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/femdom/ - Femdom

Those special girls and the guys who love them

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231d7f No.8806

Is there anything, that can change their minds about it?,or, it's just the old: "show her and pray she won't freak out",(or worse turn out to be a submissive herself). Btw do any of you gender swap (in your imagination) certain characters from series or movies and create your own stories in your head ? e.g. I've always pictured Smallville's Clark as a girl. There is so little role reversal or femdom in most media one needs to resort to that… Lastly do you wish there were more original well developed strong female characters ? how would you do it?

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17cbdb No.8807

Well… I've always been a fan of fantasy and knights and the like. To me, the funnest thing would be stories or comics of individual female led relations in the time. Or a sci-fi with mandatory discipline for males and the like.

Women are most often submissive themselves to a certain degree. If you wanted to change their mind maybe try being extra kind to them or something.

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4045b9 No.8809

Because genetics and nature.

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5684d2 No.8818

>Why don't more women enjoy Femdom?

To be honest, I have a feeling that there are more submissives than dominants in general, or at least that's what I've seen in Fetlife and other BDSM forums. On the other hand, most users from those websites are men.

>Btw do any of you gender swap (in your imagination) certain characters from series or movies and create your own stories in your head?

I've never done that. However, sometimes I like to fantasize about being a dominant woman.

>Lastly do you wish there were more original well developed strong female characters?

I guess it would be cool. I must confess I still haven't found a fictional character that wakes in me those desires.

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