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/hentaiporn/ - Hentai & Cartoon Porn

Any Kind of Hentai or Cartoon Porn

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 No.16002 [View All]

Rules and guidelines: http://8ch.net/hentaiporn/rules.html (DOWN! SEE BELOW FOR FULL COPY!)

If you post in this community, you must abide by the following Rules and Guidelines. If you do not abide, restrictions on your ability to post may occur.

## Rules

These rules are actively enforced, and violations will result in bans, the length of which is found in Guidelines.

0. All rules described henceforth on this page are to be taken at the Board Owners/Board Volunteers interpretation. If you disagree with one of the decisions made by the BO or BVs, you can appeal your ban.

1. [Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America and do not create boards with the sole purpose of posting or spreading such content.](http://8ch.net/faq.html#are-there-any-global-rules-regarding-content)

2. Don't be a dick.

3. The policy within regards to loli content:

- We do NOT allow any threads specifically advertising Lolicon/Shotacon.

4. If you are banned, a reason will be given. If you disagree with the reason, you may appeal the ban.

5. All posted content must be available for Free as in free beer. We do NOT allow any form of paygating content. Leakers may request funding, but may not hold the reward for such funding hostage to those that donated.

6. Do Not Post links to scams.

7. Do Not spam the board.

8. Do Not Import or Export drama.


10. Keep files relevant to the thread at hand.

11. Don't rules lawyer. The BO get final say.

12. Do not feed the trolls. Report and move on. Same goes for obvious spam bots.

13. Do not flamebait/bait trolls.

14. This isn't the place to bash someone for their waifu of choice. This includes both posters and artists. Take that shit to something like /a/, /d/ or any other anime imageboard.

These rules can be expanded at any point in time.

Finally there's this rule:

34. If it exists, there is porn of it. If not, get drawing.

## Guidelines

1. Do not beg for leaks too often.

2. If it serves useful to a poster, a poster may identify themselves using a 'tripcode' to prevent imitation. A tripcode can be done by putting a single # in the name field and typing a word behind it (e.g. #secretary). When posted, the content behind the hashtag will be converted into a unique code (e.g. #secretary becomes !12a3). Tripcodes are dependent on the secure salt of 8chan and will change if the salt is changed (note: Salt gets changed every few weeks).


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Exactly! As of now i will just ignore the trolls.

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I hope the man who is fucking hinata is sasuke

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get a fucking life, reject

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Ok i think i understand. Ok if some people hate some charaters but why reply? why reply by posting gore? why the thread accept gore pic? and why there is no rules who ban gore?

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this board needs more mods

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You don't even need that, as the board isn't big enough. You just need a periodic, frequent check to clean up and that's it. Note that the keyword is "frequent".

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Exactly, the problems are really obvious if you actually check the threads but nothing is being done

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because hinataards are willing to spam disgusting pics in retaliation

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It's ironic because this is exactly the things you all do. You spam, troll and spit insults everytime you see a character you dislike. You are the real ones to blame for screwing up threads.

You are just a bunch of immature kids who smoke too much weeds on 4-2-0chan.

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says the entitled kid

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You guys are acting like 2-year-olds. If this hate against this character, then you shouldn't be here in the first place. No offense, but you guys are really acting like idiots on here just because you hate a character. Sure, I never seen Naruto, but this is taking too far. You people really need to shut the fuck up and learn how to act like adults. This is a NSFW board and we should respect people's work, including art they did. If you don't like it, then GTFO. Problem solved.

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I have the RearDeliveries siterip that was released on MU if you'd like to sticky it on the RD thread that was made not too long ago.


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Hinatards? What's that? I think i'm too old to understand… Well i'll keep report any gore post or other stuff who disrespect the artist. Thanks to answer me. i hope these guys never go in a museum and trash every works of art.

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so, it seems that plus4chan is closing. does this place allow the same stuff as pco? I can't find some popular threads, like with Wakfu porn for example.

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who knows how long we will be without moderation while the shitposters continue to shit up threads

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is there gonna be ANY moderation?

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Please read my previous comment. Thank you.

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I didn't get much of a answer from another thread I posted in, but I am legitimately curious. Where do most of the people who post in this board even come from? The posting style of a lot people here is very uncharacteristic of 4chan and 8ch anons. No matter how autistic people may be on 8ch, I have never seen people throw such massive shitfits about porn of all things.So what shithole did you all come from? Reddit? Tumblr?

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420chan. There was an exodus a while ago.

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^This. We came from 420chan after they started blacklisting stuff instead of moving to a different host. That was years ago. Don't know how the porn boards over there are doing since then.

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quit reposting, autistic child

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well rip thid board. no moderation in at least 3 months and the crying trolls shitting up and ruining threads

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fuck off hinafaag

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it is clear we need more than one mod since current one has been off for 3 months

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3 months?

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no wonder.

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Hi, so if i understand well. A moderator is a person who take care of this site? And actually, nobody want to do that? This too bad.

Actually there is no other solution to avoid this hell (for example, the HentaiTNA/NarutoBomb thread).

Sadly, anyone can recommend me a another site similiar to 420chan and 8chan?

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it's more civilised here

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Well, now we have to move and create a new PalComix thread because of spammers with hateboners for Hitana. Thanks you raging, spamming fucks. Shut up already. Now almost half of that entire thread is you bitching about somebody spamming Hitana pictures when you’re bitching comments are more prelevant and spammy than the person spamming pictures of one character.

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The mod has not been here so if you wanna make the thread, just make it

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I made a new thread >>27803! Happy fapping!

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thank you

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…some guy already started baiting

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Does anyone know how to report this dude? I know I'm used to this site, but this is going too far.

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tbh I have no clue

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And now he's invading other threads. Oh joy.

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should just abandon the board since these raging butthurt kids won't stop.

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This anymous and zozo should be banned:one for posting not related images on Palcomix/Yuri Heaven/Slavetoon and zozo for spamming

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I agree.

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Looks like the staff's finally doing something. Yay!

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About time something's being done about this. But at this point, this is breaking out the fire extinguisher long after the house has burned down.

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I am the former Board Owner of this board, /hentaiporn/ .

Former, as I have no intent to moderate this board any longer. Reason being two fold:

1. I lost the motivation to keep doing it. Moderation is quite frankly a thankless job, and I don't enjoy doing it. The only reason I took up the board was because the PPL thread was getting spammed with pedopandering spambots, and I removed those. After that I received numerous complaints about the Hinata complaint issue, and I decided to try and fight that. That was up until about 5 months ago, where I on accident nuked the entire thread for one of these drama battlegrounds. This particular incident has severly demotivated me from moderating this board again.

2. The Hinata drama. You have no clue how bad it is, or at least how much mod work I had to put in getting rid of this. The moderation queue could fill up with like… 30 items a day before I gave up on it? So if something irl came up, I was basically then forced with an enormous backlog of moderation duties. I tried solliciting for more moderators/BVs in the meta thread, but this received barely any response.

Therefore, consider this my formal resignation letter. The board is open for claims on 8chan's claiming system. Feel free to claim it. I highly recommend you to use a cock.li or a protonmail account in case 8chan gets hijacked again and your IPs/emails are tossed out there.

Consider this a form of goodbye. I will still from time to time post on the board as an anonymous user, but this was all you've seen from the Black Queen.

See ya on the bright side of life!

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don't blame you for quitting. thanks for the modding you did do

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Thank you for taken care of this board, and I'm really sorry that the users have been treating this board like shit and you have to deal with all of the hate spam going on. I might take over the board if that's OK for you, if not then that's OK because I really don't know how to managed boards… yet anyways. Good luck with your future.

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the hinata spammer did a good job in shitting up this place, as was his declared intention from the neginning. GG smarty358

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there is no commission thread?

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