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You are born as freedom. It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it.

File: a963355f51b3880⋯.jpg (304.86 KB,1280x853,1280:853,20200702_080612.jpg)


Reports have surfaced that notoriously liberal Johnny Neptune actually watched Tucker Carlson !!!

and whats even more surprising is the fact that HE AGREED WITH CARLSON !!!

Neptune happened to be changing channels, and as he passed the wretched Fox News Channel, he just so happened to catch a millisecond of Tucker Carlson saying "Trump is on course to lose the election!"

Neptune reportedly smiled as he immediately continued changing channels.

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When Neptune held a press conference to discuss his meteoric exposure to Carlson, frenzied reporters asked his opinion about the Fox News Trash TV Host.

"Ive seen photos of him and his 'family', and I'm well aware many homosexuals get married and obtain children to keep their homosexuality a secret", said Neptune

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“Freedom has a way of destroying things.”

(like when it's just a catchphrase used by overly controlling power hungry angry old men with their finger on the Delete Button)

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File: f632a1ad5d8c85e⋯.jpg (45.74 KB,640x480,4:3,23_10.jpg)

Fun fact, Tucker Carlson's signature look was none other than- a bow tie. He started wearing a bow tie in 1984 when he was in tenth grade. (cool as shit) He eventually stopped wearing them on April 11, 2006, saying, “If you wear a bow tie, it’s like [wearing] a middle finger around your neck; you’re just inviting scorn and ridicule… the number of people screaming the F-word at me… it wore me down after a whileso I gave in and became conventional.”(sold out)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eeewwwwww……. wow…. hes so out of touch

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File: 0dd980580d44662⋯.jpg (27.48 KB,720x480,3:2,43_10.jpg)

A Natural Born CharismaticMR. COOL

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File: ea5085ac82bfbea⋯.png (1.63 MB,1659x1080,553:360,PicsArt_07_02_08_35_57.png)

I guess it's fair to say that we have different opinions on what'scool, huh?

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I hate Biden. Hes simply not likable. Hes creepy.

that doesnt matter…. America doesnt care….

Thats why Biden is leading by double digits

America would vote for a can opener if it meant trump leaves.

It really IS that bad……. Its not just me….

approximately 23% of Americans support Trump

But 95% of the WORLDS POPULATION hates him

so its not just about a few Americans….


we fucking hate his guts

so they're not voting 'FOR' Biden…..

They're going to vote AGAINST the monkeyboy

but when the dust settles, it will become clear that the election was won because we wanted A BLACK FEMALE IN THE WHITE HOUSE

and we know your skin crawls when you realize Kiesha Bottoms will become a huge celebrity, a symbol of change and equality…. and thats one of the main reasons why she'll win the election…

Because REAL PATRIOTIC AMERICANS want to see your racist misogynistic skin crawl

Imagine HOW BIG THE CELEBRATION IS GOING TO BE!!!! the inauguration will be THE BIGGEST EVENT in our history, with the National Mall overflowing for several miles in any direction.

Remember Trumps embarrassing inauguration?

where he had the photographer crop the photos to hide how EMPTY the National Mall was?

Trust me…. After 4 years of Bozo, this inauguration is going to be a world party

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File: bf6384ab7684752⋯.png (1.08 MB,1376x962,688:481,PicsArt_07_06_08_20_56.png)


Yeah, we are more than well aware that everyone who thinks like you isAGAINSTpractically everything; NotFORpractically anything.

And since you like attacking personas so much, I'll give you another target at Fox News to hate on! You see, I just threw Tucker at you to push your buttons, because you are so easy, you are closed off to anything except your hate-bubble, and you have been trained by lamestream media to refuse all input that appeals to logic rather than emotion and outrage. But I'll give you another target. You see, your kind never runs out of targets, so anyone can be thrown under the bus – even you. And you will be eventually. There's always somebody in the mob who will turn the mob's attention on YOU. But I have personally resonated quite significantly with the views of Jesse Watters of Watters World at Fox News also, so I do not want him to be left out of your inexorable hate-parade.

I still say you would find a lot more Serenity steal upon you unawares were you to accept the fact that we are all chimeric, and that polarity is just for the sake ofPLAY.

You Aren't Having Fun Yet?

Embrace Your Dark Side!

Somebody's got to! Besides, embracing it would be better than what you're doing – and if you don't know what you're doing, maybe you had better find out!

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