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You are born as freedom. It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it.

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 No.16270 [Last50 Posts]

Abraham Lincoln slept in the same bed as Joshua Fry Speed for over 4 years.

100% true…. Also, they had a lover's spat, and Lincoln started threatening suicide, so his boyfriend hid all the razors and knives and guns.

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it's important to note that Lincoln married Mary Todd, but slept in separate beds.

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research it…………… please

Abraham Lincoln was our FISRT BISEXUAL PRESIDENT

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why the fuck did pnd delete my dunkin donuts thread?

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I'm gonna have to recreate my motherfuckin' donut caper thread all over again…. FUCK !!

in fact, I'm thinking about creating TWO of them, one being the "official newspaper" version, and the other one being THE REAL STORY…

and letting the OVERLY SUPERIOR /pnd/ videogame shut-ins decide which story they want to believe.

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Of course, I'm completely aware that the UNIMAGINABLY SUPERIORITY OF THE SNOBBISHLY SUPREME SUPERIOR pornography in mommy's back bedroom elites will believe the newspaper version, because everything they process is "force-filtered" through their ubiquitous funnel of "SUPERIOR SELF" born from INFERIORITY COMPLEXES…

I'm well aware I'll be mocked and ridiculed, the mugshot being a source of humor, and they'll accuse me of being on meth, blah blah etc etc

and I can live with that

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the reason I'm determined to do this is to demonstrate HUMILITY

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something allthreeof them are incapable of…


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in fact, I'm kinda glad they deleted my thread…..

because I'm contemplating just copying and pasting the newspaper story verbatim, with no explanation about the real series of events.

just give them the erroneous embarrassing story

fuck em

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honestly ?….. thethree"men" of /pnd/ are okay conversationalists when they're not repeating jew jew jew jew jew jew jew

but I've only seen that happen twice

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> why the fuck did pnd delete my dunkin donuts thread?

Because not everything in life is about "Persona".

In fact, not much is.

"Persona" IS Illusion.

You're just addicted to being a "Victimizer", an "Oppressor". It's par-for-the-course with your kind. But only "Persona"s can be "Victims" or "Victimizers", which is why (You) place all your focus on "Persona", everywhere you go, and why "Persona" consumes your every waking thought.

There is more to life than "Persona".

Also, it does not raise the stature of your own "Persona" to claw and tear at the "Persona" of "Other".

There IS No "Other".

Also… Are you getting "Attached" to your posts and threads again?

You know what they say about "Attachment"!

Kinda the same things they say about "Persona"

You can't lose your attachment to "Persona" by tearing at the "Persona" of "Other"! It doesn't work that way! (as you're finding out…)

(You) worship "Persona" so much that your whole life can get wrapped up in that shit! Look what "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is still continuing to do to the weak minds and emotional well-being of millions of miserable cunts such as your'"self"!

Keep tearing down statues unto insubstantiality if you must though! There is no "Out There" out there though, so the sooner (You) beginLooking WITHIN, the better.

(You) are the "Nigger" you were always looking for.

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but I can't imagine repeating THE EXACT SAME CONVERSATION 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year…

especially considering the fact that the conversation is a fashion trend, implemented exclusively by low self esteem adult males, with WELL DESERVED inferiority complexes, due to their laughable lack of history accomplishing life's most basic fundamental prerequisite achievements, likeHAVING SEX WITH FEMALES

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Yeah, I agree…………

However, a couple days ago MARSHMALLOW SALLY™ specifically asked me to tell him the dunkin' donuts story…. And I found that to be kind of synchronistic, because it had been crossing my mind for a while, maybe I should just put it out there in front of those three pompous distractionary "Superior self manifestation" video game pornography isolation geniuses of superiority…

AND ?…… Marshmallow Sally seems to consider himself to be more Superior than the other two extremely superior men of superiority who never gotten any pussy in their lives

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RE : nigger

I agree completely !!

In fact, I beat you to the punch 45 years ago

Tell me something I don't already know

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In fact, I'm not sure if you understand why I even want to present the story to them :

it's because IM A WORTHLESS NIGGER….

and so are THEY….

and so are YOU…..

Taking all of us into consideration

Have yet to see anything resembling


All I see is bacteria…. A cancer on the face of the planet, not much to be impressed by…

Sure, each of us excels in certain areas

But that doesn't equate to superiority

We are ALL pieces of shit as far as I'm concerned

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Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew

I'm not exactly sure what makes them think their "final rationalization of rejection by females, which manifests in a pompous smug homosexual affect" makes them better than anybody else…

I mean, shit….. If they're going to look down their nose at other people, perhaps they should start by looking in the mirror…

It's really just the mind-numbing repetition and lack of creativity and originality that really bothers me…

"Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew"

Imagine if all I ever talked about 24 hours a day every single day was Elvis….

"Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis"

Imagine how two-dimensional that would be

Imagine if the only thing you talked about 24 hours a day every single day was freedom

"freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom"

Give it a break, /pnd/

If that's the depth of their character, if that's the only thing they're capable of discussing, then perhaps a gun in the mouth is the quickest option

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"persona persona persona persona persona persona persona persona persona persona persona persona persona persona persona persona persona"

But keep in mind my persona never claimed to be better than anybody else

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when I go into /pnd/ all I see arethreeincredibly insecure children trapped in the bodies of adult males, in continual need of a surrogate Mommy to continue her former coddling, and seeking false empty reassurances from the other two, validating their manifestation of superior self, which is ALWAYS born from inferiority

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By the way I hope everything is going well for you and your loved ones

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I mean "I get it"…. I do….

The world is full of losers… The human race consists of 99% completely worthless idiots

I get it……………………………..

Yet I've never seen anybody worth a shit who spent their entire existence trying to convince themselves they are better than that 99%

We know we are better than the 99%

It's like a really good guitarist…. Really good guitarists do not sit around everyday patting themselves on the back, continually pointing fingers at the rest of the world and complaining how "they don't know how to play guitar as good as them"


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No matter how you slice it, it comes up peanuts…

If you can ever get the "really good guitarist" to stfu, and play a song for you, invariably you will discover they're not actually very good at the guitar after all….

and that's exactly why they weren't playing guitar

That's exactly why they spent their time pointing fingers

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It's really not that hard to accept the fact that the vast majority of humans don't meet your exacting criteria

and to embrace the fact that you don't get to control the world…

And instead you should focus on controlling your own existence..

But yeah…. I want to get that thread out of the way because it's my statement that I AM INFERIOR

And I'm completely comfortable making that statement, because I am very happy with my abilities and my inabilities

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I can't ever remember reading an interview with Jimi Hendrix where he discussed how inferior the rest of the world was when it came to playing guitar

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Marshmallow Sally is the loser who thinks he's some kind of incredibly handsome gift from God, thinks he's smarter than anybody else, including the other two losers, who has an alter ego character he often pulls out of his hat "THE ANTICHRIST" who types in a creepy effeminate distinctive pattern, who seems to think he is the leader of the other two, and who always closes his statements with his famous trademark catchphrase : "stay defeated"

I can't think of a more blatant demonstration of inferiority complex that I've ever seen in my entire life

He's like a walking billboard advertising his insecurity

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Then there's PURPLE PANZER, the creepy Anderson Cooper lookalike (and I'm not even joking he looks exactly like Anderson Cooper) who actually decided he was going to become THE "FÜHRER OF PND", and thought the other two guys were going to consider him to be their leader…

He actually made videos wearing his mother's creepy purple office Mardi Gras party Harlequin face mask….

And I'm not joking.. he actually used the term FÜHRER….

There's only three of them… And each of them thinks that they are better than the other two

Three lonely social and sexual rejects, who somehow found each other online, and in between the circle jerking of a false superiority reassurance, each of them seems to think they are more Superior than the other two….

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and finally, there's"STRIKER"

lol wow

He actually calls himself STRIKER….

He's actually so oblivious that he's able to call himself "STRIKER" and not be too embarrassed to return….

And of course, you guessed it….

STRIKER considers himself more Superior than the other two guys….

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It's quite literally a three-ring circus of insecurity and overcompensation for overwhelming inferiority complexes….

That's why I would like to create a thread that is intentionally embarrassing for myself, and open myself to their insults and ridicule….

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Here's a photograph of marshmallow Sally

And my representation of his personality

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I just realized I deleted all of my pictures of HITLERSON COOPER

the Purple Panzy

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And I have yet to obtain photographs of STRIKER

But just imagine a fat swollen sedentary douchebag with a video game controller in his hand

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> I've never seen anybody worth a shit who spent their entire existence trying to convince themselves they are better than the 99%

(You) can stop anytime!

Seriously. You should read the words you said in this thread through the context of what it is you do here on 8kun. It may prove illuminating.

This whole "Equity" idea of tearing everything else down so everything is as equally worthless and everyone is as equally miserable as you feel seems like it is just all about turning everything to shit. Nothing of value is created, not even in the destruction of what IS. Slathering diarrhea everywhere is no masterpiece for a life's work! Surely changing tactics and stances on occasion can awaken creativity and provide positive direction; but get stuck in a rut if you must…

All part of the Play of Leela.

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Unlike those three losers..

I'm willing to admit that



I can actually laugh at myself

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You're wrong…

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I mean.. I could easily get loquacious and needlessly wordy

But why? No need to make it so complicated


I mean I completely understand what you're trying to say and I respect your opinion…

And of course I understand that from your perspective you are correct…

But from my perspective you are mistaken

And it's really just that simple.. just two words


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The only way to be right is to be wrong.

That's why I set out to be as wrong as possible whenever I can.

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Because of course while I was saying that you're wrong, I was well aware that you know you are correct, which is exactly why you were wrong, and I was right even though I was completely mistaken

I understand the yin and yang of life in this particular universe, and I understand the intrinsic value and lack thereof in word circles

So either prospective is correct

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And the truth of the matter is…..

I know more guilty of trying to tear everything down then you or anybody else

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No more than Joshua Fry Speed was guilty of trying to tear down Abraham Lincoln's long johns while they slept in bed together for over 4 years

And no more than Abraham Lincoln was guilty of allowing Joshua to succeed

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Mother fucking God damn speech to text !!!


fuck fuck FUCK

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I mean let's just be honest here….

Image boards aren't really about "building people up and being polite"

And I don't think I'm any more guilty of smearing shit on walls than any other person in here

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We just do it in different ways.. and mine is a little bit more irritating than others

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Killcen does it by demonstrating a complete lack of regard for the topic at hand, and forcing his modus operandi into any thread….

You do it by reminding people that there is no there there, and offering word circles as advice

And I do it by noticingthreeincredibly insecure men distract themselves by pretending they are superior to everybody else, including each other

We all smear our shit one way or another

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But if you're looking for compassion and empathy and building up your fellow man, I don't think image boards are going to put a smile on your face

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Like I said…. I've been able to squeeze a couple normal conversations out of the three little Hitlers

And they're really not bad guys once they start talking about something other than the same old shit

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Like I said…. I've been able to squeeze a couple normal conversations out of the three little Hitlers

And they're really not bad guys once they start talking about something other than the same old shit

But you can only have the same conversation so many times before you have to finally draw the line, AND SHOW THAT YOUR BRAIN IS CAPABLE OF THINKING SOMETHING ORIGINAL

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SOMETHING ORIGINAL : like Abraham Lincoln 69ing with Joshua Fry Speed

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It turns out Abraham Lincoln had such sentimental feelings for Joshua fry speed that he begged him to be part of his cabinet when he became president..

And Joshua fry speed rejected the offer.. he told Abraham Lincoln he was already rich and had no desire to be involved

Later that night Abraham Lincoln punched Mary Todd before retiring to his private bedroom and masturbating while he cried

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I put a lot of faith into anecdotal experience as opposed to statistics or charts or facts or figures

Statistics and charts and facts and figures can easily be skewed

But nothing can skew my real life experiences

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I never intended it to be that way

It wasn't by design

It was completely organic

One life experience after another after another

And patterns become readily apparent

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And oddly enough, that same opinion is shared by tons of people I respect

The (non-jewish) people I have respected the most in my life have ALL agreed with me about Jewish people… How cool and funny and brilliant and generous and compassionate and absolutely genius Jewish people are

And the way Jewish people do "family"outshines anything ever seen in white families…

In fact, the way Jewish people do ANYTHING outshines the way white people do it….

It's really quite impressive…

That's why when I see white people talk about "how uncool Jewish people are", I can always tell they don't have any real life experience with Jewish people, and they're simply parroting predictable stereotypes and cliches…

I'm willing to bet you $5,000 cash none of those guys in /pnd/ can tell you ANY story about their personal interactions with jews…. Because they've never interacted with Jews…

None of them could tell you a single tangible negative effect a Jewish person had on their personal existence….

I'm not talking about generaliz ed statements about "Jewish people"…. I'm talking about REAL LIFE HANDS-ON ANECDOTAL EXPERIENCES

And obviously somehow they managed to have any

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FOR EXAMPLE : bar mitzvah- becoming a man at age 13

I was 23 years old, and my family moved to fort Lauderdale while I stayed behind by myself in Atlanta… I was fucking Stephanie, Sonya, Shanna AND Katherine… They were all friends that went to the same school (all of them accept Katherine)

And I had a modest one bedroom appointment in Buckhead, but I didn't even have furniture there other than a mattress. I was bouncing back and forth between those girls houses fucking them, and I actually forgot to go back to my apartment for well over 2 months, believe it or not, because it was the '80s and I was on fire, living in wanton excess, flying at 500 mph Non-Stop, fucking and partying and getting high and fucking the next girl and partying and going crazy and fucking the next girl and partying and staying awake and zooming at 500 mph nonstop… I was renting by the month from an old friend, and I quite literally forgot to go back to my apartment for over 2 months… As crazy as that sounds, it's the truth… I actually became homeless, and I didn't even give a shit, because I was sleeping with four girls. I was spending the night with them one after another in rotation, and they were all friends.. they all knew what we were doing… It was party madness like today's kids will never understand… I know YOU understand because you were approximately the same age… The best party years of our lives, remember?… I quite literally DIDN'T GIVE A SHIT THAT I TECHNICALLY BECOME HOMELESS.

It was all fun and games……

Until Thanksgiving….. That's the day when it really hit me… Stephanie and Sonya and Shanna and Katherine were all WITH THEIR FAMILIES…

of course… But my family was in Florida… And I defaulted on my apartment… And I had nowhere to go… I only had like 20 or 30 bucks to my name..

And Atlanta is a really big city….

So many people, but nobody to be seen on Thanksgiving Day… There's barely even any traffic… And as the afternoon approaches, the traffic comes to an end, as people go home to be with their families…

And there I was… I didn't have a car at that time, and as I was leaving Stephanie's neighborhood headed towards Buckhead, I felt so horrible and embarrassed and ashamed.. people were driving in their cars past me, and there I was… TheLOSER…. Nowhere to go… No family… No car… Walking down the street… I felt less than 1 inch tall… I wanted to stick my head in the sand so bad…

I happen to look over at an empty apartment complex as I was walking by, and I realized the entire place was empty, and the entire property was for sale… I realized nobody lived in any of the apartments anymore…

I felt so bad about life at that moment…

I had been living the life of Riley, but not that day…

I had never been to those apartments before

But I decided to walk all the way to the back, and HIDE… I resigned myself to the fact that I was going to sit behind those abandoned apartments the entire evening and suffer quietly….

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I had been sitting behind those apartments hungry and cold for over an hour… Sitting on a flight of steps behind an empty apartment, hidden from all traffic, hiding from the world out of shame….

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That's when a set of headlights popped up from around the corner, a car had pulled into the empty apartment complex for some reason….

When the headlights hit me with the car stopped

And I thought to myself, "oh god, HERE WE GO", assuming I was in trouble…

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"johnny ?"

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it wasn't a cop, or a property owner….


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14 years old

With THAT much integrity ….. FOURTEEN !!!

That kid's name wasJON FOX

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Jon and his mother pulled out a big ass tray LOADED with everything you could imagine in a perfect Thanksgiving dinner… The whole nine yards… Two different desserts, all of it….

And they were so sweet…In their voices I heard something so sweet and compassionate and HONEST

Really sincere.. not sympathy… EMPATHY….

And they insisted I go home and stay with them for Thanksgiving

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I promised Jon I would never forget the heartfelt loyalty and sincerity of his friendship as long as I lived…

and I never have……

Jon's myworst friend

That's exactly what we've called each other

For decades now… "Worst Friends"

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At the age of 13, Jewish boys become men…

And Jon is NOT the only uncanny bizarre and incredibly unlikely story I have like that about Jewish people…. In fact to be completely honest, I have TONS of experiences where Jewish people stepped up to the plate like I've never seen before.

Not for their own benefit……. Not at all

The complete opposite actually….

And it happened over and over and over again

One after another after another….

Leaving me amazed at their integrity

and heart……

Every single time, they always left me smiling.

Not joking…. Especially when they were assholes

Being an asshole is not a bad thing, as long as you're cool….

And they all had one thing in common :


Smart ass fucking shit !!!

Absolutely fucking brilliant there's no other way to describe it

Funny as shit… Super super fucking funny

And sharp as a fucking razor blade

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And it was not by design

It wasn't intentional… I didn't go out of my way to deal with Jewish people, it was just an organic course of my art business, dealing with business owners and restaurant tours and people in the entertainment industry like Warner Brothers for example….

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I always poke fun at my Jewish friends in real life, ragging on them about "almost looking white", and they always laugh because they are funny and they don't take themselves too seriously like white people do…

They're very confident…. And with good reason…

They're obviously Superior

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Been busy, still am, but popped in to say that the majority of people just want to fit-in somewhere; anywhere, really. The kinds of people attracted to pseudonymous image boards are, by and large, not the kinds of people who "fit-in" anywhere, really, so the majority, as usual, try to fit-in on the isle of misfit clowns here… they even have their own image-board culture and repeat the same catch-phrases and believe fervently in the same catechisms, like the whole ad nauseum joos did this shit that gets so old and annoying. The divisiveness and hate is boring too. That's what people who are either trying to fit-in or people who are trying not to fit-in (such as yourself) are all about…

> "We", over here are far superior to them, over there.

Trying to either fit-in or not fit-in seems more religious in nature than transcendental. And yes, around here, we all find our own ways to be annoying to each other. Most folks on the chans exhibit some sociopathic tendencies, but most are still conformist cows who want to fit-in somewhere, even if it's only with those fellows they can find who will jeer with them at the ineptitude of "others" in their navigational "missteps" on this difficult journey, life. Beating up on the underdog is always very popular amongst those who want to fit-in (unlike a true sociopath, who knows he can never fit-in anywhere, and has long since stopped trying; as opposed to a psychopath who still pretends to play the whole fit-in game, like most everyone else, but has nefarious reasons.)

As for giving a fuck what men choose to do with their genitals, especially men from centuries ago, that seems like something a religitard social conservative would do. I find myself quite liberal, in that I celebrate Liberty and Natural Law'. When it comes to Governing bodies, however, I find myself quite conservative; as in, I want smaller government, fewer "services" (mostly slavery anyway), and more encouraging of personal responsibility and authenticity, and yes, integrity.

People should mind their own business.

Minding the business of "Others" is a bad habit.

Besides, I'm pretty sure that the sight of Mary Todd Lincoln naked was enough to turn any man gay, so there's that…

> inb4 but "true" sociopathy has never been tried!

I'm trying it right here and now, everywhere everywhen.

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Lol. I love you, man….. I do….

You're funny as shit…. And smart as fuck

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Hold…. Business phone call

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I'm WAAAYYYY imperfect…..

I've got serious problems

I'm addicted to confrontationalism

and I'm embarrassed by my lack of self control

But I ACTUALLY DO love and respect you

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believe it or not, I really wanted to NOT be antagonistic and confrontational.. believe it or not I actually wanted to get along with people a little bit

but there's something about those three guys that rubs me the wrong way

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Normally it's just a force of habit, like an awkward child who "never learn how to play nicely with the other children", even though that's not true, because I got along and played nicely with lots of friends in my childhood…

So it's something deeper than that

Something that came to the surface in my late teens and early twenties….

Honestly? It was my involvement in the animal rights movement… I was exposed to months of videos and documents that were so horrific it literally bent my mind….

I'm being completely honest with you now

It was my involvement in the animal rights movement that made me snap in my early 20s

And I began hating people

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That's what made me hate people..

I didn't used to feel that way when I was young

But my entire adult life I have hated the human race including myself…

That's the source of my antagonistic confrontational abusive real life personality, and yes everybody has a personality, whether you like it or not, so you can say persona persona, but the fact of the matter is my real life personality is abusive and confrontational and resentful towards other humans….

And it comes across in speech to text online

The exact same way it comes across IN line

In the line at the grocery store…

I've got the same problem…

And I suppose I'm carrying

A chip on my shoulder

And it has everything to do with Animals


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There was actually a Time in my early twenties skyscraper in Buckhead and I had actually contemplated doing something completely insane like going to an animal research laboratory and….


….. And I suppose I shouldn't talk about it because I don't feel that way anymore… I was willing to throw my entire life away over my hatred of the human race…..

Let's put it that way…..

But I don't feel like that anymore.. that was a bad psychological episode in my life, and I got better..

I managed to put my anger behind me

At least a little bit……….

Because I never stopped hating the human race

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Yeah, but these days?….

These days it's just a knee jerk force of habit

I'm abusive and confrontational without realizing it

Even when I'm in a good mood

I'm just an asshole I suppose

I don't think I'm better than anybody

I think we're all equally worthless

And I have a problem with self control

Because I'll be confrontational without even realizing it….


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there's simply something about thoseTHREEguys in /pnd/ that rubs me the wrong way

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And although part of me really wants to "play nice with the other children", and find a topic of conversation that's actually stimulating, to find a "common ground", there's simply something about them that rubs me the wrong mother fucking way

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And suddenly I'm reminded of Billy Jack…..

Where Billy WANTS to control his distain….

but like a volcano, he goes berserk…..

And it has nothing to do with Jews or standing up for anybody…. Nothing whatsoever….. My Billy Jack goes berserk against the entire human race

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but yeah……….. theTHREElittle hitlers……

I see no indication of superiority

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As you so ELOQUENTLY stated earlier, imageboards are where outcasts come to 'fit in' or 'not fit in'….

And of course I understand that completely…

And I think that's why those three guys rub me the wrong way so much

Because their version of "making contact" is based on A DISGUSTINGLY SMUG & POMPOUS transparently false sense of self entitled sissy boy imaginary superiority….

It's like a red carpet invitation

They're literally begging me

Billy Jack WANTS to be nice

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: bb1869c20ad762f⋯.jpg (55.43 KB,460x259,460:259,151109225716_macatoo_giraf….jpg)


> It was my involvement in the animal rights movement… I was exposed to months of videos and documents that literally bent my mind….

> I'm being completely honest with you now

> t was my involvement in the animal rights movement that made me snap in my early 20s

> And I began hating people

Yes, I was aware you had been radicalized many years ago by "terrorist" groups who hate humans and seek to actively destroy humanity as a whole.

Rather humorous that Killcen, you and I are all on different lists, for different reasons! But we're definitely all on some kind of "divergent subversives" list!

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I think it's humorous how thethreeoutcast misfit 'clique' decided to follow a trend that goes completely against everything I've learned in my lifetime of anecdotal experiences…

If they had chosen any other topic, their stupidity would not be quite as noticeable… But they chose the ONE TOPIC that conclusively proves their lack of real life anecdotal experiences….

Because if they actually LIVED and experienced life for themselves instead of sitting in front of their stupid fucking computer, I guarantee in a decade or two they would be whistling a completely different tune…

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As I was speaking the words I was well aware what I was admitting

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I'm pretty much positive I've been on a watch list ever since the mid 1980s

I was heavily involved in the Atlanta protests and demonstrations for PETA and other groups

I did their banners and graphics

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Me & Jill & Cap'n America & his gf Kathleen we're right out front in the middle of all of it

Even got our picture in the newspaper

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I almost even mentioned the word radicalization earlier, but I bit my tongue

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And we were all aware the category used by certain agencies

We knew the name of the category

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But you're wrong I don't want to destroy humanity

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That's not true at all… I don't want to hurt anybody

At least not physically..

My psychosis manifested in the desire to verbally assault people

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I'm not sure if you remember this or not, because quite honestly I'm not sure if I had already deleted the video by the time you and I met, but…

Yeah actually I guess maybe I already did take the video down before I met you…

But I had a YouTube video of me walking up to a black dude and getting in his face and calling him a fucking nigger over and over and over and I called him a yard ape and a chimpanzee and a coward…

Now I look back on it and I'm kind of embarrassed

I took it down.. maybe before I met you but I am not sure if you ever saw it or not because my memory is toast these days

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I'm not proud of it.

I'm not being woke

I'm not being a social justice warrior

It's not the racist angle that embarrasses me

It's my behavior in general

I'm embarrassed by my lack of self control

But I don't want to hurt anybody

I just confrontational and verbally abusive to people, which I suppose isn't any better

Yeah I'm embarrassed that I was such an asshole that I thought it was funny to just walk up to an innocent person and start abusing them like that, and I'm even more embarrassed that I thought it was a funny idea to upload the video

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But the words I was using against him in the video were simply designed to hurt him… Sucker punches….

And now I look back at that part of my inner personality and I'm ashamed that I could have been so callous

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RE : Lincoln & Speed

I like that title… Lincoln & Speed

I think it would be a good Adult Swim variety show

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and in honor of the side of me that DOESN'T want to be abusive to people, and in the name of humility and honesty, I want to create the /pnd/unkin /pnd/onuts thread

warts and all

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but yeah, Marshmallow Sally™ asked me to tell him the donuts story

so I made the thread, went to sleep, and when I woke up it was gone

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lol @ the irony of Killcen the other day saying "8kun is the ONLY place that's free of censorship!!"

the last bastion of American Freedom Of Speech

and the next day, they deleted his HAPPY 4TH OF JULY THREAD

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Oh yeah….. …….. I almost forgot

I apologize to you

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I'm not expecting you to "accept" it

but I still apologize, for whatever it's worth

my mother was dying

and I was a dick

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It's crossed my mind to INTENTIONALLY tell marshmallow sally the erroneous newspaper version of the donut caper…

Even though the newspaper got everything wrong except my name, I still think it would be cool to tell marshmallow sally the wrong version, the more embarrassing version…

And open myself to even MORE ridicule than I already expect by telling the true story

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because last night, I told the REAL STORY

but why bother, right?….

It doesn't matter WHAT I say, marshmallow Sally

is still going to say "stay defeated", and use the donut story as an example of "his superiority"

So why not tell him a HORRIBLE, embarrassing story?

Maybe even add some lurid details

like running up meth

and robbing people

or maybe a gay tryst

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Shit happens.

I was charged with Treason once.

I was young and was used, as the young so often are.

There are so many factions in our government it's a wonder they get as much done as they do! No one conspiracy can rise above the others without being torn at. And they use impressionable emotional people with integrity, who want to do the right thing (whatever that is!) But yeah, some folks in government often work either for or against what the government is doing, or even what it should be doing.

As part of my plea bargain, all those years ago, one of the stipulations was that I agreed to not engage in any kind of political speech ever again, or be involved in any kind of political demonstration. There were several other stipulations even more particular and unconstitutional, but I agreed, knowing it was all just scare-tactics anyway. They just don't want more people standing up. They want everyone cowed down. I don't cow down easily. I didn't do anything wrong anyway. I just released some top-secret information that saved lives and cost the intelligence agencies much embarrassment and hundreds of millions of dollars in fines. I would do it again. And I can publicly state that I have broken every stipulation regarding dropping treason charges against me, and there is nothing the "government" can do about it either! Except put me on another list!

But the PETA People are just sick! (See how fun sitting in judgment can be?)

They are on the same level as ELF, driving spikes in trees to kill or maim loggers.

PETA are not just whiny drama queens (although they are that' too!) Their tactics to control the behavior of others often breaks Natural Law, and you know how I feel about that!

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test marshmallow Sally's ability to discern truth from fiction by giving a few different versions of the story, only one of them being true

Because it seems like somebody who is so experienced in life and Superior would be able to tell the difference between the truth and complete bullshit

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I agree completely and that's one of the many many reasons why I distanced myself from them

I don't prescribe to their philosophy or anybody's philosophies except my own

I'm not the type who would agree with a metaphoric spike in a tree

My heart was simply broken in my mind was shattered

But I finally realized I can't change the world

Which relates directly to the /pnd/ thing

I suppose I have a hard time not ridiculing them

Because they haven't figured out yet

That they can't change the world

The things that shattered my mind and broke my heart were WAAAYYYY worse than any social imbalance….

But you can't change the world

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But I enjoyed learning that about you

It actually put a smile on my wrinkled old face

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The part about the stipulation of YOU and no more political speech


hahahahaha magic

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Effervescent comedy gold

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I've always been amazed how some people can't seem to detect when they are hearing the truth

It's so basic and primal, really….

When the teeth of the gears in your mind

Hear the details of Truth

The superfluous abstract details

The teeth clink together one by one

And your mind knows the truth

When it hears it…..

I've always been amazed how some people seem to be completely incapable of detecting it

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It's like lock picking actually

As each driver pin gets set, it clicks

There's an audible click

And you know that pin is set

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Conversely, I'm also amazed how some people seem to be unable to discern BULLSHIT

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total bullshit lies

where nothing clicks

and gives no indications

of a cylinder at all

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File: 99ecd6d741c319a⋯.jpg (223.52 KB,1056x988,264:247,PicsArt_07_06_02_45_46.jpg)

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my mother was dying, and I took out all my hatred of MAGA on you

which was unfair and undeserved

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and yeah, I still hate them….. a LOT

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but I do NOT hate you

I don't even vaguely dislike you

Believe it or not, I have nothing but positive feelings for you

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But I did a lot of introspection after that

and I'm not proud of my behavior

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I learned from it… not just you, but the entire year

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but yeah……. I apologize for trying so hard to get under your skin and make you hate me

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I swear to God I'm working on it

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Last year…. well, the past 4 years actually….

but last year in particular

a horrible crescendo

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an exquisitely horrific symphony of discord, antagonism, variance, contention, incongruity, inconsistency, dissension, and opposition

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File: e479a35e7f015b1⋯.png (870.34 KB,1271x1280,1271:1280,20210706_150516.png)

On the 4th, I opened a Dr. Pepper and it exploded all over me…. Got me covered in sticky god damn sugary Dr. Pepper…..

and I got SO PISSED !!!!

I was ready to kick a puppy I was SO PISSED OFF

and then Wendy sent me this

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lol !! (bitch)

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File: 88e5cbd60f613f0⋯.png (1.03 MB,1280x1211,1280:1211,20210706_150600.png)

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File: 5bf67ca3e96ebf0⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB,640x360,16:9,feminism_sticks_and_stones.mp4)

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okay time to take an ICE COLD SHOWER

I have no swimming pool

so I'm doing it standing up

I'm bringing the pool down onto me

one drop at a time

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roger wilco

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(you were the only trump voter I knew)


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But I thought that lemon sorbet transcended all the petty bullshit in life.

It certainly does for me.

I wonder if it would be good in a cold shower?

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The Private Selection Brand is awesome !!!!

their lemon sorbet is perfection….

Everything they make is 'premium' by great measure, even though it's technically a 'store Brand's

they've got the regular "Kroger Brand" generic stuff

and then they've got the Private Selection label, an entire creative division of the corporation that goes to great lengths to find truly artisan gourmet products that FAR SURPASS anything by the big name labels

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they make THE ABSOLUTE BEST frozen pizza I've EVER eaten……

no comparison

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Their french Goat cheese Marinated Vegetable pizza is EXACTLY like going to your buddy's restaurant, and he cooks a special pie for you

Clean…. saying "artisan" sounds cliché, but that's the only true description

I'm talking aboutWOW !!!

and it's frozen, which is insane

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delicate and sophisticated, an "art" experience

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and here's the punchline :

it's only $4.99

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If I had to choose between a Freshly Cooked Papa John's Pizza and a frozen Private Selection pie?

papa john's wouldn't stand a chance

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it really trulyISthat fucking good

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and I am EXTREEEEEEMELY fucking picky

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Fuck yeah, I buy Private Selection….

Of course I do !!

I demand the best possible quality

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I'm sure as fuck not going to buy garbage

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Okay I smell like an old pizza

Shower time bye

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that was certainly refreshing !!!

ice cold… shockingly cold

I'm thinking about slicking my hair back with calamine lotion, as my own original trademark look

that way, my hair will be a pinkish fleshy color

and in case my hair gets poison oak, and I'll be ahead of the game

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File: da505b72cdef3e2⋯.png (467.26 KB,1080x789,360:263,JN_Ruination_of_Persona.png)







> next time archive


> THOT made pic related for (You)

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File: 69f0f90bb135f2b⋯.png (1.35 MB,1280x952,160:119,20210706_204131.png)


tell her I said hello and I hope everyone's doing well

sorry, I'm really sad right now….

I found out scott died

He had a heart attack walking to the store

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File: 27e296b69318a39⋯.png (1.34 MB,1280x919,1280:919,20210706_193619.png)

Scott was the guy who JUST SO HAPPENED to be standing at centennial park during the Atlanta olympics, with a video camera, and got the only video of the bomb exploding


likesuper, SUPER smart

he had offers from all the news agencies trying to buy the rights to the video….

He sold it to CNN for like $180,000

PLUS he made them hire him as a video editor

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At 00:38 you'll see the 1 second of video that earned Scott almost 1/5th of a million dollars AND a badass high paying job at CNN

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File: 5a3a14bb24006ee⋯.png (16.15 KB,643x393,643:393,url.png)

File: 8c66fe8697626d1⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,2272x1704,4:3,url_3_.jpg)

File: 6b8b9b865a59d59⋯.png (1.54 MB,1080x2300,54:115,Screenshot_20210706_203955.png)

Scott was SO fucking smart….

He could identify the individual DTMF dial tones

it didn't matter how fast or randomly you hit them, he would sit there and name them

"6, 2, 9, 5, 0, 2, 9, 7, 3, 2, 8, 6, 1, 4, 9, 8"

He had trained himself to recognize the multi-layered frequencies, and he could do it just like he was reading sheet music.. he could instantly identify the number just by hearing the time

When he was a teenager, he figured out a secret way to PARTITION PHONE NUMBERS so nobody else could call through but him

and when he was in highschool he had tens of thousands of dollars from scamming dial in radio contests

And he wasn't using computers

He figured out how to use relays and dial tones to PARTITION ENTIRE PHONE EXCHANGES..

back in the old days….

He would do it all from a telephone

there were certain numbers he figured out all on his own (He was a mathematical GENIUS) and it was all based on the sequence of DTMF tones

and he'd make it where ONLY HE could call a number

He won three cars

Scott was one of my "programmer" buddies (who never ever used the word 'hacker') and they had a ring, where they created fake bank accounts with tons of money in them, then created fake identities and and Friends go into the banks and withdraw massive amounts of money…

They got away with it for a long time but they eventually got caught by the FBI…

And the FBI came to them in the Atlanta pretrial detention center and offered a deal not to prosecute if they taught the FBI computer forensics teamhow they did it

So Scott and Sean and Kelly and Chris became consultants for the FBI

100% true

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god dammit, scott…. ………..dammit dude I'm so sorry

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File: 260feacb1ee5e6b⋯.png (857.9 KB,1080x2300,54:115,Screenshot_20210706_210623.png)

omg he's dead

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File: d16d018ca4fece1⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,477.12 KB,353x200,353:200,Chill_Cat.gif)


Stay cool. Nobody gets out alive.

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and yes, Scott was jewish

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm testing this to see if it works

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YES !!!!!! Y S YES YES !!!

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What a dork!

Change this:


to this:


and learn a bit about web addresses at the same time!

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File: 641d39c53732667⋯.webm (3.63 MB,854x480,427:240,why_should_you_feel_good_….webm)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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I is a ______

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

beginning with a SHOCK…

the end can be a riddle…

It’s the best time for love, live in the middle

I'm the man it black get-up, get up

No let up, let go bruv

Forget me not sweatin' this lot

In Reeboks and G-Shocks

Roll it up, it rolls on good man

This circus is circus life from the clowns and the tigers

Them all caged out of sight

You guessed it good, yes yes

It is sweat, a new deck's top

That gets props as a blessing

And the rest can fuck off

From the medium, tedium, tweedle-dum

It could be quite fun to relive in detail when this week is not done

But when we're feeling the beginnings of the week being done

We release some more money from the deal in the evening

Please don't be low, we don't know

Any people who don't know how to

Smoke a Joe or bestow

On a bro givin toke

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that song is badass

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The Truth Regarding The 1918 Spanish Flu & The Link To Today


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Delta Variant Doofuses are Trying to Scare Everyone into Permanent Vaccination Stupidity


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I identify as vaccinated.

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My favorite aspect of friendships between animals and humans is GIVING THEM IDENTITY….

a NAME……

they already have a sense of "self", but when we give them A NAME, they know their name, and it enhances their sense of "self", elevating it to IDENTITY

I love that

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aren't you going to look stupid in 2 years, when the NIPPAH VIRUS becomes global

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File: 1fdac8b45fd7288⋯.webm (1.51 MB,462x714,11:17,GoBeABoomerSomewhereElse.webm)



Oftentimes, they don't want that.

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In fact, in 2 years, you'll actually be GLAD we had a "trial run" with covid

You have NO IDEA what's possible with NiV

70% mortality rate

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Eeyore LOVES his identity

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and there ain't no "wuhan lab" connection to NiV

it's organic, and born from HUMAN STUPIDITY

drinking "tree nectar water" containing bat feces

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But define him at your peril!

None can define the feline!

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File: ca5c454c3171d3c⋯.jpg (644.54 KB,768x1280,3:5,20210707_122246.jpg)

The TIGER MELONS have been pollenated

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> drinking "tree nectar water" containing bat feces

'''(You) must be talking about the Commie Kool-Aid you're obviously drinking!

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in my 57 year study of cats, I've learned THEY DEFINE ME

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not joking, though……

research it…… serious business

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the Nippah Virus is GUARANTEED to become global

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Not being a fear monger

Not pretending I can predict the future

Simply stating facts

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you'll see

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You'll see….

Don't be surprised to find yourself FORCING YOUR DAUGHTERS TO WEAR MASKS

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File: 6caa054164a06e2⋯.png (1.33 MB,1366x661,1366:661,2021_07_07_Chill_Cat.png)


Already swimming in zuchinni, several kinds of cucumbers (including lemon cucumbers) and tomatoes, peppers galore, eggplants, okra, and we'll have more butternut squash this year than any family could ever eat! Not to mention the myriad of herbs and sunflowers. My ginger is popping up almost overnight, eight inches a day. I have a huge section that I thought was never going to grow. Now, explosion of ginger! This hot sun has done fine for my crops, but I did have to pay attention and take care of responsibilities. One chicken did not survive the heat wave, on the 118 degree day. She was not of a breed that I thought would do so well here in the summer, and I was right. Chillin' after watering…

my garden does not have a fence, but my chickens do!

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Lemon cucumbers here too

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She's using the fence to trellis

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Peppers n eggplant also

I can't even remember all of them

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that's sad @ her not surviving

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we're on our way to buy more catnip…

We found a brand that's ABSOLUTELY PRIMO

buds… no sticks or stems or garbage

Only $2.50 for a hefty bag…

but it's only available at one particular store

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Named after "Johnny Neptune"'s almost non-existent mutant nipple; causing his non-nipple to Forever be IDENTIFIED with a Virus — Namely, the NIPPAH VIRUS.


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File: 5b1048a57f20762⋯.jpg (694.06 KB,1021x1280,1021:1280,20210613_070520.jpg)

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I am growing a huge plant of catnip, and it is no longer being slept on by all the neighbor cats. It's too big. But it's budding out nicely!

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they tell me I "really know how to pick 'em"

but it's not true… I do it so hard that I start bleeding

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Oh I almost forgot to tell you…..

I found my nipple…. It was behind the bed

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I'm gluing it back on with transglutaminase

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Dammit sold out of KONG EXTREME catnip

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File: 427041c11091812⋯.jpeg (12.07 KB,200x252,50:63,PETA_Murders_Bananas.jpeg)

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I've got nothing but kind words for and about you

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File: 0f49175a59a1bb2⋯.jpg (135.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,0f49175a59a1bb28e3ca9f3df7….jpg)

File: eb86bed7ed65a66⋯.jpg (120.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,eb86bed7ed65a669c4f84c9046….jpg)

Btw this is the "superman" guy

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File: aabf1c787fdcfa1⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x2300,54:115,Screenshot_20210708_184126.png)

Believe it or not, I have ripped up my childhood pictures before, too

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File: 04e4900bf85be16⋯.png (1.13 MB,1080x2300,54:115,Screenshot_20210708_184249.png)

File: f1f10e1b9c2d59d⋯.jpg (217.26 KB,900x710,90:71,lfs.jpg)

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I wonder if recently, when I had the vision about the catastrophic collapse, and then a couple days later the Mexico City Railway collapsed, is it possible I was envisioning the building in miami?

Because I never predicted a train overpass

I just predicted a catastrophic structural collapse

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God dammit…..

I tried being nice in pnd

. it didn't go well

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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I bet you're excited, huh ?…..

In exactly one month, your president is going to be reinstated into the White House…

Did you already purchase party favors and maga hats?

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Some of the recent details that have been coming out paint a very interesting picture of your president….

A man who LITERALLY REFUSED TO READ ANYTHING, because he was too embarrassed to simply admit that he CANNOT READ ANYTHING

Even though his staff was well aware he cannot read

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That was all speculation when he was in the White House, but now his own staff members have come out and given interviews, verifying all of the rumors

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File: af2a3148c648db7⋯.png (1.13 MB,1080x2300,54:115,Screenshot_20210709_123415.png)

The man who could not read

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File: 6a8090b5d7efa64⋯.png (1.18 MB,1080x2300,54:115,Screenshot_20210709_123433.png)

who quite literally CAN NOT READ

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The ability to read is never given, it is learned

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That female governor of South Dakota or whatever state that is…..

At first, you would almost think she was fuckable


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File: e9c291a34937126⋯.jpg (36.07 KB,474x252,79:42,While_You_Were_Shitposting.jpg)


Jumpin' out of airplanes with my daughter and girlfriend and jammin' on the guitar is how I prefer to spend my days. Dunno about y'all…

Seems a waste of life to make everything political, or to waste time either building up or tearing down personas.

I'd rather make music and have cool experiences.

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