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/femdom/ - Femdom

Those special girls and the guys who love them

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File: 4a78b7fbba959b4⋯.jpg (12.68 KB,360x240,3:2,240_F_49224588_hyM5xyO61qQ….jpg)

ff2511 No.8670

I’m a girl into femdom, and this is one of my go-to fantasies, although not my #1. Even though it’s not the dirtiest thing in the world, I get really turned on when I think about exploiting social class. I guess I’m posting this to see if anyone likes it or if this is just a really one-sided thing. And isn’t 8chan for screaming into the void to get attention anyway?

Forgive my choppy writing style.

I’m a young, up-and-coming data analyst at a competitive consulting firm, so I’m constantly travelling all over the United States, usually just spending a week or so in any given location. The team that I’m on knows about my proclivities, and though they tease me for it they’re pretty much travelling sex fiends themselves, so they tend to just thumbs-up me in the background when I’ve caught a guy. We’ve been on contract with a company in some city that’s too big to be a cute town but too small to be interesting for a month or so and I can still feel my blood rushing from the kickass excel detective work that day, so I’m on the hunt for something uncomplicated.

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ff2511 No.8671

File: 6f8e7c448a9b41f⋯.png (55.35 KB,468x366,78:61,ClipboardImage.png)


Normally I would just find an established male prostitute and use him, but as I look across the bar I see an older (in his forties) but still attractive man in a fraying coat drinking the cheapest shit whiskey the bar offers and I can see panic in his eyes. In this universe, I can sherlock holmes people, so I see that he’s wearing his best suit but it’s worn down and old, and he’s worn it frequently in the past few weeks. He’s at the bar drinking cheap ass whiskey all alone in a panic. He’s job hunting. I sidle up and talk to him a bit, and he’s very quiet and a bit shy, but eventually I learn a few weeks ago he lost his job in a series of job cuts that my team recommended to corporate. He’s worked his same dead-end job his whole life, and now he has almost nothing on his resume to re-enter the workforce. He’s having trouble putting food on the table for his daughters, who are only maybe ten years younger than me. He feels guilty about buying whiskey but he doesn’t want to go home and face his children. He’s drunker now, and he takes his phone out and shows me pictures. I start to feel protective of him, but I’m also in total domspace. I compliment him on his daughters, reassure him, and right when he’s feeling comfortable around me, I offer him a deal: I get to do whatever I want to him all night, with no permanent damage, and I’ll give him $3,000. I warn him that I am sadistic and I will hurt him. I’m generous in my terms because I feel bad for him. He’s stunned into silence, and looks at me with horror and a creeping blush on his face before automatically refusing me and staring resolutely into his drink. I shrug it off, tell him my offer is available until I leave the bar but not a moment after and return to my table and the jeers of my teammates, who think they saw me get rejected. Ah, but dear reader: In this universe I am sherlock motherfucking holmes, and I know he’ll change his mind. For the next half hour I can see him stealing glances at me until he finally gets up right as I pick up my purse to leave for the night. My team is standing all around me with shark’s grins on their faces as he stares at his shoes and mumbles that he’d like to take my offer. I bid my team adieu to the sound of wolf whistles and snide comments.Even though I’m unusually gentle (silk restraints instead of rope, etc, ) I make a point of putting him in embarrassing and humiliating positions and I make him cry several times that night. Despite his protests, he’s very turned on by being dominated, he just hates that he’s whoring himself out. By the end, he is completely wrung out, physically and emotionally, and I make him a cup of tea and some cookies and gently position him so that he isn’t lying on his bruises. I spend a lot of time on aftercare and he melts into my arms. In the morning, he’s incredibly embarrassed as he takes the cash and I kiss him on the cheek and call him an uber home. I also tell him that I’ll be in town for a while longer, but I’m not going to give him any more money. He hesitates, but he accepts my proposal for a mutual date, and we get to know each other over two more months even though he’s nervous about dating a woman half his age.

As I’m about to leave town, I offer him a permanent position as my secretary, with the implicit understanding that he would be sexually available to me 24/7 (as well as keeping track of my paperwork and calendar). I expect more resistance, but he agrees instantly, with a huge smile on his face, and kneels down to kiss my hand. He moves his small family out to whichever big city I’m based in and has an office right in front of mine, and although most of the time we’re completely normal, sometimes he’ll bring me paperwork and I’ll shut the door behind him, maneuver him over the desk, pull his pants down and put a vibrator in his ass, or maybe make him sit under the desk and eat me out when I’m doing repetitive work. Or make him clean my office wearing only women’s underwear. Or have him kneel next to my chair and hand-feed him a lunch I made for him (that isn’t so much a dom thing, I just like to cook for the people I care about.). Or… you get the idea. As we go on in our relationship, I introduce him to some more intense and painful femdom until he becomes an incredible, graceful sub able to take almost anything.


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ff16e0 No.8685

File: 28637ea9ef42e1e⋯.jpg (51.53 KB,600x480,5:4,emma81.jpg)


Thanks for sharing that story, it was very nice even though I prefer older domme/younger sub pairings.

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