Hey, Killcen. JKI here.
I agree that nutrition matters, as does gut bacteria. Refined sugars like alcohol were killing me. But I suffer from genetic abnormalities that turned me into a giraffe and destroyed every connective tissue in my body, especially my lungs. I've been sick, nigh unto death, for a long time. I've also been even sicker before, years ago, and can assure you that healing can and does take place seemingly miraculously every day. Healing occurs on many levels, and in many ways; but the mind is a lot stronger than we think. Even the placebo-effect works 35% of the time. Literally 35%! I want you to think about the fact that it does that with negative thoughts too! Seriously. The "I'm gonna die, we're all gonna die, my liver is all fucked up, that cop is gonna fuck with me" – you know the drill – that's why I keep saying, over and over…
We Create Our Own REALity.
Oh, there are things we can DO, or not do, that make a huge difference too; but our thinking often influences what we DO do too! doodoo too!
As for strengthening your immune system to prepare for your eventual COVID-19 symptoms, you better pray your immune system does NOT mount a very large immune response!
>embed related, yeah, I'll be making a thread..
I'll be putting out another blogpost today too. Been busy, sick as shit and worn out, but trying to wrap shit up in my life in case I don't pull through this one, not leave my kids too much in the lurch…
<lol at the /pol/tard blowing off some steam on this board yesterday and me stirring the pot on /pnd/!
Anyway, I recommend positive thoughts as much as possible, while remaining vigilant and not allowing the psychopaths to exert ever more control, at least not without shining the light on all their schemes! Just remember, how you shine the light is as important as what you shine it on, and who is looking; because no one needs interpretation – they will only see it from their own viewpoint anyway – and no one can see if you blind them with the light either. There's a delicate, yet delicious, art-form to awakening those who yet slumber – an artform worthy of practice! I've sucked at it my whole life. Which is how I ended up here! Seriously though, this is as good a place to practice as any! I obviously can't get along too well in the normie world, or really "belong" to any "group" – kinda lived my whole life "outside the pale" – but now EVERYONE seems to feel cut off, ostracized, with little direction or positive clues from anything in the environment! In other words, now that everyone is starting to feel like I have always felt, well, I kinda feel better, calmer, stronger, more compassionate, more loving, more supportive, less fearful – yes, their weakness makes me feel stronger – I admit it! But I do not want them to be weak. Imagine how strong I would feel if everyone felt strong! Alas, there sure is a lot of negativity we all have to wade through every day, from ourselves and others.
I gotta say, I know I've been really arrogant and mean to you over the years, and no, I'm not sorry, lol but, like I said, I've been needing some practice, not being a social animal and all, and I thank you for letting me practice being an asshole on you. Not that I needed practice at being an asshole! I just needed practice learning how to interact with humans at all again after decades of hard drinking.
Anyway, I guess I must be in the writing mood, and Johnny is blowing up my phone, so I better go see what is up with him. I really worry about him too. I wonder what happened to (sac)? I know he always thought I was a psychopath because of how mean I am to you, but I swear, I'm only a sociopath! I actually DO Care! That's why I go to all the trouble. You're a tough nut to crack, and I was given a Divine imperative, and I always follow thru on my commitments, even if it may be unorthodox, and I may not achieve any of the desired results.
Watch the Embed.
Good info; but you'll see what I mean about delivery… I mean, he says "Send this video to everyone!", then proceeds to use language that makes sure I can't send it to anyone in my straight-laced family!
HOW COVID-19 KILLS–I'm a Surgeon–And Why We Can't Save You
These are the best and worst of times, the times that try men's souls, the times that truly make the man, the times that show himself who he truly is. I hope you like what you see when you look in the mirror, because you'll be seeing a lot more of that motherfucker!