Hey guys, I'm here to shill my game, Dungeons of Oblivion. There's no sex content in it yet, but I still need you to go check it out. It's a JRPG inspired dungeon crawler, like Omega Labyrinth Z (Which I stole the titties growing mechanic) but it also features proper turn based combat, which will be something like Xenogears. There's gonna be a lot of fancy features, apart from the titties, like costume destruction, mini games, etc. It's not a huge 3D AAA project, I can manage it pretty well by myself. Well, why don't you guys go take a look?
Here's my IndieGogo campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/dungeons-of-oblivion/x/6637511#/
Don't forget to read the FAQ. Also, if you have any questions, I'll hang around for a while. You can also go to my subreddit:
Thanks for your time, guys. I appreciate it.