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/hentaiporn/ - Hentai & Cartoon Porn

Any Kind of Hentai or Cartoon Porn

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File: 4ae2262deb91e04⋯.webm (11.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,sakuyaEXHD.1080p.VP9.710k.webm)


Thread for animations by Namamo Nanase. Links to original source files available at the author's blog, http://www.kaitsushin.com/blog/

The zip files are passworded. Here is a list of passwords for currently available archives in roughly chronological order:

1493, nyaa, kaitsushin, paradise, mikkago, inaka, umitsushin, namamo2015, umitsushin2016, namamo2017mmd, nanase2017pmd

When new archives with new passwords become available, please use John the Ripper to obtain them and post them here.

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File: b88f6b833dbef11⋯.webm (11.37 MB,1400x1400,1:1,kotoriHD.VP9.610k.webm)

And btw, the source files have a bitrate of 10+mbps and are often hundreds of megabytes in size. Combined they are over 30 gigs. So make sure you have the space if you intend to collect'em all.

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There's a few posts hidden under the not_top category.


Replace #### with numbers below

2499 - Junko, Marisa, Tenshi - archive pw should be namamo2015, btw the links for Marisa and Tenshi are black / look like regular text

2592 - Aoba - no pw needed

2594 - Gabriel - no pw needed

2596 - nothing yet

The other hidden posts require the passwords from the circle's periodic/event newsletters. Post them if you've got them.

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File: 7300584e2697ae1⋯.webm (11.81 MB,1024x1080,128:135,reimu2HD.1080p.VP9.550k.webm)


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File: 984ca63723d0b66⋯.webm (11.52 MB,1200x1920,5:8,franHD.VP9.1100k.webm)

Here's a recent one featuring Flandre.

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File: b012ff4bbf96747⋯.webm (11.99 MB,1280x800,8:5,mokotanHD.800p.VP9.475k.webm)

Fujiwara no Mokou.

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File: 45333a3b9caf2ab⋯.webm (11.89 MB,1920x1500,32:25,reimuHD.VP9.1180k.tilec3.webm)

A shorter variation of the Reimu animation.

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File: c9382e3067e1a7a⋯.webm (11.82 MB,1482x1080,247:180,mokotanHDv2.1080p.VP9.102….webm)

A newer Fujiwara no Mokou animation.

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File: aebc86a1720b48d⋯.webm (11.87 MB,1426x1080,713:540,suwakoHD.1080p.VP9.654k.c….webm)

Suwako animation.

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File: e04bd47fcedf02c⋯.webm (11.97 MB,1200x1920,5:8,cirnoHD.VP9.1000k.webm)

Cirno animation.

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File: dc6c905e9eb186e⋯.webm (11.8 MB,1520x1940,76:97,suikaHD.VP9.1580k.webm)

Suika DP

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File: 968e16ec422bf1e⋯.webm (11.89 MB,1068x1280,267:320,satoriEXHD.1280p.VP9.680k.webm)


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File: 3dbcaba72ec6a34⋯.webm (12 MB,1430x1080,143:108,satoriHD.1080p.VP9.473k.webm)

Older Satori animation.

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File: 2aeac2437615eaa⋯.webm (11.89 MB,1400x1920,35:48,taigeiHD.VP9.1030k.webm)

Taigei (Kantai Collection)

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File: d383c868ece3ecf⋯.webm (11.96 MB,1200x1920,5:8,remiliaHD.1000k.webm)


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File: a54af6e6cfcf5cd⋯.webm (11.96 MB,1080x1920,9:16,remi.1780k.webm)

Older Remilia animation.

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File: ed5a455572c85ae⋯.webm (11.99 MB,1200x1920,5:8,alice-sHD.VP9.1000k.webm)

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File: 248c8fd7fb7d15e⋯.webm (11.92 MB,1920x1400,48:35,yuyuco.VP9.990k.webm)


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The thumbnails in this thread have been fucked since the hack. Anyone know how to get them fixed?

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The new animations from C92 are now locked behind a webpage. Can't download the zips anymore. Looks like the password entry has unlimited attempts, is there a way to brute force an online password entry?

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