Hope this is okay to post, I've never posted my own topic here before, but I'm kind of tired of this board being dead.
Size matters is a new giantess game in development by uru. It's gonna be free when it comes out, but at the moment the most recent development versions are exclusive to patreon backers. He did release a free english demo, but there's not much going on once you get past these two images. Here's the free english demo:
Intro has like twenty minutes of buildup before GTS stuff happens, but everything after that is giantess content. Load save three if you want to skip most of the buildup. Not much to do but explore, and if you know what to do you can beat the demo in about 3 minutes at this point.
From what I hear, the game gets significant updates about twice a month and they already have someone translating it to english. Shouldn't be too long till its finished, and he might release another free demo soon, as the most recent in-development version was translated to english a few days ago.