.,;:'"The Nasime Aghdam archive"':;,.
The archive contains
├── files 1.6Gb (the files folder found on Nasime's website nasimesabz.com, which are mainly
her writings, and ethos)
├── html 3.1Mb (a folder on her website called 'html' that contained a zip of a site she had
written an blog post for)
├── images 618Mb (the images folder found on her website, with 1700+ images)
├── media 480Mb (the media folder on her website containing various files including her own
music video "Do you dare?")
└── videos
├── 1st_instagram_account 905Mb (the videos from her 1st Instagram account 720p)
├── 2nd_instagram_account 429Mb (the videos from her 2nd Instagram account 720p)
└── dailymotion1080p 4.0Gb (all 44 videos from her DailyMotion account in 1080p quality)
Directory sizes are based on disk space used when unzipped on the hard disk, and may vary slighty
depending on your computer filesystem.
The "files", and "dailymotion1080p" folders are archived into multiple parts less than 1Gb each
(800Mb max.). Doing this removes the need for you to download and install the MEGAsync application
(which is needed when downloading any single file larger than 1Gb).
To join the parts of say foo.z01, foo.z02, foo.z03, foo.zip together (on a Linux system from the
command line in the directory containg the files) type the following:
zip -s 0 foo.zip --out foo-combined.zip
The options:
-s 0 will choose split size zero, i.e. join.
--out will name the resulting joined zip file.
To unzip and extract the contents into the directory: