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File: ca341f99e2806dd⋯.png (22.87 KB,515x515,1:1,BadCateLOGO-01 (1).png)

 No.40545 [View All]

Hi, everyone! We are BadCate studio and we have a new game for you.

I'm "Bad", and my girlfriend is "Cate", together we made the game "Aaron's life", a date sim / graphic novel / trainer game. Here's the demo, enjoy!

English Pc version:


English Mac version:


Versión Español Pc:


Versión Español Mac:


We already anounce it here like a month ago and i asked for your feed back, i´m please to give you the game now. We really want to be transparent and honest with you guys (and gurls) so here are two truths: i´m new at coding and we have planed exactly 200 events, you can find 10 of them (the shorter ones) in the game, we will be making our patrons as much part of the process as we can to not give you the sensations of bein milking the cow. That been said…

We are both art students but we want to make a living out of doing videogames so… yeah, we really want you to enjoy the game so we are open to suggestions about everything. In fact the first two weeks we’ll work to add color to the backgrounds and check for bugs in the code while we wait for your feed back and I start to write the next update. We are planning it to be released between may and june (We know it’s a long time, but as I said, we both have to work and study since we do this in our free time until we make enough money). Or do some small updates every 3 or 4 weeks, it all depend of the ppl who support.

if you want to know more about us and new versions, we invite you to check our project in Patreon.

Thanks for reading guys!

Support us:


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Hello m8, yeah we are looking for places to promote but, as you and other ppl have said, we don´t have a good demo yet, wich is bad. We are doing as much as we can to give you guys an enjoyable game fast and thats why we ask for the advice of ppl of this board. I have to add that i really like this page, but if you have suggestions about where we should go i´m happy to read it. Last time i posted, when we have little art, i asked for pages to do it, but i didn´t really get an answer. In any case, thanks for the words and we will hopefully be seen in more places soon. Right now we are asking for your opinion, advice and, if you can, your support. Thats the thing with the polls

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We hope you can enjoy the game one day, m8, and… if we don´t ask around we will hardly get any better, we are triying to not make spam, but we really need to recolect opinions in order to advance. Trully sorry if thats annoying, we hope we can end with it soon

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>if you have suggestions about where we should go i´m happy to read it

Some communities (F95, ulmf, r/NSFWgaming) welcome many kinds of adult games. Other sites are more focused on some niche fetish / engine. Once you have a better demo, you may start shilling on those three.

After that, no matter if your game is good or not, it will be shared on every pirate platform (e.g. svscomics, adultgameson) and it will get all the visibility you need.

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Thank you very much for the suggestions, we will defenetly look it up as soon as we get the new demo.

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File: febf3bc5371ff76⋯.png (56.78 KB,800x600,4:3,ROSTRO_01-01.png)

Hey, guys… so this is the last poll, from now on we will stop bottering you and start working on the rest of girls. This time is about the face of karen. You can also still vote in the other polls.

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Op if these exist incest in your game , i Will Play it

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There will be sex with step sister and step mom among other things, m8, if patreon stop us we will find a way to avoid censorchip. there is also the chance of making them room mates isntead os step family if we are forced to it, but the reality is that few dialogues will change. We will have a lot of fetiches that you will be able to unlok or avoid depending of wich girl you play. But there is still a lot of work to do for that. For now you can fck and angel and in the next patch we will add a sucubus while the other stories develp, we don´t want to rush the main quest

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File: a02e1f410035809⋯.png (122.09 KB,450x750,3:5,07-01.png)

Hey, guys, we closed the polls and got the new Karen based on your choises, let us know what you think so we can move on and do the rest or correct something while we can.

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File: 983043e8c9171da⋯.png (732.32 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Sin título.png)

So we keep working on the game, i wanted to share you a little of what we have to know your opinion, if there is any, soon we will deliver the art update, since we had to change almost everything. Hope you like it and play it soon

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Guys, have you merged the English and Spanish version?

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Hey, we fixed the traslation with a profetional, but we haven´t merged it. TBH i´m a little afraid of it because idk what happens if we find a bug or change a line, it would be the first time we use the translation option from renpy. but if you have more info about it we would love to hear it, from now we are thinking on deliver the spanish and english version as diferent files. is it too bad?

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>idk what happens if we find a bug or change a line

You have nothing to worry, just follow the instructions: www.renpy.org/doc/html/translating_renpy.html

When you generate the translation, you'll find additional scripts under game/tl/english (let's suppose spanish is the main language). The original Spanish strings are commented with an hashtag (#), you must edit the strings below. Something like that:

# game/script.rpy:27
translate english start_66ddaa3c:
# "¡Hola, mundo!"
"Hello, world."
When you add more lines to your main scripts, you have to manually refresh the translation. Just generate it again, like you've did before. Ren'py will preserve what you've already translated and it will add the new lines (untranslated, of course):
# game/script.rpy:27
translate english start_66ddaa3c:
# "¡Hola, mundo!"
"Hello, world."
# game/script.rpy:29
translate english start_a170b500:
# e "Usted ha creado un nuevo juego Ren'Py."
e "Usted ha creado un nuevo juego Ren'Py."
If you edit, in your main scripts, a line that you've already translated (because you have found a typo or a bug), just refresh the translation. Python will add a new line to translate, but it will also preserve the previous translation for reference. Let's suppose you delete the comma in the first sentence:
# game/script.rpy:27
translate english start_66ddaa3c:
# "¡Hola, mundo!"
"Hello, world."
# game/script.rpy:29
translate english start_a170b500:
# e "Usted ha creado un nuevo juego Ren'Py."
e "You've created a new Ren'Py game."
# game/script.rpy:27
translate english start_e2a55dc6:
# "¡Hola mundo!"
"¡Hola mundo!"
Take also a look at this tutorial: lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?t=43333

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Wow, it was really helpfull man, imma start working on it today, ty so much!

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File: 8a8e676e78bd1d5⋯.png (2.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,preview1.png)

V 0.3






-Completely new art for all characters, (now they have better shadows and lineart, also we tried to make them sexier and we improved the faces and expressions)

-Merged languajes, now you can select if you want to play in english or spanish at any time

-Fixed translation and typo check


A bug that made some angel images stay even when the event was over

A loop created at the beggining of game

Some texts were missing, now they are not

A lot of little bugs that don´t have to be mentioned

So… we took our time but we finally did it, we finish the new demo and now we think we are ready to keep working on the story, hopefully now we can deliver sooner the next patch with more content so you guys can play more.

We re did de art and merge languajes, also checked the typos of the game. This were our more comented problems with first demo and we tried to fix it now and we did it in 3 months… it seems like a lot of time, we know, but hey! we think its much better now.

Any way, we know it can be improved so any suggestions will be considered, we are not afraid to change some things of the art if it is not good, but now we will make little changes at the time while we keep with the story. We would like to ask for the help of everyone who likes the game, to share and support us so we can do more work faster.

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File: 35832ea62d85e4f⋯.pdf (39.13 KB,diff.pdf)


I've only started the demo, I can't judge it yet. But my first impression is that the game would look much better with a bit of effort. Things to fix, imo:

1: the English version has some typos, see the attached file (btw, great job at merging languages!)

2. characters are too small. When I saw Aaron, I wondered if he was a dwarf

3. the few backgrounds I've seen are mostly blue-grey, tbh they are depressing. I'd give them more colors and shadows

4.the game needs also some ambient music. Many devs get royalty-free music from here:



5. both when I unzip the demo and when I start the game, I read "1.0" (which is usually reserved to finished games) instead of 0.3

6. Alicia, in the English version, is called: Alicia, Alice, Alicie

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Art better, please.

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Sure thing, m8, we will check the typos and make character images bigger, as for the backgrounds we just left the drafts and we plan to add more detail and colour in the comming versions of game, since characters were more important. I will check the music, that is something really usefull. Also… i screwd with the versions thing, i will check it out and change it. ty for the advices and hope you could enjoy the game more than the first version.

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Sure, we will improve the art as we advance (we think we did from the last version to this one) and we will add animations, but any suggestion about what to change is wellcome. Also, if any of you could support us would be great so we can hire more artist and codders

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File: 94b1f440ddb9383⋯.png (2.14 MB,1920x1080,16:9,prueba.png)

Hey, guys, being a while, like a month or so… we are half way throu for next patch and we wanted to ask for some feed back about how things are going, we are making changes you have pointed out and we want to consult you before doing more work, anyway, here are some images, let us know if you like it or not, or what to change about it

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File: 40321d6fff2fcf9⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,1920x1080,16:9,01.jpg)

a little about the backgrounds

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File: 6420aba972d74cc⋯.png (950.55 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Comparison aarons life.png)

and about the characters

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Nice Art. Do you have a Patreon ?

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Yeah, man,


You can check the news there, is a free game, we are working on next update in wich we will add this art, for now it is slightly different

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File: e88f6452c92db30⋯.png (164.36 KB,960x540,16:9,01.png)


This background is way better, I really like it.

To be picky, some pieces of furniture look flat, they don't have any depth (ignore the low-quality compression). Also, there are no shadows on the ground (e.g.under the desk or the chair).

The sex scene looks weird to me, but I cannot say why (maybe it's the eye direction). I'm not sure about her left boob, it looks detached from the body; her left eyebrow is too straight; the dick is… bad.

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Ty man, we will check out the sex scene and not all our backgrounds have colour yet, but we will add it as soon as we can, its great that you guys are liking it more :D, also the girls now have better shadows, line art and the sprites are bigger

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All but 2 and 3 look worse after V .01

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sorry to hear that, m8, we have been told it is better, we hope we can fix what is wrong soon, but it will take us some time, we try to improve tho, thanks for the comment m8

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>making me feel bad by replying so nicely


Faggotry aside The art is probably best in .03 the shading looks bad in ,04, clothing design is best in .01 imo (besides the angel wings) though the second girl from the left has a great outfit in all versions. Tits look best in .01 besides the naked two, and personally i don't really like the anime style tit pockets in the shirts. I like the more realistic shirt fits in .01 but that's just my option.

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I played and i liked the game , a suggestion i would really like to see the girls fighting for wanting to Be the mc girlfriend and they getting jealous based on what girl you had more progression

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File: 9be2d5ca77c2cf0⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,1920x1080,16:9,02-3.jpg)

V 0.08.a








New shadows, proportions and lineart for all characters.

Bigger sprites.

3 new backgrounds.

Added colour to 7 backgrounds (out of 19).


Added 10 events with over 20 scenes (6 of Karen, 1 of Sophie, 1 succubus, 1 Asian girl on the subway).

New store and inventory system.

Now you can instal Apk.

The game is now checked by 3 guys who actually teaches English (lol).


Now you can follow the subway path and the school one even if you don´t trigger it in the first 3 days.

A bug that changed the face of Sophie.

A bug that made character faces go wild.

A bug that made the first day to repeat for ever (4th day always makes you continue the story).

A bug that made Aaron´s arm jump from broken to normal.

A bug that got you stuck in the house after spanking Karen.

A list of minor bugs and typos.

Some texts didn´t appear in the English version, now they do.

Now the name is correct. Last version had several names over different places, it was called v0.3 but it was 0.03. Anyway, this is 0.08.a or 0.08.3 (android makes you call it in numbers).

So…. this is it, we got a new version of game. We still don´t get any music but we will soon. As for the feedback (good or bad) is allways wellcome. This is the first page where we launch the game, and we know we had a rough start but we will not give up until you guys enjoy our games!

You can check more news about the game on patreon.com/badcatestudio

Help us get a better game, share if you can, this is a free and public release :D

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>we will do better as we see what our internet squad wants

Loli options.

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We really didn´t think about doing that, specially since we are trying to avoud patreon censorchip and the non legal stuff, but we will soon make polls on patreon to ask those kind of stuff (we will try to make them public so everyone gets to vote)

As for the censorship…. we know the incest is really taboo on that and we might get baned, if so we have a plan but for now we are taking only that risk

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File: 1d22acc0bcff448⋯.png (2.16 MB,1913x1078,1913:1078,loli.png)


Seconding the loli suggestion. Also incest wouldn't hurt.

As to avoid getting banned from patreon, some developers have made it so that there's only a 'demo version' available on patreon and then a patch or full version of the game is hosted elsewhere which contains all the potentially forbidden content.

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In fact, you don't even need to call it a 'demo version' – just call it a full version and make the "unofficial patch" available somewhere outside of Patreon (like here).

Even better would be to call it a fanmod and claim you're not responsible for whatever extra content is made by fanbase, that way there'll be no problem even if they decide to investigate for whatever reason.

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Ok, thats really helpfull, we will work on the patreon page to avoid censorship, ty! As for the fetiches… we are making a poll right now to know the future of the game. You guys can check the patreon to vote, is open for all, not only patrons. Also if you are interested in the game you guys can follow us there to particiáte in the polls. We don´t want to be spamming here but we really want to know the opinion of the players

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Hey, guys, patch here







New main menu screen


No more energy system

Alice texts fixed

Inventory screen now displays voyeur kit

Energy drink is now gone

Some typos and hidden text

English languaje now don´t contain spanish texts

Karen is not longer displaying guilty text over aaron´s arm when alice was the one causing it

Android link down

Firts shool day fixed, no longer loop (If the problem persist, try to delete saves, if it goes anyway please email us at badcate.studio@gmail.com with a little description and we will glady loot into it)

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This game is completely bugged.

1. When Aaron wakes up, options are "get up normally" or "stay home today".

2.Clicking any of the two result in the Aaron staying in his room.

3. If I then click on anything at all he is "too tired" and goes straight to bed.

4. Go back to 1.

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Wow, we made a huge mistake with last patch, we fixed it now and test it, it should be fine now, sorry for inconvinients:





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>we will make polls to know what the mayority wants

If you make polls to determine what "the majority" wants, your game will be shit. Make the game YOU want to make, and hope that it will attracts those like-minded. Don't pander to retards who don't really know and don't really care what they want.

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Ty for the advice, man, we will think about it, truth is we like listening to the players, thats why we have changed the art and made corrections, nevertheless we understand your point, we will try to keep the initial spirit!

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File: d9a287b47381189⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1920x1080,16:9,4.jpg)

Hey, guys, we had to make earlier release for patrons in order to get the support we need to keep developing the game. If you like it pls support us. Public one will be released in october 26th.


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Changelog v 0.1


- 2 new background with color

- 1 Old background with color

- We added a fapping option at the bed by night, you can trigger some events by that mean.

- Now you can only spy Sophie between 3 pm and 7 pm

- Rebeca´s love and lust now have impact on the game

- Tons of new Rebeca interactions and small talks (At least 20 small events that influence Rebeca´s Lust and love (half of them with multiple choices that define your relationship))

- New ways of earning money

- New store items

- New “girl´s stats” screen that show you your progress with each girl (There is a limit for each stat at 25 for now and until new evets are presented)

- 1 New Rebeca sex option with art

- 1 Karen and Rebeca Scene with art

- 1 Rebeca solo scene with art

- 1 Fap in front of Rebeca option with Art

- Now you can buy gifts to Rebeca to make her love you more or make her happy

- Now you can spy on Sophie by clicking in the window instead of the door


- Skipping school now gives you -2 on Rebeca´s love

- Clicking in the inventory button no longer display objects you don´t have

- Now when you buy a voyeur´s kit or the thief’s tools they disappear on the store (This was made for avoiding you buy it twice by mistake)

- Buying voyeur´s kit now shows the correct text and image in the inventory

- Do homework now makes the clock advance 4 hrs instead of not advancing or advancing just 2 (This is to maintain a balance, if it feels too excessive, let us know)

- The “Wait for” option in the bed menu now makes the clock advance instead of doing nothing

- End of spying out of the window now doesn´t trigger the store, instead it sends you to Aarons room.

- Now you don`t get called out for not introducing yourself even when you did (We think we fix it, if you keep having the problem, let us know)

-Some angel and succubus sprites no longer get in front of text

- Succubus conversation now has a background and is no longer only black

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if you're gonna make a poll

i can assure you 95% of the votes are gonna be "plz add incest plz i need it it would make a great addition plz"

i'll tell you the same as >>57070

Do the shit you want, if it's good, peoples will follow anyway

then you'll get actual fans who'll follow you because they like your content, and not faggots who gets angry when didn't add their favorite fetish in the game

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we think you guys are right. For now we just make polls to know wich story you want to continue, but we have a rout planned for each girl. Since each one is independent from the other, we have no problem there

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hey, guys, +$1 patron release (0.1.5b) here:


Latest public release here:

V 0.1b





Changelog v 0.1


- 2 new background with color

- 1 Old background with color

- We added a fapping option at the bed by night, you can trigger some events by that mean.

- Now you can only spy Sophie between 3 pm and 7 pm

- Rebeca´s love and lust now have impact on the game

- Tons of new Rebeca interactions and small talks (At least 20 small events that influence Rebeca´s Lust and love (half of them with multiple choices that define your relationship))

- New ways of earning money

- New store items

- New “girl´s stats” screen that show you your progress with each girl (There is a limit for each stat at 25 for now and until new evets are presented)

- 1 New Rebeca sex option with art

- 1 Karen and Rebeca Scene with art

- 1 Rebeca solo scene with art

- 1 Fap in front of Rebeca option with Art

- Now you can buy gifts to Rebeca to make her love you more or make her happy

- Now you can spy on Sophie by clicking in the window instead of the door


- Skipping school now gives you -2 on Rebeca´s love

- Clicking in the inventory button no longer display objects you don´t have

- Now when you buy a voyeur´s kit or the thief’s tools they disappear on the store (This was made for avoiding you buy it twice by mistake)

- Buying voyeur´s kit now shows the correct text and image in the inventory

- Do homework now makes the clock advance 4 hrs instead of not advancing or advancing just 2 (This is to maintain a balance, if it feels too excessive, let us know)

- The “Wait for” option in the bed menu now makes the clock advance instead of doing nothing

- End of spying out of the window now doesn´t trigger the store, instead it sends you to Aarons room.

- Now you don`t get called out for not introducing yourself even when you did (We think we fix it, if you keep having the problem, let us know)

-Some angel and succubus sprites no longer get in front of text

- Succubus conversation now has a background and is no longer only black

-All the items in the store are now showed as text. Some of them were missing in the translation folder

- Rebecca´s love now adds as much as the game says it does. (Not going to school takes 2 out of it, we are triying to balance it, to make her love you you can do laundry, talk to her or work for her in the kitchen, if it still feels like excesive work, let us know)

- Now you can´t spam “do homework” after you get cought by the guard. We fixed the code, now it should send you to sleep if it´s over 24 hrs.

- Now you can access to the store form the computer at any time (There was a bug where it sometimes didn´t showed up)

- Some actions made you to sleep after 24 hrs without resetting stats like work for Rebecca or making the day advance etc.

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File: 31e210290f0f15e⋯.jpg (157.63 KB,1280x720,16:9,171308bf-e64f-4055-b311-39….jpg)



-A mispelling error in the code that made the game crash when you talked to Rebecca

-Now you have to trigger the sex talk event with Rebecca instead of just talking to her

-You can access the store any time now

-When spying Rebecca having sex now you have to reach INT 75 to access the special option


-There might be a bug that makes some store items disappear after some time, but we are still looking into it since we need more info. If you have this problem please tell us

-Some old saves could not work with this patch since we changed some values in the code.

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File: 4c30bcdf201f38b⋯.jpg (29.43 KB,620x400,31:20,4c30bcdf201f38bf1f515b14ea….jpg)


>having a gf

fucking normalfag do you even N E E T ?

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Bump. Wonder what happened with the devs.

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They broke up, maybe. Their latest post was in December.

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