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/femdom/ - Femdom

Those special girls and the guys who love them

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File: 9d8bc1ab8a53a00⋯.jpg (37.8 KB,500x746,250:373,puppy boi.jpg)

92e378 No.9177

Im gonna miss Femdom on tumblr Sure ALOT of it is saturated with Exaggerated extremes of the fetish but in particular im gonna Miss Gentle Femdom, i feel like it was finaly becoming somewhat more known but its really whatever, LMK if you know of any other good places on the web for GFD stuff







theres also image fap

anyway if anyones got anymore places where i can find good GFD or similar content feel free to post it

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fb9269 No.9183


oh i don't know just replace (on the catalog screen) femdom with gfd.

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0c2a90 No.9197

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aae356 No.9199

File: 6f712d1aadd5b1c⋯.jpg (102.82 KB,526x1280,263:640,tumblr_ogjeooIfdZ1u3xpyao3….jpg)

>ban the single defining thing of your website.

Wow. What a shitshow. I hope there will spring a replacement site soon, otherwise I get a serious gentle femdom withdrawal symptom.

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