[–]▶ No.106635>>106638 >>106710 >>107144 >>107645 >>110765 >>135500 >>245254 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
This game is basically Left 4 Dead with sex and monster rape,if you want more info here's the links to the game's pages.
Here you can find the game's trailers.
Here's the game's website.
Here's the developer's Enty page.
Here's the developer's Patreon page.
https://www.LINK REMOVED/teamkrama
▶ No.106638>>106650
>>106635 (OP)
could be promising
▶ No.106650>>106743
No anon, they never are
▶ No.106653>>106656
>trying to link patreon
>no download link
OP is a faggot piece of shit
Torrent Link:
▶ No.106656
▶ No.106672
Yeah, "Patreon" and "promising" are hardly words I'd ever use together unless I'm just completely bull-shitting. The sad thing is I'm not bull-shitting now.
▶ No.106697
▶ No.106710>>129784
>>106635 (OP)
>Personally even remotely promising or even the slightest chance of being promising.
▶ No.106743>>106745
I think he means promising as in they are making promises.
▶ No.106745
▶ No.106750
actually fairly decent. #
Only issue this far is that fucking the girls to revive them takes far too long to be practical when under swarm, and some animations loop leaving you helpless (like getting up after fucking someone, or reloading your gun)
▶ No.106784>>106922
It, like any game, has potential to be a nice hgame, I understand why people are hating on it for being Patreon, though.
I was messing around with the game, the spread on guns gets pretty bad and the skip button triggers the entity/pawn spawns of the NPCs and the player, so if you can glitch the skip button menu you can get double spawns of everything (companions, zombies, guns, ammo, and yourself.)
Anyone know of any debug commands or anything?
▶ No.106875>>106959
>random unrelated comment
Are you lost?
▶ No.106880
>Rape of the Dead
>you don't get to rape the dead
▶ No.106922>>108103
how does this happen
▶ No.106959
It's a bot. Report that shit.
▶ No.107026>>107034 >>107706
How the hell do I revive/fuck my teammates? is my timing off when I press the spacebar?
▶ No.107034>>107125
click not space. Space cancels it.
▶ No.107083>>107127
Just finished the demo and it feels like everything in the game was designed to be as frustrating and as broken as possible.
All of the weapons except the pistols and shotgun are awful, healing teammates takes far too long than it should, and it feels like it was made with taped together unity assets.
▶ No.107125>>107160
this changes everything
▶ No.107127
Gotta agree with this, hopefully that'll all get fixed, but you know with these things it probably won't.
▶ No.107144>>107217
>>106635 (OP)
I assume there's no male human protagonist vs not at all rotten yet mindlessly slutty, cute zombie girls? Because I'd need that to be really interested.
▶ No.107160
The timing is still completely borked. Input lag, maybe?
▶ No.107215
I've never played a game before where I can shove my gun directly against someone's forehead and have the shot miss because of a 180 degree bullet spread. This is complete insanity and I have no idea why they've done this, guns don't usually fire bullets sideways.
▶ No.107217
The protagonist is male, but the zombies are male also. The idea is that you grab your teammates and fuck them periodically to restore their health. If they fall, then the zombies can rape them also, so you have to get in there and rape them quick to get them back in the action.
▶ No.107277
Well shit the gunplay is horrible, sex is badly integrated into the game…
I see potential but I doubt they will reach it.
I mean, you can't really stop and watch the girls get raped during a wave unless they are the last enemies in a wave. Pointless.
You can't have sex to revive because animations lock you in, again meaning you have to wait till the end of the wave.
Gunplay feels like shit. No weight, and zombies have poor death animation so until you memorize how many shots it takes, you waste ammo shooting at them.
I applaud the attempt but I just don't see it being either a good game, or h game.
▶ No.107280>>107286
In op's images their seems to be an animation player. Does anybody know how to get to it?
▶ No.107286>>107295
Beat the demo it's pretty easy.
▶ No.107290
I really like the mechanic of having sex to heal/revive/buff your party.
▶ No.107293>>107315 >>107348
anyone got a cheat or aimbot for this?
▶ No.107295>>107348
I cant. My computer runs this game like shit and lags when ten or more zombies appear. If someone is feeling kind then a full save would be nice
▶ No.107315
>when it's so bad you need an aimbot
>when even with the aimbot it's still shit because the bullets don't go where they're aimed at
▶ No.107348>>107418
>If someone is feeling kind then a full save would be nice
Seconding this.
In the memory, the number of bullets in your magazine is not encrypted, so you can do a simple number search on cheat engine to get the number of bullets (i.e. 26 bullets left on the magazine, cheat engine -> exact value -> 26).
It makes the rifles good, not that it matters much. I couldn't even get past the first stage.
I tried searching for the life value, but it appears to be encrypted to hell and back.
▶ No.107418>>107611
Try grenades.
Pick one up, search for 1, pick up another, ect.
By the time you've picked up all three that you can start with (and maybe used one) you should have found the right value. Then just edit it to five and lock it.
Even infinite grenades doesn't guarantee victory though, because you can get caught in animation loops.
Trying to fuck/heal your teammates seems to be a trap that almost always results in game-over.
▶ No.107611
grenade spam worked for me, only sex scene is with the red head after you clear that level. After that, thats all there is in the demo ver.
▶ No.107645>>107650
>>106635 (OP)
I feel like this game would be so much better with female protags instead of male protags
▶ No.107648>>107659
How to throw the grenades?
▶ No.107650
▶ No.107659>>107660
G to throw nades, F to fuck team mates, numbers are to switch between weapons.
Cheat Engine will make the game easier with a bottomless magazine and 5000 grenades.
▶ No.107660
I already cleared the level without the nades. But thanks, anon.
▶ No.107706
Left click instead
▶ No.107724
So I downloaded and unpacked the 32bit version and it went on and told me that the .exe isn't a valid 32bit application…? What???
▶ No.107755>>107774
any other lewd game featuring zombie that isn't parasite in city?
▶ No.107774>>107795 >>108219 >>113831
Went full retard and paid for their patreon. The current ver has it so there's downtime in between areas and is not in a city.
Its in cavern area now.
▶ No.107795>>107796
▶ No.107796>>107901 >>108090 >>108219
This is 32-bit only but it may change your opinion on the game a bit.
>like you even read the text above…
▶ No.107901>>107954
Am I supposed to do something to get this to work. Or just the normal download and unpack (on the desktop) Because it keeps giving me the (Is not a valid win32 application) Error.
▶ No.107910>>108000
Can someone upload it to mega?
Google drive is being a cunt to me at the moment.
▶ No.107954
What OS are you running?
Did you try compatibility mode?
Is your comp updated?
Have you tried redownloading it?
Or should I try putting the zip onto mega?
▶ No.108000
Disregard this, working now.
▶ No.108090
Can't seem to get to the title.
ON the other hand, you can rail the blonde now, and having the opportunity to sex-charge your harem is nice.
Also guns seem a lot more accurate this time around, although not so much so that they aren't always beaten by the shotgun.
▶ No.108103
▶ No.108189
I'll give it a little while to get polished before I pass real judgment on it. Might be cool.
▶ No.108219
Is this supposed to be Caverns only? I can't access the title screen even after clearing it.
▶ No.108999>>109207
>Lose and get raped
Kinda tired of this
▶ No.109207>>109833
>win and get raped
That's even more nonsensical.
▶ No.109782>>109786
I've tried it. Couldn't get that girl to open the door, I'd always die before the round ends. Does anything happen afterwards?
▶ No.109786
The redhead gives you a blowjob and then you fuck her missionary in that interactive movie scene you see in the fourth picture of the OP, then you get sent back to the title screen. That's it.
▶ No.109833
Lose and get raped, win and do the raping. Such a simple and elegant concept yet the only game that comes to mind that does this is Raidy.
▶ No.110708
is anything supposed to happen after the room where you save the blonde loli girl? No new room is being unlocked
▶ No.110765>>110891 >>110959 >>110991
>>106635 (OP)
One third of the quality of Left 4 Dead with triple the system requirements.
▶ No.110891
^this, can't even play the game
wish devs would care more about low-end systems when they pick their shitty game engines
▶ No.110959>>114856
I fucking hate Unity but still always fall for the trap and try to play games on it.
Unity is the RPGMaker of 3D modeling/games though. It's pleb-tier and easy to learn, so everyone ends up using it.
▶ No.110991
One third? You think THIS game is ONE THIRD as good as Left 4 Dead?
You are clearly a very kind and generous soul.
▶ No.113635>>113746
Apparently the full game is out for Patreon payers. Anyone mind sharing?
▶ No.113746>>113884
I'm sorry anon, but you need to cough up ¥1500.
▶ No.113831
▶ No.113884>>113923
I'd consider it, but I'm a shit with computers (apparently not as much as some anons on this, holy shit are some of you underageb&) so I'd probably fuck up the files while trying to upload them.
▶ No.113923
all you have to do is put shit in a zip file and upload it to mega or drive and get a link you can use to share
even if you fuck it up it's not like anyone's going to lose anything
▶ No.114231>>115100
▶ No.114856
Well, I don't really care if the 3d lewds are decent, and in this one they are.
I do wish the guns didn't shoot like windex spray bottles though.
▶ No.115100>>115500
Dev team found out about "overseas forums" offering the game for free. They're probably going to tighten up on how the game is downloaded from now on.
▶ No.115500
>Implying that will change anything
It will leak one way or another
▶ No.115506
in fact if anyone is willing to deal with baidu
▶ No.115515
▶ No.115541
Can somebody do a rip or a video or something?
This game is buggy as hell and keeps crashing for me.
▶ No.115544
Holy shit what the fuck somebody did make a game that isn't just pics fucking over eachother???
▶ No.115758>>115999
someone deleted it
▶ No.116442
>no new enemies since the demo
>hardly any animations
>only 2 game overs per girl
>only 2 PC fucks per girl
>no gallery
>no bosses
I mean at least they released it but come on.
▶ No.120759
game is now oficially out
▶ No.121291
▶ No.121490>>121515
Holy crap, it's practically unplayable on my machine that ran Left4Dead just fine, while looking much worse. Fucking unoptimized engine. I'm unhappy now.
▶ No.121515>>121606
3d h-games tend to abuse shaders and stuff to hide the fact that the models and animations are shit.
The game is not really sub-optimized, it's just really taxing on your system.
Fyi, modern games do the same thing. It's just cheaper to use fancy effects than to make things look good naturally.
▶ No.121606
It runs ok for me but the gunplay is terrible. The h does not merge well with the gameplay either.
▶ No.121676>>121678 >>121705 >>129813 >>129899
i just finished the game. hard difficulty is just insane! i had to play on normal or easy just to get past the last waves at the later levels.
i recommend using pistols at easy waves, and saving up your high caliber weapon ammo for the tougher enemies.
for those complaining about gunplay, try using right click aim sight to increase your accuracy, and always try to aim for the head as it deals more damage.
BTW does anyone know the story at the part where you have you defend the 3 girls while they sit on mechanical dildos? why do they have to do that?
▶ No.121678
The gallery is unlocked when you finish the game, so there is no need to let your girls die.
starting the level over is a huge pain.
▶ No.121705
According to the patreon an english version is coming at the end of the month.
▶ No.122830
▶ No.129784
Patreon has a couple of good promisers, like Enlit3D
▶ No.129813>>129817
How many waves are there? I got through 90% of wave 4 before lack of grenades + lack of ammo got the araaratits killed.
The issue isn't the difficulty for me (game is straightforward and you just gotta aim correctly/not let up even when you think you have a breather since 30 zeds are right around the corner), it's the ridiculous amount of lag and ram usage even when I have graphics turned all the way down. If the game would stop lagging for five seconds/I could get a frame rate that doesn't drop to nothing, I could kill the 30+ enemies on-screen with relative ease and fuck without getting "bad" half the time, or taking 10 minutes to reload due to lag. Personally I'm a fan of headshotting with the baseball bat or collecting 'em in a mob and handgunning their faces. The rifles are too inaccurate even when aiming and firing in small bursts, and I haven't had an opportunity to make good use of the AP handgun.
It's fun, I just need a better computer to run it apparently.
▶ No.129817
▶ No.129899>>130058
Gonna have to wait for the english release to figure that one out but im gonna assume that its some stupid plot point for the sake of porn where its like, they have to power some sort of machine with their orgasms and it repels zombies or some junk like that once its up and running.
Also yes, thats pretty much the best strategy right there. Your best bet is with the two auto rifles and only use them on like the worms and let the girls take care of most of the trash mobs, fucking when needed to heal
▶ No.130058>>130060
>Gonna have to wait for the english release to figure that one out but im gonna assume that its some stupid plot point for the sake of porn where its like, they have to power some sort of machine with their orgasms and it repels zombies or some junk like that once its up and running.
That's what I guessed. They were removed from the kill scene section so I'm guessing that was a bug. Haven't gotten to that point in the game yet (Just got to the mob wave #2 at the end of act 2/beginning of act 3?). 2nd Scene for araratits seems to suggest this theory as well. Honestly I'm disappointing that the devs are focusing on some stupid fucking machine instead of giving the crawlers or worms their own sex scenes, but I'm sure those'll probably come down the line (in a year or two from now).
>Your best bet is with the two auto rifles and only use them on like the worms and let the girls take care of most of the trash mobs, fucking when needed to heal
>tfw girls glitch out on literally every playthrough after the first wave or two of zeds appearing
>tfw have to fight the entire horde by myself in every playthrough
This game is like extra hard difficulty and I don't even know why the AI is being even more idiotic than usual, but meh. I just wait until there's only one or two zombies left, then fuck all the girls while one of 'em's being attacked. Since the AI is broken on the girls anyways, I'm able to heal all of them while they stare at the zombie attacking them without a new wave appearing, then get back to business as if I wasn't being clawed to death while fucking.
Anyways, version 1.10 is apparently out: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5fOFtMGvnc4M3hxTHJoWEczUDg/view
- It corresponds to the game pad. Only Xbox controller, so-called Xinput is supported.
DirectInput is not supported.
· Easy difficulty level has been made even easier. This is the last time to adjust the difficulty level.
- When the animation of the hero stuck, it was fixed so that it can cancel by pressing Pause.
- The animation of SHG 12 was modified (Aim, Reload).
- Fixed the problem that Henatai Machine appeared in KillingScene in CG mode.
- Fixed the problem that the camera got caught at the FPS viewpoint in CG mode.
- Fixed a problem that ScreenResolutionScale, KillingScene On / Off was not saved.
- Fixed the problem that the character was able to operate during the cut scene of Act 5.
▶ No.130060
Also save compatibility transfers with the updates, so if you save a previous 100% save, it should transfer over to your current build since they all draw from the same local data.
▶ No.133020>>133032 >>133720
English version was released, but it's not on sukebei or AS
▶ No.133032>>133720
1.10 was released yesterday. Give it a few days for it to circulate before some fag shares it with everyone via an unsecure mega link.
▶ No.133720
>>133032 (followup)
I just got my hands on a copy. I'm uploading it to nofile as we speak. As a quick note though, it looks like Team KRAMA officially paid VAs to translate it and do English VAs for it, so there's an unfortunately high chance that this version will feature shitty localizations on par with Prison School. Unsure if you can keep the Nip voice acting with the English text, but that would be ideal more than likely if it's possible.
Will post the link when it finishes uploading.
▶ No.133739>>133751 >>134039 >>135505 >>159077 >>174298
Version 1.20 English Patch Download
Here: https://nofile.io/f/jrMdTrtcUqF/RoD_Ver1.20.zip
File's a little over 2GB. Apologies. I'm running over a landline connection so I'm unsure why it took so long… In the mean time, I screwed around with the game a little bit (no pun intended) and it looks like my worries were misplaced. The Nips suck at fucking translating their English DL sites I didn't pay for it, was just trying to find information about the "rape" mechanics since there's allegedly negative consequences even though I've never found them. So it turns out they don't have English VAs, and the English text was just from a Nip who's good at translating into English, not a native speaker (or at least I hope so from how meh this translation seems at times such as what I'm guessing was originally a Nip wordplay on cooking クッキング and lockpicking ピッキング that wasn't translated properly). This means there's a couple corny jokes like 1st pic, and a few non-localized jokes like 4th pic, but nothing major.
Plot is apparently that you're not supposed to rape fuck the girls during combat/gameplay. Allegedly the virus makes them horny and makes them want to fuck you/get pregnant, but they have antibodies so while they get horny they don't turn into zombies when bitten (or something), they just become cock-hungry when injured. It should be noted that Kirara is just a fucking slut and never got bit from what I can see so far I've heard she's a cake, and I've heard she's a loli, so I'm not sure which she's supposed to be since I refuse to classify cake lolis as a thing. Not sure if it's 4th wall breaking or an actual plot point, but having sex speeding up recovery seems to be a side effect of the virus or something. I suggest actually playing the game if you plan on using a 100% save, because the English parts won't make much sense out of context. As for the dicking machines, it was pretty corny. It looks like the plot for those were that they create some sort of vaccine for the girls, maybe to make them less horny or stop the infection or something, gotta go back and actually play to find out for sure.
Steppers and (more importantly) Crawlers still don't have rape scenes, and likely won't get them from what I've gathered. Then again, Team Krama has been pretty chill/awesome so far so I haven't lost hope yet.
>Where's uncensored version?
Why? So you can watch your dick clipping in high res instead of low res? The dick doesn't actually exist on MC in the first place from what I can tell, but this is one of the very few games where censorship actually improves the game due to shitty animations.
▶ No.133751>>134155
Thanks for the awesome post and upload anon
▶ No.134039>>134155
You're right about the translation being surprisingly good, I enjoyed the story for what it was.
They also said they're adding another stage in 1.4 version, but that probably won't be for awhile.
▶ No.134155>>134175
No problem, anon.
>They also said they're adding another stage in 1.4 version
Really? Links? Or was it posted on their pat, in which case don't post a link? I hope they introduce new enemies or give rape scenes to old ones if they're gonna do that, since I heard the last time they added a new stage they just upped the difficulty insanely. tfw only at the Hospital waves
▶ No.134175>>134184
>- Update (Version 1.3)
This update will contain another batch of bug fixes. If there are no bugs to fix, this update will be skipped.
>- Patron Limited Edition (Version 1.4) This one will add a new battle, trying to top the one in Act 7. We want to give you a solid reward if we can!
>We will proceed with this schedule if everything goes according to plan. Complications may arise in things like translation, so some things may be delayed. We're sorry about that in advance!
▶ No.134184>>134771
AKA no new rape scenes but they do seem to have actual solid, serious plan going forward, something you wouldnt expect from indie porn dev
▶ No.134771>>134795
They're japs, not to sound like a weeb but their work ethic towards videogames is usually pretty good
▶ No.134795
>What is Ilusion? Who is ILL?
They are just as shitty as everyone else
▶ No.135500>>135518
>>106635 (OP)
Where the fuck does this game store its save files
Alternatively, where would one find a 100% save of this?
▶ No.135505>>135514
>I've heard she's a cake, and I've heard she's a loli, so I'm not sure which she's supposed to be since I refuse to classify cake lolis as a thing.
What the fuck is a cake
▶ No.135514
▶ No.135518>>159077
Saves 'em in
Have a 100% save, just merge the folder (older versions, at least for now, transfer to newer versions). https://nofile.io/f/h90FctuWPHM/34668_RoD_v01.zip
▶ No.159054>>159058 >>159258
>1.3 is out
>Can't even post a link
Lazy cunt. Uploading to nofile but internet is slow right now since I'm using wifi. Will have it up in about 3ish hours hopefully.
▶ No.159058>>159059
Check Fag95
▶ No.159077>>159081 >>159099 >>159115 >>159353 >>159516 >>170515
Allegedly this is the new game version (1.4 allegedly has been released, but no one seems to know about it) that adds an NTR scene after the harem scene if you beat some extra survival level. Haven't tried it, haven't found a 100% save to test it. If you aren't committed to this game, the 1.2 English version exists ( >>133739 ) and your 100% save from version 1.1 will unlock everything ( >>135518 ).
Pass: FuckNewfags
▶ No.159081>>159101
>adds an NTR scene
▶ No.159099>>159101
>adds a ntr scene
why do japs always do this
▶ No.159101>>170515
I think it adds a four-way with the worm monster or something if you beat the bonus level at the very end. Haven't seen anything about it. To be fair, half the game is NTR gameover scenes/watching the grills get fucked by zombies.
▶ No.159115
the last 100% save works for 1.3 all you do is click select game (stage select) choose the harem scene then skip and you'll have access in the stage select to 8-1 the bonus survival.
after you beat the 10 minute survival you get a long cutscene of blue hair girl fucking the monsters first the 4-legged jumper then the big one then finally a big zombo gangbang.
It's pretty good.
▶ No.159258
Please no bully. Can I make up for it by posting webms?
▶ No.159353>>159367
>wanted to play this before I go to bed
>start it at 8 o'clock
>3 hours
>well that's cutting it close but I mean…
>download speed has dropped to 50KBps
>6 hours
Can someone upload this to a non-shitty site?
▶ No.159367
Every time I've tested nofile, it's been at the same speed as mega, it just doesn't buffer files so it's a continuous stream instead of hitting all at once after a long wait. Only thing faster really are websites where you risk getting banned for posting pirated content, and torrents.
▶ No.159516
thanks muh man you're the best
▶ No.159629
>NTR scene after harem end
aaand it's ruined
▶ No.170515
I wouldn't really consider it NTR if the NTR'r isn't capable of complex (or any) thought
…Or is dead
▶ No.174298>>174313 >>174354 >>190597
>Why? So you can watch your dick clipping in high res instead of low res? The dick doesn't actually exist on MC in the first place from what I can tell, but this is one of the very few games where censorship actually improves the game due to shitty animations.
>"I am a weaboo and actually enjoy censorship"
>"censorship improves porn, kawaii Nippon Banzai"
>The dick doesn't actually exist
You talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded. Commit sudoku, fucking weeb.
▶ No.174313>>174330
I wish I knew how people kept fucking up these MP4s so I could tell them how to stop fucking up MP4s
▶ No.174330
They use different encodings and works fine here.
The problem is in your end, maybe you should stop using IE, Firefox or other shitty browser.
Sidenote: I guess I struck a nerve at somebody or his hotpocket payment was soggy and cold.
▶ No.174354
>"fucking weeb"
>"commit sudoku"
ho the irony
▶ No.190597
That's still dick clipping, by the way. The dick looks like a shitty model that was thrown on quickly because it was never meant to be uncensored, so I stand by what I said.
▶ No.221518>>221551 >>221650 >>221820
Whatever happened to this game? Is it still alive? This thread's been silent for months now.
▶ No.221551>>221820
the animations are mediocre, the game runs like shit (unity lol), why would anyone want to post about it?
▶ No.221650
The devs are working on a new game, Ascot.
Apparently it's an open world rpg with hentai, who knows if it'll be good or not.
▶ No.221820>>221977
The game's complete, anon. There's not much more to discuss.
>The animations are mediocre
Now this I take some offense to. Yes, the animations are "mediocre" but that's only if you're using side-view. This is one of those games that gives you first-person view during sex scenes in the gallery and if you do any of the scenes in first-person, it's clear that the animator designed the scenes to be run using the first-person camera. I'm not saying the first-person scenes are god-tier, but they're far from mediocre. And don't they run on the unreal engine, not unity?
▶ No.221977
Holy shit you're right, guess the game is just poorly optimized. Granted, I only tried non-final versions so maybe the latest release is better but I doubt it. Also I still refuse to acknowledge the animations as anything other than low quality. And in a porn game where that's the main draw, that's seriously not good.
▶ No.245254
▶ No.248499>>248809
So does a English version of act 8 exist?
If not can someone gimme a summary of what happens including the 4 min H video
▶ No.248809>>248827
>glasses bitch actually likes getting dicked by zombies
Summary done, you're welcome anon.
▶ No.248827
But I want to know why glasses bitch gets dicked by zombies anon
Is it a societal commentary of how best girl gets fucked by life being forced to care for a spoiled brat, a basic bitch and a neet? Are the zombies a metaphor for pressure exerted by those around us in our darkest hour? Is this a thought conjured by the player character as his body lies mangled and soaked in piss on the sidewalk, struggling to reload one final bullet to end it all with his cheese encrusted hand, made all the more difficult with muscle atrophy from all the lack of anytime resembling effort from his time in his basement? And all the events that occoured beforehand only a figment of his imagination, reflecting his most wanted desires, the want to be a valiant hero and that of moral degeneration of the opposite sex by forcing them to copulate with something clearly subhuman? Or was this all merely just poorly thought out porn scenes hamstrung together to con Nipponjin out of their shekels like the fat, shit taste cows they are?
▶ No.248891>>248919
▶ No.248919
▶ No.286019