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File: 8ec29969dda5052⋯.jpg (75.78 KB, 565x443, 565:443, 2018-06-11_135802.jpg)

 No.49674[Last 50 Posts]

Akabur just released it for patrons. Any kind anon would share??

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File: 6f4074873792c41⋯.jpg (288.99 KB, 1229x698, 1229:698, 2018-06-11_150515.jpg)

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File: 5883d4eadf204e2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 82.5 KB, 680x680, 1:1, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7….jpg)


Please, be fake.

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Link please!

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The main screen is from DAHR.

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Link would be swell my dudes

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What happened to that space game?

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still in progress as akabur said

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1+ Link plz

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pls no

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Thank you so much!

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File: e1d19408a8ed5b8⋯.jpg (8.96 KB, 182x268, 91:134, MV5BMTQ3NzEzNjI4OF5BMl5Ban….jpg)

>I jerk off you to you april

>Instant sex scene

Isn't akabur supposed to be good at build up?

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Literally two cg's

What's the point of making so many character models if you're just going to use 2 cg's

Wow am I fucking disappointed

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File: 1e1b8cda269d2fe⋯.jpg (216.11 KB, 1240x930, 4:3, 122641_eebc7437cc3bc0643f5….jpg)

Cool, lets see in a year.

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Lol there's like 6 episodes in this game, I liked the special sauce on the pizza part.

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>Turtle shit

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Is this greedy fuck seriously starting a new game when he still has a bunch of unfinished games? Look at that fucking space game, it's like v.0000002, yet this jew asshole is starting up another new game? Why do you idiots continue to support these garbage devs?

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6 scenes

All of which are again, the same cg with just additives on them

Not really reflective of the 6 months of work he put into it

Or was it more?

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6 months or more of work for a shit game nobody wanted while he has unfinished games people can't wait to play?

I thought this guy was the best?

I enjoyed Princess Trainer but I have no idea why he's treated like some sort of God among the community just for completing what, two games? Cool and all but they're hardly perfect.

I mean I'll take it over DAZ shit still but what a waste of time this is.

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File: 2f9c8508c3bddd7⋯.png (208.71 KB, 373x809, 373:809, trainer.png)


same reason every other asshole out there creams it´s pants for Putin.

fucking russians man.

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Shut up fag. April is the one who made him famous in the first place.

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File: 5730cf6bf8d4202⋯.png (159.91 KB, 1024x846, 512:423, ClipboardImage.png)

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did akabur ever finish that space game?

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>>49724 >>49690

fuck me im dumb

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well it was ok

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So did he just like, give up on Star Channel

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File: ab797fe09dd7fa4⋯.jpg (45.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ymbnh.jpg)

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File: efec179ddb0989e⋯.jpg (269.71 KB, 2592x1944, 4:3, slowprogress.JPG)


it's probably people with disposable income that never look at their statement and have forgotten all about Rubaka.

when he is 'working' he still uses pencil and ink for christ sake.

there was a time i would support him. but not now.

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sick ridiculous the amount of rape that happens to customers in the sex game industry.

You are all gluttons for punishment.

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File: 2841e6ae882d42f⋯.jpg (10.97 KB, 384x384, 1:1, 2434d09eb1f55cb403d27245a8….jpg)

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So fucking what? He should just make shit games when he has other much more interesting projects that need finished?

Turtle fucker.

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your info is very outdated, akabur lost more than 4k a month from patreon, people see him for what he is now, a lazy bum who got lucky

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File: 2a58ebc1f935811⋯.jpg (413.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 01.jpg)

Full game CG btw >>49676

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April is hot but something is offputting about turtle cum…

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what are you gay? Next you're gonna say something is wrong with splinter putting it in her butt

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He misspelled waiting season.

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I thought it was a neat game.

Akabur has made a couple of short games in the past that were a fun fap for a few minutes. Butler's Bitch was one of my favorites growing up.

Everyone has these high expectations but I've looked at the landscape of games and most of them are straight garbage. Either shit writing or shit art or both.

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Are you implying that there were actual bugs in his 10 minute visual novel demo?

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File: bfe20321d8b1191⋯.jpg (408.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 23.jpg)

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File: fa3499cf5aedec0⋯.jpg (402.25 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 83.jpg)

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it's Akabar

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File: 64260d3e876fba7⋯.jpg (113.12 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Pi-c1TZFRERp8HalaGlxlIU2Ik….jpg)


i like akbar since princess trainer so im totally fine with this i also played it was alrite nothing i haven't played before idk why ppl in 2018 give a shit if a dev what's to take a old cartoon and make it into a sex game/VN that the move these days so if you ask me ppl just mad some one runied there childhood but what there not saying is the ppl who complained also played so what are we really talking about also like me some shadbase smoli

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This post is absolute cancer

It hurts my brain

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Are you a real person?

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yes i real please trust

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yes i am and what's can't you believe that someone likes shadman and akabar im genuninely curious

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cancer is subjective what's actually bothers you about my post anon bc i been here on htg and 4chan so please do tell

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File: dc05618748d7317⋯.jpg (183.82 KB, 480x376, 60:47, 5c334507541decc03e25545b16….jpg)


man idk who you are or where you from but only i can answer my own post im one of kind so idk how you trying to come in and pose as me fool

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what are you talk about i understand fool you just stop ok

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stop what exactly i just said don't pose a me as to anything else is moot

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Hey shut the fuck up

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>yes i am and what's can't you believe that someone likes shadman and akabar im genuninely curious

not the other anon but i'm surprised that you would defend a scamer who spent 6 months to make this shit whos getting paid like 5k+ a month, no body gives a fuck that it's about some old cartoon, especially not on 8chan

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File: 6530c31b7df180c⋯.jpg (121.47 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 16997946_1464067843651606_….jpg)


i wouldn't know anything about that but like i said i like him and his work knowing that is just a surprise to me

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File: 33d9c501a2d8d0a⋯.png (36.27 KB, 625x626, 625:626, 33d9c501a2d8d0a369b700d347….png)


best comeback ever im so impressed you deserve an award

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File: 34dcc9a14efb81b⋯.png (97.85 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


moot moot

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hey im not pose not even actor so stfu go die please ok?

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if I wanted to see diseased dicks and monsters, I'd watch nigger porn

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File: a9774e69e3ce66f⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 612x421, 612:421, 7nAVxl4.jpg)



real turtle dick is so much more terrifying


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When you watch it, do you fantasize that you're the nigger, or your mom?

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File: 831f2126607a2b6⋯.png (721.93 KB, 891x886, 891:886, he he.png)


My mother isn't alive in any of my fantasies. So yeah I'm the nigger fucking her.

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That's a tortoise.

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Shut up turtle nerd

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this post and several below stinks of autism

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tortoise nerd*

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just shut up you double nigger

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>he doesn't know the difference between a turtle and a tortoise

I bet you're the kind of normalfaggot that thinks an alligator and a crocodile are interchangeable.

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No u, you triple nigger-tortoise fucker

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File: d404b8b163b431c⋯.jpg (102.93 KB, 750x601, 750:601, alligile.jpg)


How could anyone ever make that mistake?

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Alligators look like the inbred cousin of crocodiles. Difference is pretty clear, mate.

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You have them everythere you fucking idiot, no suprice you see the difference. But guess what, i'm not your fucking neughbor.

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>i'm not your fucking neughbor.

Are you sure about that? You fucking boong.

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What language is this?



Ease up, they're good people.

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do you are have stupido? kill self

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Tortoises are turtles.

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Both retards.

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File: cfae9c6c5b4ca04⋯.jpg (138.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, gl.jpg)

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File: 2acd424d9c9aebd⋯.png (191.22 KB, 392x336, 7:6, 1450765572501.png)



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I was not expecting to see toe sucking in there

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well at least akabur released something i can jerk off to. SC34 is still a blue ball fest

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File: 68e069760c8ee1c⋯.png (331.19 KB, 879x565, 879:565, crot.PNG)

he just released the psd

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File: d2bb3be96cff00a⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 1382x1037, 1382:1037, 5c959c05885ee2e5707b79bcf2….jpg)

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File: 2508e9a014d63ad⋯.jpg (126.92 KB, 727x639, 727:639, 1450739729969-0.jpg)


but also

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fun, but nothing new

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>I thought this guy was the best?

And it says a lot about the entire western porn dev scene.

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Or western gaming in general, anyway.

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It's because he gives it out for free. Yeah he has patrons, but he still releases his content for free. He doesn't try to lie to his fans about delays and such. He's not a pompous asshole like most patreon devs. I've never minded patiently doing other shit and laughing at other devs, SUNSETSTRIDERS, COUGH, while always knowing Akabur will release some quality shit again one day. I just choose to forget he's making stuff. Then every once in a while, BOOM, hey Akabur released something. Makes my day.

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> just for completing what, two games?

Well thats two more games than the rest of the western porn dev community combined so…

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Aligators have short rounded snouts and are smaller anyone who cant tell the difference is retarded. As for tortoise vs turtle protip one has flippers and the other has fucking legs its not that difficult.

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File: 5a5345425557e83⋯.png (544.68 KB, 1015x677, 1015:677, another.PNG)

another PSD released. nothing new, move along

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Don't play with my heart anon, there's no way he's remaking WT

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>remaking WT


who do you think you're talking about

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I dare anyone to email this to Kevin Eastman's fan club.

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it's not all that good it's not all that bad, it's just something to fap to while we wait for better stuff like that KND trainer

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File: 2ecedaf8634ed59⋯.jpg (38.3 KB, 624x389, 624:389, edge1.jpg)

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