetTagId( tag )

File "hydrus\client\ClientDB.py", line 11320, in _GetTagId

HydrusTags.CheckTagNotEmpty( tag )

File "hydrus\core\HydrusTags.py", line 181, in CheckTagNotEmpty

raise HydrusExceptions.TagSizeException( 'Received a zero-length tag!' )

hydrus.core.HydrusExceptions.TagSizeException: Received a zero-length tag!

Then under services, it shows the PTR is paused again.

Not sure what's going on. I will try updating to the latest version right now though. I'm currently on 420, network version 19. Windows 10.

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f69031 No.15080


Btw, it looks like it did run through the repo processing because I reached the bandwidth limit.

I am working on updating because my repo is outdated.

I just updated my Hydrus though to the latest, I will let it run tomorrow after the bandwidth cap resets, and see if I still get any errors.

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b99b7e No.15104

Pixiv artist lookup seems to be broken as it uses the old url style that no longer works

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351e0d No.15106


Try deleting pixiv url classes, parsers, and GUG's then add the defaults but only add the ones with "api" in the names and then make sure the url class links are linked correctly.

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106ad8 No.15117

File: cef2351ec84cdc9⋯.jpg (480.3 KB,1414x1000,707:500,cef2351ec84cdc92b3e71cc757….jpg)

Gelbooru tag parsing seems to be broken. It searches and downloads files like it should, but no tags are applied to files. This started over the past couple of days.

I was using v420, and then updated to v425 to see if it fixed it, but it did not.

All other boorus are working just fine.

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05a70a No.15118

File: 9678479d59b2271⋯.png (6.08 KB,512x97,512:97,gelbooru_0_2_5_file_page_p….png)


they changed some stuff on the site that broke the parser, replace the old parser with this one.

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537d99 No.15125

File: e3304ba33854e40⋯.png (48.43 KB,782x309,782:309,screenshot.png)


Hi again. Indeed my problem is not solved. This is what I noticed after several weeks of repetitive cache regenerations and version upgrades. Once I do database→regenerate→tag storage mappings cache, autocomplete becomes fast. But tags→sibling/parent sync→review tag/sibling maintenance→public tag repository becomes completely unsynchronized. Not sure if it searches for siblings correct, but it works light speed fast. Once I do resync, autocomplete is slow again. So it seems the closer the parents and siblings cache to be fully synced, the slower autocomplete becomes. However in two cases it still works fast:

1. With 'searching immediately' turned off (can you explain this?)

2. If you did a large search and quickly make a second one while the status bar still shows 'Loading… XXXX of YYYYY'.

Do you need any further feedback from me? If it helps I can make DB profile debug logs with/without sibling/parent cache synchronized. I also noticed that I made the SQL query you asked me to do on wrong database. Do you still need it?

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b19c73 No.15135

Hey, I am sorry, the holiday ended up killing my schedule, and I couldn't give this thread proper attention.

8kun are now saying the expect to go off the clearnet in the near future and go TOR only. I have been wanting to move to a different board for a while, I was just procrastinating, so this seems like the time to do it. Endchan will be our primary board for the time being. I am going to clear this thread of newer posts, make an archive of it to post on Endchan, and then make a sticky announcing I will delete the board next week.

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b19c73 No.15136


Ah, I am sorry, I am not sure what the answer back was. I just talked to the guys again now. They aren't hosting copies of what I bundle by default, only downloaders that can do different sites or a whole bunch more.

It appears pools now have slightly different format for some users. Pools still works for those guys, but they are logged in, I am not. I will fix this myself this week, since I get the problem, and roll it into the update. Sorry for the trouble!


Unfortunately the problem seems to be with PyInstaller, not my code. A couple of guys have been working on a different build method here:


I hope to catch up with their work when it is finished and working and fold it into my build too.



Hey, I am sorry for the trouble here. Thank you for the report. This should be fixed in the latest versions. Please let me know if you still have any problems.

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b19c73 No.15137



I will be folding this into 426 btw.


Thank you for this report. I am sorry for the continuing trouble. If searches are slow when you are searching a page of results, but fast when you search an empty page (or one with 'searching immediately' off, which then searches the database, rather than the tags for the files in front of you), then the routine that is generating search results from thumbnails is slow.

Some more feedback would be very helpful. Please run 'db profile mode' and do some slow autocomplete searches with files in front of you, and then pastebin or email me that profile log. It is the 'media_predicates' routine that is running slow for you.

The >>15000 query on client.caches.db would be helpful. Let's see what SQLite wants to be doing here.

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b19c73 No.15138

This thread is now archived at https://archive.is/cq5Tc . I will not post here any more, as the board will be deleted next Wednesday. Please move to the Endchan thread at https://endchan.org/hydrus/res/9.html , thank you!

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55cffe No.15139


>If you do have it, is MPV the player under options->media? If your hydrus does not have libmpv access, or is failing to import it, it will fall back to my native viewer, which has no audio support.

Fixed. Thanks a lot.

I'm new to Hydrus. Using Linux MX.

Before I was using Tagspaces which is a sluggish piece of trash. Looking for a more suitable alternative I bumped into Hydrus; so far I'm very pleased by its performance and rich settings.

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a2b734 No.15141


Is there a way to get the blacklist back to working? There's usually a cookie for you blacklist on gelbooru but for some reason the downloader doesn't use it and stopped working for me a month or so ago. I can't remember if it was something I did or if the site changed or what.

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9e001d No.15144

The plan to move to Endchan only has changed!

Codexx on 8chan.moe has kindly offered to host me on /t/ over there. As I have never been a comfortable BO, this is a much better solution for me as the primary place to talk Anon about hydrus.

I will be maintaining a Hydrus Network General, the first instance is here: https://8chan.moe/t/res/2219.html

The links in the release tomorrow will reflect this. Endchan will remain as a bunker.


If you happen to see this in the next 18 hours or so, I think you want this: https://github.com/CuddleBear92/Hydrus-Presets-and-Scripts/tree/master/Downloaders/Gelbooru

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537d99 No.15146


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6d3c59 No.15148

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