the EQUINOX of the Gods
>"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law."
>"Love Is the Law… Love Under Will."
<"Surely, goodness & mercy…"
Seriously… The old world is crumbling. The slavers are scrambling over the pieces and over control of the livestock both during and after the cull. As Killcen would say,
>"We must be vigilant."
More than that, we need to pay attention. It is always at times of great upheaval that great changes can be made – changes that could benefit all of society! But it is also always at times like these that the psychopaths all vie with each other for best place at the bleeding trough.
THAT is why we must be vigilant. Because (((they))) are writing the script for the poor curious suckers getting paid to develop quantum computers and artificial intelligence that (((they))) will use to dominate, subjugate and capitalize upon the next generations of the increasingly ignorant and docile herd. Our whole system is rotten to the core, and everybody knows it.
It's What We DO About It That Matters.
Sure, we can leave it up to (((them))). The Millenials probably will. They usually leave everything up to others. Rough times ahead for them. But I think we should offer some solutions.
Obviously, we gotta point out the problems… especially so we don't keep creating the same ones! But, we need to do something different. I truly have believed for a long time that Capitalism is not very ennobling to the human creature as a social system. I have heretofore been reluctant to voice such an opinion, because most folks have too little insight to imagine a world where questioning the status quo is not something akin to espousing belief in some great evil that they have named in their minds – something like Communism. And FUCK NO! I would NEVER Trade Capitalism for Communism! That would be fuckerdumb. Talk about jumping straight in the fire from the frying pan! Many Millenials like government to take care of them, so they are attracted to Communism. Wew lads! Look at China!
Is that what you want for your future? To be locked in your houses? Not allowed physical contact? Your actions, the media you consume, your every thought controlled by "other"?
Or will you accept responsibility for being a reflection of the whole?
We Can Do What Is Best For EVERYBODY Here, Moving Forward, But We Have to Change the Way We're Doin' It.
>inb4 ur doin' it wrong! That hurts! Learn to swallow!
So, what are some answers…
I'm being serious here. Anybody got any?
So far, all I've heard is bellowing from the herd. Does no one have anything to say besides Socialism or Communism or Surveillance Capitalism? I'm gonna start thinking on this, because so far I have spent more than half a century thinking about how fucked everybody else has made things for me! Now, what the fuck am I gonna do?